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dianapopescu · 2 years ago
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26 august: Ziua Hârtiei Igienice
An de an, Ziua Hârtiei Igienice din 26 august ne sugerează să înțelegem importanța unuia din lucrurile trecute adeseori cu vederea. Mai ales în situații de urgență! https://www.diane.ro/2023/08/26-august-ziua-hartiei-igienice.html
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glamidols · 2 years ago
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Russell Harty confused by Bowie’s sky-high platform shoes  1973 interview
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thedarlingfawn · 1 year ago
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🎀Harry x Coquette
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bowieyoutube · 2 months ago
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i-am-the-oyster · 1 year ago
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albi-bumblebee · 15 days ago
does harry ever tell sirius abt barty being pervy towards him?
Assuming you’re asking since you ship Sirius and Barty. Probably not if we’re thinking Sirius still dies, which he probably would since i can’t imagine Harty happening would change that???
[Less Specific to Harty AU]
Harry loves Sirius but a very important part of the relationship during his fifth year is Harry being afraid Sirius is going to get himself hurt, so unlike last year he’s less willing to be honest about how he’s feeling with him, in fear he’ll leave no. 12 and get himself killed or arrested. The time Harry did try to open up, about what happened with Nagini & Arthur outside the D.O.M, Sirius did attempt to console him but to Harry it just felt like he was dismissing his feelings, so Harry doesn’t go to Sirius about it for the rest of Winter Holiday.
So, I just can’t see Harry talking to Sirius about it in these circumstances.
Ron & Hermione do find out though. They probably start to suspect something after Harry starts making jokes about(mr. “You’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle. Good sense of when to duck, more like” definitely uses dark humor as a cope) BCJ-as-Moody that would only make sense if something else was going on. Ron thinks that they’re probably just overthinking, but Hermione decides they need to talk to Harry about it so he goes with her.
Harry feels humiliated when they try to confront him about it and shouts at them but comes back like fifteen minutes later and tells them everything and Ron & Hermione spend the next half hour shit talking BCJ.
Harry eventually comes to appreciate their support but it takes a bit.
[More AU]
If Sirius survives the D.O.M, I do think Harry would tell him, but it would be a bit of an accident on his part(again he just says shit sometimes), then they actually have a Conversation about it.
Sirius feels so guilty like he is tearing himself up inside for not having realized anything and for Harry not feeling open enough to talk to him about anything, which then makes Harry feel guilty for making Sirius feel guilty(snake eating itself?).
Sirius is about to go beat the shit out of Barty when Harry reminds him he had his soul sucked out so it wouldn’t really mean anything, and Sirius calms down.
So yeah Sirius feels like a failure of a godfather but then he does start trying to get better with emotions and shit which is a win(?) so maybe alls well that ends well.
Assuming BCJ/Sirius happened before this then I don’t think Sirius’ feelings would change much, other than maybe he stops thinking his awful taste in men was funny. He also has thoughts of castrating himself!
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histrynerdss · 3 months ago
“Oh it’s Harti-”
*sees name change*
fun fact but one of the other names i let people call me is soru... i just did a play on the word sunset...
oje tkme my tunblr glitched and ur name sjowed up as gmail's and gmail's yours and i was like "DID THEY SWAP BLOGS???"
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anarchitector · 1 month ago
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surely, your luggage is more important than your partner, right? don't worry, he took off his shoes first
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dannyslayeee · 7 months ago
danny gaye 😳😳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈😳🏳️‍🌈😳😳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈???????
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ipsiducis · 2 months ago
Hugh Grant in 'The Jockeys of Norfolk' sketch comedy group.
Appearance on 'Harty Goes to Edinburgh', 1985
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discoddity · 9 months ago
RIGHT this is such an insignificant thing but its been bothering me so much for the past couple of years (since the moonage daydream trailer came out)
in the trailer (and i think film) there is a clip where david bowie says “they’re shoe-shoes, silly!”, and this has been being quoted and loved by many people but it is FAKE!!!
these are both real things he said in that interview, but the part where he said “shoe-shoes” and the part where he said “silly” were actually a couple sentences apart
[the interview by the way is from 1973 with russell harty, i love it, you can find the full thing on youtube under the name “Ziggy’s Full 1973 Interview with Russell Harty (Audio Only)”]
at about 11:50 this happens:
RUSSELL : " … are those men’s shoes or women’s shoes or bisexual shoes? "
BOWIE : " They’re shoe shoes, they’re just shoes … "
then, not too soon later, at around 12:05 this happens:
RUSSELL : " … in the morning, when you get up do you not fall off the end of the bed because you think you’re higher than you are? "
BOWIE : * laughs * " No of course I don’t, silly! "
still very fun quotes! just separate ones :]
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iwanttobepersephone · 11 months ago
Rant about Harry Potter and JK Rowling, stick with me here
Ok, so, I hate JK Rowling. I feel like that's a given, right? Like, she's a transphobic homophobic bigot who hides behind feminism and routinely denies massive parts of the holocaust, and I despise her in ways that I don't think words can even express. I can't stand her, but y'know what I also can't stand?
When someone implies that my mother, who is one of the most supportive people I know, and a massive part of the founding, organization, and actions of a local group made specifically to fight Moms for Liberty and school boards in our area trying to harm trans and queer people, is transphobic because she likes Harry Potter
Wanna know why my mom likes Harry Potter? Because when she discovered the series at 12 years old, she quite literally lived in a cupboard under the stairs and was in an abusive household. The magic of the wizarding world or whatever was her escape, it's the reason she's still alive, and by extension, the reason I was ever alive.
But, sometimes, not even often, when I try to express even the most minimal amount of appreciation of that, someone says to me "but isn't JK Rowling transphobic? Why would you support someone like that? Are you transphobic?"
Which pisses me off beyond belief, as one might imagine
In this situation, "separate the art from the artist" isn't exactly a good phrase to use, given the fact that the goblins or whatever run the bank are Jewish stereotypes and the house elves generally being happy to work under their masters being a straight rip from the whole happy slave myth, and those are very very important things to recognize and understand, among others
I feel like it's a lot closer to "separate the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's helped from the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's ruined", or even better, understand that the good she's indirectly done for people makes all the bad that much more horrid
My mother is the closest thing to a hero in this entire world and I will not stand to hear one more person accuse her of being transphobic purely because she thinks fondly of a book series that saved her life. I will not stand for people saying she's just as bad as a holocaust denier because she owns every book in the series. I will not stand for anyone going entirely against their point of not judging a group as if it's monolithic by saying all Harry Potter fans are bad people, including my mother. And, once again, it's not often at all that this happens, but it happens and I'm pissed about it and needed to rant
Anyways rant over JK Rowling sucks don't believe a single thing she says and don't support her unless you wanna support someone actively trying to make the existence of queer people illegal
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magicalshopping · 2 years ago
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♡ Pride Tarot Card Pins by Hartiful ♡
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h00dsw0rld · 2 years ago
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Christopher Michael Harty
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dpxdc-prompts · 1 year ago
Whenever I try to talk about Butch Hartman, I can’t remember his name for the life of me. Here are some of my favorite fumbles while trying to remember his name:
Joe Cartman
Brent Williams
Book Man
Bart Hart
Harty B
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albi-bumblebee · 18 days ago
I am actually really interested and invested in that Barty Jr./Harry thing you mentioned before. I've actually always been so drawn to them, and I would love to hear more on that.
[CW: ADULT X MINOR/STUDENT-TEACHER, ABSOLUTELY AWFUL PROBLEMATIC EVILNESS ON THE SIDE OF BCJ] It’s less of ship for me and more of an angst contrivance, Barty-as-Moody is one of Harry’s liked teachers and we know he’s seen under his clothes, Barty is generally a little weirdo and while he is evil and a blood supremacist he does genuinely seem to be good at teaching.
I do think canon Barty does actually have like the smallest bit of genuine affection for some of his students, including Harry, it’s just mostly buried underneath all his awfulness.
If we had them both be teenagers at the same, I feel Harry would be kind to Barty because he views him as a bit nerdy and off putting but ultimately harmless at first and they’re on the same Quidditch team, but then they start to get closer and Barty starts letting his true self shine through. Harry tells him to knock it off and Barty’s like “I know you wish you could do dark magic like me, you’re just being a wuss.”
And Harry never abandons him but they’re at each other’s throats. Accidentally became interlinked and Harry hates it.
They make out and fuck when they’re drunk and never talk about it much when they’re sober. They both want a father so badly and Barty is very open about this but Harry always denies it, so he’s always daddy.
If we’re doing student-teacher I see a scenario where Barty decides to help Harry practice spells to get through the third task instead of letting Ron & Hermione do it, Barty is a natural born pervert and Harry values his praise as Moody even more after he said Harry would make a good auror, so Barty tries to kiss Harry at one of their little sessions and Harry is just so confused but doesn’t think he wants it to stop so he doesn’t tell anyone(r.i.p). He thinks of Harry as like a dog who’s about to be put down and therefore should be indulged for the time being, and teaches him several dark curses he knows he probably shouldn’t as Harry could use them against LV but he just can’t help himself!!!!
He brings Harry off to the side before the third task for a quickie sadly.
Harry is convinced Barty-as-Moody actually likes likes him and is absolutely flummoxed when he takes him back to the castle after the third task and he’s acting so weird. He is horrified when he finds out who his D.A.D.A teacher actually is, and is cursing himself for ever trusting him like that(r.i.p). He vows to never speak of it again because he feels so humiliated.
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