#harry's personal trainer
Hi Daisie. I was wondering who bradgouldtraining and piersjadam is? I saw a vid on twitter of Tom Skogs and a guy at Harry's show yesterday singing to Matilda, I assume it's Brad because they tagged him lol. The vid was posted by piersjadam who has a private insta acc but because I follow Xander's family I can see they follow him, and Jeff does too of course lol. So I assume they're connected to Harry's team?
Hi dear,
Brad is Harry's personal trainer. Piers Adams is Tom Skog's new boyfriend! That's why Harry's team follows him. Here's a pic of him and Tom:
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Tom is Harry's manager!
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twopoppies · 2 years
I think Brad is on tour with Harry because H probably is doing a especial diet for marvel next movie.
Yeah, I know @daisiesonafield-blog has been theorizing that the changes in his body are likely for playing Eros. And it would make sense that Brad is traveling with him. Even if it's not for a movie, he's got to keep in shape to do this tour. And I saw a post earlier that the girls who saw him at the gym in São Paulo said he was there for 4 hours.
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jarofstyles · 4 days
Strawberry Sunrise 2
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Hello my angels, here is part two of gymrry! 💪🏼 I hope you guys enjoy him
Part One
Check out our Patreon with 200+ exclusive writings and early access
Warnings- mentions of violence, stalking, sexism, misogyny, self defense training
WC- 3.3k
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Harry was exhausted physically, but mentally he felt more awake than he’d ever been after a long day of sessions. 
Sitting at the smoothie bar, he sipped on a PB Choc shake that Y/N had ready for him after he was done with his last session of the day. He tried to pay her, but she’d insisted yet again that he was helping her out so the least she could do was give him a free drink. Harry was a tad bit pathetic in how much her genuine smile made his heart race, but instead he nodded and let her finish up her closing duties. He’d offered to help but her eyes had narrowed and she had pointed at his drink, so he decided to leave it be.
Besides, it gave him time to observe her. 
The ponytail was slightly falling now, a few pieces of hair around her face and at the nape of her neck as she wiped down counters. Her tank top with the gym name on it was slightly loose on the torso but clung to her chest. Yoga pants were her choice of bottom, which, fuck- he had to avert his eyes from those considering he had to get up close with her soon. He had to teach her so he wasn’t about to have a stiffy when he showed her how to throw a punch. As attracted to her as he was, these sessions were to help her feel safe. He’d rather have an arm chopped off than be another one of those men that she felt creeped around her. 
It was no secret that Y/N was attractive. She was probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, if he was being honest with himself. It was discussed between staff and other trainers about how beautiful she was and how her personality was only elevating the physical beauty she had, because the girl was sweet as pie. She was the type that remembered everyone’s birthday and made sure they got a free protein cookie or gym shirt, and put a few decorations in the break room even in the short time she had been here. Y/N was someone a lot of women felt comfortable enough to go to when someone made them uncomfortable, using her power and access to the private security guard (Who unfortunately left before her) to have them escorted out. It had made it all the more upsetting to Harry to know she had felt defenseless over the guy waiting outside the night before. 
Unfortunately he knew it was a reality for all women. He had a sister, a mother, multiple women as friends and it infuriated him to know that her experience wasn’t an uncommon one. It had made him more than proud of her, actually, when she asked him to help her. To take your personal security and safety seriously was a big deal, even if you shouldn’t need it in the first place. The hope was she’d never need to use them, but he was relieved that she trusted him enough to ask him to teach her. 
The doors at the front were locked so no one could get in, Y/N giving them a few tugs to make sure it stuck before she turned on her heels to face him. Clapping her hands together, she nearly bounced over to him with a spring on her step that he envied, grabbing her water bottle she’d left beside him. “Okay! Let’s get started. I promise not to keep you here for a long time, 20 minutes should be fine- but I realized last night I’d probably break my hand if I threw a punch.”
Yeah, that was exactly what they’d want to avoid. 
“We don’t have to rush unless you’ve got to get out of here. All that’s waiting for me at home is a fish tank and some tea.” He assured her, leaving his bag at the smoothie counter as they made their way towards the training area. 
“Oh- I thought you had a girlfriend?” She asked curiously, undoing her ponytail. Hair fell down to her shoulders momentarily as she ran her fingers through the roots, fluffing it out before smoothing her hair back to fasten into a new ponytail. “That girl that came in a few times, pretty red hair?”
“Oh, no.” Harry shook his head. She’d noticed that? It was interesting that she had. “She’s a friend’s girlfriend. Amanda and I go jogging sometimes but she and her girlfriend are my mates. She’s a chef, though, so she brings me stuff to test out since she specializes in health foods.” He could see it seeming much different to her though. “I’m single, chronically.” The need to clarify was there, maybe seeming a little desperate but hey- apparently he’d not made that clear enough.
“She was super nice and pretty, so I assumed. But I made an ass out of myself with that, didn’t I?” Her laugh was lighthearted but he swore he saw her smile get a bit bigger as she raised her arms up to stretch them over her head. “You’ve got fish?” 
“No, I don’t think so. It’s natural to assume things sometimes. But as for the fish- I do.” He nodded, feeling a little happier himself. Y/N noticed that he had a visitor and seemed happy it wasn’t his girlfriend. “It’s a hobby, I’ve got a saltwater tank. I’m not home enough for a dog, even though I really would like one. Fish are beautiful, relatively easy if you make sure you do the cycling upkeep, and don’t need to be brought out for walks. Besides, I don’t think they miss me too much when m’gone all day.” 
“Oh, god. I get it. I’ve got a cat and she’s a menace when I get home. It’s like I’d been off to war, she likes her snuggles but gets mad at me so she grumbles when she sits on my lap.” Her laugh rang through the gym. A beautiful sound he’d love to hear more of. “Fish are cool though! I watch some of those guys who build ponds on YouTube and all of that when I can’t sleep, makes me wish I could have one in my place. I’ve just got a balcony though.” 
“I’ve been saving for a house, so I get it. I rent small because I don’t need a ton of space for just me.” It was clean and tidy, upgraded with the food appliances and a comfy bed, but Harry wasn’t home all that often. Even if sometimes he wished he was. There wasn’t much to come home to. Maybe he’d be more inclined to get the house search on if he had a partner or something, but as of right now he was happy to stay where he was. “Uh, I meant to ask what you know but you said you were worried about breaking your hand during a punch. Let me see how you make a fist, please.”
In all reality he could spend hours just chatting with her, but if he didn’t try and get to the point they’d be there all night. As nice as it sounded to him, he doubted she wanted that. 
“God- don’t judge me too harshly please. I’ve always been a lover, not a fighter.” Y/N curled her hand up into a fist which she could see immediately wasn’t correct by the look on his face. “I appreciate the effort but I can totally see you wincing right now.”
“Sorry! M’sorry, I just… here.” With cautious fingers, he helped her unfurl her fingers. “You don’t want your thumb inside. It’s far more likely to break that way.” He began arranging the fingers as they needed to be. “You’re gonna want t’have your thumb on the outside… like this.” He murmured, the warmth of his hand a contrast to her cooler one. “Between your first and the second knuckles right here…” his touch was gentle as he adjusted her smaller fingers in the fist. “Near your index and middle. There.” Releasing her hand, he showed her on his own hands. “See? Like this.”
“Okay- I see. I always forget if it’s in or out and then I go with it because it feels like it would protect the thumb but, I’ll remember now.” She sighed, mirroring it with her second hand. “Where do I hit?”
“Easy, Tiger.” Harry laughed, letting his hands fall down. “You’re going to want to remember that the first thing you want to try is to get away first. That’s always the first option, escape and run the hell off. Make noise, get attention from other people. There’s power in making a scene.” From self defense classes he’d taught before he decided to take the shorter form and give it to her now. “You don’t know what people have. I don’t want to scare you, Y/N, but people are unpredictable. The most important thing is your safety, so getting away is the most ideal thing. But if you can’t, you want to make sure you have a good stance so they have less of a chance in grabbing you or knocking you over.” 
Planting both feet on the ground, he left his knees unlocked and kept his arms raised close to his body. “Shoulder width apart, arms up at your sides. Try it.” He stood next to her to show her, gently using his foot to nudge her legs a little further apart as he moved towards the front. “Put your dominant side leg out more in front of you. The worst thing to do is to have your knees locked because it’ll be easier to knock you over.” Rocking on his legs he demonstrated the right way to move, which she followed. There had been no doubt she’d catch on quickly, but he was still impressed. “Are you following along? This is just a crash course and we can meet again to go over more specifics but even just a little bit of this stuff can make or break you.” 
“I am. I really am interested in knowing it all, so keep going please.” She encouraged, eyes bright and determined. It was ridiculously cute in his opinion. “So what if someone grabs your arms?” 
 “If someone grabs you? You pull down. There’s more momentum that way and you’re likely to break free versus if you go up- may I touch you?” The permission was granted with a nod, his hands gripping firmly on to her forearms. “Try moving up, and then down.” 
Y/N followed instructions, immediately seeing the difference in it as she got her arms freed from his grip on the down pull. “Okay, I see. I’ve always meant to go to a self defense class but I’ve put it off… I’m really glad you were there last night. I was nervous to ask because I didn’t want to be overreacting but… I wasn’t sure.” A shrug of the shoulders followed her words. “I didn’t think the guy was gonna hurt me or anything but I didn’t know what he wanted. Why he was staying after I already said no.”
“No.” Harry said gruffly. “No. You don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, Y/N. The first priority is always to protect yourself. Even if you find it embarrassing after and no harm was meant, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. You should do it.” The idea of her not asking because she worried about how it would come off made his chest hurt. 
“Listen, I think that our intuition is the best gift we have. It’s there to protect us, down to the most biological level. So if you felt the need to have protection it’s because your body knew it needed it. Okay?” His voice softened up at the end. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like that, but I’ve seen what happens when women aren’t taken seriously. When guys think they’re overthinking or crazy. My sister…” he paused. “She was hurt because people told her she was overreacting, so she doubted her intuition. She’s okay now, but I’ve never forgotten about how she asked for help and people assumed that she just didn’t need it.” 
Harry didn’t talk about that period a lot. In all honesty, it surprised him that he’d even brought it up, but Y/N had gotten to that soft spot in his defenses and reminded him that he could be the one to help her avoid that sort of pain that he knew his sister had to go through.    
“I’m so sorry something happened to your sister, Harry.” Y/N whispered. “I promise I’ll listen to you and take your advice. That’s why I asked you. Something felt wrong and it was because there was no reason for him to be there waiting for me like that, and your car was in the side lot so he couldn’t see it… he thought I was alone.” Swallowing the lump in her throat at the thoughts of what If, she wrapped her arms around herself to self-soothe. “I know I watched a lot of true crime a couple years back and I used to think I was just being paranoid, but it was a wake up call. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with a guy not taking no for an answer and thinking persistence was something that would wear me down, but it was the first time I felt that level of unsafe. My stomach hurt just looking out there.” 
Harry could only imagine. As much as it tugged on his heart to grab her and hug her body to his chest, he didn’t have that right. Not yet, anyways. “Christ, I know. He gave me the creeps too, if I’m being honest. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you overreacted and I think you��re incredibly brave to ask for my help. It’s exactly what you should do. You need to protect yourself at every turn, even if it’s exhausting.” 
“I know. I do, I did for a while but I didn’t think about it happening while working here. A lot of people ignore me most of the time which is fine, some flirt, but no one’s made me feel outright uncomfortable or unsafe before at work. I used to have one coworker back at a store I worked at that would be a bit too persistent but he left me alone after a while. I realize now that I should have said something back then.” 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to ridicule yourself for your past mistakes or actions in general. You made it here, you’re safe and you made the best decisions you could for the world that’s taught you that. But now, I want to teach you how to make sure you can get yourself out of any situation that could come up.” He felt sick at the idea of her having to use these skills but even for his own state of mind, it would help him feel better. 
“Okay.” She nodded, giving him her eyes. It felt like a hit to his chest, stealing his breath.  “Did you want to do more of this, then? I don’t want to keep you for too long because I know if I’m tired you must be exhausted. Can we plan to meet up again?” Harry was pretty sure his exhaustion had to be on his face for her to say it, but he had to agree. Today had been an unusually filled day, so next time he hoped to be able to do more. 
“That sounds good. We can text about it some more if you want to make a little schedule, but if you’d be comfortable you can meet me out at a park or something. I’ve got a nice one near my building if you want to do something in daylight. I think we’ve both got Wednesday’s off?” It was a wonder for him how luck had been on his side with coinciding days off, but he watched her nod and the ponytail she’d pulled back a few moments ago bouncing along with the motion. It was difficult for him not to be gross and think about holding said ponytail again, but he reminded himself that this wasn’t for his personal wants. She was trusting him with teaching her so he had to keep it in his pants. 
“Yeah! I’d love to do that.” She agreed easily. “Can I see your fish tank, though? Not trying to invite myself to your place, even though I kinda am. I just think it’s really cool that you have one.”
“Course, I don’t mind at all.” His chest felt lighter at her own willingness to go past just a coworker sort of thing and initiating getting to know more about him. “I’ll stay later and work on emails at the smoothie bar for the rest of the week then, make sure I’m here to walk you out. I’ll see if I’ve got some other self defense supplies too. I ordered some a while ago t’keep in my car and I know they accidentally sent me an extra taser.” They didn’t. He’d ordered it last night. 
“Oh, really? That would be so lovely of you to let me use it. I’ll pay you back for it.” Grabbing her water bottle from the side of the mats, she turned and surprised the hell out of him by wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug. It took him a second to reciprocate, blinking a few times in shock as he planted his palm over her back. He hoped to god he smelled decent and that the fact he’d had to use the soap the gym provided instead of his own today had been enough.
“Thank you, H. I really appreciate it. I love working here, but you’re so nice to me it’s crazy. I know you don’t have to do any of this for me but you’re going above and beyond and I.. I can’t think of a way to thank you.”
Harry prayed again that she couldn’t hear how hard his heart was beating- or at least thought it had something to do with the training as she rested her cheek against his chest and sort of snuggled in. It was by far the best hug he had ever had in his life. If he could have one of these a day, the stress level would most definitely be brought down. He’d almost bet on it. The feeling in his tummy swirled as he chuckled to disguise just how much he liked holding her, giving a gentle squeeze to her body. It felt so right to have her body pressed against his own, like she was meant to be there. “You’re lovely, Y/N. Course I’d do it for you. You’re a real gem, y’know that? It’s rare to meet someone with genuine kindness like you’ve shown everyone here.” It was crucial that she knew that he saw it. “As for a way to thank me?” 
He had a lot of ideas on that, but he settled on the more savory and far less inappropriate answer. Y/N was his little crush, but he wasn’t sure she had a clue. “All I want is for you t’keep yourself safe, come to me or call if you feel uncomfortable… and maybe a few extra shakes.”  He’d take a PB Choc or Strawberry Sunrise she made any day. 
“Mmm… You’ve got yourself a deal.” Y/N’s face was bright despite the tired eyes she had, pulling away from the hug. Immediately he mourned the warmth and plush of her body. If he could pull her back into the embrace without it being weird, he would. A new addiction. “But for now, you’ll act like the fierce protector you are and walk me to my car, yeah?”
“Anything for you, pet. Let’s go. Need to feed the fish.”
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
Come On, You Got It.
Summary: an anon request on Wattpad - "Personal trainer Harry???"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, unprotected sex, oral (both), finishing in readers mouth, fingering, squirting, hair pulling, choking, filth
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"Come on, love. Give me a few more then we can take a break." Harry says as he leans around the punching bag, "You got it. Just a few more, please."
You sigh and drops your glove covered hands to your sides, "I'm tired, Harry."
He chuckles at your whining and shakes his head, "Fine. Go get some water."
You smirk as you undo the Velcro with your teeth and it makes Harry's eyebrow twitch. He runs his hand over his face as he walks over to grab his white boxing gloves off of the bench.
You walk over, sitting down as you grab your water bottle. Your eyes stay on him as he moves over to in front of you, "Can you wrap my hands?"
You know damn well Harry can wrap his own hands, but you don't argue. You grab the wrap from his grasp and move his hand to how you want it.
You've been training with Harry for months now, and you kinda of have a thing for him, so you know exactly how he likes it done.
"You're a fast learner." He jokes as his eyes follow your hands. You glance up at him and his eyes meet yours, "Only been doing this for how long."
He smirks as he brings his wrapped hand up, inspecting it, "Damn near perfect."
You scoff, "That is perfect."
"I know." Harry hands you his gloves to help him get them on, "I just like getting you riled up." He winks and you can feel your face get warmer, "Shut up."
"Make me."
Your head snaps upward and you sigh, "I could kick your ass any day." You squeeze your water bottle, squirting water in your mouth.
He watches as water dribbles down your chin and he quickly wipes it away with his thumb, "I'd like to see you try."
"Come on, y/n." Harry walks around the bag, admiring your punches, "You got it. Jab cross, jab cross cross." He nods in approval and grabs the bag, holding it still.
You step back, wiping sweat from your forehead onto your arm, "How was that?" He leans out around and smirks, "Good, that was good. But.."
You tilt your head as you take your gloves off, "What?"
He steps out from behind the bag and crosses his arms, "Still don't think you can beat me."
You raise your eyebrows, "Mm. I see."
"What?" He laughs as you walk to grab your water, "Come on. Loser buys dinner."
You turn to look at him before putting your gloves back on, "You are so on, Styles."
He grabs his gloves, putting them back and walking over to the mat, "C'mon." You smirk as you walk over, standing infront of him, "Ready to lose?"
He tilts his head and shrugs, "I should be asking you that."
You both get ready, moving around in a circle as you wait for your moment to strike. You used the combos that you learned today and end up popping him right in the nose.
By total accident.
"Oh my god.. are you okay?" You rest your glove over your lips as you step towards a doubled over Harry, "Hey I'm so- whoa!" You let out a slight scream as Harry flips you, pinning you to the ground.
His body is slightly pressing against yours and you look at him from over your shoulder, "Hey now."
He rolls you over onto your back and pins your arms down by your biceps, "Hey now." He says in a mocking tone which makes you laugh.
His eyes move over your face as he licks his lips and smiles, "So whats for dinner?"
"A knuckle sandwich if you don't let me up." You fight back a smirk but fail as he helps you stand up. You take your gloves off and unwrap your hands as you think, "Whatever you want is fine with me."
He nods, "I'll think about that while I shower."
You bite your lip and nod as you bend down to grab your bag, "Alright." You look at him with a smile before you disappear into the locker room to shower.
The whole time, the thought of you and Harry being the only ones in the gym settles into your mind.
You push them away but each time they come back, they're stronger and dirtier than the last.
You walk out, drying your hair off with a towel.
"About time." Harry says with an over exaggerated groan, "I'm starving out here." You laugh, "Sorry. I wanted to make sure I didn't stink like sweat."
He laughs, "Girls and their long ass showers."
"Hey. Can't hate it if you haven't tried it."
"What? A shower with you?" He raises his eyebrows and it causes you to stumble over your words, "Wh- no i di- not what I meant, Harry."
"Again. I just like to get you going." He chuckles and throws his bag over his shoulder, "I just have to stop over here at my office quick, so just give me a sec."
I nod and follow him over, watching as he sits down at his desk. His fingers tap the top as he tries to remember why he went in there.
"What are you looking for?" You ask as you lean against the door frame. He blows out air and leans back in his chair, "Come here."
Your heart starts beating fast as you step in and walk over to him, "What's up?"
He bites his lips and looks up at you, "So.." he laughs slightly and shakes his head, "Nothing, we can, uh. We can just go get dinner."
He stands up and you put your hand on his chest, "No. Finish what you were going to say."
He looks down at your hand planted flat on his chest and back up to you, "I want you."
His words make you freeze for a moment, but only because you were sure if he'd ever go for you, he is your trainer and all.
"Really?" You bite your lip and slowly slide your hand down his chest, slipping your fingers into the band of his shorts, "Because I want you, too."
In a quick motion, he spins you and sets you on his desk, "Glad we feel the same." He pulls your shorts and panties to the side, slowly slipping two fingers into you as he watches your face scrunch up with pleasure.
He slides his other hand up and grabs the back of your neck, "You're so fucking hot." He crashes his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans as he thrusts his fingers in and out quickly.
"Fuck, fuck. Yes yes yes." You whine out as you push your chest forward.
"Fuckin' hell. Thats it, baby." Harry groans as he watches the liquid drip from his hand and off your body onto the floor, "Never had anyone do that before."
He looks at you with a proud expression, "That was fucking perfect." His lips find their way to yours but he quickly kisses down your next and drops to his knees with a grunt, "need to see if you taste as sweet as you look."
He hooks his arms under your thighs, holding your shorts and panties to the side as he just goes for it. You throw your head back, moaning as you rest your hand on the back of his head, "Fuck, Harry."
He hums as he works his tongue in and out of your pussy, causing you to gasp and move your hips forward, "Shit, h-Harry."
Your legs lock over his shoulders and he has a tight grasp on your thighs keeping them spread as he devours you.
"I'm gonna cum.." you announce in a breathless whisper, "Shi-" you let out a loud moan, knocking stuff over as you grasp the edge of the desk.
Harry continues to eat you out through the high of your orgasm, causing your legs to shake and jolt with each time his nose bumps your clit.
He leans back, looking up at you as he continues to grip your thighs, "You taste heavenly, baby."
He moves one leg off your shoulder, kissing up to your knee as he sets it down and he gives your other leg the same treatment before standing up.
He slips his shirt off, now, you've seen Harry shirtless multiple times, but it never fails to take your breath away.
You lick your lips, still panting from the tap orgasms back to back, "You are so fucking hot."
He smirks as he pushes his sweats down, "Yeah?"
You nod and reach out for him to come closer. He smiles and moves in, resting his thumb and pointer on your chin, "Pretty sexy yourself, love."
You slip your fingers into the band of his boxers as he kisses you. You slowly pull them down and wrap your hand around his cock, pumping slowly as you make out.
"Gonna get it wet for me?" He asks smirking against your lips. You smirk back and nod, "Of course."
He steps back, helping you down off the desk before he  rests against the desk. You kiss down his chest, over his torso, and down the one v-line until your chin rests on his cock.
You plant little kisses from the base of his cock to the tip and wrap your lips around. Harry is in awe watching you so what you're doing, he doesn't say another word.
He just moans, slightly loud as you start bobbing your head in a steady rhythm. His hand rests gently on the back of your head, but pushes every so often to tell you he wants you to take him all in.
You take a deep breath through your nose and relax as much as you can before sinking your head all the way down on him.
"F-fuck, thats.." he groans and tilts his head back, "That's it."
You pull off, a string of saliva connecting you to his cock from your bottom lip. He looks down, bringing his hand around to swipe it away, "Up."
You move to your feet and he pulls you into him, kissing you roughly as he spins you around, planting you on the edge of his desk, "Thought about this the moment I seen you throwing those punches."
You smile and bring one foot up to rest on the desk, "Mm." He pushes your shorts and panties to the side and nods, "You're a fucking natural out there."
His compliment makes you blush slightly but that's quickly forget as he slips the head of his cock past your folds and into you. You gasp, digging your nails into his shoulder, "Harry."
He licks his lips before parting them, watching as his cock disappears inside of you fully. Your eyes roll shut and you moan out at him stretching you, "So big."
He smirks and grabs a handful of your hair, "You like that, huh?"
You try to nod, but the grip Harry has makes you unable to, "So fucking much."
He pulls his cock out slowly before thrusting back in, quickly building up to a harsh, but very pleasurable speed.
"Fuck." Harry groans and grips your throat with his other hand and pushes his cock fully into you, "You're going to make me cum."
That comment makes you feel incredible.
He shakes his head, smiling as he leans down to kiss you. His hand that's holding your hair, moves to hook under your thigh, bringing it up to his bicep.
He starts thrusting again, squeezing your throat slowly as he watches your face, "Does that feel good?" He rests his forehead against your temple and you whimper out a quiet, "Mhm."
"Where do you want me to cum?" He leans back, letting go of your neck, "I'm close." His thrusts slow down a little and you lay a hand on his arm that's holding your leg, "Mouth."
He moans as he pictures you on your knees, cum on your tongue and he pulls out, "Fuck, okay. Okay."
You move down to the floor, resting on your calves as you stick your tongue out, waiting for him. He jerks his cock a few times, moaning out as he watches it pool onto your tongue, sliding back towards your throat.
"Such a pretty girl." He breathes out and taps his cock on your lips as you close them to swallow. He stares down at you, smirking as you stick your tongue back out to show him that it's gone.
"Dirty girl, too." He smirks and rubs your cheek with his thumb, "Come on. I'll buy dinner tonight." He winks and helps you stand up.
He pulls you in by your waist and kisses you. You smile and laugh slightly against his lips, "Before we do that, I need to change."
"Oh yeah?" He chuckle, "Why's that?"
You roll your eyes and push his shoulder gently, "You know exactly why, Mr. Styles." You walk over and grab your bag, shuffling through to grab a new pair of panties and shorts, "Could have just taken them off."
He shrugs, "I'll take them off next time."
Thank you for the request and thank you for being so patient. Hope you liked it!
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boxer/personal trainer
143 by @havethetimeofyourstyles 
NFWMB by @sunflowervolvimp3
black & blue by @lovemepleaase 
in the ring series by @hrina 
part one: jab
part two: cross
part three: hook
part four: uppercut
personal trainer
make you sweat by @atlafan 
harry is y/n’s much older personal trainer by @haaarry 
- part two
360 series by @sunfleurry 
- part two
- part three 
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papiermachecat · 2 years
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That can’t be a human torso that is a Ken doll
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drivemysoul · 4 months
exorcised demons in the gym today who’s proud of me
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Straight Panic. For the first time ngl...
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dracolizardlars · 10 months
changed blog title in honour of the fact I'm going to see BC Camplight supported by Personal Trainer in a couple of days *vibrates*
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ishipmutualrespect · 2 years
#I wasn’t sure#if you wanted me to not publish your last question as well so I’m just gonna answer you in my tags#tbh I think he’s just his personal trainer#Harry probably needs to work out a lot to keep being that fit and they just spend much time together and they’re probably friends#that’s the reason they’re seen together all the time#I personally think there’s no point in getting ahead of ourselves in this situation#they’re just seen together all the time like Harry is always seen with Jeff all the time#but I don’t see people thinking they’re together#Louis is 24/7 with Oli but I don’t see people thinking they’re together as well#the sad truth is that many people have their own standard in which they think someone who could be with Harry or Louis has to have#like if someone is not handsome or idk smart or x enough they’re OF COURSE not with them#in the contrary if they think this person fits what they think BOOM they’re together#for example what does Oli lack for not being able to be the one that is linked as the person who could be Louis’ boyfriend?#I’m sure many people would be able to explain you all the many reasons why but the truth is#we are nobody to decide who they should be with#so I’ll say just wait and enjoy your time here#(if you still enjoy it of course)#and IF it happens#than it’ll happen and you’ll see if you want to wait until this would be over or you’ll prefer to just leave#if you want me to still answer other questions don’t worry you can keep sending and I’ll answer#I hope I answered this time#☺️#I also hope you’ll see this
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rbbbff · 2 years
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daisiesonafield-blog · 8 months
Waiting for Brad to come out with his own article about Harry's current workout routine now that all the gf harries are attributing his work as Harry's personal trainer during L❤️T to Harry's old trainer, Thibo, from HSLOT 17-18
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twopoppies · 2 years
This comment is an answer of a private account that people believe is someone close to them the post was about a New relationship coming up
I know this is an annoying idea or suggestion but It could be so bad if it happened this way?
Or do you really believe he will took a break pause (long one) after those two years of disaster.
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It’s not that it’s “bad”, I just think it’s stupid. They did this with Xander years ago, and all it did was create a bunch of stupid rumors and more people who hate Louis and think he and Harry were never together and thus more people who felt entitled to harass and bully larries.
There are already tons of gay rumors about Harry. Why would they need Brad around to create more gay rumors? No one is becoming used to Harry being with a guy because Brad is around for a year. Louis was around for five years and people still refused to acknowledge it.
And why do we need to see Harry with someone else that people theorize he’s dating, so he can suddenly be friends with Louis? Why not just be friends with Louis? Do you think Harry and Louis want to be seen as friends and have people think Harry is with Brad? Why? And do you really think they want to come out and deny they’ve been together all these years? And I don’t even understand why people think either of them necessarily want to come out now. Not stunting anymore is one thing, but actually coming out and saying they’re together is another. I just don’t see it happening any time soon.
I just do not believe people in Harry and Louis’ inside circle are posting things about their upcoming plans on Twitter. Private account or not.
Two months ago Twitter was convinced Louis was wearing checkerboard clothing to signal the end of babygate. Now they’re making convoluted theories about Harry and Louis coming out via some strategy involving Harry’s personal trainer. I’m just tired of this kind of stuff.
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caralara · 2 years
Is Brad the new Xander?
have you seen pap pics of them on dates and getting cozy at parties? the answer to that is no so it’s also a no to your question
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
Damn! I checked that blog and I felt nauseous. They’re really posting ask after ask over analyzing every post and follow by that personal trainer. They’re literally saying “awww. They’re spending Christmas together. Brad followed anne on IG. They’re at the “meet the mom” stage already?? He’s so hot. Harry must have a huge crush.” Sorry if I let you read this crap. Harries are the worst. 💀
i never check harry accounts anymore because i know they'll mostly be full of cringe, but it's weird, this stuff is just so corny and embarrassing it's just boring now. they do this everytime. they queerbait themselves every other week. they proclaim they don't care about his personal life or sexuality and then will just invent an entire fictional male on male fetish sex life where they fantasize a whole bunch of fanfic narratives about parents and what this incredibly bland boring personal trainer dude is like, all to project their own sexual fetishes of harry onto someone without just saying outright, "i need to fantasize sexually about harry with a real man or his queer persona does nothing for me".
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Yesterday Lloyd posted a pic of Harry on IG stories and tagged Brad and Brad responded 'shredded'. There were some other exchanges like this in the past. I think that's what made me think Brad was a personal trainer. Like he's being tagged to show off the work he's done lol. I haven't looked into it but I saw some Larries say that Harry had a PT for tour before but he wasn't seen much. Brad we're seeing much more of. Maybe he is just a tour PT but I wonder why he's at every show and posts on IG about it. Either he enjoys being at every show or he's looking for a career in management or touring and is gaining experience from it by watching Harry's shows. I'm really interested to see if he sticks around after Harry's tour ends. If he doesn't then it was probably just for that tour.
I'm really not the right person for this anon. I don't think any of this needs an explanation or is that interesting.
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