#harmony test ireland
repro456 · 4 months
Understanding the NIPT Harmony Test: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to the NIPT Harmony Test
The nipt harmony test represents a groundbreaking advancement in prenatal screening. It is designed to offer expectant parents early insights into the health of their developing baby. This non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) analyzes fetal DNA present in the mother's blood to detect certain genetic conditions with high accuracy. The nipt harmony test is particularly effective in screening for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome.
What is NIPT?
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (nipt) is a method used to determine the risk of a fetus having certain genetic disorders. Unlike invasive procedures such as amniocentesis, nipt involves taking a blood sample from the mother. This test examines fragments of fetal DNA circulating in the maternal bloodstream. The benefits of nipt are manifold, including its safety, high sensitivity, and specificity. It significantly reduces the need for more invasive tests, thus minimizing potential risks to both the mother and the baby.
The Harmony Test Explained
The harmony test is a type of NIPT that offers detailed information about the baby's genetic health. It is known for its high accuracy and reliability. The harmony test screens for common chromosomal conditions and can be performed as early as 10 weeks into the pregnancy. The process involves a simple blood draw from the mother, which is then analyzed in a laboratory to check for genetic conditions. The harmony test is preferred by many healthcare providers due to its proven effectiveness and low false-positive rates.
NIPT Test: Procedure and Benefits
The nipt test is a straightforward procedure that begins with a blood sample from the pregnant mother. This sample is then sent to a specialized lab where the fetal DNA is extracted and analyzed. The nipt test offers several advantages:
Non-invasive: No risk of miscarriage compared to procedures like amniocentesis.
Early detection: Can be conducted as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy.
Accurate: High detection rates for chromosomal abnormalities.
Peace of mind: Provides early reassurance for expectant parents.
Availability of Harmony Test in Ireland
The harmony test Ireland has become increasingly popular due to its reliability and ease of use. Many healthcare facilities across Ireland now offer this test, making it accessible for expectant parents who want to ensure the health of their unborn child. The harmony test in Ireland is conducted by trained medical professionals, and the results are typically available within a week. This test provides Irish parents with valuable information, enabling them to make informed decisions about their pregnancy.
NIPT Test in Ireland: What You Need to Know
The nipt test Ireland is widely available and offers numerous benefits for expectant parents. In Ireland, the test is often recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists as a safe and effective method of prenatal screening. The nipt test in Ireland is particularly valued for its accuracy and the peace of mind it brings to families. It helps in detecting potential genetic conditions early, allowing parents to prepare and seek appropriate medical advice if needed.
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snailygoon · 1 year
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spread 4: ✨Aiden and the Birth of a Crann✨
TEXT: “It's only right that the first Crann I introduce you to is Aiden. He was the one who formally introduced me to the world of Faerie after all, and he's nothing short of magnificent. Throughout this journal I will be talking about the different species of Crann I’ve met mostly in general terms (if I were to describe them all individually this journal might never end), but in the case of Aiden that isn’t really possible. To understant what I mean I must first tell you about the birth of a Crann, as explained to me by the Fae themselves. Although they are not immortal beings, their lives can span centuries, making it unnecessary for them to reproduce often. But when it does come time for a new Crann to be brought into this world, it's quite the ceremonious event. Every hundred years or so the elder Crann of the forest are gathered together and a tree sapling is selected by a group of elemental Fae to be nutured with magic. This jovial ceremony full of dancing and singing can span for days, Faeries of all kinds gathering together to witness the birth of a new guardian. Although the Crann live in harmony amongst each other, they each have abilities unique to their species and certain ecosystems in which they thrive. This means the newborn Crann are then given to whichever group they belong to, whether it be Yew, Hazel, Ash, etc., in order to learn the ways of their kind. This was not the case for Aiden.”
"Many years ago a botanist facinated by the idea of bending nature to his will was experimenting with tree grafting. He was attempting to create a chimera that embodied as many of Irelands native trees as he could, testing the limits in which nature could be manipulated by his hand. His attempts proved fruitless and he abandoned his failed experiment in the forest, neglected and dying. There it was found by some garden Faeries who were very intrigued by this curious little sapling. Unable to resist caring for the peculiar sprout, the Faeries began nursing it back to health, unintentionally imbuing the sapling with the same magic that would normally be reserved for the birth of a Crann. By the time they noticed their mistake it was too late. They shuttered at the thought of having to summon the Elder Crann to see what they had done, but not more than they reveled in the idea of causing a bit of trouble for them as well. The newborn was then plucked from the earth and presented to the Crann who had been summoned from every reach of the forest, much to their confusion. To say they were bewildered by this sickly sapling's appearance would be an understatement. Deformed, pale, and incredibly skinny, he was far smaller than any newborn Crann before him. He displayed a confusing mishmash of almost all the forest's trees combined, the likes of which the Crann had never seen, nor fathomed. His one large eye glistened with wonder, mushrooms and tree bark twisting over where the other eye was never able to fully grow. Even his mouth was nowhere to be found, rendering him mute."
< (previous spread) (next spread)> <<(beginning)
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
[joybucket @ bzoink]
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿   Well, I’ve worn one everyday since this past Christmas when my mom gave it to me. 
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿   Bracelet. 
Do you own a coral sweater?   Nope. 
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana?   Eliana. 
What season were you born in?   Summer. Blehhhh. 
What season is your favorite? I love fall and winter. 
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩   Sometime several months ago. 
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian?   Gillian. 
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name? 🇮🇪   I don’t think I’ve thought of that one specifically, but I always wonder where the name for everything comes from. 
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley?   Harvest. 
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 Sea foam green. 
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒   Puke green. 
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar?   Bianca. 
....how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?   Carly. 
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?   I like both. 
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls?   Oh, most definitely. Barbies had the coolest clothes and stuff. 
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down?   I look like shit no matter what, but I like my hair down 
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙   Pastel blue. 
What is your least favorite shade of blue?   I can’t think of a least favorite. 
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴?   Neither. 
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️ I’ve never vacationed on an island.   
Which one-syllable girl's name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade?   Jade. 
When was the last time you wore leggings?   Several months ago.
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 I’m allergic to tangerines. 
Do you own a purple sweater?   No.
How often do you create surveys?   I don’t create surveys. 
What is one game you have cheated on? I’m no cheater. 
Do you believe it's ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝   No.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝   No.
What's your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? I like several of her songs. 
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   Area Codes by Kali. 
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)?   Catching up with my brother about his recent trip. 
How often do you wear earrings?   It’s been years since I’ve worn earrings.
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸   No, nor have I ever participated in that.
What is something you own that you've had since you were in high school? I have my class shirts. 
What year did you join Facebook?   All the way back in 2008. 
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?   I had blonde highlights for the longest time. 
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don't?   Sharpies. It gives me a headache and I feel nauseous. 
Have you ever been scammed?   Yes. Not fun.
Are you smart? 🧠   I’m like average I guess. 
What color is your dresser?   Brown. 
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 --
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? 🧁 Uhhh. I don’t recall. 
....and what was it that you purchased? --
What is your computer's desktop background?   It’s a picture of water from one of the choices that came with the laptop.
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for?   I don’t think I’ve ever used it.
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again.   San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boise. I haven’t been to many big cities. 
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?   >> I don't know how to rate my ever-fluctuating and deeply complex feelings about being alive on a numerical scale...  <<<
What brings you joy? A good show/movie/book. 
What's your most cherished memory?   So many childhood memories and times with my grandparents who have passed away almost 15-20 years ago.
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?   I do.
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who?   No, but I recently found out Stevie Nick’s real name is Stephanie and this girl on TT said she, Stephanie, was named after Stevie Nicks. I wish that had 
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝   Uhhh. I have no idea. 
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey?   Gray, but I like the ‘grey’ spelling. 
Who has hurt you the most?   Life. Myself. 
Who or what is your happy place?   The beach. 
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase?   I wouldn’t, to be honest. 
When was the last time you cried?   A couple days ago.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go?   I’d want to really think about a huge opportunity like that. It’s not everyday that happens, ya know.
How do you feel at the moment?   I’m tired and have some pain. 
Do you believe that you're a strong person?   No. I think I’m very weak in every sense. 
What's your biggest dream? To get to a better place with my health and actually feel decent so I can be able to do things again. 
Paintings or digital pictures?   >> why am I choosing between them...<<<
Are you scared to love?   Yes.
What's your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life.
Are you afraid of heights?   Yes.
Are you in love?   I am not. There’s not even someone I’m interested in. 
Do you prefer a bright or dark room?  I don’t want it bright, but I don’t want it dark either. Just a comfortable brightness to see in. Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃  No. “I wanna know, have you ever seen the rainnnn.”
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?   Yes.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?   I don’t recall the last time I cried for that reason. 
Books or movies? I enjoy both.
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lavacorners · 7 months
Examining Dublin’s Corner Sofas for Style and Utility
When it comes to interior design, the practicality and aesthetics of a place may be significantly impacted by the furniture choice used. Due to its clever, space-saving design and adaptability, corner sofas have become quite popular among the available alternatives. These chic furniture items, which seamlessly combine comfort and refinement, are already widely seen in Dublin’s contemporary houses.
Comprehending Corner Sofas’ Allure
Corner couches are more than simply comfortable furniture; they’re a fashion and utility statement. They make the most of little space while offering plenty of seats because of their distinctive L-shaped form, which fits snugly into corners. The ability of corner couches to generate a warm and welcoming environment makes them visually appealing and ideal for both tiny flats and large living rooms.
Examining Sofa Beds in Corners:
Corner Sofa Beds are a useful option for anyone looking for furniture for several purposes. These clever pieces can transition from comfy beds at night to comfortable chairs throughout the day. Corner sofa beds are the perfect solution for small spaces or for accommodating overnight visitors since they blend design and utility. Dubliners like these couches’ dual use since they meet their demands for lodging and entertainment.
Advice for Selecting the Ideal Corner Sofa:
● Measure Your Space: To make sure the corner couch will fit perfectly into your living room, measure the space before making a purchase.
● Think About Functionality: Consider how you intend to utilize the couch. A corner sofa bed might be the ideal option if you need more sleeping space or often entertain guests.
● Material Matters: Pick a leather or cloth that goes well with your way of life. Families with kids could prefer easy-to-clean materials, while leather might be preferred by individuals looking for a more opulent look.
● Harmony of Style: Make sure the corner couch you choose blends well with the general design of your house. There are several styles to suit diverse preferences, ranging from sleek and futuristic to comfortable and timeless.
● Check for Comfort: Comfort is really important. Don’t discount it. If at all feasible, test the couch in person and evaluate the cushion support and seat depth.
The Temptation of Generous Corner Sofas:
Large corner couches are becoming more and more common in Dublin as people want comfort in a laid-back setting with plenty of seats. These huge sofas provide a cozy and welcoming space that’s ideal for hosting larger gatherings. For families and individuals alike, they provide a pleasant haven, drawing people in with the thought of curling up on luxurious cushions and turning the couch into a welcoming meeting place for their loved ones.
Ireland’s Search for the Greatest Sofa Bed:
Comfort, toughness, and design are important considerations when choosing the finest couch bed in Ireland. Customers in Dublin are picky; they want furniture that will last for years in addition to matching their interior decor. When assessing sofa beds, quality materials, and expert workmanship are important factors to take into account to make sure the beds function as dependable sleep solutions in addition to being fashionable focal points.
In summary:
In Dublin, corner couches have become essential to modern interior design. Homeowners choose them because of their space-saving design and the variety of alternatives available, such as huge corner couches and Corner Sofa Beds. The world of corner sofas provides an abundance of options to fit your tastes and lifestyle, whether you’re wanting to maximize space, improve comfort, or locate the greatest sofa bed in Ireland. Make thoughtful selections so your furniture may express your flair as well as your functional demands.
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nice-2-look · 9 months
The Magic of Moments: Wedding Videography in Waterford
In the quaint town of Waterford, where history whispers through cobbled streets and the River Suir flows gracefully, the magic of moments comes to life through the lens of wedding videography. Every couple embarking on the journey of matrimony dreams of a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. In Waterford, these dreams are not just realized but immortalized, thanks to the enchanting art of Wedding Videography Services.
Waterford, with its picturesque landscapes and historic landmarks, provides a stunning backdrop for couples seeking a wedding that is both timeless and romantic. From the iconic Waterford Castle to the charming gardens of Mount Congreve, each venue becomes a canvas for videographers to weave their magic. The essence of the town's rich history and natural beauty is seamlessly incorporated into every frame, creating a visual symphony that narrates the unique love story of each couple.
One of the key elements that distinguish wedding videography in Waterford is the emphasis on storytelling. Talented videographers skillfully craft a narrative that goes beyond the mere documentation of events. Through their lenses, they capture the unspoken emotions, stolen glances, and heartfelt exchanges that make each wedding day extraordinary. The result is not just a video but a cinematic masterpiece that transports couples back to the most magical day of their lives.
The mesmerizing River Suir often plays a symbolic role in Waterford weddings, adding an ethereal touch to the videos. Videographers utilize its serene banks, capturing reflections of love that ripple through the water. The timeless bridges that span the river become metaphors for the couples' journey, linking past and future in a seamless flow of emotions.
In a town where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously, Wedding Videographer Waterford Ireland showcase their versatility. They skillfully blend classic elements with contemporary techniques, creating videos that are both nostalgic and cutting-edge. The juxtaposition of ancient castles and trendy urban settings allows videographers to offer a diverse range of visual experiences, catering to the unique preferences of each couple.
Moreover, the close-knit community of Waterford contributes to the intimate and personalized nature of wedding videography. Videographers often build genuine connections with couples, understanding their personalities and preferences to tailor the video to perfection. This collaborative approach transforms the videography process into a shared journey, ensuring that the final product is not just a reflection of the day but an expression of the couple's love story.
In conclusion, the magic of moments finds its true expression through wedding videography in Waterford. The town's scenic beauty, rich history, and warm community spirit provide a canvas for videographers to create enchanting narratives that stand the test of time. With every frame, Waterford wedding videography captures the essence of love, turning fleeting moments into eternal memories that couples can cherish for a lifetime.
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nostalgiaispeace · 10 months
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿   Whenever i go out.
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿   necklace
Do you own a coral sweater?   Nope. 
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana?   Emily
What season were you born in?   winter
What season is your favorite? I love winter
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩   idk
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian?   Gillian. 
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name? not realy
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley?   Harper
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 dark green
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒   lime green
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar?   none
….how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?   Carmen
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?   neither
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls?   i did
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down?   down
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙   dark
What is your least favorite shade of blue?   sky
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴?   neither
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️ none
Which one-syllable girl’s name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade?   Rose
When was the last time you wore leggings?   yesterday
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 apples
Do you own a purple sweater?   no
How often do you create surveys?   never
What is one game you have cheated on? i've cheated on wordle to not end my streak lmao
Do you believe it’s ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝   No.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝   No.
What’s your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? flowers
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   idk
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)?   going on a date
How often do you wear earrings?   every moment of every day
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸   no
What is something you own that you’ve had since you were in high school? so many of my things
What year did you join Facebook?   All the way back in 2008. 
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?   blonde
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don’t?   vanilla.
Have you ever been scammed?   Yes.
Are you smart? 🧠   I’m like average I guess. 
What color is your dresser?   black
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 -
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? idk
….and what was it that you purchased? –
What is your computer’s desktop background?   ellie
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for?   I don't think i've ever used it
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again.   new york city, dc, and nashville
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?   8
What brings you joy? my daughter and books
What’s your most cherished memory?   the birth of my daughter
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?   no
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who?   No
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝  idk
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey?   grey
Who has hurt you the most?   Myself. 
Who or what is your happy place?   my couch with a book
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase?  abuse
When was the last time you cried?   yesterday
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go?   english countryside
How do you feel at the moment?   tired but fine
Do you believe that you’re a strong person?  i think i am when i have to be
What’s your biggest dream? To be successful
Paintings or digital pictures?   both
Are you scared to love?   no
What’s your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones
Are you afraid of heights?   a bit
Are you in love?   I am
Do you prefer a bright or dark room?  dark Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃  yes
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?   with my mom
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?   tes
Books or movies? books but i love both
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travelingue · 1 year
North Sea Scotland (9): Three castles
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Scotland doesn't lack for castles. The challenge for the tourist is not just to tell them apart but to remember them apart.
There's a reason why they blend into one crenulated blur.  It's the same story everywhere: a man who fought alongside Robert the Bruce was rewarded with land; his son built a fortress; a great-grandson extended it.
Making my way through the castles of Aberdeenshire, I found an antidote to this déjà-vu feeling:  focus on one historical period and consider how each place experienced it.  A narrow angle allows you to see individual fates that are lost if you take the long view.
I chose to zero in on the mid-17th century, a very dangerous time for Scottish aristocrats.  The traditional sources of discord (clan feuds, the Highlands/Lowlands cultural split, links with England, etc.) combined with religious tensions in a particularly noxious mix.
I'd learned about the launch of the Scottish Reformation while visiting Perth.  In Aberdeenshire, I had to brush up on what happened next.  Here's a summary.
Scotland ditched Catholicism in 1560, well after England.  Of course, it had to do it differently.  For one thing, Scottish Presbyterians were much more austere than Anglicans: big on sermons, short on music, etc.  And crucially the head of their "Kirk" was not a temporal monarch, but Christ himself.  
Thus Scotland's fire-and-brimstone preachers accepted the Catholic Queen they had inherited: she was irrelevant.
This split between Church and Crown took the sting out of religious differences.  Without a state to enforce confessional uniformity, swathes of Scotland, mostly in the Highlands, quietly continued to follow Catholic rites. Calvinist Presbyterians and Papists rubbed along.
Everything changed when the Stuarts acceded to the English throne in 1603.  Although the Stuarts were Scottish, the move was bad news for their native country.
The Stuarts now reigned over two separate kingdoms (with Ireland thrown in as a bonus).  In one, they were ecclesiastic supremos; in the other, they remained ordinary parishioners.  They thought: "It's about time we Scots learned how to run a Church properly."
The first Anglicised Stuart, James (confusingly, he had different regnal numbers on either side of the border), was persuaded to go slow on interfering with the Kirk. He just foisted token bishops on it.  The country's religious peace was tested but not broken.
His son was known as Charles I both in Scotland and England.  That's the extent of his contribution to harmony between his realms.
Charles was a man of principles.  Half-measures were pointless.  In 1637, he decided that the Scots would just have to swallow an Anglican Kirk, music and all. Crypto-Catholics were happy but the Presbyterian majority was not.  Riots erupted.  Presbyterians raised armies.  Loyalists did likewise.
Scotland's "Bishop War" of 1639-40 kick started conflicts that engulfed the British Isles for 20 years.  In England, the fighting was as much about politics as it was about religion: Parliament objected to Charles's belief in a God-given mandate to rule without consulting anyone.
In the 1640s the Scots were sucked into that civil war.  Presbyterians naturally backed the Parliamentarian camp; which was dominated by Protestant hardliners; others stuck with Charles.
Interwoven wars were fought on both sides of the border by a head-spinning succession of shifting alliances.  Some Scottish aristocrats proved better at playing this game than others.
Below is a look at the fates of three family estates near Aberdeen.  I suppose that similar stories of defiant resistance, opportunistic guile and self-destructive zeal can be found across Scotland.
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This 16th-century erection, 20 miles west of Aberdeen, is the seat of the Burnetts of Leys.  The interesting one is Sir Thomas Burnett, 1st Baronet of Leys (1580s-1653).
He was a leader of the "Covenanters", who opposed Charles's bid to turn the Kirk into an Anglican affiliate.  But not everyone was all that bothered.  When Burnett went to Aberdeen to raise funds for a Covenanter army in 1638, city magistrates told him to stop agitating against the king.
Sir Thomas informed a Covenanter friend, the earl of Montrose, that Aberdeen was a nest of loyalists.  Montrose said: "Leave it with me."   He entered Aberdeen with 3,000 men: it's amazing how an army can focus minds.
Burnett found Aberdonians much more receptive to his crowdfunding appeal.  Invited to donate to the Covenant or have their property confiscated, locals gave generously to the cause.
Fast forward to 1644: Covenanters are firmly in control.  Burnett still supports them but he's pushing 60 and has taken a back seat.  In fact, he's a bit miffed that he has received no compensation for the money he lost hosting troops at Crathes Castle.
Montrose, meanwhile, has had a radical change of mind.  A rival is in charge of the Covenanter movement.  As he sees it, it has become an extortion racket.  So the earl has turned coat and is leading a royalist offensive in Scotland, with support from Irish Catholics.
After storming several Covenanter estates, he gets to Crathes.  His second in command tells him: "This castle belongs to that traitor Burnett.  Let's ransack it."  Montrose says: "Leave it with me."
He gets off his horse and knocks on the door.  Burnett invites his old friend in.
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Over dinner, the ageing baronet explains that he's no longer involved with the government – which actually owes him 100,000 merks for quartering soldiers all those years ago.
"They also forced me to melt down the family silver to lend money to the Treasury," Burnett sighs.
"Greedy bastards," Montrose snorts.
At the end of the meal, Burnett offers his guest weapons and horses, as well as 5,000 merks. "Thanks for the guns and the nags," Montrose says.  "But keep your money. We're not greedy bastards."
Burnett and his family were the only Covenanters protected by Montrose.
The earl was eventually defeated by the Scottish government.  He was executed in 1650, aged 37.  Burnett was quizzed by Parliament and said he'd given a fortune to the Covenanters, but not a merk to their enemies.  It's unclear whether he got any compensation but he and his castle were safe.
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Drum Castle, down the road from Crathes, tells a very different story.
It was the seat of Clan Irvine.  The ninth laird of Drum (1566-1631) was a smart operator.  He was as Calvinist as the next Scot, but he didn't make a fuss over James' bishops.
He even lent money to that profligate king and, in return, he got dispensation to eat meat on Fridays.
His son the 10th laird, Alexander, stuck his neck out at a time when doing so was risky.  He was an ardent royalist living deep in Covenanter country.  Drum castle became a prime target. 
Government troops looted it four times.  Alexander owed his life to the fact that he did not put up any resistance.
The two sons joined Montrose's royalist/Catholic army.  When they were obliterated in 1645, both young Irvines were captured.  One, who had been a fierce fighter, was elaborately killed.  The other, who had taken part in minor clashes, managed to escape.
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The 1660 restoration should have been a good time for that surviving son, another Alexander.  The Stuarts, for whom his family had hazarded their lives and property, were back on the throne.  The Kirk was Anglicized.  Protestant hard-liners were hunted down.
The new king, Charles II, was keen to reward those who had remained loyal throughout the wars.  Alex requested an audience.  His friends were not especially hopeful that Charles would respond.  The Irvines were only minor aristocrats from the Lowlands.
But the king knew that his gratitude would get a favourable press precisely because of the obscurity of the recipients.  Two weeks later, Alex was received at Hampton Court Palace.
"Thanks for coming from so far away," the king said.  "I've decided to make you a peer." "That's big of you my Lord," Alex said.  "But our crops have been ruined, all our animals are dead, our jewellery and furniture are gone, generations of heirlooms have been burnt or stolen.  Our castle has been gutted – because we stuck by YOU." "I've heard about the hardship the Irvines has endured.  It's precisely in recognition of this sacrifice that I want to make an example and elevate you and your issue to the highest..." "My brother was tortured to death.  My father died of a broken heart in a country occupied by Cromwell.  I want full compensation for our huge losses.  We can talk about the peerage later."
Charles did not say: "I've got better things to do than haggle with a bumpkin from the glens."  The king said nothing.  The audience was over. 
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Overlooking a spectacular stretch of coast south of Aberdeen, Dunnottar Castle is one of the most recognisable landmarks in Britain (recognisable to the eye, but maybe not to the ear: the name doesn't rhyme with "Pat Benatar" but with "an otter").
It is the historic seat of the Keiths, who gloried in the title of Earl Marischal.  They were firm Covenanters and helped Montrose (Mk 1) in his campaigns against loyalists in Aberdeen and the Highlands.
But when Montrose (Mk 2) returned to Donnottar with a royalist army in 1645, the earl did not invite him for dinner.  He dug in.
Unable to storm the fortress, Montrose torched nearby villages.  As Keith watched the smoke rise from his smouldering barony, his Puritan preacher reassured him that "the reek will be a sweet-smelling savour in the nostrils of the Lord".
Meanwhile, in England, the Parliamentarians were crushing the royalists.  This led to the mother of all alliance shifts.  The Roundheads no longer needed the Scots.  Cromwell never really liked them anyway.  His army was full of radicals who opposed any organised religion: Calvinism was not their thing.
The Covenanters, for their part, were appalled by the hodgepodge of sects proliferating in revolutionary England.  Many suspected that a diminished Charles might be preferable to a hothead like Cromwell. 
When Charles was executed in 1649, there was rising Scottish support for his heir.  A year later, Charles II signed off on the principle of a Presbyterian monarchy - it was just PR: he knew he was in for a long spell in exile.  The Edinburgh Parliament declared him king.
The Covenanters were now full-blown royalists.  Cromwell, not for the first time, attacked Scotland.
This brings us back to Dunnottar: as Earl Marischal, Keith had a duty to protect Scotland's Crown Jewels. 
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They had been taken to the castle after Charles's hasty coronation (he skipped the country shortly afterwards).
The invaders laid siege to Dunnottar for nine months.  By the time its defenders surrendered, in 1652, the national bling had been safely removed. The furious Roundheads ransacked the castle.
Over the years, it had been attacked by Scots and Englishmen, by Catholic and Protestants. 
Dunnottar is a monument to neither cautious ambivalence nor self-destructive loyalty.  It stands for something rarer: the principled U-turn.
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johntaylor0706 · 1 year
The Benefits of Pre-Marital Counseling: Strengthening Relationships in Dublin ?
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Introduction: Pre-marital counseling plays a vital role in strengthening relationships and setting couples on a path to a successful marriage. In Ireland, particularly in Dublin, relationship counselling services are readily available, including in areas like Rathmines and South Dublin. These services not only focus on addressing relationship concerns but also extend support for anxiety and depression through specialized counseling. Here are some key benefits of pre-marital counseling:
Improved Communication: Pre-marital counselling sessions in Dublin offer couples a safe space to improve their communication skills. They learn effective strategies to express emotions, resolve conflicts, and understand each other’s needs and expectations better.
Enhanced Emotional Connection: Therapists guide couples in exploring and strengthening their emotional bond. Through pre-marital counseling, couples in Dublin can foster trust, intimacy, and empathy, leading to a deeper understanding of one another.
Conflict Resolution: Pre-marital counseling equips couples with valuable conflict resolution tools. They learn constructive ways to address disagreements, manage differences, and find compromises, fostering a healthier and more harmonious relationship.
Individual Support: Couples counseling Dublin, including areas like Rathmines and South Dublin, also address individual concerns such as anxiety and depression. Couples receive guidance on managing these challenges together, fostering mutual support and understanding.
In conclusion, pre-marital counseling in Dublin, Ireland, including locations like Rathmines and South Dublin, offers significant benefits to couples. By actively engaging in these sessions, couples can build a solid foundation for their future, nurturing a fulfilling and resilient relationship that withstands the test of time.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿   I haven’t in years. I’ll wear a bracelet sometimes, but it’s always those Gen Z ones that have smiley and star beads on it hahaha.
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿   I honestly like necklaces more cos they stand out more, I just don’t have any and am not obsessed with them enough to want to buy them.
Do you own a coral sweater?   No. I don’t think coral would suit me, so eh.
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana?   Emily’s a pretty name. The other two are too, but they just sound a tad foreign for my taste.
What season were you born in?   I think that would be spring in the Western context? We don’t have that though, and in the Philippine sense I was born right smack in the dry season.
What season is your favorite? Wet. I love rain.
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩   I think it may have been last month? I had like a limited-edition Krispy Kreme doughnut but I remember being underwhelmed by it.
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian?   I like Gillian just a teeny bit more.
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name? 🇮🇪   Nope.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley?   I love the name Harper for a girl.
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 Olive.
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒   Neon.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar? I like Bianca, but Briar sounds just as pretty.
....how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?   Carlotta.
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?   Jasmine.
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls?   It probably came to mind as a kid but only as a passing thought. I was never the kid who liked fashion and would play dress-up with my mom’s clothes or whatever.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down?   I’ve been told by people over the years that ponytails suit me, so I’ve long sensed a preference hahaha. Idk though, I hate how my baby hairs always stand up so I rarely put my hair up in a ponytail in public and *personally* prefer to have my hair down or at most in a side pony.
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙   Indigo and midnight blue.
What is your least favorite shade of blue?   Royal blue.
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴?   A bicycle. Now how to actually know how to ride one...lol
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️   Jeju!
Which one-syllable girl's name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade?   Claire. When was the last time you wore leggings?   Last month. Really dislike how they feel on the skin, so I try my hardest to avoid leggings as much as I can.
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 I get awful rashes from time to time from certain cloths/fabrics.
Do you own a purple sweater?   Not a sweater, but I recently got myself a purple knitted cardigan :) I’m obsessedddddd with how it looks.
How often do you create surveys?   I’ve never made a survey. 
What is one game you have cheated on? I’ve plugged in cheat codes across the GTA games, but I never used them to progress in the gameplay because...well, I never played GTA to do the missions, but just to enjoy the open world-ness of it haha.
Do you believe it's ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝   No, mostly because I’m in the belief that it would only snowball from there, so it’s best not to start. And because it doesn’t even feel good doing so??? I cheated once on a statistics exam because I was certain I already had a 99 in the bag save for this one question I was stumped on, and only copied my classmate’s answer when I got to steal a glimpse from her paper. I ended up getting a 100, but it didn’t feel rewarding at all and I never cheated after that. So idk, apart from test cheating being a gateway drug for bigger, more serious mischief, I guess it’s also in the person and how you can stomach getting away with cheating.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝   Yes, that ^ one time I mentioned.
What's your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? Slide Away is a beautiful song.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   Butter by BTS.
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)?   We visited my dad’s side today :) and I got to eat lotssssss of crab and shrimp, and home-cooked street food too.
How often do you wear earrings?   I haven’t worn clip-ons since my college days. I’m not in much of a hurry to restock on them either.
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸   A what booth? Y’all have those? Hahahaha.
What is something you own that you've had since you were in high school? My Audrey Hepburn wall prints.
What year did you join Facebook?   It was around 2012, I think. First year high school; only made one because one of my school projects at the time had a Facebook sharing component.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?   Ash brown.
Name three countries you have no desire to visit.   How to answer this question without sounding like a hater lmao...if anything, I have no itch to go back to Japan. My family actually nearly planned a future trip there, and I volunteered not to go; I feel like I already saw what I had to see in the country when I first visited. Plus everyone I know who has vacationed there always takes the same photos at the same fuckin spots I feel like I’ve been to Japan a billion times at this point anyway.
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don't?   Sinigang.
Have you ever been scammed?   I’ve had close calls but thankfully my alert-y senses have always kicked in before it got too late.
Are you smart? 🧠   I feel like we all have a specialty or two we’re intelligent on, but I wouldn’t call myself smart in an all-around sense. I have lots of things to still learn.
What color is your dresser?   A very muted brown, almost grey.
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 We didn’t have a homecoming dance, whatever that means.
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? 🧁 Erm...does a Cinnabon count? HAHA we were just there earlier to pick up some goodies for relatives since we were visiting.
....and what was it that you purchased? My mom got like three boxes of cinnamon rolls.
What is your computer's desktop background?   BTS.
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for?   Couple of years ago when I wanted to stick BTS photos on my corkboard.
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again.   Shanghai, Bali, Sagada even though it’s not a big city. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?   Idk...maybe a 6.5. Work sucks at the moment, and the only thing I’m looking forward to these days are my trips to Thailand and Malaysia. What brings you joy? Anything related to BTS.
What's your most cherished memory?   Moments that I had with Kimi.
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?   No. I don’t get why people need the influence (or threat???? idk) higher power to be, like...nice, but whatever floats your boat, man.
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who?   Kind of. My dad liked the name Robyn because of the singer Robyn so he picked it out for me, but he wasn’t necessarily a fan and my name isn’t necessarily a tribute for her. It was just inspiration at most.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝   Two years ago when I wrote a letter to Angela for her birthday.
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey?   Gray.
Who has hurt you the most?   It’s a tie between my ex and my mom.
Who or what is your happy place?   Wherever, with my friends.
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase?  I prefer for the past to remain untouched; but if anything, it would 100% be the time Cooper bit me and I had to get six injections and take 12 grand out of my pocket, all in one day.
When was the last time you cried?  This morning when I came across this poem by Laura Gilpin:
Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.
I’ve actually come across it before and cried all the same when I read it for the first time. Today’s just no different as far as it affecting me.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go?   I would love to go to Seoul and not have to think about visas.
How do you feel at the moment?  I’m a little tired because I lack sleep; stressed because the shoes I have been looking for and wanted to get specifically for my trip have turned out to not be available anywhere; and bummed because it’s Monday again tomorrow. Also a bit hungry so I’m gonna be grabbing something to eat after this.
Do you believe that you're a strong person?   Sure.
What's your biggest dream? Land a job that pays me well enough I can comfortably retire early.
Paintings or digital pictures?   Paintings.
Are you scared to love?   It’s not that I’m scared. It’s just that I’m no longer interested in relationships and dating after the first time failed catastrophically.
What's your biggest fear? Losing people I care for to death. Are you afraid of heights?   Nah. I’m not scared of heights per se, but I do hate rides that have sudden drops and stuff. That’s more a motion sickness problem than a fear of heights, though.
Are you in love?   No.
Do you prefer a bright or dark room?   Dark.
Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃   Nah.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?   It’s healthily civil. I try to be closer with my dad by being affectionate because we rarely have him home as it is, but I wouldn’t, like, have heart-to-hearts with either.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?   Sure.
Books or movies? Books, if anything. 
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stayathomesurveys · 2 years
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿   Rarely.
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿   Either.
Do you own a coral sweater?   No.
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana?   Emily.
What season were you born in?   Winter.
What season is your favorite? Fall and winter.
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩   Maybe last week.
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian?   Jillian.
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name?  No.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley?   Harper.
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 Hmm, not sure.
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒   Idk.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar?   Briar.
….how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?   Carmen or Carlotta.
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?   Jasmine.
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls?   Yup!
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down?   Down.
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙   Not sure.
What is your least favorite shade of blue?   I don’t think there is one.
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴?   Bicycle.
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️   The Keys count? Lol.
Which one-syllable girl’s name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade?   Claire and Jade. When was the last time you wore leggings?   The other day.
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 Ibuprofen and Naproxen.
Do you own a purple sweater?   Yes.
How often do you create surveys?   I don’t.
What is one game you have cheated on? Lolllll. Uno.
Do you believe it’s ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝   Meh.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝   Yeah.
What’s your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? Not sure.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   I don’t remember.
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)?   Staying home from work.
How often do you wear earrings?   Everyday. If I take my earrings out for even just like a day, they start closing :(
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸   No.
What is something you own that you’ve had since you were in high school? Quite a lot of things.
What year did you join Facebook?   2009.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?   Auburn.
Name three countries you have no desire to visit.   I can’t think of a country that I wouldn’t want to visit eventually.
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don’t?   Gasoline.
Have you ever been scammed?   Meh, I don’t know.
Are you smart? 🧠   I know that I used to be but I really don’t feel smart these days.
What color is your dresser?   Like a grey/white color.
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 I didn’t go to homecoming. My school didn’t even have a dance for the longest time.
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? 🧁 I don’t know.
….and what was it that you purchased? –
What is your computer’s desktop background?   Sand dunes I think? Idk what it is.
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for?   Never used it.
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again.   San Antonio, Austin, NYC.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?   1.
What brings you joy? Hmmm, money.
What’s your most cherished memory?   Being a child.
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?   Something like that.
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who?   Nope.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝   Years ago.
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey?   I use both interchangeably.
Who has hurt you the most?   IDK.
Who or what is your happy place?   Bed? Idk.
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase?   Ugh, so many.
When was the last time you cried?   A few days ago.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go?   Hmmmmm Germany.
How do you feel at the moment?   Sick, tired, bored, hopeless.
Do you believe that you’re a strong person?   No.
What’s your biggest dream? To be happy.
Paintings or digital pictures?   Either? Depends, I guess.
Are you scared to love?   Kinda.
What’s your biggest fear? Losing loved ones, failure.
Are you afraid of heights?   Yes.
Are you in love?   Hmm.
Do you prefer a bright or dark room?   Depends.
Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃   Yeah.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?   I guess so.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?   Yeah.
Books or movies? Movies.
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ieatsurveys · 2 years
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿 I don't.
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿 Necklace.
Do you own a coral sweater? I do not.
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana? Er, Emily, I suppose.
What season were you born in?
Early fall.
What season is your favorite? Spring.
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩 It's been a while.
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian? Jillian.
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name? 🇮🇪 No.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley? Harley.
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 Dark.
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒 Light.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar? Can we stop asking about names now?
....how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls? No.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? Down.
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙 Dark.
What is your least favorite shade of blue? What is up with the names and the colors in this survey? I like all shades of blue.
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴? Motorcycle.
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️ I haven't.
Which one-syllable girl's name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade? I'm skipping these.
When was the last time you wore leggings? It's been a while.
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 I'm not allergic to anything.
Do you own a purple sweater? No.
How often do you create surveys? I don't create surveys anymore.
What is one game you have cheated on? Go Fish when I was like, 6.
Do you believe it's ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝 No, but I've done it.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝 Yes.
What's your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? Wrecking Ball, haha. Since it's the only song I've listened to by her.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? Hm, I don't know.
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)? Watching You.
How often do you wear earrings? I'm wearing earrings tomorrow. I don't have my ears piereced, so I use clip ons. Sh, no one ever knows.
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸 No.
What is something you own that you've had since you were in high school? Sweatpants.
What year did you join Facebook? 2006 or 2007.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? Dark red.
Name three countries you have no desire to visit.
For obvious reasons, Afghanistan, Syria and North Korea. -> yep.
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don't? I don't know.
Have you ever been scammed? No.
Are you smart? 🧠 I think so.
What color is your dresser? White.
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 Red.
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? 🧁 I don't remember.
....and what was it that you purchased? *shrugs*
What is your computer's desktop background? Space.
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for? I've never used it.
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again. Boston, NYC, Fairfax.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life? Pretty happy. 8.
What brings you joy? Food, hahahah. I love to eat.
What's your most cherished memory? Hmmm, I have a few.
Do you believe in God? Why or why not? Yes.
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who? No.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝 It's been a minute.
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey? Grey.
Who has hurt you the most? My Dad. 
Who or what is your happy place? I'm a homebody, so home.
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase? Something I'd rather not dive into on the Internet.
When was the last time you cried? I don't usually cry, so I don't remember.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go? England.
How do you feel at the moment? Pretty good.
Do you believe that you're a strong person? Yes.
What's your biggest dream? Become an ASL interpreter.
Paintings or digital pictures? I like both.
Are you scared to love? No, but I do think people are as they get older. Or at least that's been my experience with the opposite gender. No one wants to settle, no one wants to commit, yada yada yada.
What's your biggest fear? Being alone when I die.
Are you afraid of heights? It depends.
Are you in love? No.
Do you prefer a bright or dark room? Dark.
Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃 At some point, I'm sure.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy? I cried when I first held my nephew for the first time. So, yes.
Books or movies? I enjoy both.
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tathastuedu · 2 years
Is studying abroad worth the effort? Advantages and benefits of studying abroad ?
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In the event that you are thinking about every one of these, you have risked upon the ideal locations which will respond to your basic inquiries on abroad examinations.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
[joybucket @ bzoink]
How often do you wear necklaces? 📿   I’ve been wearing one since Christmas that my mom got me, but prior to that it had been several years since I’ve worn one. 
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? 📿   I like bracelets more. 
Do you own a coral sweater?   No, but I do like that color a lot so I wouldn’t mind owning one. 
Which name do you like best: Emily, Ellery, or Eliana?   Eliana. I’ve never heard that name before, but it sounds pretty. 
What season were you born in?   Summer. Bleh. 
What season is your favorite? I am a fall and winter gal all the way. 
When was the last time you had a donut? 🍩   I think it was some time early last year. Mmm, I want one now. 
Which spelling do you like better: Jillian or Gillian?   Gillian. It reminds of that author of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn I think?
Have you ever wondered how the country of Ireland got its name? 🇮🇪   Hm, nope can’t say that I have.
Which name do you like best for a girl: Harmony, Harper, Harlow, Harvest, or Harley?   Harvest. I really love the name Autumn and Harvest is in the same realm. I really like both, actually. 
What is your favorite shade of green? 💚 Sea foam green and mint green. 
What is your least favorite shade of green? 🫒   Puke green. 
Which name do you like best for a girl: Bianca, Brogan, or Briar?   Bianca. 
....how about out of these: Carly, Carmen, or Carlotta?   Carly.
Which name do you like better: Jasmine or Yasmin?   Jasmine. 
Did you used to wish that you could own some of the same outfits as your dolls?   Yeah. I thought my Barbies had the coolest clothes. 
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down?   I like my hair better when it’s down, especially when I had my really long hair. It was often easier to just throw it up in a pony tail or bun, though, than actually straighten and style it. The past several years I just didn’t have the motivation or the energy to do so. Now my hair is super short, so I can’t do anything with it right now.  
What is your favorite shade of blue? 💙   I like various shades of blue. 
What is your least favorite shade of blue?   Hm. I can’t really think of one I don’t like.
Would you rather ride a motorcycle 🏍️ or a regular bicycle 🚴?   Neither. 
What is the name of one island you have vacationed on? 🏝️   I’ve never vacationed on an island. 
Which one-syllable girl's name do you like best: Claire, Cove, Dawn, Rose, or Jade?   Jade.
When was the last time you wore leggings?   It’s been several months. I used to live in leggings, but from the time I was in the hospital to now I’ve just been wearing gowns/t-shirt dresses or oversized shirts because it’s easier and more comfortable for now. 
What is your most severe allergy? 🤧 I have seasonal allergies and I’m allergic to tangerines. 
Do you own a purple sweater?   No. 
How often do you create surveys?   I don’t. 
What is one game you have cheated on? I’m not a cheater. I like to play the game how it’s meant to be played and while I like a little fun competition, I do it fairly. 
Do you believe it's ever ok to cheat on a test? 📝   No.
Have you ever cheated on a test? 📝   No. 
What's your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? I’ve liked several of her songs. I had my Hannah Montana era, too lol. Currently, I’ve been into her song, Flowers. Thanks to TikTok it’s always stuck in my head. 
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   I’m not one to listen to songs on repeat much, to be honest. Like, I’ll listen to songs often, but not literally back to back to back. 
What was the best part of your day today (or yesterday)?   >> I saw Infinity Pool! it was truly Something. <<< Ahhh, I really wanted to see that, but I have to wait until it’s on streaming cause I’m still on bed rest. :( I gotta support my man, haha. Anyway, my mom just came home from work and she bought me two packs of Reese’s, so that was the best part for sure. 
How often do you wear earrings?   It’s been a few years since I’ve last worn earrings. 
Have you ever worn a stuffed animal at an age guessing booth? 🧸   I’ve never attempted to. 
What is something you own that you've had since you were in high school? I still have my class t-shirts. And my yearbooks. 
What year did you join Facebook?   2008. 
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?   Blonde highlights in middle school. 
Name three countries you have no desire to visit.   Hmm. 
What is one thing most people seem to like the smell of, but you don't?   Most room sprays are too strong and give me a headache and nausea.
Have you ever been scammed?   Sigh, yes. Back in the mid and late 2000′s I fell for a couple stupid scams about my computer having a virus and needing to download something to get rid of it. So, so stupid. 
Are you smart? 🧠   Meh. I feel like I’m just average. 
What color is your dresser?   It’s a wooden dresser. 
If applicable, what color was the dress you wore to your very first Homecoming Dance? 💃 I didn’t go to homecoming, just prom and winter formal. 
When was the last time you purchased something from a bakery? 🧁 Uhhh. I have no idea. 
....and what was it that you purchased? --
What is your computer's desktop background?   Alexander Skarsgard, of course. 
When was the last time you used washi tape, and what did you use it for?   I’m pretty sure I never have. I don’t know what to really do with It. 
List three big cities you have visited and would love to visit again.   San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Orange County. 
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?   ...
What brings you joy? Reese’s bring me some joy. 
What's your most cherished memory?   Childhood for sure. 
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?   I do.
Were you named after anyone, and if so, who?   Nope. 
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 📝   Uhhh. I don’t recall. 
Which spelling do you use for the color: gray or grey?   Gray. 
Who has hurt you the most?   Myself, honestly. 
Who or what is your happy place?   The beach and Disneyland. 
If you could erase horrible memories, what memory would you erase?   I don’t know. I don’t think I’d want to.  
When was the last time you cried?   Yesterday. 
If you could go anywhere in the world right now (all expenses paid), where would you go?   Ooh. I’d have to really think about it. I’d love to go vacation somewhere, I could definitely use one, but I really can’t do much right now so it wouldn’t be as enjoyable. I’d want to wait until I’m able to do more and could really make the most of it. 
How do you feel at the moment?   I feel tired and a little hungry. 
Do you believe that you're a strong person?   No. I think I’m a really weak person, both physically and emotionally. 
What's your biggest dream? To be able to have some sort of normalcy like I used to in regards to health related things and being able to go places and do things. I hope to be able to do something with my life...
Paintings or digital pictures?   Both?
Are you scared to love?   I’m afraid to fall in love cause the two times I have didn’t go well for me. 
What's your biggest fear? Death, losing loved ones, health getting worse or never getting better, wasting away the rest of my life...
Are you afraid of heights?   Yes. 
Are you in love?   No. Man, it’s been so long since I’ve had feelings for someone. I don’t even remember what that feels like. 
Do you prefer a bright or dark room?   I prefer light, typically. It doesn’t need to be really bright, though. 
Have you ever danced in the rain? ☔️ 💃   No.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?   I do. More so with my mom, who I consider to be my best friend as well. 
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?   I cry a lot, but it’s not happy tears. 
Books or movies? I enjoy both.
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ihadaquestion · 6 months
How to Style and Wear a Tweed Jacket with Confidence?
Are you ready to add a touch of sophistication and timeless appeal to your wardrobe? Look no further than the classic tweed jacket. Whether you're dressing up for a formal event or aiming for a smart-casual look, a tweed jacket is a versatile and stylish choice that never goes out of fashion. In this ultimate guide, we'll show you how to style and wear a tweed jacket with confidence.
From understanding the different types of tweed fabric to choosing the right fit and color, we'll cover everything you need to know to master the art of wearing a tweed jacket. Learn how to pair it with tailored trousers for a polished look, or dress it down with jeans and a crisp white shirt for a more relaxed yet sophisticated ensemble. We'll also reveal insider tips on accessorizing your tweed jacket for maximum impact.
Whether you're a fashion-forward individual or a classic gentleman, this guide will inspire you to embrace the elegance and versatility of a tweed jacket. Get ready to turn heads and make a stylish statement wherever you go.
The History and Significance of Tweed Fabric
Tweed fabric has a rich history and is deeply rooted in British heritage. Originally handwoven by rural artisans in Scotland and Ireland, tweed was known for its durability and warmth. It gained popularity in the 19th century when British aristocrats and royalty started sporting tweed jackets during outdoor activities such as hunting and shooting. Today, tweed has evolved into a symbol of timeless style and sophistication.
Tweed fabric is characterized by its coarse texture and distinctive patterns, such as herringbone, houndstooth, and check. It is traditionally made from natural fibers, such as wool, which gives it its warmth and durability. The colors of tweed range from earthy tones like brown, green, and gray to vibrant hues like red and blue. The fabric's versatility and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions make it a favorite among fashion enthusiasts worldwide.
Why the Tweed Jacket is a Timeless Fashion Staple?
The tweed jacket has stood the test of time for several reasons. Firstly, its classic design and quality craftsmanship make it a reliable investment piece that can be worn year after year. Unlike trendy fashion items that quickly go out of style, a well-made tweed jacket will always exude elegance and sophistication.
Secondly, the tweed jacket offers endless styling possibilities. It can effortlessly transition from a formal setting to a casual outing, making it a versatile wardrobe staple. Whether you're attending a wedding, going to the office, or simply meeting friends for brunch, a tweed jacket adds a touch of refinement to any ensemble.
Lastly, the tweed jacket is a statement piece that reflects individuality and personal style. With its unique texture and patterns, it allows you to express your fashion sensibilities while staying true to timeless aesthetics. By investing in a tweed jacket, you're making a sartorial statement that sets you apart from the crowd.
Choosing the Right Tweed Jacket for Your Body Type
When selecting a tweed jacket, it's essential to consider your body type to ensure a flattering fit. Here are some tips to help you choose the right tweed jacket for your physique:
1. Athletic Build: If you have a muscular build, opt for a slim-fit tweed jacket that accentuates your physique. Look for jackets with structured shoulders and a tapered waist to create a streamlined silhouette.
2. Slim Build: For individuals with a slim build, a fitted tweed jacket with minimal padding is ideal. Choose jackets with a higher armhole to give the illusion of broader shoulders. Experiment with different patterns and textures to add dimension to your look.
3. Tall Build: If you're tall, opt for a longer tweed jacket that falls below the hips. This will help balance out your proportions and create a more harmonious silhouette. Avoid jackets with vertical patterns, as they can elongate your frame further.
4. Short Build: If you're on the shorter side, choose a tweed jacket that ends at your hips or slightly below. Avoid oversized jackets that overwhelm your frame. Opt for smaller patterns and lighter colors to create the illusion of height.
Remember, the key to finding the perfect tweed jacket is to try on different styles and sizes to see what flatters your body type the most. Don't be afraid to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable salesperson to guide you in your selection.
Styling Options for Men: Casual and Formal Looks
The tweed jacket offers countless styling options for men, whether you're aiming for a casual or formal look. Here are some ideas to inspire you:
1. Casual Look: Pair a tweed jacket with a crisp white shirt, dark denim jeans, and brown leather boots for a relaxed yet sophisticated ensemble. Add a colorful pocket square to inject a pop of color into your outfit.
2. Formal Look: For a formal occasion, wear a tweed jacket with tailored trousers in a complementary color. Opt for a light-colored shirt and a coordinating tie to complete the look. Polish your outfit with a pair of classic Oxford shoes.
3. Layered Look: During colder months, layer your tweed jacket over a chunky knit sweater or a turtleneck. Combine it with wool trousers and suede loafers for a cozy yet stylish ensemble.
Experiment with different textures and colors to create unique outfits that reflect your personal style. Remember, confidence is the key to pulling off any look, so wear your tweed jacket with pride.
Styling Options for Women: Feminine and Edgy Looks
Gone are the days when tweed jackets were solely associated with men's fashion. Today, women are embracing tweed as a versatile and stylish wardrobe staple. Here are some ways to style a tweed jacket for a feminine or edgy look:
1. Feminine Look: Pair a pastel-colored tweed jacket with a flowy midi skirt and a silk blouse for a chic and feminine ensemble. Add a pair of pointed-toe pumps and delicate jewelry to elevate the outfit further.
2. Edgy Look: For an edgier take on tweed, pair a black or dark-colored tweed jacket with leather pants and a graphic tee. Finish the look with ankle boots and a statement handbag for a rebellious yet sophisticated vibe.
3. Casual Look: Dress down a tweed jacket by pairing it with distressed jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and sneakers. Layer a lightweight sweater underneath for a cozy and effortless casual look.
Women can also experiment with different cuts and styles of tweed jackets, such as cropped or oversized versions, to create unique looks that suit their personal style. Don't be afraid to mix and match textures and patterns for a fashion-forward ensemble.
Accessorizing Your Tweed Jacket: Hats, Scarves, and Jewelry
Accessories play a crucial role in elevating your tweed jacket ensemble. Here are some ways to accessorize your tweed jacket for maximum impact:
1. Hats: Add a touch of elegance to your tweed jacket by wearing a fedora or a newsboy cap. Choose a hat in a complementary color and style it with confidence.
2. Scarves: Wrap a silk or cashmere scarf around your neck to add a luxurious touch to your outfit. Opt for patterns or colors that complement your tweed jacket for a cohesive look.
3. Jewelry: Complete your look with the right jewelry pieces. For men, a classic watch or a pair of cufflinks can add sophistication to your ensemble. Women can opt for delicate necklaces, statement earrings, or vintage brooches to enhance the overall look.
Remember, accessories should complement your tweed jacket without overpowering it. Choose pieces that add a touch of personality and individuality to your outfit.
Tips for Maintaining and Caring for Your Tweed Jacket
To ensure the longevity and pristine condition of your tweed jacket, follow these tips for maintenance and care:
1. Dry Cleaning: Due to the delicate nature of tweed fabric, it is best to have your jacket dry cleaned by a professional. Avoid machine washing, as it can damage the fabric and alter its texture.
2. Storage: Store your tweed jacket in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture and humidity from causing damage. Use a garment bag or cover to protect it from dust and insects.
3. Spot Cleaning: If you encounter a stain on your tweed jacket, gently blot it with a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as it can spread the stain and damage the fabric.
4. Steaming: To remove wrinkles from your tweed jacket, use a garment steamer or hang it in the bathroom while taking a hot shower. Avoid using a traditional iron, as it can flatten the texture of the fabric.
By following these care tips, you can ensure that your tweed jacket remains in excellent condition for years to come.
Conclusion: Embracing Your Personal Style with Confidence
The tweed jacket is a classic wardrobe staple that exudes sophistication and timeless appeal. By understanding the different types of tweed fabric, choosing the right fit and color, and experimenting with various styling options, you can confidently incorporate a tweed jacket into your personal style.
Whether you're a man or a woman, the tweed jacket offers endless possibilities for creating both casual and formal looks. Accessorize it with hats, scarves, and jewelry to elevate your outfits further. Remember to care for your tweed jacket properly to ensure its longevity and pristine condition.
So go ahead, embrace the elegance and versatility of a tweed jacket. Let it become a signature piece in your wardrobe, and make a stylish statement wherever you go. With confidence and creativity, you'll turn heads and inspire others to embrace their personal style too.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Samhain celebration advice?
Ahhh!! So much to do!!!!
So I have made a Samhain Solitary Celebration Post but it needs some updating and the fact that we are in a year where you can’t do shit lol it needs some revision so let me just make a newish post here:
Wow this took me a while to type up and it’s a lot of info so I am going to first post this with a Read More talking about a brief background of the Holiday and how I celebrate the Sabbat for context and insight for my suggestions. Then I will reblog with the suggestions haha
To get into the origins, meanings and very glossed over history of Samhain, it's a celebration from Ireland celebrating the end of the year, the descent into darkness (they observe this time as the beginning of winter or transition into winter) and celebrating ancestors and passed away loved ones as they felt the spirit world was more tangible in the darker times.
The thinning veil thing actually comes from the victorian era. Old irish people did not believe in the spirit world as another dimension separated by a veil, like they thought you can access the spirit realm in nature like in hills or forests. It’s also why they were like don’t step into anything nature makes into a ring like mushrooms or trees or else you’d fall into the faerie realm which was more like a spirit realm. There's a lot here to unpack so I am going to leave it at that. Also though Ireland has it's wisefolk and definitely has fairies, the spoopy witches up to shenanigans on the night comes from other traditions like settler American folklore that bought Halloween over.
Obviously Samhain morphed and evolved and even got a little warped from it's original source. Bringing in Neopaganism here and the wheel of the year after having invaders bringing Christianity and then apathetic atheism kind of wipe out the traditions of people from the land in England and have all of their roots and spiritual connection to the land lost, some people modern day put together a cycle of celebrations based on the agrarian cycles and a collection of Celtic festivities (mostly Irish) surrounding  growth/fertility/harvest/death that many witches, wiccans and neopagans celebrate. I felt like when I was living in the US of A this distinction wasn't really important cause we were already neck-deep in American capitalism bastardized halloween lol but now I live over here with a handful of Irish people, neopagan/witchy samhain isn't the same as Irish Samhain since the reconstructed Samhain feels a bit like a conglomeration of the western Day of the Dead celebrations that people are trying to reconnect with after generations of people were stripped away from the roots of their culture. (Of course other Celtic people have their day of the dead autumn-turning-to-winter celebrations but I am just clarifying that Samhain is still a thing in Ireland where as the wheel of the year took all of these various celebrations together and smashed them in one). This is when I say I call these festivities their Celtic names as point of reference for other witches that want to celebrate the Earth's cycles and their connection but really it's more like a westernly universalish day of the dead celebrating the height of autumn (the season of dying) the return to darkness and the shadowy realm, reconnecting with our shadow selves (most people get depressed this time of year but it's good to do some internal work to make peace or find harmony then dread it), celebrating the season with delicious in-theme food and making peace with death as it's apart of nature and celebrating passed away loved ones.
Not that most Irish people may care, but to this sad day I realize that England is still doing the most harassing everyone from neighboring countries and denying them rights to celebrate or keep their culture in tact (like denying people the right to keep their languages alive and stuff like that) and already some Irish people living here expressed sadness that people don't take Halloween seriously cause they think it's some American thing when really it's a time they get together with their families and I am like yeah that's fucking wack how people here forgot that history and they pass it off as unimportant. I think sometimes context matters and knowing where and how to tread so maybe if you're in the USA it's not too much of a big deal but I try to be mindful here about it. Not saying that you can't call it Samhain, more saying that you should be mindful and know when to express the distinction in case someone asks in order to respect it's origins and respect Irish people still trying to keep the original traditions intact. (Sometimes I refer to it as the Autumn Crossquarter to make it sound more universal). Also not saying that the neopagan reconstructed Samhain is less important or less valid, more that sometimes distinctions are important in order to be respectful when the original holiday is still in practice by people discouraged to hang on to their roots. 
I do have some Celtic and English ancestry but not heritage. To me heritage means that my parents or even grandparents passed it down to me DIRECT, and my dad passed down his French culture and my mom passed down some Haitian culture and so I say I am french and Haitian. Yes there was some Irish guy in my family back in the day and apparently I am 30% English which messed with my head when I found out through those DNA tests lol (like some fraudulent shit was happening on my French side apparently?!?! How do you get 30% english??) but culturally nor heritage-wise I am not English or Celtic because it wasn't passed down. Like maybe if I had kids here they would have some English ancestry and be culturally english for being born here but just cause I live here doesn't make me this.
Anyway I am clarifying this because when I celebrate the wheel to me it's a spiritual, animist and agrarian cycle where I celebrate the beginning of seasons and the middle-to-transition of each season and their parallel to our life cycle and the moon phases as well. They all overlap and I made a post about it. If you look at the wheel from this perspective it makes the experiences more universal and easier to understand spiritually and why I find all 8 holidays as equally important. I don't worship any Celtic gods or make any art or crafts dedicated to goddess etc. The only "deity" being worshipped is the earth in an animist way and the spirits coming from there. The only thing that doesn't make this as universal as possible is that they relate to 4 seasonal temperate land so if you live in the tropics or the deserts you have to come up with your own wheel but I am planning to make a guide on that cause it's not as challenging as it seems.
Anyway this is quite the large nutshell but tossing in the incredibly glossed over history, the heart of it's meaning and relation to nature (and we are obviously apart of nature so how it relates to ourselves individually), and how I and many others observe and celebrate it from a multicultural view that is all-inclusive as our middle ground is the earth underneath our feet yet also being aware of it's true origins to make the distinction when it matters, can help you understand my recommendations below!
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mynachopaper · 4 years
Tickle Anomaly Files #7
Codename: Shivering Strings
Subject: An oversized cello originally found in Belfast, Ireland.
Description: Standing at 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) it is impossible to play properly, the bow found with it is also much too large for a human to feasibly play.
The wood forming its frame is dark brown, testing revealed it to be maple. There are also strands of unknown material woven into the strings and body. The bow itself appears to use human hair instead of horse hair. DNA tests have found no match.
Found in a run-down inn 37 miles from the city, the cello was collecting dust in the basement of 'The Qurvering Quail' until a recent incident. The owners reported strange music mixed with screaming emanating from the basement. Once they rushed down they only found their barmaid, she was shivering and covering her ears. Beside her was said subject, leaning against the wall. The barmaid would refuse to speak on her experience and soon went catatonic.
The owners claimed they had been gifted said subject years ago by a relative for their wedding. However they were more than happy to be rid of it as it made them uncomfortable. Foundation agents retrieved the subject and brought it to site zero.
Once the preliminary examination was complete the foundation decided a live victim would be perfect for testing. Luckily we had a recent capture.
23 year old Olivia Broen was recently caught trespassing near the east wing. She had broken into the lower archives, once caught she claimed she was only searching for "Some CIA shit to sell on the web not kinky SCP fanfics". Unfortunately she had seen too much of our sensitive data and had to be made a permanent test subject. Her reaction to the news was quite severe, thankfully we gagged her before her screams disturbed our agents.
We brought her to test chamber 9, once there we removed the blindfold and gag. Next we stripped her of her shoes and jacket, leaving her in basic clothing to make her vulnerable before we bring in the subject. We left, locking the door. She was alone in the empty white room. After some time she became hysterical, slamming the walls and kicking the frame. Eventually she tired herself out and simply laid down.
Behind the two way mirror sat agents Londra and Prentiss. The following information was recorded in their report.
P- She seems to have curled up on the floor, I think she's doing some breathing exercises. Her hair is frazzled and she's biting her nails.
L- Glad we have a live one today. It's always nice to be first to witness something magical happen.
We unlocked the door and wheeled in the cello. Olivia leapt back and clung to the wall. She seemed to be terrified of the subject. We stood it in the corner of the room before leaving.
P- It's much more intimidating than the photos give credit. It's tall dark curves seem to permeate the glass. I'm not sure how anyone could physically play it.
L- Tall, dark, and handsome. I wish I could meet it's maker. Surely a giant creature perhaps, or a large otherworldly being. In any case my ears hunger for its song.
Hours passed, neither the subject or Olivia changed. Eventually she succumbed to her fate and crumpled to the floor, sleeping in the fetal position.
The agents also fell asleep a few hours later.
2:37 am. The microphone picked up a soft hum. Motion cameras detect slight vibrations emanating from the subject. Olivia is still sleeping, the agents are given a soft alert.
P- We've woken up in the early morning, the system is detecting some sound and movement. I can feel a low hum shake through my bones.
L- I can feel its presence, it reverberates in my core. I can taste the cruelty in the air. I can't help but smile.
Olivia wakes up. She slowly turns towards the subject. Her eyes widen as she crawls back, softly whimpering. The frame of the cello hums, vibrating in the low light. The bow twitches on the ground, small jerks of movement inch it towards Olivia.
P- The subject is active. Cameras are running to capture the event.
L- The calm before the storm, such thunder shall crash...
The strings of the cello snap off, lashing out as they snake along the floor. The sound of scraping echoes in the chamber as they crawl along the tiles. Olivia screams as they approach her, desperately trying to sink into the corner as they wrap around her ankles. She is pulled to the ground, her hands grasping at any form of grip as she is slowly dragged towards the dark figure.
P- Oh God, it's like nothing I've ever seen. The strings seem to be longer than they appear, they seem to act intelligent, cruel.
L- Such spectacle, a terrifying display of predatory prowess. I am both jealous and fearful.
As Olivia is dragged closer she starts begging. "PLEASE! PLEASE! I'M SORRY, HELP ME!". Her arms clinging to what little traction they can find. The strings separate, two latch around her wrists while the other two hold her ankles. They slowly pull her upright, displaying great tensile strength. She is stretched over the cello, aligning perfectly where the strings would be.
P- I wish I could help her, her begging was terrifying. I cannot possibly imagine the fear coursing through her.
L- Such sweet begging, I cannot possibly imagine the fear saturating her lovely skin.
The bow shakes violently on the ground, the sound causing Olivia to shudder. It starts to levitate, slowly floating towards her body. Suddenly a quick cut rips through her shirt leaving her midriff and ribs completely vulnerable. She yelps as the tattered remains gently fall to the ground.
The bow rests on her side, she is frozen as the tension builds.
Slowly it begins to draw across her stomach, gliding along her sensitive skin. She shrieks as it passes over her belly button. Each slow drag extracting squeals from her. A low sound can be heard, actual chords being played. No known tune or symphony is recognised.
P- It's so alien, unnatural. I am not familiar with this piece, or if it is even of this earth.
L- Strange is the beauty of sound. There will always be a unique song somewhere in the universe.
The bow picks up its pace, switching to her ribs as it begins to play over each one. Sending her into a crescendo of screams as it spreads ticklish shocks throughout her body. Making her squeal an octave higher once it glides between her ribs.
P- It's playing her with such precision. Whatever made this intended it to merge torture with music. Every sound a part of a nightmarish harmony.
L- It pierces my soul. This beauty could only have been made by such a connoisseur of ticklish suffering. My heart swells as her screams send shivers down my back.
Olivia starts to lose her mind, her body drained of its energy as she is played beyond her limits. Her hair whips around her head as she cackles into the night. Tears stream from her eyes as she slowly loses herself in the music.
After 6 hours the bow stops playing, the subject releases Olivia, letting her slump to the floor, exhausted. Its strings slink back into place as the humming fades away.
In the morning Olivia is taken to the recovery ward. However, it has been noted that the usual classical music played during lunch hours has caused her to panic. Full restraints have been employed to keep her safe for the duration of her stay.
Agent Prentiss has requested 2 days of leave for psychological recovery. Status: Granted
Agent Londra has requested both the subject and Olivia to be moved to her quarters for personal enetertainment.
Status: Granted
Object class: Tool
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