#harmonic leader beatrix
team-harmonic · 1 day
Greetings, Professor Beatrix, was it?
As a fellow executive of a group people default to calling "evil," I sympathize with your situation, and from what I can tell, your motives are selfless, at least in theory...
But I must ask, is the eradication of whole species of Pokemon truly necessary? Would it not be better to spread awareness of the issue peacefully, try to accommodate rather than destroy?
Looking forward to pleasant correspondence with you and your team members,
Darrin Scintiller
OOC: // Fellow evil team leader spotted, I'm intrigued 👀 You should know, darrin talks a big talk but his goals are far less noble than Beatrix's seem to be
Hello, Leader Darrin
I appreciate how politely you've approached eith your question.
Is the eradication on an entire species necessary? In my opinion, yes.
Firstly, this was not our main goal. We are a glorified legal team for the people. Origionally, our goals started out with passing laws and ordinances to keep the peace. Our most famous example would be the ban on pokemon battles outside of designated spaces.
This goal is something that is much more recent and in the works. The list is indeed full of Pokemon that are not good for the world in some capacity, but we can't hope to safely remove them all. For many, we will ban imports and exports of these Pokemon, and will not allow some of them to be owned or battled with.
For the ones we do eradicate: Our biggest part of this goal is doing this safely and efficiently. This may mean planting many more berry trees and the like near old habitats for predators to munch on, and encouraging folks to catch their old prey Pokemon so they don't get out of hand.
Think of these Pokemon as invasive species. They are dangerous to other Pokemon, people, and the environment. There is a way to safely eradicate them, and there are valid reasons to do so
If you have anymore questions feel free to reach out. If you'd like to collaborate on something in the future, our DMs are always open.
- Professor Beatrix
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diamandodusto · 1 year
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A Feast to the Gods
Genre : Tragedy, Fantasy, Angst, Hurt-Comfort, Romance
Rating : +18
Warnings : Violence, sexual content, death, nudity, pregnancy, miscarriage, strong language
Characters : Clive Rosfield, Jill Warrick, Joshua Rosfield, Elwin Rosfield, Anabella Rosfield, Cid Telamon, Hugo Kupka, Dion Lesage, Beneditka Harman, Dyanne Hidgins…
Pairings : Warfield (Clive / Jill), Harmon (Cid / Beneditka), Dionrrence (Dion / Terrance), Benekupka (Benedikta / Hugo), Hidfield (Dyanne / Clive), Barnadikta (Barnabas / Benedikta), Bardyanne (Dyanne / Barnabas)
Synopsis : Ever since the Eikons walked over Valisthea, seen as either Gods amongst humans or monstrosities, the world has been held in a chokehold. Therefore, the end of the world seems to slowly draw itself, but instead of watching the world burn, some try to stop the irredeemable fate and assemble broken memories of what their life used to be.
Note : Follows Final Fantasy 16’s General Story with a couple deviations.
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Clive Rosfield : Eldest son of Anabella and Elwin Rosfield. House Rosfield. Dominant of Ifrit.
Joshua Rosfield : Second son of Elwin and Anabella Rosfield. House Rosfield. Dominant of Phoenix.
Jill Warrick : A ward of Rosaria and the Rosfield’. Dominant of Shiva. House Rosfield by alliance.
Cid Telamon : Ex Lord Commander of Waloed, and leader of the Hideaway. Dominant of Ramuh.
Dyanne Hidgins : Second daughter of Beatrix and Josiah. House Hidgins. Dominant of Leviathan.
Dion Lesage : Prince of Sanbreque and eldest son. House Lesage, Dominant of Bahamut.
Barnabas Tharmr : King of Waloed and Ash. House Tharmr. Dominant of Odin.
Sir Terence : Lord Commander of Dion and his lover.
Sleipnir Harbard : Lord Commander of Barnabas and physical incarnation of his steed as Odin.
Benedikta Harman : Ally of Barnabas and Chief of the Intelligencers. Dominant of Garuda.
Hugo Kupka : Economic adviser of Dhalmekian Republic and lover of Benedikta. Dominant of Titan. House Kupka.
Gav : Cid’s sidekick and scouter.
Darius Hidgins : Eldest son of the Hidgins. Dyanne’s Shield. House Hidgins.
Jacob Aryn : Colonel of Waloed's Army. House Aryn.
Bastin Aryn : First heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn.
Ornela Aryn : Second heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn.
Anael Aryn : Third heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn.
Beatrix Hidgins : Darius and Dyanne’s mother. House Hidgins.
Josiah Hidgins : Darius and Dyanne’s father. House Hidgins.
Anabella Rosfield : Clive and Joshua’s mother. House Rosfield then Lesage.
Elwin Rosfield : Archduke of Rosaria. Father of Clive and Joshua. House Rosfield.
House Rosfield : The Phoenix. Lords and governs Rosaria. Faith of the Eikons. Current head : Clive Rosfield.
House Lesage : The Dragon. From the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. Governs the same region. Faith of Greagor. Current head : Sylvestre Lesage.
House Hidgins : The Sea Snake. Allies of the Rosfield and has lands in the same regions. Later alleged to Sanbreque. Faith of Leviathan, Eikons. Current head : Josiah Hidgins.
House Tharmr : The Knight. Possesses Ash and Waloed. Faith of Ultima. Current head : Barnabas Tharmr.
House Kupka : The Titan. From the Dhalmekian Empire. Current head : Hugo Kupka
House Aryn : The Stag. From Waloed. Faith of Eikons. Military house of Waloed and allies of House Tharmr.
You can also read this on AO3 by clicking on this link : HERE.
A big thanks to : @damatheirin​ and @aria-lesage​ and my friend Ludrick for their help !
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When dinner became ready to be eaten, Dyanne wanted to finish it already to come back and lock herself in her room. She did not want to see Anabella. Her mother finished touching up her hair, braiding it to make her seem more demure. Discreet even. “I haven’t seen you in a while. How’s things with Lord Rosfield ? Is he kind to you ? Gallant even, I hope ?” Dyanne smiled, facing her reflection in the mirror. “He is, dear Mother. He is focused on my well-being any second he’s near me. He’ll be a fantastic husband, no doubt.” Her mother stared at her, one eye of a sweet lilac shade and the other, of a golden colour. 
Beatrix had curly hair, striking red on the top, silver-locked on the bottom. She was thin and gracile, always wearing the lightest shade of blue and gold. “And… Have you flowered yet, my dearheart ?” Dyanne blushed furiously at her mother’s words. She didn’t understand all the matter about her moons. She was ten and three, yes, it was later than the usual for her people, but at least, she still was young. 
“Yes, Mother, I did. I was so sad you weren’t there, I had to take a warm bath to clean myself, and I was in such pain. I never felt that before. Like my body was twitching, I always felt a knot in my lower stomach. I didn't quite understand what was happening to me. I needed you.” 
Her mother displayed parts of her hair, away from her face, cupping the cheeks of her child, she brought the girl closer to her, letting her nestling in her neck. Dyanne hummed the sweet scent of Beatrix. “I am beyond sorry, my sweet love. I should’ve been there more often, if I ever knew. But thirteen is a great age to blossom, my little swan. It is only a minuscule part of women’s life. You’ll be forever okay, even bleeding a few days in a month. Don’t fear it : accept it.” 
The two ladies went downstairs, before reaching the dining room, where Josiah and Darius waited for them. Dyanne sat nearby. Jill was on her side, holding her hand softly to encourage her. She kissed her friend’s cheek tenderly before starting a conversation with her. Jill was always with her, whenever the two weren’t with the boys. Girls' language would some say. But Jill and Dyanne often spoke of swords, books, things ladies weren’t usually very much allowed to touch. Yet, none of them could care any less. 
If the realm had something to look up to, it was both their beauties. Dyanne was a cold beauty, one you’d look at when she was gazing away. But Jill, Jill was freezing cold. Her uncommon silver hair and blue eyes, made her unapproachable. Yet, the girl was as loving as a warm fire through winter. And the two, the two of them, formed a strong, tough glacier. 
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Joshua was asleep on his own, in his room. The boy was thinking, on the morrow, he’d become what people always wanted of him. What they expected him to be. Yet, the ten-year-old was distraught. Sure, he was fine with being the Phoenix, but was it all he was ? Would his mother disown him as she did with Clive, throw him a part, when he wouldn’t meet her expectations ? A tear rolled on Joshua’s cheek : He didn’t want to be part of that. He wanted to live on his own terms. Phoenix or not, being a Dominant was a responsibility. Meeting with fate itself, it didn’t matter how cruel it was. Whether it was to him, his family, friends, or anybody around him. 
The sound of a burst awoke the boy from his soon slumber. He always had been like that, a light sleeper. But, soon yet, Joshua would get on his feet to run towards the window of his room. 
“Clive, Father!” he screamed. 
The door struck against the wall, as a man dashed in, looking straight at the little Duke. “My Lord, let’s get you to safety, we’ve been invaded by the Empire!” Joshua’s eyes went immediately filled with tears, salty drains of water menacing to roll down his chubby cheeks. He burst out of the room, his shoes clapping against the warmed, previously cold, tiles of the castle, before getting ambushed by a trio of three imperials. All waiting for his head. “Let me protect you, Your Grace!” shouted his shield. 
“No! I want to find my father and my brother !” How in the hell something like this would ever happen ? He wondered. Yet, Phoenix muttered in him, he whispered to take over. No, I refuse, thought Joshua. He was terrified, frightened, yoked under fear. But the blond boy, strawberry blond-haired even, remained calm. He had to. His hands began to burn, flames getting out of his very fingers, before fire invaded furthermore the room. Turning to ashes the bodies, the shield stepped back, impressed by His Grace. Who, despite his young age, showed talent and conservation. “May the Phoenix bless us your Grace… They certainly infiltrated the Fortress way beforehand. We must hurry to find the Duke and your brother!” 
Joshua nodded, brushing off the salty water that contrasted with the wildfires that occurred, passing doors and doors, halls and halls. He then noticed how the walls looked alike then, under the orange and red shades of death. He searched every single corner he could find. But nothing was all he found. 
“Father!” he shouted again when he noticed the figure of the latter standing. Talking to a guard, Elwin turned back and welcomed his son to his arms. Before getting him back on the ground. “We will need to get Joshua to safety, back to the Capital. Make haste!” The boy climbed on his steed, before its head shut and the boy fell again. Aching, Elwin turned back. “What in the God-... 
“Sorry, Your Grace, that won’t be possible,” explained one of his guards. He let the lifeless body of the previously white owl fall to the ground. “You honourless snakes!” the Duke screamed. Joshua feared again, hiding his face behind his hands. “Run, Joshua, Run!” but before the boy could even answer, his world whole stopped. Swallowed by the aching fangs of death again. 
His thoughts. 
He couldn’t think. 
The blood of his father, 
On his face. 
He tasted it on his tongue. 
The body of the late Elwin Rosfield fell close to his son, his hand touching his boy’s foot. And Joshua stopped moving. 
He could feel fire bursting through him. 
And soon enough.
The murderers of his father went to hell. 
“Here I am, free” pronounced Phoenix. 
Help ! Help me ! Clive ! Help me, I am scared ! 
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He ran everywhere. 
Searching for Joshua. 
Clive’s heart was pounding in his chest, ravenous of seeing his father and brother to assure himself he didn’t fail. Yet, none of these wishes were granted, and all he continued to do was to run. Run until his breath got short, run until all he could do was to cry on himself. He had to be strong, but Lord Rosfield barely could do that. Instead, all he did was to watch the figure of almighty Phoenix rose into the skies, destroying everything that was in his path. Clive muttered curses between his lips. But he knew something was wrong. Something was off. 
“Joshua !” Clive shouted. 
He dashed through on his steed, the latter struggling to jump here and there, but Clive had to stop. He fell to the ground, but all he then remembered was that he lost it. He lost it all. The corpse of the previously white beast next to him, he began to scream. Something that terrified Rodney. And then, Clive growled. 
But it wasn’t him that growled. 
Rodney was sure of that. 
Throwing fists against the Phoenix, Ifrit was smirking, hid Clive’s crestfallen spirit. But, soon enough, the bigger standings of Ifrit and Phoenix bit each other, and would inexorably wound one another. 
Joshua ! No. 
Someone, help me out ! 
Stop this, I beg of you! 
Please, please, please ! 
But nothing happened, nothing. If not the Phoenix on the ground, a mere prey to the dominant Ifrit, triumphant of his victory upon the Immortal One. However, Clive died with his poor brother that day. 
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She could barely breathe. 
And saying she was sweating, was an understatement. 
A blade against her pale throat, Dyanne’s complexion paled. The smile, Anabella wore on her face, made her blood boil. Actually, her entire body was aching, and soon enough, the wine was whirling into the cups as Leviathan warned to act on by herself. Beatrix shook her head. No, sweet daughter, now wasn’t the time to act on a whim. She hoped she wouldn’t go that far, kind Dyanne, however, wished she would. She wished Leviathan would let her shift into something deadlier. But the brunette was also aware doing this would inexorably condemn her parents to a sombre fate. 
You could, spoke the Sea Snake. 
I won’t, Dyanne answered. 
The Imperials looked straight to them three, waiting for an order from their ally to do as being told. But Anabella only chuckled. “Silent I see ? Good to know Leviathan and her Shield are as usable as the rest. Good grief, you two made this mess harder to happen as it should’ve been.” One of them tied her hands, whilst Darius struggled a bit more than she did. Call her docile, but all she saw was the metal growing nearer and nearer her old ones' throat. “What is the meaning of all of this, Anabella?!” shouted Josiah. 
The blonde laughed again, arrogantly. “My ascension to a new world. Dear Josiah, and this concludes with you four.” The head of the Hidgins Household gleaned his eyes. Too wide, scarier than ever. Waiting for further explanation, but they never came. Until Darius managed to draw his sword, at least. “Appease yourself, dear, wouldn’t you ?! This is only the beginning for you, don’t you see ?! Keep this one alive to his dear sister, put the parents to silent until we arrive at the Holy Capital.”
The Holy Capital ?! 
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Crawling, suffering. 
Clive wished he was dead. 
But here he was not. He couldn’t feel anything. Whatever it was. Whether it was, even. Fingers, feet, arms, face. He could not. But he breathed. That bothered, he breathed. However, his vision was blurred by the sight of blood. Everywhere. On his eyelids, his clothes,  his cheeks, his lips. Not only his, but his brother’s, his comrades’. And Clive puked. 
But his ear, by his ear, he heard footsteps coming back and forth. Steel. Metal. He didn’t exactly know. 
Not that he wanted to. 
Nothing made sense any more. 
“Tch. Keep him alive, he may be of use to us in the Empire,” he heard, weakly. 
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team-harmonic · 2 months
Welcome to Team Harmonic, the most just and peaceful team on Silonus.
Hello, I am the leader of Team Harmonic, Beatrix Pace (She/Her). I am also the lead professor in the reigon of Silonus. You may call me Professor Beatrix.
Here is a list of my admins who will be running this account alongside me.
Admin Yanny (Yvaine) [She/They]
Admin V (Vito) [He/Him]
Admin Mynnie (Tasmyn) They/She/He
What is Team Harmonic?
Team Harmonic is a team dedicated to bringing peace to the reigon of Silonus.
What does Team Harmonic do?
Team Harmonic builds pokemon-free zones, battle-specific arenas, and removes public noise concerns. We fight for laws to be passed against public disturbances. We also care for pokemon who have been mistreated by inexperienced trainers, and collect Pokemon who cause public disturbances.
Is Team Harmonic an evil team?
Team Harmonic does not designate itself as an evil team. While some may accuse us of evil, we are only dealing out justice and making the reigon a better place to live.
Does Team Harmonic want to kill all sound types?
Yes. Team Harmonics' goal is to (peacefully) remove the sound type from existence.
However, we know it's not a realistic goal to eradicate all of them. In our own region, we will be focusing on a few specific pokemon lines yet to be determined.
Does sound type even exist?
Yes. It is not a battling type, however, but instead helps us to identify Pokemon who cause public disturbances.
//OOC below the cut
Hi! I'm Dustin (He/Him). You may know my other blog, @the-daycare-pokecenter
Similar to that blog, everything goes! Pelipper mail/malice, musharna mail/malice, and anything else is allowed!
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diamandodusto · 1 year
A Feast To The Gods [Final Fantasy XVI]
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A Feast to the Gods 
Genre : Tragedy, Fantasy, Angst, Hurt-Comfort, Romance
Rating : +18
Warnings : Violence, sexual content, death, nudity, pregnancy, miscarriage, strong language 
Characters : Clive Rosfield, Jill Warrick, Joshua Rosfield, Elwin Rosfield, Anabella Rosfield, Cid Telamon, Hugo Kupka, Dion Lesage, Beneditka Harman, Dyanne Hidgins… 
Pairings : Warfield (Clive / Jill), Harmon (Cid / Beneditka), Dionrrence (Dion / Terrance), Benekupka (Benedikta / Hugo), Hidfield (Dyanne / Clive), Barnadikta (Barnabas / Benedikta), Bardyanne (Dyanne / Barnabas) 
Synopsis : Ever since the Eikons walked over Valisthea, seen as either Gods amongst humans or monstrosities, the world has been held in a chokehold. Therefore, the end of the world seems to slowly draw itself, but instead of watching the world burn, some try to stop the irredeemable fate and assemble broken memories of what their life used to be. 
Note : Follows Final Fantasy 16’s General Story with a couple deviations. 
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Clive Rosfield : Eldest son of Anabella and Elwin Rosfield. House Rosfield. Dominant of Ifrit. 
Joshua Rosfield : Second son of Elwin and Anabella Rosfield. House Rosfield. Dominant of Phoenix. 
Jill Warrick : A ward of Rosaria and the Rosfield’. Dominant of Shiva. House Rosfield by alliance. 
Cid Telamon : Ex Lord Commander of Waloed, and leader of the Hideaway. Dominant of Ramuh. 
Dyanne Hidgins : Second daughter of Beatrix and Josiah. House Hidgins. Dominant of Leviathan. 
Dion Lesage : Prince of Sanbreque and eldest son. House Lesage, Dominant of Bahamut. 
Barnabas Tharmr : King of Waloed and Ash. House Tharmr. Dominant of Odin.
Sir Terence : Lord Commander of Dion and his lover. 
Sleipnir Harbard : Lord Commander of Barnabas and physical incarnation of his steed as Odin. 
Benedikta Harman : Ally of Barnabas and Chief of the Intelligencers. Dominant of Garuda. 
Hugo Kupka : Economic adviser of Dhalmekian Republic and lover of Benedikta. Dominant of Titan. House Kupka. 
Gav : Cid’s sidekick and scooter. 
Darius Hidgins : Eldest son of the Hidgins. Dyanne’s Shield. House Hidgins. 
Jacob Aryn : Colonel of Waloed's Army. House Aryn.
Bastin Aryn : First heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn. 
Ornela Aryn : Second heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn. 
Anael Aryn : Third heir of the Aryn’. House Aryn. 
Beatrix Hidgins : Darius and Dyanne’s mother. House Hidgins. 
Josiah Hidgins : Darius and Dyanne’s father. House Hidgins. 
Anabella Rosfield : Clive and Joshua’s mother. House Rosfield then Lesage. 
Elwin Rosfield : Archduke of Rosaria. Father of Clive and Joshua. House Rosfield. 
House Rosfield : The Phoenix. Lords and governs Rosaria. Faith of the Eikons. Current head : Clive Rosfield. 
House Lesage : The Dragon. From the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. Governs the same region. Faith of Greagor. Current head : Sylvestre Lesage.
House Hidgins : The Sea Snake. Allies of the Rosfield and has lands in the same regions. Later alleged to Sanbreque. Faith of Leviathan, Eikons. Current head : Josiah Hidgins. 
House Tharmr : The Knight. Possesses Ash and Waloed. Faith of Ultima. Current head : Barnabas Tharmr. 
House Kupka : The Titan. From the Dhalmekian Empire. Current head : Hugo Kupka
House Aryn : The Stag. From Waloed. Faith of Eikons. Military house of Waloed and allies of House Tharmr. 
You can also read this on AO3 by clicking on this link : HERE.
A big thanks to : @damatheirin​ and @aria-lesage​ and my friend Ludrick for their help ! 
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31 years prior 
The great assembly of people that day warmed Archduke Elwin’s heart, whilst his closest friend remained at his side. Young Clive Rosfield, only two years old, hardly remained steady next to the bigger stature of his father. On the other hand, Josiah Hidgins held a babe that was calm and quiet in his arms. A newborn nothing less, a tangible proof of his love for his wife and the fact he had an heir. Darius Hidgins, older than the babe by six years and therefore four by Clive, was trampling as he almost growled due to the bigger amount of noise that surrounded the court at this moment. Small, great folks, nobles, peasants, came to assist at the ceremony that occurred on the sunny summer day the skies blessed them with. 
“Welcome, people of Rosaria. Thou have been invited by House Rosfield to assist at the betrothal of my son, Clive, to the youngest of my dear friend, Dyanne. Our alliance shall strengthen the close bond between our families and soldiers. They shall marry at age, and then conceive an heir to assure their lineage when we will be old and senile.” 
The crowd cheered as Elwin picked up his son to put him on the up-lifted platform, so everyone could see, while Josiah, walked slowly to lay the babe before the very faces of those who stared at the infant’s traits… 
“May the Little Lord and Lady live long and healthy !” chanted the crowd. 
Dyanne stood as she watched her older brother and Clive swung the swords in sounds that’d made any tooth quiver as so disagreeable it was. Ever since her betrothal, the two children had blossomed into magnificent people whose beauties were deeply looked up to, admired even. Yet, Clive was despised by his own mother due to his lack of an Eikon. Whilst, Dyanne, showed signs early on of her being a Dominant. Of water. Leviathan. At first, Anabella attempted to break their arrangement to marry her to Joshua when he was to be of age. However, Elwin strictly refused it. 
Clive had a few friends to begin with. Darius, Jill, Dyanne, but that was it. Would he ever consider Joshua as a friend more than a brother ? Probably never, but all of this day was leading to the moment he’d be given the title of the Phoenix’s Shield. To make amends to his mother, but moreover, to his father who, even if he was proud of his son, endured his wife’s behaviour for his sake. “C’mon, brother!” shouted Darius, ten and nine of age, “show me off your so-said skills that give you so much admiration already!” 
Clive smiled smugly, cracking his joints and replacing his gloves, he dashed until Darius and attempted to peak his side with his wooden sword, which the latter dodged easily. Dyanne clapped in her hands, shouting both for her brother and her fiancé. However, Clive took the occasion, at his answer, to peak to his belly without any harm. 
“Oh, brother ! Are you really deserving of being my Shield if good Clive can beat you without all the training you’ve got from your fellows ?” she joked happily, making Clive laugh heartily, whilst Darius only let an unamused chuckle get out from his lips. 
Young Joshua and Jill came afterwards, sitting calmly next to Dyanne who continued to stare at both young people and her new neighbours. Jill hugged her tightly as Joshua began to cheer for his big brother as well. Making Dyanne’s heart flutter at the mere sound of this. The day was calm and quiet, yet full of excitement for the young people who lived in the castle. 
“Ladies and gentlemen! Shall you two stop this play ? Today is a big day for our new pretender, isn’t, Lord Rosfield ?” asked a man, taller than Clive, but with gentle traits and demeanour. Clive Suddenly stood straight, shoulders backwards, whilst Darius was way more relaxed. Leaning even on his sword’s hold. 
“Very much, yes, I’m in anticipation of our final trial, Lord Commander!” Rodney smiled, before drawing his own wooden blade and jumping above the fence to provoke Clive in his way to his new responsibility. The combat went smoothly, before the steps of chocobos went heard over the court, signaling the arrival of their Lord. 
“Father!” cried Joshua as he ran towards the latter, who picked him up quickly. Elwin walked proudly towards his firstborn, still holding the second. “Thus, Rodney, how has my son done so far ?” 
Rodney kneeled, keeping his face low despite his friendship with the Duke, Out of respect and to show the example to his comrades and lower graded soldiers. Yet, Elwin kindly asked him to get up on his legs, chuckling at the sight. “Unnecessary, truly.” Rodney smiled before answering the Archduke’s question. “This lad goes on very well, my Lord. He proved himself worthy of the Shields.” 
Elwin smiled gently at Clive before grabbing his shoulder proudly, the latter stepping backwards for a bit at the sudden gesture of his father, but nonetheless appreciating every second of it. “Then he shall find me in the throne room. Clive ?” the mere man nodded before agreeing and holding Torgal against him. “Yes, your Grace.”
The Archduke then walked towards his youngest, and his two guests. His future daughter-in-law kindly smiling to him. “How are you three ?” Jill answered she felt great, whilst Joshua jogged around to great his father and make it known he was fine as well. The cough didn’t get the best of him. “Fine, dear stepfather,” she called him. Elwin chuckled at the nickname, making Clive slightly blush when he turned back to hide his disturbance. 
“I shall appreciate this show of affection, Lady Dyanne. It is true, you will become my stepdaughter after Clive reaches his sixteenth spring. About duty, son, I will be waiting for your presence in the throne room, make haste.” Clive shook his head. “Yes, I will go as soon as I may.” 
Elwin departed, whilst Clive quickly followed after a quick talk with Joshua, Jill, and Dyanne. 
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The boy ran almost nervously where his father waited for him. He didn’t want to see his mother, nor did he want to disappoint the only parent that ever looked up to him, at times his mother dismissed every effort he made. Yet, Clive Rosfield was also impatient and grew excited by the events planned on the morrow. He would go to Phoenix’s Gate to assure Joshua ascension, and watch his brother go through the gigantic doors. Bigger than those he was pushing at the moment, walking fast towards him, he then kneeled, which his father laughed about. 
“And you will lick my boots after ? Get on your legs, my boy, your poisonous mother isn’t there.” Clive let a slight sense of relief leave his lips before smiling to his father. Sure, both his sons weren’t troublesome in any ways, but Anabelle appreciated pushing a false fault on her eldest’s back just for the sake of it. “Father, I-… Is Joshua capable of going ? I worry about his health, as a shield but also as a brother, therefore I can’t imagine if anything sorts of as…” 
Elwin stopped him with a hand gesture. “You shall not worry, son, your brother is the Phoenix. None will ever come for him if not salvation as we know it. Just as my dear brother did, Clive. I understand your thoughts, but in these troubled times, worry isn’t required.” 
Clive blinked his eyes twice, trying to understand his father’s words for the better. Although, Elwin noticed his misunderstanding of the matter. “The nations. The Ironblood seems to become… agitated, whilst Waloed remains in conflict with Sanbreque, there’s no sign of us remaining untouched by all of these conflicts for our Mothercrystal. And your brother. I already asked Josiah to prepare his fleet in case of an attack, to limit the passage to our borders. But I know he can’t be everywhere at the same time.” 
Clive looked down to the ground, waiting on his father to pursue, but the latter remained silent. He knew;, Clive didn’t know war personally, but he knew better than his father did. But anxiety rose in his chest as he strengthened his grip to his sword's hold. “Will we have to flee from home in case of an attack?” Elwin shook his head. “No, son. But this something bad occurs, we will move to Hydrean Hill for a while. They can take Rosalith, but Hydrean Hill is surrounded by fleets plus our troops if we do move.” 
Clive sighted, relieved. Though he didn’t want to be elsewhere than home, he admitted openly it had been a time he visited Hydrean Hill and Josiah and Beatrix. “… Will my marriage be delayed in case of war?” Elwin seemed to think for a while, minutes even. But he crossed his fingers between one another and laid it on his chest. “No, it’ll even be turned into a haste. Joshua’s too young to marry and give an heir, and the agreement was the following : you marry Josiah’s sweet daughter and will give a son or a daughter. Therefore, your tender mother shall hope for a Dominant, on the opposite, this time she can’t dismiss the child. Beatrix wouldn’t let her do so.”
Clive smiled. He was nervous. Definitely. Of course, he knew he would have to marry just as he was told since he was an infant, but still. The day came closer and closer, and yet, he felt like a child again. Anxious and agitated. The girl was beautiful, sure, her face was harmonious, and they were excellent friends. Close even. Clive took his time to imagine himself a father for a bit, but, this moment was of short time. His own calling to him. “Dyanne’s on your thoughts, I guess ? Far away from me the idea of being indelicate and… grazing, but none can deny the girl is beautiful, Clive. She grew with you, knows you since you two can walk and talk. She took care of Joshua, a Dominant of none other than Leviathan. Likewise, she’s sweet, caring, daring. This marriage only makes further sense as I explain it, so what’s on your mind that bothers you, son ?” 
Clive twirled his fingers, a shiver running down his spine as his father pronounced his words. He was right, yes. But, was he worthy of her ? Of this woman ? She wouldn’t let him down in any case, and she’d be a wonderful mother… She was a sword wielder, and knew how to take care of herself. But, could he achieve what his father did ? Could he do so well ? “I wonder if I’ll make a good father, the day I become one… Considering how far away I might be because of duty…” 
Elwin laughed again, reassuring his son of his loud and dominant voice. “Be rested, my boy. There’s no babe yet, and you’ll see when the time comes by itself. As far as I know, you haven’t bedded the girl yet, have you? Therefore, no need to accuse further worry. Now, go find a bit of rest before your mother comes back. Say your goodbyes to Jill and Dyanne, wouldn’t you? I’ll stay here if you need me. My boy.” 
Clive became redder again slightly at the thought of bedding sweet Dyanne, but remained collected. “I will, Father. Thank you.” 
He then left. 
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Night fell on Rosalith as she quickly made her way out of her chambers to get on the balcony. She wore her simple gossamer gown, her hair untied and freshly brushed by her ladies. Dyanne walked proudly towards the exterior, catching sight of Clive nearby, she opened her double-windowed doors before stepping outside and letting the cold hair invade her being. Clive turned around, just to see her face, and quickly brushed it off as his gaze remained on her uncovered shoulders. 
Of course, she was about to become his wife, his beloved as planned, but did it mean to become perverse ? No, absolutely not. He could not bear shame and disrespect to his childhood friend. His eyes had already caught the slight forms of her curves drawn through the fabric, and that was already enough to him. “I’m sorry, I was passing by, and I didn’t think I would wake you up, my Lady.” Dyanne gently shook her head, walking closer to Clive. She found it cute how he changed his sight to the pillar instead of her. To not look. 
“You did nothing, dearest Clive. I was awake, more precisely about to go to bed. You’re no bother. Mostly if we’re about to share a bed someday.” Clive smiled gently, before removing his jacket from his shoulders to place it smoothly on Dyanne’s shoulder. The brunette held it strong, humming the fragrance that escaped from it. “I wouldn’t want the Lady I’ll share a bed with to catch a cold. Have you been well ? We haven’t seen each other since my meeting with my father.” 
“It is true, how did it go?” Clive seemed to reflect on the question for a bit, finding his answers as Dyanne’s bright red eyes struck onto his. He liked the shades of red, but what captivated his blue orbs was the glow that was in it. Hypnotizing. “Fine, we talked about tomorrow. Yet, the shapes of war drawing nearer and nearer to our borders and what awaits us if something triggers it. I just wish the best for our safety to all. Father said our marriage would be in a haste if such occurs. Does that bother you, my Lady ?” she shook her head immediately. 
So fast, she thought she’d almost make it seem weird. Dyanne always held good feelings for Clive. Well, tender feelings even. But, she didn’t know if that was reciprocated even for one bit. Therefore, she never let a word slip. But the simple thought of marrying him, made her heart flutter furthermore. “No, no, dear, no. I am beyond happy we’ll become the pillars of our family bond. Though I… wondered many times how you felt about being wedded to me.” 
Clive opened his mouth in a perfect “o” shape. He never thought she’d think about this question. Even further, that he’d come to question this. How he felt ? That was a good question. Evidently, he held her in high regard and would not put their union in perspective. If not, he would've talked to his father about the matter a while ago already. But Clive being Clive, sure he wouldn’t question it. But this, made him. 
There was no negative about this. “I don’t feel any resentment or else, if you’d wonder. My Lady. I don’t feel forced. I hope I’ll just make a good spouse and Father to…” she chuckled. “The heir ? Don’t be so bothered by it, Dear Clive. It is only a part of a marriage. My mother always told me women’s battlefields were in the chambers and not on soils sinned by blood.” 
Clive smiled kindly, before feeling the arms of Dyanne wrapping around his torso. He stepped back, yet not removing the girl from his chest. That was agreeable, he couldn’t deny. Yet, embarrassment filled him up. She smelled like vanilla with hits of strawberry. He hummed her smooth curly hair, before she raised her face to his. “Don’t straighten yourself, you’ll get hurt. If you are so shy hugging me, how we’ll do when the time comes to conceive that heir we talk about so much ?” 
He blushed furiously, before pouting a bit in his cheeks. “It’s not the same thing…! My duty as a man, and my own actions, aren’t to be mixed up…” he continued to become redder and redder, making Dyanne laugh at the same occasion. “In case, my dear, you should get used to having hands on me to prepare yourself.” Clive furrowed, not sure whether he understood. “This is perverse to me, to touch you without being wed.” 
She shook her head negatively. “Have I talked about perversion ? An embrace would not hurt anybody, even less cause an illegitimate child whatsoever. Before any duties, you are my friend. And knowing my friend will go to Phoenix’s Gate for days long, I will linger from your presence for as long you’re gone. There’s no perversion in this gesture, or please, do not see it as such, it is only a loving embrace I give you.” 
Clive was stunned, before feeling his lips curling upwards and shyly putting his hands on her shoulders to return the movement she did. He held her close at first, but then she made a step back before waving him goodbye and getting back into her room. 
“Sweet dreams, my Lady.” 
Next Chapter : HERE. 
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