team-harmonic · 2 hours
Why not turn your region into a second Orre and get rid of all the wild pokemon completely? Once you eradicate those species on your list, the ones you leave are going to turn into problems due to overpopulation and/or overpredation. Then you'll be doing a lot more killing just to keep population numbers in check, and you won't truly have accomplished your goal because then you'll have a whole new set of problems created from the ones you tried to fix.
I swear to fucking god.
Can you read that? Can any of you read that? Good god, the moment you people disagree with someone you lose all ability to understand the words they're saying.
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 3 hours
So once the all the species on your list are eradicated, what are you going to do about the ecosystem being thrown out of balance?
Because if it's out of balance, the pokemon that you don't consider problems are gonna BECOME problems pretty quickly.
If you had been keeping up with posts, you'd know we're not eradicating ALL of those Pokemon, only some of the mentioned lines. You'd also know a major part of the research we're doing is ARTIFICIALLY balancing the ecosystem. That's the biggest part of the goal.
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 4 hours
Yes mimikyu can be considered dangerous, if using that criteria; however, from what I know it is a very quiet Pokémon. It may confuse people if you classify anything dangerous as a sound type, and make you seem unhinged. You may have more luck if you went with "sound type and hazardous Pokémon" instead of identifying quiet Pokémon as sound type just because of them being dangerous.
Unless if you have a different criteria for sound type other than just being loud and making too much noise.
If you had read ANY of the liturature we've wrote you would KNOW that sound type is not a battle type and specifically describes Pokemon that are nuisances, dangerous, or sick. That's why we called the list a list of sound type Pokemon.
- Admin Mynnie
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team-harmonic · 5 hours
Tumblr media
Made this helpful list for anyone interested in poison types :)
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team-harmonic · 5 hours
How about instead of offing entire Pokémon, you offer other regions to give em a proper home? I’ll gladly take care of a few fairy type “sound” types! I can handle even the rowdiest of ‘em!
agate, of (@pomme-academy-official)
You want to take an entire ecosystem worth of Pokemon? Yeah, ok. I admire your confidence in hundreds and hundreds (possibly thousands) of Pokemon.
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 16 hours
Tweaking out over the furries that hate on us for considering Zoroark a dangerous species
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 22 hours
Greetings, Professor Beatrix, was it?
As a fellow executive of a group people default to calling "evil," I sympathize with your situation, and from what I can tell, your motives are selfless, at least in theory...
But I must ask, is the eradication of whole species of Pokemon truly necessary? Would it not be better to spread awareness of the issue peacefully, try to accommodate rather than destroy?
Looking forward to pleasant correspondence with you and your team members,
Darrin Scintiller
OOC: // Fellow evil team leader spotted, I'm intrigued 👀 You should know, darrin talks a big talk but his goals are far less noble than Beatrix's seem to be
Hello, Leader Darrin
I appreciate how politely you've approached eith your question.
Is the eradication on an entire species necessary? In my opinion, yes.
Firstly, this was not our main goal. We are a glorified legal team for the people. Origionally, our goals started out with passing laws and ordinances to keep the peace. Our most famous example would be the ban on pokemon battles outside of designated spaces.
This goal is something that is much more recent and in the works. The list is indeed full of Pokemon that are not good for the world in some capacity, but we can't hope to safely remove them all. For many, we will ban imports and exports of these Pokemon, and will not allow some of them to be owned or battled with.
For the ones we do eradicate: Our biggest part of this goal is doing this safely and efficiently. This may mean planting many more berry trees and the like near old habitats for predators to munch on, and encouraging folks to catch their old prey Pokemon so they don't get out of hand.
Think of these Pokemon as invasive species. They are dangerous to other Pokemon, people, and the environment. There is a way to safely eradicate them, and there are valid reasons to do so
If you have anymore questions feel free to reach out. If you'd like to collaborate on something in the future, our DMs are always open.
- Professor Beatrix
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team-harmonic · 23 hours
How is mimikyu a sound type? What did they do?
"There will be no forgiveness for any who reveal that it was pretending to be Pikachu. It will bring the culprit down, even at the cost of its own life."
"A gust of wind revealed what hides under this Pokémon’s rag to a passing Trainer, who went home and died painfully that very night."
1. Very very mentally ill
2. So INCREDIBLY dangerous
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 1 day
Can I suggest the Hatterene line? For danger, specifically. My cousin was hurt bad because he was trying to go through a forest they lived in during his gym challenge. He was excited to get to the next town… next thing you know… well, that line doesn’t like anyone experiencing emotions anywhere near them.
A FANTASTIC SUGGESTION!!! Yes, I'll talk to V about adding that to the list!!!
Apperantly, Professor Beatrix said we can only have so many species on the list. Otherwise, our goals will be unreachable. WHATEVERRRR but! I believe she said ten lines of Pokemon can be chosen!
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 1 day
How on earth does the deino line have comparable qol impaiments to the Galar fossils. Genuinely. They would fit more in danger with how hyper aggressive hydreigon is,
"They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered in wounds."
"Their two heads will fight each other over a single piece of food. Zweilous are covered in scars even without battling others."
"It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!"
Deino and Hydreigon are both more dangerous than sick, true. Zweilous, however, is the Pokemon that came to mind while making the list. By simply living their lives, they are destined to always be unhappy. I don't think we should continue breeding and owning these Pokemon. The entire line is sound-type in some way.
- Admin V
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team-harmonic · 1 day
Team…. Yell. The people who’s whole thing is. Loudly disrupting everyone’s gym challenge… uh. Okay. You’re just like team yell? You’re really going with that one?
It was an example of a team that uses a similar structure to "evil teams." Name another well-known team that uses the same structure and isn't evil.
- Admin V
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team-harmonic · 1 day
... What if these Pokémon you're trying to 'eradicate' are, like, essential to their environment and ecosystem? If they get wiped, the entire food chain and food web might collapse.
We have a team of scientists led by Professor Beatrix to make sure this doesn't happen!!! Besides, not every Pokemon on that list will be removed from its environment. Many of them will simply be banned from being owned by trainers in Silonus!
- Admin Mynnie
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team-harmonic · 1 day
You mean the Pokemon that is singlehandedly keeping SEVERAL ecosystems alive??
While it may not end up on the final list, it's truly a dangerous Pokemon that people should be wary of. You know, it can transform into anything it sees in front of it. The only thing more dangerous than that is all of Zoroark's illusion magic.
- Admin V
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team-harmonic · 1 day
Are y'all the hoa
The homeowners acossiation???? No???
- Admin Vanny
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team-harmonic · 1 day
maybe if you didn’t want to be clowned upon by people you should have, I don’t know, not made a public rotomblr account?
Have you considered that everyone is allowed on Rotomblr, and you should gatekeep an entire social media website? You don't even live in our region.
- Admin V
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team-harmonic · 1 day
If you’re so dedicated to “bringing peace” why do you have the leader-admin and team (name) structure that’s used by terrorists and the mafia and cults? Genuinely asking. Like. Do you think that’s going to gain you any favor? The only reason you’re allowed to function is because your leader is a professor and you mask your intent in a thin facade of the greater good that anyone who’s eyes aren’t clouded can see through. /Plasma/ had a better veneer of goodness than you and they told people to release their Pokémon.
We use that structure because of the way our corporation works. We're a very large non-profit, and everyone knows the leader-admin-grunt structure. I don't acossiate it only with evil teams. Think Team Yell from Galar!
- Admin Mynnie
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team-harmonic · 1 day
I’m fifteen, actually, and yet somehow a better and smarter person than all of you grown ass adults, considering my whole goal is to learn as much as I can about Pokémon who are misunderstood and thought to be dangerous just because people don’t know how to interact with them, so piss off and die if you don’t want to “be mean” to a kid
[Ask deleted]
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