#harland manor
moviesandmania · 2 months
THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE Reviews of stylish haunted house classic
Buy framed canvas poster: Amazon.co.uk ‘For the sake of your sanity, pray it isn’t true!’ The Legend of Hell House is a 1973 British supernatural horror film directed by John Hough (Twins of Evil; Incubus; American Gothic) from a screenplay by author Richard Matheson (The Devil Rides Out; I Am Legend; The Incredible Shrinking Man), based on his own novel Hell House. The movie stars Pamela…
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Summer H. Howell
May 22, 2004
American actress
Sarah Ann [Harland Manor: 2021]
Grace [Clouds: 2020]
Copper [Heart Wired: 2014]
Alice [Curse of Chucky: 2013]
brunette/ dark blonde
blue eyes
playable: child, teenager
Icons: Clouds
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
With a Warrior by My Side | Freya and Edmund
The Wildlands were a pleasant place for a walk. With all that had been going on recently Freya hadn’t been getting out there nearly as much, and after a few visits to the Black Manor to talk pastries and musical instruments- and make Eddie blush every time she brushed his hand with hers- she had declared that today she simply had to get out. Harland had his strength back enough that she wasn’t worried, and it wasn’t as if Eddie had to ask anyone for permission. 
So that was where they found themselves this afternoon, meandering through the quiet of the trees. They’d stopped for a bite to eat from some of the supplies Eddie had brought along, but they walked with no particular plan. Freya wasn’t out here to visit the Wolves, not today, it was just nice to be somewhere that felt like home. She knew every avenue and twist of the forrest like the back of her hand, so they could wander without getting lost, and she was happy to let Eddie lead the way whenever he got distracted by a pretty plant or some animal tracks he wanted to follow.
As for Freya, she’d taken the chance to gather some herbs and such to re-stock her healing kit- after tending to Balthazar’s injuries from the explosion, she was in real need. But whiile they stood on the edge of a clearing, Eddie chattering about a particular flower and its uses in baking, she felt the air go very still. The birds quieted, and Freya too, put a finger to her lips in a shushing gesture. 
All at once; a branch snapped, Freya unsheathed the dagger from her hip, and a figure came out of the trees behind Eddie. She launched herself at the assailant, throwing them both hard against a tree and grabbing their head in both her hands to knock it against the trunk again, so they slumped to the floor. She’d barely turned when another had her shoulder in their grip, “Eddie-” Her head snapped to the side, absorbing the impact of a strike to her jaw, “don’t panic.” He’d probably hidden himself by now, which would be for the best. She could see a tie around the wrist of her attacker, and it were Fox clan colours. 
If they snagged the pouch of gold on her belt, Freya didn’t care none, but they couldn’t hurt Eddie, and with Foxes you could never be sure if money would satisfy them. She threw an elbow back and they both tumbled to the floor, rolling for a while, each of them trying to gain the upper hand. He was big, but Freya was quicker, and she managed to pin him to the ground eventually.
There was a third, she’d heard their steps earler, but now they’d retreated into the trees. She didn’t like that. No way they’d just sloped away and left their clan mates behind. “Eddie.” Freya called out again, a bit louder, “you alright?” 
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shymelody · 2 years
A Boy and a Man and a Crepe Tower || Edmund&Balthazar
Surely Edmund could be making music, playing any instrument that he just got his hands to, or he could be roaming in the forest or reading a book - or pretty much anything else but what he was doing now. He was making crepes. Once again. Usually he made them few times a month, though lately he often had been taking them to Freya and Harland, but now he was making them just for the people in Black Manor.
He literally had gone overboard with the size of the crepe dough as he had used two bottles of milk instead of just one, so it would take a while to cook them all, but it was going to be worth it. Especially as Edmund wasn’t quite sure what time Balthazar would be back or if he even would be back today. Either way, even if Balthazar would be back tomorrow he would still have crepes to eat and that was the goal - to have crepes for everyone.
Horus was half asleep next to Edmund’s feet as Edmund kept working around the stove. Dough on the frying pan, flip once golden brown, cook the other side for a nice color and then put the wonderfully brown crepe on the plate until you have a huge tower of crepes.
At this point Edmund’s pile of crepes was about three inches high but there was at least half of the dough left and a tiny sigh escaped from his lips as he looked down to Horus. “I might have underestimated the power of this dough..” Horus glanced up to him and let out a huff which made Edmund chuckle. “I should’ve listened you and made the dough with just one bottle and not two. But.. I’m going to make all of these. Even if I’d be standing here until the nightfall.” Horus let out another huff. “Okay, okay, it won’t be taking that long. Right now it feels like I’ve already stood here for hours and have hours to go. But once the whole tower of crepes will be done this all is going to be worth the time.” He smiled at the dog and turned his attention back to the cooking crepe making sure not to let it get too brown, or even worse, burn it. That’d be horrible.
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My W.I.P.s
Vladmire had founded Haven's Nook under the idea of creating a place for other Supernatural folks to build a community. A home of their own, even. It was a place to raise their own families without fear of being chased or lynched.
And, centuries later, that's exactly what it has become. Between the local werewolf pack and witch coven, there is no safer place for the supernatural. There was little capable of threatening their peace.
That is until Vlad's family finally finds him. His parents and siblings have decided to visit Haven's Nook. Their excuse? His long term lover, Aerin, has finally proposed.
Now Vlad must ensure his family does not destroy his home and life's work while planning his own nuptials.
Main Characters:
Vladmire Skoll (Vampire; Founder of Haven's Nook)
Prince Aerin (Fae Prince)
Side Characters:
Arthur and Damien McClellan (The Vampire twins)
Craig Ethan (Alpha Werewolf)
Aaron Stevens (Craig's 2nd in Command)
Tabitha and Sean Schmidt (Werewolf Couple)
Russell Kwiatkowski (Tabitha's Human Nephew)
Meredith Lusk (Spiritual Leader; Coven Leader)
Telly Migdal and Charmaigne Bolvick (Witch Cousins)
Stand Alone Novel
Urban Fantasy; Romance; LGBT+
Currently being Written
The Dragon's Suitors
Weylan, the current Settlement Dragon of Sylian, has five suitors. Becoming a Settlement Dragon's Spouse is a great honor after all. And now it is time for Weylan to choose her own.
Main Characters:
Weylan Drake
The 5 Suitors:
Catherine- Local Baron's Daughter
Iris- Son of the advisor for the Local Duke
Vesper- Renowned Blacksmith
Astor- Heir Apparent
Tildy- The King's Bastard
Stand Alone Novel
Fantasy; Romance; LGBT+
Currently being Written
Into the Black Forest
One hundred years ago, a witch was chased into the deep, dark wood after the villagers assumed she cursed them. The curse never lifted and now, the newly knighted Amos will venture into the Black Forest after the witch. If she's lucky, she will kill the crone and finally break the curse.
However, she can honestly say she wasn't expecting a small cottage surrounded by a beautiful garden. Or the beautiful young woman taking care of it all.
Main Characters:
Amos Plume- The Knight
Harland- The Witch
Standalone Novel/ Short Story (Undecided as of yet)
Fantasy; LGBT+; Romance;
The Planning Stages
Crowning the Princess (Working Title)
Princess Chalice, First in line for the throne; Only child to Queen Consort Lita; The Royal Family's Genius.
Chalice has three younger half siblings to her father, the King, and his Concubines. She's never resented them, they are her siblings. They didn't choose to be born, after all. While she's always been polite to them she has never really associated with them. And they've never had reason to seek her out either.
But then, Ellen, the oldest of her siblings, starts stepping into Chalice's role where she has no reason to be.
Mild mannered and quiet, Chalice may be, a pushover she is not. As the first in line and eldest, Chalice must put Ellen, as well as her mother Elizabeth, in their places. All while dealing with her own marriage negotiations.
Main Characters
Princess Chalice
Duke Elias Pace
Side Characters
King Ida
Queen Consort Lita
1st Concubine Elizabeth
Princess Ellen
2nd Concubine Judith
Prince Victor
3rd Concubine Beth
Princess Adelaide
Standalone Novel
Fantasy; Romance; Drama
The Planning Stages
Delphine had been thirteen when her younger sister, Cressida, was born. From the get go, her family easily began comparing every facet of Delphine to her infant sister. Their parents leaving less and less room for her as time went on and Cressida grew. Eventually, as she came of age, Delphine chose a lackluster arranged marriage in favor of staying anywhere near her birth family.
Her time in Atria manor was not particularly the best, but the staff respected her and she did have a few friends to call her own. Her brother-in-law Percival included, even if he did leave for war.
But twelve years since she last had a single bit of contact from her birth family, Cressida has sent her a letter demanding to be taken in and going as far as to show up unannounced. Just in time for Percival to return from the warfront.
Main Characters
Delphine Atria
Percival Atria
Side Characters (Currently)
Mason Atria
Cressida Lowry
Standalone Novel/ Short Story
Fantasy; Victorian Themed; Romance; Drama
The Planning/ Scribbling Stage
The Twins
Jistor moves from the Mage's Tower, following her twin brother, Isidor to the capital with his lover, Charles. Isidor is also entering his apprenticeship with the Royal Mage. She knows he will be amazing. He always is.
Meanwhile, Charles provides her with all the knowledge and training she could possibly want. And then some. Including pressing his niece to teach Jistor how to survive Court Life even with her surly attitude.
Main Characters
Jistor- MC
Isidor- Her twin Brother
Charles the Lion- Isidor's BF
Side Characters
Sylvia- the Niece
Beau- Isidor's Rival/Friend Apprentice
Remy- The Prince
Richard- The King
Liselle- Queen Consort
Victoria- Richard's Sister
Lindor- The Royal Mage
Xander- Charles' Older brother, Sylvia's Father
Tabitha- Xander's Wife, Sylvia's Mother
"Your magic always picks the best time to fail."
Siblings being awesome together
Falling and getting back up no matter what.
Standalone Novel or Short Story
Fantasy, LGBT, Family, Found Family
Currently being written
Welcome to Space, Dear
Madeline had been a soldier for most of her life, in private security for another large chunk, and now she is leaving Earth behind to live in the colonies with her girlfriend, Jules. Madeline doesn't know much about living in space, but she is sure Jules will teach her what she needs to know.
Main Characters
Madeline Marsac- MC, Human, Earther
Jules 'JJ' Jones- LI, Altered Human, Spacer
Side Characters
Sizzle- Alien, Living Star
Bentley- Human, Spacer
Andrea- Altered Human, Spacer
Standalone Novel/ Short Story
Scifi, Romance, Slice of Life, LGBT,
The Planning Stage
See You Soon
Ira's Life from the moment he meets Barnaby, until they meet again.
Main Characters
Ira- MC, Elf
Barnaby- LI, Half-Troll
Aloysius- Ira's little Brother, Elf
The (half)Troll is the hero!
Homicidal Elves!
A love that never dies.
Standalone Short Story
Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Tragedy, War
The Planning Stage
Drank Last Night
Jodi drinks to forget. Also because she can. It's not like she's hurting anyone; she doesn't drink and drive or do drugs. But then her work starts suffering. Her friendships are struggling. She has very little to look forward to. When she ends up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning, she is forced to go to a program and counseling.
Main Characters
Jodie- MC
Side Characters
Astrid- Her Childhood Friend
Keegan- Her College friend
Remy- Group Counsel Friend
Shiloh- Her Group Counsel Friend
Standalone Novel
Drama, Found Family, Recovery,
Triggers: Alcohol/ Substance abuse and Withdrawal, Mental Health Issues
The Planning Stage
The Witch Doctor
Rodney is the local medicine woman, or witch doctor depending on who you ask. She has given up many opportunities to continue serving her charges.
But they've started taking her for granted in the face of a charming snake oil merchant. It doesn't help that they're also her sister-in-law. That's another issue though.
Discouraged, Rodney chooses to take some time off to go visit a neighboring village per her younger brother's suggestion. While there, She meets a stoic former War Mage, Deacan. Despite his grim demeanor, he is still a kind soul. So she brings him home with her when she returns.
Main Characters
Rodney- MC, Medicine Witch
Deacan- LI, Former Way Mage
Side Characters
Nickolas- Younger Brother
Lucas- Nick's Husband, Brother in Law
Lilian- Lucas's Twin, Sister in Law
Standalone Short Story
Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life
Currently Scribbling
Prison! In Space!
Peyton made a mistake. And now her sister is also paying for it.
Shenanigans in space prison.
Main Characters
Peyton- MC, Human
Casey- Little Sister, Human
Ell- LI, Alien
Standalone collections of silly stories
WARNING: This story will not be serious!
Scifi, Comedy, Romance
Started scribbling
Seers Eyes
Street kid Dahlia is brought in for fist fighting in the streets. Detective Nicks is entrusted with her case. But Dahlia is not just some street kid. She's the local convent's Seer. She's run away.
Main Characters
Richard Nicks- MC, Detective
Dahlia- Seer, Runaway
Standalone Short story
Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Drama, Tragedy
The Planning Stage
Cog of Time
Victoire accidently stumbles into a magic circle. She gets sent back to the turn of the century and found by a down and out, yet very kind, young man named, Clarence.
Magic is outlawed for anyone not employed by the royal family. Victoire must figure out how to get home without getting Clarence thrown in jail or worse. If she decides to go back at all.
Main Characters
Victoire- MC, Elf
Clarence- LI, Human
Nadine- Clarence's Little Sister, Human
Standalone Short Story
Victorian Themed Fantasy, Romance, Drama
The Planning Stage
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For the ask game!!
🤡, 🎶, and 🍦
🤡, 🛒, ⛔ and 🏆
I saw that you sent another ask before I could sit down and answer the first one (sorry about that!), so I thought I’d put all of them in one answer. 😁
From this ask game:
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
In “The Third Night of Solstice” [my Secret Santa Elucien fic], Lucien brings Elain to the old manor to spend the evening with the Band of Exiles, when this happens:
“Come on. I’d like for you to meet the Band of—”
“Bastard!” Vassa shouted from the next room.
Lucien and Elain exchanged shocked looks, then he closed his eyes as he heard Jurian yelp. It was going to be one of those evenings, he realized with a grimace.
He made it to the parlor doorway and found Jurian defending himself from a furious Vassa, each armed only with a ruffled throw pillow.
Before Lucien could say anything, Vassa hurled it at Jurian’s head and cried, “You inconsiderate son of a—”
“Vassa,” Jurian warned, then ducked behind his cushion as the other bounced off it and onto the floor. The rug was littered with ruffled pillows.
“Pig!” she shrieked, yanking off her slipper.
Jurian lowered the pillow as he noticed Lucien standing in the doorway to groan, “Finally! Lu, tell her what you—” His brown eyes widened as Elain appeared at Lucien’s elbow.
Vassa turned, blue eyes blazing, then her mouth fell open as she dropped her shoe. “Oh…”
Vassa was so much fun to write, and her banter with Jurian just made me smile.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Like you, I love to use ambient mixer for my work! My tried and true favorites are “Resting in the Spring Court” for gentle scenes and “Walking on Stars” for mystical scenes (without the strange vinyl noise, though). I like that the channels can be customized either by muting them, making them quieter or louder, or even how often they repeat.
If there’s one song I would have to choose for repeat listenings, though, it would be “After You” by Louise Dowd and Shelley Harland. I grew up on Easy Listening music, and this song just hits the right chord for my yearning, angsty fics.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
My Brilin Solstice one-shot “A Winter Court Tradition” takes the cake on that one: it’s all about kissing under the mistletoe, and that’s it. Pure fluff. ❤️ 
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I actually had a conversation with someone about this the other day! I don’t know my work well enough to talk about overall themes yet (it’s hard to be objective), but maybe it’s finding love in unexpected places. I’ll think about that one.
Certain character types do make a reappearance, though. For example, in both ACOFAE and my original WIP novel, I have a set of twins as side characters (my best friends growing up were twins), and there’s often a large family dynamic in the story, whether it’s found family or they’re related by blood.
Nature also plays a big part in the stories I tell, and I enjoy describing the scenery. (I grew up in a rural area with all four seasons and a wide open sky where I could see the stars at night. I miss that.)
I’ve noticed that I always have characters invoking a higher power in my work (growing up in a religious household will have that effect, I suppose), and it wasn’t until later on in ACOFAE that I realized that Feyre was raised to be an atheist, and I don’t know how to write atheists, haha.
I could go on, but I think that’s a good start. 😊
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? and: 🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
I answered those here, but the short answers are “Yes, but only kind of”, and ACOFAE!
Thanks for the questions! I had fun with these. 😊
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benhines · 2 years
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The Keys of the Locke family are a variety of magical keys that are found hidden throughout the Locke family home, Keyhouse Manor. The original Keys were crafted by Benjamin Locke during the eighteenth-century Revolutionary War. After Benjamin, many more keys were made by others, including: Harland and Tyler Locke, even Hans Riffel.
These keys are very cool and the designs look very nice and have interesting stories behind them for example;
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The Alpha Key was the first key created by Tyler Locke, made from the Whispering Iron in the fishing lure given to him by his father, Rendell Locke.
The Whispering Iron that would become the Alpha Key originally came from a demon through the Black Door in 1988 at the same time as Dodge. While Dodge was able to find a host in Lucas Caravaggio, another demon was unable to find one and thus turned into Whispering Iron.
After the deaths of Luke, Kim Topher, and Mark Cho, as well as the mental disabilities inflicted on Erin Voss, Rendell Locke went back into the Drowning Cave and found the Whispering Iron. He attempted to melt it away, but was left with a small amount that he couldn't destroy. Due to the magic of the Riffel Rule, Rendell forgot the origin of the metal, and eventually made it into a fishing lure that he would pass to his son, Tyler Locke.
When Tyler learned about the history of his father and his friends by using the Timeshift Key, Tyler requested help from Duncan Locke to teach him how to work metal.
After Tyler was accidentally shot by the partner of Daniel Mutuku, he was brought to the Mending Cabinet, where he spoke with an apparition of his father. Rendell told Tyler that he "can and can't save someone who has been infected", and that "keys turn both ways", giving Tyler the inspiration for the Alpha Key.
Tyler hiding the Alpha Key in his hat.
While Duncan held back the shadows, Tyler went to the foundry and forged the key. He went down to the Drowning Cave, and used the Key on the possessed Scot Kavanaugh, killing the demon inside him, turning it to Whispering Iron inside Scot's body. Scot's life was prolonged as he wore the Hercules Key, and Tyler used the Alpha Key on another possessed student, saving her from the demon but killing her immediately. Tyler left the Alpha Key in the girl's chest as he left to pursue Dodge. It was taken by Jamal Saturday, who gave it to Scot after the group returned to the surface. Scot used it to save Jackie Veda, and after removing the Hercules Key, the two died.
Tyler later summons Dodge once again in the body of Lucas Caravaggio using the Echo Key. Wanting to free Lucas' soul from Dodge, Tyler uses the Alpha Key on him, killing Dodge once and for all and separating Lucas' soul from that of the demon's so that he can finally have peace.
this story is quite interesting, and it definitely intrigues the reader/watcher, which makes me think maybe the backstory of your key is just as important as the design of your key, with both the design drags in the reader/watcher and the story keeps them there which is something I will take into a count when creating mine.
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silurisanguine · 3 years
Thief 4 Timeline
After various discussion on discord i decided to try and create a timeline for Thief, that might help explain when the Gloom started, what happened to Garrett etc. Doing so has helped somewhat and i'll lay out my theories and head-canons from it in another post. Feel free to use this for your fics, research etc as all information is readily available, i just collated the news articles, Moira reports and various letters.
The City uses a similar date system to the US system, so month first, then day, then year. N - Newspaper/ L - Letter/ J- journal
Previous Years events of note
10 20 NRy808 J- Harland Northcrest gives title and power to his son Elias. 8 4 NRy812 J - Harland Northcrest dies. 5 11 NRy814 J - Elias Northcrest creates The Awakened secret society to harness The Primal's power. 2 22 Nry830 J- Elias writes about how belief in the Old Gods are stifling progress. 5 14 NRy830 - CLOCK TOWER STOPS AGAIN! N - work stops once more, rumours of haunting. 11 29 NRy831 J - One of the ancient Keeper books is discovered by Elias. 10 19 Nry834 J - Elias starts on power system that originally was to start in The Keep, where the primal stone would be contained by The Great Safe. 11 05 NRy834 - NO OLD GODS FOR THE NEW CITY! N - Northcrest tours Dayport demolition of chapels. 4 12 NRy839 J- Elias finds his half brother Aldous. 1 30 NRy840 J - Elias's wife Vivian lets slip Elias plan to use primal energy to power automatons. Elias plans to get rid of her.
Year NRy841
5 27 Nry841 N - Star of Audale necklace placed in Audale bank after owner lady Abigail Hudnall dies in a blaze at her ancestral home.
6 20 NRy841 - Garrett and Erin go to Northcrest Manor to steal Primal Stone. Accident happens. 6 20 NRy841 - Garrett's seemingly dead body probably dumped for Queen's Beggars to find
6 21 NRy841 TREASON! N -About the heist gone wrong/ritual accident made to look like an attack on Northcrest.
6 23 NRy841 PATIENT ADMITTED J - Erin arrives at Moira. broken bones and abrasions. Arrived drugged and unconscious, Drs instructed to keep her that way due to violent tendencies. No mention of any other patient admitted at same time. If Garrett had been there brought with her, there would have been mention of him in the admittance journal.
7 02 NRy841 NORTHCREST UNBOWED!N - Northcrest makes rare public appearance to denounce 'attack' on him. His wife is noted absent again. 7 9 NRy841 TRANSFER REQUEST J- Dr Stedmann wants Erin transferred to prison level.
7 14 NRy841 - Elias commits his brother Aldous (Orion) to Moira Asylum for speaking out against the use of Primal energy.
8 24 NRy841 - MESS HALL DISTURBANCE J - Erin causes disturbance with Dr Steadmann enough for Dr Huntfield to suggest he'll take control of her. At some point Aldous finds out about Erin and plans to take her. This might have been that point.
9 3 NRy841 - PATIENT TRANSFER J- Erin to undergo procedure in room3f
9 12 NRy841 REPORT PROGRESS J - Erin moved from women's ward
9 28 NRy841 - Elias Northcrest finds out he is sterile due to close contact with Primal energy. He has also aged rapidly due to it.
10 15 NRy841 - REPORT:AGGRESSION J - patient next to Erin shows increased aggression. Erin now in lower ward.
11 9 NRy841 REPORT PATIENT 18 J - Notes on Erin, when not drugged , screaming about voices and demanding someone WAKEUP!
Year NRy842
2 12 NRy842- ABSENCE L- A doctor starting to change from Erin's influence
3 14 NRy842 HUNTFIELD'S ILLNESS L- Huntfield showing physical signs of becoming an eventual Freak.
3 17 NRy842 HEADACHES-L Headaches getting worse report by nurse when near Erin.
4 27 NRy842 - INCREASED AGGRESSION J - All patients showing aggression in presence of Erin. stopped when she was moved to Reformation wing.
5 17 NRy842 THE ARCHIVIST J-(patient 31) patient 31 gets moved away from patient Watchman.
5 21 NRy842 ACTIVITY LOG J - Northcrest visits Erin.
5 22 NRy842 ACTIVITY LOG J- something happens. activity log cut short on this day. ( Is this when the riot happens?)
5 27 NRy842 J- Elias Northcrest mentions Huntfield being lost in the Riots and the Primal (aka Erin) taken. Also mentions trying to harness Primal through shard contained under his mansion and failing at it. 5 22/6 03 ? NRy842 - At some point between these two times Garrett starts waking up when Gloom first starts.
6 03 NRy842 WHO WATCHES THE WATCH HOUNDS? N -( 'After the recent livestock culls, due to the suspicious citywide sickness'. First mention of livestock cull and first mention of The Gloom.
6 20 NRy842 THE BENEFITS OF STRICT CURFEW N - (The lockdown of The City's streets, due to The Gloom spreading.)
6 20 NRy842 - Garrett fully awakens and is brought back to The City and to him it's as if no passage of time has happened until he finds out later a whole year has passed with no memory of it. Garrett goes to Foundry to steal Cornelius ring. ( As lore states one whole year has passed since the accident and Garrett manages to be brought inside the City before the city gates are shut for lockdown.)
6 21 NRy842 LOCKDOWN! N ( gloom causing stricter curfew and a lockdown.)
6 22 NRy842 THE NEW WATCH LAWS AND YOU! N - mention of gloom and curfew. Hangings seem to happen outside curfew as citizens are told they should attend them.
6 24 NRy842 CARNIVAL BOAT HIGH AND DRY N - Vittori's boat gets impounded at the Docks. He hides out in The Siren's Rest as the Watch are looking for him for unpaid taxes. 6 25 NRy842 BEWARE OF OVER-ACTIVE IMAGINATIONS! N -('Following the disturbance at the Moira Asylum several months ago.') Talk of people spotting Freaks in the sewers around Riverside. Mention of riots in Moira several months previous - when Orion escaped and took Erin with him. 6 26 NRy842 BREAK-IN! N - Report on break-in at Foundry that happened some days ago.
6 28 NRy842 CHARLATAN REMEDIES! N- No cure for The Gloom but Troy's Tonic mentioned as only viable treatment available even though there are other remedies being touted around. 'The City Watch reminds citizens that folk remedies and religious rituals are strictly forbidden by law. "Doesn't matter if you're paying a 'priest' of the old gods or buying herbal tea, it's a night in the stocks all the same.'
6 30 NRy842 BLACKHANDS OF RIVERSIDE! N - After the closure of the Docks, the Eelbiters Gang take over riverside and claim to protect it . 6 30 NRy842 - Garrett goes to Erin's Mill then The House of Blossoms.
7 03 NRy842 TURN NOT TO PROTEST! N - Protests and Graven
7 06 NRy842 MANHUNT! N-Graven Jacob's arrest and torture to try and find Orion.
7 07 NRy842 Garrett goes to find Basso and loots the Great Safe, surviving the destruction of The Keep.
7 08 NRy842 RIOTS IN DAYPORT! N- Report on Graven attack Dayport and The Keep. 7 08 NRy842 L - Elias Northcrest fires all his staff at his mansion.
7 09 NRy842 FIRES OF REVOLUTION! N- newspaper changes sides to support Graven. Reporter Regina Trent announces change.
7 14 NRy842 - Garrett goes to Moira Asylum. Then straight after heads to Northcrest Manor to question Baron Northcrest himself about where Erin is. Surviving the collapsing of Audale Bridge, Garrett stocks up and heads to the Ruined Cathedral, to Orion and Erin. Saves Erin. ( All happens in one night, until dawn.)
Some things gathered from this - *Month 11 yr841 Garrett was still in catatonic state. (as Erin is said to scream amongst other things "wakeup!" whilst in Moira.) *Riot and Orion/Erin escape sometime between 5 22/26 NRy842 *First mention of Gloom is month 6, 3rd day, yr842 so the plague must start around month 5 after Orion takes Erin away from Moira, to give time for enough people to die to cause The Watch to start first dumping bodies beyond city gates in The Old Quarter. This is also around time Garrett starts waking up (according to The Queen of Beggars). *Garrett doesn't return to city till near end of month 6 yr842. So it takes him around a month to fully wake up.
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babygirlizz · 4 years
izzie’s favorite movies and tv shows of 2020 (aka the worst year ever)
another year, another movie and tv show review. this year has, to put it simply, sucked. 2020 has been so terribly awful that sometimes the only light you can see are the absolute bangers of movies and tv shows that came out this year. with that being said, some of the movies and tv shows didn't come out in 2020. if the are mentioned in this post it is because they either: had a season come out this year, i found them this year, or they became popular this year.
SPOILERS: it may not come as a surprise but just in case you didn't realize, there will be many spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.
tw // death, suicide, drug use, mild adult language. if any of these things might trigger you, i strongly urge you not to read this post.
there is no specific order of these shows and movies, i'm just writing as they come to mind. if you enjoy any of these movies or tv shows, or if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
1) Santa Clarita Diet
Okay, so I know this show doesn't have anything to do with 2020. But, I found this show in 2020. I put it off for a while, thinking it wasn't my style of a show, but boy was I wrong. I loved this show. Sheila Hammond (Drew Barrymore) is a normal suburban wife and mom. She is a real estate agent with her husband Joel (Timothy Olyphant). She struggles with the fact that she isn't very adventurous. This all changes when she throws up an insane amount at a house showing. She then finds herself craving adventure, and craving human flesh. Yeah, she's a zombie. Not only is this show super hilarious, but it also shows the growth that they have with their characters and their family. I'm also team Abby (Liv Hewson) and Eric (Skyler Gisondo).
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2) Outer Banks
So, I'm from NC. And, watching this show at first bothered me because I can very obviously tell this show isn't actually filmed in the obx, and the geography isn't exact, but once I got past that, I loved it. John B (Chase Stokes) is a teenager that lives in the poor side of the outer banks. He has a friend group called the Pogues which consists of JJ (Rudy Pankow), Pope (Jonathan Daviss), and Kie (Madison Bailey). They absolutely hate the Kooks, which are the rich kids. A while after John B's dad gets lost at sea, presumed dead, the group finds some evidence that may solve the mystery, and make them rich. In the process, John B falls in love with a Kook names Sarah (Madelyn Cline) whose father Ward (Charles Esten) may have a little more to do with the mystery than he let on. Through friendship, murder, and secrets, the gang may just figure out what happened to John B's dad.
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3) Love, Victor
Alright. I loved loved loved Love, Simon. I also really loved the book "Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda." So, when I heard about this show, I was so excited. Victor (Michael Cimino) is a teenage boy that moved to Creekwood with his family. He meets Felix (Anthony Turpel) who lives in his building. He also meets Mia (Rachel Hilson) and they begin dating. But, he also meets Benji (George Sear). While trying to get used to a new school, new friends, and a new relationship, Victor finds himself questioning his sexuality. With the help of Simon (Nick Robinson) and his friends, Victor finds it in himself to finally come out, and he admits his feelings, for Benji. This is such a good show, but I was so upset when season 1 ended on a cliff-hanger.
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4) The Haunting of Bly Manor
The sequel to The Haunting of Hill House. Now listen, haunting of hill house was an absolute banger. When I saw that Bly came out I nearly died. I was so excited. But, I was alone in my apartment and also a lil bitch. So, I had to wait a week until I was home with my family to watch it. Now, I was so excited to be scared, and there were a few jump scares and ominous moments, but this season was more centered around the story line of Dani Clayton (Victoria Pedretti) and her new life in a foreign country. When seeing an ad for a live in job as an au pair. When she gets there, she meets the two young children she’ll be looking out for and the other workers of the house, including the gardener, Jamie (Amelia Eve). Throughout her stay at Bly she begins to notice weird behaviors from both children and by the end of the series she sacrifices herself for the children. Sadly, this story is being told by Jamie who Dani had fallen in love with during her stay at Bly. Now I was somewhat upset about the lack of horror, but was still very intrigued and drawn in by this series.
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5) Julie and the Phantoms
Alright, at first I was not gonna watch this show. I thought it looked a little too young and childish for me, but everyone was talking about it on twitter so I had to. I. Love. This. Show. This show centers around Julie (Madison Reyes). Julie is a teenage girl who, sadly, lost her mother. The one major thing she shared with her mom, was their love for music. Since her mothers passing, she gave up music. This is until, dead musicians from the 90′s show up in her garage. Luke (Charlie Gillespie), Alex (Owen Joyner), and Reggie (Jeremy Shada) all tragically passed away in the 90′s after eating bad street hotdogs. When Julie finds their CD in her garage, she decides to play it and they come back in ghost form. But, only she can see them. With their help, she finds her confidence to play music again. Also, she has to find away for them to stay because they’re slowly disappearing. 
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6) Derry Girls
Bitch. I love this show. And yeah it didn’t come out in 2020. Shut up. I found this show recently after watching the cast on the holiday special of the Great British Baking Show. I loved the actors so I had to watch the show. This show focuses on Erin (Saoirse-Monica Jackson) a 16 year old girl that lives in Derry, Northern Ireland in the 90′s. Alongside her is her cousin Orla (Louisa Harland), her two friends Clare (Nicola Coughlan) and Michelle (Jamie-Lee O’Donnell), and Michelle’s English cousin James (Dylan Llewellyn). During these years, a lot of people in Ireland struggled, especially because it was during wartime. Even thought this show isn’t focused heavily around the war, it’s amazing to see these teens live a fulfilling life while struggling with the state of their country, and the lack of money that their families have. 
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7) Elite
HA. This show did have a season in 2020 so leave me alone. But bro, I love this show. At first, I didn’t watch it because I thought I could only watch the dubbed version in English, which I hate. I hate dubbed shows they look so weird. But, once I found out I could watch this show in Spanish, I fell in love. But, sadly, theres too damn much to talk about in one little post. It’s crazy. But basically it just follows the lives of teens in high school that are trying to survive. And no, not in the “I’m surviving high school,” sense. No, people be getting murdered. 
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MOVIES (tbh i didn’t find a lot of movies good this year lmk which movies u liked this year and maybe i’ll like them!)
1) All the Bright Places
After the death of her sister, Violet (Elle Fanning) is devastated. She closes herself off, and has her parents get her out of doing school work that involves working with others. But, as time goes on, they realize she may need to start to move on. Violet then meets Finch (Justice Smith) who is enamored by Violet. He suggests they do a project together. While finding and visiting some of the smallest wonders of their state, they begin to fall for each other. While you are focusing on Violet and her mental health, you tend to miss some of the signs that Finch’s mental health isn’t great either, but by the time you do, it could be too late. 
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2) Dangerous Lies
Hmm. This was weird for me. I had only ever seen Camila Mendes in Riverdale, and honestly, not a fan. So, Katie (Camila Mendes) and her husband Adam (Jessie T. Usher) are struggling with money. Katie decides to take a job working for an elderly man, and eventually gets her husband hired there as well. Unfortunately, he dies, but for some odd reason, leaves the house and all of his fortune, to Katie. As they get comfortable in the house, they begin to uncover some very weird and dangerous lies. 
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3) The Devil All the Time
Ok. Iconic. You got so many hot men in this movie. Bill Skarsgård, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson. C’mon now. That’s crazy. But, this story is so long and in depth that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. This movie is a bit disturbing. It involves murder, sexual assault, killing of animals, and so much more so if that’s an issue for you please do not watch this movie. It was also quite long, but it was still good.
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4) After We Collided
Okay just listen. I was that teenager. I read wattpad stories and was, embarrassingly, addicted to After. This was not a great movie per say, but it was After. This is a sequel to the movie After. This movie centers around Tessa (Josephine Langford) and her recovery after her breakup with Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin). Theres sex, alcohol, bad acting. The whole nine-yards. But c’mon, they’re so cute together.
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5) To All the Boys p.s. I Still Love You
Okay it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. This movie focuses on Lara Jean (Lana Condor) and her boyfriend Peter (Noah Centineo) and their relationship post the first movie. But of course relationships aren’t super steady, and John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher) shows up. Yeah, John Ambrose, from her letter. They become closer and Lara Jean has to decide who she wants to be with. Spoiler, it’s Peter. BOOOOOOO justice for John Ambrose McClaren, he deserved better. 
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lady-kit-scarlet · 2 years
Surprise Visit | Kit & Harland
location: approaching Rosewood Manor  time: early evening closed with @amongthebriars
They were announcing Duke Harland Briar, of all people. Kit turned to Maddox, her confusion twisting her otherwise delicate features.  
“What in the Celestials’ name could Duke Briar want? He was not on business with the King, at least not recently.” She spoke to Maddox, but she did not wait for his answer. She simply wanted to give voice to her thoughts and see where they landed her. “Perhaps he is on his way to do business? But then it would be unthinkable to visit here first.” 
Maddox only shrugged in response and Kit sighed. 
“Would it kill you to voice your own opinion?” She asked. 
“Would you hear it?” 
“Perhaps he seeks your favor before he asks for the King’s.” Kit’s brow furrowed. She was not unaccustomed to fending off bribes, but with Elia’s birth, bribes more frequently dissolved into veiled threats. It troubled her to think that the ever composed Duke Briar might resort to either.
“My favor is not easily won.” Kit replied and Maddox laughed aloud.
“No, my lady, it is not.” With that, Kit made her way down the staircase and into the sitting room where Duke Briar had been asked to wait. She found him standing at attention, deep in thought, and entered the room.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your unexpected company, Duke Briar?”
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theundergrcvnd · 4 years
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&&. rumor has it ( neve harland ) has stepped into rosewood. ( she ) is a ( 28 ) year old ( sub ) currently residing at the manor as ( a live-in submissive / spy ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( daisy ridley ) and is into ( predator/prey & marking ) but not ( any bathroom play & tpe ). ( she ) has been said to be ( compassionate & independent ) but also quite ( insecure & reckless ). let’s hope the manor doesn’t devour her whole.
( neve ) would describe ( herself ) as a ( spring ) person and would identify as a ( isfp-t ). ( her ) birthday is ( may 22nd ), making ( her ) star sign ( gemini ) and ( her ) celtic animal sign the ( seahorse ). ( her ) biggest pet peeve is ( arrogance ), and ( her ) theme song is ( fear & delight by the correspondents ). finally, ( her ) primary goal is to ( find out who killed her parents and get revenge ).
Hello again, Bree here with my second baby, Neve! TW for death and attempted abuse.
Character File
Muse Page (for tags)
Name: Neve Gwenora Harland
Age: 28
Birthdate: May 22nd, 1992
Nature: Submissive
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: English
Occupation: Journalist (formerly)
Positive traits: Compassionate, independent, curious
Negative traits: Critical, insecure, reckless
At Rosewood as: A submissive for hire / spy
Kinks: Predator/prey, marking, Daddy/Mommy kink, dirty talk, biting, scratching, hair pulling, handcuffs, immobilization, praise, punishments, and more
Anti-kinks: Any kind of bathroom play, TPE, any kind of anal play, breeding, crying, incest play, lactation, foot sex, humiliation, infantilism, shaving, somnophilia, and more
Neve’s life has been marked by tragedy. When she was four years old, her parents were found murdered, leaving her to fend for herself in the foster care system. Despite being a submissive, this incident left Neve with a lot of anger issues that she’s never fully dealt with, and which she often took out on other kids, inevitably leading to her being relocated again and again. Thanks to her last foster family, she discovered a love for journalism that temporarily curbed her anger. She graduated with a Journalism degree and went to work for The Guardian, but eventually realized that not knowing what happened to her parents was eating at her. She began digging into the night of their murder, and what she found has lead her down a deeply disturbing rabbit hole leading to Rosewood. Abandoning her job, her last foster family, and basically everything in her life, she has secured a job as a submissive for hire at the estate so that she can infiltrate and see what her parents’ connection to this place is, and how it managed to get them killed. She’s playing a dangerous game, especially as a virgin submissive, but she’s determined to get answers and revenge no matter the cost.
For more details, check out her Character File linked above!
Hmu for plots my loves!
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moviesandmania · 3 years
HARLAND MANOR (2021) Preview of Tubi Original paranormal pic
HARLAND MANOR (2021) Preview of Tubi Original paranormal pic
Harland Manor is a 2021 American horror film about a team of paranormal investigators documenting the titular residence. Unfortunately, they find themselves hunted by the malevolent ghosts that still dwell there. Directed by Steven R. Monroe (The Exorcism of Molly Hartley; Grave Halloween; Mongolian Death Worm; Wyvern; Sasquatch Mountain; It Waits) from a screenplay co-written with John Thaddeus.…
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amongthebriars · 5 years
Harland dismounted from Augustus with gritted teeth and labored breathing, quietly cursing his misfortune as Balthazar's damnable hounds trounced about the courtyard. He had hoped to avoid detection for a while longer. The stallion bowed his large head and Harland raised a hand to pat at the animal's neck affectionately. It helped steady him, at the very least, and it meant Harland could have a moment to collect himself.
He didn't know how to explain his absence, not after all of the things that had gone on so recently.
Nor, in fact, why he has come with a limp and bandaged ribs crisscrossed by faint, spidery black tendrils. The wound was healing but it would take time. Time he did not necessarily have. Harland had little time these days, so very little, but he wished to take just a sliver.
At the very least, he could hope Balthazar would see him and not slam the door in his face.
Harland started up toward the manor house with assured steps. By the time he reached its doors and Atlas looked at him with a grimace and hollered back into the house. When the darker haired faerie appeared, Harland was all but leaning against the pillar. He was tired and he ached and he desperately just wanted his oldest friend.
Preferably in a bed and passed out in a few minutes.
"Let me in. Please."
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wtfreya-briar · 4 years
So, her dad had been poisoned, and Freya had run through the gamut of negative emotions since learning that. Ice cold fear straight down her spine, a hot rage that spread all the way to the tips of her toes, an unpleasant numbness that seemed to start with a ringing in her ears. She’d been wide eyed and utterly useless, silently following behind Balthazar along to his den, where she and Harland still were.
Balthazar, it would seem, had gone off to try and exact some sort of revenge- though she was sure he was as in the dark as she was about who exactly was behind this, so more likely he was just burning off steam somewhere. And actually, that only served to make Freya even madder. He’d just left her here. Harland slept and Freya paced around the den in circles, angry and scared and entirely without an outlet to express any of it.
Oh, Balthazar didn’t want to sit around waiting and hoping that Harland would be okay when he woke up? Well, neither did Freya. But she couldn’t leave him. When Astrid had been dying- pale and confused and without proper reason, in much the same manor as Harland’s illness took him now- she’d refused to leave her mothers’ side for a moment. Her psuedo uncle, it would seem, had no such issues about abandoning them. Of course he didn’t, he’d tried already hadn’t he?
Thinking about that made everything worse. If she’d lost Balthazar and Harland in one fell swoop there would have been nothing left keeping her in seelie territory. All her familial tethers, snapped. Anger was a far easier emotion for the Wolf to access and feed, so by the time Balthazar finally returned Freya was absolutely seething with it, tense and growling under her breath. She’d barely resisted the urge to carve the word coward into his wall with the dagger at her hip.
It took her a moment to even realize he was back, but when his heavy footfalls did reach her ears Freya careened down the stairs, eager to reach him before he came back up to check on Harland. What she had to say would be loud, she didn’t want to wake him. She grabbed for one of his chairs, dragging it across the floor so she could stand on it. This meant she was eye level with Balthazar, and made it much easier to punch him in the jaw.
She was small, true, but Wolf strength was no joke.
“Imagine if you’d succeeded, and then so soon after loosing you I had to deal with this on my own!” Freya seethed, gesturing wildly behind her towards the stairs, which was vague at best but she knew Balthazar would know what she meant. 
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shymelody · 4 years
Things had been so weird lately. In so many ways. There was the whole situation with Harland, but then there was the completely different kind of situation with Freya, and then there was Balthazar and the whole Black manor, not to even mention the whole situation of what Edmund’s life was at the moment. He still wasn’t sure should he go and see Queen Mab and apologise about everything, because he was scared of her reaction on seeing him after all this time and what if she’d tell him he’d have to stay there now that he was back? He didn’t want to live at the castle again, he finally felt free.
With all these things rolling around his head Edmund had just ended up walking around in the forest and before he even noticed he had arrived to the familiar spot. It wasn’t the same plaace where he used to come to compose long time ago, because that spot was way too far away from the Black manor. But this one is almost the same -- a huge tree, a tiny pond, calming atmosphere and all of that was sort of hidden from sight. In a way it was funny how Edmund had once again found a nice place with a big tree and a pond. Of course there were a lot of both of those in all kind of forests, but Edmund felt like he happened to find all the special ones.
Plus he knew someone else who found those said special places -- Robin. They had met at this exact spot multiple times, just like they did at the old spot and in a way Edmund liked to think it was their secret spot to just hide from the world together and talk about whatever happened to wander through their minds. As Edmund sat down under the tree he couldn’t help but hope that Robin would happen to be there as well or that he’d just appear from somewhere to keep him company. Edmund just really felt like he’d need to talk with someone and it didn’t really even matter what he’d be talking about. It could be about what you had for lunch, what was your first thought in the morning when you woke up, heck, even the weather.
Edmund let out a pretty audible sigh as he pulled his knees closer to his chest, wrapped his arms around his legs and leaned his chin on his knees. Maybe just sitting here for a bit would make his mind to calm down and he could head back home with a bit less thoughts running around in circles in his head.
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huck-west · 4 years
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As I rode up the path to Renfield Manor, I ran both my hands through my hair, my fiery red locks being tamed into a loose ponytail as I drew near. Mister Bennet, my manservant was standing by the entrance waiting for me.
“Lord Renfield, Mister Grant is waiting for you in the entrance hall, he’s admiring your art. Everything you asked me to check has come back as expected, you were right once again. The basement is prepared and the staff have been notified.”
I couldn’t help but smile, “I am glad he enjoys my work.. considering.”
“Indeed, my Lord. The Ren’dorei in the guest chambers has been asking for you as well, she feels her bonds are too loose and has requested you pay her a visit to tighten them.” He hesitated, and at my stare the man flinched, “Forgive me.. but myself and the other staff are concerned. We’ve accepted what you are and given what you had to endure under your father.. we do not question your methods. But why her?”
“I wish I had an answer for you, Bennet.. but she’s as much a puzzle to me as she is to you.”
The entrance opened as Bennet and I arrived, two of my servants holding the doors and bowing. “Dinner is nearly done, milord, shall we set two places or one.”
“Just the one..”
Once inside I found Harland Grant at the end of the entrance hall, admiring one of my more recent paintings. “Mister Grant, I hope your stay has been comfortable, my work takes me away far too much to have company often. Have the staff seen to your ever need?”
“They have, they have! Lord Renfield, it’s an honor and privilege to meet you at last. Your contributions to my business have greatly expanded our operations.”
“I like to give back to the people.. I have more than I’ll ever need, or be able to spend in three lifetimes, why not put the coin to good use.” The man could practically see the coins spilling into his hands as he stared at me, his benefactor. And while his legitimate business is one that actually contributes to society, creating rooms for homeless youths, jobs for those who can work, and food year round, it was his side business that brought him to my hunting grounds.
“Yes, yes! Your gold has allowed us to begin production on two more housing units! We’re most grateful for your help. But I must ask.. why was I summoned? Not that I am complaining, I haven’t eaten this well in years and I could fit my whole house in the room your staff prepared for me.”
“I wanted to talk about your work, man to man. Mostly your work off the books that seems to bring in quite a bit of coin.”
“My.. my books?” Harland blinked rapidly, he appeared confused, and if I wasn’t who I was.. I would almost believe it.
“Yes..” I continued, “Your books, it took some doing but your assistant was more than willing to let me have a little peek.”
“Why would you need to look at my books?” Confusion still, the worry was well practiced.
“To ensure my contributions were going to help the children.. not fund your slave empire. Your people are quite lucky they don’t know about your side dealings with the underground, otherwise tonight would have been a very busy night for me and my staff.”
“I.. I don’t think I understand, Lord Renfield, but I think I have overstayed my welcome, I’ll see myself out.”
When I stood in his way, the man balled up his fists as if he intended to fight me. It was almost laughable, his stance was all wrong. Perhaps it was the look in my eyes, for Lord Renfield was gone, replaced by something else, something darker, but fear actually flashed in his eyes.
“Stay away from me!” He shouted, a pathetic swing missing me by nearly a foot, practically causing Harland to loose his footing. “Everyone knows I’m here! They will come looking for me!”
“Mister Grant... please.. I’m Lord Beauregard Wilhelm Renfield. Do you honestly think they will dig deeper than my doorway when I tell them you never arrived? My staff already sent letters asking if you were still coming.. your horse and carriage were found near the coast. I’ve already seen the posters of your face at the docks and Old Town.”
“They.. they..”
“They will never find you..”
I will say one thing for Mister Harland Grant, he surprised me, I thought for sure he’d cower and beg.. but instead he charged me! Not that it did him any good. A swift step to the side, a knee thrust to his abdomen, knocking all the air out his lungs, my arms swiftly locking around his neck and it was over for him. He tried desperately to break the hold I had on him, yanking on the arm tightening around his throat. “That only works before it’s locked in, Mister Grant, but a good effort.”
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It was sometime later in the evening that Bennet found me in the garden painting. “My Lord.. the staff has seen to the basement, the refuse was fed to the pigs.”
“Lovely.. be sure to add a bonus to their pay this week.. I’ve a feeling we’re in for a busy time.” The new canvas had been difficult to stretch over its frame, partly a fault of my own, I got carried away. There was barely enough left for a small frame to be fit. “Have my contacts in Old Town look into this mess.. I want to know who else was involved.”
“Of course..” Bennet paused as he turned to leave, walking up to one of the many statues in my garden. “Will the elf join the others?” 
I followed his gaze, scanning the statues around us, all women in various poses, each statue too realistic to be art. “I’ve considered it.. but she doesn’t fit the others.. for one.. she’s not afraid of me. The real me..”
“I see.. if you change your mind, the base is set and drying.”
“I doubt I will need it for her.. but I have another in mind. Contact Topper Price and have him look into a woman for me.. LaRow, I believe was the name she used, likely an alias, but have him dig up what he can. I’m still not certain if she’s worthy, but she’s seen things, heard things she shouldn’t.”
“So soon, my-- Forgive me.” All it took was a look to silence him.
Once Bennet was gone, I returned to my painting, it was missing something.. I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was a field, one I’d seen near one of Mister Grants slave camps. A smile slowly pulled at my lips, my hands and brush moving with a mind of their own. A child, sitting in the middle of the field, holding his hands to the sky. “Perfect..” 
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