wtfreya-briar · 4 months
Certainly, Freya was used to making herself at home wherever she went. Or rather, she was used to swallowing down any discomfort to avoid showing the enemy her hand, so it was habit to do the same in a time of war, when the enemy could be anyone. Not Edmund though, obviously, who was a balm for most discomfort.
He always seemed to find her just before her frustration boiled over enough for her to to something ridiculous. Perhaps that was a testament to how much time they spent together, or how much frustration there was in Freya's life. But things were simpler out here, where the petty drama of court life was as unimportant to everyone else as it was her.
She grinned across at Eddie as he so easily offered what she wanted, though... Yes, his stance was a little off. He wasn't trained, so, that wasn't a surprise. Freya managed to stifle her giggles and circled around behind him to re-adjust his arms a bit, wrapping her hands around his wrists to angle his wrists better. She angled her chin to kiss his cheek, then let him go, pivoting to look at him with her head tipped and brows furrowed. After a moment she deemed her work suitable and nodded, whistling softly. "I was right." She decided, "suits you. Perhaps in another life you can be the swordsman and I'll try my hand at the sentimental songbird type."
Freya was happy to call a time-out on her practice to make Eddie blush, "do you think you could make my head spin so much I'd want to sing you a tune?"
Falling for A Fighter | Freya & Edmund | Event (Veiled Threat)
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wtfreya-briar · 5 months
Right. Eddie was the kind of person who needed his bravery for a kiss, another marked difference. He wasn't the type to go around asking these sorts of questions, and she was sure he as far enough removed from the rumor mill not to have heard about it, but the Seelie court certainly knew Freya had no such similar qualms.
Freya managed to swallow a small chuckle and shook her head, pulling a smaller knife from her satchel to start slicing up an apple, sticking a piece onto the end of the blade and offering it over to Eddie. "don't worry about it, I had fun taking them down on my own. S'been too long since I had a proper fight."
The next slice she took for herself, "you worked your way up to it quicker than I could, either way." She said, talking about the kiss again, "I kept worrying your head might explode." Better he kiss her first. so she had a frame of reference. "I'm not very good at romance, Eddie." Freya admitted, though it was probably obvious, "but I... I do like you. So. We- y'know, things are... Calmer now, with everything. Or I'm sick of letting all that get in the way. So..." She shrugged, eating another apple slice, "so. Yeah."
Edmund almost felt like letting out a soft giggle when Freya gave him another kiss, but he managed to keep the sound at bay and just smiled in a bit goofy way after the kiss was over. Kissing was nice. Kissing Freya was nice. Extremely nice even. His cheeks felt like they were radiating heat and he couldn’t help but smiling while looking at her.
“Okay, yeah”, he replied while not really listening what she said. He just kept looking at her with that goofy and happy smile on his lips. if Freya wouldn’t have grabbed his hand Edmund might have stayed there just daydreaming, but the slight pull of his hand made him realise they were meant to go somewhere else than stand here waiting to get mugged again.
The clearing looked really nice, even cozy, and the whole atmosphere felt really calming. It definitely was a perfect place to stop at after the surprise attack. Edmund sat down next to Freya and he was quickly really interested on seeing what she had packed with her. It seemed like she hadn’t packed anything too fancy but everything looked really nice. He looked up to Freya when she started to talk, but after a moment his gaze fell back on the foods and a small smile landed on his lips. “I had been collecting my bravery for that for months now. And.. it just felt right on the moment.” He chuckled softly. “I was thinking of being brave enough to toss a pinecone at the attackers, but that didn’t really work out. But good that I was brave at least in something.”
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wtfreya-briar · 6 months
Her fathers' roots. Balthazar's magic, burned into his neck in battle. Burned into her. A call to a man who thought he had a right to watch her while she mourned her mother. Freya didn't know what to say to him without snapping, letting out a low, long sigh. "I have Astrid in me, too." She said softly, almost a protest. That was the problem; no one around here had known her mother. There was no-one to recognize her in Freya, people only ever commented on her Harland-ness.
She narrows her eyes at Robin, sure he doesn't intend to let the topic of Edmund go so easily, too like Rye in that way, too interested in cracking her open.
"Well thank-you." She hums, "I do what I can, for the trees in particular." They began to meander without particular direction, "it's nice to be getting away for a bit- I haven't done much socializing lately, things have been such chaos at the house- I suppose you'd know well enough about it all. Do you have any more lighthearted news we could talk about?"
A hum escapes, and Robin shakes his head. “You do not think so because you do not wish to be soft, but you are. You are Wolf as much as you are Seelie, though one raised you where another learns you still. But you have your fathers roots.”
And it was true. Though Freya had grown so much since she had come here, since Robin himself had, Freya was still Freya. She was still a Wolf cub and a sapling, even if she did not believe it.
She had grown, but she was still two things in a single faerie trying to see where she fit.
A laugh escapes at the girl’s quick protest, but all Robin does is give her a sly look before turning back to their walk.
“You are always enough, Freya,” he says, voice falling for a moment, head tilting to the side to listen to the trees. “For me and the trees.” When she says she wants to speak, he nods, and then tugs them along.
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wtfreya-briar · 7 months
She kissed him back. She really did. She didn’t push him away and tell him to fuck off. He felt like flying.
Edmund could feel how his ears started to burn and the kiss felt like it went on for hours, but at the same time it felt like it was over way too soon. Edmund knew he was blushing a lot, but he couldn’t help but smile when he noticed the grin on Freya’s lips. She looked so happy and seeing her happy made Edmund feel even happier. Seeing her grin like that was worth all the what-ifs Edmund had had going on in his head for a quite while now. It was definitely worth being brave for once.
His cheeks turned even brighter at the last last bit of Freya’s words. “I-.. uh.. I’d like that. I’d like that a lot. The kissing, I mean.” He’d definitely like that a lot. “But we can.. just walk too. To the clearing and do the other things too”, he quickly added, not wanting to sound too excited about this new developement on what they were now. But he definitely would want to kiss Freya again.
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wtfreya-briar · 7 months
Freya wasn't sure what to make of all this. It had been too fast and too chaotic for Harland to stop her wriggling her way into joining the ranks of the warriors, even if she had originally gotten onto camp as a healer, Kasha knew her skills too well to admonish her for such a trick, so here she was. It wasn't how she'd expected her first battle to be; seelie, unseelie, and solitary all together against a common threat. She wasn't sure if the unity made things better or worse, but she was here because she wanted to help defend against whatever was coming for the fae.
There was little to do while they waited for attack, so Freya found a myriad of ways to entertain herself, training with the other fighters, actually helping the healers with their herb gathering and such, and often slipping away to the camp kitchens to go find Eddie. Other times he found her, like tonight, far away from the noise of the other fighers, practicing some sword work. She caught sight of him on his approach, playfully aiming the tip of the wepon towards him while he was still too far away to get hut, "I know you like your bow and arrow if you have to have a weapon, but you ever tried a sword?"
She retracted the blade, swinging it some in her hand as she teased, "I bet you'd look hot with one."
Falling for A Fighter | Freya & Edmund | Event (Veiled Threat)
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wtfreya-briar · 7 months
Falling for A Fighter | Freya & Edmund | Event (Veiled Threat)
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wtfreya-briar · 7 months
Freya blinked, finding no will or words to try and deny the assessment, even if she would've preferred being able to knock Alekto back a bit. "Unfortunately," she said mildly, taking another long sip of her drink, "there is always another bad day demanding my attention before such action can be taken."
It was quite true; Harland had been poisoned, and Balthazar had seen fit to call her brutal, a harsh thing to hear from someone who only hours ago had let her know that for all intents and purposes he and her father considered themselves engaged. Then she'd had to save Balthazar's stupid ass after he goes and gets blown up, dragging almost everyone she cared for into the process of healing a man she felt hated her but who kept insisting he cared.
Yes, things were... Not great. She ran her tongue across her teeth, flashing Alekto a look that suggested there were no sufficient outlets, full stop. "There's a... Small oasis, perhaps." She said, thinking of Eddie for a moment and hiding her smile in another drink, "but more and more I am being left the one to muddle us through the aftermath, with no real clue of what has actually just happened." Now Freya frowned, resting her chin in her palm, "I don't care for it."
“I’m perceptive,” Alekto hummed, leaning forward slightly. “And I don’t see a need to engage in the usual court pleasantries with you here. I can waste our time being polite or I can speak plainly. You, my dear, seem a bad day away from drastic action.”
She had not heard much about Harland as of late. Part of her was curious about what happened at Thornhill. Briar was part of the Council of Elders, his decisions held political significance worthy of her attention, of course. But she’d begrudgingly saved that asshole’s life enough times over the past few years to be somewhat interested beyond the political as well. It was unlikely that Freya would give her that information, however. Still, it did make her curious.
“Are there no sufficient outlets for you among the Seelie?”“
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wtfreya-briar · 9 months
Sweet. Like a Lady. Like a Seelie girl tottering about in her stupid shoes. A tree, like Harland. Steady, and stuck. Freya had always been petite for a Wolf, but she'd always known how to be big despite that. Those intimidating airs and graces, the people in Wisteria read them the wrong way, as a show of agression and not an armor against it.
So she'd been trying to be less so, for the sake of inspiring less negative reactions. And now she was sweet. And happy... Freya scowled across at him. "I am not sweet." She protested, not sure what to say on the rest, "...And you know how things have been, happy is hardly the emtion of the moment."
Happy was fleeting. Happy was the adrenaline of a face off with the foxes still coursing through her veins when Eddie kissed her.
Apparently Robin is thinking similarly enough, and Freya suddenly feels she is getting her retribution for prodding at Rye all those years to get with him. She smiles for a moment before it can be helped, then shakes her head. "He's not my anything." She protests, perhaps a bit too strongly, preying to celestials her cheeks aren't red, "and he could be anywhere. The Den, I'd suppose. Why go find him, am I not entertainment enough?" She hoped that would make for a good enough topic-- it wasn't as if Robin knew anything. Right?
She shakes her head, "I don't think I'm good at those ways, could we not talk out loud? I like the speaking." Freya squeezes his arm with hers as they walk, "Wolves are good like that. And I'm glad to see you too, it's been a bit lonely aorund here. Or- people have been here more for other matters, rather than just to socialize." Except Eddie, who had been here only to see her. "I know how Rye feels, I miss them too."
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“No, no,” Robin says, glamored face frowning, tucking his brown down toward his nose, wrinkling it. “Different. You look
happy. Sweet, like a tree.”
Like father, like daughter, yes. Both trees, both growing.
Strong, steady.
“Busy? Yes, I suppose,” Robin agrees, nodding, but then he tilts his head, in that way of his, that he has, a sly little grin on his face. “And where has your music gone? Where is he? Shall I go find him?” Or anyone to be happy for, it was Freya. Edmund was a good faerie, kind and soft and sweet to temper her Wolf edge, the bite of her teeth. Robin knew, just as well, that Harland liked the skittish little bard as much as he was able, given that Edmund was courting his daughter.
A little laugh escapes and Robin shrugs. “There are ways, sapling, to speak without speaking, to know without needing to be known.” Robin hops over a tree branch then another, landing lightly beside her and gripping her upper arm tight with a hand, looping them together. “I am glad, to see you. That this face reminds you of home. It is for Rye. He
misses them, sometimes, but he
the Wolves kept Ro - me safe when h - I was kept.”
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wtfreya-briar · 10 months
He was kissing her. Freya was used to the adrenaline after a fight; the rush, the want to run, the shake in her hands. This was new. Unexpected. Eddie, not trying to run back to Wisteria. Kissing her. Her hand slid around his face to weave into his hair, pressing her mouth more firmly against his, but still careful. She let him go not long after, because she didn't want to be intimidating, even if she did want to kiss him so much more.
She got the sense he hadn't done this a lot. That was fine, though, intuition and intent were what mattered most. His mouth was soft. There were some things you couldn't turn away from when you knew how they felt. What did it mean, then, that Freya had been clinging to Edmund since they met.
She didn't want to think about it. She wanted to kiss him again. Her face felt hot, and she was-- grinning, like a fool. Surely, Freya was supposed to say something now, but she had no idea what. "...Or we could, um- there's a clearing... S'got a creek." She cleared her throat, feeling strange and awkward and excited. It would probably still be a good idea for him to sit down for a minute, take a breath. And now she sort of felt like she wanted to, after that. "I could fix us something to eat, or..." Finally, she broke her gaze from his, still blushing. "Take a swim, find a nice tree branch to relax on. Kiss again."
Freya bit her lip, not sure she'd meant to say that.
Edmund wasn’t sure if his spirit could’ve been able to rest easy if this would’ve been his end and he wouldn’t have been able to tell Freya all the things he wanted her to hear. All the stories from the books he had read, all the songs he had written and hadn’t been able to play for her, or the fact how much he cared for her. More than a friend would. Way more.
But she was still there, he was still there, and things were okay again. The hand on his cheek felt warm and comforting and something about that touch made Edmund’s reality to drift away. He did see and hear Freya saying something, but he didn’t hear what she said, he could only see her eyes and hear his own voice telling him to do something he had never done before. He had to do it. Now.
He moved his hand on Freya’s cheek, leaned closer and let his lips land on Freya’s lips ever so softly. His heart started racing again, but this time it was out of excitement as the fireworks started to explode inside of him, the butterflies fly out of their boxes and the birds being freed from their golden cages. Edmund had never thought he would have this kind of courage but now that he did have it, he didn’t want it to disappear. It was his time to be the brave knight who did exactly what he desired - to kiss the prettiest lady he had ever laid his eye on.
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wtfreya-briar · 10 months
His arm. Right. Freya worked quick, to avoid giving into her panic, but tried to be gentle too. She'd helped the other healers look after Astrid, for a time, and tried to avoid giving into those memories too as she carefully moved his other hand away to pour the rinse down his arm. It wouldn't sting, it wasn't that strong, but given the context it was a fine enough fix. It'd take the edge off things for now.
She stuffed the jar back in her bag, watching Balthazar all the while. He didn't look good. He didn't sound good either, but at least he was talking slow enough that Freya had time to figure out what he meant. "Me? Very." She confirmed, already reaching to secure her cloak properly should she need to run suddenly.
Thornhill? He wanted to drag this production to Thornhill? Of course, that was classic. Welcoming himself into a home she already felt like a tresspasser in half the time to bleed all over the place. Or perhaps it was revenge, for Harland being similarly struck down and taking refuge in his den.
She hated this. She hated not knowing what was going on. She hated just having to rally like she was some soldier, with Balthazar barking orders like he had any right demanding she summon her friends. Her people. Rye certainly wouldn't show up at Thornhill for the simple reason that he was injured. It would be because Freya pleaded with them too, which she would, and she would hate it.
Freya wasn't expecting it when he grabbed her, and she caught herself before she could stumble into him. She wanted to scoff at the idea that she was suddenly important now- when had that ever been true? But there wasn't time. He just kept talking and he was scared and Freya didn't know what that meant because she didn't think he'd had that kind of emotion in him. She twisted a feather out of her hair and put it in Balthazar's uninjured hand, curling his fingers around it. "I'll be back." She promised softly, making sure he was as settled on the bench as he could be before she took off, weaving through the crowds and calling on a wolf to take her the rest of the way out to Balthazar's Den as soon as the streets were clear enough to do so. Reputation and propriety be damned on that front, even if it was all of her own recent work she would be undoing.
There was no time for pleasantries as she marched through the door, explaining to Atlas over her shoulder as she went to find Eddie, hurrying him to just put together some things and make his way to Thornhill. Freya could explain to him properly later. Atlas had already started with locking down the Den, throwing instructions at her as he went about it and she went to find Mars.
She wasn't sure what to call the thing other than its name. It certainly shared characterstics with a dog, and Eddie seemed to get along well enough with it, but Freya just hoped it was up to the task today. She had to talk it around, but Balthazar in danger seemed to be enough to rev it up- in the most literal sense, the already beastly thing growing bigger. Big enough to ride, good. She'd though tearing through Wisteria on the back of a wolf was going to do some damage, but this would turn heads for sure, and under different circumstances that would've delighted her.
Atlas looked frantic, and part of her wanted to stay and help lock the place down, but there was still so much to get done. "If you're in Wisteria before I am, take Balthazar to Thornhill and I'll meet you there. He's not far from the shop."
Freya reached the boarders of Belladonna quickly on the back of Mars, and left him there in the shade so she could slip into the castle by her usual, more subtle methods. No need to go causing a ruckus around here. One of the staff who tended to favour Rye was persuaded to usher him up to his chambers so that Freya could usher him back out, with instructions to find Robin and get them both to Thornhill and promises that everything would be clear once they were there.
The whole time, she kept thinking about Balthazar bleeding out on a bench in unfeeling Wisteria, the crowds gossiping and tutting as they passed by. Every beat of her heart she wondered how close was he to death, what was wrong with his leg, why was he scared. Why was she only important in this most dire scenario.
Still, Mars knew where he was going like he'd be able to find Balthazar if he was on the other side of the world, so they got back to that bench before he was dust, and before Atlas. She slipped down off the beast and rushed back to his side, crouching to cup his face and get his attention, "still with me?" She asked, breathless and searching his face. "I can't pick you up, you have get on your crazy dog yourself."
Keep reading
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wtfreya-briar · 10 months
It was Harland's money, anyway, and hardly enough for him to notice it was gone. Even if he did it's not like he could get mad at her for giving it up to save a friend. Or whatever Edmund was. A friend she thought too often about kissing. A friend she'd have spiralled without, who she nearly just lost.
She clung to him just as hard, her face buried in his neck as she swallowed down all the panic. He was okay and she was okay and the threat had run off now, more motivated by money than any desire to hurt the two of them. The adrenaline of it all still had her feeling tensed up, but she could just go for a run or something later and that would work off the extra energy well enough.
"I'm fine." She said softly, managing not to scoff and trying not to think too hard about how it made her chest feel tight that he'd ask. This was sort of her element, afterall. The wildlands, fighting. Still. "They won't be back." She assured him, her hand cupping the side of his face gently, just for a moment. "Do you... Want me to walk you back to Wisteria?"
With a Warrior by My Side | Freya and Edmund
Freya would rather solve things without weapons, to be perfectly honest. Without the finality of a blade. A good fist fight, a clear win. Who won if she had to threaten a life? But she would. For Eddie. For anyone else she cared about. Of course, most of them could handle a situation like this a bit better, but Freya wasn’t mad at him– Edmund’s softness was what made him so interesting to her. She couldn’t get up to save him; the bloke she had pinned was still conscious, simply defeated. So she grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled, until he’d lifted his head enough for her to set her dagger up against his throat.
She stared down the Fox with Eddie’s wrist in their grip, not daring to risk sparing him a glance, because she might do something stupid. “What will you tell them when you return penniless and a man down?” Freya asked him, her Owain tongue still fluent and harsh as she made further threats. He spat back something about her having to get back without her pretty boy, and she watched him carefully. He wasn’t holding a weapon, but that didn’t mean he was unarmed.
Slowly, she reached for the coin pouch at her belt with her free hand, and tugged it free. “Let him go first.” She said, in common tongue this time. She’d concede the money, it didn’t matter. When his grip on Edmund’s wrist went slack, Freya whistled softly, giving a quick jerk of her head to bring him to her side. Once he’d moved she tossed the pouch off to the edge of the treeline and stood up. That released her prisoner obviously, but she held one arm out infront of Eddie to push him behind her a bit, dagger still gripped tight, and watched the pair of them pick up their buddy and the cash, vanishing into the forest. “Breathe.” She finally turned when the sound of their footfalls had faded, placing her hands on Eddie’s shoulders, eyes searching his face, “are you alright?”
Edmund could hear his own heartbeat in his ears, his palms felt sweaty yet cold. He stared at Freya as she spoke something, then glanced at the Fox who was holding his wrist, then at the person Freya held and then back to Freya. He had no idea what was happening and how this all would end. He could only hope everyone would get out of this unharmed - even the attackers.
His eyes got wide when Freya pulled out her coin pouch. He shook his head softly, trying to tell her not to give her money away. But everything was happening so fast that suddenly he was released and standing next to Freya, the attackers had Freya’s money and they disappeared. Edmund blinked and looked at Freya, still processing what had happened. He let out the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding and just pulled Freya into a tight hug. He felt horrible for not being able to save his own ass, but he was so grateful Freya was there. “I’m fine. Now”, he replied loosening the hug and looking into Freya’s eyes. “Are you okay?”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
It’s good to see you.
Alekto paused once again, her brows rising as a brief moment of surprise overtook her features. There were few people in any court who said those words to her and genuinely meant it, as Freya seemed to in that moment. It caught her off guard.
Enough that when Freya made her next comment, Alekto responded without fully considering the implication of her words:
“Unless Harland trimmed it back in the last century, the vegetation near the bedchamber wing is thick enough that you can climb up and down the walls, and the window latches are easy to open with a knife. Easy to slip in and out when Thornhill becomes too much.”
Alekto took another swig of her drink, nails tapping against it once she put it back down. Some small part of her had always wondered how much Freya knew. How much Harland had told her. In another world, they would have been like sisters. That thought was enough for Alekto to take another swig.
She let out a snort at the mention of how busy she must have been. “Terribly. Always someone the king wants tortured, or someone causing trouble for myself or the court. I am Archmage, my responsibilities have responsibilities.” Not to mention Amity, who had disappeared as of late, which potentially suggested trouble and Naveen’s influence.
The mention of Rye, meanwhile, did not elicit the scowl it normally would have.
“Hawthorne is occupied as of late.” Plotting her downfall, probably. Alekto was well aware that he could cause trouble later; it was to be expected given the predicament she’d put him in. To be honest, she was looking forward to the day he attempted to test her hold on him and his beloved little pet.
But none of that was for Freya to know. Nor was it a matter Alekto wished to concern herself with in this place.
“You look plagued by it all,” she remarked, tilting her head. It was a feeling Alekto understood well. “I suppose that explains why you’re here.”
Rye had been around, technically. At Thornhill. For Balthazar more than her, and the whole place had been a bit much for Freya to stomach most of the time. She was so tired. Holding together a family reputation she didn’t even ask for. While that family dropped like flies around her and still refused to tell her what was going on.
“He hasn’t trimmed it.” Freya confirmed with another wolfish look, shaking her head, “I usually just jump out my window and head off, though.” She was built solid enough for the hard landing. “Aha, yeah. That’s why I don’t fuck with fancy titles. Too much to do, not enough time to do stuff that actually matters.” Of course, the way she’d been raised, not much of what she believed mattered fell in line with the beliefs of court fae either side of the divide.
Yeah, occupied. So Alekto didn’t know it all. Well, Freya wouldn’t be the one to say. Her brows creased at Alekto’s next comment though, and she scowled. “People are commenting on my appearance much more as of late.” She took a sip of her drink. “Well, you’re the third. But that’s a lot more than usual, which is none.”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
With a Warrior by My Side | Freya and Edmund
When Freya had asked Edmund if he’d go for a walk to the Wildlands with her Edmund didn’t even have to think when he already agreed on that. Especially as Edmund already came up with ideas what kidn of foods to pack in his backpack - he was even thinking of a little picnic somewhere if they’d find a really nice place for one. Even if they wouldn’t find a super nice place they surely could just sit and snack anyway. At first Edmund had thought of cooking and baking all kind of things, but then decided to go with simple sandwiches and different kind of fruits. Simple but delicious.
This whole trip and being able to spend time with Freya and honestly, just talking about this and that without the need to be careful with his words, had definitely lift Edmund’s mood and he had this nice fuzzy and warm feeling inside of him - happiness. But then mid sentence Freya shushed him and before Edmund could even ask what’s up everything was happening at once. Someone appearing out of nowhere, Freya jumping at them and Edmund’s instinct was just to turn invisible and run. But seeing another person grapping Freya Edmund realised his feet were stuck on the ground and he was unable to move anywhere.
Freya calling him by his nickname made him realise he would definitely be an easy target if he just stood there staring at what’s happening. He quickly glanced around him and decided to dug behind a tree out of sight - only to bump into someone way bigger than him. The only answer to Freya’s question was a quiet “eep” as Edmund stared at the person in front of him - and then he realised to run back to the direction he knew Freya was at. Sadly he just wasn’t quick enough and the person managed to grab his wrist at the same time Edmund saw Freya again. The tight grip on his wrist definitely brough back some old memories of the time when he was being attacked at the city and Kasha happened to be there to save him. Although the scar on his cheek was still there to remind him how he would be done for if Kasha hadn’t been there. And right now seeing Freya there made Edmund feel some kind of relief that maybe this would not be the last breath he’d ever take - yet at the same time he felt like a total wuss for not being able to actually defend himself.
Freya would rather solve things without weapons, to be perfectly honest. Without the finality of a blade. A good fist fight, a clear win. Who won if she had to threaten a life? But she would. For Eddie. For anyone else she cared about. Of course, most of them could handle a situation like this a bit better, but Freya wasn’t mad at him-- Edmund’s softness was what made him so interesting to her. She couldn’t get up to save him; the bloke she had pinned was still conscious, simply defeated. So she grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled, until he’d lifted his head enough for her to set her dagger up against his throat.
She stared down the Fox with Eddie’s wrist in their grip, not daring to risk sparing him a glance, because she might do something stupid. “What will you tell them when you return penniless and a man down?” Freya asked him, her Owain tongue still fluent and harsh as she made further threats. He spat back something about her having to get back without her pretty boy, and she watched him carefully. He wasn’t holding a weapon, but that didn’t mean he was unarmed.
Slowly, she reached for the coin pouch at her belt with her free hand, and tugged it free. “Let him go first.” She said, in common tongue this time. She’d concede the money, it didn’t matter. When his grip on Edmund’s wrist went slack, Freya whistled softly, giving a quick jerk of her head to bring him to her side. Once he’d moved she tossed the pouch off to the edge of the treeline and stood up. That released her prisoner obviously, but she held one arm out infront of Eddie to push him behind her a bit, dagger still gripped tight, and watched the pair of them pick up their buddy and the cash, vanishing into the forest. “Breathe.” She finally turned when the sound of their footfalls had faded, placing her hands on Eddie’s shoulders, eyes searching his face, “are you alright?”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
Beauty moves in still waters || Edmund&Freya
“You just need to make it clear that once it’s done and paid you aren’t responsible anymore and if they want something changed they’d have to pay the full amount again.” Edmund nodded his head as a confirmation that he thought this was a great plan. Maybe the people wouldn’t be that happy that they’d have to pay more, but at least Freya would get a good payment for her time and effort. “Home base renovation sounds like really good too”, he added nodding once again. Honestly, in Edmund’s books anything that made you happy and would make you able to live your life comfortably it would be worth the try. So if Freya wanted to start making gardens or do renavations, Edmund would definitely support her on that.
The fae couldn’t help but laugh softly at Freya’s expression and complain about the world ‘lesson’. “Okay, okay, I won’t call it a lesson. What about a
 music session?” Session wasn’t too close to a lesson, right? That was probably a good word, yes yes. Edmund’s face lit up when Freya started to ask more details about instruments - she seemed like she actually did want to hear more and didn’t say it just to be polite. But then again, Freya probably wouldn’t say anything just to be polite. That wasn’t really her thing. “I do have a pan flute. It was actually the first instrument I ever go to play. I got one at the orphanage where I grew up in and I still have the pan flute. Just like I still have my very first lute too.” Edmund smiled sort of proudly for still having those two things as they really were rather old by now and probably a lot of people wouldn’t keep a hold of such for so long. But they were important to Edmund and he wasn’t ashame of admitting it. “But okay, so. There are multiple different instrument groups, strings being one, then there’s percussion where instruments like drums belong under, and then there’re wind instruments like pan flutes.” And off he went with the talking, starting to explain what kind of instruments could be called string instruments and how many different kind of instruments were all percussions even when they were completely different looking and sounding ones. Most likely now that he got to talk about all this he wouldn’t shut up about it until Freya would tell him to stop.
In theory, it was a solid business plan, but in practice Freya did not fancy spending so much of her time arguing back and fourth with fussy seelie fae about their garden. But she appreciated Edmund for his ideas, anyway. “I’ll think about heading into the wildlands to talk to some people...” She didn’t think it was the right time to be making solid commitments. Who knew when another disaster would make her presence at home necessary. 
Session was an interesting word for it. She wouldn’t tell Eddie what sort of activity it brought to mind- that would spoil the fun. “Session wiill do just fine.” Freya told him, trying to bite back her amused grin. She settled down to listen- though she would deny any interest in learning, it was more just enjoyable to listen to him talk. She’d forget what he said, but she was also sure he wouldn’t mind repeating it. So Freya let him go on, throwing in questions when it seemed like he was running out of steam, until the sun started to sink. “Dinner time.” She sighed, a bit sad about it. “Do you need a ride home or did you come on Harmony?”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
Five O’Clock Somewhere | Freya and Alekto
Busy as she was, Alekto was still a creature of habit. The war and her position in Oberon’s court hadn’t changed her desire to fuck off into the woods whenever she wanted a moment of peace away from everything. Sometimes the politics and the games and the need to embody her reputation at all times were, quite frankly, exhausting. After several days of working so late that she hadn’t been able to leave Roheim Castle for more than a few hours at a time, Alekto finally caved into Kier’s insistence that she take a day to herself.
The tavern was far enough from both courts that Alekto felt no need to glamour her appearance. She’d exchanged her usual attire for simple trousers and a shirt that had been rolled up at the sleeves enough to expose the intricate scar tissue on her forearms. Well-made but not enough to draw attention. Aside from the various talismans disguised as jewelry on her neck and wrists, and the rings upon her fingers, there was no indication of her wealth and status. There were certainly fae who recognized her as she walked in, or who had moved away when she walked to her chosen table, but it was enough to allow them to pretend not to recognize the Storm Weaver in their midst. And it was enough for her to feel like Alekto Bone instead of the Unseelie Archmage. 
Though she heard the sound of someone approaching, Alekto largely ignored it as someone passing by until she saw the hand on her table and the sound of a familiar voice. Her hand froze beside her drink while she looked over at Freya, confusion briefly flashing over Alekto’s features at the sight of the other woman.
“Just trying to have a drink in a place where people don’t expect me to play at being a courtier,” Alekto hummed, leaning back in her seat to properly regard Freya. Part of her was tempted to try and push through the interaction as quickly as possible. Thinking of Harland and the baggage which followed was far from her idea of a fun time, and she’d come here to relax. But Freya was not her father, and Alekto was in a good enough mood to be willing to humor her. 
“You don’t look lost, and I find it hard to believe you came over here to just say hello.” She motioned to one of the chairs across from her. “If you’re waiting for an invitation to sit, go ahead.” 
Freya flashed a grin that was all teeth- wolfish and wide- when Alekto played along, and confessed that her business here was well in line with Freya’s. She swung into the open seat as soon as it was offered, taking a long pull from her drink. “It’s good to see you.” She said, and it was the truth. Alekto intregued her, and had always been nice enough- or at least, willing to entertain her curiosities- but with them both being based in different courts... Well, things could get complicated. But not here. “Things have finally calmed down enough at the estate for me to get away. ‘Hah, or at least, I’ve had enough of the place for a bit.”
She frowned briefly, then took another swig of her drink, fingers tapping restlessly against the table top.She had been surrounded by it; Harland and Balthazar and their mutual mood swings. Balthazar getting blown up, saved by her of all people. And she had Eddie, but that could get strange sometimes too, since his confession. Alekto wouldn’t want to hear about all that crap though, and, y’know, there was probably some of it she shouldn’t know. Probably already did though. “I imagine you’ve been busy enough too.” Never a quiet moment in Belladonna, “I’ve hardly seen Rye either, so.”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
Beauty moves in still waters || Edmund&Freya
“You could just make the different kind of gardens, not the boring ones people think they want”, Edmund suggested with a slight tilt of his head. Edmund was sure Freya could come up with amazing garden designs if she’d just get free hands to do whatever her soul desired. Probably Freya’s gardens would be more like small forests, but to Edmund that sounded like a wonderful garden. The more natural looking one it was the prettier it would be for sure. Of course he has always enjoyed the extremely architectural gardens too - like the palace gardens with carefully planned and neat pathways, all flowers, bushes and trees shaped in a certain way. But there was something amazing about the more ‘wild’ gardens.
“Of course you get to taste test everything. You can come over for that at any time”; he replied with a bit bigger smile. He was working in the kitchen quite often anyway so the chances of Freya arriving at the time Edmund was making something was quite high. Or if he wasn’t making anything at the moment, Freya could always ask him to bake or cook something and he’d happily do so.
Edmund looked into Freya’s eyes and for a moment he was quiet, just looking into her eyes and then finally started to smile. “I’m sure there’re many instruments you haven’t seen before. But I think it’d be easier to talk about them when you actually see the instrument infront of you as just explaining how it looks and sounds doesn’t really tell the whole story”, he said instead of just going into rambling about all the instruments. “So you just need to come over for a visit and be ready for a long music lesson.” His smile was probably a lot wider than it should be, considering talking about music and different instruments might be extremely boring to some. But Edmund did hope it wouldn’t be extremely boring for Freya. Or if it was, she most likely would at least say she feels bored about the topic and they should do something else instead. Luckily there was a lot to do around Black Manor so they surely wouldn’t be bored.
“Sure.” Freya shrugged, “then I’d never see a penny, and they’d probably make me change it back. Reckon the only reason I got away with this little patch of wilderness is because Harland was too sick to stop me.” Well, alright, maybe Harland had actually humoured her, primarily because she was sure he didn’t really care what his garden looked like. “Maybe I’ll start offering to pretty up peoples’ home bases out in the wildlands or something, but it’d probably end up looking too neat for their liking.” It was a neat little stand in for her own feelings, honestly. Not sleek enough for the Seelie and not wild enough for the Solitary.  Too much of both to belong to the other.
Come over. Right, right. She had to venture off the Briar estate some time. It just felt hard these days, she didn’t know what she’d come home to. But she couldn’t spend forever anxiously hovering around Harland, waiting for him to drop again. Still, the lure of pastries and instruments and more of Eddie’s company was a strong one, and maybe after some time away from the house she would feel better. “Eugh.” Freya pulled a face, “don’t call it a lesson, I’ll never turn up.” She grinned, nudging him gently in the ribs, “Just call it music talk. I can talk a long time, I bet even you’ve got a lot to say about music and all your instruments. Do they all have strings? Except the drums, I mean- and there’s... I know some of them you blow air into, like a pan flute, do you have one of those?”
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wtfreya-briar · 1 year
With a Warrior by My Side | Freya and Edmund
The Wildlands were a pleasant place for a walk. With all that had been going on recently Freya hadn’t been getting out there nearly as much, and after a few visits to the Black Manor to talk pastries and musical instruments- and make Eddie blush every time she brushed his hand with hers- she had declared that today she simply had to get out. Harland had his strength back enough that she wasn’t worried, and it wasn’t as if Eddie had to ask anyone for permission. 
So that was where they found themselves this afternoon, meandering through the quiet of the trees. They’d stopped for a bite to eat from some of the supplies Eddie had brought along, but they walked with no particular plan. Freya wasn’t out here to visit the Wolves, not today, it was just nice to be somewhere that felt like home. She knew every avenue and twist of the forrest like the back of her hand, so they could wander without getting lost, and she was happy to let Eddie lead the way whenever he got distracted by a pretty plant or some animal tracks he wanted to follow.
As for Freya, she’d taken the chance to gather some herbs and such to re-stock her healing kit- after tending to Balthazar’s injuries from the explosion, she was in real need. But whiile they stood on the edge of a clearing, Eddie chattering about a particular flower and its uses in baking, she felt the air go very still. The birds quieted, and Freya too, put a finger to her lips in a shushing gesture. 
All at once; a branch snapped, Freya unsheathed the dagger from her hip, and a figure came out of the trees behind Eddie. She launched herself at the assailant, throwing them both hard against a tree and grabbing their head in both her hands to knock it against the trunk again, so they slumped to the floor. She’d barely turned when another had her shoulder in their grip, “Eddie-” Her head snapped to the side, absorbing the impact of a strike to her jaw, “don’t panic.” He’d probably hidden himself by now, which would be for the best. She could see a tie around the wrist of her attacker, and it were Fox clan colours. 
If they snagged the pouch of gold on her belt, Freya didn’t care none, but they couldn’t hurt Eddie, and with Foxes you could never be sure if money would satisfy them. She threw an elbow back and they both tumbled to the floor, rolling for a while, each of them trying to gain the upper hand. He was big, but Freya was quicker, and she managed to pin him to the ground eventually.
There was a third, she’d heard their steps earler, but now they’d retreated into the trees. She didn’t like that. No way they’d just sloped away and left their clan mates behind. “Eddie.” Freya called out again, a bit louder, “you alright?” 
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