virginvideovixen · 2 months
trying to teach myself graphic design and photo editing is making me want to commit the good ol' fashioned slipnslide 🫠 i should just start taking cute pics of my butt and thighs for a living
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loveoaths · 11 months
alright, i finished Star Wars: Thrawn: Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, and i have Thoughts. aside from the copious amount of colons in the title, it was… fine. it is the most Zahn of all the thrawn novels, and all my old criticisms of the thrawn novels are applicable here, too: no character development; same-old space mystery plot that ends in a naval battle with one or two creative maneuvers; women with the strangest character motivations you have EVER seen; etcetera.
i talk (read: rant) about this way too often, but i truly do feel that thrawn novels would benefit by letting him be wrong more often. he’s a military genius, but he sucks ar politics and people — so put him in situations that force him to engage with politics and people!!! he would be so much more interesting if we saw thrawn trying to apply his military know how to, say, a grounded chiss-regency era style plot. give me a thrawn wounded by a reckless battle maneuver and now stuck on mandatory medical leave somewhere and, OOPS WHAT’S THAT? ALL HIS POLITICAL ENEMIES FINALLY HAVE HIM IN THEIR TERRITORY AND STAGE A POLITICAL ASSAULT ON HIM? and now thrawn, mr genius mcsmarterson, has to lean on all those friends and allies he’s made to survive a political maelstrom. ar’alani, thalias, and samakro and their families are roped into keeping his stupid ass afloat and helping him play the political game, or at least shield him as much as they can from his own ineptitude. and at the same time thrawn is trying to sniff out enemy subversives influencing chiss society and planning a naval attack on the chiss fleet, and he has to juggle all of these problems while while also trying to remember which tiny fork to eat his salad with? and if he doesn’t pick the right fork the visiting syndicure will make him harikari on the SPOT???
now that would be a fun thrawn novel. hot damn.
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crossoverquest · 1 year
Lucy: I’m not giving up on you, Seppukumaru.
Harikari Seppukumaru: I wish you would…
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angelnumber27 · 17 days
Bout to harikari this shit
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argentumcor · 1 month
John Musker: Disney Animation Needs A ‘Course Correction’ (cartoonbrew.com)
Before this current remake era, Musker said that Disney management had proposed that they remake all of their films in cg animation. “I told them I’d commit harikari first."
Well I guess they just shelved that until they got someone more cooperative.
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minaminokyoko · 7 years
A collection of all my Harry/Murphy ficlets, AUs, and drabbles. It’s named after the fact that I am basically the Queen of the Harry/Murphy trashpile and this is my landfill for all my HarriKarri garbage. But some of you don’t know me, so let me outline the contents of the trashpile. The earlier chapters are fics I’ve crossposted on my blog here, but the others are AO3 only since I didn’t want to spam the TDF tag with my nonsense.
Subtle - Thomas has a “subtle” Christmas gift for Harry (and Murphy.)
A Very Dresden Thanksgiving -  An AU version of one of Harry's first family Thanksgivings. It's AU because in this universe, Charity's son named after Harry is infant age and not the age he is in the timeline of the series shortly after Cold Days.
Side Effects -  Murphy discovers some unusual side effects while sleeping (literally) with her new boyfriend Harry.
Body Swap -  An April Fools' spell gone horribly wrong. Or, right, if you ask one stupid wizard.
Murphy’s Bad Day -  Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
Movie Night -  Harry and Murphy at the movies. Set in 2010.
The Shirt -  A random rainstorm bears surprising fruit for Harry Dresden. Pre-Changes.
Movie Night II -  It's movie night and Harry knows just what to take his former-cop girlfriend to go see this summer. Post-relationship. Same continuity as Movie Night Part I.
Wedding Traditions -  Harry and Murphy suffer through one of the most embarrassing wedding traditions, but maybe it's not all bad.
Shiny -  Harry, Thomas, and Maggie should never be allowed to watch Disney movies.
Moonlight and Meddling Vampires -  The plan was set. Thomas Raith was going to get Harry Dresden and Karrin Murphy to prom one way or another. Dresden Files high school AU, but bite-sized.
Noise Complaint -  It turns out Harry and Murphy's union has some unintended consequences.
In Vino Veritas -  A reverse AU scene of the short story "Last Call" in Side Jobs. What if Harry found Meditrina first and Murphy walked in on them?
Escape -  An alternate version of Dead Beat, where Harry actually did realize what Murphy was trying to ask him when she came over to tell him to "water her plants"--that she needs an escape route from something she's not ready to face.
When Harry Met Murphy -  Just a headcanon about the day after Harry and Murphy bumped into each other for the first time on that bridge in "A Restoration of Faith." Loosely canon-compliant.
Kiss - The first time we see Harry and Murphy kiss is in Proven Guilty, but that's not the first time they've ever kissed aka Three Kisses Before Proven Guilty
Possessives -  In which Murphy's grammatical slip-up speaks volumes.
Reflections -  A mirror image of Harry and Murphy from the multiverse theory.
100 Days, 100 Nights -  Two missing scenes between Harry Dresden and one of the only people on earth who knows Karrin Murphy as well as he does--her mother, Marion.
Home for the Holidays -  Murphy takes Harry home for the Thanksgiving holiday. It goes about as well as expected. Post Skin Game.
Kiss (Part Two) -  The three off-screen kisses before Proven Guilty...but from Murphy's perspective.
Broken -  Karrin Murphy gets a Denarian coin. Post Small Favor, pre Changes. AU.
Of Grave Importance -  In the aftermath of Grave Peril, both Harry and Murphy are struggling to pull themselves out of a downward spiral. But maybe they can make it together. Pre-Summer Knight. Harry and Murphy POVs.
Fumble -  Harry and Murphy get physical. It's definitely harder than it looks. Pun intended. Post Skin Game.
Update, as of 7/11/18:
Taste:  Murphy unknowingly ingests love potion while helping Harry chase down a suspect. Consequences abound. Post Proven Guilty, pre Turn Coat.
Tried and True: Harry and Murphy are out of town on a case and have to spend the night in a hotel in the middle of nowhere.  There is only one bed. Well, of course there is. Takes place before Small Favor.
Church Bells:  After a nightmare, Harry's got something on his mind involving Karrin and ringing church bells. Post Skin Game.
Steady as She Goes: Something's different in Casa de Dresden and Thomas wants to know what it is. Post Skin Game drabble.
Scars: A companion piece to "Church Bells." Sometimes Murphy has nightmares too. Post Skin Game.
Love & War:  It's really not a good idea to threaten Karrin Murphy where a certain wizard can hear you.
Hardhearted:  Thomas wants to get to know Murphy better. He bites off a little more than he can chew. Pun slightly intended.
What Mirrors Don’t See:  What if the infamous Dream from Chapter 14 of Skin Game had happened to Karrin Murphy instead of Harry Dresden?
Mischief Managed: Harry and Murphy track a serial killer on Halloween night. Murphy's feeling a little mischievous this year. Pre-Changes.
Mischief Managed II:  The sequel to "Mischief Managed." Turnabout is fair play and payback is a bitch.
I Won’t Dance: Harry and Murphy have to scope out a perp at a masquerade ball, but Murphy doesn't know how to do the waltz. Fortunately for them both, Harry does. Songfic, sorta.
The Wolf: A warlock traps Harry and Murphy and tries to turn Harry on Murphy. Emphasis on try.
Mambo Italiano: Harry heads to see a witness for a case and get the surprise of a lifetime.
Superconductor: Three times when Harry unknowingly turned Karrin Murphy on (and one time he did notice.)
Midnight Sun: Dresden Files Thor: Ragnarok AU. 
Perchance to Dream: What would life be like if Harry Dresden's dreams came true? Post Cold Days, pre Skin Game.
The Truth: The aftermath of "Perchance to Dream." Murphy's POV.
Eavesdrop: Marion Murphy happens upon Harry and Murphy at an...inopportune moment. Drabble. (No explicit squick, I promise.)
Stay: Few things in this world are as terrifying as Karrin Murphy with a cold. Luckily, Harry Dresden is a brave enough wizard to take care of her anyway.
By Any Other Name: Harry reveals his Name to Murphy. It has an...interesting effect on him. Post Cold Days, but pre Skin Game.
Four Letter Word: Three times Harry and Murphy said "I love you" before Turn Coat (and one time when it was implied). Drabbles.
The Cat and the Canary: Murphy gets turned into a cat. Crackfic/Fluff mashup.
Cheers: A new recruit arrives to the S.I. department and immediately learns a thing or two about Harry Dresden and Karrin Murphy.
Twerp Sweating: Harry Dresden and Henry Rawlins have a little chat about a certain blonde cop. Takes place somewhere between Blood Rites and Dead Beat.
Only Time Will Tell: Maggie Dresden meets Karrin Murphy. Inspired by Zoo Day.
Animals: Mouse's musings about Harry and Murphy. He's a hound with a plan. Inspired by Zoo Day.
Father’s Day: Harry, Murphy, and Maggie celebrate Harry's first official Father's Day. Post Skin Game.
Hazardous: Genderflipped Harry and Murphy are on assignment looking for a chupacabra. Pre Changes.
The Soulgaze Part I (Harry): Harry and Murphy finally Soulgaze. Post Skin Game. Two parter. Murphy's POV.
The Soulgaze Part II (Murphy): Harry and Murphy finally Soulgaze. Post Skin Game. Two parter. Harry's POV.
Hope you like these! If you don’t, well, you know where to find me.
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notlikingbestgirl · 7 years
Vegetable Seppuku
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corbettcartoons · 5 years
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#comics #comicstrip #comix #cartoons #indiecomics #cartoonist #webcomic #puns #punchline #harikari #panelcartoon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2KISuh9wd/?igshid=1rl14r7hfmbbk
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napkindiary · 7 years
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It all started back in the day. He learned to escape, to bail on his feelings like a spring breeze calling to him as a boy . It showed up all over his life: Escaping, deferred pain, suicide, addiction, needles, veins, sneakers, cool spring breezes, kisses, cutting, avoidance, irresponsibility, consequence, the need for release. This one speaks to me about so many things the kiss of the barrel smooth and cool promises release like the squeak of sneakers and the spring breeze pushing back my hair flying down the corridor on the way out Cutting School The original poem Cutting School is one of the 34 featured napkindiaries in the first book, just published and available now on Etsy (link in bio) napkindiaries is a series of photobooks of poetry and short stories manually typed on Cocktail Napkins; culled from a collection of napkin notes of a Jazz Musician and philosopher, collected and crafted from years of professional observation www.jazzentertainer.com/napkindiaries The #kiss of the #barrel #gun #needle #addiction #suicide #cutting #selfharm #harmreduction #hypodermic #recovery #harikari #terminallyunique #mixedmediaart #bookrelease #poetry #collectorsitem #selfpublishing #hardcover #isolation #sickofitall #cuttingclass #playinghooky #poetslife #emotionalpain #poetsofig #poetrycommunity #emotionalescape #sapiosexual (at Upper Moreland High School)
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lavenderslothgaming · 5 years
Got tagged in a thing by @fairy-boy-nerd, and it seemed fun so ima do the thing :D I don't think I'm gonna tag anyone tho because I'm the definition of awkward but yah. So I was asked to put my music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs:
1. Of Eating Disorders and Restraining Orders - Coffinworm
2. Carolus Rex - Sabaton
3. First Day in Hell - Arch Enemy
4. The Traces We Leave - Harikari for the Sky
5. Bismarck - Sababton
6. Celestial - Andromeda
7. Deutschland - Rammstein
8. Come Clarity - In Flames
9. The Legacy of Ares - Dagoba
10. Instead - Emma Blackery
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omghotmemes · 3 years
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tastefuldenial · 3 years
Well, it’s been a good ride, but it appears Tumblr has finally decided to commit harikari. Backup your stuff while you can. I use this name on Reddit & Twitter and anywhere else.I’ll see you around.
I’ll be deleting my account after the first of the year. Fuck you, Tumblr.
Update: oh, this is Apple’s doing. Cooooool. Well then.
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bbgirlspit · 4 years
i commit harikari and a smaller, yet more determined version of me rolls out and runs full speed towards you
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mbilmey · 7 years
The La Lunga are attacking.
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mikeylane7-blog · 4 years
hI all I've got a v50 2ld with immobiliser see hand book I've tried the 5 door locks an 5 ignition battery is fully powered please help I don't want to take it to a dealer
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p-dubs · 6 years
#harikari Link in bio 🔝 #songsinthekeyofsea (at Beach At Spring Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boci5YEH3Wq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9dmaasdv4fya
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