#hard enamal pins
patchworkpastel · 2 years
CMYK Mothman Pins, Kickstarter going live, November 25th!
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Deltarune Character Pin Set 3
by Nina Matsumoto
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Instead, Everyone Can Live In My Perfect Mansion, Everyday Blissfully Worshipping Me Like We Both Deserve
This official DELTARUNE hard-enamelpin set was designed by Nina Matsumoto and features Noelle, Berdly, Spamton, and Queen. Set 1 and Set 2 are also available.
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xm00nbun · 4 years
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A.C.E - 5tar
hard enamel
sandblasted or glitter
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hazbinmo-tel · 2 years
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Wake up and smell the coffee, preorders are open! ☕️🍳
A set of 4 hard enamel pins! They'll be up for preorder either until theyre funded OR if they hit the needed goal quickly, until the 20th!
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Victòrian locket pins with hollow place for hanging!
2,5 inch hard enamel pins with glitter details!
Get them here!
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coldbloodedcreator · 4 years
a little gift for @luminescentlyricist ! i just... have some intense clown brainrot. also, excuse how jumbled and weird it might be at the end, I was passing out (still am) while writing it and im too excited to share it to revise much. fandom: homestuck (oc oriented) characters: othamo oculus (oc), jezakk imetat (friends oc) length: 1426 words pov: 3rd person (jezakk)
that was one way othamo would communicate with jezakk.
a pat at the shoulders to access where the smaller was, a grab at his arm to signal he needed help walking. he could be a bit rough but usually never meant to harm jezakk, told by the small apologizes that muttered from his lips. he could be verbally affectionate — but they were rarer than jezakk liked. he understood, though. being verbal about feelings was hard. jezakk couldn't get a single sentence out without his voice stuttering and cracking, no matter how hard he tried. he admired how flat his matesprit could keep his tone. sometimes he wondered if he could ask othamo how to control his voice - as othamo was one of the few troupe members who spoke with no rises in his voice at all, and spoke at a moderately quiet level compared to everyone else. but he doubted othamo would, or that it would work for long.
jezakk's internal dialogue was interrupted by a tight grip as his arm. claws dug into his flesh and jezakk had to quickly brief a glance towards his matesprit, before giving his vice gripped claws a gentle pat. "Uh," jezakk sort of grumbled low, to his best ability. he still held his claws over othamos, resisting the urge to try and pry them off. even if he tried, othamo would likely just grab on at a different section of his arm. "hEy.. cOUld yOU Uh... rElAx A lIttlE, Oth?" he sort of stammered. his eyes flickered back and forth from the emotionless grin on his matesprit's face to the near wall, his shoulders tense. luckily for him the claws relaxed and jezakk could feel the blood start to return to his arm. "i gEt yOUr nErvOUs-" othamo blunted overspoke jezakk, claws digging in once more. "im n⊙t nerv⊙us." he grunted. jezakk could hear othamo's breath hissing through his irregular, pin prick teeth, his smile much more open than his resting one. jezakk was near convinced that othamo grinned when he was nervous, and that othamo was a nervous wreck at all times. which wasn't rather farfetched from what jezakk had gathered from previous drops of othamo's cool facade, or the comments he made, but jezakk could hardly tell when othamo was being sincere or not. he couldn't even tell when othamo's rage was genuine. jezakk's eyes landed at the floor, where he could just barely see his foot tapping against the cold cement. he near became fully absorbed with his nervous leg bouncing before an idea sparked in the back of his mind. "hEy, I hAd An IdEA..." he could feel othamo's claws loosen more, before they eventually relaxed and let go. jezakk gingerly touched at where the claws had sunk in and left indents, feeling the small bumps. there was a few greasy smears of the oils from othamo's marionette strings that made jezakk briefly grimace. "what is it?" jezakk could've sworn that was more of a demand than a question. the way othamo's raspy voice spoke was a bit unnerving at times. othamo had told jezakk that when he was younger, he didn't start talking till he was around 6 or 7 sweeps old, which at first sounded somewhat ridiculous. but ... it did make some sense. "I wAs thInkIng.. AbOUt hOw yOU strUgglE wIth shOwIng AffEctIOn?" jezakk tried to word this in the kindess way possible. he could see othamo's eyebrow quirk out of the corner of his eyes. "whAt If I shOwEd yOU A wAy tO dO It wIthOUt wOrds?" "y⊙u mean asl?" for once his voice changed at the end, but went deeper instead of higher. it still registered as a questioning tone, but a grumpy one. "yEAh! wEll, Uh, nO, nOt cOmplEtEly, bEcAUsE.. yOU knOw," he gave a few vague hand movements, even though they'd go unnoticed. "yes. because im blind. i kn⊙w." it almost sounded like a sigh coming from him. jezakk frowned.
"AnywAys. wEll.. I knOw yOU lIkE drUmmIng yOUr fIngErs On stUff, sO mAybE sOmEthIng wIth thAt?" jezakk could see othamo's smile growing more forced, signalling a zone out on othamo's end. jezakk jabbed an elbow at othamo and he straighted up again. he gave no apology for his brief lack of consciousness, simply giving jezakk a smile. "... hOw dOEs thAt sOUnd?" "h⊙w d⊙es what s⊙und." jezakk sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. sometimes his matesprit was so goddamn stubborn. instead of making a mistake like last time where the question spiraled out of control, he just gave a small shake of his head. he reached his claws forward, placing them on othamo's shoulder gently. underneath the three different layers othamo tensed up at the touch. after a brief few seconds to let othamo's shoulders relax did jezakk drum his claws against his matesprit, giving a reassuring smile. "I lOvE yOU." jezakk said gently. he could feel othamo's blind gaze near bore through his skull. the taller's claws drifted forward, resting against jezakk's arm. he drums his fingers against it much gentler than expected, almost lost between the sweater fabric. this caused a wide smile to form on jezakk's face and a gentle flush fill his heart, and he lowered his hand. a few moments passed before othamo moved his hand to jezakk's face and drummed there as well. othamo's smile had visible softened. it was almost like his icy exterior melted away, revealing the personality that jezakk knew as his matesprit. othamo slowly crouched - trying to avoid popping his knees, as he understood the sound wasnt very desirable - and quickly after engulfed jezakk into a hug. he pulled jezakk close as a loud purr begun to rumble from deep within his chest and he nuzzled his face against jezakk's shoulder. his claws drummed rhythmically against jezakk's back, over and over, as he gave the tinkerer a squeeze. jezakk was rather surprised, but also quite elated, at the sudden affection. his cheeks turned lilac as he wrapped his arms around his matesprit, placing his chin on othamo's shoulder. his own claws gently rolled against othamo’s back, able to feel the scutes that decorated the spine of the puppeteers spine. it was a nice feeling. a few minutes pass, and they depart from their embrace. othamo remained crouched for a little bit, simply facing jezakk. the smaller purpleblood didn't move, as othamo still his claws on his shoulders.
"hey jazzy." "hm?" he blinked, tilting his head as a force of habit. "want t⊙ kn⊙w s⊙mething?" othamo asked, grin still present. jezakk lets out a soft chuckle. "sUrE, whAt Is It?" "when i think ⊙f y⊙u, i d⊙nt try t⊙ imagine the bits and pieces put t⊙gether ⊙f what y⊙u might l◎‿◉k like. i think ⊙f the stars. ⊙r at least my mem⊙ries ⊙f them. i used t⊙ marvel at the night sky, enam⊙red by them. they were s⊙ beautiful. y⊙u remind me ⊙f th⊙se stars, jazzy. s⊙ bright, interw⊙ven int⊙ the cl⊙uds ⊙f stardust."
a long pause came from jezakk. he stared at othamo, unable to find words. eventually he found a smile and another giggle leaves his lips. "Oth... thAts sO swEEt. I dIdn't knOw yOU wErE A rOmAntIc." othamo gives a playful nudge, leaning back onto his heels. "d⊙n't get t◎‿◉ c⊙cky ab⊙ut it, ⊙r else i w⊙nt tell y⊙u my pent up l⊙ve p⊙ems at all." othamo holds a genuine smile though, shoulders lax. he leaned forward and gently pressed his cold nose against jezakk's before giving the tinkerer a drum on the shoulders, and then standing straight. his previous fears seemed to have long since left him, his matesprit bringing his mood up significantly. othamo's smile can only widen more as another troll pops into jezakk's practice tent - where the two trolls currently were. he could hear the troll mutter something about "i knew id find you here" before informing the puppeteer his show was to begin soon, and othamo gives a simple nod. he looked to jezakk's direction once more before leaning down to place an affectionate kiss on jezakk's forehead, murmuring a few soft words and then making his way out. he paused at the entrance of the tent, glancing back again. he reached to the nearby beam and gave it a drum, smile perked. and then he leaves, vanishing into the bright big top to preform. jezakk could only watch, grin soft and his heart still beating firmly in his chest.
othamo could communicate verbally with jezakk, too. and boy does he love when he did.
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halfnakedbanana · 5 years
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I have made a charity pin and All profit will go to WIRES It breaks my heart knowing that already MILLIONS of animals died and there will be many more. Let's help the hurt animals get better! I will post a receipt at the end of january of course!
The pin will arrive in around two weeks and I will ship them off immedietly.
So far you guy raised over 350€!!!!!!
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summerofloaf · 5 years
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Oh shoot! Check out my sick pin, designed with the help of @crumbypins! Her name is Faer La Croix, and I created her back in 2015. I'm so ready to share her with the world, and I hope you'll all love her as much as I do. Back her here on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jake61341/space-cadet-an-out-of-this-world-set-of-hard-ename
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magicalshopping · 5 years
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Kawaii Larme Powder Puff Princess Pink Bow Hard Ename Pin 3cm - £5.50/$7.40
Kawaii Pink Powder Puff Bow Iron on Patch 2.4" - £4.50/$6.06
Magical Harts ღ
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Fatwa Tok Lebai bertukaq ikut pilihanraya...
Fatwa Tok Lebai bertukaq ikut pilihanraya....
Bila Haji Hadi kata Hudud tidak sesuai, Sukar dilaksanakan di Negara kita..Terus terang aku kata..Dalam bab perlaksanaan Hudud di Malaysia ini.. Kalau ikut Ijtihad yang tepat.. Istiqamah dengan Disiplin Fiqh.. Lebih Faqih Lim Kit Siang dari Haji Hadi.. Lebih Jujur DAP dari PAS... DAP sejak dulu menolak Hudud, Bukan sebab depa benci Hudud.. Hatta Mendiang Karpal Singh lebih jujur setiap kali menolak Hudud dengan mengatakan ianya bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan..Dia akan kekal mempertahankan Perlembagaan.. Masa tu Aqidah Haji Hadi, Perlembagaan ini Perlembagaan Kufur.. Lim Kit Siang dalam ceramahnya memetik pandangan Qaradawi tentang Awlawiyyat(Keutamaan).. Apa yg dikata Haji Hadi semalam, Itulah pendirian DAP selama ini..
DAP tak pernah hina Hudud seperti Presiden dan pemimpin MCA.. Pernah ada gambar pemimpin tertinggi DAP seperti Karpal Sing, Lim Kit Siang dan Lim Guan Eng buat sepanduk ,aksi Pangkah seperti presiden MCA, Minta PAS sedar diri..  Begitu juga aksi DEMO luar pejabat PAS..hatta DAP Tak Pernah takut takutkan Hudud seperti UMNO dan MCA.. Tapi kami tak dan main sentimen kaum kata MCA anti Islam seperti PAS.. Sebab pada aku, Itu lambang Kejahilan..
MCA dalam kempen PRU 13, Mereka beli iklan dalam Akhbar Thestar satu muka surat, Hasut bukan Islam, Burukkan Hudud dan PAS untuk takutkan bukan Islam mengundi DAP.. DAP tak pernah buat mcm itu.. Bayangkan iklan itu nilainya RM 20-30 Ribu/ Muka surat.. Itu kerja MCA.. Itu sebabnya bila Haji Hadi kata DAP lebih Agresif, Extreme itu tidak tepat.. MCA lebih Extreme.. hakikatnya, hari ini bagaimana Allah tunjukkan kuasanya, Bagaimana Haji Hadi ditempatkan bersama kelompok Ashabiyah.. memang Haji Hadi dan Politik kebenciannya satu ketentuan yang hebat.. Kelompok Takfiri, Khawarij dan Ashabiyah seperti Haji Hadi memang sesuai bersama UMNO dan MCA.. begitulah Allah aturkan..- Ipohmali
Apa khabar Tanjong Piai...
Baru mendapat maklumat mengenai Pirake Tanjung Piai daripada seorang teman wartawan veteran yang bermukim di sana sejak Isnin lalu. Kempen Pirake Tanjung Piai sudah memasuki hari ke lapan hari ini, bermakna sudah lebih separuh ia berjalan. Hari mengundi pada 16 bermakna ada enam hari sahaja lagi. Daripada laporan teman itu, kedudukan dan peluang di Tanjung Piai di antara PH dengan BN masih belum berubah. Apa yang saya gambarkan sebelum ini, PH akan kecundang masih kekal. Apa yang ketara berlaku di Tanjung Piai pengundi berbangsa Cina sudah berpihak kepada BN. Undi Cina untuk BN ada peningkatan. Adapun undi Melayu masih kekal seperti Piraum lalu. Kenapa ini berlaku seperti saya katakan, Cina tetap mengundi Cina walaupun di mana mereka berada. Inilah perbezaan dengan orang Melayu yang sangat diplomasi dalam berpolitik dan sedia bertolak ansur. Ertinya keputusan Umno menyerahkan kerusi itu kepada MCA adalah betul. Sebab kalau kerusi itu ditandingi oleh Umno, undi Cina akan mengalir kepada calon PH atau ada yang mengambil sikap tidak mahu keluar mengundi. Hanya satu cara sahaja untuk PH mengekalkan kerusi di Tanjung Piai itu. Orang Melayu hendaklah bersikap seperti orang Cina juga. Orang Melayu kena undi calon Melayu. Jika sikap ini tidak ada kepada orang Melayu maka PH akan kalah. Apakah orang-orang Melayu Umno dan Melayu Pam akan mengubah sikap mereka yang "wala" dengan kata pemimpin itu meniru sikap orang Cina? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Dan saya tidak yakin orang Melayu mempunyai responsif yang hebat untuk bangsa dan kepentingan mereka sendiri. Orang Melayu hanya kuat membebel, dan ada kalanya boleh mengamuk sesama sendiri. Prinsip orang Melayu macam batang keladi celor sahaja. Sehingga hari ini saya meramalkan calon MCA Wee Jeck Seng yang dijinjing tangannya oleh Hadi Awang akan menang sekitar 300 hingga 500 undi. Perhatian secara menyeluruh akan dilakukan Ahad ini apabila saya akan turun ke sana dan melihat sendiri dari dekat. - mso
PH harus buang mamat ini dari jawatan MB.
Bersatu v MCA: DAP grassroots between 
a rock and hard place in Tg.Piai...
DAP grassroots are torn between their unwillingness to campaign for Pakatan Harapan’s candidate Karmaine Sardini from Bersatu and wanting to see Wee Jeck Seng from rival party MCA defeated in the coming Johor by-election.
Malaysiakini has learnt from DAP insiders and elected representatives that this is a result of a series of events involving the party, including the prosecution of its lawmakers in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) case.
Also of concern is the brouhaha over the controversial comic by former party member Hew Kuan Yau and possible disciplinary action against party central executive committee member Ronnie Liu.
These events have significantly strained ties between DAP and fellow Harapan component party Bersatu.
Karmaine Sardini - PH
This could prove to be a major setback for the ruling coalition as DAP plays an important role in assisting its Bersatu counterpart retain the seat.
Not only because the parliamentary seat comprises 42 percent Chinese voters, but also because the party won Pekan Nenas, one of two state seats under Tanjung Piai.
In GE14, Harapan’s incumbent, the late Md Farid Md Rafik secured an overwhelming majority of 80 percent support of the Chinese in the constituency. However, the past year has also seen Chinese support for the ruling coalition eroded.
This is also worrying as Farid won the seat last year with a sliver of just over 500 votes to two-time former MP Wee.
Wee is hoping to reclaim the seat as BN’s candidate once more in the Nov 16 polls, against Bersatu Tg Piai chief Karmaine.
Less ceramahs
On the eve of nomination day for the Tanjung Piai polls last week, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng openly highlighted the concerns of DAP leaders against recent events.
This, he said, was perceived by many in the party as attempts by authorities, or “deep state” to target DAP for links to a defunct terrorist group, and for allegedly spreading communist propaganda.
Dissatisfaction within the party also reportedly compelled its leadership to urge all its lawmakers to put a united front for the sake of the coalition, at least until the end of the by-election.
And indeed the party bigwigs have been playing their part. Lim, his father and DAP supremo Kit Siang as well as deputy minister and Johor DAP chief Liew Chin Tong’s appearances on Nov 2, lent credence to the image of a united front.
Yet, the past six days of campaigning has seen less ceramahs being organised by DAP as expected.
Wee Jeck Seng - BN
This is especially as ceramahs are seen as the most common and effective election strategy adopted by DAP in past polls.
Only DAP Pekan Nenas state assemblyperson Yeo Tung Siong and several grassroots members were seen accompanying Karmaine in his campaign trail over the past few days.
It was only on Wednesday night that Kit Siang himself spoke for the first time in a ceramah at Penerok, a BN stronghold that also comprises a small group of staunch DAP members. Hundreds turned up for the ceramah.
Following this, DAP minister Yeo Bee Yin, deputy minister Teo Nie Ching, Jelutong MP RSN Rayer and Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh are scheduled to campaign for Karmaine and speak at ceramahs.
Wendy Subramaniam - Gerakan
Grassroot frustrations
But aside from party leadership, the DAP campaign team is finding it harder to persuade grassroots members to campaign for the Harapan candidate.
Party insiders told Malaysiakini grassroots from other divisions were unwilling to campaign for Karmaine because they were unhappy over the LTTE and comic issues.
Yet some sources have said some decided to come out to campaign for Harapan after taking into consideration the overall interest of the coalition.
A Kukup DAP branch member said some were unwilling to see voters swing back to BN after they voted for a change in government last year.
"Yes, we are not happy (with Bersatu). But Harapan is a family. Are we going to break apart because siblings quarrelled?" said the source.
The party insider also felt that even if BN wins in the Nov 16 polls, its candidate Wee would no longer have access to many resources or provide as much handouts to constituents as when he was MP during BN’s administration.
"What we want is a backbencher who can keep the government in check. Can you look at how much he (Wee) spoke at Parliament (before?), what he uttered was only 'yes, correct'," the party member added.
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Faridah Aryani - Bebas
Tung Seong  has admitted that DAP members were discontent, not just with Bersatu but also other allies.
"(They are questioning) Why no other parties voice out support for us, only PKR president Anwar Ibrahim," he said.
Acknowledging the importance of the by-election, Tung Seong believed party leadership are able to persuade members to join the campaign machinery.
This is as he pointed out a defeat for Harapan in Tanjung Piai will only strengthen the “deep state” concern highlighted by Lim, as hands working against the coalition will only think of Harapan as a one-term government.
"Many of the grassroots leaders listened and understood this is an important battle and decided to join the campaign machinery," he said.
Currently, about 30 party campaigners go to the ground with the assistance of central leaders and state leaders to speak to the grassroots.
Ang Chuan Lock - Bebas
Public support
Meanwhile, DAP Skudai assemblyperson Tan Hong Pin also admitted that recent issues have affected sentiments of the grassroots.
Yet, he downplayed its seriousness and claimed the grassroots are able to rise above it.
"Definitely, it is frustrating...But we all know the meaning of the polls, (and) they are willing to set aside (their discontent) until the battle is over. Then, we will talk about other issues," he said.
He advised party members to adhere to party discipline guidelines and train their guns at the “other side” instead of resorting to sabotage.
Tan said the DAP campaign machinery did not just rely on party members but contributions of funds and resources from the public.
"This is the first time ever Johor DAP took part (in an election) as a government party, so we need to adjust our campaign operations. I still believe the participation of the public is very important, as without them, (it would appear) as though we are losing the support of the public," he added.
Dr.Badrulhisham b Abdul Aziz - Berjasa
Even so, public participation in the campaign was still low, but better than expected, he claimed.
Besides the need to stem the loss of Chinese support, Tan said Harapan needed to attract the support of young Malay voters in order to retain the seat.
The Tanjung Piai by-election was called following the death of Farid, 42, on Sept 21 from heart complications.
Aside from Karmaine and Wee, four other candidates have thrown their hats into the ring. 
The six-cornered battle also features Gerakan deputy secretary-general Wendy Subramaniam, Berjasa president Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz and independents Ang Chuan Lock and Faridah Aryani Abdul Ghaffar. - mk
Penyokong DAP-Tak mahu undi Bersatu,tapi tak mahu MCA menang
Story kat sini...
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Sumber asal: Fatwa Tok Lebai bertukaq ikut pilihanraya... Baca selebihnya di Fatwa Tok Lebai bertukaq ikut pilihanraya...
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patchworkpastel · 2 years
Made sticker sheet that will be going out with every reward on my Kickstarter!
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There's 18 days left, so don't forget to check it out before it's too late!
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zambicandy · 8 years
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My #kickstarter is now live!!! I have 4 new cuties for you! They're 1.5 inches - hard enamel! I hope you like them! 😊💖💖💖 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/340776545/mermaids-and-centaurs-and-sea-unicorns-oh-my-ename (You can also go to kickstarter.com and search "mermaid" and it should show up! ) 😁😙😙😙 also if you have any questions let me know! You can get pins made through zapcreatives! #centaur #mermaid #unicorns #seahorse
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patchworkpastel · 2 years
So close! 10 Days Left!
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patchworkpastel · 2 years
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patchworkpastel · 2 years
My Mothman pin set went live yesterday!
Check it out!
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patchworkpastel · 2 years
Only 5 Days left to join the Mothman Pin Kickstarter!
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So click the link, check out the pins, and join the campaign before it's too late!
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