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pottig-blog · 6 years ago
#игромир #игромир2018 #igromir #igromir2018 #comicon #comiccon #comicconrussia #happyweekand #комиккон2018 #человекпаук #ps4pro #3dphoto #heroes (at Крокус Экспо Москва) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boo5r-oBpxF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qe7tjn5to69i
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ayamjanjoss · 3 years ago
Makan malam rame-rame ke Ayam Goreng Janjoss yuk, tempatnya nyaman, makanannya enak, dan tentunya cocok untuk quality time bersama 😀 Yg mencari tempat buat.. Rapat,Reunian,Kopdar,Meeting,workshop,traktir2,celebration. Ayam goreng janjoss 🏠🏠 Reservasi 📲 wa.0811517055 @ayamjanjoss Jl. Terusan Surabaya no 57b Malang @ayamjanjosstunggulwulung Jl Akordion No 1 ( perliman Tunggulwulung ) Malang #KulinerMalang #malang #happyweekand #kulinermalang #infomalangraya #makananmalang #malangfoodhits #mahasiswamalang #grabfoodmalang #gofoodmalang #SeputarMalang #kuliner #infokulinermlg #wiskulAREMA #Malangfoodies #malangkuliner #universitasmalang #janjoss #MahasiswaMalang #janjoss https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVp1_c_BkBK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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katerynavozhzhova-blog · 7 years ago
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Вторая вылазка на каток в моей жизни☝ 😏 До этого на коньках не каталась, только ролики. Хорошо, что у меня есть надежный учитель, который не даст упасть в "лед лицом". И в прямом, и в переносном смысле😁😉@vladislavinho , спасибо за поддержку😘👏🙏 #лед #каток #трцкосмополит #отличныйдень #отдыхслюбимым #отличнопровеливремя #выходныесхолодком❄ #киев #kiev #happyweekand #cosmopolite_kiev (at ТРЦ "Космополіт"/ ТРЦ "Космополит")
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sunnytomorrow · 7 years ago
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#goodmorning #happyweekand #coffee #morecoffeeplease #needcoffee #justlovecoffee #relax
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stylepeaks · 8 years ago
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Have a bright and beautiful weekend everyone 💐 As vibrant and fun as this @nyxcosmetics_in soft matte lip creme in #morocco . . #nyxsoftmattelipcream #happyweekand #funsaturdays
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kathyyi · 8 years ago
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Happy Friday!!! 오늘의 명언! . . #오늘의명언📖 #즐거운여행 #주말에는 #행복❤ #일상속행복 #word💯 #fridaystyle #happyweekand #lasvegaslife #forever21 #entrepreneurlife #forever21 #force4good #follow4ever (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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pottig-blog · 6 years ago
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#игромир #игромир2018 #igromir #igromir2018 #comicon #comiccon #comicconrussia #happyweekand #комиккон2018 #godhunt #ns #dota2 @godhunt1989 @just_ns #спасибо #афтограф #радостьполныештаны 🤗😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/BopS9x2hpSZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17i7bn7lpkuwu
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therealchangeandgrow · 8 years ago
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And off we go! I believe this is a replicate model of the plane the Wright Brothers flew. Enlarge the pic and zero in on the center to see the pilot. There were a number of test flights where the brothers alternated as pilot, but the 1903 flight stayed up a whopping 12 seconds with Orville at the controls. Seemed appropriate for today in terms of a gamble that transitions always are. BTW the Wrights' ✈️ always had rough bumpy landings, crashed a number of times and needed repair. Finally, "...a heavy gust picked up the Flyer and tumbled it end over end, damaging it beyond any hope of quick repair. It was never flown again." (Wikipedia: Wright Flyer). However, the Wrights refined their designs and 2 years later the air age took flight with a 24 mile 39 minute flight. 😊#happyfriday #happyweekand #wrightbrothers #kittyhawk #northcarolina #wonderment #adventures #flyingmachines #firstflight #fixedwing #statues #wrightbrothers #inauguration #trump #willitfly #dontbreakmyheart Have another great weekend, let's hope the new president becomes who is needed, and the next 4 years...fly.
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m1880 · 4 years ago
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#HappyWeekand #Covid19 #CoronaVirus #MukeshRamgopalRathod #Ahmedabad #INDIA.
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Assalamu'alaikum teman2 Selamat Pagi Semua😆 Happy Weekend... Nak senyuman jadi menawan? Guna #Foreverbrighttoothgel Tanpa Flouride... Aloevera & Propolis Nak order ☎91362111 #happyweekand #smile😊 #foreverbrighttoothgel #toothwhitening #ordernow
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tiurtiaraa-blog · 9 years ago
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Satnitenyaa masih berlanjut .. Yuhuuii 🎥🎬 👫 #latepost #happyweekand (at Mall Tamini Square, TamanMini Indonesia Indah PinangRanti Jakarta)
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kathyyi · 8 years ago
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beautiful smile today😊 with fresh breath😉기분도 상쾌!! 바닐라 미트 향기, 부드러운 느낌~ Gentle clean & vanilla mint formula . . #whitingteeth#freshbreath#freshmind#happyweekand #daily#beautifullife #lasvegas #lasvegasnuskin #force4good #forever21 #follow4follow4 #하얀치아#하얀치아로#생기#느낌#일상#뷰티#라스베가스라이프 #라스베가스 #나눔스타그램 #같이행복하자 (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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pottig-blog · 6 years ago
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#игромир #игромир2018 #igromir #igromir2018 #comicon #comiccon #comicconrussia #happyweekand #комиккон2018 (at Crocus City Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BopM1GaBY8F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gb7vspgi8j8t
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Assalamu'alaikum teman2 Selamat Pagi Semua😆 Happy Weekend... Nak senyuman jadi menawan? Guna #Foreverbrighttoothgel Tanpa Flouride... Aloevera & Propolis Nak order ☎91362111 #happyweekand #smile😊 #foreverbrighttoothgel #toothwhitening #ordernow
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