#happy world autism awareness day 2023
naimahtaylor · 1 year
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Here’s a Fanart of Happy Autism Awareness Month and That Means I’m Autistic with the Puzzles and Every Heart of With All World Autism and in Every April Awareness Autism and Tell Me Who’s Autistic and with the Earth and i hope you gonna enjoy the post and Please Add a Nice Comment Like and Reblog
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Tuesday April 11.
Autism Acceptance Month.
Today is Tuesday, April 11, which means we are eleven days into the 30 blessed days of #autism acceptance month, 2023 (previously known as #autism awareness month). April is the month and April 2nd is the day—World Autism Day, to be precise—and these first weeks of spring are a time for uplifting autistic voices of all identities, advocating for acceptance, progress, and sharing in the community's joy. It began back in 1972, as National Autistic Children’s Week, and was founded by The Autism Society to raise awareness and campaign for change in communities, schools, medical facilities, and businesses. And this same vital, wonderful work continues today, and not just for the month of April, of course—but every day of every year. The lived reality is that every day of every month is Autism Acceptance Month, and it is on all of us to do better.
Progress has been made, but there is still so much to be done in the struggle for equality and justice for all those living under the broad church of autism. And if these words sound hollow, then simply read the moving story of Debra Vines, of The Answer Inc., and of her autistic son Jason. She articulates everyday struggles that families can face, and the many joys they experience, too. Her message is simple, but powerful: don't give up on milestones.  
Want to know more, get involved, or donate? Here is just some of an impressive selection of charities sourced by the fine people at the Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Guide, where you can find the complete list of 20 charities and organizations:
The Asperger/Autism Network
The Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network
Autism Research Institute
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Autism National Committee
Happy Tuesday, folks, and here's to better.
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astramthetaprime · 2 years
Update, March 4th, 2023
Okay so here’s that update as promised.  
I finished the latest TopGun story this morning, I’ve been going through it making corrections and sundry changes all today.  This one took some doing, it didn’t just fall off the turnip truck like the others.  I’m thinking it may be longer than “The Flight of Dragonfly-1″ but I haven’t done a word count yet.  It was an emotional roller coaster to write so I was sitting here this morning just sobbing.  But it ends happy.  
I was stuck for a title but finally found it.  I suck at titles.  It’s going to be called “The Devil You Know”.  
I’m aware I’m behind on posting links to the individual stories.  But if you look up “AuntyProton” on AO3 it should come up.  Also the most recent is the official timeline post, which I will need to update as well for the new story.  
In other news, I may have a job.  I have had an interview and a one day trial, so I am in serious consideration for a job.  It will work out well if I get it, it’s doing simple data entry at a physical therapy office.  It’s via a temp agency but they have a policy that if you stay three months at a job it’s a permanent job.  So we’ll see.  Otherwise, I’m continuing to turn in applications and such, I won’t stop that til I have an actual job.  
I had to go out and buy some decent shirts and some decent shoes, first time I’ve actually gone out to buy clothes anywhere except WalMart or Amazon for probably decades.  The experience was not comfortable.  I am not female.  The whole fashion thing is completely foreign to me.  Plus the store had everything hung up so high I couldn’t reach most of it.  I’d have felt better just going to WalMart and getting guys’ clothing as I normally do, but ... well.  When people see me, they see a female body.  They expect female clothing.  They expect me to be something I’m not inside, and regardless of how uncomfortable I may be I will be judged on my appearance.  If it’s anomalous, I’ll be judged badly.  I don’t know what this is called in transgender terms.  Passing, maybe?  I don’t know.  Masking, in autism terms.  I’m ashamed to say I don’t know nearly as much about being transgender as I should considering I am one.  This is the first time I’ve had to really deal with such things.  Then again, I’ve never worked in a standard office environment.  At the Post Office we had uniforms so, ya know... it was different.  I did wear guys’ shirts at the PO, and either cargo shorts or cargo pants, so I was more or less okay genderwise.  The world would be a better place for me if everybody just wore t-shirts everywhere all the time.  
So I’ll be posting the new story likely tomorrow morning, I have to go through the story to put in the italics by hand so it takes a while.  If you’re on alert for my stuff you’ll see it likely before lunch.  L8R G8Rs.  
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sarahvilelaheart · 1 year
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This is an art of Fairy Crystalline, Fairy Brilliantine and Toadshiny (yes, they're my blue characters) celebrating the World Autism Awareness Day of this year with blue and indigo stars. 🔵 So... Happy World Autism Awareness Day 2023! ⭐️ And enjoy! 🙂
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atypicalbipolar · 5 months
Mental Health Month posts from Facebook (because sharing multi year posts suck)
So is it Mental Health Awareness Month? Or could it be Mental Health Acceptance Month? I guess it's a matter of education. But I was inspired by the fact that April is Autism Acceptance Month. I don't know if the sentiment is the same.
* I am out at work as much as I feel comfortable. I lead an internal DEI group and we introduce ourselves each meeting using roles outside of work. I'm a queer person who uses They/She pronouns and I'm a peer with lived mental health experience. My boss and a couple coworkers know I'm a presenter for In Our Own Voice because I invited them to present for June's DEI meeting. But I am NOT comfortable sharing my diagnosis to work (minus my friend) and I can't present myself sadly.
* About this time last year I volunteered to be a 'tech buddy' DBSA is STILL USING ZOOM. This is good for me because the commute home from Belmont after 9pm would be unbearable. Tech Buddies are the zoom host, and help take attendance and manage the speakers queue with raised hands. Going to DBSA let me know I'm not alone in a way I hadn't experienced before.
* My individual gave up her office early on in COVID and is permanently virtual. My group therapist retired in July and I had to say good bye on zoom. His replacement is private pay, but I'm using FSA funds to justify it. I started seeing my Psychiatrist in person only for him to retire 6 months after group did! I'm currently without a prescriber for the 3 time since 2016. Charlestown MGH is overloaded with patients and understaffed. The one difference this time is that I'm stable.
* I'm still running, but I started stressing about it in October, and I think my COVID bout (which was mild) is still impacting my performance. My photo a day streak is STRONG. I even called into a podcast who was doing an episode on "what works for me" because it really does help me get out the house. That and obsessing over step counts.
I enjoy making mental health content during May, but I feel like I'd just be repeating myself this month. Enough has changed from last year to write out this post. If you're still reading I bet you're very aware and I hope you're even accepting at this point.
Mental Health Awareness Month is here again and I'll be posting for the third year.
In a perfect world I could be out on my public twitter. In a perfect world I could disclose online without any fear that come next job hunt, someone in HR will find that and take a pass on me. In a perfect world I could disclose at work even though I don't need any accommodations. It's not a uniform system but I've cobbled together fb, instagram, and my anonymous bipolar twitter account as safe spaces to share. I'm trying to feel less segmented but it's difficult when real world repercussions are a possibility.
Still zooming with NAMI's In Our Own Voice. They're starting to get in person presentations but it's just easier for me logistically to stay virtual. I've zoomed with plenty of places I'd never be able to get to in person.
This time last year I joined DBSA (Depression Bipolar Support Alliance) Boston, a peer led org that hosts support groups. I'm busy Wednesday nights zooming with the "Young" Adults group. A bunch of millennials and gen z folks using their lived experience as shorthand to bond. It's meant a lot to me and I'm walking with team DBSA for this year's NAMI Walk.
Covid still drags on. Last couple of Mays I wrote that I was glad I had Bipolar. And it's still true. My toolbox of coping skills is flush with things I knew, like taking baths with epsom salt, and things I've learned during the pandemic, like how I developed a running habit. My take a photo a day streak inspires me to get outside. And perhaps most importantly I can still see my prescriber, my individual and my group therapists remotely.
So happy Mental Health Awareness month. You're probably very aware at this point.
I’m taking part in Mental Health Awareness Month again. I am still not out on Twitter*. I still cannot publicly disclose my bipolar, or even just 'mental illness' on an account with my full name for fear of personal and professional repercussions. In these kinds of spaces, it is much easier to navigate out as queer than out as bipolar. *This January I started an alternate anonymous twitter account so I can better engage with the neurodivergent, disabled and mental illness communities. (You'd be surprised at how much those overlap)
Before all of this began, I signed up NAMI's In Our Own Voice. You’ve probably heard about it whenever I mentioned the NAMI Walks I’m doing in a few weeks. We started zooming in August and I want to say it was one of the best decisions I made in terms of advocacy and stigma busting. I have presented to different groups, college nursing classes, one of the inpatient units at McLean Hospital, and several groups of Family to Family, the program mom took 15 years ago when I was initially diagnosed.
After over a year of Covid, I'm still GLAD I’m Bipolar. There's a collective mental health flare happening right now. But I have my diagnosis, meds, my therapy, and coping skills. I have a toolbox of things to try when I am stressed out or sliding backwards. And perhaps most importantly I have established relationships with my individual, group and my prescriber. I am so lucky that I've been able to see them remotely.
So happy Mental Health Awareness month. Now you're probably even more aware.
Mental Health Month Post: I realized something: I am not out on Twitter. I can not publicly disclose my bipolar, or even just 'mental illness' for fear of personal and professional repercussions. I am more out in my queerness than in my mental health struggles. How ironic is that? I wish things were different.
When I signed up NAMI's In Our Own Voice, I was hoping to use it as a tool for greater advocacy but also to increase my "outness" as a bipolar person. Even though the training was Presidents Day Weekend, I never thought that a pandemic would put all presentations on hold.
Sure I participate in chronic illness (disability) twitter and will 'flirt' with outing myself. If you read behind the lines, check who I follow and talk to, you may be able to out me. But I talk about my crohns and humira, not lithium, and I leave therapy to my journal on patientslikeme.
But at a time like this I'm actually GLAD I am Bipolar. There's going to be a mental health flare when Covid starts to wind down. But I already have my diagnosis, meds, my therapy, and coping skills. I already have a toolbox of things to try when I am stressed out or sliding backwards. And perhaps most importantly I already have established relationships with my individual, group and my prescriber.
So happy Mental Health Awareness month. Now you're probably more aware.
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spoilertv · 9 months
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gebryan · 1 year
HUGWIND! Day 108 (April 18, 2023)
HUGWIND! Day 108 (April 18, 2023)
The Fiesta 13, Blaine, Ne. ###
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Fishy Scientist
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 “Baxter’s Birth”
February 20 1888 (Aquarius/Pieces) same year that Sir Pentious died
Lower Saxony, Germany.
 Robert Wilhelm Bunsen was a German chemist and created the Bunsen burner, a device that Baxter frequently uses in life and his afterlife. Baxter’s real name (fan made) Brenner means “burner” in German. Bunsen was a chemist role model for Baxter. Bunsen died in 1899, when Baxter was ten. Baxter went to the same university, University of Gottingen.
 Baxter: white skinned short man, short black hair, ocean blue eyes, later wears glasses, gloves, goggles and lab coats. Frequently wears a dark blue suit with a bow tie, white buttons, black shoes and a round matching hat. Freckles dot his cheeks.
In Hell, he is seen wearing dark gray lab coat with gloves, a top hat and esca light hanging from his head of blue/cyan hair. He has fins and cyan freckles.
 Father: Dr. Myron Fischer: tall man with black hair, black beard, glasses. Local fisherman, baker and later scientist after moving to the city. Showed Baxter concepts of a shrink ray, which Baxter would later use as a weapon in Hell.
 Mother: Maraia (star of the sea) Fischer: Bread baker, later nurse after moving to the city, studies germs and microbes, leading to Baxter’s obsession with studying small things. Instilled a hard-working, no nonsense attitude to her sons at a young age.
 Younger brother: Ryan Solis Fischer: musician (named after fan voice actor Ryan Solis, creator of Baxter’s Science Serenade). Ryan later went to Heaven and continued sharing his popular music. His parents chided him for not working hard like Baxter but Baxter always defending him.
 Baxter loves science and solitude but dislikes being touched due to a fear of germs and not being in control.
1893 age 5
Baxter is an innocent little boy who enjoys looking at fish and marine life. His father teaches him how to fish.
 At a young age, Baxter was struck by lightning and survived. The strike and his parents pressuring him to work hard led to his genius and obsession over his work. It also led to his stuttering impairment and OCD, which made him a target for bullying. Doctors nearly put him in an asylum after expressing so called “antisocial autism traits.” He was frequently poked and prodded by examiners, leading to a fear/dislike of being touched by others.
 1897 age 9
Baxter dissects fish and becomes interested in science. He does science fairs as a kid but is bullied at school because of his stuttering and being a nerd. He is pressured by his parents to achieve perfect grades all the time. When he misbehaves, he gets shocked by his parents.
 1904 age 16
Baxter was the leader of the scientist club and was working as an apprentice to a brilliant mind, a fellow mad scientist who got him interested in in-depth experiments and unethical practices. Baxter furthered his studies at the University of Gottingen from 1906-1909.
 Baxter soon fell in love with a woman researcher.
 Baxter triggered the pleasure and pain receptors of subjects and studied anglerfish intently, dissecting fish, rats and other animals. He was infamously known for producing chemicals later to be used in nuclear warfare.
 Over time, Baxter became more neurotic and isolated, wanting everything to be in its proper place. He became obsessed with small things, trying to make a miniature version of himself. He killed many victims via injecting diseases, chemicals, electric shocks etc. all “for the greater good” of progress.
 He fell in love with a woman but when she became repulsed by his methods, he grew bitter. His experiment gone wrong accidentally killed his mother, and his father never forgave him for that. The chemical that Baxter made were to be sued in the upcoming World War One.
 “Dragged Into The Depths”
April 14 1912 age 24
Baxter dies on a boat (The V.M. Angler) in 1912 (same day as the Titanic) after traveling to the United States in search of a more prosperous life. He was going to bring his dark experiments with him but the boat flooded in a violent storm. Baxter had been studying and abusing anglerfish in particular, trying to use their glow for light. Like calculating anglerfish, Baxter lurks alone in the darkness, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. When he ironically couldn’t swim, he sank to the bottom of the ocean and was promptly eaten by none other than a hungry anglerfish.
 Baxter died at the start of World War One and before World War 2 and Nazi Germany.
 Hell, 1912: “Fishy Fish Out Of Water”
Baxter arrives in Hell as a blue-teal anglerfish with female features. He can breathe underwater and turn into a giant anglerfish in his demon form. Baxter realizes that he is bisexual, showing a brief appreciation for Niffty and Sir Pentious. (Baxter has a secret on again off again crush on Sir Pentious, Niffty and Helsa…and even thinks Alastor is hot at times, though he denies it to himself.)
 Other demons are quick to bully Baxter, but he manages to escape. During an extermination, he grabs an angelic spear and uses its angelic energy to power up his inventions. Baxter travels underwater to Leviathan’s kingdom. Baxter would’ve been lost, but his family managed to get a position as researchers for King Leviathan, the gatekeeper sea monster. The king and one of the von Eldritch family members gives Baxter enough funds for him to build his own laboratory: Baxter’s Laboratory! (The von Eldritch members only helped Baxter and his family because they were Leviathan’s talented researchers)
 Baxter’s parents resemble fish in Hell (mother a pufferfish, his dad another anglerfish) and have new names: Myron (after Reducto) and Maraia (Star of the Sea). His father still fishes on sea and captures sea monsters for Baxter to study. Both his parents are still strict and distant from him.
 Like the anglerfish, Baxter resides alone in his dark underground lab, seeking victims to prey and experiment on. Ironically, he remains scared of drowning and being trapped underwater. Thankfully, his demon form allows him to swim and breathe underwater.
  1915: “The Coldblooded Madmen”
Baxter becomes an ally/rival to Sir Pentious. The snake almost kills him when the fish accidentally steps into his territory. In exchange for Sir Pentious sparing Baxter’s life in turf wars, Baxter helps Sir Pentious create his Egg Bois “They’re alive!” and they exchange inventions.
 Baxter grows tired of Sir Pentious’ old time inventions and Vox alerts him of newer inventions on Earth that he later incorporates over the years.
 1920s-1990s: “Xirxine”
At some point, Baxter joins forces with Xirxine labs and Annie the cold Zoophobia scientist, where they separately perform unethical experiments on other demons. (lobotomies, electric shock therapy, hunger prison studies, injections of drugs and magic etc.) They use their DNA samples to study all their powers and physical features. Baxter creates his shrink ray “Back off, I say!” as he shrinks demons to capture them and perform experiments on.
 2000s: “Potion Making”
After Velvet arrives in Hell, she orders Baxter to create potions, perfumes and drugs for her to sell on social media. Baxter creates drugs and poisonous chemicals. Baxter longs to create Hell into an underwater metallic paradise of his own making. He believes that everyone else is dumb and deserves to be manipulated. Baxter misses his parents but also doesn’t mind being alone…most of the time.
 2021:  “The Hazbin Hotel Episode 1!”
At some point, Baxter is tired of being watched and observed under the microscopic eyes of the tech Overlords and Sir Pentious. Baxter reluctantly goes to the Hazbin hotel for a place to stay, along with Mimzy and Crymini. He is genuinely curious and skeptical of whether Charlie’s idea of redeeming sinner could work. Baxter meets Niffty, Mimzy, Crymini and the other residents of Hazbin Hotel. Baxter then decides to create another lab…underneath the Hazbin Hotel!
 Baxter thinks Niffty is cute in her own way but isn’t interested in any romantic relationship. Niffty, however, follows him everywhere, much to his annoyance. Baxter isn’t happy when he’s forced to go to Charlie’s “group therapy” sessions instead of working in peace. Charlie says that Baxter needs to come out of his shell, make friends and use his experiments for good instead of evil. Baxter then studies everyone, taking notes and considering making A.I.s and more creatures in tanks. He writes down information about all their abilities. Baxter creates demon lab rats but is mad when Niffty eats them up as she cleans.
 Like Reducto from Harvey Birdman, and Fu from Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Baxter’s love of science can get him on the wrong terms with people. He wants to study Alastor’s dark powers and use them for his own gain but knows to stay far away from him. Despite being somewhat affiliated with the oceanic Von Eldritch family, Baxter doesn’t care much for Seviathan and Helsa. He doesn’t like them for good reason, they consider sinners inferior. Baxter knows there is tension between Vaggie, Seviathan and Alastor as they all fight over Charlie!
  2022: “Villainous Vs” “Back off, I say!”
After Baxter tries to take over Hell by spreading drugs and machines in Pentagram City, he is eventually apprehended by Charlie and company. Baxter’s parents, Niffty and others help him redeem.
 Baxter fights the Three Vs but Vox steals his technology, becoming a greater threat. Baxter and Sir Pentious are held hostage in their own inventions. Vox plans to broadcast their deaths on TV: Sir Pentious being crushed by machinery and Baxter being drowned and eaten by Vark, Vox’s pet shark!
 Thankfully, Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk, Niffty and Angel Dust arrive to save the day. This also takes place when Angel Dust tries to break free of Valentino and confront his father Henroin.
 Sir Pentious had wanted to be with the “cool crowd” and looked up to Vox as his crush. But once he was aware of Vox’s evil intentions, he and Baxter team up to help Charlie and the hotel.
 2023: “Plan to Eradicate The Sinners”
It is later revealed that Rosie, the Von Eldritch family and the angels all have a grudge against sinners and Charlie. They all view sinners as inferior to the Hell-Born elite. They view Charlie and her plan as a threat to the stable hierarchy and plan to crush her dreams with Lucifer’s help. Rosie and the Eldritch family are closely connected since Helsa often buys clothing and antiques from Rosie. Rosie stays on Alastor’s good side until later tricking him. (Alastor then knows what it feels like to be betrayed after he casually betrayed Charlie and her hotel). Rosie aims to make sinners her designer slaves, cannibal food and torture toys while Vox and Valentino plan to influence other demons via brainwashing. The villains all have a similar goal: stop Charlie from enacting her plan so they can remain in power.)
 Rosie makes a deal with the Three Vs, they would give each other money and Rosie would allow Vox and company to continue their media, provided they stay out of her way. Now Charlie and all the Hazbins must work together to fight the monopoly formidable foes. Lucifer orders them not to harm Charlie but they could harm anyone else if they put her in danger (aka Alastor). Of course, Charlie doesn’t want her dad to kill Alastor, so she and her friends have to redeem themselves and form other allegiances along the way. (Cherri Bomb, Molly (in Heaven with Angel’s mother), Alastor’s mother (in Heaven), Arackniss, Roo, Mimzy, Crymini, Baxter, maybe Sir Pentious, I.M.P. etc.) Charlie and company must stop the cannibals, Egg Bois, influenced/possessed demons of Vox/Alastor…without losing control of her power and giving into her primal Full Demon Hybrid Form. Baxter spends a lot of time helping Niffty and making chemicals to use against enemies.
 2025: “Heaven and Hell War Take Two!”
Baxter would eventually team up with Charlie and the others in the fight against the Von Eldritch family, the Three Vs, and the angels. Baxter would make inventions to fight the Exterminators, becoming less neurotic and more open to people.
  Baxter would eventually get redeemed and go to Heaven, but he wanted to go to Atlantis instead. Baxter considers building a rocket and flying through space to another world. He thanks Charlie for all she has done for him and he promises to use his experiments to heal and help advance Hell society…when he feels like it.
 Baxter and his family briefly go to Heaven and Baxter shares his work with Niffty by his side. Hell became his more familiar home and Baxter ponders the idea of reincarnation. If Baxter goes to Heaven, he turns into a human-like version of himself with white wings, a halo and features of an angelfish instead of an anglerfish.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 4/29/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 29th April 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
DLP ON A PATH TO RECOVERY: DURANT – The Democratic Labour Party (DLP), which was defeated in last year’s general election, is on a path to recovery. This declaration came from Pastor of Restoration Ministries, Dr David Durant, who said the party was focused on rebuilding organizational strength at the constituency level which was important for the political, social and economic wheels to succeed. As he delivered the sermon at the DLP’s 64th anniversary thanksgiving service, which was held at the party’s George Street, Belville, St Michael, auditorium, this morning, Durant told those in attendance that along with organizational strength at the constituency level, the party was also rebuilding political strength in every arm of its structure, to chart a revolutionary path to the 2023 general elections. He noted that the party has recognized the need for relevant, sound policy ideas that can be communicated in clear, coherent and consistent messages. “After 64 years, the DLP is rebuilding her reputation of being vibrant, friendly, energetic, caring for the poor and purpose-driven; she must be quite aware that this cannot be achieved without having a more sophisticated communications strategy, that is very necessary, in this advanced technological 21st century world,” he said. “This party going forward will adopt a new approach to politics and embrace a face-to-face year-round level of communicating with the electorate of Barbados. People on the ground networking and engaging the public in respectful, relevant, needs-based two-way conversations will create wonders in broadening the base of your support, especially when some of those conversations can produce positive results.” Durant also professed that the DLP will need to continue embracing the politically intelligent and skillful leaders who understand the vision of the organization and who embody what the party stands for. He said such a move would make a crucial difference in its success. Durant advised: “Nobody, no situation or anything can keep you down unless you choose not to rise again. In life there are defining moments that we dare not miss, making the choice between giving up and going on can be one of them for you. Certainly you cannot turn back the clock, but what you can patiently do, is to rewind it once again and keep on going.” Delivering remarks, President of the DLP Verla DePeiza said she was heartened by how much closer the DLP family has become in the past year. She reminded those present that members are free to speak up within the Party, and urged them to encourage others to attend party events, to share their experiences, knowledge, and vision, as the party nurtures its roots to ensure that the tree that grows was much stronger than the last. “I inspire you to speak up and speak out. There may very well be repercussions, but I have urged you privately, and now I urge you publicly, to have the courage of your convictions,” she said. During the service which was organized by Restoration Ministries, there was singing and dance presentations from the audience, and selected groups and individuals.  (BT)
GAIA TO BE EXPANDED – Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds says Government is seeking to expand Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) in a bid to accommodate more arrivals. “We are now in an advanced stage of doing an agreement that would allow us to see 75,000 square feet of new floor space being built out at GAIA and that is like building a new airport and annexing it on to the existing one. [This] gives us an opportunity to see our capacity to handle arrivals move from the record level 687,000 to one million arrivals as quickly as possible thereafter,” he said. The announcement was made during the Loyal Visitors Cocktail reception held at Blackwoods Screw Docks, Bridgetown over the weekend. Symmonds also announced that government is closing an agreement with Lufthansa Airlines which would see 1,000 Germans coming into Grantley Adams International Airport. “We are in the closing of a firm agreement with Lufthansa as they have started to load flights. We have not spent a dollar yet because our marketing commitments have not begun but we have 1,000 people coming out of Germany on Lufthansa with just the announcement. Three days weekly they will be bringing in traffic from Frankfurt,” he said.  (BT)
RESIDENTS MUST BE INCLUDED IN DEVELOPMENT, SYMMONDS SAYS – A Government Minister is charging more must be done to redefine the island’s tourism product. Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds in delivering his welcome remarks at the Loyal Visitors Cocktail reception held at Blackwoods Screw Docks, Bridgetown, said Barbados has a lot of prime real estate entities that are misused. “Barbados has a bunch of opportunities which have remained unpacked, unexplored and undeveloped from the time I was a little boy learning to swim. The reality is a lot of our beachfront property is old warehouses which are misused. The reality is some of our beachfront property are abandoned commercial buildings. Some of them are empty car parks,” he said. Symmonds said UNESCO heritage sites can also be retrofitted into signature tourism attractions. Thus, he said investment cannot only be limited to structural and financial development alone it must include the revitalization of Bridgetown for residents as well as guests. “We want you to help us deal with the need of having recreational facilities for our communities where we do not have appropriate recreational facilities but which must have them if we are to have a happy coexistence with the inhabitants of the City of Bridgetown and the surrounding communities of St Michael,” he said. The Minister of Tourism said a happy coexistence between the residents and investors is critical as Government does not want a situation similar to Latin America where the disconnect between investors and citizens led to antagonism. “We want to have the type of planning gains that allow for better housing in our communities, better recreational facilities, better drainage for those who are in low lying coastal areas, and more important than that, the investment in small business opportunities in communities which can be linked back to the hotels,” he said.  (BT)
ONLINE VAT WORRY – Concerns are being raised about privacy and civil liberty issues in advance of value added tax (VAT) being applied to online shopping come Wednesday, May 1. Barbadian Alan Emtage, who conceived and implemented Archie, the world’s first Internet search engine, said as every online transaction will have to be scrutinised to see whether they are taxable, people’s privacy can be violated. “There are many things that people like to keep private that have nothing to do with doing ‘something wrong’, or at least certainly not illegal. Medical records, child or other support payments, court records, or even something as non earth-shattering as planning a surprise party are among the many such things that are routinely subject to all kinds of privacy concerns and requirements. These are things that you may not want your spouse or family, your employer or church group or government to know,” said Emtage. (DN)
AUTISM ASSOCIATION WANTS MORE SENSITIZATION IN WORKPLACES – The Autism Association of Barbados is lobbying for more sensitization in the workplace and the education system. President Frank Johnson said corporate Barbados does not have the prerequisites to accommodate autistic adults. He was speaking Saturday at the Au-Mazing Gift: A Journey to Autism Acceptance discussion at the Radisson Resort. The presentation which was conducted by Dr Alisha Griffith discussed increasing awareness about the disorder and also encouraging parents to create support groups and advocate for change. Johnson said more sensitization and awareness must be done on autism. He noted that the corporate sector “don’t know what to do” as it relates to adults with autism. “They should be sensitized that children like this do have abilities. It is the same across a broad spectrum of disabilities. There are people out there who are wheelchair bound and they are not considered to be productive but in fact, they can be productive. If you go to the Barbados Council of the Disabled, they employ disabled people of all sorts and they are able to take part in producing admin services and support to the BCD,” the president said. Johnson said as more children are diagnosed with autism, there needs to be a call for awareness and sensitization to their plight. He indicated that the association sought to create a lobby group which addressed the educational requirements for children who have difficulties. “Most people in the past have taken these children and let them stay at home for the rest of their lives and they are looked after by siblings or relatives and all of a sudden they are swept under the carpet. We are not for that, we are saying they do have abilities, they do `have the same needs as you and I and they should be treated as such,” he emphasized. “We are trying to reeducate people out here about their potential, their abilities and the fact they are not sociological write-offs, that they will have contributions to make to society, that they will be able to do jobs, they will be able to contribute to the tax base. They will be able to make their own way in life and eventually they will be able to look after themselves at various degrees.” The president also suggested further educational sensitization programmes for teaching staff and a re-look at the curriculum in schools to facilitate students with autism. He contended that the students did not need “massive amounts of investment in new equipment” but a new approach to teaching. “They do need sensitization of the staff to a different way of doing things with children who may need more patience so it is a question of using what you have in a different way,” Johnson stated.  (BT)
STUDENTS LOBBY FOR FACELIFT – Last year, hundreds of fed-up St George Secondary students complained about the deplorable condition of the bathrooms. A year later, head girl Destany Arthur and public relations officer of the Students’ Council, Nikisha Carlton, are happy their lobbying led to a facelift, inclusive of freshly-painted walls, three new water tanks and improved bathroom facilities. “The conditions were not up to standard and I felt that if I had to use the bathrooms, I would rather hold it in until I was ready to go home. I knew if the students did not talk about it, this would go unaddressed. “So I pushed it on the Students’ Council and with the help of the teachers and the principal, it went forward,” Carlton said.  They were able to get about 500 signatures before the matter went to principal Dennis Browne, who passed it on to the Ministry of Education. An ecstatic Arthur said the students of the Constant, St George school felt energised by the brighter surroundings and were seen taking pictures.   “Honestly, the school is not the building; it’s the students. But when people came to the school they only focused on the negative and the school is not negative, it’s a really good school,”she said. Arthur encouraged fellow students to keep their surroundings clean.  “Sometimes I clean the classroom to take [the] load off janitors because they get tired just like we do. We need to show the people outside that you love your school by not damaging it,” she added. Browne, who thanked the ministry for the intervention, said all the blame should not be placed on the students as this was the first time the bathrooms were improved since the school opened over 40 years ago. St George Secondary has a roll of more than 600 students.  (BT)
POLICE RESPOND TO TICKET CRITICISM – The Royal Barbados Police Force has responded to criticism over the issuing of parking tickets at the Buju Long Walk to Freedom concert on Saturday night.  Acting Station Sergeant Michael Blackman said: “Despite about three weeks of continuous public appeal there were a number of persons who continued to park indiscriminately on our walkway and pathways causing our pedestrians, especially our elderly and differently able, to walk in the road. This practice must stop and we will continue to enforce the law on their behalf".  The acting public relations officer's comments came after a viral video on social media blasted the police for issuing a series of parking tickets on the Spring Garden Highway last night.  However, in response, many of the comments were in favour of the police’s action and were critical of those who parked illegally. Blackman also said there were no major incidents reported and he lauded the good behaviour of the more than 17,000 patrons.  The RBPF invited members of the public to take "this civilised behaviour" into the  Crop Over season.  (DN)
FORDE ATTENDS WREATH LAYING CEREMONY AT JAMES STREET METHODIST– It was a somber mood at the James Street Methodist Church, James Street, The City, this morning, as the church recognized the contribution of National Hero Sarah Ann Gill. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde joined the congregation for a remembrance and wreath laying ceremony, at Gill’s grave site, on the church’s compound. A historic perspective read by a member of the church, stated that as the Methodist community continue to celebrate 260 years in Barbados, the church is grateful to Gill for her contributions to Methodism and to Barbados. The perspective read that though persecuted, prosecuted, and faced with threats of death, Gill kept Methodism alive, educated the slaves and promoted religious and racial tolerance. In her own words, she was “a stranger to fear”. She successfully challenged the powerful, self serving defenders of slavery, extending religion and education to the enslaved and advancing the abolition process. The Gill Memorial Church was built at Eagle Hall in 1893, to honour her memory. It was replaced in the late 1980’s by the Ann Gill Memorial Church at Fairfield, Black Rock, St Michael. which was opened on August 26 1990. Her final resting place in the James Street Methodist Church is on property she provided to build the church. Speaking to members of the media following the service, Bishop The Reverend Derick Richards, said Gill exemplified what it means to be a true Methodist through demonstrating her relationship with Jesus and her contribution to national development. Bishop Richards said the only female National Hero was on the side of justice, the down trodden and the weary. “Sarah Ann Gill did all of that and today this wreath laying ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate her, but also to remind ourselves of who we are and how we need to be responding to the various challenges and social issues affecting Barbados. And so we are calling all Methodists and all Christians to do whatever they can to help make our society a better one,” he said. Members of the Church Choir and Barbados Boys’ Scouts also participated in the brief ceremony. (BT)
‘TOO MANY’ UNDER 50 YEARS DYING – Too many people under 50 years old are dying, a funeral director says. And he is cautioning young people to take better care of themselves. Funeral director and owner of Earl’s Funeral Home, Ian Griffith, said the increasing numbers of young people dying could be due to their lifestyles. “From my perspective, having been in the funeral business for over 35 years, it’s a fact that we have a lot of under-50 deaths in Barbados. We find that a lot more young people are succumbing to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. It’s not just the older folks who are dying. It’s the younger ones going as well. Yes, we have some young ones dying from homicides but a lot of them are going from the chronic illnesses,” Griffith said. (DN)
BROADCASTER VERE WALCOTT HAS DIED – A familiar voice from the airwaves of the 1980s and 1990s has gone silent. Broadcaster Vere Walcott died today. Walcott, of Mangrove Park, St Philip worked at both the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation and the Starcom Network and became particularly known for his business reports. He was also the very popular Charlie Bravo delivering early morning traffic reports from a helicopter.  His son Sheldon Walcott remembered his father as someone who was always there for him and his sister Veria, hardworking and goal-driven. “He was always willing to help others,” Sheldon said. Manager of news with Starcom Stetson Babb remembered his former colleague as a journalist with great skills who worked across a number of areas from broadcasting, announcing to news reporting. “I worked with Vere at both CBC and Starcom Network and he was a veteran journalist of great skill. A great gentleman and a great person and in latter years he was deeply into his faith and religious principle,” he said. Former director of news and current affairs at CBC Michelle Arthur, who worked alongside Walcott as a reporter and on the morning traffic beat, recalled that he had a keen sense of business news and was well respected in the field.  Along with the Bravo Charlie traffic report Walcott also developed a segment of news called “That Bugs Me,  a satirical piece addressing issues or situations that many frowned upon but did not openly address. “He never had an unkind thing to say about anyone, always pointing out the best in people,” Arthur said. (DN)
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