#happy star wars day friends !!
magicandmundane · 3 months
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Happy Father’s Day to them specifically ❤️
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skyshipper · 5 months
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rancidsugar · 8 months
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For @starryjediknight 🥰🥰🥰 and her fic, Life’s a picnic
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smolvenger · 2 years
Life Day Gift
Summary: When you were a kid, you became close friends with Din Djarin. But after you escaped the Seperatist attack on your village, your beloved Din is assumed dead. Now you're an adult working a Life Day shift, where a visiting Mandalorian arrives. You assume he's just like any other customer, minus some armor and a baby, but there's a surprise beneath that helmet...
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Pairing: Din Djarin x fem! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Din defends you from a creepy older boy and rude customer's at your restaurant job, swearing. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Some sassy banter. Fluff to Angst to Fluff again. Life Day. Eventual Happy Ending.
Word Count: 2K
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A/N: Hi there, @againstacecilia! It is I! Your Secret Santa! Here is your gift for @trekkingaroundasgardsevents and @startrekkingaroundasgard's Holiday Fic Exchange! This is my first time EVER writing for Star Wars, so I hope you like it! Reblogs and Comments are appreciated! Happy Holiday Season!
Also, a short playlist inspired by the fic can be found HERE as a bonus! :)
You would never forget the boy. Your own home village was quaint, peaceful. The adults talked worriedly of the empire, but it didn’t matter to you. What did matter was that little boy, Din.
You met when an older boy was being far too creepy to you for your comfort when out of nowhere- WHOOOSH! - he was pelted by a rock.
“Hey! Leave her alone!”
Looking into the light from the street corner you were targeted on, he almost seemed to glow. He was small and skinny with dark eyes and dark hair. But despite his smallness, his courage made him stand like he was a giant.
“Or else what?” the older boy sneered.
His answer came in the form of another rock that pelted him so hard in the face that it knocked him down, nose bleeding. You ran away from him, clutching the hand of the little boy.
“Hurry! Let’s go!!!” You pleaded, and both of you ran off.
Hardly anyone believed you about the older boy. You were a child, and he was a teenager. The few who did confront him. The older boy cried and said he was sorry, and he was quickly forgiven In the eye of the adults. They patted his back and smiled and invited him to their Life Day dinners coming up next month.
 Your own pain didn’t matter, but his feelings did. It hurt you so much you ran outside the house to cry.
“Hey…is that you again?”
You turned your head up to see the dark-haired little boy.
“Yes, it’s me…”
“What’s your name?” he asked you.
You gave your own, wiping snot and tears off your sleeve.
“And what’s your name?” you asked.
“I’m Din Djarin. You can call me Din.” He introduced.
“Din…teach me how to throw rocks like you do, can you? Please?”
And that was the beginning of a friendship. You were strangers at school but became thick as thieves. You swapped cookies together. He taught you how to throw rocks and even a bit about how boys would fight and throw punches. It made you feel safer and stronger as that older boy prowled the streets. But Din never left you alone. You scraped your knees, laughed, talked together, and visited each other’s houses. His mother would pour out blue milk to sip on. You would take him to your house and read him some of your favorite stories with you doing all the voices. And Din would go into your room to see your things.
“Trinkets?” He would gasp, looking at the shiny rocks and rings.
You nodded your head. “Mmhmm- let me show my collection!”
Your first Life Day together, Din gave you a special gift. From inside his pocket, he pulled out a string necklace with a beautiful stone on it. It was a golden pendant on a leathery string with a bright star in the center.
“Oh, Din! This is the best gift ever! I love it! Thank you!” you squealed.
And you gave him the biggest hug. He always gave the best hugs.
It all seemed so different later. The attack. The separatists. It seemed like one day; you both were running home from school to laugh about the teacher and snack on blue cookies from your mother.
And the next morning when you woke up there were blasts and screams right outside. Your parents rushed into your room.
“Y/N! Y/N! We must leave, please! Now!” your father insisted.
The pendant was around your neck as you hurriedly put on a coat and grabbed whatever you could. You clutched your pendant, your eyes looking worriedly as villagers fled for their lives around you.
“Where’s Din?! We must find him! We must take him with us!” you pleaded.
“No, Y/N! We don’t have time! There’s a ship we have in the back- they’re taking only the first few who arrive! We must run- NOW!” your mother begged.
You ran with them as you freed your hands to grab theirs. Hearing the screams, the stomping of Stormtrooper boots, and your own terrified heart ringing in your ears and keeping your eyes forward, though your peripheral was filled with the bodies of your friends and neighbors. But you kept running, forgetting the tiredness and the fire in your lungs for what of breath.
Your family hopped onto the ship and flew away to safety somewhere else. But your heart never stopped racing and you didn't stop shaking the whole trip.
Once you had landed on a new planet with a new life, you asked constantly for news about the Djarin family. About the boy.
And it arrived.
Your parents took your hands as you sat at your new table and looked you in the eye. Your mother had a communication device in her hand that she had just turned off. They were already frowning and starting to tear up.
“Y/N…The Djarin family was killed by the Separatists.” she told you.
“Including Din?” you asked.
“He was never found. But we know they burn bodies after. So…including Din…” your father answered.
You leaned into their arms, sobbing for your friend.
“Hey Y/N! If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!”
Ugh, to think I have to spend Life Day working you cursed, getting up from your thirty second break.
Working at a bar wasn’t glamorous, but it was stable and paid the bills. And if you worked on holidays, there was a bigger bonus and here you were. The fact it was a bar and a restaurant brought over even more customers which meant usually busy shifts.
It was a huge pain in the ass, but it was something. And you knew you had two bills due this week at least. Maybe it was better than another awkward holiday with your family.
You got out and grabbed a rag, cleaning up remnants of a spilled drink on the table. Ooof, you would need a new one.
Why can’t these customers ever learn to clean up after themselves? You thought this as you returned the rag to the kitchen. Didn’t they realize you were human too?
To be fair, you had alien and droid customers frequently so perhaps human wasn’t the right word. Hmm, maybe…being? Creature?
Once you pondered this, you heard a sound like a little coo and looked over.
Speaking of creatures, a tiny green creature was by your feet. He let out another innocent babble. He had big dark eyes and wide ears and was so small, he had to waddle and tug at the end of your pants to get attention.
“Why hello there!” you greeted.
He cooed in response, wiggling his ears.
“What’s your name? Do you have a seat? Want anything to eat or drink, buddy?!” you asked, bending down your knees to greet him.
“Hey! He’s mine!” a voice barked.
You looked up and your blood froze to see a fully armored Mandalorian approach you.
“Oh, I wasn’t doing anything,” you protested, hands on your hips.
The little one waddled to him and the Mandalorian scooped him up in his arms.
“I can’t let this guy get hurt,” he said.
“I wasn’t hurting him, I was just greeting him like I do anyone else,”
“Fine. Is there a table?”
“You’re lucky this one is just cleaned up.
“Aright, give us both some Rootleaf Stew with Polystarch bread. Plus save a slice of Blackberry pie- this little one likes dessert,”
“One thing at a time…I’ll get it!”
You left and re-arrived with the food in hand. In the back the band was blasting all the Life Day hits that you heard so much you wanted to scream.
But once you bent down and were serving the dishes, you felt the little green babies’ hands on you. You paused to see that your pendant had slid out of your shirt and the baby was playing with it. The Mandalorian froze. You glanced down. The baby pawed at your pendant like a cat, giggling.
“Oh, you like this, buddy?” you asked, showing him the necklace.
You investigated the helmet defiantly “is that against your own parenting code, hm? This is the way and all that and a cup of tea?”
The Mandalorian kept looking directly at you through his helmet.
“Where…where did you get that necklace?” he asked.
“Old friend, Life Day Gift,” you answered.
You wiped the stains from your hands onto the rag tied onto your belt.
“Who is your friend? What planet did they come from? What was their name?” the Mandalorian kept asking.
The little green baby kept digging into his food with a content babble.
“Look, it’s…it’s personal, alright? And he…he died. Killed in a Separatist attack with his parents, okay? How is that? I…it’s a lot…”
He nodded his helmet down.
“Oh…I’m sorry. I had no idea…” he then said.
He gave you a spare napkin to wipe the tears at the ducts of your eyes.
“Would…would you like your pies with cream or plain?” you asked per your practice.
“Cream,” he answered.
Once you arrived with the pies, the Mandalorian left a generous tip.
“When is your shift over?” he asked.
“In…in an hour and a half? Why do you ask? Why do you even care?” you said.
“I…I want to speak to you after, if that’s alright,” he answered.
Your blood was cold. Were you being hunted?!?! You hadn’t done anything! But then again, his voice didn't word it as a threat...
“Okay, you can…” you replied.
He stayed at the table. You took a deep breath and released it. After getting a brief sip of water, you continued your shift. Though noticeably, if a customer was being short to you, the Mandalorian would walk up.
“Hey. Show some respect. It’s Life Day, after all.” He would threaten.
The rude customer’s jaw would drop, their color draining, and then act with more manners. You bit back a large smile.
Finally, the shift ended. Once you turned in your apron, you met him outside. But then you felt a splatter of rain from outside.
“Ugh, Maker help me! What an ugly storm!” you complained.
“Come to my ship.” He offered.
The rain pattered on him, making a louder noise against his armor. He seemed rather unbothered by it.
“What?” you cried.
“It’ll be dry there.”
“Okay…that does sound better," you shrugged.
You followed his dark cape, the little pod for the baby floating by his side. Once you got into the ship, you shivered from the rain on you.
He opened a quadrant and pulled out a cloak.
“Here..it’ll make you feel better,” he offered.
You nodded and accepted it.
“Why are you doing all this? You’re just supposed to be a Bounty Hunter. Why me? Just Life Day Spirit in you?” you asked.
There was a pause.
“Is your name Y/N?” he asked.
Thunder shot through you.
“Didn’t I give you my name when I got your food?” you asked.
“You didn’t,” he said.
“How do you know my name?” you questioned, taking a bold step forward.
“You have that necklace that your friend gave you. Were you children then?” he asked.
“Yes,” you answered, feeling the floor give in beneath you.
“And he was killed?" he continued.
“By Separatists, yes.”
He folded his arms in front of him.
“What was his name?”
“Din Djarin. I’d just call him Din. And he was the sweetest boy…not that the Empire cared. They killed him one and the same.” You said, tears welling up.
There was another pause. Quietly, the Mandalorian reached his hands up to his helmet.
“What…what are you doing?” you asked.
He gripped the sides and slowly began to slip it off.
“What! Stop! Isn’t that breaking the code? What about you-“
Once it slipped off, you saw him. Not a boy, but a man. He had matured. There was a small mustache beneath his nose. But his eyes and dark hair and face were almost the same.
“What…what…no…are you…” you started to mutter, both hands flew to your mouth and the world around you spun with shock.
“Y/N. It’s me. Din…”
You caught onto the wall to keep from your dizziness overcoming you. You saw the green baby tilt his head to the side.
“You’re alive…how?” you gasped.
“My mother hid me somewhere. Then a Mandalorian saved met that day. Took me in like their own. Raised me to be one of them …” he answered.
You then looked up. You saw he was starting to tear up too. You ran up and wrapped him in a large hug. He hugged you back and you both began crying.
“Do you…do you have any tea?” you asked.
“Whenever I see my parents, we drink tea…it’s a drink of reunion!” you said, with a little laugh.
He blinked and then smiled with a nod.
“Yes, I have some…”
He put a small kettle on with three cups enough in the back. The little green baby waddled around freely, excited for a cup.
“Who is that one?” you asked, bending down to pat the baby’s head.
“His name is Grogu,” Din explained.
Both of you cozied up with mugs of tea- added with cream for a bit of flavor. Slowly drinking, you both talked.
He told you what he could about the Madalorians. Memories growing up training. The few adventures he had. How he met Grogu and saved him from being a pawn for The Empire. The misadventures they had together. Your tea was long finished by the time he stopped.
“Well…all that’s exciting! And here there’s old me- what happened to me? I just work in a bar and restaurant now! And look at you- a true Mandalorian warrior!” you praised.
“That’s not true…” he said, looking into his cup.
“What…what do you mean?” you asked.
“Y/N…you learned how to fight. You survived an attack. Every day you get up and brave unpleasant people. Even back when, I thought…”
He blinked his eyes again, looking this way and that. Then he looked up at you.
“I thought you were a good person. A great person in fact,” he said.
“I think the same of you,” you replied.
Grogu waddled to a window and waved his arms, babbling.
“What is it, kid?” he asked, turning around.
Grogu pointed out the window and you followed his tiny finger to look out. It was night by now, but the lights were all on- decorations glowing and the lights on every building felt like the stars were down and decorated in the town.
“Oh, Din- look! The lights and decorations for Life Day! They’re beautiful!” you gasped.
He went up and looked out at it. All of you admired the beauty of it for a quiet minute.
Then you turned to the side.
“Din…can I…can I…” the breath left you.
He looked at you with soft eyes.
“Din, can I join you on your ship…you could use help with Grogu. You can teach me how to fight like you did as a kid. I can give my job a two weeks’ notice.”
“How come?” he asked.
“There’s so much of the galaxy I’ve never seen…that I’ve always wanted to see and…and…”
“And?” he asked.
“I just…I don’t want to be separated from you again,” you confessed.
He gave a small smile.
“I don’t want to be separated from you either…ever again,” he confirmed.
You took his hand and squeezed it.
“I can’t think of a better gift than that…Happy Life Day, Din.”
“Happy Life Day, Y/N.”
You gave him a kiss on the cheek, which he accepted. His smile didn't drop from it either.
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reefsharkivist · 3 months
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jek'yll and ves'per (of @threedroidsforsweetrevenge fame) had a very fun interaction in today's session
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nuclearknight · 2 months
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And also with you...
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margindoodles2407 · 5 months
Essentially: it came to me in the midst of my brother's and my rewatch of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I'd been toying around with the idea of remaking all the main characters on Heroforge, which is a hobby of mine, and finally I caved. However, since Heroforge is mainly geared towards fantasy-style characters and concepts, I decided Oh Why The Heck Not and decided to reimagine every character in a fantasy style.
This devolved into an entire AU.
It now consumes my thoughts.
There is... so much going on in this AU that it would not be practical or possible for me to put it all on this one post, so I'll link my side blog that has all of my information on it here:
And if you have any additional questions, feel free to shoot as many as you want at the "For Your Burning Questions" button! I'd be more than happy to answer them :DDD
(Side note: at this point the AU is mostly focused on The Prequels and The Clone Wars, because that's my favorite era of Star Wars- but this AU does include everything else in the saga, so if something else in the timeline is more your jam I would love to talk about those installations too!)
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inebranlabl · 5 months
May the 4th be with you! ✨️ Fun fact: loth cats are a sub species of tooka. So while loth cats are tookas, there are other tooka breeds/types as well.
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wataeicentric · 1 year
I'm glad people are finally seeing what an incredible character Eichi is, with all his contradictions in the way he acts, and his severe push/pull tide of emotions (ex. EP:Link, Element, Sanctuary) it's what makes his character so beautifully human.
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
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Happy Valentine's Day!
You are all amazing, beautiful people!
You are great!
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anghraine · 2 years
The new Fallen Order trailer (er, Jedi: Survivor) looks super cool and it's coming out right after my birthday! <333
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 5 months
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All decked out for my favorite holiday! May the Force be with you! 💙
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darkeyedreamer14 · 8 months
Okay I know it's late but,
Happy Cody Day!🧡
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realtalk127 · 2 months
one day, almost a decade ago, the m9 - specifically jester - wouldn't take no for an answer when befriending a guy who turned out to be a traitor.
now, laudna gets a second chance at a happy ending, and it’s all because a little blue tiefling said ‘i want a hug’ to a war criminal and turned him into her friend.
i will never get over jester's impact as a character. she loves essek into redemption. she loves artagan into being a god. she loves the mighty nein into becoming a family.
it's the Being Saved by the Love of Your Friends show, and she's the star.
caduceus said ‘it’s love that saves people’ but it’s jester who did it.
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nuclearknight · 2 months
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he he i’ve missed hanging out with my friends sm the homoerotic tension was sorely missed and on that note guess who’s a lil bit closer to that threeway WINK WINK
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