#happy krampus
hollysmakingstuff · 10 months
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New Krampus ornaments added to my shop!
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obsessivevoidkitten · 9 months
On The Naughty List
Yandere Krampus x Gender Neutral Reader CW: Noncon, spanking, bondage, dick piercings, size difference, Krampus, Christmas, assassin reader, punishment, kidnapping, biting, very mild blood from biting, general yandere behavior Word Count: 1.5k (Hey guys, I hope you all like this. Kinda rushed, not beta read, please forgive any errors. My second Christmas gift to you all. I hope your holiday is amazing <3)
You got yourself settled in your hotel room. It was very early in the morning, not past 3am, on Christmas. But you were not Santa Claus and you were not delivering cheer. You had with you only a simple black suitcase. The furnishings in your room were sparse, but that was okay. You did not select this room because of the accommodations but rather for its view. It was not particularly scenic, merely a view of a road and residential area. But you were an assassin and this room afforded you clear aim into the room of your target’s living room. All you had to do was wait.
Your weapon was easy enough to assemble. A sniper rifle, of course. Finally you saw your designated victim pull up into their driveway and enter their house, so you opened the window and readied yourself. An icy chill filled the room. Your vantage point was clear and your weapon was ready but before you could take out your mark you heard a strange and tumultuous sound from behind.
It sounded like the Earth was being torn asunder and the four winds themselves were howling in unison as they collided.
You turned around and saw the very fabric of space and tear before you leaving a purple portal leaking black mist blocking the door to the hotel room. An odd scent like that of cinnamon and coal filled the room. You were about to flee through the open window, you had the skills necessary to scale the building, but the window slammed shut before you could act.
Not many things made a hardened combatant turned assassin such as yourself scared but you would be lying if you said you weren’t trembling.
You could hear a slow and rhythmic pounding sound getting nearer and nearer as if some unseen monstrosity approached from the other side of the portal. And that’s exactly what it was.
The first thing you saw erupt through the rip in space was the head of a horned beast. It was humanoid and wore a wicked grin full of sharp teeth. Eyes like black coals stared into you, piercing you with unrestrained glee in your fear.
Followed by this terrifying face was its body.
Muscular thighs with legs like tree trunks that ended in cloven hooves.. And his whip-like tail lashed angrily at the air. The demonic beast was covered in thick black fur.
The horrifying creature was at least 7 feet. tall.
The faint scent of burning coal filled the space surrounding it.
It took a thundering step towards you, and you cowered in place, momentarily stunned as it said in a deep booming voice, "I’m Krampus and someone has been verrrry naughty this yeeeear."
Though you felt more fear than you ever thought possible you were still a trained combatant turned assassin for hire and you managed to collect yourself about as well as it was possible for any mere human to in such a situation.
You shot the thing right between the eyes with your high-powered rifle, and he... laughed. The bullet bounced off uselessly, and he just... laughed...
You screamed and shouted as loudly as you could, hoping to attract help. Though what they could possibly do when he had shrugged off, a bullet remained to be seen.
No help came for you. Krampus always magically silenced noise from leaking out of rooms where he was punishing someone.
Suddenly, he closed the difference between the two of you and was upon you in record speed, moving supernaturally fast for such a behemoth.
With precise movements, strong hands and sharp claws made confetti out of your dark clothing before he had you bent over his knee.
"I usually use a birch rute for this, but I wanna feel your skin on my hand..."
You struggled and tried to get away, but there was no chance he would let you go. Krampus had to punish many humans, but you were special. Ironically, it was your defiance, the fight in your eyes, that initially attracted him to you.
His hard, calloused hand came down on your bare ass, causing you to curse and tremble.
With all your training something as simple as a slap to your ass shouldn't have bothered you much, even from such a large adversary, but it was like he had slammed the essence of dread into your very heart.
But that still wasn't enough to still you. You kicked, punched, and clawed ferally at any inch of flesh you could reach, like a feral animal backed into a corner.
But he only laughed more as he spanked you over and over. Until you were crying. Worse than the pain was the total humiliation.
Through it all, though, you never stopped struggling. No matter how much terror and pain you endured. You didn't realize it, but it only made him more into you.
Everyone he had punished before, broke them like a kid with a toy, and left them to deal with the trauma. But you didn't seem so easily broken, and that sealed your fate.
If you kept resisting like you were, he was going to keep you forever.
Krampus finally stopped the assault on your rear and dragged you, kicking and screaming over to the bed. You could now see his cock, large and uncut with a frenum ladder set of piercings going up the underside of his length.
"Stop! Get away from me!!"
"Yeah, because you're really the one in position to give commands right now."
He chuckled and bent you over the bed as you writhed madly, knowing what was about to happen.
"Might need to keep you still for this."
In a puff of black smoke, a coil of rope appeared in his hand that he skillfully used to bind your legs and arms.
While he had tied up many people in his line of work, he had never actually used rape to punish someone. But he wanted to see how far he could take things with you. Though at this point, even if he broke you, he was sure he would keep you anyway, just to fix you up again.
Krampus spit on your hole and plunged his cock in roughly. Hardly enough prep to do anything for the pain. For the fiery burning stretch that came with his big dick breaching your entrance.
Despite being bound you still wriggled as best you could while screaming until your throat hurt.
"Fuck you! Goddamned piece o- AHHHH!!!!"
He smirked as he increased the pace. Good. His toy STILL wasn't crumbling apart.
Sharp claws raked your back as his hot breath cascaded down your neck while he whispered, "For someone so bad you feel so good."
Tears rushed down your cheeks. You were infuriated with him and with yourself for having allowed yourself to be taken with such ease. What was far more reprehensible than that though, was the fact that your body had adjusted to his size and it was actually starting to feel somewhat good despite the pain and discomfort.
You yelped as he lightly smacked your sore ass while fucking you.
"Go to H-hell bastard!"
"Ha, been there."
He pulled out, flipped you over on your back, and slid right back into, profuse amounts of precum now providing more adequate lubrication. Embarrassingly, you couldn't stifle a moan as he entered back into you with his piercings adding to the sensation you were trying to ignore.
If your legs hadn't been tied you would have tried to kick him right between the legs for making your body betray you like that.
He leaned over and nibbled on your neck lightly with his sharp teeth, licking up the little droplets of blood that welled to the surface of your skin
You moaned as he did so, as you were pulled closer and closer to orgasm.
Violently, you twitched as you came hard, blushing deeply and cursing him as you did so. He ignored you and licked the blush on your cheeks, humiliating you even farther.
For a few more moments you thrashed as much as you were able in overstimulation as he continued to breed you. His skin meeting yours with an audible slap at each thrust.
Finally he went in deep and filled you with abnormally hot cum that coaxed another orgasm from your exhausted body.
After a few moments of panting he sighed with content and slung you over his shoulders, cum leaking from you and out on to him as he carried you. Vulgarities rolling from your tongue with each heavy step he took.
Another portal opened and he stepped through with you. The cussing, the fierceness, the unbreakable spirit. A perfect partner.
You were the best Christmas gift he had ever given himself, and there was no way he was ever going to give you up.
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kokoroisbleeding · 2 years
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Indecent mortals goes in the bag
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Merry Christmas
Christmas 2023 (Krampus x GN!Reader)
Chains and Whips
CW: Non-con, dub-con, bondage, anal, sadism, monster fucking, mild brat training, bratty reader, pain play, breaking and entering
"So... He's, like, a demon?" (Reader) took another sip of their cocoa while giving their friend a half jokingly judgemental look, squinting their eyes over their oversized mug. For the holidays (Reader) found themselves with nowhere to go, and ended up traveling with their best friend to her hometown. It was a tiny little place, cute, and very strange. (Reader) had, of course, heard about Krampus before but only because of B-rated horror movies, so seeing an entire village of people hanging up pictures of him alongside Santa Claus was a culture shock, to say the least. Stranger than the abundant Krampus merch was the fact that everyone spoke of it with respect, as though the creature was real, a respect not given to Santa.
"Well, no, kinda, but no." Johanna flicked her wrist as she spoke, eyes glazed and unfocused in the warmth of the heated living room. "Krampus is older than Saint Nicholas and Christianity."
It was difficult to stay awake, all bundled up under a mountain of blankets while the TV quietly played a movie in the background. Snow was falling outside, while children played in the setting sun, laughing outside Johanna's window.
"So, does he kidnap naughty children?"
"No, he beats them with a stick." She tiredly waved her hand in a whipping motion to illustrate her point, as though (Reader) didn't know what she meant by "beating".
"That sounds horrifying." (Reader) smiled, chuckling. Their eyelids were beginning to glue themselves shut.
"Yeah. During Krampusnacht boys like to dress up as him and try to scare people. I used to be terrified of him." Johanna rolled over and propped herself up, resting her head on her hand while sprawling out further on the warm couch across (Reader) on the adjacent lounge. "Thank God I was such a good kid!" She said cheekily.
(Reader's) grin grew. "Should I be in trouble then?"
"Because I'm naughty." (Reader) joked, wiggling their shoulders comically.
The young woman sat up. Her face had flipped instantly from silly to frustrated, swapping from a sleepy gaze for furrowed brows. "That's not funny, (Reader)."
Shocked by Johanna's sudden seriousness, (Reader) sat up as well, doubling down on the joke. "Should probably lock your door tonight, to keep me safe."
"Stop!" She whined, looking genuinely nervous.
"What?" (Reader) leaned forward, amused by their friend's reaction. "Are you really scared?"
"Scared he's going to come punish me?"
Johanna rolled her eyes. "Krampus is real."
(Reader) wanted to push their friend a little further. This was the first time they had ever seen Johanna act in such a way. Johanna was a fearless woman, a badass who was a regular ole adrenaline junkie; the kind of person to jump out a plane without hesitation. And here she was, losing her patience over a mythological creature.
The dramatic young adult launched themselves off the couch and towards a window, swaying their hips theatrically. They threw open the window as far as it could go, cupping their mouth to amplify their voice out into the neighborhood, moaning;
"Oh no! I hope some big, hairy, Krampus doesn't come and punish me for being such a naughty little whore!"
"Please, don't come punish me for being such a tight little cum slut!" (Reader) laughed as Johanna grabbed their arm, now giggling as well, albeit more out of nerves than honest joy.
"(Reader), please! I'm serious!" Johanna closed the window, forgetting to lock it as she was too busy looking over her shoulder at her ridiculous friend. "I swear to God, if I have to wake up in the middle of the night to save your life..!"
(Reader) wasn't done being obnoxious, shaking their ass as they pretended to run away in fear. "Oh no! Don't let him spank me! Oh noooo!"
Johanna grabbed a throw pillow and chucked it at (Reader's) head hard enough to make them lose their balance. "You would get fucking wrecked by Krampus."
"Yeah, my ass-"
"Wouldn't even last a second. You would lose a fight against a marshmallow, you aren't going to go up against an ancient being worshipped for centuries."
After falling back onto the couch (Reader) had chosen for their sleeping spot, they rolled their eyes, dropping the act. (Reader) wasn't actually a naughty person. Not only were they not "naughty" in the innocent definition of the word, being the kind of person to return other shoppers' carts they refused to put away themselves, but in the dirty sense they weren't particularly "naughty" either. (Reader) wasn't a virgin, just suffering from a dry spell. "Goodnight, Jojo."
"Goodnight! I set my alarm for five.'
"I'll see you in the morning!"
Johanna left (Reader) for her childhood bedroom, leaving (Reader) in the dark living room, not entirely alone.
(Reader) wasn't asleep for long when the room became too unbearably cold, causing pins and needles in their legs that forced them to stand up. The time on their phone informed (Reader) that it was only one in the morning. They bundled up in the blanket Johanna provided and slipped into the kitchen to make a cup of decaf tea.
'Why's it so cold?' (Reader) shivered violently as they waited for the water to warm up enough for their drink. It was so warm before (Reader) passed out, that if the Christmas lights on the tree weren't still on they would have thought that there was a power outage. The water loudly began to sizzle in the electric kettle, making (Reader) panic, turning it off. They would have felt like shit if they accidentally woke up Johanna. Her grandparents were out of town, opting to go on a cruise during the holidays instead of hanging around in the cold to visit family, which (Reader) respected. They deserved to enjoy their retirement. Although they had never met, the older couple offered (Reader) their room, which (Reader) politely declined. Although (Reader) said that it was to respect their privacy, it was actually because (Reader) just didn't feel comfortable sleeping in someone else's bed.
The mug began to smell like tea instead of hot water as the bag steeped. (Reader) drank quickly, eager to warm up and get back to sleep. They peaked over at the clock on the oven.
It had taken almost ten minutes to make one cup of tea, but the time was still one am.
(Reader) felt a shiver crawl down their spine.
Before they could wrap their mind around the time, a rough hand with long, sharp nails, clasped over (Reader's) mouth, dragging them off the chair. The mug went flying, shattering against the tile flooring, along with the wooden chair tipping over and loudly clattering.
Despite the struggle and muffled screams, Johanna did not come down to (Reader's) rescue.
The lights that had been strung up on the tree were tied around (Reader's) arms, securing their hands behind their back. (Reader) fell unceremoniously to their knees.
Above them stood a giant shape in the dark. A tattered red cloak, chains and hooks, black fur..
Hooves sunk into the carpet of the living room. Black fur covered the majority of it's exposed body, and the skin that wasn't hairy was a dark grey with black discoloration. Large horns rose from his skull like a crown. His long, almost human face held a twisted smirk, split open just enough to show off his rows of sharp teeth. Within his primate sockets were goat like eyes, yellow and glowing in the dark.
Despite the heat of the bulbs pressed against (Reader's) arms, the terrified person felt colder than before.
He bent down, gently pressing his clawed thumb into (Reader's) mouth, rubbing his bitter tasting finger across their tongue as (Reader) sat shell shocked.
'He's real.'
(Reader) felt as he played with the wet insides of their mouth, only breaking out of their trance when his nail poked the sensitive wall of their inner cheek.
A surprised cry echoed throughout the house, earning a hand grabbing a fistful of (Reader's) hair, yanking their head back warningly. (Reader) bit down on the disgusting tasting hand as harshly as they could, but it only resulted in an amused chuckle. The creature's laugh was deep, rumbling like thunder in his chest.
He released (Reader) and effortlessly pulled his thumb out from their teeth. One of the many chains with hooks was uncoiled from the demon's shoulder and thrown to his cloven feet.
"Hey, wait-!" (Reader) protested as they were lift up and placed on their feet with only one hand. Their pajama bottoms were pulled down around their ankles, taking their underpants with them. "Stop!"
The hook Krampus had prepared was picked back up, the stench of his body becoming overwhelming as he engulfed (Reader) in his arms, jangling the chain behind their back as he prepared something.
"I don't know what you are, but I swear to God, I'm going to start screaming rape if you don't stop! The neighbors will call the cops!" (Reader) didn't know what they were saying, the adrenaline spike forcing out tough sounding sentences that made no sense, given the fact that this wasn't a normal human home invader.
Another rumble rolled throughout his rib cage as something cold violated (Reader's) ass. (Reader) involuntarily screamed as the hook was lodged into their anus.
They tried to fall to the floor, allowing their legs to turn to jelly, but Krampus tugged on the chain above them, forcing them up onto their toes. Their hands were still tied behind their back, so their balance was depended entirely on the chain.
Krampus seemed pleased, looking down at the teary little human.
(Reader) was not on the naughty list.
They had always been a good person, mindful of others and always attempting to do what was right. So when they opened the window that night, releasing their scent and calling out to Krampus, he knew what they were really implying.
A long, pink cock slick and shiny in the multicolor glow of (Reader's) bindings emerged from the black mass of fur between his animalistic legs. It was thin, but it continued emerging, revealing itself to almost be the length of his thigh.
He grabbed (Reader's) hair again, forcefully pushing their upper half down, bending them at their waist. They couldn't fall because of the chain still holding (Reader) up. The hand on (Reader's) head shoved their face down to his crotch, slipping his slimy cock between their lips as they begged him to stop. Like a sword, the long penis went down their throat, rubbing against their uvula, and poking into their stomach. Vomit rose and threatened to choke (Reader), coughing it up around his thin cock that smelled like his fingers.
(Reader) tried to straighten their back to pull his dick out of their body, but the Krampus yanked up on the hook while laughing, causing (Reader) to fall forward back onto his dick as their feet lost contact with the ground.
The chain was given some slack, placing (Reader) back onto their toes. They were able to pull off his dick long enough to release the bile onto his thighs. It was still in their mouth, but at it's thin tip, allowing (Reader) the chance to breathe. Then he pulled up again, ramming (Reader) onto him like some kind of pulley operated sex toy.
(Reader) felt their muscles burn as their face was mercilessly fucked by the monster, bobbing their head up and down his shaft by the chain still attached to (Reader's) ass.
Krampus dropped the heavy metal chain to grab (Reader's) head, slapping his heavy balls against their chin as his fucking became more erratic, smashing their nose into his thick fur as his chuckles turned to deep moans and pants. Then, (Reader's) face was held against his pelvis tightly as painfully hot fluid shot straight into their stomach.
He pulled out slowly, still twitching with little pumps of cum as he slid the cock out of their throat and over their tongue.
(Reader) left their mouth open, feeling the smelly fluid drip off their tongue and onto the floor, hoping they would vomit up the rest of his jizz they were forced to drink. The appearance of (Reader) with sticky white drool still connected in a long string to the tip of his hard cock, along with the pathetic little sniffles they made as tears dribbled down their cheeks, excited Krampus more, encouraging him to continue.
Still coughing up the suffocating muck, (Reader) was hoisted into the air, this time not by the hook that had fallen out of their rear, but but the Christmas lights around their midsection.
Suspended above the ground, (Reader) frantically kicked their legs. Krampus held the back of the bindings of their arms with one clawed fist, exposing themselves to him. A foot made contact with his knee in the struggle, but Krampus didn't flinch, completely unfazed by (Reader's) strength.
"No more! Fucking stop!" (Reader) squealed in desperation. They knew he could see how aroused they had become from this angle. (Reader) couldn't see his face, but knew he was smirking at them like the bastard he was. They didn't want to, but their body couldn't help it. It felt good to be fucked.
It had been a long time since (Reader) had had sex, but even longer since they had been fucked.
His still wet member pried open (Reader's) clenched hole. It wasn't painful, with how thin it was, but it kept going in, deeper, and deeper. It hit the point where a large human cock would have stopped, but the monster didn't seem to care for (Reader's) discomfort, forcing himself all the way in. (Reader) didn't even know how they fit all that dick inside of them. But the moment they felt his hot hips grind against their ass, their eyes fluttered.
Unable to touch the ground, (Reader) was held up by the Krampus' left hand and his erection. The lights dug into their ribs painfully, scraping against them as Krampus used the decoration as a harness. His thrusts were fast and hard, just like when he was raping (Reader's) mouth. He went deeper into their slutty hole than anyone ever had before, forcibly giving (Reader) unwanted pleasure.
"H- Help!" (Reader) shakily whined as they fought against how good his slimy inhuman dick felt as he pounded them from behind. Each snap of his hips hit their nerves better than any man had before. The building tightness was eroding (Reader's) will to fight.
'This isn't morally wrong.. right?'
'It's like a dream.. no one judges you for who you fuck in a dream you can't control..'
Their stomach contracted as their orgasm built, threatening to release. But just as (Reader) was about to finish, Krampus ceased his movements, holding them unbearably still against him.
(Reader) involuntarily whined. The climax slowly dissolved, losing the momentum. "Please let me go.."
Something hard painfully slapped their ass, cracking loudly like a riding crop. (Reader) cried out before they could bite their lip, earning another chuckle from the goat man as he continued dicking them down from behind.
Just as (Reader) tried to hush the sounds of enjoyment singing out from their own mouth, another slap from the wood stung their rippling ass cheek as Krampus buried his cock into them.
The rising orgasm built faster this time, causing (Reader) to shake as though they were helping rock themselves onto Krampus' long dick. Their thighs quivered and their breaths became ragged. Each thrust was alternated with a stinging whack to (Reader's) behind. And each time that wood contacted sharply against their skin, (Reader) was brought closer to the edge.
But again, he stopped, only keeping himself in as (Reader) lost their orgasm. They moaned angrily.
It seemed obvious that (Reader) was enjoying this, so why did he keep stopping?? Embarrassment filled (Reader) up and spilled out as tears and a cock hungry sob. "Please.." (Reader) squeezed their eyes shut in shame. "Please finish up.."
"Be more specific." A frighteningly deep voice rumbled from behind (Reader). "What do you want me to do, naughty little whore?"
Precum leaked down (Reader's) legs. "Please let me cum.."
The switch smacked them harder. "What was that?"
"Please let me cum!" (Reader) felt themselves tightening around his dick as they raised their voice. "Please fuck me stupid! I want to cum!"
Another harsh slap earned a gasp from (Reader), urging them to continue begging.
"Please fuck me!"
He laughed quietly while pulling (Reader) up so they could see his face. His dick was still buried deep inside of them as he gazed down at them with predatory eyes. "What a good little slut.."
His lips smashed against (Reader's) forcing his tongue into their kiss as he resumed his assault on their tired, raw genitals. (Reader) returned the kiss just as desperately as Krampus gave it. Their kissing made (Reader) light headed as his ramming cock fucked them past the point of no return.
(Reader) came loudly at the same time as Krampus shot another round into their greedy fuck hole. Even after his seed spilled out he continued pumping, slapping his wet hips up against (Reader's) as he rode out his second orgasm. He kept his cock nestled deep inside (Reader) as they passed out, falling asleep in his arms as he weakly continued rubbing himself against their twitching walls.
(Reader) woke up in the morning on the couch, their clothes on and bundled up in a warm blanket. Johanna was awake, making coffee. Their face burned, wondering what they could have eaten the night before to make them dream about something so dirty, and so vividly.
"You awake yet?"
(Reader) quickly sat up, sore, presumably from sleeping on a couch. "Yeah, I'm getting up."
They stood, but almost immediately felt their knees buckle as cum poured out of them into their pants so quickly (Reader) thought they pissed themselves. (Reader) squawked, pulling open their bottoms to find their underwear missing, and the insides of their pants painted with someone else's fluids, still leaking out of their swollen hole.
"Haha, what was that?" (Reader) quickly pulled up their pants as their friend entered the living room with the mug (Reader) broke the night before.
"You sure? You look kinda feverish.."
"I'm good!"
"I was just thinking about how to get on the naughty list again next year~"
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angstyhikka · 9 months
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Happy new year everyone!🔥🎉🔥
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tabledsalt · 5 months
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i dids it
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pitchcanker · 10 months
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thestuffedalligator · 10 months
In rural regions of Überwald, there exist Hogswatch traditions which entail the existence of a large, hairy creature with chains and a switch of birch twigs, whose job it is to punish the naughty. By pure coincidence, those same regions of Überwald tend to produce Hogswatch cards which depict eager looking men being stolen away by large, beautiful women who are meaningfully holding whips and chains.
The practice is also beginning to take root in Ankh-Morpork, thanks in part to Überwaldian expats such as Moist Von Lipwig, who are really into this sort of thing for some reason.
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jijidraws · 2 years
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@missupacey & I are at it again!!
We did a Krampus collaboration this time! Happy Hexmas y’all ❤︎
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trash-inu · 9 months
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When youre the Krampus and came to punish the naughty but she has different plans 😳💦
some lil earlie christmas moicy art(cause holidays mind be busyyy)
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thedenofravenpuff · 10 months
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Another collab with Nekoni-Chan from FurAffinity! Aka she took one of my old doodles from last year and turned it into digital art X3
Return of Krampus Moon! Have ya'll been Naughty or Nice?
The Roan RPG Project ScreeCon Server on Discord Leave a Tip on Ko-Fi
OG sketch under the cut
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hollysmakingstuff · 11 months
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Made some Krampus ornaments yesterday! Going in the shop tonight
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
All He Wants For Christmas Is You
Yandere Krampus x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Dub-con, Stockholm syndrome, inhuman genitals, smut, detained reader, general yandere behavior)  Word Count: 1.7k (I wrote this within a few hours last minute for Christmas, kinda rushed and not beta read so I know it is not my best work, but I still think it is an interesting concept and I really hope you all enjoy it. I did not have the funds to really do anything for Christmas so I am celebrating by posting this instead. I really hope you all have a fantastic holiday <3)  
It was Christmas Eve, you were traveling back into town on foot when the winter weather slowed you down. It had calmed down considerably since this morning but you were going nowhere fast. You plodded through the snow with tired but steady steps, slowly approaching your destination. But now the sun was rapidly setting and as the darkness encroached a blizzard blew in. If the fading light had made it difficult to see then the harsh wind and bitter cold assaulting your face were making it impossible. The weather here was normally so mild, even the winters so you had not been prepared at all for the sudden onset of winter weather not once but twice now. It is no wonder why you veered from the path into town and ended up getting lost in the woods. Facing the freezing temperatures and the prospect of wild animals in this part of the country you were desperate to make it home, but instead you bumbled your way to a cave. It clearly wasn’t the den of some vicious wild animal, it even had Christmas ornaments dangling from the entrance. And it was hard to tell for sure in the torrent of snow, but it looked like smoke was emanating from the top. Maybe some old hermit lived here who could assist you. You walked in carefully, calling out for anyone who might be inside, but received no response. You continued into the cave until you came across a very cozy scene. A Christmas stocking hung up over a rustic fireplace that had been snuffed out but was still smoldering, a tree covered with baubles and garland, a cute looking green rug and an inviting red couch with a snowman pattern blanket hanging off of the side. There were other rooms, but you did not want to pry, you figured whoever lived here would probably be kind enough to let you stay the night then you could just leave in the morning. You laid down on the huge couch and bundled yourself up with the comfortable blanket. You would have relit the fire, but you did not want to risk falling asleep with it burning and causing an accident. And besides, this blanket was unnaturally cozy. After being exhausted and cold for the majority of the day the warmth of the blanket and the cozy atmosphere lulled you into a deep sleep with ease. On his way back to his den, after a long night of punishing the wicked and scaring the naughty, Krampus was tired and depressed. There was no reward or appreciation for his hard work. No one to come home to. No milk or cookies left out for him to enjoy. But when he entered his little abode and looked up and saw you on his couch, all bundled up and sleeping soundly in his blanket, he knew Santa had finally brought him what he had been asking for! A nice human mate. It wasn’t like he could just find one himself. He bent down and investigated your sleeping form. He knew instantly who you were, as he had knowledge of all human’s names and whether or not they were bad or good, due to his magic and ability to see auras. He could tell that you were a very good person, you must have been rewarded for it by being chosen to be his mate. Krampus was, after all, a very caring and generous boyfriend who would certainly spoil you. You seemed a bit cold, despite your warm clothing and his magic blanket, so he lit the fire up before taking you into his arms and holding you close to his fur covered chest as he carried you off to his bedroom. When you woke up you found yourself laying on a soft thick layer of pitch black fur. You had not remembered laying down on any type of fur blanket, but you had been exhausted, you almost brushed it off and went back to sleep until you noticed the blanket was warm and breathing. You looked over and saw the face of a demon right there inches away from you! Long sharp horns, fangs poking out from his closed mouth, and beast-like face. You recoiled and cried out from fear and ended up falling off the bed. Krampus woke up and called your name in a deep and terrifying voice, which only served to scare you even more. How did this beast know who you were? “Are you okay, my little gift? I hope you are not hurt. It must have startled you to wake up in a different spot from where you fell asleep, I am sorry but I just couldn’t resist cuddling,” Krampus said as he walked over towards you. Seeing him standing maid him only more horrifying, he was bulky and towered above you. You scrambled up and fled the room but the monstrosity was close behind and far faster than you would expect something of his size. So fast in fact that he suddenly appeared in front of you, blocking the exit. Due to his sudden appearance before you, you careened into him, landing right into his waiting embrace. “Why are you so scared? Did Santa not bother to tell you who you were volunteering to be given to? That is just so like him, always a bit flustered. Don’t worry, I am Krampus, I will take good care of you,” he whispered in what he thought was a reassuring voice as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You did not even try to struggle from his grip, you could tell he was well muscled under all that fur and you knew he could snap you like a twig. You would just bide your time until Krampus was distracted. You waited days, but it was like his guard was never down, he did not need the same amount of sleep as humans did and when he did go to bed he always had you firmly in his arms, and during all other times he made sure he was right there beside you. It was like he knew you were planning something. Krampus did know you were planning something, he could not read minds, but your aura indicated you were going to try something sneaky. He could not take any chances when it came to his little present. Of course you had tried to explain to him that you were not his present at all, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He could tell you were not lying, but he figured you had some sort of memory issue, or maybe you were unaware of what had happened exactly. But no matter what he was convinced you were his gift from Santa. As the days passed by with no sign of an opening to escape in sight you slowly began to give up on the idea and accept your reluctant life with Krampus bit by bit. He fed you pretty well, spent a lot of time with you, always kept you warm and comfortable, and was really sweet in general. Other than being in his presence constantly he never tried to force you to do anything you didn’t want to do. He brought up the subject of sex, and you had seen him naked by accident once, but he did not pressure you at all and he easily could with the strength he had. You did not know when it happened exactly, but at some point after spending months with Krampus you realized you really loved him. The demonic beast was always with you and he was just so kind and surprisingly gentle, you were bound to fall for him at some point. One morning when you awoke to find yourself once again laying on top of your self-appointed boyfriend, you realized something hard was poking into your crotch. You moved and saw his slimy demonic cock hard and ready poking out from the underwear he wore to bed, instead of being repulsed or horrified like you would have been during your first days in this cave you found yourself extremely aroused. You had not exactly been able to relieve yourself with Krampus always around you and you had pretty strong feelings for him now. So you slid off your pants and underwear before sliding his off, freeing his massive dick and big hairy nuts. He remained completely asleep but you slowly and steadily lowered yourself on his cock. You began riding him at a slow and gentle pace, it felt amazing to finally get some sexual pleasure after so long. Krampus finally awoke to the sight of his darling riding him and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. “Mmm, I could get used to waking up to this babe~” He grinded his cock into you, matching your thrusts, making you moan as he groaned and grunted animalistically. His strong hands gripped your hips as you continued bouncing on his length. You quickened your pace, craving the sensation of a climax on his big cock. You slung your arms around his big shoulders as he sat up in bed and matched your speed with faster and deeper thrusts. Before long, with both of you increasing in speed and force, you both came hard. His nuts emptied into your greedy hole, filling you with his thick seed. Since it was so early in the morning and you had just exhausted yourself so immensely by riding him you leaned on him, nuzzling into the fur of his chest, and went back to bed in his arms. His cock still impaling you and occasionally twitching as it dribbled more cum into you. Back at the North Pole an elf handed Santa a report. The plan had gone perfectly. The winter weather sent to lead the human to Krampus had done its job and the human and Krampus fell in love. The lonely human had finally found a good boyfriend and Krampus now had a suitable mate, which he had been asking for every year. They had consummated their union and would surely be happy together forever.
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mannyblacque · 10 months
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Art by J.E. Larson | Instagram
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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horror sub-genres • holiday horror
holiday horror films can be presented in short or long formats, and typically utilize common themes, images, and motifs from the holidays during which they are set, often as methods by which the villain may murder their victims.
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inesvazquezart · 9 months
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After tiny krampus here comes big k
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