#happy halloween one of the deuteragonists in my AU is a child that literally wished to have never existed
vegalocity · 7 years
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Character Profiles
The Wanderer || The Forgotten || The Protector || The Pilgrim || The Enigma
Once upon a time, there was a little girl... no that isn’t quite right, You see, it wasn’t just any time, and this wasn’t just any little girl. This story is about Emmeline.
Like a ghost in the night Emmeline and her creation vanished from the world. Echoes of her presence linger on very dark nights, but Emmeline is gone. Emmiline left the world on a wish, A wish on the same star that brought Mr. Creazil to her, and with no destination in mind the star sent her somewhere else.
When Emmeline awoke she was in the same void that all beings that flicker out of existence go to, like all who fall into the void Emmeline experienced all of creation at once, her little mind reeling at the different worlds that would pass her by in an instant. In the non-physical realm of the void she came apart, the despair and confusion splitting her at the seams.
However, unlike any before or after her, she was not alone.
Mr. Creazil was there with her. And while he couldn’t love her on his own, as he was only created to be her companion, he did care for her. In the calculated way that a longtime babysitter cares about the infant they watch over. Mr. Creazil understood that Emmeline was his creator, and more importantly that he exists as a piece of her. Mr. Creazil was never one much for physical affection, but when Emmeline began to fall apart, her skin growing paler and her eyes turning black, he hugged her tight, his clawed hands wrapping around her shoulders and his soft white head nuzzled into her neck.
And while he did save Emmeline, they could never separate again. parts of his body were incorporated into Emmeline’s malleable physical form, turning her into a strange amalgamation of the both of them. However Emmeline’s mind and behaviors remained her own. Mr. Creazil couldn’t love her on his own, but he was made to watch over her. And that included keeping her safe. Now, with hooves to scratch, wings to fly, horns to attack, and fur to keep her warm, he truly has succeeded in his purpose.
And it is here, Emmeline being alone again, and very much afraid, that she meets an older child named Chara.
I’d argue Emmeline’s story is one of the saddest that Katy Towell ever made, but at the very least the ending lends her to my cause.
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