semiei-blog · 9 years
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If this account does not sell, I am looking for a another two UR Starter with the new Honoka
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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Selling this account on Ebay
If you are interested, go here!
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semiei-blog · 9 years
Send me “🍵” for your muse to ask mine out for a coffee date.
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semiei-blog · 9 years
花一匁 @SemiEita_ • now
Tendou keeps showing me these strange anime mobile games...while I don’t care that much for the content, the girls in the game are pretty cute;;
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semiei-blog · 9 years
花一匁 @SemiEita_ • 1m
Should I even go to practice, is there even really a point to me going?
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semiei-blog · 9 years
Basic Angst Starters
because sometimes what’s left to the imagination is much more terrifying.
“Are you feeling alright? You don’t look it.” “I just heard something… Something bad…” “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” “What’s all this blood?!” “Will you tell me what the fuck is going on?” “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” “You should probably sit down for this.” “Please tell me you forgive me!” “I can’t live without you!” “Oh god, It was a mistake coming here… I’m sure of it.” “What the hell happened to you?!” “Where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for hours!” “You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore!” “I knew not to trust you!” “What’s that in your bag…? Is that–? Tell me it’s not!” “Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” “How could you do this to me?!” “Wake up! Wake up!!! You’re having a nightmare!” “I feel weird… what was in that drink…?” “I don’t want to leave you, but you’re not really giving me another option.” “Please… you’re scaring me…” “Ssh, I heard something again. How aren’t you hearing it? It was loud… and getting closer.” “Are you okay in there? You’ve been so quiet.” “I came as soon as I could! Did he/she get to you already?” “I don’t know whether I want to do this. I don’t know whether I CAN do this.” “Do you remember anything?” “You have to tell me who did this to you!” “No, no, I’m not alright. I’m definitely not alright.” “What’s your fucking problem?!” “Are you crying?” “You’re freaking me out! Please calm down!” “I’m leaving. And I’m not intending to come back.” “You… are dying?” “Did you drink the whole bottle while tripping? Seriously?” “Do you have a deathwish or something? Jesus!” “Ever been held at gunpoint? Want to know what it feels like?” “Stop screaming! Shh, calm down! You have to keep quiet!” “When’s the last time you slept?”.
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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666die_fall666 and Morino Ringo on the street in Harajuku last night. He’s wearing a Zac Vargas leather jacket, Dr. Martens, and Oz Abstract jewelry. She’s also wearing Oz Abstract, along with Sexy Dynamite London, h.NAOTO, and Algonquins. Full Looks
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semiei-blog · 9 years
☔: my muses reaction to opening their front door and seeing yours drenched in rain
⚡: how my muse calms yours in a lightening storm while they’re pulled over on the side of the road
☆: my muse comforting yours while they get a tattoo
☏: my muse’s reaction to getting a phone call from the hospital about your muse
☯: what my muse says to yours after they haven’t spoken for five hours since a fight
✏: my muse’s letter to yours that they left after they passed away
⚰: my muse’s reaction to watching yours die from afar
✿: my muse’s reaction to leaving a cut on your muse’s body
♒: my muse’s reaction to finding your muse bruised and beaten on their doorstep
⚈: my muse’s reaction to finding drugs in your muse’s handbag
✺: my muse protecting yours from a sleaze at the club
☠: my muse’s reaction to being told that your muse is missing, and presumed dead
☺: my muse finding yours on the side of the road, hours away from home
✖: the last thing my muse says to yours before leaving for good
⌛: the voicemail my muse leaves on your phone when your muse hasn’t been heard from for the fifth night this week
☕: my muse comforting yours after the death of a loved one
⚱: my muse’s reaction to waking up to yours muse, beaten by mine, but my muse has no recollection of the night before
☉: my muse’s reaction to finding yours in a public bathroom, drugged and almost unconscious
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semiei-blog · 9 years
Semi let out a huff, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and keeping his eyes on the standstill traffic in front of them. 
“And leave the car here? No way.”
He smiled to himself, now was the perfect time for him to ruffle his younger group member's feathers and have no one call him out on it. Semi reached down the side of his chair, and pulled the lever to recline it slightly. As he and the chair leaned back he let out a sigh and propped his arm on the window’s ledge; leaving one hand on the steering wheel just in case they might actually start going somewhere.
“You know, Shirabu, now is the perfect time for someone like yourself to learn a lesson is patience. Everyone knows you desperately need one.”
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“This is ridiculous. We’re going to be late.” To be honest, Shirabu was terrified of bridges and drowning. And to be stuck on a bridge was he worst nightmare. He was just covering it up with fake emotions of anger. He was ready to jump on to someones lap and stay there for eternity.
“Can we just walk across the bridge?”
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semiei-blog · 9 years
“locked in a room” starters
The “locked in a room” trope forces characters to spend time together, often characters who normally wouldn’t. It can help them learn about each other and develop their relationship in a positive way, or it can be disastrous. Feel free to add more! Send one for our muses: 
♬ : stuck in an elevator together ✎ : trapped in a room together during a quarantine ✘ : in a waiting room while they have loved ones in surgery ♢ : alone in a train car when the train gets delayed ♕ : adrift in a life raft ☾ : sitting next to each other on an international flight ✂ : stranded by a roadside together ☀ : sharing a jail cell ☂ : stuck in a basement after an earthquake ☮ : sharing a run away hot air balloon ❤ : locked in a closet by a friend who just wants them to get along (or possibly hook up) ₪ : touring an historical (possibly haunted) building, and they get locked in overnight ☹ : on a bridge; traffic has stopped completely due to an accident, and nobody’s going anywhere for a few hours. Δ : stuck on a roof together ♒ : trapped by a spell or supernatural object (bonus points if you specify what the spell/curse is) ஐ : pretending to be married because this quaint old couple’s bed and breakfast is the only shelter for miles, they only have one room, and they’re a bit old fashioned. ♘ : sharing a hospital room ✿ : stuck in a spaceship escape pod together ☢  : on a deserted island ❂  : in a bunker after the apocalypse
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semiei-blog · 9 years
花一匁 @SemiEita_ • now
  @shrub Don’t be a punk.
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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Pumpkin Pie Eggrolls
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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近所のコンビニさんでお世話になります。 慣れない自転車に乗って行きました。 おっとりさんなので心配。 . . シシャモの西京漬 竹輪ごま天 きんぴらごぼう 甘い卵焼き 茗荷甘酢 . . #rinbento#弁当#お弁当#おべんとう#べんとう#わっぱ#曲げわっぱ#ワッパ#梅わっぱ#弁当箱#ランチ#お昼ごはん#lunchbox#lunch#bento#obento#food
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semiei-blog · 9 years
Send "I'm here, princess." for my muse's reaction be being picked up like a princess.
Alternatively, send “You’re here, princess.” for your muse to be picked up by mine.
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semiei-blog · 9 years
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semiei-blog · 9 years
花一匁 @SemiEita_ • now I almost don't want to flall asleep now; tempted to see how far this all goes. #Noct'sDaddyTroubles
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