#happy father's day to our most questionable daddy
blindmagdalena · 13 days
i saw a tiktok of a dad reviewing the “facts about my dad” list his 6 year old daughter made for father’s day and GOD i would love to see dadlander in that situation 😭😭 imagine his responses to all of his kid’s funny “facts” about him lol
LMAOOO the list from homelander's kid would be equal parts adorable and concerning like
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byunpum · 6 months
Mama's Boy | Part 5
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: cozy moments, conflict, family problems
Note: I hope you like this part, the next one is gonna be the final part...Thank you sooo much!! btw I recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD).
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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The previous day's argument was very intense. Leaving the family in a very delicate state. Even you decided to sleep alone in a kind of bed you made. You were so upset with jake, you couldn't understand why he was like that with lo'ak. Sometimes you thought Jake was ashamed of lo'ak…ashamed that you were his mother. You had been sitting quietly in the marui all day, still feeling a little bad. You were taking care of tuk, the girl was by your side. Making a necklace for you, while she was telling you everything she did in the morning. "Love be careful…you can hurt yourself" you help tuk with the needle she was using. At that, you can see how jake enters the marui, he had a basket full of fish. Looking quickly at you, walking towards where he used to leave the food that had to be prepared. You decide to ignore him, and be playful with tuk.
"baby…can we talk?" asks jake, the man had approached you, sitting down next to you. You on the other hand were acting like he wasn't there. You look up, and sigh loudly. "Tuk honey, why don't you let mommy and daddy talk alone" you help the girl pick up her materials, and wait for her to come out of the marui doing some jumping jacks. You smile a little to see how happy tuk was, oblivious to what was going on. "Tell me?" you speak, looking at jake waiting for him to start talking. "Is it true that you are thinking of leaving? "jake looks at you, you could tell he was worried. It was too dangerous for you to go back to the jungle. The RDA was looking for Jake, and when Jake's name was on the line his whole family was involved. The months you had to be alone, you never left the lab.
"I see neytiri told you everything" you say, trying not to make eye contact with him. "Love…we can fix this" Jake touches your hand, but you push him away. "Jake it's not with me that you have to fix things, it's with your son. Your behavior towards him…it's terrible." You speak, trying to hold back your tears. "Y/n you're misunderstanding things I" jake speaks, but is interrupted when you turn around and are now looking directly at him. "Jake… I have a question for you, what does neteyam like the most?" you ask. "A-ahh he likes hunting, he likes to ride his ikran. He's also a great talker," says jake.
"Okay, now tell me what lo'ak likes?" you speak up, knowing jake wouldn't answer quickly like the other question. Jake gets nervous, looking around for a moment. "He likes…he likes being with his brother. " jake speaks timidly, watching as your eyebrows draw together in anger. "Lo'ak likes to ride around and investigate things. He loves to practice with his bow, he likes to spend time with his sister kiri and all he looks forward to is his father telling him he did a great job" you were already very annoyed.
"I know…" jake speaks softly. Shaking his head, look embarrassed. "Jake your sons are not soldiers…they are children. Children who need love and attention from their father. Neteyam is not the only one here who needs to be trained. Lo'ak too, he needs you to treat him with respect and love. What does it cost you to do that?" you speak, watching as jake pulled his knees up to his chest. Becoming more like a little ball. "I just…want them to be strong and …. I'm afraid they'll be weak and won't be able to survive this chaos we live in" jake tries to explain. And yes, he was a little bit right. But that didn't justify the preference he had over neteyam. "Jake, I know all that" you wave your hands all around you. "This is all chaos, I know this isn't our home. I know what we're going through, but what does lo'ak have to do with it? Why can't you treat him like you treat kiri or neteyam or tuk? What did he do to you?" you speak, getting up from the floor. You had to walk, because the rage was consuming you. You hated it when jake tried to avoid trouble. Telling you smith answers to distract you. "He didn't do anything" jake follows you with his eyes.
"I feel like sometimes you just treat him like that, because he came from me. Because he's not completely na'vi." You had tears in your eyes, you didn't know why you were so sentimental. Even though this situation always broke your heart, you wanted lo'ak to feel loved. "Y/n never say that… this has nothing to do with you being his mother" jake in one swift movement. He takes your arm, to pull you closer to him. "I wouldn't ask for another mother for my son, you are an excellent mother" jake lets his head lay on your chest. He is silent for a moment, you didn't want to keep arguing with him. You loved your family, you loved jake, you hated being upset with him. "Lo'ak is how I was…he is so much like the stupid jake who betrayed and endangered people he cared about. That stupid jake got innocent people killed" jake speaks, you knew he was talking about grace. She had been so important to you.
You take jake's face in your hands, pulling his face up so he could look you in the eye. "But that stupid jake was the one who saved a whole clan, that stupid jake is strong and brave. That stupid jake was the one I fell in love with" you speak softly. Tears streamed down Jake's cheeks. "I want you to be the person that stupid Jake needed, for lo'ak. He needs you…" you speak, feeling jake hug you. You both stand there for a moment. "I don't want him to make mistakes that he'll regret later," jake says. "He'll get in trouble if you don't help…try to be a better parent to him. That's all I ask of you" you start walking away from jake. Picking up some things tuk had left on the ground, you go to look for the girl.
"Do you think you would have been happy if instead of me, tom was the one in this body?" jake asks you. You knew this was tormenting Jake. You had been tom's girlfriend just before he went to earth. And there he was murdered. When jake came to the RDA and took tom's place. For you it was a big shock, Jake was just like your ex-boyfriend, but so different at the same time. You had to admit that Jake was the only thing that kept you sane those months. Not to mention the relationship that formed between the two of you. Jake allowed you to see neytiri again and get closer to the clan. Jake could be a fool, but the fool you liked the most. The rest is history.
You turn around before leaving the marui, tears in your eyes. "Believe it or not, I am very happy…but I wish your insecurities didn't affect this family" you speak, walking out of the marui leaving jake alone with his thoughts. You liked that Jake opened up to you, but you would like to see him try to improve his relationship with his children. Because it wasn't just lo'ak, neteyam was also affected by jake's treatment. You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath and wiping away your tears. You calm down a bit, and start looking for tuk. Luckily for you, the girl wasn't far away. She was sitting with neteyam playing.
You approach the children, see how they look at you and their eyes light up. "Hello" you greet them, sitting down next to tuk. "Look my love, you forgot these things" you hand the things to tuk. The little girl thanks you, she didn't dare to come back for them. "Thank you mommy" tuk says, now sitting on your lap. You can feel neteyam's eyes glued to you, he knew things were not good between his parents. The news that you were likely to leave had destroyed him. Neteyam could be strong, and always be by Jake and Neytiri's side. But you were his refuge, where he could go and be a child again. If he was to be judged for a second. "Mom?" neteyam speaks to you, you look at him quickly. "Mmm?" you are helping tuk, when you feel neteyam sit down next to you. "Is it true that you are going to go and leave us?" neteyam speaks waiting for you to answer. "Mom? You are going to leave us?" yells tuk. You sigh, you had gone through a pretty strong disappointment a few minutes ago and you wanted to control yourself.
"Where did you hear that neteyam?" you look at the boy, you thought you had argued in private, but you guess your screams were too loud. "We heard it by accident, I promise" neteyam gets nervous, but you hold his hand to calm him down. "mom if you go…can I come with you?" neteyam was getting sentimental, you caress his face a little. Laughing a little and tapping your arms to give him support. "I'm not going anywhere…but if I did. Of course you can go with me." You speak, watching as neteyam pouts. You joke a little, in order to change the topic. You didn't like them getting involved in adult issues, you knew they had been through a lot. At such a young age.
It wasn't long before you started to feel a little dizzy. You tried to hold your child tighter in your lap, but you felt like you were about to throw up. Never having felt like this before. You push tuk a little so that the girl slips out of your lap, placing your hands on your stomach, you were in a lot of pain. Neteyam noticed this, and quickly began to help you. "What's wrong mom?" neteyam holds your shoulders. The vomiting was something you couldn't help, and you swore you were emptying yourself alive. neteyam held you so you wouldn't mess yourself up. "Mom!" the boy whines, he has never seen you like this before. It was so strong that as soon as you recover, your sight goes blank.
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You start to get up, you could hear some voices around you. You didn't open your eyes yet, but you could distinguish them. One was from neytiri, and the other was from ronal. You could feel some warm things on your body, and some parts were wet. You start to become conscious, opening your eyes a little at a time. "Ma Y/n!!!" neytiri sounded so happy, she had a nice smile on her face. On the other hand, ronal was moving away from your body. You could tell she looked exhausted. "What happened?" you try to get up, but you barely had any strength. "You fainted again and neteyam warned us" neytiri explains, stroking your hair. Something seemed curious about neytiri, she was supposed to be worried and she looked so happy. "You are sick…you need to rest and take medicine" said Ronal, the woman was already looking in some containers for the herbs to prepare the medicine you had to take. The more you woke up you realized that you were in the marui that Ronal used to take care of the sick na'vi. "And the children?" you look weakly at neytiri. "They are with Jake, don't worry," Neytiri speaks, settling in closer to your side.
You rest a little, but you feel how Ronal starts to remove the towels that were warm before. Drying your exposed skin a bit. He had been using compresses and hot towels to try to get you up. "The medicine is a little strong, but it won't hurt the baby," says Ronal, holding out a jar of carracol. Your eyes widen in surprise, what the hell was this woman talking about, pregnant? This woman is crazy. "Baby? No, I'm not pregnant" you speak, now you had recovered all your strength. You were surprised. You look at neytiri, but she had a look that was worrying you. "ney" you push her a little, you needed her to speak. "Y/N I thought you are…since the symptoms" neytiri can't contain her joy. "Plus we did an abdominal test and we could feel something" ronal looks at you, handing you the drink. You are confused, and now you were about to vomit at the news. How could that be possible, you were sure you weren't pregnant.
Hey, you and Jake had been together. Well…ever since you had joined the clan. You two hadn't kept your hands off each other. Well… the three of you. You were sure neytiri knew you weren't pregnant. The idea of having a baby doesn't enter your head, not now that the atmosphere is so tense. You take the drink, you notice how Ronal is watching you. Making sure you take all the medicine. "Ahh it's disgusting" you complain. Listening to neytiri laugh, you liked seeing her like that. It's been a long time since you've seen her this happy, it was genuine happiness. "Well…I'll let you rest here. I'll come by later and check on you" ronal gets up from the floor, and walks out of the marui. Leaving you and neytiri alone. You were exhausted, but you can feel neytiri touch your stomach. Causing you to look at her with surprise. "We will have another baby ma y/n" neytiri smiles. "But when?" you had many questions, when you found out you were pregnant with lo'ak it was because norm did a test on you. But now it had been a natural test that na'vi women did to find out if they were pregnant. "I think it was the day at the beach" neytir laughs a little, blushing. You start to remember and you want to curl into a ball. You were scared, really scared.
"Hey, don't be scared. I'll be right here with you. And we've been looking for this for so many years," says Neytiri. And she was right, it got to the stage where the pregnancies were more about the two of you. They were very intimate between you and Neytiri. You wanted to be in on the whole process, including the excitement of being pregnant. It would build on the bonds that would be formed with the children. "I know…but this news is very unexpected…and even more so now that I want to kill Jake," you say. ""You haven't talked?"" asks neytiri, she wanted this to be resolved. "Ney…I need him to be a better father to lo'ak and you know I'm right" you speak. Neytiri is thoughtful for a moment, she knew you were right, and she would support you in whatever decision you make. And even more so at this moment. "Well, I'm going to let you rest. Ronal said he would come later. I'll come later." neytiri wanted to break the news to everyone in the family. A baby was big news for her, and she knew everyone would be happy. Giving you a soft kiss, and another on the palms of her hands. You swear you saw Neytiri jump a little in happiness, her tail wagging from side to side and the smile on her face was beautiful. You lay back on the comfortable bed and closed your eyes. You had to rest, otherwise you were going to die of madness.
"Ok, but you have to cut it like this" jake was with lo'ak. The man had decided to go looking for his son after the argument he had with you. Inviting him to go fishing, obviously this was a strange thing for lo'ak to do. But spending the afternoon with his father was making him very happy. Lo'ak was cleaning the fish as jake told him to, looking carefully at the instructions. "And what do I do with this?" lo'ak points with disgust, at the fish's stomach. "Remove it…that's disgusting" jake mimics lo'ak's wince as they both laughed. It was a very nice moment for both of them, jake had to admit that he had missed a lot of moments with lo'ak. While lo'ak and jake were busy, kiri, neteyam and tuk were sitting somewhere in the corner of the marui talking and playing with each other. When they noticed how their mother came in with a happiness. "I have good news," said neytiri.
"How is mom!!!" lo'ak gets up quickly, running to neytiri. "she's fine…but" neytiri pauses, walking over to jake to sit next to him. "What's wrong, she's supposed to just be sick at her stomach" jake says. The last he heard from you, neteyam had taken you to see ronal. And that you had a lot of stomach pain. "It's not a bad thing…come here everybody, come on!" neytiri makes the signal for everyone in the family to come over. Everyone sits around, neytiri looked so excited. "This is so big for this family… Y/N is expecting a baby" neytiri sounds the news, jake gets so excited he hugs neytiri right away. "No way!!!" shouts kiri hugging tuk and the little girl was already very excited. "Another sully to the family" says neteyam, excited. But apparently the news had not gone down well with everyone, "WHAT?" Lo'ak literally screams, capturing her parents' attention. "Lo'ak what's wrong?" neytiri is now confused, this is supposed to be a big surprise.
"Why is mom going to have a baby? She can't have one!!!" Lo'ak was getting a little upset. This was a jealous reaction, and neytiri and jake could tell. "hey lo'ak I need you to calm down" jake tries to calm him down. But the boy stands up in annoyance, getting out of the marui. "Lo'ak needs to stop having tantrums, he's too old to be having these dramas" kiri says. Neytiri taps her knee, kiri complains. Everyone in the family knows how lo'ak was with you, everything that had to do with you affected lo'ak twice as much. Jake was about to get up and go talk to the boy. But he feels neteyam's hand stop him. "Dad…I'll talk to him" says neteyam. Jake looks quickly at neytiri, who signals him to let his brother go get him. Neteyam gets up from the ground and leaves the marui to look for his brother. It doesn't take him long to find him, he was relatively close. Lo'ak was sitting in the sand, he could tell he was crying.
"Little brother…you're jealous" says neteyam. Listening as lo'ak whined. "What do you want you idiot!!!" lo'ak grudgingly replies to neteyam. But neteyam ignores him, laughing and sitting down next to him. "I know you must be feeling jealous," says neteyam. Lo'ak rolls his eyes in white. He didn't want to be messing around with neteyam, sometimes he could be very annoying. "You know…when you were born I felt a little jealous, but when tuk was born I must admit I couldn't help but feel very jealous. Our moms were with her all the time and didn't pay attention to us. " said neteyam. "Yes, but my mom has always paid attention to me" lo'ak says sounding a bit smug. Neteyam laughs, he had to admit that his little brother looked adorable. "And she's always going to love you, I'm the big brother. And having to share everything…but the love mama has for you is special and no one will ever change it," Neteyam speaks. Lo'ak is silent, neteyam stands up and taps his brother on the shoulder. Stepping away to let him think for a moment.
That same afternoon…
You were already up, and it was getting dark. You had to admit that you were pretty bored. Ronal was taking longer than usual. You wanted to be home, you felt a little better. And now that you knew you were sick and the pregnancy symptoms were making it worse, you felt somewhat reassured. Although the news of your pregnancy was not something you were very happy about. Sure, you were happy to have a baby. You had waited for this opportunity for so long, but it had to happen right now. Just now when the situation with lo'ak was very active.
You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts, that you didn't notice when Ronal entered the marui. The woman can see that you were a bit lost. "The news of the baby surprises you, doesn't it? Because it does to me," says Ronal, putting some things she brought to refill. You look at her a little startled, and became a little alert at the tone of Ronal's voice. You weren't friends, and ronal tolerated you and treated you well because tonowari told her to. "Yes…it's a surprise," you say. Trying not to sound awkward. "It seems kind of unreal to me…that one" Ronal scans you up and down. "Human is pregnant, I have doubts even with your supposed child" ronal speaks, she could be quite direct. She didn't mind hurting other people's feelings. "Excuse me?" you get more comfortable in your bed. "Don't take this the wrong way…but it's weird" ronal chuckles a little. You decide to ignore her, you didn't want to argue because you still felt a little bad.
Ronal prepared more medicine for you to take in the next few days. Supposedly some food had made you sick. After several days you are supposed to be left with only the symptoms of pregnancy. She might be a little mean, but she wouldn't hurt you. You get up carefully, leaving Marui. Ronal all this time had been making uncalled for comments about you and your child. But at no time did you want to answer him, you didn't want to cause trouble. "Hey by the way" Ronal starts talking. You stop, and look back.
"I heard you wanted to go back to the jungle…and you know what" Ronal laughs again to herself. You didn't understand what you had done to this woman, but she seemed to hate you. "I think it would be best for your family. Even for that child…lo'ak. When you weren't here, we barely heard the sully. And as far as I can see all you've done is mess everything up around here," Ronal says, turning to continue working. You sigh, you weren't going to give her the pleasure of her seeing you cry, getting out of that marui as fast as you could. Back to the familiar marui, you couldn't help but get Ronal's words out of your head, maybe she was right. Maybe they were better off without you. And now you had one more problem.
P.s The reason I wrote that the reader was pregnant is that the original request asked for two children. Lo'ak and the baby on the way. Second, the reader is still upset with jake, but I wanted to fix things up a bit. Because I want it to focus more on the relationship between lo'ak and his mom.
Tag: @baybaybear1@hoodiepandaninja16@teyyyteyyy@anika-rose-walker@victoria2054@raviolisblog@jessi-dan@neteyams-wh0re@jimfiqs@bitchykittenconnoisseur@chershire23@holynightnacho@danilezilla@thepotatoislost @esposadomd @ratchetprime211 @juneonhoth
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cameronspecial · 5 months
can you release another let me,angel chapter on jan 28 bc it’s my birthday 😁😁😁😁😁
You Need To Talk To Daddy, Baby
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
A/N: Happy Birthday, Anon! I hope it's okay that this is after their uni days.
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Asher runs up to his mother, who is waiting outside of the elementary school for her son. Y/N takes him into her arms and carries him to the car. She gets the six-year-old buckled into his car seat before getting into the driver’s seat. The car ride home was filled with a mini-concert between the mother and son. When they get home, they both notice the car in the driveway. Rafe swings the door open at the sound of his wife’s engine and jogs out in his work suit. Asher is quick to hop into his father’s arms. The family heads into the house and goes to get a snack in the kitchen. “Mommy, are Auntie Sarah and Uncle John still coming over tomorrow?” Asher asks with the heel of his feet hitting the cabinet. Y/N looks up from the tea she is making, “Yes, Baby. They are coming for dinner. Why do you want to know?” “Because I have to write about my hero for homework and I want to write about Uncle John,” her son announces. The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board stops at what Asher says. Y/N glances at her husband to see the frown on his face. He places his cutting tool down on the board and leaves the room.
“Rafe, wait,” Y/N tries to halt her husband. He doesn’t listen as he makes his way into their bedroom. The mother turns to her son and approaches him. “What’s wrong with Daddy?” Asher worries, trying to get down from the counter. Y/N keeps him on the counter, “I think he is a little hurt that he isn’t your hero.” The young boy’s face matches his father’s frown. “But he is my hero.”
“Then why do you want to write about Uncle John?”
“Because Mrs. Greenway said that we can’t write about our parents. She wants us to talk to other people.”
“Oh, well I think you need to talk to Daddy, Baby. Maybe explain that to him.”
Asher nods and holds his hand up so Y/N can help him down. She helps him off of the counter, watching him as he goes to talk to Rafe. Rafe turns at the sound of footsteps approaching the room. He turns in the other direction to wipe his tears away. He knows it’s a little silly to be upset about not being his son’s hero, most kids wouldn’t say their parents either, but it digs into Rafe’s fear of not being a good enough father. If Rafe isn’t Asher’s hero, then does that mean Asher doesn’t feel safe with him? Does that mean that Rafe isn’t providing for his son? “Daddy?” The tike’s voice spins Rafe toward him. “Hey, Bud. Is everything okay?” Rafe questions, going to pick his son up. Asher nods, “I’m sorry I made you sad, Daddy.” “It’s okay. You didn’t mean to, Bud. Why don’t you tell me more about your project? Do you need to interview Uncle John?” Rafe reassures his son. Asher gives a small smile, “Yes, Mrs. Greenway gave me a paper with the questions. I have to write the answer on the line. Daddy?” Rafe watches his son look up at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, Bud?” “You are my hero. I have to ask Uncle John the questions because Mrs. Greenway said I can’t ask Mommy or Daddy,” the boy explains.
A wide grin grows on Rafe’s face and Y/N watches from the doorway as her husband pulls their son into a hug. “How about we photocopy your assignment so you can interview Daddy too? Daddy could put it in his office,” she suggests. Rafe flinches at the surprise that his wife is in the room. Asher turns to his mother and his head vigorously moves up and down. “Yeah! I want to in-ter-view Daddy,” he agrees. Y/N starts toward the home office and Rafe follows her in tow. The family spends the afternoon interviewing each other and now, those transcripts are proudly displayed on their kitchen fridge.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @victory-in-the-llama @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover
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TKATB: More theories! Yay!
This most certainly will contain spoilers for Days 1 and 2 of @fantasia-kitt 's 'The Kid At The Back', along with containing mentions of material found on her Twitter (https://twitter.com/fantasia_kitt).
Quite a lot of these may allude to the ones I posted a week(?) ago, but my brain has brained REALLY HARD (almost as hard as when I get when I see Geo) and I think I have more ideas/more specified ideas of what could happen.
- So, I am correct in assuming the fact that the Hallow's Ball is on Day 5 (because Day 1 is in fact Monday); now this might be a stretch, in fact, it probably is, but due to the fact the Higher Class paid a visit to the school, maybe some of them might show up? Or maybe the people who bullied Brittney (think the food fight route) try to publically humiliate her or something, because something tells me she's got a lot of enemies, and something pretty bad is gonna happen to her.
- Geo is mentioned to have been disqualified due to 'accidentally' shooting an arrow at another person and it cutting their hair. Jess mentions we'd have to go 'next year' to see him partake again, so I'm gonna guess this competition is an annual thing. Maybe (and I'm assuming this as well) Geo and Hyugo were part of the Higher Class (because their dad works with the city's Founder, so that's gotta be High Class if I've ever heard it), but they were moved down. Geo is seemingly using archery to try and get selected to return back to the Higher Class, but if so, why get purposefully disqualified over almost potentially killing someone? Maybe, someone *really* pissed him off, or maybe got him sent down for whatever reason (we know Geo has daddy issues so maybe his father treats him like shit because of it) and he's subtly trying to threaten them?
- Along with that, MC wonders why he didn't get arrested. Think about it, he's got money, a lot of it. Hyugo says how corrupt this city is, their father (I believe Geo is an illegitimate child, due to the mother cheating or smth idk) probably paid the cops to not give a shit.
- Hyugo also has a LOT of connections, is often MIA, and is in the student council, so he's got influence. (Maybe adding salt to Geo's wounds indirectly?) I have a feeling he goes MIA for his syndicate activities (he has access to sleeping pills); and maybe because he's part of the council and gets stupidly high ass grades, nobody questions it. Besides, he's probably got some sketchy operations going on to maintain it all.
- With Crowe asking about Marie Antoinette, I now feel that our 'responses' to whether she was a good or horrible person are things HE did. "She was ignorant, she raved while people were starving..." - MC to Crowe when choosing the 'She was a horrible person' choice. I'll ignore the latter part for now, because that was a normal thing for rich people to do at the time. But the ignorant part is interesting. Maybe the reason Crowe is so nice (and it's not a facade, according to Fantasia herself) is because he's trying to redeem himself? Sol, if you don't skip class and let him escort you, states: "Ichabod (Crowe's surname) it's always been you. I should have dealt with him years ago..." So, maybe, at some point, Crowe had a pristine relationship with his family, mother specifically, (he doesn't anymore) and the reasoning behind this is due to the fact he believed he was superior? Maybe he was even a bully at some point? Hell, maybe he even made fun of Sol, and Sol wants to obliterate him for it. He (Crowe) was making him (Sol), and now he is trying to steal his so(u)lmate?! How fucking dare he?!
- Brittney also states that she's astonished about how Deryl has almost no friends, so I think that's incredibly fascinating, because it's true. How does a bubbly, happy jock like him get ignored by so many? Maybe because he helped Brittney (along with Jess) when she was low?
- Again, about Brittney, I feel that that frat party 2 years ago shattered her reputation, her image, everything. I bet some damaging info got spread about her and it led to her 'mysteriously' leaving the cheerleading squad, becoming more isolated and essentially (I'm assuming this) getting moved down with Jess. (Check previous one for why I think Jess got moved down as well, but tldr is she lost her shit, maybe got physical and it got her and Brittney sent to the worse school together). - On Fantasia's twitter, there's a Day 3 nsfw image of Sol essentially standing in front of a mirror with blood everywhere (ill link the slideshow that i have of every image i found/liked), anyway it's the right one on slide 9; with the caption "All I see are flaws"....so maybe if you ignore him on Day 3 and hang out with Crowe, he'll start losing his shit? Maybe thinking he isn't good enough? - Also, in the Day 2 NSFW scene, there are some prominent burn marks on Sol's back...does he get abused to this day? Does he live alone and they're scars?????? Maybe that's what he meant when he says "I've been dealt worse" in relation to the bullying? He does have history with them after all.
So. That's basically it, brain will continue to brain. Until then, ciao. (and yes the Geo fanfic is coming dw) Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wb_biHRk6g1gKj0WZ5XVwEtKGjFRTapDYerlEyhYPGE/edit#slide=id.g2cffd4cd112_0_34
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blackopals-world · 1 year
I Found Home
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)(Part 6)(Part 7)(Part 8)
Implied relationship
Part 5
Notes: This wasn't supposed to happen yet but I'm working on several chapters at once so this got posted first due to timing. This chapter was meant to go last. (besides I'm not going to pretend that most of you didn't just come here for this guy. I just want to get this over with.)
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"The Hero"
Grimm wasn't the most social of the kids but he was finally learning how to play with others. From what the child development book says he had a rich imagination and took part in imaginative play with others. He had even shown interest in things like singing and dancing with other kids.
But when art time came Grimm looked upset and yelled at another girl. Yuu had to apologize to the girl and her father. They had an argument which caused Grimm to lose his temper. He wouldn't say what it was about either.
When it was time to go Grimm waited by the car and stared at the crumpled drawing he made in his hands.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Yuu asked helping Grimm into his car seat.
Grimm shook his head.
Yuu nodded and decided to leave it alone.
When they got home Grimm went to his room without much fuss. Even bathtime was quiet without his usual crying.
When it was time for bed Grimm still clutched the paper ball.
"Mama?" He asked for her while he was deep in thought.
"Yeah, sweetie?" Yuu pulled the covers over him.
"Where is our family?" Grimm unfurled the pater to reveal a drawing of her and him in crayon.
Yuu's voice was caught in her throat. She wanted to wait until he was older to explain this.
"We are a family." She said simply.
"But Erinn said that families were big like hers. A mommy, daddy, sister, brother, grandma, and grandpa. But I only have a Mommy." Grimm asked confused. "I told Erinn that I only had Mama and she said that we weren't a real family without that. So I got mad."
Yuu knew she had to control her emotions and try to explain but it was getting hard.
"We are a family. All the family we need. Erinn is lucky and has a big family already and she doesn't understand what other families look like." Yuu said stiffly "I'm sorry if I'm not enough. If I could, I would give you the family you deserve but I'm only one person."
Yuu quickly finished saying goodnight before retreating to her room. Tears of frustration blinded her.
It wasn't her fault.
She wanted a family too.
Ever since she returned to her world and old life she had tried to find her place. Friends and family were happy to see her again but they had moved on after years of her absence. Everything familiar was now strange. Then came the questions about where she was and what happened. She couldn't answer, no one would believe her. They turned on her with suspicion and called out her lies. News media caught wind and police had questions as well. Everyone wanted to know but she had no answers.
Rumors were everywhere and even the people who trusted and wanted to help Yuu had mud slung their way. She did what had to do to protect them and left. She escaped as far as she could to a place where no one knew her. She wrote her books in solitude and kicked out everyone who tried to profit from her newfound fame.
Conspiracy theorists and true crime fans still hounded her but she had a life where she could be in relative peace.
She had a son now and could live a normal life. Wasn't that enough? Can't she live her life?
Yuu cried for herself, for her son, for their future.
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"Are you sure we shouldn't wait until tomorrow, your Majesty? Yuu may be asleep by now." Silver asked pushing aside the foliage with a ball of light he cased in the other.
"Of course, my child of man has always stayed up late in the night. She is undoubtedly awake." Malleus said proudly leaving Sebek and Silver to clear the way. Trails of Will o'-Wisps marked their path to find their way back.
Lilia flew above the group as he enjoyed the scenery. He seemed even more relaxed these days. Silver and Sebek had finally taken over their roles as captains of the royal guards. Malleus was firmly established himself as the ruling king and let his dear grandmother retire to her castle on the coast. She was certainly enjoying the sun in her scales.
Malleus had been hard at work revitalizing his kingdom. Bringing his kingdom into the current Era took effort but he had reached out to Shroud's heir for his assistance. Now the youth of his kingdom had new jobs to look forward to and new citizens had begun to move into their land. Malleus had also reached out to over classmates and found their help invaluable.
Kingscholar and Viper had been invaluable political partners and expanded trade between their lands. Rosehearts had joined him in laying out new laws compatible with technological developments. Ashengrotto had great knowledge of how to take advantage of natural resources in the area. Schoenheit offered assistance in starting an entertainment business hub like filming to take advantage of the vista.
Malleus had developed strong friendships with each of them but none of them could compare to the one that changed his life. Something they all agreed on.
"This place is so nice. So many stars but you can still see the city lights in the far distance. Are we close to the shore?" Lilia couldn't wait to visit another world and go touring with Yuu. His boys may be reserved to just seeing her but he had plans.
"The terrain is dangerous. It's rocky and likely has many dangerous creatures lurking about. How that human can stand being so much peril is beyond me." Sebek huffed.
Silver shook his head and ignored his co-captain.
As the group journeyed through the forest they noticed a small sound break up the buzzing of cicadas. Small sniffles and whimpers echoed and wrapped around the trees.
Lilia as if sensing a child's distress told the group to be quiet as he tracked down the whining.
Tucked into a hollow at the base of a tree a small boy huddled with a stuffed cat clutched to his body for dear life. The poor child cried for no one but himself.
As the group got closer they lit up wisp light around the area. The soft light alerted the boy as he drew closer.
"Hey, there. What are you doing out here so late?" Lilia crouched down to the boy's level to not scare him. "You should be at home."
The boy shook his head.
"You're parents are probably looking for you." Silver said.
"I can't. I'm bad." The boy rubbed his red puffy eyes.
"You're bad?" Malleus asked holding out his hand to Silver who immediately grabbed Sebek and grabbed a handkerchief from the half-fae's pocket. He then gave it to his king.
Lilia took the handkerchief and held it up to the boy's nose and told him to blow his nose. (Crying gets very messy with kids his age and makes it hard for them to breathe with clogged sinuses. Not mention kids have a hard time blowing their nose on their own at a young age.)
The boy wrinkled his face as Lilia cleaned his stuffy nose with practiced ease. The boy tried to weakly fend him off the same way any child does when you try to clean a smudge off their cheek with your thumb. Once he was freed and cleaned up he finally responded.
"I'm a bad boy. I made Mama cry. She said cus of me." He said remorseful.
"Why don't you just say sorry then?" Sebek said tactlessly.
Silver elbowed him and the crocodile shrugged with an expression that said 'What do you want me to say! I'm right!"
"Because I always make Mama cry. Mama is always sad. So I'm going back so I can't make her sad again." He said defiantly.
He was going to help his mother even if he wasn't going to be with her.
"Where are you going?" Malleus asked kneeling beside Lilia.
The boy looked that Malleus's horns with wonder.
"Mama found me here in these woods. But she told me a story of a dragon that lived far in the woods. The dragon was nice and helped the lost princess so I want to find him and ask him to help Mama." The boy sounded really proud of his plan.
"A quest. What a brave boy you are." Lilia ruffled the boy's hair. The boy tried to dodge but failed.
"Hey, are you the dragon?" The boy asked pointing at Malleus's horns.
"I'm a dragon-fae. The king in fact." Malleus responded.
"And you can help my Mama? With your magic? Can you take her nightmares?" The boy asked pleading.
"I will try to help if you lead us to her." Malleus wanted to see Yuu again but he knew he had to help this child first. Reuniting this family was more important right now than petty wants.
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Yuu couldn't sleep. She just needed the check. Maybe she was excessive but she just worried. Almost every night she would cheak on Grimm, just in case. She just need to see he was alive and breathing.
Some times she just had nightmares where he...
The parenting manuals said that this was perfectly normal. Her fears were natural and these impulses were a product of evolution and prevention of S.I.Ds.
Wait is there a cut-off point for S.I.Ds? Could Grimm still get it?
Yuu took a deep breath, she just needed to see him.
Yuu opened the door quietly to find...an empty bed.
"Grimm?" Yuu called out.
She began checking the bathroom in case he needed to go potty...nothing.
She checked the kitchen in case he wanted water...nothing.
The living room, The study, her bedroom, the attic, the garage
Nothing, nothing , nothing, nothing, nothing, NOTHING!
Yuu searched everywhere as she rushed outside and called for him. Soon the hysteria kicked in as she banged on her neighbors' doors. Frantically she gathered people to help her find her son.
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The group was no less enthusiastic to help as they treated the boy like a little hero on a quest. Unfortunately, this hero was very tired and needed to be carried by the dragon king. Lilia was desperate to have his turn but the bat was way too energetic right now.
Lilia was secretly praying that Yuu lived with children so he could play with them.
Grimm was fascinated with Malleus. He studied the dragon's horns, eyes and fangs.
"Mama said the dragon was best friends with the lost princess. Is that true?" Grimm asked touching Malleus's sharp ears.
Malleus let the boy explore as he thought of a response.
"I cared deeply for a friend who was far from home. She was my best friend."
"What was she like? I like the princess most." Grimm said cheerfully.
"The princess, I mean she was beautiful like any princess. But she was better. She was kind and selfless. She made friends everywhere she went." As Malleus said this little fingers pulled at his lips to get a better look at his teeth.
"She's so cool. I wish I could meet her."
Malleus quickly handed the child off to Sebek. Sebek received no better treatment as the boy pulled on his ears and cheeks. He has pincer-like fingers and speed.
Lilia laughed. Silver was the same way.
Sebek practically tossed Grimm to Silver to deal with. Sliver was fine with Grimm but Lilia's silent pleading made him hand the boy over.
Almost immediately Grimm was asleep as Lilia rocked the boy to sleep. The group sighed in relief.
"So," Sliver spoke up only for a chorus of 'Shh' to stop him. He was just going to ask about the stuffed cat that looked exactly like Grim. Or the fact that his name was Grimm. Just him? Okay.
But the blissful silence didn't last as sirens and shouting were heard.
"Grimm?! Grimm?!" Voices shouted as groups of people searched for the boy.
Safe to say his mother was looking for him.
The group managed to dodge the cops as the found a familiar young woman still wrapped in her night clothes shouting Grimm's name. Bright searchlights haloed around her.
"Yuu?!" Malleus called out as soon as he saw her.
The woman squinted to see through the lights before she gasped. She quietly scrambled through the foliage. She had trouble due to still being in her house shoes, she couldn't even think of changing when her son was missing.
"Mal?" She called trying to see if she was hallucinating.
"Malleus please, you have to help me. My son, he's gone." Yuu begged her hand clutched over her chest.
Malleus didn't know how to respond at first. No words would help. The only thing to ease her is her child.
Lilia came forward and handed the sleeping boy back into his mother's arms.
Yuu's eyes lit up with unimaginable joy like finally breathing after unending suffocation. She fell to her knees as she held him close to her.
"My baby. My sweet baby." She mumbled pressing kisses to his head as tears of relief flowed down her cheeks. "Thank you. Thank you."
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The situation took time to clean up as everyone was alerted that Grimm was found. Everyone sighed in relief and returned home. Except for that crotchety old woman next door. Yuu would expect a strongly worded letter soon.
The reunion wasn't what anyone expected but Yuu was no less grateful to her friends.
When they explained the situation, Yuu's eyes dimmed.
"I see, it's my fault." She sighed.
"He was just trying to help you. He doesn't know any better." Sebek rolled his eyes.
"That's the point. He's a child, he doesn't know any better. It's my responsibility not to make him feel responsible for my emotions. He should never see his mother cry. I tried to hid it." Yuu berated herself.
"Yuu, from one parent to another you need to hear this. It's hard, it's always going to be hard, but you're doing great." Lilia said gently pulling Yuu into a hug.
All the stress she had been carrying since she assumed her role as parent bubbles to the surface. All this time she had been carrying the heavy weight of expectations and constantly questioned herself. Everytime she got something wrong she panicked. Every crying fit and scraped knee she blamed on herself. Judging herself based on every parenting manual and blog she read. It all came to the surface.
She felt like she was going to break into pieces.
Suddenly another pair of arms wrapped around her then another and reluctantly another.
This was what she needed. Reassurance.
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"Who dares intrude upon my lair." Lilia cackled wrapped in a black blanket.
"I do! Grimm the dragon prince!" Grimm stood proudly over Sebek's(slain in battle, r.i.p) body with a plastic sword in hand.
Grimm had taken to wearing a pair of fake ram horns and pretending to be a dragon recently.
Yuu raised an eyebrow as she drank her tea.
"If you wish to save the princess you must face my minions!" Lilia said waving a hand and sending Silver out to duel with the boy.
"Don't worry! I have my own minions! Go dragon king!Save the princess!" Grimm said sawing his hand this time.
Yuu snorted and held back her laughter as she looked up from her notepad.
Malleus of course assisted as he pretended to battle Lilia.
"Mal are you a king or a minion?" Yuu laughed.
"Are you a princess or are you just wearing a cone hat?" Malleus retorted.
"You've become more sassy with age. Now hurry up and save me." Yuu pouted taking off the pink cone hat.
Malleus picked up Yuu in a princess carry as Grimm cheered.
"My heros~" Yuu giggled as she wrapped her arms around Malleus's neck.
"Where too now my dear princess?"Malleus asked.
"To the study my stead!" She shouted.
Sebet tried to say something before Silver kicked him from their downed position.
"I'm a stead now, am I?" Malleus teased as he carried her off.
Grimm payed no mind. Grandpa Lilia said that they need space. The boy instead leapt onto his uncles who grunted as the air was forced from their lungs.
Upstairs Malleus placed Yuu on her desk chair as she began typing out her new book.
"Finally designed on a name for it?" Malleus asked resting his head on her shoulder.
"Yep, The Lost Prince and the Dragon King"
"Hmm, I like it."
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TagList:@kamisatoaiko@professionalreblogs@kai200x@lianreine@loivre@jackalope08@code-roevember @growingupnrealizing @ryxmix @rainbowcake1212@blazestar0525 @botswanasvetlana @shrimpyfishyy @imasimpsowhat06 @nooneknows8976
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f10werfae · 2 years
Oops, Sorry Daddy
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pairing: Husb!Dad!Chris x Mom!Wife!Reader
summary: Can u do a fic with Chris evans x reader and the triplets where they all just clingy with their mamma lol (requested by anon)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
Sitting on the couch, with each triplet laid out in front of her, Y/n couldn’t help but swoon at the sight of her babies all beside each other, her husband Chris was right behind her with his arms around her waist. Isabella, Noah and Jacob Evans, the cutest things to arrive on planet Earth.
“Hm which one of you should I eat first?” Y/n cooed smacking kisses on Noah’s cheeks repeatedly, his squeals lifting up the room, his siblings now pouting due to not getting the same amount of attention. His feet being the next victim, Y/n pretending to eat them by pressing kisses on all ten of his small toes, with him scrunching them up at each sensation.
“Don’t worry mama didn’t forget her other babies, oh no” Y/n laughed sweetly, doing the same to the other two buggers, her husband placing open mouthed kisses onto her neck and shoulder from behind. His smile content and happy with the family home he’s made for himself, someone to care for, someone to love and someone to come home to.
Showing off their gummy Evan smiles, each of them slowly made their way towards Y/n, who was basking in the feeling of her husband’s arms supporting her. His gruff grown beard rubbing gently along her neck as he whispered nothing but ‘I love you guys so much’ ‘so so pretty’ ‘Thank you baby, for all of this’
With all of them still being relatively small, they all managed to squeeze themselves into the space between Y/n's legs, each of them nuzzling their head into her stomach and chest adorably. “No love for dada?” Chris questioned peeking his head over his wife’s shoulders, the three Evans looked up at him, tilted their head curiously before smiling back up at their momma.
All their tiny hands fisting her shirt as they bounced up and down trying to get some more of her renowned hugs, the first hug they felt when they first came into the world.
“Tsk hoggers” Chris scoffed hugging onto his wife tighter to bring her more into his chest, taking in her soft lavender scent.
“Hey, these are our little babies” Y/n pouted picking up tiny baby Jacob, his face the exact double of Chris', his arms going around Y/n’s neck to rest his head on her shoulder, sticking his tongue out at his daddy, who obviously made the faces in the first place.
“Yeah yeah, angels or whatever” Chris chuckled watching his other two angels just look up at Y/n as if she was the most beautiful thing on planet Earth, yep they were definitely milk drunk
Chris laughed looking at the dried milk moustache on each of them, wiping it off with his winter jumper before giving each of them a sweet kiss on their cheeks.
“Why do they never wanna cuddle with me?” Chris said out loud starting to fake cry, instantly catching the attention of his only daughter, baby Isabella. Leaving the comfort of her older brothers, she slowly clambered her way over to her father’s lap, her tiny hands trying to steady herself before sitting comfortably.
“Dada, cry?” She asked looking up at him with those beautiful sparkling eyes of hers, ones she inherited from her momma, ones that Chris loved to look at every single day. Chris felt his heart swell at the sight of his baby girl, her tiny sparse hairs sticking up all over the place, her mouth formed into a tiny pout with her big doe eyes scanning his face. Her fingers mindlessly playing with his bigger ones, twisting and turning the golden wedding band on his finger.
“No baby, no cry, jus playin'” Chris explained knowing damn well she didn’t understand the last part with their limited vocabulary, his hands going to pick her up and cradle her in his arms. Her soft giggles filling the room, her brothers soon leaving to follow her to their dad, with all three now sitting comfortably on his lap and arms. Noah and Jacob finding themselves trying to stuff themselves up Chris' shirt, a habit they had picked up throughout the last few weeks.
“Ha! Beat you honey, got them this time” Chris smirked smugly at his wife, obviously winning the competition this time, softly bouncing all three mini Evans in his arms.
Y/n being the smart woman she is, knows exactly how to lure her breastfed babies back, with one clip of a bra and all three are back in her arms. All three opening their mouths for a bit of her sweet milk, one they realised they were in competition for. Chris faced her in shock with a glimmer of hot red on his cheeks, choosing instead to clear his throat, stand up and head to the bedroom.
“I WON BABYY” Y/n shouted hugging all three of them, their giggles getting louder as they watched Chris turn around last minute, shake his head before beckoning Y/n over with a wag of a finger. God was she in for it now. I guess it wasn’t too early to put them down for a nap…
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @seren-a-ity @chrisevansdaughter @chrisevansangel @cevansgurl @marvelgurl @taramaria @mirikusashes @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @jackslover12 @bxdbxtxh15 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @aerangi @caps-shield1918 @evanstanwhore @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @sairsei @tojisbabymomma @tinyelfperson @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @mdpplgtz03 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @meetmeatyourworst @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @roofwitty779 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @bluebellsn @feltonswifesworld87 @ravenhood2792
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stargazing15 · 1 year
Dad's shirt
Jake x wife reader & daughter
Summary: it was Jake's third father's day and your daughter really loves the gift.
A/N: For those who voted for dad Jake, here you go! I didn't give the reader and Jake's daughter a name, I couldn't decide on a good one
"Daddy is going to be home soon, you know what to say to daddy, sweetheart?" You asked you daughter.
"Yes mommy, how long? Not wait!" She still tried to use as less words as possible, a little stubbornness or laziness -you still hadn't figured out which one it was- but most certainly inherent from her father.
"It is I cannot wait, sweetie. I don't know, depends on daddy's boss and if daddy's plane has been nice today. Less than an hour. Okay?" Jake had texted you he was on way right before he left.
"Befo sleep?"
"Before. Of course, he will be here before sleeptime." The moment you said your last words, keys opened the front door.
"DADDY!" And off she was to the hallway.
"Hello little munchkin. You have been good to mommy?"
"The best!" You heard her say proudly.
"Come, come, come." Jake got pulled inside by your much smaller daughter, but with a big and excited smile on her face. Not matter how bad Jake's day might have been, she made sure it was always ending good. Younger Jake never thought he wanted this, but coming home to his loved ones was all he needed to be happy, the medals or mission successes weren't the peak of his happiness anymore.
"Hi baby." Jake gave you a quick peck on the lips.
"Hi sweetest daddy of our wonderful princess."
"Daddy, no looking, I have surprise. And mommy too! Come mommy. No cheating daddy!" Jake had closed his eyes and placed his hand in front of them.
"Look no cheating little munchkin, my eyes are closed. But I can't wait to see your surprise." He encouraged him/her.
"Come mommy." The two of you grabbed the neatly wrapped gift and made your way back to Jake to deliver the gift.
"Okay babe, keep your eyes closed and place your hands in front of you. And you here, stop jumping around for a second, you are going to trip over your own feet."
"No babe, DADDY." You and Jake giggled at her comment while you were laying the gift in his hands.
"Yes yes sweetie, daddy open up your eyes." Jake opened up his eyes and tried his best for the three year old to look as surprised as possible.
"HAPPY DADDY DAY!" She screamed as loud as she possibly could, poor neighbors, and started to jump up and down again. "Open, open!"
"I think you are the one who is most excited, will you help daddy?"
"Yes." Not even a second after Jake's answer she dragged his arm down to her level so she could help. Jake carefully removed the ribbon so your little girl could start destroying the wrapping paper.
Once the paper was removed the excited little one became even more excited, yes that was possible.
"DADDY DADDY LOOK!" Jake got a drawing smacked in his face by a very proud toddler. This made Jake burst out in laughing. The little ball of joy always managed to do something that put a smile on your faces.
"Wow little munchkin, did you make this?"
"YES, by myself!"
"It is really beautiful, I guess this here is mommy and there are you and this is me with my plane?"
Jake now took the gift in his hand and unfolded it. It was a white t-shirt with the black text 'I'm the coolest dad' on it. In the O's were replaced by emoji's with aviators on. "I'll wear this proudly, who made the choice?"
"Me!" Your daughter said while raising her hand up.
"She has good taste. Clearly from me."
"Dork." You whispered with a smirk.
And then instead of trying it on himself, Jake took the shirt and put it over your daughter's head and lowered it down her little body, until it hit the ground. "It fits you perfectly little munchkin." Loving the the compliment, she kissed her daddy on the cheek and gave him a big hug.
"Mommy, LOOK!"
"Wow sweetie, is that a dress?"
"Noooo, daddy's shirt!" She mocked you, like you just asked her the dumbest question ever. Being miss smarty-pants, was definitely one of the other things she inherited from Jake.
"Come on you two, photoshoot. Let's go outside, the sun is shining. Mom and dad will be there in a second. Can you search for a nice spot?" She immediately ran off to search the sport in the garden.
"Well, beautiful mommy, thank you for the wonderful gift, although I think she might wear it more often than me." Jake said to you while wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose in your neck. "I missed you today, I always miss you."
"Missed you too." Jake pulled you in for a kiss and deepened the kiss immediately. God you missed this one-on-one time.
"EEEWWWW, gross!" Your princess stood in the door with her small hands on her hips, being a little toddler-boss. "Photo!"
"Okay, okay, we're coming."
Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @cycbaby @bradleybeachbabe @mavrellover91 @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston @luckyladycreator2 @xoxabs88xox @angelbabyange @jstarr86 @dempy
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Ran Haitani: Embarassing Question
Hello dust bunnies, it’s my husband birthday and obviously I’m going to celebrate it! I know that most of you voted for the smut on the poll but I came up with a huge idea, a mini story about Ran as a father and how he changes throughout time.
Warnings: Suggestive, Mentions Of S*x, Overall Fluff
Plot: It’s Ran’s birthday and he can’t help but show his love to you and your kids, Momo and Ren, who needs their father to explain something really basilar like love
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 coming soon
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Love it’s your birthday!!
Ran Haitani isn’t a man that forgets celebrations but he’s been so caught up with work and fatherhood that looks at you so shocked, “What I didn’t even realize!?” he says to you while playing with your son and daughter, “I guess I got so caught up in all the excitement from today and all the talk about the kids to realize that it’s my birthday my love!
“It’s an important day, how could you forget?” you say while kissing him and looking to Ren and Momo, “Well you’re right, it is an important day after all, it’s my birth, the one and only” he says with his signature smirk while braiding Momo’s hair “So thank you so much for remembering this important day for me” he continues and lean into your ear “And don’t worry, we can celebrate in a more proper way when the kids are asleep” he winks. Ran Haitani is still capable of making you blush even after 10 years of relationship and 2 children in your family, but the same goes for his wife “Is that so? Whisper me what you want to do my love” you say playing with him while the kids look clueless at your flirting behaviors, “What do you want me to whisper, my love?” he says with a grin while dangerously caressing your hip making you feel self aware of your horniness, “I’ll be more than happy to, you are very important to me, what do you want me to do, my love?” he continues while peppering kisses all over your face. “It’s your birthday my love, I want you to whisper me what you desire for today” you say with a smile while looking at him and then your kids, “Ah well if that’s the case, it would be my deepest wish if I could spend the day with you and the kids and just share our day as the family we are and continue enjoying our precious life together, my love” he confesses, still looking at your kids who turn to you, interrupting their game. “Would that be alright with you my love?” he finishes and then you look at him with a lot of love, “Nothing more? We will have some free time when the kids will be sleeping” you say hoping to cherish some intimacy between yourselves.
“Oh? Do you have something in mind, my love?” he asks excitedly to hear how much you need him, “Mmm my birthday boy deserves to feel good, do you wanna get laid?” you whisper trying not to let the kids hear, “Your wish is my command my love” Ran says like a devoted husband, getting close to kiss Ran feels the kids tugging at his pants, “How old are you daddy?” the kids ask curiously “Huuu ohh, I’m thirtyfive now, I’m getting old that’s for sure, but it’s a great excuse for a celebration and some cake on, right?” he asks, caressing their blond hair and you smile, taking the big cake out of the fridge “Wanna help daddy to blow the candles?” he asks and your daughter and son smile happily ready to help their daddy in the important task
Ren and Momo clap their chubby hands happily blowing the candles with Ran and you snap a photo, “Awww thanks babies” Ran says hugging the children who enjoy their father's affection. “So what did you gift me for the big day?” Ran asks turning to you and you offer him a big bouquet of flowers and the children give him a drawing, kissing their father’s cheeks, “You guys have always such thoughtful gifts for me, thanks I love them” he says hugging you and kissing his kids back.
“Ok so what’s the other gift?” he says with a teasing tone and soon you blush knowing he’s tempting you and you whisper “Well I thought I could give you some good sex daddy” you whisper and Ran smirks saying “Hmmmm, oh, how naughty, I look forward to tonight then”.
“Daddy, what’s sex? Why does mommy kiss you in the mouth?” Momo asks, you and Ran both choke on your wine and look shocked at your daughter, “Ha oh I see so we reached that age where the kids need to start understanding these types of things already?” Ran says with a little blush, “It seems like my little darlings may not be kids for so much longer, and that just means I need to have a few serious conversations, so, in that case, I will let you know all you need to know about these things”.
Momo and Ren eagerly nod to their father's reply and wait for an explanation, but you look shocked to your husband “They’re still in primary school are we sure about telling them?”
“Well it is an awkward conversation and maybe it’s not age-appropriate, but I think we can tell them the right informations in a gentle way” Ran says and you smile at him “It might be better for them if they know at least the basics rather than learning from questionable sources” you add and Ran smiles at your agreement, “PLEASE DADDY TELL US!” Momo and Ren ask and he smiles sitting with them on the sofa. 
“Alright then, I will do my best to explain to you without scaring you kids, it is a very delicate subject and I don’t want you to become frightened so I will take it nice and slow”. Momo and Ren nod again and sit each one on your laps “Ok so you know kids when two people love each other very much? They might express their love in different ways, by hugging, by kissing and holding hands, have you seen that with your mother and I?” he says with a smile while Momo hugs him and Ren listens attentively, “Those are great ways to show love but there are other ways too” “Like you know when two people get married because they love each other?” you say and Ren jumps and takes back a photo where you’re kissing each other at your weddings, “That’s right Ren!” you say taking the photo and showing it to Momo and Ran, making him smile “Well you see, when two people love each other very much, sometimes they want to express their love for each other in more adult ways” Ran continues while the kids tilt their head “Adult ways?” Momo asks curiously, “There are some things that kids shouldn’t know, so you have to be very careful with what you tell them about these things, these are things that you won’t know until you’re much older, and I hope that you please could keep it a secret until then, do you understand kids?” Ran says seriously hoping that Momo and Ren won’t keep questioning these things and not taint their innocent minds.
Momo and Ren look confused but surprised, “Can I read it on mommy encyclopedia, dad?” Ren asks taking a bite of cake, “Well hmm, you can read it, but remember it will help you only picturing it, it will be really different in real life” Ran says asking for your assistance, “I agree, mommy will explain to you when you will be in love for the first time Ren” you say ruffling your son’s hair. “Ok then if you say so love” Ran says taking your hand and giving you  pure smile, “Well then let’s just say that for now, this is a grown up things, for mommies and daddies, but just know, when the time comes, there might some things you could do to prevent any trouble, and there are always people you can talk to about it. When the time comes your mother and I will be there for you and explain to you, alright?”. 
Momo stares cutely at you and you can tell how much she’s happy to be sharing this moment with her beloved daddy and family, “Daddy does this mean you don’t love me and Ren as you do with mommy?” you giggle hugging her and her brother and soon Ran join “You two are my children, and I love you both so dearly, it’s just that, at the end of the day, what your mother and I share, is something special, and only for two of us. You kids may not understand yet, but one day you will, and that’s when you’ll know what true love can be like, my darlings”. “A different kind of love doesn’t mean that we don’t love you, of course being in love with each other it’s important but our love wouldn’t be so strong without you kids, in this sense the love we have for you it’s really important to grow that’s why you’re as much as important as your mother, and I wouldn’t trade you for anything else in the world” Ran says trying to make your children understand the importance of their existence and how his life wouldn’t be the same without them.
You nod a bit moved and self conscious about you and Ran and smile, “Thanks for loving us so dearly” you say kissing him making his birthday even more significant, “Your love and your happiness are my greatest priorities my love, so I will always do to make everything in my power to make you happy” the kids smile assisting to so much love from their parents, “Just know that you will always be my sunshine and you will always have a special place in my heart” he says to the kids and you engulfing you in a big hug.
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its-jaytothemee · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
I had an idea for a very late chapter of my ongoing slow burn, and I just can't resist posting part it as a standalone fluff piece as well.
This will eventually be part of the Until I Met You fic, but I'm just too excited to not share this piece of it!
Full fic here: Tumblr AO3
Word count: 2,013
Rating: Mature
Tags: Halsin x Tav post game, Fluff, Daddy Halsin, Innuendos/mentions of sex, Halsin and Tav POVs
Summary: Halsin gets ambushed by a bunch of the children staying with him in Thaniel's realm. They're led by Tav, who can't seem to get enough of watching him interact with his little cubs.
Halsin decided to start the morning by finishing his cleaning of the area outside of the old mason’s guild. When he woke up, Tav was already out for the day and he hadn’t been able to find her yet. Most likely she was out with Lunari, their morning walks had become a routine for her. She was always patrolling, looking out for bandits and thieves who would come to try and take advantage of their vulnerable group. He had tried to assure her that Thaniel’s Realm was far from a desirable location for most, having been surrounded by shadows for years it was unlikely that anyone would even want to attempt looting the area. Still, she insisted on traps and glyphs and magical wards to protect them.
It had been just over a month since he and Tav had returned here with their mass of refugees. Each day was filled with more manual labor than he had done in decades, not to mention the hard work of looking after the dozens of children that had joined them. Plenty of others had joined them as well, all kinds of citizens who had their lives upended by the war with the Absolute, but he saw the children as his responsibility. He was never able to start a family of his own and being here now with all of these orphaned children and Tav…it was still hard to believe it was his reality. The overwhelming love he felt for them made his chest ache. His days were filled with little laughs and hugs from the children as well as some much bigger laughs and hugs from Tav. His ears were always filled with a chorus of happy screams, laughter, ‘Daddy Halsin’ being yelled over and over, and with questions…by the gods so many questions from their little mouths. Their curious minds kept him on his toes, having to be ready to answer any question about magic or music or family or animals or cooking – the list went on forever.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
His thoughts were interrupted by some quiet giggles and whispers behind the nearby bushes. The sound brought a large smile to his face.
Oak Father preserve me…what do they have planned today?
Tav gently shushed the giggling children with an excited smile.
“Shh! You’ll give away our position!” She kept her voice playful as she scolded them.
They were all looking at her, vibrating with excitement. The first wave of her little soldiers were clutching their makeshift swords, some sticks that they had whittled after Halsin taught them. Her second wave had their tiny practice bows that she had helped them make, their arrows were each tipped with soft burlap filled with grass and hay.
“Okay little ones, remember the plan. The infantry goes in first, charge the Netherbrain and overwhelm him.  Once he’s fully distracted the archers will take care of the rest.” She whispered and watched as each of their heads nodded in understanding.
“General Yenna,” She turned and saluted the little red-haired girl, “the troops are yours to command.”
Yenna nodded in approval, turning her attention to Halsin just past the bushes. She stood up and lifted her bow in the air, pointing it towards him.
“Charge!” She yelled, causing the gaggle of children holding swords to rush towards him. Tav cackled as she saw the horde overtake him. He cried out in feigned shock, unable to believe his little cubs could turn on him so viciously. His large body disappeared beneath the pile of fighters. The kids all giggled as they hit him with their play swords, he writhed in exaggerated pain with each stab and swipe. They all let out their own battle cries against the nefarious Netherbrain beneath them. Tav stood up to call out the next orders.
“Archers! He’s down…hit the Netherbrain with everything you’ve got!” She yelled to her loyal followers. The rest of the army popped out from behind the bushes to launch their arrows. When Halsin caught a glimpse of her he had a look of fake betrayal on his face.
“My own love, turned against me!” He exclaimed, the smile on his lips betraying his false cries.
A small cloud of “arrows” rained down on him. Sort of. The toy bows she made didn’t exactly have a good range, but a few did at least fall in the group tackling Halsin. A few of the kids caught in the crossfire fell over in dramatic defeat.
“We win! The Netherbrain is dead!” A little elf boy named Jareth called out in triumph. Halsin obliged and let out a gurgle before allowing his head to collapse to the ground. The scene caused uproarious laughter and cheers among the children. High-fives and victory dances ensued.
Tav kept her eyes on Halsin as the kids danced around them, celebrating his defeat. He opened one eye to look back at her. It made her heart skip a beat.
I know that look.
Seeing him with the kids just did something for her. He was so soft and gentle with them. He had talked about his regrets in never having a family of his own, and now she could see this was truly where he belonged – here in Thaniel’s realm. Creating a community based on balance and compassion, teaching others to know and love nature, beneath a pile of laughing children. She was coming around to the idea that maybe he deserved just one more…one of his own flesh and blood…
A blush crept over her cheeks as she walked over to stand over his defeated body, placing one foot on his chest to pin him down. She heard a quiet, sultry growl escape his lips from the motion.
“Victory!” She yelled to the kids, causing more cheers and laughter.
Gods their little laughs are so cute. 
Her eyes moved down to Halsin, who was looking over her entire body. She gave him a quick wink before relinquishing her hold on him and helping him back up.
“I’ll accept your complete and unconditional surrender now.” She teased as she brushed some of the dirt from him.
He responded by grabbing her by the waist and kissing her deeply.
Halsin could barely contain his heart from bursting out of his chest looking at Tav in this moment. Still kneeling next to the bushes, her head was thrown back laughing at his complete and utter defeat. Her loyal little soldiers taking him down with ease. When they left Baldur’s Gate, she had told him how terrified she was of coming back here. How she felt like she could never help raise children. She was so worried that she would be too strict, too mean, too boring, that she would be useless. She had told him once that she wasn’t good with kids, that she didn’t know how to talk to them. And now…now here she was, leading a small army of little heroes in training against him. So many of them now preferred her company to his, not that he could blame them. Yenna especially had taken a liking to Tav, the two were inseparable since leaving Baldur’s Gate. The sight made his heart soar. He thought he couldn’t be any happier in this moment, then Tav stood up to give another command for a second wave. Toy arrows shot out from their little bows, some of them even making it all the way over to him. Another bout of unhinged laughter rang from Tav.
Oh, once I get her alone…
 Eventually, the children declared him officially defeated allowing him just a moment of rest as he feigned his death. When he peeked out of one eye back at Tav, she was looking at him with a loving expression.
By the Oak Father. What did I do to deserve her?
She made her way over towards her army, accepting salutes and hugs as a reward for their triumph. He could see the familiar flushed color across her face and chest as she got closer.
Caused by thoughts not suitable to speak of here I’d wager.
She rested one foot on top of his chest as he lay there defenseless, holding him to the ground, stirring him to his core. An involuntary growl crept out of his throat. Based on the small smirk that twitched at the corners of her mouth, she heard it. How she loved to test his self-control.
Another chorus of cheers erupted around him as she officially proclaimed their victory and helped him back up to his feet.
“I’ll accept your complete and unconditional surrender now.” Her smile was bigger and brighter than he had ever seen it. Nature’s most beautiful creation.
He pulled her close and kissed her, holding her in place tight against him. She smiled against his lips, moving her hands to wrap around his neck and pull him closer.
“Ewww!” The ever-present crowd of little voices teased from behind them. A gasp followed their cries of repulsion.
“She’s working with the Netherbrain! She’s a mind flayer!” Yenna shouted to her fellow soldiers.
Without hesitation, her once faithful followers turned on her, bringing another storm of wooden sticks and toy arrows down on them. They broke apart from one another, trying to  defend themselves against the unexpected onslaught. Tav’s laugh filled his ears as it mingled with the children’s battle cries. They were both dragged to the ground, being attacked by the kids who were now mad with merciless bloodlust.
Once the small army decided beating him and Tav with sticks was no longer fun, they broke off into their own groups. They started sparring with the toy swords, trying to decide if they had enough participants to start a tournament. The archers picked up their small arrows that littered the ground, taking them over to practice shooting some targets Tav had made for them.
Tav laid next to him, still laughing from their embarrassing defeat. Wisps of her silvery hair were already making their way out of her signature braid to swirl around her face. He tucked the loose strands behind her ears before helping her stand up. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug, lifting her chin so she could look up at him. The sight made him dizzy.
“You’re lucky the children are here, my heart. Otherwise, I think I’d have to find a way to punish this little mutiny of yours.” Halsin purred the words into her ears, careful to keep his voice quiet enough so only they could hear.
“I’m so sorry, Master Halsin. Surely, I can do something to make it up to you.” She whispered with a wink.
“Oh yes, yes you can. Rest assured you’ll beg for my forgiveness by the time I’m done, Tav’ahria.” Tav bit her lower lip in response, he only used her full name when he was desperate to have her. He knew exactly what she wanted, but why stop the fun now? Leaning over to give her a quick peck on the cheek, he reached around her to grab a broom resting against the wall.
“You could finish up here and give me a chance to go gather some berries from the woods.” He kissed her nose before turning on his heels and walking away, leaving her blushing and with her mouth agape.
“You’ll pay for that!” Tav called after him, an exaggerated pout clouding her face. Her arms were crossed over her reddened chest.
“Gods, I hope so!” He teased back as his usual trail of children caught up to him.
He would let her stew just long enough to keep her flustered. Once they finished their work for the day, he’d let her kiss all of his fake wounds from the battle, and he’d do the same for her. Later, he’d pin her down and get her to beg his forgiveness for her “betrayal.” He’d relish in every whimper and shiver he sent down her body until he finally gave in and showed her mercy. He might even have to teach her the lesson a couple of times…just to make sure it stuck.
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15 and 50 for Rooster!
Hi Nik! Here is Kiss #50 for Rooster x Reader - a kiss out of love. I hope you love it!
I really liked what my brain came up with for Kiss #15 so you're getting it as a full one-shot 😈
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A Kiss Out of Love
It's late. It's so late and you're so tired. Every fiber of your being droops in exhaustion as you methodically rinse out a stack of dirty baby bottles. It's as you turn the faucet off and load the bottles into the dishwasher that you realize that one sound, the one ever-present sound that's ricocheted through the house for the past two months has gone blessedly silent. The baby's not crying anymore. After weeks of that squealing wail in your ears, they practically ring with how powerful the silence is.
You've taken your baby girl to the doctor, of course. You've had your pediatrician give her a check-up to make sure everything was okay. Each time, you were told, "She's just a baby. Babies cry." Or, "It's probably just colic. It'll pass. So long as she's eating and pooping and responding to your voices, she's just fine." It drove you to distraction, the baby's unending wails coupled with the intrusive thoughts in your own mind telling you that you were the worst mother in existence.
It was Bradley who noticed you were shutting down. He took his paternity leave the day he noticed your struggles and stepped right in to help. Just having him there helped more than you could ever articulate. Sometimes your baby girl just needed a change in parent and the screeching wails turned into happy gurgles and giggles. There were still many days and nights where she cried and cried the day through, but they were easier with Bradley by your side. He had a sixth sense for whisking her away for a drive; a sixth sense for knowing that the baby needed Grandpa Mav and Grandma Penny time. But most importantly he had a sixth sense for knowing when you'd need some You Time or time with him.
So it's not wholly out of the ordinary that Caroline is asleep, down for her afternoon nap at the perfect time. What is a little odd is that Bradley's asleep with her. Your husband's got Caroline against his chest, his hand covering the entirety of her butt and legs. Both father and daughter sleep in the same way, with their lips ever so slightly parted and their heads tilted in the same way. You carefully gather Caroline up against your chest, kissing her forehead as you lay her down in the crib.
After making sure the baby monitor is set, you kiss Bradley. You pour all of your love into the kiss, smiling when he kisses back, muffling your giggles into his shoulder as he pulls you into his lap.
"What whazzat for?" His voice is still sleep-tinged and you'd have jumped him if you still weren't so sore from giving birth and if you weren't so tired.
"I love you, Bradley." At his questioning hum, you kiss him again. This time, you're too occupied to notice anything but how the world goes sideways as Bradley carries you to bed.
"I love you, beautiful. But it's time for bed. I think our daughter gets jealous when Mommy and Daddy have too much alone time." His words fall on deaf ears. You were fast asleep the minute he laid you in bed with a kiss.
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Want to request a Kiss and a pair for me to write? Guidelines are here.
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2jaeh · 1 year
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Last Summer / Kim Doyoung 
Genre: smut, angst 
word count: 16k
f! college student reader, aged up! Doyoung, slight badboy!Jaehyun and fwb!Jaemin
warnings: dilf!, age gap, old money fic!, cheating, affair, public!, unprotected, daddy!, alcohol!, blackmail!, gaslighting?, multiple smut scenes, let me know if I miss anything. 
A five week business vacation with a bunch of elite families, filled with gossip, rumors and people doing anything to climb the social ladder. But through all the chaos the last thing you suspected was a whirlwind romance with your friends father. 
appearances: college friends : Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Sungchan, Jaehyun 
aged up! Johnny and Kun. 
A/N: hello! its author SIN here! I haven't wrote a monster fic since FREAKS but im here for old money Doyoung after so many requested a full fic of Country Club. Sorry i've been so IA i hope you enjoy this one !
It was that time of year again and you and your mom were being dragged to one of your father’s business vacations which entailed around five weeks of your summer at your family’s world renowned resort. Now anyone else would be joyous that they’d be spending a luxury vacation at the hot spot for celebrities in the Summer, but now entering your twenties, and spending almost every summer of your life at this place, you figured it had lost its wow factor.
“Why couldn't we go to the Maldives or Greece like normal families” you groaned, slipping into a cashmere sweater that matched with a pair of capri pants and tennis shoes. You watched your  mother frantically  order the resort employees to prepare the bungalow to her liking until her eyes rested on you.
“Darling I thought I told you to throw those tacky shoes out” she sighed, coming over and giving you a tight squeeze, “and…you can go to Greece on your next semester break okay ? right now we need to mingle with your father’s investors, big smile!”
You gave her your best fake grin before returning back to your room and exchanged your shoes for a more high quality taste. You had no idea why your mom was being so particular about your dress code  being it was only day one and the more important guests only ever arrived in the second week.
You folded your arms and returned back downstairs to the lounge area when a familiar face completely caught you off guard.
“Jaemin!” you squealed, running into the toned man’s arms as he lifted you into a tight hug and engulfed you with his Givenchy perfume. Jaemin, your friend or rather fling whom you actually met via one of your father’s parties, was the son of a very big tech company CEO and your father’s current favourite golf buddy.
Mr. Kim Doyoung, the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on.
Jaemin released you from the hug and you took the opportunity to smile at both Mr and Mrs Kim as they briefly greeted you before returning to the conversation with your parents. You watched as Mr Kim pushed his glasses up as he laughed at some joke your father supposedly told, his gummy smile broke his stoic character and for a second you almost forgot your surroundings.
“Quite the surprise hey” Jaemin snapped you out of your trance and you quickly nodded. “You guys never do summer vacation, what's the special occasion ?” you questioned the dark haired man.
Jaemin chuckled and shrugged. “Dad said there’s a huge investor visiting this time and he doesn't want your dad to fumble any business proposals.” You hummed and looked back at the parents and watched your dad enthusiastically show Mr Kim around.
“Hey Doyoung it's a win win hey” your dad boasted, “our wives are happy, our kids are happy and we get to have a rematch of that golf game you cheated me out of last month.”
“Cheated?” Mr Kim smirked, “are we still running with that ?”
You gulped at his cockiness. Yes this was wrong. Entirely wrong because this was your friends father for fuck’s sake, but you’d been crushing on him for years, way before you met Jaemin. You hated to admit it but Mr Kim was your first real crush.
It all started on the night of your 18th, when he came to the party on his own because he and his family were going to leave on a business trip the next morning. He only stayed about 20 minutes, most of it was spent talking to your father and then he came over, introduced himself and placed a gift in your hands before planting a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“It's Viviene Westwood, your dad said you’re a big fan” His voice was so light and smooth. “My son starts at the same university as you next year, I hope the two of you can help each other out.”
And with that he said his goodbyes and you’d only see him at very special events after that. He did attend your 21st this year, but you and Jaemin had already established a friends with benefits situation and you decided that crushing on a man twice your age who now happens to be your fling’s father was not the path you were seeking.
“Do you think I’d have to sneak into your room every night ?” Jaemin pinched your side and you playfully pushed him before bringing your arms around his neck.
“Honestly our parents are going to be so blackout drunk every night im sure you could walk straight into my room and do whatever you want” you bit your lip and Jaemin smirked in return, enjoying the challenge.
The first two days were pretty much uneventful even with Jaemin railing you into your bed the very first night. Luckily for the two of you your dad managed to get the Kims’ the bungalow right next door and Jaemin made good use of the maintenance ladder and your balcony.
You were grateful you had Jaemin around until the morning you heard a voice you wished was in your head. The voice you thought you’d only hear when University resumed.
Lee Haechan.
“Jaemin hurry up, my arms are killing me here” You heard him say as you stepped out on the balcony to oversee the commotion. Your uni friend, well rather Jaemin’s, was standing outside their bungalow with luggage that definitely exceeded a five week stay which meant that it was likely computer equipment.
“What are you doing here ?” making sure your voice was definitely unwelcoming. “Wow y/n way to be hospitable to your good friend” he dropped his bags and clapped sarcastically. You watched the workers scramble for the luggage as Jaemin stepped outside to greet his very annoying friend.
“His parents kicked him out for the summer” Jaemin looked up apologetically.
“Can't say I wouldn't do the same” you scoffed while Haechan stuck out his tongue. “My boy and I are going to build a gaming pc, you know good old fashioned bonding” Haechan threw his arm around Jaemin while your poor friend knew you weren't in the slightest happy about this new arrangement.
“Great” you sighed, “hope you two lovebirds have a lovely vacation.”
“You can join us, you know, it's really fun.” Jaemin tried to look hopeful but he already knew you'd rather eat dirt than spend more than two hours with Haechan and build a damn pc on top of that.
You unenthusiastically waved them off and returned to your bedroom and threw yourself on your bed ready to dive into a solemn state until you heard a voice coming from downstairs.
His voice.
You tiptoed down the wooden stairs and you saw Mr Kim sitting at the corner bar with your father both adorning golf wear and engaging in conversation when your father quickly noticed your presence.
“Hey sweety, you're not hanging out with Jaemin today ?” he said while taking a sip of his scotch whiskey.
You groaned while approaching the two men, making sure your attention was on your father and not Mr Kim. “Haechan is here and they're going to spend the entire vacation building some stupid pc” you complained with a pout and your ears perked when you heard Mr Kim chuckle.
“Sorry about that, Haechan can be pretty persistent and I just wanted to help his parents get him out of their hair for a bit” Mr Kim smiled sweetly and you could tell he was genuine with his apology. “If you're bored why don't you come out for a round of golf, make sure your dad isn't cheating.”
“Uhm I don't want to impose…” you began to say and your dad quickly jumped to his feet and threw his arm around you. “My angel will be the best judge I can assure you!” he squeezed your shoulder, “go get ready sweetheart we will leave in 20.”
You stood under the caddy’s umbrella shielding yourself from the blistering summer heat as you watched Mr Kim and your father tee off on the fifth hole. Most of the banter was inside jokes they had going on and honestly you almost regretted joining their session until you saw how immaculate Mr Kim was at playing golf. His form, the way he stuck out his tongue slightly as he concentrated on his next shot and ofcourse how accentuated his muscles were through his golf gear as he swivelled his body every shot.
The heat wasn't that bad after all.
“Sir you have a call at the front desk” the caddy held the phone up for your dad to receive it.
You watched your father’s frown turn into a wide smile signalling it was either a big investor or one of his work buddies. “Hey Doyoung Johnny is here, i'm going to check him in before our wives make a big deal about his sudden appearance” your dad chuckled and hung up the call.
“Ah yes the wives biggest enemy, i'm surprised he actually showed up” Doyoung rested his hands on his golf club. “He didn't bring…her…did he ?”
Your eyes followed Mr Kim’s to your fathers and your dad quickly shook his head as he began handing his equipment to his caddy.
“Oh you know he wouldn't do that, gosh imagine what the investors might think.”
Now this story you were definitely clued up on thanks to Haechan practically interrogating Johnny Suh’s nephew, Sungchan. Mr Suh was a high end lawyer and had been working with your father’s circle of friends for years. He was a prominent figure, anyone and everyone fell in love with him and that's exactly how he got into trouble.  You're not sure of the timeline but according to Haechan Mr Suh had an affair with a young divorcee who’s case he’d been working on. Almost everyone expected his career to plummet after the news broke but it just made him more popular amongst young naive women who thought they too could bag the richest newly divorced big time lawyer.
Your mom couldn't stand him especially because she and the other wives were friends with his ex wife. But your dad never bothered since he’d always say that his ex wife was a gold digger and would have ‘ran him dry’ eventually. Surprisingly Haechan noted that Sungchan was also more than happy to know that his uncle was finally free from that woman.
There’s two sides to every story you guessed.
“Are you really leaving in the middle of the game ?” Mr Kim sighed, “this isn't just an excuse to get out of losing again is it ?”
Your father scoffed and waved his hand. “Oh please we are picking this up tomorrow, but for now why don't you get a little practice with my daughter ? she's got a wicked right swing!”
“Dad I don't think-”
“Let's do it.”
You turned to face Mr Kim who was now holding out his golf club to you as a stunning smile spread across his face. You swallowed hard as your father zoomed off in his golf cart and left you alone with just Mr Kim and the unattentive caddy.
“Mr Kim I'm not the best player so-”
“Hey my rivalry is with your father not you” Mr Kim waved his hand and grabbed a bottle of water. “I’ll go easy on you.”
You refused to be a stuttering mess so you tried your best to concentrate on the task at hand. It should be easy since there’s nothing the two of you could really talk about besides your father or Jaemin.
Oh you hoped he wouldn't bring up Jaemin.
You took your first swing and honestly like you expected it wasnt that grand. You turned to him apologetically while he let out a charming chuckle before joining you on your walk to the next hit.
“You're too tense” he commented and tapped your shoulder. “Since we're just practising, how about I coach you and next time you can win against your father.”  
You watched as he consulted the caddy on the perfect golf club and watched him stroll back over to you and replaced the club you clutched in your hands. The next movement almost had you weak at the knees as he slowly moved behind you and placed his slender fingers on your shoulders and squeezed lightly.
“Relax y/n” he calmly said in your ear. He may have been thinking this was just a friendly exchange but God your mind was thinking very different things. Vile almost absurd things. You nodded and did as he said, exhaling deeply while your heart was practically beating out of your chest.
“It's all in the hips you know” he said before clearing his throat, “May I ?”
You nodded again and within seconds his hands were on your waist. It was all very PG but anything he did always felt erotic. You kept your concentration on your posture making sure he wouldn't pick up on your strange behaviour but every touch, every breath coming from behind you felt like electricity.
“Now be gentle, allow your body to lead you to the shot rather than the strength of your hit” He continued and stepped back to watch you take your next shot.
The next shot was better but again you were no Lydia Ko. Mr Kim however seemed to be a perfectionist because yet again you were given another club and his hands returned to your waist. This time it felt a little different. You felt his breath against his neck and his hands were a lot more firmer as he guided you to redo your shot. “Now I know you can do better than that” His voice was low and you felt a sensation develop between your legs. You had no idea how you let your impulses get the better of you but you allowed yourself to arch your back a bit until your ass pretty much grazed against his crotch. You know it was evident too because you heard him suck in a deep breath but you didn't dare turn around.
“Like this..?” you managed to say and heard him hum before slowly stepping away and allowed you to take the shot.
Surprisingly that one was the best you had all day and it even ignited excitement out of you as you jumped in celebration, completely forgetting what had happened a mere seconds ago. “Oh my God did you see that ?!” you squealed and turned to face Mr Kim who had been chewing on his bottom lip before it turned into a sweet smile.
“I knew you had it in you, you're a natural and a quick learner” He held his hand out for a high five but as your hands collided, his fingers entangled with yours and your eyes met his in probably the most intense unspoken exchange in your life. You had no idea what was going on in his head and you were unaware that his thoughts mirrored yours. He had no idea why he did what he did and his head swarmed with so many unresolved questions.
This was his friend's daughter. His son’s college friend.
The caddy called the two of you up to drive over to the next hole and you both silently jumped in the backseat, hoping the situation was just an awkward exchange and nothing more. The drive was bumpy and unusually long. Both you and Mr Kim opted for looking in the opposite direction until the caddy hit the brakes causing Mr Kim to quickly shield you from impact.
“God what the fuck?” Mr Kim cursed and you mentally hated that it gave you another reason to find him attractive. There was no hope at this point.
“S-sorry sir there was a rabbit crossing the path” the caddy looked up into the rear view mirror and you swore you saw fear in his eyes. Mr Kim sighed and muttered that it was okay and to keep moving but as the trip resumed you realised his arm was still draped across your lap.
You adjusted your seating which pushed your tennis skirt higher and now his hand was exposed to your thigh as you waited to see what his next move might be. Mr Kim cleared his throat and you almost gasped when you felt him squeeze your exposed thigh before the caddy finally came to stop.
“I need you to go to the front desk and get more water and please let them know that the rabbits are roaming free on the course at this hour, it's quite dangerous for everyone involved” you watched Mr Kim tap his resort card on the payment machine and watched the caddy leave  you and Mr Kim completely alone.
“What do you study again y/n ?” Mr Kim asked casually as if nothing suspicious had happened all day and set up his next shot. You wiped the beads of sweat forming on your head. “I…study accounting Mr Kim.”
His chuckle made your eyes narrow as he took an effortless shot and turned around to face you. “Call me Doyoung, you do call Kun by his first name don't you ?” his new demeanour confused you. Was he just being friendly all this time and you were mistaking it for something else ?
“Yeah well Kun has been my dad’s friend for ages so-”
“So am I a stranger then ?” he poked his tongue into his cheek, “I guess we have to work on our relationship then.”
Mr Kim, Doyoung gestured for you to set up your next shot. Seeing as you were unsure of his intentions you decided to test the waters again. What was the worst that could happen anyway ? Him peacefully rejecting you would actually solve a lot of your current problems.
“Can…you help me again ? I kinda forgot the posture thing” you battered your eyelashes at him and you watched as his jaw tightened for a brief second before he nodded and came over to his usual position. You wasted no time in pressing back into him but this time you turned your head slightly to see his reaction.
“W-what are you doing y/n?” his low voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“What do you mean, I'm just..playing golf” you replied innocently and you heard him chortle in amusement. You felt his fingers press into your hips as you practically settled in his crotch, a bit proud that you had him a little flustered.
“You’re…a very naughty girl” he hummed as he straightened himself and allowed his fingers to dance on the band of your skirt.
You sighed and hummed in agreement. “I know Mr Kim and it seems like you're not so innocent yourself.”
Doyoung raised his eyebrow at your snarky comment yet mentally cursed his inability to keep his arousal in check. He was in dangerous waters but his head was too clouded with how this was about to play out for him to think about any consequences right now.
“Are you saying that this….exchange has you a little excited as well?” he queried and you felt absolutely delirious with lust.
“You can find out for yourself if you want” you curved your back a bit standing like an open invitation for him to do as he pleased. You expected him by now to at least lecture you that the two of you were out in the open and this whole ordeal was just absurd but instead he carefully stood behind you as your hands tightened around the golf club and his fingers ghosted its way up your skirt.
Doyoung’s breath was deep and steady as he caressed the skin of your inner thighs before taking his index finger and grazed it over your soaked panties. You heard him groan at your wetness while you bit down on your lip at the contact. You thought it would stop there but you almost collapsed when he pushed your panties to the side and allowed his long cold digits to feel your arousal.
“Fucking hell” he cursed as his other hand held onto your hip to keep you steady.
“Mr Kim…please..more” your voice quivered, not sure what you were asking for exactly but whatever was happening couldn't end right now, not like this.
Doyoung was completely immersed in how wet you were for him. He loved how your folds felt between his fingers and you were like putty in his hands. You gasped when he inserted a finger into your core and he heard him groan once more this time in frustration.
“Youre so fucking tight, id ruin you sweetheart” his words were like venom in your ear as he continued to finger you at an agonising pace.
Euphoria quickly came to an end when you heard a golf cart and it was Doyoung’s caddy returning from his errands. Doyoung quickly wiped away his hands and the two of you stood innocently as the caddy jogged over.
“Sir, they are requesting the both of you back for brunch” the caddy spoke and immediately began collecting the golfing equipment and packed the cart. You looked up at Doyoung trying to search his face for what all of this meant and whether it might happen again but he returned back to his stoic self. His eyes never met yours and he was silent and to himself the entire way back up to the resort.
If you thought your crush on him before was dangerous, well you've just entered a new territory.
By the time you washed up and arrived at the restaurant your father had picked for lunch you noticed everyone was already settled in. Doyoung sat right next to his wife and chuckled along with your father, Mr Suh and your father’s long time friend Qian Kun. Doyoung glanced up for a millisecond but returned to the conversation as if nothing had ever happened on the golf course.
“Darling, what took you so long ? Doyoung said you guys arrived two hours ago” your mother embraced you before one of the waiter’s pulled out your chair next to Jaemin.
“I had to take a shower” you pressed your lips into a smile and looked over at Doyoung, “It was extremely humid down there.” You watched his fingers twitch around his wine glass but it wasn't enough of a reaction for anyone else to notice. Your eyes drifted to Mr Suh who flashed you a friendly smile that you forcefully returned back before leaning into Jaemin.
“Why the hell is he here ? I thought our mothers hated him” you questioned as Jaemin rubbed the small of your back.
“Apparently his ex wife had been cheating on him too, way before he started his affair” Jaemin popped a cheese cube into his mouth. “Yeah right that’s what he wants everyone to believe” Haechan chimed in and you weren't going to admit it but you definitely shared his sentiments.
You looked up and noticed that Sungchan, Mr Suh’s nephew had also joined the trip as well as Kun Qian’s son, Chenle. You weren't too familiar with Sungchan despite him being in the same university as you but you knew Chenle really well. The two of you practically grew up together.
“I thought you were going to Dubai for the summer” you took a sip of your white wine while the ash blonde boy shook his head and sighed.
“Yeah I thought so too” he scratched his head, “My mom convinced my dad to come to the resort this year for the big networking party, God are they not tired of doing business ?!”
“Who else is gonna pay for your trips to Dubai ?” Haechan mused and Chenle rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he retorted, “What are you even doing here anyway Lee Haechan? I thought your parents were going to London.”
“They went without him,” Jaemin snickered, earning a shove from Haechan.
“I would've done the same,” Sungchan added.
“That's what I said” you giggled and Sungchan gave you a thumbs up while Haechan erupted in a long groan.
“Face it, without me, you losers wouldn't have any fun” he pouted.
For a minute you too had completely forgotten about Doyoung, lost in the childish banter of your friends until the memory flashed back and you felt your stomach turn. There it was. The guilt was finally settling in as Jaemin squeezed your thigh under the table while he entertained whatever conversation they were now engaged in. How could Doyoung just sit there, as if nothing had ever happened. Was what he did just something to overlook?
You couldn't have been more wrong as Doyoung’s thoughts were completely scattered from the very moment he saw you in your tennis outfit. He was engaging in conversation but wasn't really retaining any information. He couldn't help himself but to steal glances at you from the other end of the dining table. Doyoung thought he was being subtle enough until he felt a tap on his shoulder from none other than Johnny Suh.
“Gonna take a smoke break, wanna join ?”
Doyoung stepped onto the balcony that overlooked the pool area as he twirled his red wine in his glass and exhaled deeply.
“Doyoung Doyoung Doyoung, you dog” Johnny blew a cloud of smoke into the sky as he erupted into laughter, “I didn't think you had it in you buddy.” “What are you talking about?” Doyoung muttered, leaning against the marble balustrade. Doyoung’s eyes shifted to the window making sure no one was paying attention especially since Johnny’s voice was the equivalent to a megaphone.
Johnny took a step closer with a smirk spread across his face,  “Doyoung, do you know who you're talking to ? I am the King of reading the room, especially when it comes to sneaky glances at your good friend’s hot daughter.” Doyoung’s jaw tightened again and he looked back into the restaurant before gulping down the last of his wine.
“I don't know what youre talking about,” he answered coldly.
Johnny narrowed his brows and cleared his throat, “Okay so she walks in, directs a very weird innuendo at you after you two played golf alone all day and you two have been eye-fucking each other for the past half hour.”
“Would you lower your damn voice ?!”
“So it's true ?”
Doyoung ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and pulled Johnny aside. He had no choice but to come clean but luckily for him Johnny would never ever spill the beans on his adultery seeing as Doyoung had been hiding Johnny’s string of affairs for ages. Yes there were more than one and no his now ex wife and all his friends have no idea about them.
“She baited me” Doyoung wet his bottom lip, “came up to me like a fucking minx and I-”
“You fucked her on the golf course ?” Johnny asked amusingly.
“No,” Doyoung deadpanned, “I…used my fingers for a bit but the caddy interrupted.”
Doyoung hated the smug look that spread across Johnny’s face and honestly actually explaining the situation only made him feel more guilty. He was the older, more mature one; this was entirely his fault and not yours at all.
“That’s your son’s friend oh my God you're worse than me” Johnny grinned and Doyoung turned back to look at you in a hearty conversation with his son and your friends. Johnny was right. This was so much worse than whatever he has done, but he could end it right here right now.
“It’s not going to happen again, I made sure to get my point across to her very quickly” Doyoung chewed on lip.
“Oh please, you said your wife hasn't given you any in a long time and I still have the divorce papers you filed for last-”
“Throw them away” Doyoung cut Johnny off.
“What ?!” the taller man exclaimed.
“There’s no need, I'm not going through with it” Doyoung replied calmly despite his thoughts still scrambling about both his marriage and you. Johnny ashed his cigarette and shook his head as the two of them entered the restaurant.
“Whatever man, all I know is that just a small taste of that kind of adrenaline doesn't go away that easily.”
Doyoung slipped back in his seat and put on his best smile but Johnny’s words still stuck with him like a thorn in his side.
Would he be able to stop ?
A few days had passed since the golf course incident and you were grateful that your dad had been entertaining his friends on his own as they attended seminars and did God knows what until late hours of the night. It was one of those nights where all the parents had gone out to one of the bars at the resort and you and your friends figured you’d also drink the night away.
“God Sungchan I swear if you don't finish your drink I will push you into this pool” Haechan threatened as the younger boy grimaced at the taste of his 8th drink of the night. Honestly having all of them around this year wasn't that bad because usually you'd either be babysitting your parents or drinking with the resort staff.
You sipped your cocktail and danced along to the music blaring from the poolside bar in your Miu Miu two piece wrapped in a mesh skirt. Jaemin threw his arm around you and you could tell by his slurred words and sloppy kisses that he was needy.
“Are you not fucking Haechan tonight ?” you rolled your eyes.
“Don't ever say that again” Jaemin groaned while his hands ghosted over your thighs and moved to grope your ass.
“Ew get a room” Chenle spat and you sighed. As much as you’d love to get railed right now you couldnt stand that this arrangement with Jaemin only worked when he was in the mood rather than it being mutual. You already knew he’d be in your room for the night and you won't see him the entirety of the next day unless you were out looking for him.
“Yeah totally not in the mood doll” you pried his hands off your figure and took a sip of your drink, “you should call it a night, don't want to be hungover when you have a pc to build.”
Jaemin never bothered to argue back. He knew how stubborn you could be and honestly he needed to get Haechan back to the bungalow before he ended up swearing at the bartenders. You waved off Jaemin, Haechan and Chenle who went along since his accommodation was on that end anyway while you took care of Sungchan.
“You all good there buddy?” you joined him on one the loungers as he gulped down his third glass of water.
“I'm alright, sorry i'm still getting used to the whole alcohol thing” he smiled sweetly.
You giggled and tutted in response, “don't force yourself if you don't want to, Haechan may think he is the boss around here but trust me he’s a pushover.”
Sungchan nodded shyly until you saw his eyes perk up. You followed his gaze and from all people in this entire goddamn resort in walks Johnny Suh and Kim Doyoung.
Just great.
“Hey Nephew” Johnny greeted, his face absolutely red indicating he was definitely more drunk than his dear nephew right now.
You looked up at Doyoung briefly who just stood awkwardly while Johnny babied his nephew, smothering him in hugs and compliments. Sungchan stood up and stabilised his uncle, praying he wasn't going to be stubborn about heading back to their bungalow.
“Come on Uncle Johnny, time for bed” Sungchan held him by his waist while Johnny pinched his cheeks and coddled the younger boy.
“Doyoung isn't my nephew just the cutest ? He's the cutest right ?” Johnny slurred as Sungchan bid his farewell to you and guided Johnny back to their bungalow.
You wasted no time in making sure there were no awkward silences and grabbed a new drink from the bar and began heading down a dimly lit path. You couldn't look at him. Especially since he had ignored your existence for most of the week.
“Where are you going ?” he questioned, as you heard his footsteps follow close behind.
“To the beach, leave me alone” you replied carelessly. Did he expect you to respect him as your father’s friend after the stunt he pulled ?
“You are not going to the beach in the middle of the night drunk and on your own” he lectured, still following you down the path until the two of you reached the white sandy area that met the moonlit shore.
He watched attentively as you turned around and removed the mesh skirt as you soaked in the moonlight and the salty sea breeze.
“You're not my father Mr Kim” you groaned, “I can do whatever I want.” “Do your parents know where you are right now ?” Doyoung questioned as he shook the sand that filled up his sandal.
You walked over to one of the beach recliners sighing that the umbrellas were all down and sat down your drink on the table. “My parents think I'm at the overnight spa, smart of me don't you think ?” you smirked as you struggled to open the umbrella that was twice your size.
Doyoung massaged his temples before walking over and helping you open the umbrella before taking a seat on the opposite recliner. He knew he was doing the right thing by taking care of you while you were acting recklessly, but a part of him wondered if being around you in that scantily clad bikini and the amount of alcohol running through his veins and yours, was a good idea.
“What are you drinking ?” Doyoung watched you take a sip of your cocktail as you laid back in the recliner and crossed your legs.
“Rum and Coke” you replied, handing him the drink.
You were amused by how much he drank, and watched as he set the glass aside and shook his leg anxiously while his entire body tensed up.
“For someone who told me that I'm too tense you're really one to talk” you commented and pointed to his fidgeting fingers and anxious leg. Doyoung quickly took notice of his actions and gathered himself. He turned his focus to the dark sea, while you studied him wondering what the hell was going through his head right now.
“You know any normal married man would be back home laying next to his wife after a drunken night” you sighed and Doyoung’s eyes quickly darted to yours.
“I'm here to make sure you get home safely,” he said in a calm tone.
“Oh please” you scoffed, “you had no idea I was out here until you guys stumbled across us at the bar. Mr Kim it seems like you love to keep your distance from your wife regardless whether I'm here or not.”
Doyoung’s jaw tightened at your words. He knew you were not  taunting him because everything you mentioned was pretty much how it's been for the past few months in his marriage. Most of the time he met with your family on his own and your father had always commented on how divided the two of them had become after Jeno had turned 18.
“Its probably why youre so needy too, when was the last time youve even fucked anyone ?”
“Is this a joke to you ?” Doyoung retorted, “Do you not see how wrong this is ?”
You rolled your eyes, finishing the last of the drink, and sat  it back on the wooden side table.
“Honestly I dont,” you shrugged, “I did at first ofcourse, hell Ive been wanting to fuck you since my 18th birthday but now that I know youre miserable  in your marriage I dont see the harm in it.”
Doyoung pondered on your words and of course he was miserable but his reasoning for coming onto you wasn't because he needed a quick fix. God he saw beautiful women at so many investor parties but nobody had him riled up like you did. For him though it was your 21st birthday, when you wore that Elie Saab sequin dress and you carried yourself with such poise and class that he’d never taken notice of before. There was always a mystery surrounding you and with that neverending curiosity he disciplined himself into keeping his distance.
That was until a few days ago.
“You’ve been wanting me since then ?” Doyoung asked in that low voice that always hit the right spot.
You pushed yourself up from the recliner and stood up to hover over him. Doyoung’s eyes dragged over your body until his eyes locked with yours as you placed your thumb under his chin.
“Oh Mr Kim I fantasise about having you every…single..night” you mused and with that you pressed your lips against his and sighed into the passionate kiss. Doyoung quickly pulled you into his lap, his lips never leaving yours as you straddled him and immediately gripped onto his dark locks.
“I'm not going to be able to stop this time y/n” Doyoung groaned into your neck as you pushed your body further down into his lap, already feeling his hardened member against your clothed core.
“Don't stop…please dont stop” you moaned into his kisses as he grabbed your ass and buried his face into your chest, littering your collarbone and breasts with kisses. You both knew that taking your time would only raise concern so you were in agreement that it needed to be done as soon as possible.
You fiddled with his dress pants as he unbuttoned his shirt revealing the very toned body you were suspecting. God the sight of him alone like this could've made you orgasm. Doyoung quickly pushed down his pants and then suddenly pulled away.
“Fuck…Fuck!” he cursed.
“What is it ?” you looked around thinking one of the employees was lurking around.
“I don't have protection. '' Doyoung looked up at you and bit down on his lip.
“God i'm on the pill please just fuck me already” you whined and returned your lips to his desperate to regain the momentum you had earlier on.
“Are you sure this is okay sweetheart ?” He asked once again his voice filled with concern. God the age difference thing was really showing right now because everyone around your age was careless and dumb. Any guy in their 20s (and probably Johnny Suh) would be ecstatic to know they'd be able to do it raw.
You found his concern endearing.
“Do whatever you want Mr Kim, I just need you inside me” you whispered and Doyoung literally felt dizzy with ecstasy at your lewd words. He quickly responded by pushing aside your bikini bottom and rubbed circles on your clit before entering two digits into your core, preparing you for what's to come.
You were so lost in the magic he was putting in his fingers that you almost gasped at the difference when he inserted his member inside you. He was much bigger than you imagined and the biggest you ever had. He was right when he said he’d ruin you.
“Oh my fuck-” you moaned in his ear as Doyoung guided your hips to ride him. He wasnt sure if it was the impromptu fuck, the lack of sex he’s had recently or the girl on top of him right now but it was a fucking hell of a experience. You moved your hips roughly against his, expertly making circles with your hips as you built up your orgasm. Doyoung’s moans were like music to your ears as he groaned according to your movements as his nails dug into your thighs.
“Doyoung im-”
“Is my angel close hmmm” he hummed and the pet name just inched you closer to your high. Doyoung moved his hand to the front so his thumb had access to your clit, stimulating you until you were ready to give in. Doyoung watched in awe as you beautifully threw your head back and came so hard on his cock that he wished he could do it again almost immediately.
You rode out your high and to Doyoung’s surprise you removed yourself from his lap and settled between his legs. Your hand grabbed hold of his member as you looked up at him and pumped his member.
“You know, so you don't have to stress about coming inside me,” you brought your face down to meet his tip, “well coming inside me in a different way.”
Doyoung leaned back in his seat and grabbed a fistful of your hair as you went to work on his length. He knew he wouldn't last long, not with already fucking you and now with your tongue skillfully pleasing him. You hollowed your cheeks as your hand met your speed and the grip on your hair signalled that he was close.
“Fucking hell” was all Doyoung could say when he finally released in your mouth and with heavy eyes watched you swallow every bit of him.
“We should get back before they close up the bar” you said, straightening up your hair and outfit.
“Yeah we should” Doyoung agreed and buttoned up his shirt and tucked himself back into his pants. God he wished he could at least help clean you up and lay in bed with you but unfortunately that could never be on the agenda. He honestly had no idea what to say or what to do. The two of you walked in silence until you reached the bungalows, making sure to stay in the shadows just in case anyone was awake at this hour.
“Well good night I guess” you folded your arms, slightly embarrassed that regardless of what you said you still felt a pang of guilt and jealousy that he still  wasn't yours for the night.
You were about to walk off when Doyoung grabbed onto your arm and turned you to face him. He placed a kiss on your forehead and then a softer one on your lips.
“Meet me tomorrow at the squash court at 2:30,” he whispered as his thumb stroked your cheek, “Only if you want to though.”
You nodded and smiled up at him before finally parting ways and leaving both of you revisiting one of the most incredible nights of your life.
The next morning you took your time to get ready, completely avoiding the voices of your hungover parents downstairs. You knew they'd pester you about where you were, what time you got home and most importantly who was the last person you were with last night.
That was the last thing you needed to be questioned about.
“Princess are you done pampering up, we're going to the gym” you heard Haechan’s grating voice call from outside your balcony. Of course you still had to pretend you wanted to hang out with them today but it just gave you a better alibi to showing up at the squash court. You quickly slipped into a cute Ralph Lauren polo shirt and bike short set and doused yourself with your Chanel no.5 before heading out to meet your friends.
“God I can smell you a mile away” Chenle dramatically coughed as the five of you strolled down to the fitness centre.
You sighed and stretched your arms above your head, “It's called perfume, you should try it sometime” you teased and the boy stuck out his tongue in return.
“Hey did you get home okay last night ?” Sungchan tapped your shoulder looking down at you sheepishly, “I needed to get Uncle Johnny home before he decided to extend his drinking hours.” You waved your hand and hooked arms with the taller boy, giving his bicep a tight squeeze as you stepped into the air conditioned wellness centre.
“It’s all good I went straight home anyway” you lied.
You and your friends were already welcomed with green juice, herbal tea and smoothie selections by the staff while you scouted the area for where you might bump into Doyoung. The centre was quite vacant, I guess not everybody could recover as fast as your family and friends as drinking to your limits never delayed the schedule of the next day. You walked through the essential oil aroma of all the various spa treatments until you finally reached the gym and caught your first glimpse of Doyoung laughing along with the rest of the parents.
God he looked extra hot today in just a pair of black track pants and a fitted white tee.
“Dude your uncle is jacked” Haechan gaped at Johnny Suh who was walking around in just a pair of training shorts, his sweaty toned body on display for everybody. God knows why. It's not like you didn't think he was hot, you would be stupid to think otherwise, but Mr Suh was never your type. He never had the sex appeal that Mr Kim had.
“Hey kids!” your dad waved as you all strolled over to join the gathering. You put on a friendly smile as your mom already pulled you into her side and gushed to the other mothers about how thankful she was to have a daughter or something along those lines. Your mother spoke but you avoided Mrs Kim’s eyes completely, while flashes of last night kept running through your mind.
“How about you gym buffs finish up and we’ll meet for lunch later” Mrs Qian spoke even though she knew her husband would rather join in on spa treatments than play any form of sport.
“Why are we doing sports on a vacation again ?” Kun Qian sighed as Johnny shoved a racket in his hands. “Come on now Kun, you gotta look good for Mrs over here” Johnny winked as Mrs Qian giggled shyly. Johnny Suh was truly a menace for any married woman.
“Well I'm guessing you're going to sweat it out with the boys” your mom fixed the headband on your head and sighed, “My dear daughter thrives on competitive sports, especially when it’s beating her own dad in them.”
“Not this time honey, I'm feeling lucky” your dad ended with his infamous catchphrase before he’d probably rage quit later on.
“Alright so I’ll be playing basketball with the fit young guys” Johnny threw his arms around both Jaemin and Chenle who both looked enthused by this idea. “Sure then I guess Kun, Doyoung, y/n and I will head to the squash courts” your father saluted Johnny as he began making his way to the back of the gym where a row of brightly lit squash courts lined up.
“Are we playing singles or doubles ?” Doyoung asked as he grabbed a baseball cap to push away the loose strands that fell over his forehead. He was pretty composed for someone who was literally fucking you raw on a beach a few good hours ago. You wondered what was going through his mind now that you showed up to his invitation.
“Doubles, my daughter and I verse you and Kun” your father called over an employee to bring over a few iced bottles of water. Your father suggested a round with each opponent and tally the score after.
Everyone agreed to the plan and you had your first round with Kun who was a pleasant opponent that always complimented your serves no matter how lazy they were eventually becoming. You liked Kun. He was such a good husband and father that you believed he truly set a standard for men everywhere. You always wondered how he even dealt with your father and his erratic friends but clearly it never bothered him.
“I'm going to talk your father into a quick foot spa before we get onto the next round” Kun said cheekily and you smiled sweetly as the two of you stepped into the hallway for the opponent swap.
“Did she go easy on you Kun ?” Your dad came over and high-fived you while Doyoung rolled his eyes. “Well you'd have to bet that she destroyed Kun after the beating I gave you” he said, the cockiness yet again in his voice drove your arousal.
“We both did just fine” Kun snapped back, “I'm just going to rest up a bit before the next round if you are planning on drinking tonight again.”
“Okay old man,” your dad conceded and followed Kun, “You guys coming with or going on with the game ?”
Doyoung waved his hand, “I know you two will never come back and I need to get my fitness in, go ahead.” He waited until the hallway was clear and followed you inside one of the courts in silence. There was tension in the air now that he was finally alone with you.
As soon as he was certain the two of you were alone Doyoung backed you up against the corner of court, a blind spot from both the entrance, hallway and the cameras above. He exhaled deeply as he grabbed onto your thigh, pushing your legs apart and settling his own leg in between for you to nestle on his toned thigh. His slender fingers ghosted up your body until his thumb brushed over your pouty lips, awaiting to meet his.
“I thought about you all night” he whispered before leaning in and peppered kisses along your jawline. He smelled exquisite, and  you had no idea that you were already unconsciously rubbing your heat up and down his thigh.
“Why’d you ask to meet here?” you whimpered into his touch, “we could get caught very easily.” Doyoung silenced you by pressing his lips against yours passionately, moaning into the kiss as he slipped his tongue inside and wrapped his hand around your neck ever so delicately.
“I thought I’d be able to control myself in a public setting and we could sneak out after, but I can't help myself” Doyoung pushed you harder onto his thigh and snaked his hand around you to grab onto your ass. He seemed way less in control than the first two times you two were in a situation like this. It was so out of his character to be the one to initiate such intimacy especially when his family were literally just a stroll down the hallway.
Doyoung had worked himself up to the point you thought he was going to recreate the golf incident  but something quickly brought him to his senses and he immediately stepped back and neatened himself while his eyes shifted to the entrance of the court.
“What’s going on ?” you frowned and looked into the empty hallway and back to the man who just had his tongue down your throat a few seconds ago.
“We cant do this, what the fuck this is just..its too much!” he was pacing the court and biting on his nail as if sanity had just hit him.
You groaned in frustration and gained some sort of composure before approaching the older man. “Are you serious right now ? you can't just do that and then tell me youre chickening out” you spoke in a low voice obviously frustrated that he was still so indecisive regardless of what had happened last night.
“Everytime I see you it's like I throw away my morals and then reality just…hits me” Doyoung frowned and his words really pissed you off, rightfully so.
“So what am I huh ? someone you can use until reality just hits you ?” you snapped back feeling your face heat up, “I have feelings too you know and I thought I made it very clear last night.”
Doyoung became stoic. You watched him grab a racket and ball from the floor as he got into position on the other end of the court.
“Let's Play” he said in a cold tone.
“Youre fucking unbelievable” you cursed and pushed open the clear door making your way back to your bungalow and as far away from Kim Doyoung as you possibly could. You hated that for him it was purely just physical and you had to deal with the emotional side to all of this. You had no idea how much you liked him until his attention drifted from you, until he was showing some affection to his wife or when he was just purely existing in the same space as you.
You hated it. You absolutely hated having feelings for Kim Doyoung.
You spent most of the day locked up in your room, catching up your best friend on the whole ordeal to which she just said ‘find someone new to fuck with and get over it’. It was easier said than done. Jeno was completely out of the question seeing as he was the son of the man you were trying to get over. Most of the employees were annoying frat boys and you weren't sure if any man would be able to satisfy you the way Mr Kim did.
“Honey get ready, we're having dinner at the Greek place tonight” your mother called from downstairs and you inwardly groaned. What was with these people and doing almost everything together. Sighing you got ready anyway because missing a dinner would not only have your parents nagging you about it you’d also be letting Doyoung know that the quarrel you had earlier was a lot more serious than you wanted him to think.
You needed him to know that you didn't care and you were going to be the one to move on. Pulling out your Versace black cocktail dress or the revenge couture collection as your friend calls it, you made your way  down to dinner making sure to keep your head up high and your attention off Mr Kim entirely.
You hoped.
“You guys finally made it” Johnny Suh’s voice boomed from the grand table that was set up on the fairy lit private deck at the back of the quaint restaurant. You began making your way over to your friends when you noticed an extra man had now joined the festivities and boy was he something.
He looked around your age, dressed in Prada with his hair slicked back which emphasised his sculpted face with the prettiest set of dimples you'd ever seen. His eyes immediately locked with yours as you took the seat across him and his lips curled into a friendly smile.
“Good evening everyone” you greeted and Sungchan quickly cleared his throat and gestured at the man seated next to him. “y/n this is my older brother Jaehyun, Jae this is y/n” he introduced the two of you and the man reached over the table to shake your hand.
“You're the infamous y/n then” he smiled, his voice was low and utterly charming.
“Infamous ?”
“Well,” he shrugged, “the beautiful heir to this luxurious resort, best believe you're talked about.”
You blushed at his words ignoring the irrelevant comment from Haechan and continued getting to know Johnny Suh’s other nephew, a true god sent distraction from Kim Doyoung. The two of you spoke for hours. You learnt that Jaehyun was an up and coming actor, and his family were in the textile industry. His hobbies were photography and collecting vinyls from his favourite artists all the way down to his great grandfather's favourites. You also learnt he frequented Milan for fashion shows, and it was his favourite city in the world. A place he already offered to give you a personal tour of.
“You know I heard that he goes to Milan just to fuck these old rich women” Haechan whispered as the two of you snuck around the back of the resort for a smoke.
“Why would he need to, he’s too rich to be a sugar baby” you rolled your eyes and drew in the freshly lit cigarette.
“Bro is just a milf hunter, it gives him bragging rights and those cougars love it” Haechan grabbed the cigarette from your fingers and brought it up to his own lips. You peaked around the corner and watched as Jaehyun conversed with the rest of the men, laughing along with their jokes. He looked so innocent compared to the perverse things you were now hearing about him.
“Probably runs in the family, streets already calling him Johnny Suh’s prodigy” Haechan ashed out the cigarette and used a tester cologne to mask the smell.
“God he is so hot though, you think he could retire milf hunting for just one night ?” you smirked as the two of you made your way back up to the restaurant. Haechan gave you a pat on the back as he followed your gaze back to Jaehyun.
“If he’s anything like his uncle he probably already fantasised you underneath him during dinner.”
All the scandalous chats with Haechan and the obvious flirting with Jaehyun completely grabbed your attention from Doyoung and you almost forgot about the argument earlier on. You took the opportunity to steal a glance but to your surprise his eyes were already on you and he barely bothered to look away. His stare was dark as he twirled his whiskey glass in his hand and ignored the conversations that were happening around him.
“Honey the girls and I are all packed and off to the overnight spa” His wife interrupted his stare and he gave her a sweet smile and never bothered to share his plans for the night. That's the kind of relationship they had. No questions, no suspicions, just a facade for the friends and family that everything was perfect.
The ladies said goodbye to their tipsy husbands and thanks to your white lie that you already spent time at the spa the previous night you got away scot free from the outing. Haechan, Chenle and Sungchan decided to hang out at the arcade with Jaemin following close behind, seeing as you hadn't paid him any attention thanks to the appearance of Jaehyun. Which meant it was just you, Jaehyun and your father’s friends still lingering around the restaurant and bar for the rest of the night.
“So y/n what do you guys do for fun around here ?” Jaehyun shot back the last of his drink and leaned back into his seat looking so goddamn inviting.
“Well,” you held up your glass, “we drink, we play sports nobody cares about and we complain about our embarrassing parents.” Jaehyun followed your eyes to your father doing his best impression of what looked like the moonwalk and chuckled.
“Hey he’s pretty good!” he mused while you shook your head and stood up.
“You wanna get out of here?”
You and Jaehyun strolled around the empty courtyards as all the restaurants started packing up for the night. The summer night finally began cooling down and Jaehyun’s body seemingly got closer as the two of you walked around aimlessly.
“Why don't we take a little pitstop?” Jaehyun smirked and pulled you behind one of the restaurants where both of you were out of sight to onlookers. You could tell he was an expert in these circumstances, he definitely was a man who always got what he wanted.
Consensually of course.
“I heard something about you” you bit down on your lip as he began giving you butterfly kisses along your jaw and down the nape of your neck. Jaehyun hummed as you felt him smirk against your skin. “Hmmm and what did you hear about me ?”
“That you’re a milf hunter” you giggled as he licked the weak spot he found just under your ear. Jaehyun pulled back and an amused smile spread across his face. “A milf hunter ?” he repeated your words as if it was the first time he was accused of such.
“I mean I generally meet older women,” he added, “but I don't actively search for….milfs.”
“So I'm not just a second choice for tonight then ?” you mused, pulling him back to your body by his half buttoned dress shirt. Jaehyun licked his lips as he stared down at you and his large hands massaged your thighs while you moaned in his touch.
“I came all this way after Sungchan sent me pictures of you guys hanging out, baby i'm here because of you” Jaehyun lifted your face to bring you into a deep sensual kiss that figuratively and literally had you weak at the knees. The kiss was amazing but it was still sub par in comparison to Mr Kim. Jaehyun was a lot like the guys you've met at country clubs and student events. They were all drop dead gorgeous but lacked the experience, the class you craved. The type that came natural to someone like Kim Doyoung.
God you were thinking about him while another man, your rebound was practically worshipping you right now.
“You wanna come back to my place ? my uncle won't say anything” Jaehyun asked in between breathy kisses while he tried to hike your dress up for better access.
You ran through the pros and cons of the indefinite possibility that Johnny Suh’s big mouth might spill your escapades to your father despite his nephew trusting him this much. The only pros you could think of were getting fucked by Jeong Jaehyun and possibly getting over Mr Kim.
While you were in a mini dilemma Doyoung’s mind was a mess. He obviously couldn't let go of how you had left him at the squash court earlier and secondly how you spent the majority of your night with Johnny Suh’s promiscuous nephew. He downed another round of brandy, wincing at the taste while his friends fooled around on the roulette tables.
With a free night away from his wife and the happy hallmark family agenda Doyoung assumed it was finally the night to let loose. But all he could think about was you and where you were right now. What were you doing ? Did you not want him anymore upon meeting Jaehyun ?
“Need a top up ?” Johnny tapped Doyoung’s shoulder and the dark haired man nodded and held out his glass. “Hey you good ? my man you’re free tonight be happy!” Johnny cheered but his smile turned into a frown when Doyoung just appeared more stressed than usual. “Hey is this about..” Johnny turned to look at your father, making sure he was at a good distance from the conversation, “y/n ?”
Doyoung nodded and Johnny sighed.
“It happened, we went too far and now all I can think about is my wife and my son,” Doyoung sighed, staring at the brown liquid in his glass. “I truly fucked up.”
“You know what's fucked up ? you and this trainwreck of a marriage” Johnny scoffed, irked at the fact that he had to have this conversation about his friend’s failed relationship once again. “She is not the reason your marriage is not working, honestly she has nothing to do with your marriage regardless.”
“I know I know” Doyoung responded and sipped his drink, “I just cant get her out of my mind.”
“My advice is spend actual time with her, not these little sneaky one hour sessions and see how you feel after” Johnny suggested and Doyoung was quite surprised that the advice Johnny had given wasn't a total waste of time.
“If you're genuinely interested in another woman, it will make signing those divorce papers much easier, that's all i'm saying” Johnny concluded and topped up his own glass with the remainder of brandy.
“What about her family, Jaemin God what would everyone say if-”
“We will get to that when it's serious enough” Johnny interrupted before Doyoung dug himself into more worries. “For now just figure out if you're finally ready to call it quits.”
Doyoung decided to take a walk to clear his mind and ponder on the advice Johnny had given him earlier. He knew very well that his marriage was pretty much doomed a few years back but he hated that he stuck around to the point where he felt guilty to be the first one to bring up a divorce. What was even worse was that during a conflict over dinner some time back Jeno had come up to him and told him he’d be okay if it happened and it was better than both of them pretending to be happy for other people.
It was that very conversation that prompted Doyoung to have the phone call with Johnny, ready to begin the divorce  process but his sudden interest in you made him retract it. He felt insane. Careless. He made himself believe that he was only interested because he was unhappy in his marriage.
But of course that was never the case. You were different.
Doyoung stepped down into the courtyard and just as he was about to retreat he caught a glimpse of your figure that was partially lit by the overhead light of the restaurant. You were up against a wall, pinned against it by Jaehyun as he ravished your neck with kisses and you grabbed onto him for dear life enjoying every second of it.
Doyoung felt his body heat up at the sight of you with another man. He had never experienced that amount of jealousy and just pure anger up until this moment. Did he have a reason to be ? no. Could he have walked away and allowed you to do whatever you wanted seeing as you weren't his ? yes.
Was he going to ? not likely.
“Sorry, uhm Jaehyun ?” Doyoung cleared his throat causing you and Jaehyun to quickly move out of the shadows and gain some composure. Doyoung’s presence made you roll your eyes as Jaehyun approached his uncle’s friend unaware of the tension between the two of you.
“Oh hey Mr Kim” Jaehyun grinned and Doyoung’s jaw tightened as he took in your lipstick stains all over Jaehyun’s swollen lips and neck.
“Your uncle…He is looking for you…probably needs help getting back home seeing as Sungchan is preoccupied at the moment” Doyoung reported as his eyes briefly met yours.
Jaehyun looked back at you and shrugged. “Hey my offer is still open” he winked and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before moving his lips to your ear, “if you still want me just knock on my bungalow.”
You watched him say his goodbyes to Doyoung before quickly disappearing into the resort in search of his uncle and began your own journey home before you were interjected.
“y/n..” he held onto your wrist as you looked up at him.
“What ? you want to take over from where Jaehyun left off hmm ?” you raised your eyebrow, “you want to use me for about twenty minutes and go back to your happily married life ?”
Doyoung chewed on his bottom lip and exhaled deeply. “Look,” he began, taking a step forward, “I apologise for making you feel that way but please understand that was never my intention. I would never hurt you or purposefully disregard your feelings y/n” he loosened his hold on your wrist and caressed your cheek.
“A Lot of it is overwhelming but I've never done this before and  you're not just some random hook up y/n, believe it or not I actually like you” Doyoung’s words made your cheeks heat up, not completely sure how to react to his confession.
“Now listen,” he continued, “I had time to think about it and If we're both on the same page that it's not just a physical attraction then I want to spend time getting to know you better.”
“But how would we-”
“I managed to get an extra room up at the hotel away from the bungalows and I'll schedule myself free time for ‘business meetings’ throughout the day for us to hang out” He answered by pulling out a hotel keycard as evidence.
“How did you get a room isn't it at all suspicious that you're not at your bungalow ?” you frowned, still trying to process everything he was suddenly offering you.
“Y/n, me sleeping in a different room let alone a different suite altogether than my wife is not all that surprising to anyone around me” he admitted as he stuffed the keycard back into his pocket.
“If your little white lies work as well as you say they do then this should be a breeze right ?”
Your head was muddled and you wondered if he was being genuine about getting to know you or just stringing you along until he had another guilt trip fiasco. You needed some type of leverage to not only save your feelings but to also prove that he was in this for real this time.
“If you change your mind and for whatever reason decide ‘this is too much’ during the rest of the vacation  i'm going to come clean to both your wife and Jeno” you folded your arms and stood your ground.
“Sure, you have every right to” Doyoung answered, quicker than you expected him to. “Even though I will be going through a divorce in the possible future, if there is truly something between us, I'll sign the papers as soon as the vacation is over.” His words gave you goosebumps. He was absolutely serious. He was ready to go all in ?
You looked up into his almond eyes and nodded. “Deal.”
The next two weeks were probably some of the best moments of your life. Not only could you indulge in mind blowing sex with Doyoung but the two of you started to develop a genuine emotional relationship through your scandalous affair.
“What’s with this obsession with Greece y/n ?” Doyoung brushed the wet hair from your face as the two of you soaked your naked bodies in the spa bath of his hotel room.
“I love Greek mythology” you shrugged, “from the time my dad took me over there in elementary school, I had a school project on a Percy Jackson book” you giggled.
“I didn’t care much for the fantasies of Percy Jackson until I saw the real thing in Athens, it took my young breath away.”
Doyoung listened to your little story as he always did while watching the water droplets cascade down your shoulders and disappear into the soapy water. He finally felt relaxed for the first time in God knows how long.
You noticed you were babbling on and turned around to face him, giving him a cheeky smile.
“Are you daydreaming about screwing me while I was talking about a treasured memory ?” You raised your brow and Doyoung chuckled.
“Well I wasn’t thinking of it until you mentioned it just now”
You pulled him into a deep sensual kiss as you settled into his lap and sighed as he wrapped his delicate hands around your waist. Doyoung moved his lips down to your neck and nibbled on the sensitive skin, smirking when you moaned out his name. He loved hearing you praise him.
“Baby let’s move this to the bed” he whispered into your ear before pulling you out of the tub and quickly dried the two of you up before carrying you over to his bedroom.
“Someone wants to take his time tonight” you hummed and Doyoung gave your thigh a quick smack, ordering you to get on your stomach.
“That ass has been grinding up against me for the past hour and I can’t help but want to get a piece of it” his words made you wet in an instant as you slowly arched your back, giving him what he wanted.
Doyoung’s fingers danced across your spine and with his index finger he pressed into your core, sticking his tongue in his cheek as you already begged him for more. “Does my Angel want a little more?” He asked innocently as his second finger came in contact with your clit.
“Please more” was all you could say and Doyoung granted your wish, pushing two digits into your core and feeling your core clench around him. You loved when he took his time but you hated that you couldn’t last long when he did. You were already feeling an orgasm building way too early and quickly reached for his fingers and pulled away.
Doyoung chuckled darkly behind you and realised you weren’t going to hold on for long tonight and began lining up his member and pushing deep inside you. He sighed as you let out a gasp and gripped onto the bed sheets as he moved in and out of you in a brisk movement.
“That feels so good Mr Kim” you mewled, knowing it drives him insane in the best way possible when you refer to him formally in this type of setting.
Doyoung grabbed a fistful of your hair as he pounded into you. Your back arched in the best possible way for him to find your sweet spot. You were going delirious with ecstasy as his cold fingers moved to your throat and squeezed lightly. He was a professional in knowing what made you weak at this point.
“Come for me my Angel” Doyoung spoke between strokes and you could hear in the strain of his voice that he was close too.
Doyoung bit down on his lip as he watched you draw circles on your clit to help you finish. You were completely fucked out and he loved looking at you weak under his touch. Your pants became faster and Doyoung held on a little longer so you could cum all over him before pulling out of you and brought your mouth to his tip.
“Open up pretty” he swiped his thumb over your quivering lip and slipped his throbbing cock into your mouth until he finally came undone. Doyoung watched you swallow every bit of him until he was completely cleaned up and he stroked your head in satisfaction.
“Good girl.”
The next day you had plans with all the moms while Doyoung attended a few meetings with his friends. Everything was finally running smoothly until what you had feared most had already begun stirring.
Jaemin got a text from his mother to retrieve her ipad from his father’s suite, where she assumed it would be considering her husband only hired the suite for work related activities. Jaemin showed his identification to the hotel and headed up to the room until he realised that he didn't have keycard access. Mentally cursing himself he pulled out his phone in order to text his father until he heard a trolley park behind him.
“You need access to your dad’s room bro ?” the young bellboy smiled and held up the employee master key.
“Yeah thanks man” Jaemin nodded and watched the boy open the room for him and disappear down the hallway.
Jaemin stepped into the apartment and he immediately had an unsettling feeling fill his chest. From the unmade bed to the alcohol and chocolates spread across the coffee table, this looked a whole lot more than a ‘work suite’. Brushing it off knowing his parents have their issues anyway Jaemin began searching for the ipad. He slumped into the couch and looked in the crevices until he pulled out a very interesting piece of material.
“What the fuck ?” Jaemin murmured as he inspected the lingerie until the set started looking familiar to him. There was no way he thought. His heart began racing as he looked around the room once more and everything started to make sense. Your favourite chocolate, your favourite champagne left on the table. There was a new edition of Vogue magazine laying on the floor, the same one he saw you with at the pool the other morning.
Jaemin felt lightheaded. Who was he mad at more? Was it you ? the girl he was sleeping with just before the summer break or his father. The man that raised him and the man he respected. He was angry but reality hit when he realised he couldn't react.  He couldn't  cause a scene amongst the hundreds of socialites that could probably ruin his university reputation. This was how their lives worked. Everything needed to get buried before anyone outside their circle found out.
Jaemin sucked in a deep breath and left the room in silence. He needed to discuss this with the only person who could bury this messy affair.
His father.
While you were blissfully unaware of the shitstorm that was about to come, you happened to bump into Jaehyun and Mr Suh in one of the conference room lobbies. Both of them smiled down at you giving you an uneasy feeling that you couldn't explain.
“Looking for someone?” Johnny Suh smirked annoyingly.
“M-my father” you lied, “where is he ?”
“I think I saw him head over to the pool bar with Kun” Jaehyun draped his arm over your shoulder and escorted you very far from a confused Kim Doyoung who had just joined his friend Johnny Suh. The more you seemed to converse with Jaehyun the more awkward things had become. Since the night you made out with him you ofcourse cut it off after your deal with Doyoung, but you wondered why Jaehyun never bothered to question your sudden disinterest in him. He just moved on. You greeted him during dinners and said goodbyes when he left, that was about it.
“So where do you disappear to at odd hours during the day y/n ?” Jaeyhun brought you over to a table, pulling your chair close to him.
“You expect me to hang around Haechan and friends ? no thank you” you scoffed and Jaehyun stuck his tongue into his cheek and shook his head.
“You never answer my question sweetheart”
“Is it any of your business ?” you raised a brow and you hated the smug smile that spread across Jaehyun’s face. Him getting you heated probably got him off or something.
Jaehyun leaned in and you caught a whiff of his overpowering Tom Ford perfume. “I know you’re fucking Mr Kim so cut the innocent act” he smirked, enjoying seeing the fear that now filled your eyes. There was no point in denying since he probably found out from his loud mouth uncle who Doyoung admitted to letting in on your little secret.
“Like I said, that’s none of your business” you kept your cool, waving at a waiter to order something strong to keep your nerves down.
Jaehyun politely waited until your order was received and again leaned in close enough to make you tense up.
“Let me cut to the chase here y/n” Jaehyun began, “this little secret might be the juiciest story in the last few years and if it gets out your dad’s reputation, Mr Kim’s reputation…”
“Nothing is going to happen because no one is going to find out” you cut him off. Jaehyun raised his brow as if you just challenged him.
“Help me out and I’ll keep your dirty little secret” he leaned back in his chair and smiled as the waiter brought over your drinks. You glanced over Jaehyun, trying to figure out what he could possibly want when he practically had it all.
“Remember I mentioned that the only reason I’m here is because of you” Jaehyun sipped his drink, “well turns out there’s a lot of perks in dating the heir of this resort.”
“Oh really like what ?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“There’s this film I want to star in and the director is obsessed with wanting to come to this resort during these ridiculous networking vacations” Jaehyun explained, “Now I don’t have the power and neither does my uncle have a say as to who gets an invite, only your dad.”
You frowned as you tried following what he was getting at.
“Why can’t I just tell my dad to invite the guy why do I have to be dating you ?”
Jaehyun sighed and placed an arm around your waist. “Wouldn’t it be just romantic ?” He smiled, “y/n and Jeong Jaehyun met at her fathers resort and now she’s accompanying him to the Cannes film festival officially as his girlfriend.”
“You’re delusional” you rolled your eyes.
“And you’re fucking your boy toy’s father let’s not play the morality scale here sweetheart” he smirked and honestly you wished you could punch him in the face.
“Remember, your fathers entire empire could come crashing down” he added and you felt a shudder go down your spine.
“..how can I be so sure you won’t say anything after the festival is over?” You asked in a small voice. This felt like a dead end situation.
Jaehyun pulled out an envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of you.
“My uncles a lawyer and I’ll make sure this little agreement between the two of us stays equal and authentic, no fine print.”
You couldn’t believe this was happening. One minute you were in paradise with Doyoung and now you’re in a law and order episode with Jaehyun. But you couldn’t risk it. Not for Mr Kim and definitely not for your parents. Image was absolutely everything in this socialite world and one little mistake could ruin it all.
“What were the two of you planning to do after he divorced his wife anyway ? Get married ?” Jaehyun chuckled dryly beside you.
That was another question that always kept you up at night. Yes he was going to divorce his wife and be with you but the two of you could never go public. Your parents would be livid plus the press would have a field day. You could be dropped in university for your actions, the sin count was endless.
Maybe there was no happy ending after all.
You signed Jaehyuns agreement and decided to retire to your bungalow before contacting Doyoung about everything that had just happened. This may even be the last night you could spend with him.
While you were wrapped in your own thoughts Jaemin watched as his father got ready for the dinner party your father was hosting tonight. Everyone was invited but Jaemin already felt sick to his stomach that he’d have to be in the presence of both you and his father.
“Dad, are you almost ready ?” He knocked on the door as he watched his father scramble for a necktie.
“Yeah yeah almost done son” Doyoung chuckled as he finally picked one out, “gotta look good for the last big dinner here.”
Jaemin leaned against the door frame as he watched his father spruce himself up. He actually never noticed how much his mood had changed since they had arrived. He was dressing nicer, he was smiling more and honestly just felt like his old self again.
Jaemin couldn’t stand that he knew the reason for his fathers happiness.
“Okay let’s head out!” Doyoung draped his arm over his son's shoulder as he met his wife at the entrance and they made their way over to the grand dinner party.
All the investors were there and it seemed like they kicked off the drinking festivities quite early as the restaurant was brimming with lively chatter and clinking of glasses. You decided that despite your sombre mood you’d still dress for the occasion and stepped out in a lacy Versace midi dress that you had been saving for the end of the trip.
“Hey y/n that milf hunter has been lookin- wow you look great!” Haechan’s eyes widened as he took a second to look at you.
“Thanks Haechan, who knew you’d be the least hated person on my trip this year” you nudged him playfully.
“Character development” he winked before realising what he came over for, “oh I was saying that Jae-“
“Hello y/n '' Jaehyun approached you in a Prada custom, you figured at this point he was probably sponsored since that's the only brand he wore the entire trip.
“Hi Jaehyun” you forced a smile as he gestured for you to take his arm. Your stomach churned as you watched him flash that gorgeous smile to all your fathers elite guests, all the older women gushing and giggling when he acknowledged their existence.
“What’s going on with your brother and y/n?” Chenle asked Sungchan who just shrugged as he was just as confused as the rest of them. Jaemin was especially confused. Could he have been wrong about the woman his father had seen ?
Doyoung was a bit distracted by all the guests but he managed to catch a little glimpse of you when you were being introduced to a board member by your father.
You looked breathtaking and he couldn’t wait to tell you that. He wished he could just steal you away just for a minute and have you all to himself. He wanted to pepper your skin with soft kisses and tell you how beautiful you were. He wanted to show you off to everyone here that you were his.
But Doyoung’s smile faded when he saw Jaehyun slip beside you and his hand was placed on the small of your back as he joined the conversation. Jaehyun was behaving differently. He was attached to your side and now he had the distaste of watching Jaehyun press his lips against your cheek.
“Whatever he is doing I am not involved” Doyoung snapped out of trance to Johnny's voice beside him. The taller man offered him a whiskey as they watched the scene from a distance.
“I thought you said he’s not interested in her,” Doyoung said as he winced at the taste of his whiskey.
“You know how these kids are” Johnny shrugged, “one day they’re fighting next day they’re fucking like rabbits.”
Doyoung shook his head at Johnny's crude words as he continued to observe the strange interaction. That was until Jaehyun had locked eyes with him and he sent him a wink.
God he knew.
“You told your nephew ?” Doyoung pulled Johnny aside who was still pretty much oblivious to everything that was unfolding.
“Told him what ?”
“What do you mean! You know what” Doyoung shot back the rest of his whiskey in frustration. “Johnny, did you tell your indecent moronic nephew about y/n and I ?”
Johnny thought about it for a second and then raised his hands in defence. “He must have overheard me on the phone or maybe I….mentioned it while I was drunk.”
“You’re unbelievable” Doyoung spat and shoved the glass into Johnny's hands before making his way out onto the terrace for a breath of fresh air.
Meanwhile you finally found an excuse to get away from Jaehyun who decided that his next target for the night was some film star from the 80s that he wanted as a mentor. You walked out into the courtyard and blew out a sigh of relief that you were finally free from that place.
You looked back and noticed Doyoung was making his way down from another exit, probably sick of this party as well. You were so happy to see him finally, he’s the only person you wanted to see tonight. Doyoung moved down a path that was dimly lit and away from anyone at the party and waited until you were able to make your way over to him.
“Doyoung” you practically ran into his arms as the two of you  embraced tightly under the moonlit sky. You didn’t want to let him go. Especially after everything that had happened earlier on.
“y/n what is going on?” He asked with concern as he studied your face.
“That bastard ugh” you cursed, “Jaehyun knows about us and now he’s blackmailing me into dating him for some film feature.”
Doyoung felt a burning sensation in his throat. Having someone like Jaehyun in on the secret meant it was done, it was over for everyone involved.
“Should I talk to him, what he says something after ? I could-“
“No” you replied, pressing your hands to his chest. “He made me sign an agreement that he wouldn’t say anything, as long as I do a few PR couple things for him.”
“This is my fault I should’ve never told Johnny I should’ve -“
“It’s not your fault” you cut him off again, “this relationship we have is complicated and after speaking with Jaehyun I realised that it’s going to be difficult regardless if he knew or not.”
Doyoung licked his lips as he figured what you were getting at. He never thought about how hard it would be to even start seeing you in your day to day life once he was a divorced man. Your father and him might ruin a good business relationship and opportunities for you could be removed based on what the public opinion would be.
“So this ends here then” he said defeatedly as he watched you fight back a few tears.
“I wish it could be different” you replied and looked up into his comforting eyes. Doyoung leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet and soft, it reminded you of the one night you were able to sleep over and finally fall asleep in his arms.
It wasn’t long until the kiss became intense, and Doyoung had you up against the stone wall pressing his body against yours as he ravished you with kisses. There was absolutely no way the two of you could sneak off so you were okay to get whatever little time the two of you had left. Doyoung pushed up your dress in a hurry as you undid his pants and got into a position that would give him easy access in the short space of time. Groaning as he entered you, Doyoung pushed your hair to the side and left open mouth kisses along your neck and jawline as he pounded into you, a few feet from your father’s dinner party.
“Doyoung I can't hold on any longer” you panted as you chased your orgasm. Doyoung planted a soft kiss on your cheek before quickening his pace and his soft whispers made you weak at the knees.
“Baby i'm going to fill you up and don't you worry this won't be the last time, I promise” he grunted until he finally released inside of you and quickly grabbed hold of your waist to help your balance. That was probably one of the best orgasms of your life and you wondered if you’d ever feel something  like that ever again.
“Did you mean it ?” you asked in a soft voice as Doyoung helped you neaten up.
“That it won't be the last ?”
You nodded and he cupped your face with his large hands, smiling down at you.
“It's tough right now, but after things begin to settle we can try going on a little private vacation, just you and me” he promised with a kiss on your forehead, “look at it this way, being apart for a while will just build excitement to seeing each other again.”
You chuckled and nodded once more, softly embracing him before realising it was probably time to get back to the party. As you walked away you felt a lump develop in your throat because while his gesture was sweet, you honestly had no idea if you'd see him like this again. Doyoung shared your exact sentiments and only said what he said to give you a piece of mind.
He watched you walk off and decided to go in the opposite direction to use an alternate entrance when he noticed Jaemin had been sitting slumped on the terrace chair watching him make his way over.
“Son, what are you doing here?” Doyoung cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pocket to appear less nervous.
“Where were you dad ?” Jaemin deadpanned.
“I was..I was just-”
“How long have you been seeing y/n ?” Jaemin looked up at him and Doyoung’s chest felt heavy as his son looked at him with such disgust in his eyes.
“Jaemin what are you talking-”
“Look,” Jaemin cut his father off, “I went to your hotel room and figured it out, I didn't tell anyone and I don't plan to because I don't want to be embarrassed.”
Doyoung sighed and it felt like his entire world just crashed once more. From being a shitty husband the last thing on earth he ever wanted to be was a shitty father. He was selfish because he was unhappy in his marriage but not once did he consider how Jaemin would feel if, when he found out.
“I'm so sorry Jaemin, I really am and don't worry it started and ended on this trip” Doyoung tried to reassure the boy. “I made a huge fucking mistake because-”
“You wanted out of your marriage” Jaemin sighed and Doyoung nodded with guilt. Jaemin chuckled bitterly and looked off into the distance. “What’s more annoying is that Ive never seen you happier you know, I just assumed it was being away from the office.”
Doyoung listened intently as Jaemin shared his sentiments. “I cant believe the reason you had to suffer and stay in this awful marriage was probably because of me” Jaemin frowned and looked back at his dad, “Of course I hate that it was y/n but dad please live for yourself, I can't stand this person you have become in the last few years.”
Jaemin’s words surprised Doyoung but he hated that he didn't want him to think that you were the sole purpose for his new found joy. Being free was the root of his happiness and being with someone like you made him feel free.
“Look son, firstly us staying together was our choice and I apologise that you felt guilty for my change in character, that is not your fault and never will be” Doyoung reassured him and placed his hand on Jaemin’s shoulder, “y/n have ended what we have and shes with…Jaehyun now, don't worry about it okay?”
Doyoung would rather use Jaehyun’s blackmail to avert all attention all together and in turn that part of the deal seems more realistic and eventually everybody is happy. Almost everyone.
Jaemin felt a sense of calm that the affair was over and that you were moving on. He obviously hated Jaehyun but it was better to bury all of this and for it to never be revisited ever again.
“Okay cool” Jaemin finally said, “God I hate this resort.”
“That makes two of us.”
Back at the party you were practically on autopilot, doing the rounds of small talk with all of your father’s guests to distract your mind from Doyoung. This was what being a socialite was all about. Your lives were a mess just like anybody else but the media could only show the good side of it. The lavish parties, the power couples, the perfect children with the perfect grades.
That's all it ever was and will ever be.
The next day all bags packed you had your father’s closest circle had a grand breakfast then gathered in the lobby for the last goodbye.
“What a time huh?” Johnny Suh bellowed as he shook your father’s hand, “next time at the Maldives resort ?”
Were not fishing your drunk body out of the ocean Johnny” your father quipped as the two of them laughed in unison. You said your goodbyes to Chenle whose father was already rushing them into their car.
“Mr Qian is a true airport dad” Haechan shook his head.
“What is he late for ? He literally owns a private jet” Sungchan added.
You smiled as Jaehyun came over, you really played up the fake girlfriend thing because you had no idea what the psychopath was capable of next.
“Aw look at you, so sad to see me go” Jaehyun pouted as he moved a strand of hair out of your face.
“Hmm so sad” you gritted your teeth as you pulled him into a hug that involved a cheeky pinch to his side which only made him laugh. Jaehyun pressed his lips to your cheek and slipped his hand down to your lower back.
“Be a good girl now and I’ll be seeing you in New York next week” Jaeyhun smirked and made his way out with Sungchan and his uncle.
Jaemin shuffled awkwardly as it was now just your family, his and Lee Haechan. He watched as you and his father paid each other no mind as if nothing has or ever happened between the two of you. Doyoung tipped an employee that loaded their car and waited until his family had finished their goodbyes.
“Oh please do come to the next vacation, it was a pleasure having you” your mom hugged the Kims before Mrs Kim, her son and Haechan jumped into the vehicle.
“Yes Doyoung don't you dare go off and work in solitude like you always do” your father gave him a firm handshake.
“We shall see what the future holds,” Doyoung smiled before coming over to you. He almost felt like a stranger again with the way he stood his distance and held out his hand to you.
“I hope when you're not too busy we can play golf again” He smiled and you felt your heart flutter.
“I’ll let you know when my schedule is free Mr Kim.”
The End
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leaderpinhead · 9 months
Azul - Family Discourse
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“I know this is a difficult time for us all, but you must remember one thing: mommy and daddy loves you very much, and that will never change.” 
Azul rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. “Must you sound so...dramatic?’ 
Yuu shot him a brief glare. “Do you want our child to question our affection?” 
“It’s not our child.” 
“I’m sorry. Does child support mean nothing to you?” 
Azul rolled his eyes even harder and added a sigh for emphasis. He adjusted the sheet protecting the tank from direct sunlight. He would have preferred no light—or at the very least, very dim light—but the large dust bunny protecting the wardrobe on the other side of the room was already disturbingly focused on him. Yuu’s insistence on keeping the oversized, magical vermin alive was just as disturbing. Azul had never even heard of a dust bunny colony the size of the one living in the Ramshackle Dorm. 
Yuu, completely oblivious to Azul actively avoiding eye contact with the dust bunnies, cooed in front of the tank. The tiny, neon pink cuddler octopus energetically swam circles in front of her. Yuu clapped as if the small creature had achieved some amazing feat. “Look at you swim! You’re so happy here. Much happier than in that dark, scary cave.” 
Azul aborted a snort by nudging his glasses higher up his nose. “I’m sure it was completely content in that cavern. Cuddler octopi are more comfortable when they have a place to hide, which is why I insisted on having ornaments large enough for it to comfortably hide away in.” 
Yuu lightly tapped the glass. The pink cuddler twirled closer. “Your father is so thoughtful, isn’t he, Pinku?” 
Azul couldn’t hide his snort this time. “Pinku? Is that really the name you insist on giving it? And I thought your insistence of maintaining the name Space Mostro Lounge for our second location was simply a fluke.” 
“Your father is jealous of my naming skills,” Yuu said. She never once turned away from the tank. “This is why mommy and daddy have to live apart. Octavinelle might seem like a fantastic place to live, but one day you will understand living with mommy is much better for your emotional development.” 
A light chuckle came from the direction of the doorway. Jade ducked back around the doorframe when Azul’s head snapped in his direction. Floyd loudly complained from the hallway, reminding Azul of his actual reasons for being in Ramshackle Dorm. “Now that we have finished with the tank, I need to measure the space in the attic to—.” 
Yuu’s squeal cut off Azul. “Look at her! She wants to give me a hug!” 
Yuu sprang to her full height. Before Azul could stop her, she stuck her entire forearm into the tank. Pinku—a name Azul would forever insist was incredibly plain—didn't hesitate latching onto Yuu’s pinky. Yuu’s girlish giggles didn’t match her usual deadpan demeanor. “She’s so adorable!” 
“Yes.” A light cough from the doorway made Azul shoot Jade a pointed glare. Floyd wasn’t so subtle, leaning on the doorframe in full view with a bored expression. “Sticking your entire forearm into the tank is not a great idea. It could potentially throw off the pH level of the water.” Another pointed cough made Azul second guess bringing the twins with him. “She also shouldn’t develop the habit of clinging to you.” 
“Why not?” With her arm still in the water, Yuu blinked at Azul with unmistakable inquisitiveness. “You didn’t say anything about it when we were swimming in the Coral Sea.” 
Azul sputtered a bit. There wasn’t anything really wrong with the behavior. It was why most children in the Coral Sea wanted cuddlers before the novelty of them wore off. Still, Azul felt the need to double down on his statement. “Do you want her to develop an unhealthy sense of separation anxiety? If you allow Pinku to cling to you constantly then there is a high probability she will become extremely stressed when she’s left alone.” 
“That settles it then. We will have another child.” 
Azul’s sputter was thankfully covered by Floyd’s sudden cackling. “You wanna go for another swim, Shrimpy? I know all the best grottos to find more squishies!” 
“You will need to install a much bigger tank,” Jade added. He looked absolutely overjoyed by the glare Azul shot him. “Should we hold a baby shower in advance? I’ve read in a few magazines those are highly popular amongst those living on land.” 
“It’s weird you would even suggest that.” Jade simply chuckled. Yuu slowly withdrew her arm from the tank. Pinku didn’t release her until she wiggled her pinky right beneath the surface of the water. Azul felt a bit of pride when the cuddler ducked into the hollowed driftwood tunnel he had specifically ordered. “But I agree with your first statement. We need a bigger tank for our growing family.” 
“We need to assess the attic,” Azul interjected with extra emphasis. “If we are to meet our scheduled launch date, then we will need to begin—.” 
“We should find a yellow squishy!” 
“I think a subtle green will fit nicely with Pinku’s bright shade.” 
“I will love my children no matter what color they are.” 
Azul huffed and made no attempt to hide his displeasure at being ignored. They continued to ignore him, Yuu and Floyd going so far as to leave the room, happily discussing their next trip to the Coral Sea. Jade lightly chuckled. “It would seem as if the prefect’s priorities have significantly changed since becoming a parent. It reminds me of another person who insisted on raising a plethora of cuddlers in our youth.” 
Azul didn’t bother rising to Jade’s bait, and it didn’t take long for the Leech brother to leave him with another chuckle. Azul sighed and glanced down into the tank. Pinku had emerged from the driftwood and now floated around the tank without a care for larger predators. 
Azul crouched to be at face level with the inside of the tank. Pinku twirled closer to the glass, like she could see him on the other side. A small smile twitched across his lips. “You have no reason to fear anymore. Predators like eels and larger fish can’t get you here.” 
An exaggerated cough made Azul twist too quickly on the balls of his feet, resulting in him falling over. Grim watched from the door with half-lidded eyes. A small entourage of dust bunnies half his height stared into the room with him. “Are you going to be weird and talk to all the animals too? Because I'll tell you right now, Sir Eviscerator over there only takes baby talk from Yuu.” 
Azul glanced at the giant dust bunny. The dust bunny—Sir Eviscerator—still stared at him judgmentally. Azul cleared his throat and climbed to his feet. He dusted off the back of his pants. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was merely assessing if she was comfortable in her new habitat. Now, excuse me while I go intersect Floyd before he makes his escape with the prefect.” 
Grim snorted with obvious disbelief. Azul completely ignored him and left the room with his chin held high. The cuddler was simply a pet he had helped the prefect obtain to keep her cooperation. 
Checking on Pinku before returning to Octavinelle Dorm was simply to ensure the cuddler hadn’t injured herself on anything in the tank. And perhaps to measure the empty corner for a sunken ship ornament he happened to see while checking the Mostro Lounge’s official Magicam. That big tank, he thought to himself, did have the potential to give her an extreme sense of loneliness. 
It would behoove him, if he was to humor the prefect’s farce of co-parenting, to think of finding a companion for Pinku. 
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backtothefanfiction · 8 months
The Angel In The Garden of Evil | Epilogue: Not Another Envelope
Summary: We say goodbye to our favourite couple in a similar manner we said hello to them, with an envelope on the dining room table, a secret hidden inside.
Warnings: 18+ Only, genre typical content, references to the demise of characters in previous chapter, fluff, a surprise, implied smut, daddy/mommy kink (if that doesn't give away the surprise I don't know what will)
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: The final authors note *begins weeping*. This is it, the end. I have had the most wonderful time writing this series and sharing it with you all. A big thanks to @sincericida and @tarzinnia for your continued support and reblogging and leaving your thoughts all over this series, they honestly kept me going and helped so much. Another big thanks to @liz-allyn if it wasn't for your Sugar + Vice series inspiring me, Angel would never have happened. I hope this Epilogue ties up this series in a nice bow for everyone and we can all go away with a fuzzy feeling in our tummies with hope for the future. I will be having a Q & A session to wrap up any final questions and talk further about all our favourite bits in the series, so be sure to fill up my inbox with your Q's and best bits. And before anyone asks as we haven't come back to him in a bit, Miles is doing good. His leg healed and Angel moved him to work more on F.E.A.S.T operations full time. He is very happy and healthy. Anyway, let's say goodbye shall we.
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She hadn’t felt this nervous since she had first walked back into this house 10 months ago. Her stomach turned as she tried to breathe deeply and keep calm. ‘I can do this,’ she thought to herself, as she crouched down to check the food in the oven for the 5th time in the last 10 minutes.
“Come on Pete, where are you?” she muttered as she tapped her foot absentmindedly on the harlequin tiled kitchen floor.
After everything had happened there had been quite a few changes. They had left Hobie in charge of cleaning up as they went on a well needed second honeymoon. Peter had hired a yacht for them to sail around the coast of Italy for two weeks; of course stopping off in the little town she had lived in for the near three years they were separated, so that Angel could introduce her husband to Maria and her magic meatballs.
When they came back Peter signed the entire business over to Angel. There was a small amount of teething room, Peter playing mediator between allies as he announced the change in management; but given her family history, most of them were satisfied with the change.
With Angel now in charge of the business, Peter started going back out in the suit. He’d occasionally help out with paperwork or running certain errands, especially when it came to the Huntsman and F.E.A.S.T, but mostly spent his days patrolling the city and helping keep it crime free (well apart from his wife’s business that was).
They had sold her Father’s old house and everything inside it for a hefty amount, which they donated to the city to help with the clean up after the explosion down in Chinatown. They also gave payouts to the local businesses that had been affected as both a thank you for helping during the blast; but also apologise for the inconvenience of it all. The new centre had been reopened two months ago, with a special ribbon cutting from the city’s one and only Spider-Man, and had been thriving again ever since.
Peter had been worried about donning the suit again. Worried what everyone would think after all this time. But if the gang fighting had provided one thing, it was the city’s need for a hero. A need to hope once more. And nothing said hope apparently like a guy in red and blue spandex swinging through the city- much to George Stacy’s dismay.
They had started going to couples counselling once a week so they could talk through all their lingering issues. The Felicia thing. Their issues with her Dad. The forced three year separation. There was still a long way to go, but talking about it with a mediator helped.
Harry’s body was found in a freezer inside a storage container that was offloaded in Belfast Ireland three months after the night at the warehouse. Toomes’ body, which had been dumped in the river, was never found.
She checked the oven again as she chewed on her lip. She wasn’t even sure she was gonna be able to stomach this, despite having spent the last hour and a half cooking it. There came a thud from upstairs. He was home. She closed her eyes, taking one last deep breath in, before she began to take the chicken out of the oven.
“Mmmm, smells good Mrs Parker.” his voice rang out as he ran downstairs. 
“You better not have just left your suit dumped on the floor up there.” she chastised as she began plating up the food.
“Of course not.” he said with a sheepish grin as he came and wrapped his arms around her from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek. She knew him too well.
“Can you put the cutlery on the table?” she asked as she turned her head to give him a kiss on the lips, her stomach doing butterflies, she thought she might vomit.
“Yeah of course, no problem.” he said, patting her hip before he moved to slide open the cutlery drawer, humming to himself as he went.
She braced herself against the edge of the counter as she heard him make his way over to the table. There was the sound of metal hitting the wooden table as he began to place the cutlery down, still humming away, until he wasn’t. There was a pause before he spoke.
“Baby, what’s this?” he said, lifting an envelope off of the table. Peter grew nervous, the moment feeling all too familiar.
“Sit down.” she said, as she finally turned to face him, the food now sitting forgotten on the counter.
Peter didn’t move. “Baby, what is this?” he pressed her. He saw the frozen look of terror on her face and his stomach lurched as he raced to open it, fearing the worst. He pulled out the paperwork inside, scanning over it confused. “Angel, what is-”
“I’m pregnant.”
Peter stared at her. The longer the statement hung in the air, the more confident she grew as she slowly stepped across the room towards him. “You’re?” Peter couldn’t even say the word. He tried but it didn’t feel real on his tongue. She just nodded as she reached a hand out to his hip, the other pointing at a particular box on the page that said ‘positive’.
“I’ve known for a few weeks now.” she tried to explain. “I didn’t want to say anything until I’d had it confirmed by the doctor. I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“That really bad food poisoning you had. I thought it was from the Thai food we had, but I ate the same thing and I was fine and-” he rambled as he tried to put all the signs together he knew he should have gotten.
“Pete?” She said his name tentatively.
“And then last Sunday when you fell asleep on May’s sofa in the middle of the afternoon. I thought you were just tired from work-”
“Oh and when we went out for breakfast the other week, you had mushrooms on your breakfast. You hate mushrooms-”
“Does this mean you’re okay with it?” she asked sceptically.
“Okay with it? Okay with it. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it!” He beamed as he suddenly wrapped her in his arms. “We’re having a baby!” He said excitedly. “I’m gonna be a Daddy- oh!” he said as a realisation hit him. “This means I get to start calling you Mommy.”
“No. Nope!” she squealed and giggled as he held her tightly, turning his head to gently gnaw at her skin like he was trying to eat her.
“Fine, fine.” he said as she finally broke free of his arms. “But I know you’ve been itching to call me Daddy for years.”
“Noooo.” she giggled, but she knew he had her pegged.
“Yeeesss.” he dragged out the word with an exaggerated smile.
“I’m not gonna say it.” she giggled as he began to chase her round the lower section of the house.
“Oh yes, you are.” he joked, stalking her as she moved around the kitchen island.
“Pete, the dinner.” she tried to reason.
“I don’t care. Not until you say it.”
“Noo!” she squealed as she made a run for it, narrowly slipping past him and running into the living room.
“Oh you’re gonna say it.”
“Say it!” he called out as he lunged for her, wrapping his arms around her and wrestling her gently to the floor, pinning her with his body. She laughed. “Say it.” he said again as he looked down at her.
“Fine.” she huffed in defeat. “Can we go eat dinner now Daddy?” she cooed in her most sultry voice.
He moved his head from side to side as if he were thinking about it, before saying, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Mommy, my dinner’s right here.” He gave her a devilish smile before shimmying his body down so his face was the same height as her crotch.
“Noo! Peter!” she squealed in delight, pretending to push him away as his fingers reached for the waistband of her trousers, her giggles ringing out throughout the house.
Thank you so much for reading The Angel In The Garden of Evil. If you have enjoyed the story don’t forget to tip me like you would your waiter by reblogging and leaving feedback and letting me know what you think! By reblogging you also help to keep this story alive for just a little bit longer allowing new people to keep finding it for days, months, weeks and years to come. Whenever this story find you, I hope it brings you joy.
@scmdsblog @angiexsv @thef1nalgirl @did-someone-change-my-name @sincericida @tarzinnia @liz-allyn @blacksoul09 @humxncrxvings @sunnycolors @suicide-sweetheart636 @ahryi @ms-wild-card-56
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Beth I hear you calling. Eddie Munson x Reader.
Beth I Hear You Calling.
Part Two of “Mrs. Freak” (Read part one
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
"Your ‘Mrs Freak’ story was so freaking good!!! My heart combusted with cuteness. Can you please do a part two where their baby is born??! That would be so adorable cause dad! Eddie would be everything"
Warnings: mentions of throwing up, mentions of sex, other than that pretty fluffy,Dad Eddie! Word count: 747 
AN:Definitely the shortest one I've written, but I couldn't bring myself to write anymore, it was so simple and sweet that I kept it the way it is. 
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I always knew Eddie was going to be an amazing father but seeing him in action with our baby girl was enough to make my heart explode. He was holding her every second of everyday and would only let me hold her when I had to feed her, and even then he was right next to me, praising her, and praising me. We named her Beth after that one KISS song that Eddie sang so much and it just kind of stuck. Our little Beth. 
I walked back into the living room of my parents house after throwing in a load of laundry. We stayed at Eddies most days but came home often to steal their laundry machine so we wouldn't have to go to the laundry mat with a screaming infant. Not that she screamed often, she was almost always happy, especially when with her daddy. 
Standing just in the doorway of the room I watched them together. Eddie was laying on his side next to her, where she was laying on the floor with one of those weird hanging toy things over her. He talked in response to her babbles as if he could understand exactly what she was saying. Eddie wasn't always this clam and collected with her in the beginning. Not to mention during the whole birth experience. There was lots of panic and screaming and not from me. He paced frantically around the hospital room probably the whole time. It frustrated him knowing he couldn't do anything to help me other than be there for me and hold my hand. He hated knowing I was in pain and it was sort of his fault. 
But now here I stand, watching my fiancé play with our child. The floor creaked under my foot and Eddie looked up at me still smiling. "Hey pretty mama" 
I walked over and joined the two on the floor, tickling Beths tummy lightly and she kicked her feet with a laugh. "How's my favourite girl doing" I asked.
 "Great, as per usual, except for when she threw up directly on my face, isn't that right princess" He said cooing at her. I wrinkled my nose at the thought. 
Leaning my head onto eddies shoulder a content sigh left my lips. "Did you every think we'd be here?" I asked.
"Never in a million years did I think I'd find someone, let alone someone who'd be willing to have my kid and marry me" Eddie said quickly. As if this was something he had thought about before. "I got really lucky with you" He said while pulling Beth into his lap and tipping her nearby bottle into her mouth which she sucked on gratefully. "I never thought someone like you would even look in my direction" 
"How could I not?" I questioned. "You're hard to miss" I said teasingly. "Ha, ha, very funny" repositioning himself so he could rock Beth slightly side to side, her eyes drooping slightly. "I'm serious though" He said in almost a whisper. "You were just so happy, and full of light, and laughter, everyone around you loved you and you bring out the best in people. Hell you even got me and Steve to become friends and that's something I really thought would never happen... You are just simply perfect" He said looking up at me.
 Through watery eyes I tucked his hair behind his ear and leaned forward to kiss him slightly on the lips. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me" I said. "Well maybe Beth is but you helped"
He stifled a laugh in fear of waking our tiny baby in his arms. "Yeah I guess I did kinda help with that... Was a good night" He smirked. "Apart from you getting food poisoning"
"Not one of my finest moments I'll admit"
"I didn't think such a small human could puke so much, and I'm not talking about Beth"
"I didn't even think any human could puke that much, I was out for like three days!" I said laughing. "Thankful I had you to take care of me" 
"Forever and always" He said leaning over to kiss me on the forehead. "Although were probably never having sex again"
"Not with you holding her 24/7"
"Well I can't just put her down babe, I mean look at her, how could I not" He said softly looking down at her. 
"I guess I can live without sex when she's getting the best daddy ever out of it" 
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asgardianangel · 1 year
For the sugar baby series can we see how it for reader and Lalo’s relationship now.? I would love to see her with a tiny bit of Stockholm Syndrome.
Oooh yeah
Stockholm syndrome headcannons
Warnings: Manipulation, NSFW, slight breeding kink from daddy Lalo, imprisonment, implied relative death, memory loss from trauma
Two years have passed, and everything seemed like a blur life was a routine and so was motherhood.  
At least loneliness wasn’t a problem you had a bubbly three-year-old unaware of the controlled situation around him just focusing on the things that made him happy. Lalo made sure of it. 
The best toys and activities were always at his reach the smile on his little face made you happy, but you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Guilty to the fact of raising him with a man like Lalo. But you couldn’t do anything about it except from playing house with him. 
Lalo was busy doing God knows what most of the time but always made room for both of you. In some instances, you would watch him bond with your baby and there was a spark of the man you fell in love within the beginning.  
‘Papa is here’ his voice would whisper in comfort as he cuddled your son. You admired his soothing interactions especially in the dead of night when all is almost quiet except from the occasional crying. Then it ends with Lalo singing in his mother’s tongue. 
For such a controlling man he certainly had a gentle singing voice you would watch him for the doorway of the nursery in a trance and he would notice... 
Memories were important to you but there seemed to be a gap as time went by. These past two years you were held in almost complete isolation your mind was limited to only Lalo and your son. You couldn’t exactly remember all the things Lalo has done but the absence of your grandparents left a scar. 
'I made as painless as possible' his voice would echo
frustration caused you to have meltdowns at least one a day but you were ‘slowly getting better’ said by Lalo’s voice. Sometimes screaming the house down was about right. 
Lalo was a caregiver to you not only as a father he would cook majority of the meals and hold you and stroke your hair when you felt like all is collapsing around you in the midst of waking up screaming
Special occasions like birthdays and Christmas he would finally take you out to new places. When you were in the presence of other people you had the strange urge to cry for help and you didn’t know why. 
Lalo would understand the desperation and kept you in your place at all times. 
‘You really want to leave me and Eddie bebé?’ 
‘Have him grow up without his madre and me without my loving wife?’ 
After his questions came the threats when you still didn’t understand  
‘you know I could always leave alone dark and cold mi amor (my love) in the basement again’  
 Pleasure was the distraction and Lalo used it for the advantage. He would make you forget certain things with his hands mouth and cock. 
‘That’s a good girl’ he would praise lightly when you submitted yourself to his body pressing it against yours. Sweet spots were instantly found, and he made you beg ‘plea-se let me let me cum’ you would whine. And with the rasp of his deep voice ‘I think you can do better than that querida’ he would chuckle teasing you. 
Lalo made it clear that he wanted another child (many in fact) his shadow would come to the bedroom enticing you to bless him with another baby ‘démosle a Ed un hermanito o hermanita (let’s give Ed a little brother or sister)’ he would whisper in the nape of your neck. Humming in confusion (since you needed to work on your spanish) you would ask what he meant when he said that.  
Lalo didn’t tell you he would show you. 
Now you bask in the sun the garden was exceptionally beautiful as you watched your son chase butterflies. It was so dream like then you felt the hand of your husband wrap around your growing belly. 
“I’m so happy with you and our children querida” 
And you responded with a sweet kiss to his lips 
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hoshigray · 3 months
Omg I’m crying not eating kid’s lunch 😭😭😭😭 but that’s definitely what he gonna do!! 😭😭 but can you imagine him being girl dad 🥹🥹 ouuu I know that he will teach her to fight saying “if someone gonna try put their finger on you in school, just punch them in the face just how daddy taught you and then report to me, I’m gonna punch their parents too” anddd since our man has painted nails imagine his daughter wants to paint nails with him doing matching colors (pink 💀) 🥹🥹 he be so stubborn at first bcuz “what the hell, I am not one of your dolls”, but of course he will surrender and let her do it and after she’s done she asking “do you like it papa?” and even though he still feels stupid he will say “they look real pretty, princess” with soft smile 😭😭😭😭
Omg I’m gonna cry rn my baby fever is showing 😭😭 Dad Kuna is everything, I literally do not care how ooc that is, I love him 😞💔
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GOODBYEEEE SUKUNA!?!? A GIRL DAD!!?!? ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME PERSON??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay okay let's be fr, that man is gonna do EVERYTHING in his power to make sure that lil baby doesn't paint ALL of his damn fingers. He'll compromise on a SINGLE nail. A SINGULAR nail out of like 20 💀💀💀 he likes his black so imagine the pinkie being the pink color, and the babygirl being so happy that it's still on after a while. AWWWWWWW imagine he goes to his daughter to repaint the pink whenever it's about to chip 🤧🤧 And Kuna knows you're happy about it too, trying to use your daughter to convince him on TWO nails, and he's like "Do not overstep; it's not happening." (It will happen, SLOWLY, but it will lol) I'm sure as the girl gets older and starts winning over her dad, he'll learn to be a little lenient to appease her tiny heart 😔💘💘💘
No but like YES LMFAOOO he most definitely would teach that girl how to fight!! I can see her being into "girly" stuff but loves hand-to-hand sports because their father is so good at it!! (Stop I headcanon that he lets them watch MMA fighting with him 🤭🤭 baby is most def a tomboy in spirit) bullying will definitely not be a problem, bc if they're sent to the principals office for punching a kid back or defending someone from a bully, 9 times out of ten she'll just be sent back to the classroom. Bc the entire school knows if dad picks up the phone instead of you, someone's parent is going to end up in a coma 💀💀💀OMG PROM AND DATING!???! Dude, he's gonna LOATHE the day they start asking questions about boys/girls, bc he's all like "What's their name? Who are their parents? What grade are they in? Do they do sports? Are they in the Honor Roll? How do you know them? Why do you know them? Why do you wanna date them? What makes you think I would let you be near them and out of my sight–" LIKE OMG BRO 😭😭😭😭😭
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