#happy birthday jeongyeon 💚
pttwice · 11 months
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favorite birthday girl 💚
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thetwiceblog · 11 months
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💚 Jeongyeon Instagram Update 231024 💚
Happy Birthday Jeongyeon! 💚
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basketballanonsblog · 11 months
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Since it's already the 1st of November in Korea...
My dear Jeongyeon, Happy birthday! 🎊🎂🥳
What an honour it was to see you and the members perform live this year. It was truly an unforgettable experience. I wish I could relive that night
How wonderful it is to know that you're in the world.
Your strength is admirable, and it's shown not only through how you continue forward even if life isn't always easy but also how you show your love to those close to you, and to us ONCE.
I'll always do my best to support you.
There's so much more I could and want to say, but for now, I'll keep the words close to my heart.
Instead, I'll say: 나는 너를 너무 사랑해 💚
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finallydelight · 2 years
Bubble 221101 | Maya
🦩🫧 November 1, 2022 - 00:22 KST
MY: it’s our yoo-unnie’s birthday today!
thanks to jeongyeon-unnie, many of my grey days became colored ones. thanks to unnie, I’ve been able to make many great memories. It’s my greatest luck that I get to spent every day with jeongyeon-unnie.
unnie, I will always be by your side 💚 we love you! happy birthday!
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Taglist: @stopeatread @sakuurra @seongwhaffels @cosmicwintr
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f4ncystuff · 3 years
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like or reblog if you save/use
happy birthday to the most beautiful people of the world JEONGYEON (headers) BEST GIRL! 💚
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jeongshistar · 3 years
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thetwiceblog · 11 months
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Happy Birthday JEONGYEON!
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pttwice · 4 months
First of all welcome back ❤️
My request is a pool party with little maknae and middle line with 2yeon and momo being cgs while trying to teach baby smc to swim and not get hit by flying beach balls from Jihyo and mina trying to get chae to play with her in the shallow end
hiya chimpo! thank you :) glad to be back 💚
shallow end
|| little!smc, little!sajimi, cg!2yeon, cg!momo ||
"Tzuyu, baby. You can't eat the pool noodle." Jeongyeon let out a small sigh as she walked over to Tzuyu. She gently took the pool noodle from Tzuyu's hands and picked her up. "Let's see if we can get you in your bathing suit, okay?"
Tzuyu looked at Jeongyeon and smiled. She gave her a small nod and started to play with her hair. Jeongyeon pressed a kiss to the side of Tzuyu's head, taking Chaeyoung and Dahyun with her to get them dressed.
"Jeong! Where is Mina's penguin t-shirt?" Nayeon walked out of Sana, Jihyo, and Mina's room. Mina trailed close behind her, holding onto the hem of her shirt.
"You're gonna have to be more specific. She has five of them." Jeongyeon chuckled and sat Dahyun down on her bed to slip her shorts on over her bathing suit.
"The blue one she got for her birthday! You know. I think they all have little hats!"
"It's in the bathroom!" Momo yelled from the kitchen as she walked towards the bathroom. She picked Mina's shirt up from the bathroom floor and leaned into the middle line's room, handing Nayeon the shirt.
"Thanks, Mo."
Momo just nodded and walked into the SMC room and sat down on the floor. She pulled Tzuyu onto her lap and pulled her flip flops out from under the bed.
Almost immediately, Tzuyu started to whine. She kicked her feet and tucked her face in Momo's shoulder.
"I know, love bug. They're a little uncomfy, but I promise you don't have to wear them for too long." Momo carefully slipped the flip flops onto Tzuyu's feet, much to her protest.
"Okay. I've got Sana and Mina ready. Did you get- wait. Where's Jihyo?" Nayeon walked into the SMC room with Sana and Mina and looked around, assuming that Jihyo was with Jeongyeon.
"I don't know. I thought you had her." Momo looked up at Nayeon as she distracted Tzuyu from the uncomfortable flip flops.
Nayeon let out a small sigh. She left Sana and Mina with Jeongyeon and Momo as she looked around the living room. A small happy scream could be heard from the living room from behind the couch as Nayeon picked Jihyo up and carried her into the middle's room.
A pool day had been planned for at least a month, and now that it was finally happening, Nayeon finally felt relaxed. She laid back on the pool chair and put her sunglasses on, her face warmed by the sun.
"Nay did you want to help here?" Jeongyeon asked with a laugh as she helped Mina slip into the water. Momo had Tzuyu and Dahyun clinging to her despite the floaties on their arms.
"I'll be in the water in 10 minutes."
Jeongyeon playfully rolled her eyes and watched as Jihyo swam over to the beach balls they brought. She bounced one up into the air and hit it to Momo.
Thankfully, Momo had fast enough reflexes to bounce it to Jeongyeon before Tzuyu got hit with it.
Jeongyeon hit the ball back and forth with Jihyo for a bit while Momo and Dahyun gained enough confidence to let go of her.
"I promise you won't drown, Hyun. That's why we've got the floaties on you."
Dahyun looked up at Momo skeptically but let go. She closed her eyes and held her breath, expecting to sink to the bottom of the pool. Pleasantly surprised that her head was still above water, she started to splash around.
Tzuyu, on the other hand, had no intentions of letting Momo go. "Wan' swim!" Tzuyu whined out as she held onto Momo with one hand. She splashed around, happy to be moving even if it was only a few inches.
"Hyo, please keep the beach balls away from the babies, please." Nayeon looked up as soon as she saw the beach ball bounce off of Dahyun's head. She got up from her beach chair and slowly slid into the pool.
"Nay! Come play with me!" Mina yelled from the shallow end of the pool as she played with a few sinking toys.
"I'll be over in a minute, angel. I'm playing with Sana right now. Why don't you come join us?" Nayeon waved the little over but was met with a small pout.
"Chae! Come play with me!" Mina looked over and watched as Chaeyoung ducked her head under the water. She popped her head back up and shook her head.
"No! Come over, Minawi!" Chaeyoung giggled as she ducked her head back under the water, watching everyone's legs moving.
Mina splashed a little and watched Nayeon bat away the balls that Jihyo was trying to bounce off of her little sisters. She giggled as Nayeon scolded her.
"Chaengie, it's funner over here." Mina pouted and waved her hands to try and get Chaeyoung's attention. Unfortunately, Chaeyoung was much too invested in watching Tzuyu and Dahyun get swim lessons from Momo.
"Okay! Lunch time!" Jeongyeon got out of the water and quickly dried herself off with a towel before she grabbed the food they packed. Momo helped Dahyun use the ladder and carried Tzuyu out through the shallow end.
"Want my sandwich!" Sana excitedly hopped out of the pool and sat right beside Jeongyeon. Dripping all over Jeongyeon's previously dry legs, Sana grabbed her sandwich and a bag of grapes with a giggle as she found her own pool chair to sit on.
Jeongyeon dispersed the food as calmly as she could with all the littles trying to grab their food. Once she finally laid back in her chair, she let out a content sigh and took a bite of her sandwich. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the comforting pressure of Tzuyu sitting on her lap.
"Minari, Chaengie. Don't you guys want to eat?" Momo looked up from her sandwich as the two waded in the shallow end.
Mina smiled and shook her head as she held up her sinking toys. "No! Chaengie's playing with me now and Jihyo is too."
Instead of forcing them out of the pool, the caregivers decided to let them play in the pool a little longer. It was rare when they had all regressed that Jihyo, Mina, and Chaeyoung played together.
Nayeon sat up and pulled Dahyun onto her lap. She gave her a tight hug before she grabbed her phone out of her bag. She snapped a few pictures of the adorable scene in front of her before she laid back down.
As hectic as it was to take all the littles to the pool, it was still the perfect time for them to just relax and enjoy life.
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pttwice · 11 months
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two little!jeong stories today because she's special & it's still her birthday 💚
|| little!jeongyeon, cg!nayeon, cg!mina ||
If there's one thing that Jeongyeon loved, big or little, it was camping. She loved being outside, setting up the tent, and cooking. Her favorite part though was the campfire. Jeongyeon loved camping when it was cold so she could be extra close to the campfire.
Whenever Nayeon asked what Jeongyeon wanted to do for her birthday, she immediately said camping. The weather was going to be perfect and it would be a great chance to finally relax from a hectic schedule.
Nayeon wasn't the biggest fan of camping, but since the birthday girl wanted to camp, she would camp. They packed up Jeongyeon's car with all the supplies they needed and all the things they may need if Jeongyeon regressed over the day and a half they were going to be away.
"Nayeon! Mina! Ready to go?" Jeongyeon yelled from the driver's seat, her head stuck out the window as she saw the two walking down with the last bags. They both gave Jeongyeon a thumbs up before they tossed the bags into the trunk. Nayeon sat beside Jeongyeon and Mina sat in the back. The drive was only an hour and a half outside of the city. Perfect to listen to music and not get too bored.
Once the three made it to the campsite, they quickly got everything out of the car. They wanted to set up as quickly as possible so they could fully enjoy their relaxation time. By the time Mina set the tent up, Jeongyeon had started a fire and Nayeon laid snacks out. Jeongyeon sat down with a happy sigh and opened a beer, handing Nayeon and Mina one.
"Best. Birthday. Ever."
Nayeon laughed and shook her head, taking a sip of her beer. "We just got here, Jeong."
"Yeah, but it's still the best birthday ever. Nothing beats camping!" Jeongyeon smiled and pulled her beanie a little further down on her head, sinking further into her camp chair.
It was quiet for a few minutes other than the occasional crackle of the fire and the sound of beers being sipped. The girls just wanted to absorb the relaxing atmosphere and enjoy each other's company. The fire was just right, the beer was cold and warmed them up, and the snacks were just enough to satisfy them until dinner.
A few hours had passed and the sun started to set. Mina was chopping vegetables as Jeongyeon finished grilling the meat. Nayeon was getting their silverware together and pouring a few more drinks. Teamwork makes the dream work and they worked exceptionally well together.
Nayeon tried to get Jeongyeon to sit down and relax more since it was her birthday, but she insisted on grilling the meat. It was what she was the best at when she camped and she loved watching the meat cook.
Once they had finished preparing the food, Jeongyeon excused herself to go to the bathroom. She wanted to wash her hands before they ate and the bathrooms were only a few feet away.
Nayeon and Mina talked among themselves while Jeongyeon was gone and took a few pictures, sending them to the group chat. Camping wasn't Nayeon's favorite, but she was enjoying it and she was more than glad to be doing something Jeongyeon loved.
Jeongyeon went to the bathroom and washed her hands. As she made the short walk back to their campsite, she felt her head get a little fuzzy. Usually, she'd try to fight the feeling because wasn't in a spot where she could comfortably regress. Thankfully, though, she was more than comfortable regressing around the members — especially when they were doing one of her favorite hobbies.
When Jeongyeon made it back to the campsite, she immediately attached herself to Nayeon. Jeongyeon wrapped her arms around Nayeon's waist and rested her head on Nayeon's shoulder. Mina and Nayeon knowingly exchanged a glance before Nayeon sat her drink down in her chair's cup holder. She wrapped her arms around Jeongyeon's shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey, Jeong. Did you make it to the bathroom okay?" Nayeon asked the girl who just gave her a small nod and a hum, playing with the hem of Nayeon's soft sweatshirt.
As the two caregivers suspected, Jeongyeon had regressed. Normally, Jeongyeon wouldn't be nearly as clingy and soft. Nayeon and Mina didn't mind at all though. They appreciated that their baby was comfortable enough to regress around them, especially since they hadn't had much time to relax in the past few months.
"Are you hungry, sweet girl?" Mina came up beside the two and ran her hand through Jeongyeon's slightly tangled hair, pressing a few kisses to the crown of her head. "How about we get you some food, hmm?"
Jeongyeon excitedly nodded and watched Nayeon as she prepared a few plates of food for them. Mina took Jeongyeon's hand and led her to her seat. Mina scooted her camp chair beside Jeongyeon and took her plate from Nayeon, thanking her before she helped Jeongyeon with her plate.
Jeongyeon picked up her spoon and scooped up some of the corn on her plate, clumsily pushing it in her mouth. Quite a few pieces ended up on the ground, but it didn't matter. The sweet smile on their baby's face was more than enough to ignore it.
"What a good girl. Eating all your vegetables." Nayeon smiled and ate her food, watching Jeongyeon carefully to make sure the girl didn't spill too much food on herself.
The three happily ate as Jeongyeon babbled on about the things that she wanted to do tomorrow. Most of what she said was unintelligible since she had a mouthful of food, but it was adorable to watch. Mina was able to slip a few pictures in between bites of her own food, wanting to capture the heart warming moment.
With dinner finished and cleaned up, Nayeon helped Jeongyeon make a s'more since she didn't think the little would be able to cook hers without burning the marshmallow to a crisp.
Jeongyeon watched her mama in awe as she expertly cooked the marshmallow. She got as close as she could to the fire before Mina pulled her back a little, making sure she wasn't burning herself.
"Mommy! Fire!" Jeongyeon excitedly pointed at the flames and looked back at Mina. Mina just nodded and smiled, pulling her baby into her lap.
"I see that, pumpkin. It's cool, isn't it?"
Jeongyeon nodded and snuggled herself into Mina's lap, happily watching the flames slowly cook her marshmallow. Once it was finished and Nayeon made Jeongyeon's s'more, the little held her hands out. Jeongyeon bit into the s'more and giggled, doing a little happy dance in her mama's lap.
By the time Jeongyeon had made it through two and a half s'mores — the other half ended up on the ground — she had a considerable amount of marshmallow stuck around her mouth, on her nose, and on her hands. Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon who had neatly finished her own s'more and tried to give her mama a sticky kiss on the cheek.
Nayeon just laughed and dodged the kiss, grabbing a wet napkin to wipe Jeongyeon's hands off. Jeongyeon pouted and tried to kiss Nayeon again, but Nayeon dodged her a second time.
"Mommy!" Jeongyeon looked at Mina, a pout on her lips. "Mama no want Jeongie kiss."
Mina smiled and shook her head. She took another wet napkin to wipe off Jeongyeon's mouth and nose, the little squirming a bit since she didn't like her face being wiped. "Mama loves Jeongie's kisses, pumpkin, but not when you've got marshmallow all over your face."
Jeongyeon crossed her arms over her chest and kept pouting, turning away from Nayeon who had finished wiping her hands off. "Mama no want Jeongie kiss."
Nayeon sighed and playfully rolled her eyes. She reached out to pull Jeongyeon closer to her, gently cupping her cheek and turning her head so she was looking at Nayeon. "Pumpkin. Mama loves your kisses. I just didn't want to be all sticky. I'm sorry. Can you give mama a kiss now that you're not sticky?"
Jeongyeon looked at her mama, turned her head to look at her mommy, and then back at her mama. "Okay. 'Cause Jeongie wuv mama." The little giggled and clumsily grabbed Nayeon's face, peppering kisses all over her. Mina managed to capture a picture of the sweet moment. It made her heart swell and she fell even more in love.
It was getting late and the fire was starting to die down. Jeongyeon was curled up in Nayeon's lap, her eyes closed as she listened to her mama's heartbeat. Mina and Nayeon were quietly talking to each other about the shows they'd been watching and all the restaurants they wanted to try out now that they had a longer break.
Jeongyeon was happier than she'd been in a long time. She was safe, happy, and warm. She had her mamas with her doing what she loved the most, and there was nothing more she could ask for.
As Jeongyeon shifted a bit to bury her face in her mama's chest a little more, Nayeon looked down and smiled. She placed a gentle kiss on Jeongyeon's forehead and pulled her closer against her chest. "Are you sleepy, sweet girl?"
Jeongyeon shook her head, but her body betrayed her with a yawn as she stuffed her hands in her sweatshirt pockets. Nayeon looked up at Mina and nodded towards the fire, signaling that it was time for bed. Mina nodded and put the campfire out, putting away anything that shouldn't be left out.
Nayeon carefully got up from her chair, Jeongyeon securely tucked in her arms, as she walked into their large tent. She sat Jeongyeon down on her sleeping mat and looked through the girl's clothes, finding the pajamas Jeongyeon loved to wear when she was regressed.
"Can you lift your arms up for mama?"
Jeongyeon sleepily nodded and lifted her arms up over her head so Nayeon could slip her sweatshirt and t-shirt off. Nayeon quickly changed Jeongyeon into her fuzzy pajama shirt so her top half wouldn't be cold for too long.
Mina ducked into the tent and sat beside Jeongyeon, changing into her own pajamas. She looked up when Nayeon tapped her leg, seeing that the oldest was holding a pull up.
Mina looked down at a half asleep Jeongyeon and then back up to Nayeon, giving her a small nod. Based on just how tired Jeongyeon was and how small she had regressed to today, it was better to be safe and put her in a pull up than have to deal with an accident in the middle of the night.
Nayeon tried to slip the little's jeans off, but Jeongyeon was awake enough to kick her legs, making the task more difficult. Jeongyeon hated when her legs were cold and she knew that taking her jeans off and having to wait for her mama to change her would leave her cold for far too long.
Jeongyeon whined a little and tried to roll over but Mina gently placed her hand on her baby's tummy. She gently rubbed small circles into her tummy which seemed to work long enough for Nayeon to quickly take the little's jeans and underwear off and slip the pull up on. Nayeon put the pajama bottoms on Jeongyeon and finally, her baby was ready for bed.
Jeongyeon was tucked in her sleeping bag in between her mamas and there was no feeling on earth that could compare. There was a strong smell of the fire lingering in their hair mixed with Nayeon’s vanilla perfume and Mina's coconut lotion.
It smelled like home and it helped Jeongyeon fall asleep within minutes. This was definitely the best birthday ever.
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