#happy birthday cas ❤️
Just crossed my mind that if Cas hadn't saved Dean from Hell 15 years ago on this specific day that is 18th September, the song "Watching over me" by Radio company wouldn't probably exist. And that would be a shame.
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wellofdean · 1 year
Do you ever think about how Castiel, the one version of him off the line with a crack in his chassis, who made things up as he went along, repeatedly saved the day, and whose love gave Dean the strength to resist Chuck in the end, is the real most important character on Supernatural?
Because I do.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Wayne & Steve bonding. Can be 5+1 with the party members seeing it & then the +1 can be Steve realizing that Wayne is his safe adult & that he is included by both Wayne & Eddie (his partner) as a Munson
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PLATONIC LOVE!!!! ALSO HAPPY 100TH WORK ON AO3 FOR ME!!!! I had started another request but then realized my 100th work needed to have Wayne. Like, it was a no brainer. I love Wayne Munson with my entire heart. He loves Steve with his entire heart. Here we are! - Mickala ❤️
It started out pretty awkward.
Eddie had suggested the fishing trip, said it would be great for them to bond and get to know each other.
“Steve’s not goin’ anywhere, and Wayne’s approval is more important to me than anything else, so you might as well find some common ground,” he said to them both over dinner.
So Steve agreed to this fishing trip, and he agreed to let Wayne pick the place and drive them there and provide all the necessary tools.
He didn’t know how to fish so it made sense that he didn’t make any of the decisions.
Of course, Wayne didn’t know he didn’t know how to fish. He’d maybe made it sound like he used to go when he was younger, before his dad stopped showing any interest in spending time with him.
But his dad wasn’t really ever around, and certainly didn’t do anything to bond with him, so here he was.
Trying to pretend he knew how a worm went on a hook.
Wayne hadn’t said much, though Eddie had already warned him that it didn’t mean he didn’t like him, he just didn’t usually say much unless he knew you well.
He was pretty focused on baiting his own hook, or that’s what Steve thought it was called, and Steve didn’t really think it would go well if he interrupted to ask stupid questions.
“You’ve never done this before, have ya?” Wayne suddenly asked, not looking up from his hook.
“Um. No sir?” Steve replied.
No point in lying when it was so obvious he had no clue what he was doing.
Wayne finally looked at him, his eyes squinted as he searched his face.
“You want some help with that?” he finally asked Steve.
Wayne didn’t take the hook and worm from him though. Instead, he gently scooted closer and started showing Steve how to do it himself.
“There ya go! Now, professionals use different bait and hooks and all kindsa stuff I don’t have the patience for. We just use worms cuz they’re cheap and work just fine. You ever cast your own line or you need me to show ya?”
“I can watch you and then try,” Steve replied.
This was going…well. Wayne seemed eager to help instead of annoyed like Steve thought he would be.
He watched Wayne cast his line out, reeling it in just a bit once the bobber hit the water.
“Why do you reel it in like that?” Steve asked, genuinely curious.
“Keeps the line tight so you can see any movement. If the bait ain’t on there good, a fish might be able to wiggle it off, but if you see the line moving, you might be able to still catch him,” Wayne said quietly. “Think you can do it?”
Steve didn’t think he could, but he wanted to impress Wayne.
And then he did it.
“I did it!” he said, maybe a bit too loud for the environment.
“You did! Proud of ya!” Wayne said back, big smile on his face.
He didn’t seem to care that Steve was so loud he probably scared all the damn fish away, or that it was such a simple task that Steve accomplished.
He was just proud.
And when Steve caught his first fish 20 minutes later, he could have sworn he saw Wayne wipe a tear from his eye.
“Invite him over,” Wayne suggested.
“To your house?” Steve said as he stopped putting his shoes on.
“Yeah. We got plenty of snacks. Lucas seems like a nice kid. He puts up with Eddie and that Max girl. Must be an angel actually,” Wayne snorted.
Steve looked at him, and at the tv that was already tuned in to the channel the basketball game would be on.
“If you’re sure…” Steve said, removing his shoes again to go call Lucas.
“Tell him to bring his ball and we can practice after! Only if you promise to go easy on me, I’m an old man,” Wayne added as he sipped on his beer.
Steve was quick on the phone, smiling to himself when Lucas seemed so excited about getting to hang out with Steve and Wayne.
Lucas made it just as the game started, sweating from the bike ride over.
“Grab a pop from the fridge and take a seat, kiddo,” Wayne said from his armchair.
“Is Eddie here?” Lucas asked as he did what Wayne said and sat down on the couch next to Steve.
“Nope. Had physical therapy and then band practice. Won’t see that boy until near midnight, I’d say.”
Steve nodded in agreement.
Eddie always got distracted at band practice, especially if they started smoking. Wayne always told him to call if he needed a ride, but not if he needed bail.
The game was intense, and all of them ended up standing on their feet pacing for the last two minutes of it. It was so back and forth, so close, they were almost certain it would go to overtime.
It didn’t though, and Wayne hugged both Steve and Lucas excitedly.
“Alright, who wants to go shoot some hoops?”
Steve knew for a fact the Munsons didn’t have a basketball net. Eddie wasn’t a sports guy and Wayne didn’t have time until pretty recently to have any hobbies.
But Steve and Lucas followed him onto the back porch and Steve stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the small cement pad now had a basketball net.
“When did you get that?”
“Well, when Eddie mentioned you still liked to play for fun, I figured it’d be nice to have. Not a lot of space out here for a real game, but it’s somethin’.”
Wayne looked shy, almost nervous, which was something he never was.
“You got this for Steve?” Lucas asked him.
“Yeah. You’re welcome to come over and practice anytime, too,” he said to Lucas with a smile.
“Seriously? This is awesome!” Lucas took his ball and ran down the porch steps to start shooting at the net.
“You got this for me?” Steve asked Wayne, still slightly surprised by the gesture.
“Yeah, kid. Want you to feel like this is your home too, ya know?”
Steve wasn’t gonna cry, he wasn’t.
He hugged Wayne quickly, then joined Lucas. Wayne sat on the porch and watched for a bit, cheering when Lucas managed to score on him three times in a row.
Surprisingly, Eddie came home in the midst of an intense one on one match.
He took one look at Steve and Lucas, and turned to Wayne.
“Since when do we support jockhood in this house?” he asked him, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Since you fell in love with one,” Wayne smirked.
“I’m not- we haven’t- Wayne!” Eddie sputtered before going back inside.
Wayne shook his head, but continued watching Steve and Lucas competing against each other, hopefully for the first of many times.
Max should go home. She couldn’t just hide at the Munson trailer every single time her mom had to work late.
She had to face her fears and just stay home alone.
But Eddie was here having a mini-session with Mike, Will, and Lucas, and she felt better being around all of them than being in her house.
Plus, Wayne had made her hot chocolate and let her taste test the cookies he made.
She wasn’t playing, but she watched the entire time, sipping on her hot chocolate and watching Wayne out of the corner of her eye.
He was in the kitchen baking something new, but had told her she couldn’t try this one yet.
It looked like a cake, but it had a lot of steps to it and she couldn’t be quite sure when he kept moving things from counter to counter and then counter to oven.
At exactly 7:00, Eddie clapped his hands, thanked everyone for coming, and told them to get out.
“How’s the cake comin’ old man? Steve’s gonna be here in 20 minutes!” Eddie said as he started frantically cleaning up.
Max watched as they both seemed to rush through their tasks, ignoring her entirely, maybe even forgetting she was still on the couch.
And then it hit her.
“Shit! It’s Steve’s birthday, isn’t it?” she asked.
Wayne and Eddie both stood in the doorway of the kitchen looking at her.
“Have you been here this whole time?” Eddie asked.
“Ed, I forgot the powdered sugar,” Wayne said suddenly.
“Fuck!” Eddie said, exasperated.
“Language!” Wayne huffed out, turning back to his cake. “I think my Ma used to just blend regular sugar to make it so she didn’t have to pay for it. Let me see how much sugar we got.”
“Max, let me walk you home,” Eddie said, forcing a smile.
But just as she was getting up to let him, not wanting to push him too much when he was so obviously stressed, the front door opened and Steve walked in.
“You will never believe what this woman did at closing time tonight. I thought Robin was going to have to go to jail. Oh. Hey Max.”
Steve paused as he took in the looks of panic on Max and Eddie’s face and the chaos happening in the kitchen.
“Is everything okay?” Steve asked, suddenly worried.
“Everything’s great! Actually, can you walk Max home?”
“Is that Steve?” Wayne asked from the kitchen, peeking around the doorway. “Dammit, I need 10 minutes!”
Eddie shooed Steve back out the door and Max followed without being asked.
When the door shut behind them, Steve looked at Max with a confused look.
“Happy birthday, I guess?” she shrugged.
“Oh. Is that today?” he asked.
“Apparently. I don’t think the Munsons understand the idea behind not celebrating birthdays.”
Steve laughed, smiling fondly at the closed front door.
“Alright, well. Let’s get you home so they can embarrass me without an audience.”
They walked down the road to Max’s trailer in silence. Max didn’t mind it with Steve, it felt like they both needed it.
But when they arrived at her house, she turned to Steve and hugged him.
“All good, red?” he asked as he hugged her back.
“Yeah. Just glad we have them.”
“Who? The Munsons?”
“Yeah. They’re pretty great.”
Steve smiled down at her.
“Yeah, they’re alright.”
Nancy spent a lot of time at the library. Probably more than anyone else in Hawkins.
She’d seen it all.
The nerds using it to study, the old people reading the newspaper, the kids being brought by their moms for storytime.
She’d never once seen a Munson.
Until today.
Wayne Munson was standing in the aisle of books that held books about gardening.
He looked lost, and she wanted to help.
“Hey, Wayne right?” she whispered.
He jumped, but then relaxed when he saw it was just a young woman.
“Yes, and you are?”
“Nancy. You probably don’t remember, but I was with everyone when Eddie was brought into the hospital,” she said, hating to bring up bad memories, but needing him to know that she knew Eddie.
“Ah, yes. Mike’s sister?”
“That’s me.” She cleared her throat. “You look like you need some help. I’m basically a librarian for how often I’m here, so maybe I can help?”
“Yeah. I’m lookin’ for a book about trees that can grow here easily. All these seem to be about tropical plants.”
He was right. For some reason, most of the books available were about tropical plants or encyclopedias about flowers.
“There is one…hold on.” Nancy walked a few feet away and looked at the one book she knew would have the information he needed. “Here it is!” She handed it to him. “Any specific tree you’re looking for?”
“Well, I’m gonna plant a tulip tree in the backyard, but I need to know what it needs.”
Nancy smiled.
“You a fan of tulip trees?”
“Ah can’t say I care either way. But Steve likes ‘em and he’s been feelin’ a bit down lately, so figured it might make him smile.”
Nancy frowned.
“He’s been down?” she asked.
Admittedly, she hadn’t seen him much lately, but that was because he was busy working with Robin and spending his free time with Eddie or the kids.
“Well, it ain’t my business to say, but his parents came to town last week and he ain’t been the same since. He won’t talk about it, not even with Ed,” Wayne sounded sad, but also angry.
She placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know they’re frustrating to say the least. But he’ll be alright. I’m glad he has you to cheer him up,” she smiled at him.
“Me too. You won’t tell him about this yet, right?”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
Robin was hot.
“Steve, there is no way this pool takes this long to clean,” she said from her chair.
“Maybe it wouldn’t if I had help,” Steve said with a sigh.
“I think he’s expecting us to help him,” Eddie said from his chair next to her, not opening his eyes to actually look.
“It’s not as hot in the pool,” he tried to bribe them.
“As if we would get in that untreated dirty water!” Eddie exclaimed.
“We have all literally been covered in Upside Down dust and demo-creature blood.”
“Against our will!” Robin exclaimed.
“Alright, I’m calling Wayne,” Steve said as he got out of the pool.
Not even 20 minutes later, Steve was walking back outside, Wayne trailing behind him in a bathing suit.
“I’m scraping the bottom first so I can scoop any debris out before I treat it,” Steve explained to him. “I think that last storm we got just got a lot of heavier limbs in it so there’s more than I expected.”
“And these two are just watching?”
“We’re supervising. Here for emergencies and getting him drinks when needed,” Eddie said.
“Right. So I’ll take a cold beer,” Wayne said with a smirk.
Eddie moved his sunglasses off his face and glared at him.
“You just came from inside.”
“And now I’m hot. Get me a beer or go home.”
Robin watched the exchange like a tennis match, then turned to Steve who was getting back in the pool like he was used to this kind of thing happening all the time.
“I’m so glad he called you,” she said to Wayne as Eddie grumbled his way inside.
“Me too,” Wayne said, no hint of sarcasm in his tone.
Robin watched them work, taking in the way Wayne explained the best way to treat the pool (“shock it, but then focus on the filter itself, not just the actual pool”) and how long it should sit.
An hour later, they were finishing up the main part of the treatment, and Wayne knocked Steve’s shoulder.
“Great job, kid. Probably wanna let it sit overnight so no one’s skin is burnin’ though.”
“What?! We can’t even swim today?” Eddie shrieked.
“Go swim in the bathtub. Better yet, a puddle in the road,” Wayne yelled back at him. He turned back to Steve. “You comin’ for dinner tonight?”
“Yeah, let me clean up first. Want me to bring anything?”
“Just yourself, you know that.”
Wayne turned to go, and grabbed Eddie’s ear.
“You’re comin’ with me. You got some stuff to do around the trailer before I let you come over here and swim.”
“I’m a grown man!”
“And grown men clean up before their boyfriends come over. Let’s go.”
Wayne walked away, knowing Eddie would follow him.
Robin couldn’t help the loud laugh she let out as Eddie scrambled to follow, nearly tripping over his own feet when he stopped to kiss Steve quickly before leaving the back patio.
“They’re a blast,” Robin said when they were gone.
“They’re the best,” Steve said fondly.
plus one
It was too late for someone to be knocking on the door, but Wayne knew better than to ignore it.
Too many late night knocks had been because of emergencies.
“Go back to bed, Ed,” he said to Eddie when he saw him coming out of his bedroom, half asleep and half naked.
But he knew Eddie would be curious and wasn’t surprised when he followed him to the front door.
He had an armful of Steve as soon as he said his name, wrapping his arms around him protectively.
It was damn near two in the morning, why the hell was he here?
“Are you hurt, son?”
He heard Steve let out a loud sob against his chest and he quickly pulled him inside all the way, closing the door so the neighbors wouldn’t hear and get nosy.
“Stevie?” Eddie asked from behind Wayne.
“Go get some water for him, Ed,” Wayne said over his shoulder. “Steve? What happened?”
“They kicked me out. They found out about Eddie and kicked me out,” Steve said between sobs and panting breaths.
“Alright. Let’s sit down for a minute,” Wayne tried to stay calm, but anger was coursing through his body.
Who could kick out their own son? Especially over something so small?
He shouldn’t be surprised that the Harringtons would, but it still felt like someone poured cold water over him.
“I don’t know what to do. I have nowhere to go,” Steve whimpered.
“Now that right there is nonsense, son. You got us right here, don’t ya? You think we’d let you be homeless when Ed’s got a perfectly good bed for you to sleep in? Hell, ya sleep in it most nights a week anyway.” Wayne sighed, running his hands up and down Steve’s back as they sat on the couch. “You belong here with us. It’s their loss and someday they’ll have to live with the regret of hurtin’ you. But you’re my kid, and you ain’t gonna be livin’ on the streets. Understand me?”
Steve nodded against his chest.
Eddie walked in silently with a glass of water, fear in his eyes.
Wayne gave him a look and hoped he was communicating that he shouldn’t ask right now.
“You wanna have some water for me? Maybe a nice hot shower and then bed?” Wayne asked.
Steve nodded.
“Look at me, Steve.” He waited for Steve to look at him. “You’re my son. I love you and I want you to be here. You deserve to be loved just as you are.”
Steve sniffled, trying to hold back another sob as he nodded.
Wayne watched him sip on the water for a few minutes, and watched as Eddie walked him to the bathroom to make sure he had everything he needed for a shower.
He never understood how parents could look at their children and feel anything but the purest form of love.
Steve may not be his biologically, but he was practically a Munson since the day he carried Eddie out of Hell.
If Wayne had to help him out his own version of Hell, then he’d do it with a smile on his face and praise on his tongue.
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Birthday Crasher (Part 1) (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: Joel’s ex-wife crashed Sarah’s first birthday.
Words count: 1.2k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 7 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ There are still more chapters for this series so stay tuned! Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
"What are you doing here?!" Joel raised his voice before she even said anything.
"Oh, so no "hi", "how are you doing?", "long time no see". Why do you think I'm here, Joel?" Joel's ex wife complained.
Joel sighed and he pinched his nose bridge. 
"I'm her mother, Joel. I gave birth to her a year ago and I can't see my daughter on her birthday? It's her first birthday for God's sake." 
"You have no right to be here. You left us, remember?"
"Don't try to blame me, Joel." She raised her index finger to Joel.
"If you really love her then why did you leave her?!" Joel raised his voice.
"I'm not gonna let you see her. You're not her mom." Joel shook his head.
"Oh, I'm not her mom. And she is?" She started to put you in the topic.
"Don't bring her into this." Joel growled. 
"What? You love her? Did you fuck her?" She pushed Joel on the chest.
"Stop it! You need to leave! Now!" Joel grabbed her wrist and yelled at her.
Everyone in the house stopped talking to each other when they heard Joel's voice. Their eyes all pointed at the window to peek at what was happening. You flinched too when you heard him yell.
"Just let me see her once." She begged.
"That's not gonna happen." Joel turned away from her heading back to the house. 
"You know what, Joel? Fuck you! Fuck everyone! and Fuck that bitch who stole my baby!" She shouted so everyone in the house heard her.
You shook as you heard those sentences coming from her mouth. You felt guilty for stealing her baby, but on the other side you knew Sarah shouldn't be raised with someone like her. Sarah deserved the best.
"What did you just say?" Joel turned back to her and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yeah, you heard me Joel. I called her a bitch. B-I-T-C-H. Bitch." She scoffed.
Everyone gasped and stared at you. You just stood there frozen with Sarah in your arms.
"Leave. I asked you twice and I'm not gonna ask you again." Joel clenched his jaw. 
"Yeah? What are you gonna do, huh?" She pushed Joel again on the chest. 
"Fuck!" Joel shouted at her face, clenching his fist holding himself from hitting a woman. 
Joel was a gentleman. He didn’t hit women. But you knew he couldn't hold his anger anymore. Too many people had heard and seen too much about their problems. So you decided to go out and stop the fight. You asked Flo to hold Sarah for a while since Joel didn't want his ex-wife to see Sarah and you understood.
"Oh! The bitch's here to rescue." She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. 
"Get back inside." Joel gestured to you to go back inside the house. 
You ignored him and approached them closer instead.
"Will you guys stop? Everyone heard you by the way. Do you really want to ruin Sarah's birthday?" You crossed your arms on your chest.
The two of them stayed quiet for a moment just realizing what they did. They just embarrassed her daughter in front of the public.
"Sorry. Come on, darlin'. Let's go." Joel put his arms around you. 
"Fine, Joel. If that's what you want. You know I can come by anytime. Just tell my baby, her mom said happy birthday." She caved in.
Joel scoffed at his ex wife's words.
"I will." You turned your head and looked at her. 
She scoffed and turned away to get back to her car. When Joel and you got back inside, the house was silent. Everyone didn't dare to say a thing. They just stared at you and Joel as you walked inside. 
"Show's over guys." Joel was ashamed that everyone witnessed him and his ex-wife's drama. 
"Why don't we dig in? Help yourself." You invited everyone to start eating the food and desserts you had prepared. 
Everyone awkwardly walked to the food corner and started eating. It didn't take a long time until the house was full of mumbling and everyone acted like nothing had happened. 
"Let's eat, Joel." You grabbed some food and put it on the plate. 
"Here." You gave Joel the plate. 
“Thank you.” Joel took the plate from your hand.
"I'll check on Sarah." You stroked his upper arm before you went to find Flo. 
"She's sleeping." Flo showed you Sarah's face who was sleeping soundly.
"I'll put her in her crib." You took Sarah from Flo's arms, put Sarah in her bedroom, and went back to Joel. 
"How's Sarah?" Joel asked you.
"She's fine. She's sleeping." You assured him. 
"Okay. We'll talk later." Joel whispered to you and you nodded.
The birthday party went for another few hours and people were starting to leave one by one. Until the last one, Flo. 
"Thanks guys. I had a great time today. Hope Sarah likes my gift." Flo said as she hugged you and Joel for goodbye. 
"Thank you for comin'." Joel held the door handle, opening the door for her. 
"Thanks Flo. I'll see you tomorrow." You waved your hand goodbye. 
"What a mess." You sighed. 
"We have to clean up. Come on." You patted Joel's back. 
You started cleaning up and he helped too. You grabbed a big trash bag and gave it to Joel. Then you found some empty clean containers to keep the leftovers.
"I'm sorry." Joel suddenly apologized. 
"For what?" You raised your head to face him while you moved the leftovers to the containers.
"I know you heard what she said. You're not a b-" He shook his head as he put the trash inside a big plastic bag.
"Bitch?" You cut him before he even finished the word. 
"Yeah." Joel sighed. 
"I'm sorry I made her feel that way, Joel." You apologized for making her feel like you took her baby away. 
"Don't. Don't be sorry. You didn't steal Sarah from her. You saved Sarah, instead. You saved us. You took care of her like your own. You cared for her. She abandoned her own daughter. She doesn't deserve to see her. That's what she gets for what she's done. " Joel insisted.
"I know. Sarah deserves the best, Joel." You looked at him as you closed the fridge.
"Sometimes I-sometimes I wish-" Joel sighed before he continued his sentence. He stopped cleaning up to finish his sentence.
"I wish I had met you sooner. You're so different from her, you know. You-you're perfect. You're everythin' I've been lookin' for. If I could just turn back time, I would find you. I swear on my life." Joel walked closer to you and cupped your cheeks. 
Your heart broke. Your eyes were getting blurry as tears welled up in your eyes. You reached his hand that was resting on your jaw and rubbed it with your thumb. You moved forward a bit to get closer to his face. Thinking of kissing him but you hesitated. Joel’s lips were now only a centimeter away from yours. His lips moved closer to yours but he pulled away before he even touched yours. Both of you just breathed heavily on each other's faces holding yourselves from the tension. You squeezed your eyes and tears fell down. 
“Fuck it.” You finally caved in and kissed Joel passionately. 
He kissed you back and pushed you to lean on the fridge. The fridge shook because of your weight and you gasped. But he ignored it so you put your arms around his neck and continued kissing him. 
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @@violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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myinspirationkstew · 10 days
Happy Birthday to my favourite Angel, Castiel! 💙💙💙
Thank you, Cas for becoming my favourite Angel in the show. To show me it is okay to be different and to never let the world change who you are. To write your own destiny.
Thank you for showing me to fight for what you love. For showing me love is always worth fighting. No matter what and no matter which type of love it is. 💙
Thank you for teaching me so much. 🫶💙
You will be forever a part of my life. 🥰😍❤️
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casdeans-pie · 1 month
Happy birthday!! 🥳🎂 (If this is a day early, I apologise 🙈)
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Thank youuuuu !!! No you got it right!! ❤️🎉
Starting the day with Cas air smooches is the best way to start a birthday 🙌
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Birthday & Fandom Anniversary Celebration
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to celebrate my birthday (april 2nd) & also being in the SPN fandom for 10 years (started binge watching s1 on april 13, 2013), I'm doing a giveaway!
- I'll be gifting Etsy, Redbubble, and Society6 digital gift cards to up to 15 people (sent via email)
- doesn't have to be following me to enter
- have to be 18+ years old
- the winners will have a choice of which store and amount they would want the gift card for ($20-$50)
- the giveaway will start on april 2nd, 2023 and will end on april 13, 2023 at 9pm chicago local time
- winners will be picked randomly and will be announced via mentions on the giveaway post and I will contact each winner via dms or askbox on tumblr to ask for their email address that I can use to send the gift cards to
click here to enter -
good luck to everybody and if you are a follower or someone whose blog I followed, thank you so much for making my fandom experience a positive one for the past 10 years 😊❤️❤️❤️ I love seeing all of you on my dash and activity feed :D being in this fandom is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and it's one of the few things that ever gave me joy and happiness... I love you all ❤️❤️❤️
deancas4ever 💙💚
(this giveaway is not administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Tumblr, Etsy, Redbubble, and Society6. I'm using my own money to pay for the gift cards)
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matan4il · 3 months
Happy Belated Birthday Beautiful Alice!!!!! I'm sorry I'm late on this. I wish the world was the way it was last year at this time. It feels like forever ago. I hope you're staying safe and happy. It's hard to feel like we ever go back to a new normal based on all the ugliness and hate out there but I wish one day we can find joy in silly things like shipping again.
Hugs from one of your biggest fans in CA!!! Thank you for all the hard work you put into your daily post. If you ever need a break, I understand ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awwwww, thank you so much, my darling! *hugs* You're the beautiful one, for remembering my bday at all! It means a lot, I'm really grateful for the wishes, and I'm wishing YOU all the best in everything that you do, and everything that you wish for! ^u^
IDK that there is any going back, but maybe acknowledging that, and accepting our reality with all of its ugliness might allow us to move forward while having our eyes open in a way they were not before. And within that, I *know* we will find joy again, in important and silly things alike. And shipping is def one of the more fun ways to find joy, especially for hopeless romantics. ;) *hugs you so much right back, from one of *your* biggest fans in Jerusalem*
Thank you for all the support, understanding, kindness and humaneness all year round, I hope you know how much you helped me to keep going, and I KNOW the universe is gonna bring you so many good things for the amazing person you are. xoxox
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hullosweetpea · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @catknives for tagging me (even though i’m responding 2 months later 😅)
First, my AO3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
223, 678 words, counting co-writing and co-podding works!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stranger Things, but I do have some Fargo s5 fic in the works. Back in the day it was a lot of Supernatural, Doctor Who, Check Please!, Schitt’s Creek, (regrettably) The Big Bang Theory, Marvel, The Mortal Instruments, and The Infernal Devices
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Familiar to Me (Supernatural), Intervention (Supernatural), felled by you (Stranger Things), Avenging Barbarian (Stranger Things), and A Truth Universally Acknowledged (Stranger Things)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Mainly because I like the interaction (especially when readers have predictions/ world-building thoughts). I also screenshot my favorite ones for when I need motivation or a pick me up.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Happy Springtime Cas (Supernatural) because it’s Main Character Death
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This Ken Has a Boyfriend! (Stranger Things) because it is pure crack and delight ❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so much hate, but I could always tell when someone hasn’t seen You’ve Got Mail based on how critical they are of Cas in A Truth Universally Acknowledged. Which, at that point, please discuss it with your friends and not me. I decided to follow the plot of You’ve Got Mail pretty close, and for some people it was too much that Dean lost his store like Kathleen. (And I only cried about it twice, which is a win for me).
9. Do you write smut?
yes, primarily omegaverse and kink. oh if 15 year old sweetpea could see me now skdlfjsdjf
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Gonna show my age here, but for my 100th fanfic on FF.net I wrote a SuperWhoLock fic. I’ve also written a Supernatural/Check Please! crossover, and I’m in the middle of writing a Fargo/Stranger things crossover (Gator with older Steve/Eddie, anyone?).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thank god!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Birthday Wish (Stranger Things) was translated by Azalea_Violetta
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’m currently working on a co-written fic for a ST Femslash Server I’m in (not sure how much I can say publicly!). But I’ve been apart of many multi-voice podfic (podfic voiced with a whole cast instead of one person).
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Currently gripped by Steddie.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The bio-bdsm destiel fic. I might get back to it some day, but my Stranger Things fascination gripped me about the same time I was noodling with it. Also, I’m so bad about finishing long fics 🤦‍♀️
16. What are your writing strengths?
Description, sentence fragments as poetic license
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot v. cool scene, anxiety editing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’d like to apologize for 16 year old me for slapping Google Translate lines in fic. I’m sure there were many cringy translations. Otherwise, I don’t think too hard when I see them in fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Unposted: American Girl; Posted: Doctor Who
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
pinkie swear (Stranger Things). It was my last fill for Stobin Month and it was so cathartic and enjoyable to write. I just love Steve and Robin’s friendship ❤️
tagging: @hullomoon, @faithfulcat111, @mayalaen, @starshideurfics, and @goonflower
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The Chris-tmas calendar 🎅:
Door 1: Justin's puzzle 🧩
Door 2: a comedy door: DM blind 'he's gonna axe her' & 'stop hanging out with her clout chaser circle of friends' 🤣
Door 3: Justin joined the bucket hat club 🤠
Door 4: quietness 🤫 enjoy a calm Sunday
Door 5: While Justin is on vacation, we have our big cleaning day 🫧🧽
Door 6: Happy St. Nicholas Day and Happy Sinterklaas🎅 - the next pap walk was hinted, will be nice: beach walk in Lisbon or Puerto Rico ⛱️ and Chrissy boy just storied a dog at the beach (who cares about promoting Ghosted)
Door 7: Night shoot post. 🎄Chris finally remembered he has to promote his current work.
Door 8: *exhales* Chris' team restricted the comment section (no Alba or 👏🏻🫠). Troll in the dungeon: Justina didn't like his old tweets and liked a Twitter hate post (was quickly undone). 🧌
Door 9: pretty quiet day - some discussions about the Portuguese clout chasers and their racist tweets 🧟‍♀️
Door 10: a big door - a highlight of this calendar.😏 #Pantenegate: interior follow on IG, asking fan account to repost baby video, storied her soft porn application video and deactivated her account. 🍿🥂
Door 11: quiet day - only one article about a nice hacker who stole ABs nude vid. But don't get distracted and don't forget her racist, fatphobic nazi friends ⚠️
Door 12: Deja Vus day - articles about the "serious in love couple" (same narrative and words like 1 month ago) and Portuguese tabloids wrote about her nudes 🍒🍑
Door 13: the Nun is unemployed 🥷🤸🏻‍♀️
Door 14: Because we had too much fun with WN cancellation, an engagement rumor was sent to a hate account (of course from a local person)💍
Door 15: Keep (t)rollin', (t)rolling, (t)rolling...and back again to the beach walk. 'Rumors' say we will get pics on Dec 17/18th. Don't forget the sunscreen.🌴
Door 16: WN director also tries to profit from Chris. Let's hope this WN man won't leak his nudes, too. 🚫 The Russos had dinner in ATL and Wesley Kimmel got a CA shield for his birthday.
Door 17: Miss Nunemployment is back in Portugal. 🇵🇹
Door 18: quiet day - reblog of Ghosted teaser 👻
Door 19: quiet day 🤫
Door 20: Dodger content - what a lovely judging face 😍
Door 21: Happy Mother's Day 🌷Thank you Lisa, we love you! ❤️
Door 22: quiet day again 😴
Door 23: quiet day 😌
Door 24: Merry Christmas
Tumblr media
Dec 27th - Justin trolled about skiing
Dec 28th - Director A. Fabian posted about Alba MHGTP and liked Pantene relevant comments (deleted later)
Dec 29th - Journalist tweeted about fake relationships and compared them with Chris and Alba
Jan 2nd - Jimmy Fallon compilation vid of Chris & Tara +Husband, Steve, Scott, Joana and Dustbin in VT & J+J IG story & Tara IG post &
Jan 3rd - JustJared poll about canceled show which should be saved & Joana IG story promo for upcoming movie
Jan 4th - Dustbin IG story: watching movie in economy class (deleted) and Fight Club soap + video of the 4 Portugrifters at the Lisbon airport
Jan 5th - Dustbin promo post (VT)
Jan 6th - Scott posted throwback of Vegas & Chris storied best of scares with Alba & followed by PeopleMag 1 hour later & JustJared & Yvette's supporting tweets & DailyMail article ("This fall")
Jan 7th - Buzzfeed IG post that Scott liked & Yvette's Twitter fight & Justin storied skiing videos
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Happy 15th anniversary to Cas's first appearance and to his first meeting with Dean
15 years ago, Cas met Dean and Dean met Cas, because Cas gripped Dean tight and raised him for perdition. Cas figured out quickly Dean didn’t think he deserved to be saved. And Dean didn’t think Cas was telling the truth when he said he was an angel. Cas thought Dean’s problem was that he had no faith. He told him good things do happen but Dean didn’t believe him.
But this morning, on the 18th September 2023, now that they defeated God years ago and are living together, they woke up together in their bed. Cas first, and he looked at Dean for a little while. Dean sensed Cas’s gaze on him and woke up, smiling. Cas smiled back and started to talk, resting on his left elbow and facing Dean.  
“We met 15 years ago, Dean.”
“Hmm – I know.” Dean answered with his eyes still closed but turned his body to face Cas. They are both resting on their side, face to face. Cas instinctively puts his hand where Dean wore his handprint once.
“I’m an angel I saved you because you deserved it, and I’ll do it all over again.” Cas stated, laying a soft kiss on Dean’s forehead. Dean opened his eyes to look at those blues focused on him, and cuddled up against Cas. He rested his head on Cas’s chest and Cas surrounded him with his arms.
“I know, I’ve faith in you, Cas.“ Dean replied, laying a kiss on Cas’s heart, where he stabbed him 15 years ago. “You’re an angel,” Dean continued, kissing Cas’s neck, “my angel”, he whispered in Cas’s ear. Then, he positioned himself above Cas’s body and locked eyes with him before he added, “and good things do happen.” They both smiled and Dean captured Cas’s lips with a mix of tenderness, possessiveness and love.
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cobaltperun · 3 months
hello hello helloooo. my, have i been the busiest bee in the hive. i cant even remember the last time i opened tumblr (and its been KILLING me.) you see, i live in america. im not exactly patriotic or whatever, but my brothers birthday is the fourth of july... so, i suppose its not a bad reason to celebrate the holiday. now i just simply wanted to see what all the fuss was about. i invited a friend, we got adult juice, bam, guaranteed fun night. was it fun? i think so. do i remember a lot of it? no, not at all.
i vaguely remember my sisters boyfriend saying something about a piggy? talking about my sisters weed? and for some godforsaken reason, someone convinced me to take a hit of it. after that? everything felt fuzzy as all hell. i have little memory flashes of me talking to my mom, my friend and i staring in the bathroom mirror, and eating an ungodly amount of cookies.
the moral of this story to whoever is reading this is: be safe. always be mindful of what you're putting into your body. mixing weed and alcohol can be very dangerous if you dont do it right
oh, p.s. my friend also slammed my pointer finger in the car door. im pretty sure its okay? its been 5 days since the 4th but here i am, talking about it like it was yesterday. also, howve you been lately? any interesting things been happening?
anyway, much love, cassius ❤️
Well, hello there Cas! 💙
Fun fact, in all 25 years of my life I have never gotten drunk or high. Not being able to remember everything or not being completely aware of things is something I despise thinking about, let alone experiencing, so I'll take your word for it 😁
Happy late birthday to your brother, by the way! I'm happy you had fun!
I've been okay. Tried to go on a break for a month, but personal things happened and I needed an escape, so back to writing I guess 😅😅 other than that, same old stuff.
p.s. let someone take a look at your finger, just to be sure
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lighthouseshepard · 3 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAS!!!!!!!!! 💙✨💙✨💙✨💙✨💕💕🎉🎉🎉 hope you have lots and lots of fun at Ikea tomorrow(/today) ! lol
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subskywalker · 4 months
happy birthday Cas!!!!! long time no see, hope you’ve been doing well!!! 💕💕💕
Thank you!!! I’ve mostly been working and traveling!!! It’s going good so far!!!❤️🎈
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pisshandkerchief · 5 months
Happy birthday 🎉🥳 hope your day is great!! ❤️💛
LOVE YOU CAS 💕💕💕 thank you 😘
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thesolemnhour · 7 months
I was going to send something funny but I can’t beat cas’s testicular wizard. Anyways HAPPY LEAP BIRTHDAY 🎂 🎉
jkal;sfjklsfjkl;a CASSY IT MADE ME CRY how will I ever celebrate a birthday again without the torsion wizard?? But your wishes are plenty, thank you so, so much!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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