#happy birthday akari!!!
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polygonsarchive · 8 months ago
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the-one-that-weeps · 6 months ago
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yukarishoodie · 3 months ago
Happy birthday Yuzuki Yukari (12/22)! Great time to post my Yukari 2024 YT playlist, with every Yukari song I enjoyed that came out this year. Also if you follow me feel free to blacklist "hbd yukari 2024" if you don't want the queue spam today.
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danganronpabirthdays · 18 days ago
is there a character whose birthday is august 11th?
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Characters with the birthday, August 11th:
Emily Price - Danganronpa v4 Rocky Restarts
Junako Tasogare - Danganronpa X2
Eri Yano - Danganronpa: Twisted Truths
Hikaru Takado - Danganronpa Novum
Sora Shota - Danganronpa: Distrust
Niko Akari - Danganronpa Despair Revival
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captaindeinony · 1 year ago
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Fukase and Legends Arceus share the same anniversary and I coincidentally have loved them both for a long while
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katsushika-division · 8 months ago
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Hell’s Symphony
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1. Burn It All
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
2. Fire and Blood
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
3. Out Of Control
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
4. Backdraft
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
5. Kerosene Inferno
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
6. Smoking Laugh
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
7. Nothing But Ashes Left
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
8. T4SA (Time 4 Some Action)
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
Akari “Cinder” Himura
9. Cinder & Flames
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
Akari “Cinder” Himura
Performed By:
Rintaro “Ignis” Himura
Akari “Cinder” Himura
All songs belong to their respective artists.
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saitama-division · 6 months ago
After receiving 2 starter gifts from Edogawa Division, it appears to be no doubt that Sayaka Miyuki of Saitama’s birthday easily kicked off. Heading outside into the chilled night air, the breeze giving her a slight shiver, she was just about to turn in for the night.
However…It appeared someone was waiting for her.
“Miyuki Sayaka…? Apologies for the sudden intrusion…” The slender figure was a few feet from them, with white hair, vermilion eyes and a cat like smile. “You probably have not heard of me before…Let alone expected something such as this.”
“I am…Akari Yousei, maybe you’ve heard of my child Mai?”
Akari Yousei, Mai’s mother and high ranking member of the Sasa-yaki yakuza family!?
“Saitama is quite the interesting place…I’d say the team you’ve created has quite the following. Although, now I must take my leave…It was a pleasure meeting you, Miyuki.” Without another word, Akari had easily disappeared. Not only that, a small gift box had been left for her.
Inside…Was a wooden butterfly box, included with a light pink china butterfly which glowed faintly, presumably having a magic sort of property.
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Sayaka still stared with wide eyes at where the woman once was, she had disappeared as if she was a ghost but the brunette woman knew better, a dark pit settling in her gut. She had heard of the newest team of the Division Rap Battles, OverDrive, sending cryptic gifts to people on their birthdays, some nice (and some...not, for the unfortunate ones) plus all the fuss the public made when Yuno Kamora's book went public exposing all the criminals inside the tournament...her own teammates included.
Sayaka shook her head, bringing herself out of her thoughts, she couldn't worry about that now, she was very much feeling unease after seeing a scary woman in her background of her house, a place that was supposed to represent safety, she wasn't stupid despite popular belief, Sayaka knew that she was a rather high profile woman despite her average status due to her involvement in creating the Hypnosis Microphone and her creation of the Dirty Dawg and now with her participation in the Division Rap Battles and her being broadcasted all over the country (and even outside of it, she had learned quickly), she was now in the eye of a lot of powerful people...powerful and dangerous.
She had been too ambitious back then, wanting nothing more than to take down Chuohku before they even reached this point in their power but in her blinding need for revenge, it had cost her nearly everything. Sayaka fought the urge to touch her stomach and suddenly the butterfly hair clip she always wore felt unbearably heavy on her head, nearly everything, she told herself, she didn't know how or why but she had gotten extremely lucky, escaping not just with her own life but with her daughter's as well and that was more than enough for brunette woman, she swore that she would never put herself or Yoshiko in such a position again just for some pitiful reason like revenge.
And yet, wasn't she doing exactly that?
"Something tells me that there's going to be a bit of an uproar coming soon..." The forensic scientist frowned as she gingerly yet cautiously picked up the box, she didn't dare touch the faintly glowing object and made sure to put it out of sight, not wanting Yoshiko to get her hands on it god forbid and made a mental note to look into and perhaps upgrade the home security of her residence.
Thank you for the gift!
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shinagawa-division · 1 year ago
The sun had long since set on the division of Shinagawa, and while normally a sense of quietness would settle over the city, it was anything but quiet tonight. It seemed like all the hullabaloo was coming from an unsuspecting building in the middle of the city. Sumire Shinomiya was in the middle of a celebration Scorpion Den was throwing her, in the main base. Everyone was having a good time, and it filled Sumire with warmth to see her most precious people enjoy themselves even if she wasn't the biggest fan of her birthday. 
Then, all of a sudden, Sumire felt a tap on her shoulder and quickly spun around to see who it was. Immediately, Sumire recognized the person behind her as a certain pyromaniac terrorist.  
“Cinder?” Sumire blinked, not expecting to see the criminal today. What surprised Sumire the most was her eyes. Usually, Cinder’s gold eyes held a blank deranged look, but shined with amusement today. “What are you doing here?”
“A bit obvious ain't it Sumire? Happy Birthday by the way.” Cinder pulled off her mask, revealing her face much to Sumire’s surprise as for as long as she’d known her Cinder had always worn her mask. 
“Trickster mentioned a while back that your birthday coming up, so I got you a few gifts and messaged Trick to let me in.” Cinder lazily pointed her thumb at Scorpion Den’s very own masked pyromaniac. “Anyway, I hope you enjoy the gift.” Handing Sumire the present. 
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Inside the present were two items. The first was a pendant with a violet gem encased in silver with smaller matching gems around it and a pentagram in the center. The other item was a black and purple leather jacket with studs and chains. Several pins and patches covered the jacket as well as a spiderweb design that looked like it was hand-painted on. 
“I know you're usually much more goth than punk but can't go wrong with a leather jacket am I right?” Cinder laughed. “I even tried matching your vibe by personalizing it a bit. Think I got pretty close." A faint smile formed on her face. “Anyway, Happy Birthday Sumire. Trickster wanted to show me something of his and I can see him getting a bit impatient. Sorry in advance for any explosions that may or may not occur.”
“Man, I’m getting so much jewelry today, makes me wonder if someone’s gonna get me a ring next.” Sumire laughed and waved Cinder goodbye, she looked at the pendant and the jacket and nodded with approval. “Eh, goth and punk are close together in style anyways.” She shrugged and eagerly put on the jacket, smiling at the snug and perfect fit. “Damn, this looks badass, I’ll let it slide just this once about how Cinder was able to get my measurements.”
After tucking the pendant in her pocket, the anarchist was about to held to the refreshment table when a loud ‘BOOM!’ sounded throughout the base, startling everyone and temporarily stopping the music as everyone wonder just what the fuck was that before suddenly out of nowhere a bunch of neon colored glowing bats made out of…fire?!?! flew into the area and started to fly in a dance like pattern which got the people excited and the music started to play again as everyone started dancing, the bats swooping down and barely grazing people’s hands before flying back up and continuing their dance.
Spotting movement in the corner of her eye, Sumire looked up to see both Trickster and Cinder laughing maniacally at the fun chaos below them, the both of them having an arm around each other and not caring (or maybe just not noticing) about the angry Janine that was marching her way towards them. The silver eyed girl rolled her eyes playfully and had a smirk on her lips, “I swear, those two could be related.”
Thank you for the gift!
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kobedivision · 11 months ago
The sun was begging to set on the city of Kobe. It was a certain wolf-like boy’s birthday however, the city was not where the fun was taking place but in the surrounding forests. 
Max was in the forest finally heading back home after a tedious day at school. Sometimes he wondered why he bothered even attending some days. When suddenly Max heard what seemed to be voices coming from the direction his cabin was located. Cautiously Max began to approach his cabin pulling out one of his hatchets just in case he needed to kill an enemy for daring to approach his territory. When his cabin finally entered his eyesight Max relaxed as he didn’t need to defend himself against the people he saw. 
All of Death Row Block was on his porch, seemingly waiting for him to come home. Akihisa, Rintaro, and Akari were standing on the porch while Touya sat on the steps as he repeatedly cooed and petted Hunter with the wolf lapping up the attention. Immediately all 4 of them got into defensive stances as they felt someone enter the immediate radius but relaxed when they saw it was Max approaching his cabin. 
“Happy Birthday Max-chan!” Touya cheered, tightly hugging the brown-haired teen as he got close.
“Touya let him fucking go you damned octopus,” Rintaro cursed pulling Touya by the back of his shirt and making him let go Max. “Sorry about that Max. Anyway, Happy Birthday.” 
“I told you Touya-nii would hug him,” Akari smirked before turning to give Max a small smile. “Happy Birthday Max. Hope you don't mind us dropping in.” 
“Akari is right I hope this isn't inconvenient for you Max,” Akihisa told Max, reaching out and gently ruffling his messy hair. “Happy Birthday as well.” 
“Max-chan!” Touya yelled finally managing to wiggle out of Rintaro’s grasp. “We got you some gifts! Here! This one is from me~!” Touya giggled excitedly handing over a small gift box for Max to open. 
Inside Touya’s gift was a hunting knife with its handle partially looking like raw tree bark. 
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“I know you have your hatchet but this is just in case you know? A secret knife makes a big difference.” Touya smiled at Max.
“Well damn, I guess since Touya has already given you his fucking gift already might as well hand you mine,” Rintaro grumbled as he handed Max his gift. 
 Inside Rintaro’s gift was a dark green leather jacket. 
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“I’ll admit I wasn't sure what to get you Max but I think most people are gonna be fucking pressed to spot you in the forest wearing this,” Rintaro smirked. 
“My turn now I suppose.” Akari lightly laughed as she handed Max her gift.
Inside Akari’s gift was a set of earrings with what appeared to be a set of claws hanging from them.
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“I made them out of some claws Hunter has managed to lose. I figured you’d like them. Keep a part of him close.” Akari smiled. 
“Well since everyone else gave you their gifts already I’ll give you mine as well,” Akihisa smirked. “Saving the best for last.” 
“I still have no fucking idea how you managed to pull your gift off Old Man.” 
“I have met many people in my life Rintaro.” 
“You just wanted to fucking win one over us with Max’s gift.” 
“No comment,” Akihisa smirked as he handed Max a decently sized box that much to Max’s surprise began to wiggle and move.
Cautiously opening the box Max was shocked to see a wolf cub staring up at him from inside the box. 
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“Believe it or not Max I wasn't going to give you a wolf cub as a gift originally but when an old contact of mine mentioned finding a cub after losing their pack to poachers I managed to convince them that I knew someone who could take care of them,” Akihisa explained a faint smile forming on his face. “Now then let's all head inside I brought some food for you to enjoy as a sort of birthday dinner.”
Happy Birthday Max! 💚
Max couldn't help but grin, he didn't do that much, mainly because he looked frightening as hell when he did but Max was genuinely happy that those he held dear visited him and got him gifts. He looked at the wide assortment of gifts the Katsushika team got him, his eyes lit up at the small wolf cub that was in the box, he immediately took it into his arms, the cub let out a yip and sniffing him to familiarize his scent, once it determined that he wasn't a threat, the cub nuzzled itself in his arms, making Max smile softly at it. He glanced at Hunter who was looking at the both of them, his tail wagging rapidly, happy at the sight of a new family member.
"Thank you...guys...these are...amazing...I'm really happy." Max looked up at them with his eyes having a little more light in them, causing Touya to squeal, Rintaro once again holding him back from squeezing him again (but he sent a slight smile his way), Akari to grin, and Akihisa once again ruffling his hair.
The five of them started to get situated around the cabin, Max let the wolf cub down to let it familiarize itself with it's new home and to get acquainted with their new "brother", Hunter. When Max offered to assist Akihisa, all the older man told him was to sit and relax and that he'll handle it, Max just nodded and sat on the old, faded couch next to Rintaro and Akari while Touya busied himself with playing with both wolves.
Max felt his phone buzzed in his pocket, causing him to take it out and read the text that Ren had sent him. Apparently he, Kaiji, Nagisa, Ryōhei, and Ayano were heading his way with all the party supplies for his birthday party.
'Oh yeah.' The wolf-boy thought before going to address the Katsushika team. "Hey...Ren and Kaiji...are coming over...for the party...do you think...you guys...can stay...for a while more?"
Thank you for the gift!
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kumamoto-division · 2 years ago
The sun was setting on the city of Kumamoto. A tall imposing man placed 2 boxes in front of a vintage-looking home. The figure knocked on the door. Then without waiting for someone to open the door, the imposing man walked off, his trench cloak trailing behind him.
Kunio Chōten hearing the knock on his front door rose from his seat. Opening the door Kunio noticed no one was there and was going to close it until he saw a rather long gift on his front porch. Bringing it inside Kunio was quick to open it up. 
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Inside the box was a gorgeous sword and scabbard.  The pommel of the sword was covered in red roses and thorn vines. The actual blade of the sword was beautiful as well with its red metallic color and roses engraved on the steel. The scabbard matched the sword perfectly with its red coloring and silver rose accents. Blinking at the gift Kunio noticed a letter tapped inside the box and grabbed it.
Happy Birthday. You seem to like roses very much so I had an old contact make this with you in mind. Whether you use it for actual combat or as a decoration I dont care. It is yours to use as you please.
The Reaper”
Putting the sword down along with the note, Kunio moved on to the other box, opening it up.
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Inside the box was a top hat and a walking cane. Picking up the top hat Kunio placed it on his head. He moved to pick up the cane and to his shock, the end of the cane came alight letting out a loud buzzing noise. Quickly checking to see if a note had come with it and sure enough, a note was tucked inside.
Happy Birthday. Thanks for giving the information from time to time. Although your combat skills could use some work. So I've divided to make you these. The hat is made out of the same stuff as my jacket and as such is bulletproof and fireproof. The cane has an electric mode and can stop a heart if you so wish.  So I’m sure a showman such as yourself could give a “shock “ to anyone who tries you with this. 
Kunio blinked seeing sword and the scabbard
"a gift from the grimm reaper himself...well this is something shocked"-he whisper with a gasp,"The grimm reaper" was infamous in Japan's underground but Kunio back his look the the sword and scabbard
Was something... gorgeous,he love the roses and one reason for he is well know in the theater was his habit of often use rose and it petals on his entrances
"use it as decoraction? Are very gorgeous yeah but i'm will use in combat"-thought Kunio,on his "job" as informant usually use knifes but in the others "missions" related to the plan of revolution, kunio needed something more than it and the sword was perfect
His eyes looked at the Cinder's note,he giving her information before
Kunio smirked,yeah in combat he don't is very good,not like Kururi or Ryukyu and since a time Kunio wanted change it so the hat and cane,also the blade was perfect for him
His way of fight was more dramatic and theatric (like him) than they partners something that with the cane and the hat fit perfectly
"yeah,I will give to much people a "shock" with this"-laughing of his own joke Kunio take both gifts and take it to the "basement"
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maxriderg · 1 year ago
To quote Vincent Martella as Phineas Flynn of Phineas and Ferb fame, once again as usual for Today (but in my very own way): Fellers, I know what I can still share for Today (complete with a Song like Kick It Up a Notch included) and so, to honor a special Early Double Birthday for Jouji Nakata and Sarah Anne Williams, I got this and well, have a HAPPY EARLY DOUBLE BIRTHDAY to these tunefully talented two, Ladies and Gentlemen! ;)
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tba-hammy · 2 years ago
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Assorted art late summer 2018, where I didn't make much, including Tomo as Marisa and Sharo's birthday
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July 24: Happy Birthday Akari Akaza (YuriYuri)!!!!
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lonewolf-1012 · 2 years ago
Hatsune Miku 2023 Birthday Illustration by Lonewolf1012~
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Miku x Merdeka 2023 by Lonewolf1012~
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captaindeinony · 1 year ago
Legends Arceus and Fukase (Vocaloid) share an anniversary and I think that’s insane
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katsushika-division · 11 months ago
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@aoyama-division Hehehehe...Sorry not sorry
The sun was high in the sky as it shone brightly upon the division of Aoyama and Karada Kessaku was in his kitchen making a protein shake for a quick workout before he had to get ready for a party his friend and leader Tomi Chōten was throwing in his honor at his manor. Karada quickly moved around in his kitchen. The only noise filling the air was the TV on the news channel. 
“Seems like last night another blood ba-”  
Karada turned off the TV, not at all bothered to learn what the news anchor was about to say. Probably another sob story going on somewhere in the country, but what else was new? He didn’t have time to hear it, not when he had a party thrown in his honor to attend soon. This was going to be one of the best birthdays ever! Nothing was going to ruin it! 
A Few Hours Later…
The sun had long since set, and the Chōten Manor was in full swing as nearly all of the Aoyama Elite was there to celebrate the birthday of one of its members. That person was none other than Karada Kessaku, who was busy with being wished a Happy Birthday, being given gifts, and generally enjoying himself. Karada, seeing Tomi and Luis, excused himself from his current conversation and excitedly walked over to his teammates. 
“Tomi! Luis!” Karada loudly exclaimed,  waving at them. “Killer party, as usual, man!” 
“To be expected. As if I would throw a subpar event.” Tomi bragged, preening like a peacock. Luis rolled his eyes at the statement, too, used to his leader’s haughty attitude. 
“Happy Birthday, Karada.” The chef genuinely told his friend. 
“Hahaha! Thanks, guys!” 
“Of course,” Tomi announced, snapping his fingers and summoning a servant carrying a tray with three glasses filled to the brim with champagne on it. “This party was thrown for you, Karada. A close friend of mine” All three men grabbed the glass that was offered to them and were prepared to drink in honor of Karada’s birthday. However, just before they could toast their drinks together, a loud, sudden laugh led all three men to jump up in shock.
The entire party fell silent as the laugh echoed across the room, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. 
“Who goes there?!” Tomi shouted angered that someone had dared to interrupt one of his parties. “Reveal yourself!” 
The socialite quickly got his wish as a figure landed in a crouch in front of Jet Set Trio. Rising from their position, everyone could get a good look at them. They were female and wore a black Kevlar body suit with a black trench coat trailing behind them. A black gas mask covered the bottom half of their face, preventing anyone from learning her identity but did nothing to hide the figure’s gold eyes that shined with malicious excitement. It did not take long for everyone to recognize her as “Cinder” the psychotic criminal currently at the top of Chuohku’s most wanted list. 
“What a warm welcome,” Cinder mocked, her voice sounding robotic due to a voice modulator in her mask. “I should expect nothing else from the so-called “elite” of Aoyama.” 
“How did you manage to sneak past security?” Tomi demanded from the known criminal. 
“You call that security?” Cinder laughed. “They were pathetic! All it took was a couple hundred volts of electricity, and they were out. So much for the Chōten family hiring only the best of the best.”
“What do you want?” Luis cautiously questioned, knowing full well what Cinder was capable of doing. 
“Me? Nothing, really.” Cinder drawled out with no one believing her words.  “But…..” The pyromaniac criminal pointed at Karada, causing him to jump a bit. “Someone wants to send you a gift, Karada Kessaku, and I’m more than willing to deliver~!” 
“W-w-what?” Karada sputtered, racking his head, trying to figure out who he had pissed off enough to send this psycho after him. Cinder just continued to stare at Karada, and if anyone could remove her mask, they would only find a deranged smile waiting for them. 
“If you think we’ll let you just harm Karada-” Luis growled, bringing himself to his full height in an attempt to intimidate the criminal. 
“Oh please, if I wanted to harm the idiot I would have placed a bomb inside the manor and just detonated it.” Cinder rolled her eyes, not at all scared by Luis' silly little display. “No someone asked for something with a bit more horror. Now I do believe it’s gift time!” 
“No, you dont!” Tomi shouted, pulling out his mic from inside his suit jacket. The rest of his team followed suit and pulled out their mics.
“How cute but too late! The show is about to start!” Cinder giggled. Then, before anyone could move an inch, Cinder snapped her fingers, and that’s when all hell broke loose. 
Karada jumped at the loud noise, afraid the criminal had set off a bomb. What happened next had almost made the bodybuilder wish she had set off one. To the horror of all the guests in the room, a waterfall of red liquid fell upon Karada and the rest of JST. Immediately, a metallic scent hit everyone, letting them all know what exactly they had been completely drenched in from head to toe. 
“Hahaha! This was so worth the trouble of robbing all those blood banks!” 
JST froze at her words, taking a minute to process what she had said, their faces twisting into a mix of disgust and horror, but before they could react further, Cinder once again snapped her fingers. 
Once again, a loud noise was heard, and sure enough, another waterfall of liquid fell on Aoyama’s team. This time, much to everyone’s horror, something black and goo-like fell from the ceiling, landing all over and around JST. The smell emanating from it was unbearable, smelling like decaying flesh. Cinder didn’t even flinch when she heard someone screaming from behind her too amused with the sight of JST gagging and nearly vomiting as the black goo entered their mouths to care. 
“Oh, am I glad I agreed to do this!” Cinder maniacally laughed. Turning on her heels, Cinder took in the sight of the audience, and to her glee, all of them were frozen in horrified shock at what had just happened. Not a person bothered to move as the criminal walked past the crowd parting like Moses and the Red Sea as no one wanted to be the deranged criminal’s next victim. Stopping in front of a window where Cinder mockingly bowed to them. “Bitches and Bastards of Aoyama I do hope you enjoyed this little show put on by the illustrious Cinder! Save your applause, please. It should go to the mastermind behind this glorious show, not me. Now that my work here is done I must bid you all adieu. Before I go one last thing…”
Then for the third time in a row, Cinder again snapped her fingers and the audience held their breath wondering what would fall next. The next few seconds were agony as everyone kept their eyes on JST, not even bothering to turn around when they heard the window being smashed as Cinder escaped out of it. The sound of her mad laughter grew fainter and fainter as she disappeared into the night. 
Finally after what seemed like an eternity instead of something disgustingly horrifying falling on JST again this time a banner fell from the ceiling with a message on it. It was short and to the point having been scrawled in a dark red, leaving many morbidly to wonder if it was written in blood. 
Several Days Ago…
“So why do you want to mess with that muscle-headed idiot, Touya-nii?”
“He made the grave mistake of insulting my darling Kai-chan recently on PROFILE. So it’s only fair that I get a little bit of revenge.”
“Uh huh… and would this not be considered a violation of your parole? Not that I give a damn if you kill the brain-dead bastard but if you get caught, aren't you afraid this will send you back to prison?”
“As much as I would love to RiP oUt HiS hEaRt and give it to Kai-chan as a gift you’re right about that it would send me back to prison but that’s only if I physically harm someone there's nothing that says I can’t psychologically harm them.” 
“Ooooh, that's devious and surprisingly smart of you,” Akari smirked.
“I spent a good chunk of my life on the streets Kari-chan. I didn’t survive by being a complete idiot.” Touya shrugged his shoulders. “Besides, I wanna see the smile on Kai-chan’s face when I show him the aftermath.” The blue-haired male swooned, already imagining the look on Kaiji’s face.
“There it is. So you’re using this as a reason to impress Kaiji while at the same time knocking down one of those rich Aoyama bastards down a peg…Alright, I’m in. What are you thinking about?” 
“Have you ever seen the movie “Carrie” Kari-chan~?”
“Oh, Oh, I like where this is heading…Tell me more, Touya-nii.”
Now In Katsushika…
Touya hummed as he sat on the vanity in his bedroom, getting ready to go down to Kobe to spend time with Kaiji. He had gotten special approval from his parole officer to spend the night as a reward for “good behavior”. How hilarious. However, Touya wasn't going to let go of this chance to spend the night at Kaiji’s. 
A huge smile spread across Touya’s face he saw his phone blow up with all sorts of notifications from PROFILE. Then, much to Touya’s delight, his phone lit up with Akari’s caller ID, and he quickly answered it, placing the phone up to his ear.
“You should’ve seen his fucking face Touya-nii! Hahaha! Oh, it was priceless! I even managed to get the rest of those Jet Set Bastards too!”
“Thanks, Kari-chan! I owe you a favor big time! I know it was probably a headache to break in and set up everything.”
“Don’t worry about it. I managed to snatch a couple of expensive items from the Chōten Manor plus seeing them like that is more than payment enough. Anyway, I’m sending you the video so you can surprise Kaiji with it.” 
“I can’t wait to show him! He’s going to love it~!” Touya laughed, kicking his legs together in glee. “Alright, I need to finish getting ready Kari-chan. So I'll see you later!”
“See ya Touya-nii. Have fun.” 
“Oh, I will Kari-chan. Bye-bye~!”
Hanging up the call Touya was not surprised when just a few seconds later a message from Akari popped up on his screen. Seeing the video the deranged boy hit play and watched the shitshow that had just happened. As he watched the video Touya couldn’t help the laughter that slipped out of his mouth. It grew more and more unhinged the longer he viewed it until Touya was nearly shrieking with laughter. 
Happy Birthday Karada! 😈 
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