#happy HWI day
hanakotsugumi · 1 year
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quokkabite · 5 months
Also! I just wanted to say I’m so happy to have a mutual that knows and likes SF9!!! They’re my ults and I love them so o get excited when someone else knows them 😂
NO BC I WAS LITERALLY THINKING ABOUT THAT THIS MORNING. i was like bro i need to talk to u abt sf9 bc no one ever knows what im talking about 😭 who is your bias
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kimuramasaya · 2 years
where are the tnx boys I think a tnx comeback could fix me rn
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mctna2019 · 3 months
Pull me to life
Nights haven't usually been relaxing for you. "you can even sleep standing up easily." Yeon used to say. you laughed, although at night, when she fell asleep, you stared at her in silence and darkness while thousands of thoughts crawled in your brain like worms. Yeon's medicine, her illness, her security, your small savings. worry and fear were consuming you till you wanted to hold your head and scream. suddenly your mind was opening a door to hope. Seon-ho was there. in all the pains, worries and hardships. it didn't matter if he was helping or not or you were wanting that from him, he always was there. you never wanted his father's money to solve your and Yeon's life problems. just the presence of him and his encouragement was enough. you just were grateful for all he did in those hard times to making life easier for you two
That big room was like an ocean that you were sinking into. you never once considered it your own, not any other place in that mansion. except where you and your mother lived before Min-ho's death. that small and shabby room felt safe for you. when your mother's hands would hug you to sleep and you would breathe in her scent and sleep easily. then you had to sleep in Min-ho's grave. maybe Min-ho didn't forgive you for living instead of him. or maybe your mother's sad soul was wandering in that mansion to take the peace of its inhabitants. because that mansion was full of ghosts who wanted peace from your father. there was only one place where you could feel alive. the feeling that you aren't living instead of no one but yourself. there you could laugh freely and not have a heavy weight on your heart. Hwi and Yeon waited for you with big smiles on their face.
You could only go to that point, not more. those walls around him wouldn't let you in. even in that times, it wasn't easy to understand Seon-ho's feelings. it was as if there was always an invisible aura around him that didn't allow you to penetrate. he could walk through it and come to you, but not you. and you wanted to know more. you wanted to find the reason for the sadness hidden behind his eyes. it never occurred to you what exactly brought him to the point of standing in front of you, or indeed you standing in front of him.because in these years, one by one, you destroyed all the walls of your mind, and he was buried under its rubble. now when you pull him out from under the rubble, wounded and half alive, that invisible aura is no longer around him. he's alone, scared and helpless. it doesn't matter how he pretends to hate you and is angry with his eyes or push your hand away. in the end, he's just a lonely boy in the rubble.
Sometimes you want to shout at him and tell him the whole truth you buried in your heart. in the past, it didn't matter how much you lied or pretended that you didn't have a problem, he could only understand from your eyes that you aren't ok. but now he looks at you with indifference and says things that grab your heart and make it harder for you to pretend. all the memories of the distant years pass before your eyes and you continue to paddle in this dirty ocean until maybe one day everything will be better. for Hwi, Yeon and maybe yourself. as your mother willed. as Hwi asked you before the military exam to change the world and he believed in you. so you parted your own way from him for he wouldn't get hurt. because only you knew how dangerous and disgusting this way is. as more blood engulfs you, you survive with happy memories of Hwi and Yeon. it isn't time to give up yet.
There are still many thoughts in your mind at night. you don't worry about Yeon anymore, because she's no longer sick and you aren't so poor. because Yeon isn't here at all. you just miss her. now your whole mind is full of unanswered questions about him. you don't want to think about his death. that he killed himself or was killed by now. You'll not mourn him. not as long as he's alive in your mind. not until he's wounded and alone in the shelter of your mind. not until you find him by yourself. you look for him everywhere. even in that big room where the dust of oblivion is sitting on it. his prison that you just realized after years. so you don't stop and keep looking for him. until you find him and remove the pain of all the past years from his broken heart.
When your hands couldn't touch her cold body, when all your efforts were in vain and when you saw the lonely crane with a broken wing, you decided not to let your father live in peace till you live. this was your mission, not Hwi. he shouldn't get blood on his hands more than this. you'd drown in blood and drag your father down with you too. Hwi has to live, even if he doesn't want to. you're sorry, because of everything he's been through. because of the warm smile that no longer shine in his eyes. you just keep fighting a little longer. when you push away his warm hand with your cold hand, when your heart is empty of all motivation to survive and fight, you'll understand that your existence hasn't benefited anyone. you realize that all these years you have only breathed in vain. and then he's here, with eyes you've never seen before and desperately asking you to keep living.
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ruanbaijie · 11 months
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🥕 art
[x] pretty cat by @tehijo-mtch
[x] satosugu by @vellatrelle
[x] deal with the devil by @cokalee
[x] crumbling by @sayatsugu
[x] the magician by @sumeriasmith
[x] link click s2 opening by @yuumei-art
[x] wings of pages by @yuumei-art
[x] inukoko 1 by @honeybreqd
[x] inukoko 2 by @honeybreqd
[x] aziraphale by @mistysblueboxstuff
[x] death by @lutszu
[x] yiling laozu with white hair by @lutszu
[x] decora x qing dynasty fashion bash by @xrnoodle
[x] premature end by @3-aem
[x] a nameless fish stripped of its scales by @planetsandmagic
[x] satoru, we need to dispose of the body by @irafook
🥕 edits
[x] happy jimmy day by @morkofday
[x] revenant by @rotblut
[x] yoon sae bom & jung yi hyun by @dead-end-street
🥕 gifsets
[x] happy haikyuu day by @nijimurasx
[x] stranger things ladies appreciation week favourite character by @ayoedebiris
[x] love between fairy and devil by @gusucloud
[x] run boy run by @hargreevcs
[x] yennefer of vengerberg in dark2light purplepeach by @yenvengerberg
[x] great houses of westeros in hotd s1 by @lady-arryn
[x] house targaryen by @padme-amidala
[x] the teachers by @jodielandons
[x] "it" + the personification of the wilderness by @taiturner
[x] once more, with feeling by @cal-kestis
[x] red, white and royal blue by @maxinesminx
[x] good omens s2 by @meliorn
[x] nawin, charn and tinn + chess pieces by @spicyvampire
[x] ted lasso by @trentcrimminallybeautiful
[x] vhagar and her riders by @zoya-nazyalenskys
[x] edmund pevensie by @maliagf
[x] anakin skywalker by @haydanakin
[x] spirited away + trivia by @kimdokjas
[x] I wanna go home by @xinxiaojie
[x] nam seon ho & seo hwi in mctna + their physical & emotional healing journey by @seamayweed
[x] crowley & aziraphale by @cobbbvanth
[x] lestat... you must think me an idiot by @fayevalcntine
[x] sandray by @khaotunqs
[x] ray pakorn by @khaotunqs
[x] izzy hands by @seance
[x] morgana pendragon + villainous tropes by @eddiediaaz
🥕 gifsets (part 2)
[x] tantai jin by @kimmomi
[x] sebastian valtor by @skloomdumpster
[x] robin buckley + favourite tropes by @robin-buckely
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jemmo · 2 months
his man 3 ep 9 + 10
consider me gagged. literally gagged. i tried so hard to avoid spoilers all day and im so glad i did bc wow ep 10 alone had changed so much for me. like i had to grab my laptop to write this so i could type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. anyway.
and let me start off with what im a little less invested in, which is the youngjoon and myeongkyun situation. i was busy on holidays for a couple of weeks when this was picking up so didn't write about my thoughts, but it was safe to say i was more on youngjoon's side, not a staunch hater of myeongkyun but bc i liked youngjoon a lot at the start and also feel for the frustration of someone giving vague answers when you're trying to talk something else bc man ive been there. but with this conversation, it puts myeongkyun's behaviour in such a different light thats easier for me to understand and empathise with. like... if you were invested in a relationship that ended vaguely but you always kept some amount of hope alive all this time, only to be met with percieved coldness and harshness when you see that person again, i see why you'd tense up, which explains why he always seemed somewhat uncomfortable in the house. and i also understand why he seemed to 'pester' youngjoon, bc he's either conciously or uncounciously defaulting back to the dynamic and level of friendliness they had before. for youngjoon, he easily ended a relationship he thought neither party was too interested in, only to still be contacted by that person and then have that person pester you in the house. like that seems like someone who is trying to get at an ex. for myeongkyun, this is all a much longer process of him coming to terms with the fact that yes, he was more invested in this relationship and yes, he maintained some level of feelings and hope they'd come back together, and seeing him having to face the fact that he was the only one thinking that and whatever he was holding on to never mattered... ngl i cried a bit. the fact is him and youngjoon just are different when it comes to dating, youngjoon is very hot from the go, but if he feels nothing in return he backs off with nothing lost, whereas myeongkyun takes a lot longer to develop, realise and then admit his feelings, and so you can easily see how these two people would misunderstand each other. and i also wanna say how interesting i find myeongkyun's presentation and journey on the show. he came in with this big impact both bc of him being presented as this handsome and confident guy and bc he had a history with youngjoon. together, its easy to jump to the conclusion that myeongkyun was the one who did something to youngjoon or was in the wrong, when that wasn't actually the case at all. it also makes me wonder what kind of myeongkyun we wouldve gotten if youngjoon wasnt also there. would we have gotten this confident hottie? bc i think, bc youngjoon was there and all of this history was brought up (history of a first relationship by the way!! no wonder it got to him so much), making him face it revealed a much softer and more sensitive side of him that mightve taken longer had this not all happened, which in a twisted way im glad of bc it means he can now get closer with other people, and im interested to see how he will shift now, if we'll be able to see this goofy side of him but a lot more carefree. anyway, all of this is to say i ended up liking myeongkyun more than i thought bc suprise suprise, people are a lot more complicated than they first appear. and honestly... i might like him more than youngjoon now, but dont tell me from 3 weeks ago that.
and now to the juicier stuff. this whole love triangle that is apparently turning square. i really dont know how to put my thoughts into words bc im somehow both sad and happy?? i guess i wanna say there's people im happy for and people im sad for. first of all im sad for hwi, but also really glad this conversation at the end of ep 10 was had. we've seen too many examples on this show of people not knowing how to give up on pursuing people, and even more examples of people that are poor at communicating where their interest lies and letting people down when its needed, so this made me happy. after how overwhelmed he was in earlier eps, im glad seongmin is feeling some clarity, even if i disagree but we'll get to that and i guess its his feelings that matter, and im glad he communicated clearly where he's at. but man did my heart break for hwi during that chat. there's that youthful passion and naivety to his feelings for seongmin that just feels horrid and cruel to squash, but also necessary, and i will very much second seongmin and seungjin's sentiment that he can date other people and should know that seongmin is not the only person in the world for him. in this season, it seems people have so quickly and easily found their one person they want to commit to and easily formed couples, but that doesnt mean they're right, nor does it mean that's the only person for them, and the show seems to be encouraging them away from this too. hwi was just so enamoured by seongmin, it feels like he found someone that he thought was absolutely perfect, and so letting go of that feels impossible. but for me too, i did love them together, it was so sweet and cute at the start, but things can and do change and when they do, we all need to realise it doesn't lessen anything that happened. for those couple of days, everything they felt was genuine and they were happy and that can still be remembered fondly while mourning the fact that you won't have that same happiness with that person again.
and i also wanna say im kind of sad for jaeseung. i said just that i was happy about this clarity seongmin has now, but for jaeseung, i feel sad that he just seems so on edge all the time, like how people can be on the edge of getting angry all the time, except for him it feels like he'll spiral into his worst thoughts at the simplest things. like when hwi would talk about jaeseung, yes he'd be mad and jealous, but until the end of this ep, it didn't feel that deep, like he'd joke about getting mad but i wouldn't feel that much tension. and yes while hwi did get more frustrated in these eps, for a lot longer jaeseung has been so tightly strung and will so easily get mad just when he sees hwi and seongmin together. and im like... yes ok get jealous whatever, but you can't actually get that mad when he's equally entitled to spend time with the person he likes and try to win him over. and if its bc he really does like seongmin that much then im sorry but i don't think jealously to that much of a level is sweet. you aren't a thing yet, so just take a minute and breathe bc at the end of the day, seongmin and hwi will feel and behave however you want and thats out of your hands. and i know on some level its bc he's jealous of the fact that hwi is able to express his feelings so openly and blatantly while jaesung cant, like that is what he always focuses his frustration on as if hwi doing that is bad when actually its just completely within his right and jaeseung is equally allowed to express his feelings. plus i hate to say it but i just dont feel seongmin and jaeseung's chemistry yet. if i see it later on then im more than happy to change my mind but their date was so bland and matter of fact, they don't share any interests, and since that date there's been nothing that's made me vibe with them as a couple. it feels convenient instead of something that started with feelings but hey, if genuine feelings do develop i will stand corrected, but all i say is just bc something seems like it should be right, doesnt mean it actually is.
and my final piece of happiness will of course be for seungjin bc as much as im sad about hwi losing seongmin... hwi and seungjin has so much potential to be the perfect friends to lovers to put bridgerton s3 to shame. i just think theyre fantastic together, they get on so easily and match each other's vibe so well and i'd be so happy if something developed, but i dont want to get too excited bc hwi has been so focused on seongmin that i don't know if or how his interests for others will develop now.
but all in all i liked these eps, ep 10 especially, and im very interested to see how this new love square will resolve (remember, polyamory exists too)
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dreamingkdrama · 1 year
Relationship analysis:
Seo Hwi x Nam Seon Ho
They are close friends from childhood who have always supported and helped each other. But things changes when they are challenged with reality of the regime, their past, prejudices and intrigues of the powerful men fighting for the influence.
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Happy careless times will end when their ambitions put them against each other and Seo Ho driven by his desire to be appreciated by his father beats Hwi unjustly and win the exams. Hwi is dragged out of the arena and Seon Ho's father then send him away to lifetime service in army so he isn't longer a thread to his family
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Seon Ho regrets his actions. He takes care of Hwi's sister Yeon, but his guilt won't stop him from trying to get more power to be able to take revenge of his father (and also get his respect, he has some really serious daddy issues). Meanwhile, Hwi is going through hell in battlefield when leaders decide to abandon his unit. Seon ho thinks Hwi is dead.
When they finaly meet again, Hwi saves Seon Ho's life begging the doctor to heal his wound he got in the fight. Hwi still thinks about Seon Ho as his dearest friend and is happy to see him. Seon Ho isn't that happy. Maybe he was feeling the guilt and sadness when he thought that Hwi is dead, but now he probably doesn't know what to do.
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It seems that Seon Ho kind of regrets his actions but he decides to stick to his new role and tells some terrible things to Hwi. He admits it was him who sent him to army (but it was actually his father) and now he was sent here to kill the rest of his men. Is it some kind of reverse psychology that makes him do even worse things than he originaly regrets? I have no idea. Seon Ho also tells Hwi that his sister is dead and he will kill him too if he will come back to take revenge on his family. It's probably attempt to protect Hwi and his sister from being killed by his father who is really capable of anything. But it really isn't the best way to protect your fried's life by hurting him more.
From that day, their paths starts crossing more often and Seon Ho is acting like Hwi isn't longer his friend. He convince his father to use Hwi and make him obedient by keeping his sister hostage, which probably saves lives to both of them. But I don't understand why is Seon Ho acting so cruel even though he clearly cares about Hwi and all of this just keep hurting Hwi more and more. More open communication would help a lot. This treatment makes Hwi to change sides and join prince Bang Won who is opponent to Nam Jeon (Seon Ho's father).
Hwi is acting like he has nothing to lose. He doesn't care about himself anymore and there are many situations when Hwi almost dies and Seon Ho is trying to save him over and over again. But now he has not enough power to protect his former friend.
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They now stand on the opposit side of the power struggle knowing that one day they will have to face each other and we know this will happend from the opening of the first episode.
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As the events progress they meet each other in a fight few times but they have such a love-hate relationship that they are not able to kill each other. They always wound the opponent slightly so he can't fight anymore, but he survives. Seon ho even tells to Hwi: "Your sword still feels affectionate."
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Hwi is very generous to Seon Ho, he saves him many times, he stops him from suicide and he apologies for being too overhelmed by revenge that he doesn't saw how much was Seon Ho suffering. But, hear me out. Seon Ho surely has not an easy life, he surely was protecting Hwi and Yeon, but a lot of suffering that he and Hwi were going through was also his fault when he was blinded by his plans and ambitions.
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Almost at the end, they again find the lost bond they once had. This however destroy the alliance between Hwi and Bang Won, who is Seon Ho's enemy and who was sparing Seon Ho's life because of his friendship with Hwi. When Seon Ho tries to assasinate Bang Won and fails, Hwi comes to save him. Hwi beggs Bang Won to let them go and promise that he won't be thread to him if he just let save his dearest friend. Bang Won release them and tell them to never come back.
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Hwi and Seon Ho are thinking about living better life without intriques and violence, but they are already too deep in the game and they realise that their frieds will always be in danger if they are alive. They decide to make final action. They fight their way to the palace where Bang Won just took the throne and change their lifes for lifes of their loved ones (precisely...Seon Ho sacrifice himself so Hwi can reach Bang Won and then Hwi sacrifies himself for the deal). They die together like friends. It's really epic and I am really glad for this ending, it was kind of poetic.
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So, lets make some conclusion. Seon Ho is really shitty friend. Yes, he did protect Hwi and his sister, but his behavior and bad communication helped to make total emotional wreck out of his friend. Seon Ho was very immature from the beggining and he really lack someone who would love him in childhood. I think his psychical instability origin in very young age. He is lucky that he has such a good friend who will not even forgive him, but also undestands him. I am not sure I would be so sympathetic towads him if he wasn't portrayed by Woo Do Hwan who managed to make this character more layered. Hwi's feeling for Seon Ho are not very healthy. But overall, I am glad that they find the way to each other at the end.
What do you think? Did I missed something?
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Mctna modern au headcanon
This is so ooc but pls forgive me 🙏🙏
A 32 year old Seon-ho sits down in the corner of a bar by himself. It's barely past 9 but most people have already left. The ice in his drink had long since diluted whatever cheap alcohol he'd ordered. He closed his eyes as a band started up on the makeshift stage, losing himself in the music and his memories.
And I met her downtown in the slums of Austin Once we were sober, she said "I'm from Boston" I told her, "I couldn't give Massa-two-shits" Luckily, she likes guys that treat her like
Third-year uni student Seo Hwi gives in to his friends Mun-bok and Beom to at least attend one party before graduation. It's not that he doesn't like them- in fact everyone agrees he'd probably be the life on them. He just doesn't see the point in partying with a massive group of strangers when he'd much rather just have a good time with his friends.
Enter Nam Seon-ho. He's in the same year but mainly keeps to himself. Still, that doesn't stop him from stealing glances at that one handsome, always-smiling Culinary Arts student. He decides to go to this party and get blackout drunk 'cause once he graduates, he'll be stuck back at home with his dad learning the ropes of his company.
They reach the venue (a rundown off campus house with shitty LED lights all over the place) that night. Mun-bok quickly leaves Hwi to chat up a pretty girl by the drinks table and one of Beom's other friends beckons him away. Hwi feels a bit stranded so he gets his own drink.
He makes small talk with some people but an hour later he's bored. He goes to get another drink when he sees Seon-ho, the 'kinda beautiful actually' business major he sometimes sees walking around campus, chugging back some disgusting mix of drinks like there's no tomorrow.
Help me, everyone calls me Mickey Just wanna be your darling
Hwi wants to approach him but Seon-ho talks to him first, thanks to some good old liquid courage. They hit it off really well even if Hwi makes one too many corny jokes. One thing leads to another and then they're making out in the corner before stumbling their way into Seon-ho's apartment. Sung-rok curses when the door to their dorm slams open and throws a book at Hwi who barely dodges it. He's grumbling something about 'damn self-destructive tendencies' as he makes it out of the room just before they're making out again.
A couple months pass and they're actually a couple now. They graduate and move back to Seoul. Seon-ho takes up a job at his dad's company while Hwi is now a new hire at some fancy restaurant. Things are good for the while. They're happy and making time to see each other. In fact, they're almost unhealthily dependent on each other.
So, listen, I know you're probably with him And maybe for good reason But, you don't fuckin' need him I warned you
But as the years go by, they're getting busier and Seon-ho is getting more stressed at work because of Nam Jeon. He starts drinking more and more. It doesn't help the fact that the owner of the restaurant Hwi works at, Yi Bang-won, has started to take an interest in him. This gives way to lots of arguments between them. Why talk it out when they could just fight and fuck instead? Plus, Seon-ho gets to the point where he's almost always drunk when he's off work and has even started to get high.
Maybe stop getting your advice from the guy you get your high from
Hwi can't bear to see the love of his life- because they both know; that's what they are to each other- destroying himself day by day. Especially when it puts Yeon in danger because of it.
How can I love someone that can't stand The thought of loving me back? Why do I think I need that? I know you, pick me But one day, babe, you'll thank me For teaching you how to leave A piece of shit just like me I warned you
They break up.
Everything goes to shit. Seon-ho is convinced Hwi hates him and that Bang-won had a role to play somehow. Seon-ho overdoses. Nam Group gets involved with this huge drug scandal. In the midst of this all, Seo Geom passes away in jail after wrongful imprisonment and Yeon develops epilepsy. Hwi's mind is so clouded with worry, grief and anger, he's convinced that the Nam family was responsible for those fake charges. Seon-ho and Hwi hate each other.
Yeah, I remember when you said how you wish that I was dead So, I tried to kill myself Swallowed way too many pills And god the tummy-ache was shit But not enough to kill the kid
Against his will, Seon-ho survives. Nam Jeon shipped him off to rehab, telling his failure of a son to keep his head down and listen to him. For the next 6 years, the only confidant he has is Sung-rok. He and Hwi don't talk anymore, even if they both hate and yearn for each other each day.
Sometimes I wish I didn't live But I'm so fucking glad I did I remember what you said You were wishing I was dead Now, you're wishing me the best 'Cause my song's stuck in your head
In the present day, miles away, Hwi is listening to the same song on the local radio station as he's washing wares in his kitchen sink. He'd uncovered the truth about Bang-won about 2 years ago. By then, all forms of communication between him and Seon-ho had been cut. He felt such horrible guilt for blaming Seon-ho for getting Seo Geom imprisoned after their breakup as some horrible form of revenge. He'd sunk to the floor, tears welling up in his eyes when he recalled the last words he'd hurtled at him, "You pretend to be so different from him but you're just like your father!"
As Hwi puts a dish on the drying rack, he sighs deeply to himself . His heart constricts painfully in his chest. Even though he can't forgive Seon-ho for getting Yeon hurt those years ago, he hopes that he's doing well wherever he is. He just wishes he could make things right between them.
I'm so glad I still exist Just so I can rub it in
In the bar, Seon-ho gets up to leave, the condensation from his unfinished drink pooling at its base on the table. He wonders what Hwi would think of him if he saw him now. When he realised he was all alone in this world, he'd made it his mission to at least quit getting high out of sheer spite.
You were perfect and I'm so sorry I'm such a dick But you still love me I still regret letting you leave me Don't you forget you used to need me
Now, Seon-ho knows that they'd both had parts to play in the train wreck of their relationship. They were both argumentative near the end and were never willing to compromise their own values for the other. At his lowest points, he'd wondered what would happen were he to lose his wretched pride. He and Hwi could've talked to each other. The heavens knew they were so fundamentally flawed and yet, they understood each other in ways no one else could.
Seon-ho looked up at the stars and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. Hwi, if you can hear this...I'm sorry.
In his home, Hwi's heart suddenly felt a bit warmer.
For as much as both men had and still hated each other, they'd always loved each other far more.
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avochele · 2 years
TNX as your boyfriend.
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request: TNX as your boyfriend - @dangerousmoonkitten
Pairing: TNX x gn!reader
Warnings: none i think except that it's not proofread
Tags: fluff
a/n: I know it took long and I‘m so sorry for that, I just couldn‘t find the time and motivation to get this done. Actually this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now, so I hope you like it :)
Would be so happy to be able to date you. There would literally be hearts in his eyes whenever he looks at you. If you guys are going on a date he would be all gentleman like (like holding the door open for you, not letting you pay and so on). He would be the kind of boyfriend who would see you liking something and the next day he would gift it to you. He‘s soft for you,
He‘s shy. But sometimes he shows his extroverted side he‘ll turn shy afterwards again but you don‘t have to know that. He‘s like a lovestruck teenager. He loves cuddles, especially late night cuddles. He‘d bring you food on his way home after practice. He remembers the little things about you. He‘d take you on beach dates. He just wants you to now that he loves you.
Would take you on coffee dates, like to these little cafes no one knows about. He would give you nicknames along with maaaany kisses on the cheeks. Would give you his jacket or sweater if your cold (sometimes a backhug will do it too). He loves it when you give him unexpected little kisses (would blush though). Lots of head pats.
Loves you and wouldn‘t shut up about it. Compliments you about EVERYTHING. He adores you. He is head over heels for you, and would do everything in order to make you feel comfortable. He‘d take you out on dinner and shopping dates. He loves matching clothing and would love it if you would wear the things he buys for you. He‘s just really hard in love.
He would write songs for you, about you and with you. He would show them to you and ask you for your opinion. Your opinion is very important to him. He would take you on late night dates. You would just walk around the streets and maybe eat something in a grocery store. It would be the little things that make your relationship so special. Like holding hands or little kisses.
He‘s a teenager in love. He smiles when he sees you. He makes heart eyes whenever he looks at you. He would steal little touches from you and would almost always be somewhere close to you. He would take naps with (and on) you no matter where. He‘d buy you little things like little plushies or bring you flowers without any reason to do so.
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jaetyun · 1 year
today one of my teammates at school asked me how my day was going and I was like "horrible :) thank you for asking :)" and she was like "oh- wha- why???" and I had to tell her that my entire week was ruined by a SURVIVAL SHOW. and I was literally already upset for the past week bc I've been trying to find Ciipher content on tumblr as a baby Clue and ALL I COULD FIND WAS BP KEITA CONTENT. Like yes I love Keita but I also love Tan, Hwi, Hyunbin, Tag, Dohwan, and Won thank you very much- my entire month has been ruined by a bunch of kpop trainees and the only thing that can salvage it at this point is going to the Beomhan meet n greet in my city for my birthday 😔
GOOD LUCK ON THE BEOMHAN MEET AND GREET! update me on how it went 🤭🤭
SO RELATABLE i kept telling all my friends “oh i’m just tired today” TIRED OF MNETS BS. i’m still in denial all 28 of them are in the finals and all 28 of them are debuting!!!
IVE BEEN A FAN OF CIIPHER SINCE PRESHOW (granted my knowledge of them was won icons on pinterest 24/7) AND NOW I CANT FIND ANYONE BUT KEITA ON PINTEREST which i’m so happy he’s getting well deserved recognition but!!! i wish i could see the others too 💔
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ofmanycol0rs · 11 months
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↶*ೃ✧˚. golden goose productions is the in-house music production company for rainbow entertainment. golden goose has 3 full-time in-house producers with multiple other producers who have worked with the company on a few projects.
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↶*ೃ✧˚. shin daewon " DAY1 "
❃ ↷ ˊ- producer name ; DAY1
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth name ; shin daewon
❃ ↷ ˊ- birthday ; may 31, 1996
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth place ; daegu, south korea
❃ ↷ ˊ- faceclaim ; jeon jungkook
❃ ↷ ˊ- notes ;
✧ .  the first producer to be brought on as in house in 2016
✧ .  an incredibly controversial hire among the executives as he was only 20 and relatively inexperienced, many wondered why he wasn’t simply a trainee
✧ .  he was the son of an industry friend of jiwon’s and the protege of a producer who had worked with rbe in the past
✧ .  his first title track release was lucky’s gashina, and considering it was a smash hit, he successfully proved himself
✧ .  he is well-liked around the company since every artist works with him regularly and he is rather personable, but he tends to have control issues 
✧ .  he will make someone re-record their part 50 times until they get it just how he wants it
✧ .  those control issues may overflow into his personal relationships as well...
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↶*ೃ✧˚. emily min " ROZE "
❃ ↷ ˊ- producer name ; ROZE
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth name ; min eunji “emily”
❃ ↷ ˊ- birthday ; march 6, 1999
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth place ; dallas, texas
❃ ↷ ˊ- faceclaim ; park jennie
❃ ↷ ˊ- notes ;
✧ .  fell in love with music and performing doing children’s theater at her elementary school
✧ .  did theater all the way through high school, even learning music direction and some composition
✧ .  introduced to kpop though her mom who was a big h.o.t fan back in the day
✧ .  on a family vacation to korea to visit her grandparents, she saw an ad for rainbow auditions online and begged her parents to let her audition, and not thinking it turn out to be anything serious, they allowed it
✧ .  she got notified that she was accepted after she had already returned to the states, and she had to turn on the waterworks to convince her parents to let her return to become a trainee
✧ .  she was originally in the trainee group for la vie, but 9 months before they were supposed to make their debut, she tore a muscle in her hip, requiring surgery and physical therapy treatment
✧ .  she was heartbroken that she wouldn’t be able to make her debut with her group, but she found solace in learning to make music after getting closer to woosung
✧ .  he offered to officially mentor her in production so that she could stay with the company
✧ . most known for producing all the iconic girl group hits including la vie's 'fancy you' and lucid's 'love dive'
✧ .  made her solo debut under the name EUNJI in 2021 after a video of her performing her self written song ‘the weekend’ went viral
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↶*ೃ✧˚. han hwiyoung " HWI "
❃ ↷ ˊ- producer name ; HWI
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth name ; han hwiyoung
❃ ↷ ˊ- birthday ; january 27, 1997
❃ ↷ ˊ- birth place ; incheon, south korea
❃ ↷ ˊ- faceclaim ; cho seungyoun "woodz"
❃ ↷ ˊ- notes ;
✧ .  grew up always wanting to make music; banging on pots and pans to joining the band in middle school to teaching himself music production on his phone in high school
✧ .  had a brief soundcloud rapper stint under the name ‘young b0i’
✧ .  joined rbe as a contestant on lost boys
✧ .  placed 9th and thus did not make it into the final lineup, but decided he preferred making music rather than performing it
✧ .  has a very experimental style of production, some may call it noise music
✧ .  primarily produces for neverland, although he has been on some of lucid’s more controversial title tracks
✧ .  fans either love him or hate him, but he’s really indifferent to it all
✧ .  he’s just happy to be making music and will always want to be his authentic self
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rosenlily-aka-choconut · 11 months
hmm good to know about the ghost doctor gals. i have to say i’m intrigued by the idea of young-min using seung-tak to date se-jin again, i may resume until i hit that plot thread. especially if she and beom have chemistry together! i’m never going to turn down the chance to see that. because yeah his chemistry with every costar is insane, i don’t know if i’ve ever seen him awkward with anyone (maybe ga-eul in bof but that entire show is awkward, i’ve stopped looking at it too closely).
and i’m already disappointed in krystal lol because i really hoped that her immediately knowing something was weird with seung-tak would either create conflict (like blackmail or she would spill to the bad guys or something) or more explicit internal confusion (like “why isn’t he confiding in me when i’m his friend?”). or maybe some more backstory would have been nice. i’ll hope some more is on its way tho especially since i’ve gotten to the part where seung-tak’s family is entering the picture to cause trouble.
i know you also asked me before about psycometry and it looks really good with an interesting plot, i wish i could find it somewhere. fair call on flight.
i’ve been following his tour at a distance but i’m nowhere near him in the world to get to go, lucky everyone who got tickets! i have to say i was surprised to learn that actors do fan meetings like idols but he’s such a good entertainer it must have been a good time.
-kbcu anon
Seung-tak does have chemistry with se-jin, but I felt their scenes did seung-tak dirty - you’ll know why if you watch it and I was pretty pissed off with how se-jin and young-min treated him. That’s another of my complaints with the show. While they do reveal why he’s so scared of blood and surgery, he deserves a lot more sympathy than he’s been given. Him and krystal - as with many other k-dramas, they have a past connection. There’s a reason she suspects what’s wrong with him much earlier than she should.
Flight - like I mentioned in my edit to your previous ask(I don’t know if you noticed it), I don’t know why I had to go watch that last scene - just when he was happy (like Rang), they had to go kill him off. I’m wrecked now 😭 I need some Beom fluff - maybe some seung-tak/krystal or joon-hwi/sol-a scenes to make me feel better.
I’m a bit wary about psychometry now - I’m getting a bad feeling about it ending like Flight for Beom’s character.
I’m not that far from SK, but I don’t live in the countries he visits. I travel often to Singapore, so I’m hoping he makes it there sometime and I’m able to, at the same time as well…
This after-party is a virtual space they’re opening up with his tour stuff - I’m hoping it’s worthwhile.
Again, that ending of Flight has ruined my day 😭😭
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puppy-phum · 2 years
10 Characters
tagged by the lovely @i-got-the-feels​​ ♥ thank you a ton! am trying to keep this short (and not too serious so forget about cool character analysis for now sigh) bc tumblr crashed. or my old laptop crashed? when i started this the other night but i won’t be giving up so here goes.
(my love for my blorbos is overflowing so placing all of it under a cut to spare ppl who do not care! but please do know i care about all of your blorbos a ton ♥)
so tagging in return: @dimpledpran @i-am-just-a-kiddo @ashenlights @psychic-waffles @s1utspeare @talaypuens @laowen​ @snimeat @luna-lina @machikeita​ @eohachu ♥
Fah (Mek Jirakit) Sky in Your Heart
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- if i had to pick a (fictional) doctor, this would be the guy ♥ - deserves care and understanding more than anything else, so happy prince is giving that to him (communication! my biggest kink!) - an overgrown puppy on the inside, fighter on the outside - will charm you, your mom, and the whole of your friend group. with one smile. - will be a brat about it
Puen (Jimmy Jitaraphol) Vice Versa
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- living his missed childhood in the other universe as he should bc he deserves to be himself for a moment - actually the gentlest man alive - owner of the puppiest puppy eyes you've ever seen, pls don't tell him no - unhinged, horny, and absolutely insufferable. i’m obsessed. - loves taking care of others but is actually a baby ♥ (- jimmy my beloved, i adore thee)
Nam Seonho (Woo Dohwan) My Country: The New Age
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- my poor little meow meow. pathetic. broken. doer of evil deeds yet forgiven and loved ♥ - looks absolutely fantastic tortured and wet. i apologize for saying this (not) - his smile is his greatest weapon, be glad he doesn't get to use it too often (which is to say: give him happiness or else) - i would go to war for him, guess me and hwi have something in common - i would also kill his father for him so. idk. hwi take good care of him or i will replace you?
Riku (VA: David Gallagher/Mamoru Miyano) Kingdom Hearts
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- i know maybe 10% of his whole story but he's my blorbo by choice - the emo boy of my heart ♥ - cool hair my dude, glad it's smaller now - i cry every time he's on screen while i play kh3 bc he's just So Good - did i tell you he's a cliché emo boy antagonist(?) bc he totally is
Cha Siwon (Kang Eunbin) Blueming
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- never will move on from his story arc and all that happened there - he just really gets it. he really gets how hard it is to be loved in the wrong ways, in the ways you cannot enjoy, and then trying to accept the right ways, the ways you can enjoy ♥ - one of the best bl characters i've ever had the pleasure of watching - no one is allowed to hurt him - cradle him and tell him he's good the way he is, i beg
Bai Choufei (Liu Yuning) Heroes
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- i have never ever before been this angry for a fictional character - like yeah i know he's The Worst but he deserved better (from the writers) and i will fight about that - he loves wang xiaoshi so much it's making me want to howl - the prettiest ♥ like pls if evil why so sexy - catch me talking about his final "it hurts" line even when am 80yo and in a retirement home, that shit hurted (- liu yuning the man that you are ;; ♥)
Tin (Tae Darvid) Triage
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- now i feel bad about picking fah as my doctor guy bc tin's here too but ER is different i swear - the character development for him? phenomenal - someone who loves cats cannot be a bad guy - goofiest and the most endearing smile, i love he ♥ - his willpower so strong i bet it would've brought him back from the dead even without tol
Kan (Neo Trai) The Eclipse
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- there are parts of me in this boy and i hate staring into the mirror every friday - but at the same time all i wanna do is pick him apart bc he's Me - if i could collect his smiles into a jar and keep that for the dark days of winter i would - he is so soft it's driving me insane ;; like who hurt you, i will fight them - never thought i'd love a neo character like this, yet here we are ♥
Five (Aidan Gallagher) The Umbrella Academy
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- my fave 15yo grandpa, an absolute icon for us old souls - the best humor ♥ - so young, so old, so tired of this bullshit we call life. why must we remain - the oldest brother yet gets zero respect in that household - i actually adore how smart he is yet he's also just So Dumb (but does this family even own a braincell? questions for the universe)
Theo (Book Kasidet) Enchanté
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- when we ignore the ending of this show, he truly is my beloved ♥ - theo losing his faith to love hit me like a truck. i never recovered. - i am so happy he got his own love tho, happiness looks so good on him ♥ (and so does marriage! thank you vv for that ;; new forcebook series when????) - the maker of chaos, the doer of tiny evils. cat behavior i'd say - his closet is to die for
thank you once more for tagging me and thank you for reading! let's see again, maybe next year, with yet another random assortment of characters :'D 
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mctna2019 · 6 months
two dogs
He closes his eyes and slowly gathers his body. he can count his ribs from the pain without touching them. lying on side makes breathing a little easier. sometimes he saw wounded or sick stray dog huddled in itself and howling. but here is only his interrupted and irregular breaths that break the silence. howling is useless here. if the dogs understood what he said, he'd tell them that no one will help you with this, you'll only make others laugh. anyway, they called him a dog ,too. could this be the end of his life? he told the foreman to inform Yeon he'll back after 15 days, but is it really only 15 days? anything could happen. his body could have rotted in this prison before a week had passed. what is Yeon doing now? what if he dies? all the nights when he sat next her until she woke up, passes through his mind. repetitive thoughts consume him always and he has no choice but to resist. maybe one day he would get tired and stop trying, but for now his destiny is to survive. the river that killed his brother didn't swallow him. maybe he was destined to drown in another river of this life. the sound of feet dragging on the ground pulls him out of his thoughts. it doesn't take much light to recognize him. it's Hwi. he doesn't expect to meet him here, the person who sent Seon-ho here. +I told him that he can't control you. but he said that any dog ​​can be restrained. Hwi looks at him without saying anything, indifferent. +the bruises on your face got better. if there's more light, Seon-ho could definitely tell that Hwi doesn't feel good about this situation. he knew him enough, even with all that had happened, better than anyone else. +how many more lives do you think you have? -what about you? are you scared? Seon-ho laughed, hollowly. he barely moves his body and sits down. -at least we're similar in one thing. +right , two dogs that barking for others. Hwi doesn't laugh, only his serious face became more serious. +have you seen Yeon today? -she's fine. Seon-ho doesn't want to notice Hwi's anger and short hesitation when he said those words. Yeon must have been fine that Hwi could easily stand here. +how about Bang-won? -I was able to win his trust. +sorry, that I can't run because of happiness, here is too small for running. Hwi's eyes subtly subjugates him. +why did you come here?did you come to visit me in that situation? Hwi doesn't say anything. +just go. -I wanted to see if you're still alive or not, I don't trust Namjeon for not hurting Yeon. +don't worry, you're still on deal with him, this process continues without me too. -he can't fight Bang-won alone. at least as you said, he needs you as a dog. +is that so? I thought he wouldn't sleep all night because of worry about his son. Seon-ho understands what Hwi said and he was right. Namjeon needs him right now. but if supporting Seon-ho would hurt his position, he'd never risk to save Seon-ho. +anyway, don't get your hopes up too much. Seon-ho said more quietly than the rest of his words, barely a whisper. +for now, at least for Yeon's safety, don't do anything against his orders more. Hwi nods. -hold your breath when you're being tortured, that way you can endure it better. +I know how to bear the pain. Hwi nodded in approval and once again he carefully looked Seon-ho. like someone who wants to record the last image of someone in his mind. after he left, Seon-ho lays down again.
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dearest-hwi · 1 year
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🐿️ / 🐶 ; indicate for hwi's answers .
🍪's notes - info
— translation by @dearhwi on twt.
Volume I
Q1. What was your favorite performance from the 2nd album and why?
🐶 : I liked the first week of "M Countdown" the most. Even though it was early in the morning, a lot of fans came and cheered for us, so we enjoyed the performance. And the set and outfit were so pretty that I liked it.
Q2. What was something that you tried so hard to get immersed in while preparing for your second album?
🐶 : Since the theme of the album is love, there were many situations where I had to work on songs imagining things that I had never experienced before. So when I write lyrics or melodies, I try to work with the heart of a teenager who had a painful love.
Q3. I'm also curious about the daily life of an individual who deviates from work. What do you usually do outside of practice time?
🐶 :I usually work out or work on songs outside of practice. These days, I watch a lot of foreign YouTube videos about sound making to take it a step further musically.
( m countdown love or die performance ; 1st week - 230216 )
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Volume II
Q1. Do you have any new hobbies or interests these days?
🐶 : After the second album, I invested a lot in music equipment because I wanted to work with more professional equipment. So I think it's a new hobby to change the functions of the equipment one by one and make good sounds while experimenting.
Q2. What is your goal that you want to show to THX musically?
🐶 : Our goal is to always present new things and lead the trend.
Q3. Say something to THX .
🐶 : I'm always thankful, but I'm so thankful that I can't express my gratitude. I'm more grateful than saying thank you.
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Volume III .
Q1. It's already the first anniversary of your debut. How do you think early summer will be remembered?
(🍪's : tnx debut date 17 May 2022)
🐶 : I think it will be remembered as the best season for TNX.
Q2. What is the keyword that represents you?
🐶 : TREE 🌳 : I think it's a tree because it's going to stretch out its branches firmly and firmly!
Q3. Tell me four words that come to mind when you think of THX !
🐶 ;
1. Iced Americano ☕🧊: I find it every day.
2. Letter 💌: Look at the messages we shared. What is this, love or what?
3. Delicious foods : I want to give you something delicious
4. Three-leaf clover ☘️: I hope you're happy
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Q3. If you want to send telepathy for "TtaTtaTta" Thanks, what telepathy do you want to send?
Volume IV
Q1. If you suddenly turn into an animal, what animal do you think you will turn into?
🐶 : Rhino: (No one can stop me) ㅓㅓㅓ🦏🦏
Q2. If you could have a superpower, what superpower would you like to have?
🐶 : Stop time: I want to spend plenty of time!
Q3. If you want to send telepathy "Tta Tta Tta" for THX, what telepathy do you want to send?
🐶: Thinking about you
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forjongseong · 1 year
carmesi part 10 HELLO LMAO i thought i havent read 9, but i did!!! so part 10 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO~
You continued to pout and stare blankly at the screen before coming up with an idea. “Can I just sit with you?”
“You mean on my lap?” Jay asked to confirm. When you nodded, he nodded too and swiveled his chair back to face the computer. “Hop on.”
HEHEHEHE i just started and im all giggles and butterflies rn djksaldjksa
“It looks great on you, that’s the problem. It makes you look older.”
Jay’s eyes squinted at you before he chuckled again. “Thank you?”
LMAO i can see his usual facial expression with his eyebrow raised too lol
“Sit on my cock?” He asked, his lips grazing yours.
“Do you have any more of these that I can ruin?” Jay asked, his fingers lifting the hem of your night gown.
@_@ SCREAMING! Why would he even ask? There's a whole wardrobe fhasjkdjkas
“Can’t wait to see them wrapped around my dick tonight. See you at home.”
NANA LMAO I didnt expect this reply omg i choked on my water BYE
“You say that like I’m not allowed to stare at you,” Jay commented, leaning back on the kitchen sink and gripping the edges with his hands. “You look beautiful.”
oh jay <3 he is just so squishable lol i wanna hug this dude and let him just stare at me forever :3
Jay shrugged as he leaned back on the counter again, a smug smile on his face. “I mean, if that’s what you want.”
At the sound of his voice, you calmed down.
i just love the trust ceoyn has in jay. his tone just calms her and its like no one exists after that. PERFECT COUPLE FOREVER
“I don’t want a single drop staining the car,” you whispered. “Don’t make a mess.”
“Is that a hickey?”
You fumbled for your phone and checked your reflection, craning your neck to see the spot Seungho pointed at. Nothing was there.
“Made you look,” he chuckled.
IM THE BROTHER LMAO!!! Me to my siblings tbh
“Is this the famous Park Jay? Oh, I love your hair. So nice to finally meet you!”
“For making my sister happy.”
okay, sorry to be that emo person haha but i did this to my sister's fiancee and brother's girlfriend T-T and one day, im gonna say this to my baby sister's future s/o when she gets one. we all really deserve happiness <3
“Good,” Seungho said. “Because if you hurt her, I’m gonna have to unleash all the hidden knowledge I have gained from listening to a lot of true crime podcasts.”
HAHAHAHAHA I AM SEUNGHO FRFR! My siblings had to tell me to calm down and stop scaring their s/o dhsajkdhsajkdhjak
“You’re the prettiest when you’re naked for me, though.”
“Matching mugs for us!” Jay said with a huge smile. “Do you think it’s cute?”
Jay shrugged, also admiring the green mug. “I just thought of you when I saw them. I figured, since you can’t hang out with cats because of me, I should make an effort to add more cat stuff to our daily lives.”
he loves her so much that it makes me love them so much and now idk what to do but cry some more because hdjsakdhjakdhak THIS IS JAY
“Damn it, I forgot what else I was supposed to say.”
me tearing up and then laughing hahahaha dammit JAY! DHJSAKDHASJ i love him so much PLEASE!!!
“Y/N, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got pictures and videos of the proposal. I’ll airdrop them as soon as my shift is over,” Jake confessed. “Now I gotta run before my manager sees me.”
JAKE! BEST MAN! he wins for best man category lmao jkjk
You looked at Jay for a couple of seconds before you blinked. “So, when you were frantically patting yourself down and searching for something in your pocket, it wasn’t the car keys but the ring? You left it at home?”
JAY BRUHHHH LMAO the way i freaken snorted out loud as well. he was slick af though, for lying that he was looking for the keys dhjaskdhsjak!
Jay took the jade roller from your hands and made you give instructions on how to use it on your face. You did the same routine on Jay’s face, and throughout the whole process he was closing his eyes and smiling.
THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE, PLEEEEASE NANA T-T especially him closing his eyes and smiling! my heart is gushing out so much love rn!
Jay chuckled and booped your nose. “I kiss you once and you already think I’m trying to get in your pants?”
“Aren’t you?”
“I am.”
ANYWAYS OMG I FORGOT THAT PART 10 WAS THE PROPOSAL CHAPTER T-T So much tears, laughter, and screaming dhjsakdhjak i missed carmesi so much! fuck school, because i missed out on my favorite couple T-T BUT ITS OKAY, i can catch up slowly and gush and cry and scream again with you! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
ngl reading this recap I felt like reading someone else's work??? I don't remember writing ANY of this HELP AKSHDHKAJSDAKSJ HOW LONG AGO WAS THIS PART RELEASED OH MY GOD
especially this part
At the sound of his voice, you calmed down.
what happened there? HASDHASH I GUESS I HAVE TO REREAD IT MYSELF oh but yes I did remember discussing the car sex scene with you BECAUSE YOU SENT ME THAT SNIPPET FROM THE COMIC AKSJDHKAJSDHSA
not me going to part 10 and rereading it now BHAHAHA thank you for highlightingg these parts, it makes me relive them again
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