#happish ending
kraken-o-doyle · 6 days
Okay, imagine this.
In book 3 of Blades there is a description of MC and their companions fighting the old gods; so what if, we, as the reader are dropped into the end of the story and find out that they die before shamelessly dropping us into a happy, hunky dory group setting. :(
We read the rest of the story with the knowledge that the people we have been following for years, die unceremoniously in a battle. :)
Tbh, I have no idea what made me think of this but it would not be an enjoyable read.
Or a second option is that, they do die, but the character, somehow, discovers the powers of time travel (like number five) and saves them hence the fucked up book cover.
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theleanbean · 2 years
That tma poll just makes me wish I was motivated enoguh to write my Unfold AU.
Where Jon and Martin end up somewhere else and he's still the Pupil but is trying to hide the fears from Martin. They live at the house on Hilltop road and Jon who is connected to the Eye can feel the entities consuming and feeding other universes. The one that they are at is a gift to Jon from the web so it seems normal, but Jon is afraid that once he succumbs to his own hunger and acts on it its only a matter of time before the rest of the entities start causing damage too.
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flammableknight · 1 year
Honestly completely skipped the first two matches of SummerSlam and the main event and I was happier for it!! Love Iyo Sky becoming the champ to end the show!!
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reidmania · 1 month
control | spencer reid
summary; reader has a hard time with eating habits due to lack of control, thankfully Spencer notices everything.
warnings; details of eating disorders caused by lack of control, feeling the need to control the amount & what you eat, starvation, reader is avoidant and a little tiny bit mean, hurt x comfort, angst, happish hopeful ending, female reader.
i think this is around 3k?? im not sure tho bc i cbf checking 💯💯 tags; @i-live-in-spite
an; please don’t hate me, thats all i have to say when publishing this. please.
Your pen hit against the wooden desk momentarily— repeatedly as you stared at the paperwork in front of you. Although your mind was focusing on a hundred things other than the paper you we’re supposed to be finishing.
It wasn’t until the sound of your name being called that you were pulled out of your trance, looking up you noticed Penelope Garcia standing in front of you.
She repeated your name when you met her eyes, “Sorry” You muttered softly, bringing your hand up to your face, pushing hair off of your forehead as you leant back against your desk chair. “Whats up?”
“I said your name like ten times honey. Wheres your mind” She asked softly, tilting her head slightly to the side. There was a hint of jokingness in her tone, which gave you the leverage to laugh off the question.
“I brought donuts!!” She said excitedly. Which was when you noticed the pink box in her hands. You also realised that you were insanely out of it — for not noticing sooner.
You raised your eyebrow as a slight frown hesitated over your lips, before you just pulled it back into a smile. “Thats sweet pen!! Im okay though, Thank you.” You said, smiling up at the blonde women.
She hummed, not even half convinced of your dismissal of her offer. She reached into the box pulling out your favourite donut with a wide smile on her face. “Are you sure? I got your favourite!” She said in a singsong voice as she waved it around.
You realised the chances of you getting out of taking the donut were insanely slim, probably close to none.
“Alright.” You gave in, watching her already wide smile grow impossibly wider as she placed your donut on a plain white napkin, leaving it on your desk before she shuffled away to deliver the rest of the donuts before you even got the chance to thank her.
The donut sat untouched over the course of the next few hours as you returned to your work.
“Don’t let Garcia see that you didn’t eat it. She almost assaulted me when I tried to decline” Spencer spoke from behind you, making you jump slightly, before turning your head to face him.
You were confused for a moment, eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. He seemed to sense your confusion, causing a small chuckle to pass his lips as he nudged his head slightly towards your desk. Your eyes followed where he head nudged towards, eyes landing upon the uneaten donut sitting there.
You sighed. “Its probably no good now anyways” You said, looking back at him for a moment. Pushing a smile to your lips before turning your head back to your work.
Spencer was easily your best friend. Not just inside the BAU but outside as well. You guys had usual outings, going to coffee shops, libraries, little cafe’s, watching doctor who together in his living room which always ended in you staying a little too late and falling asleep in his bed.
Maybe a little more then best friends, but neither of you cared to address it.
“Do you want me to get you a new one?” He asked, a slight frown tugging at his lips as he noticed your unusually dismissive behaviour. Avoiding his gaze, keeping conversation short, the way you were rubbing your temple.
He had been watching you all day, you did minimal work instead spending majority of the day staring at the paper work, then excusing yourself to the bathroom way more often then normal.
It wasn’t just today either, it had been building up slowly for ages. Spencer noticed all of it. Your tired eyes, disoriented mind and how you had grown more and more quiet as the days went on — spending too much time in your own mind.
You shook your head, not looking up at him as you started tapping your pen over and over again. “No thanks, spence. Im alright.” You muttered, your free hand coming to rub your eyes.
His frown deepened as he walked around to the side of your desk to get a clear look at your face — it was much prettier to look at than the back of your head, not that there was anything wrong with the back of your head. Your face just had much more endearing features.
“Have you eaten today?” He asked, but he knew the answer.
There was no point lying — you knew that. Spencer had been around you all day. The only time you left your desk was to go to the bathroom an abnormal amount of times an hour. “No, Ill get something later” You answered, your words falling nothing short of a lie.
He raised his eyebrow as you kept your gaze on the desk. “Did you eat yesterday?” He asked. His tone wasn’t daring or malicious in any sort of way. Pure concern laced every word.
You nodded but the words to confirm never followed, making a the pit in his stomach only deepened when the reality of what he thought was going on felt a little more confirmed.
“Do you want to come over tonight?” He asked, his voice was quiet as if he was scared if he spoke to loud you would break, scatter along the ground into a million little pieces, shards flying, only for them to prick you and leave you bleeding if you tried cleaning them up.
You turned your head slightly at his quiet request, you searched his face for something — anything that may give you any sort of reason to back out of his offer, but how could you say no to him?
“Sure. Ill come after dinner” The pit deepened.
He shook his head “No, no. Let’s cook something.” He suggested, you only laughed at him, eyes widening slightly.
“Me and you cooking? Come on spence be serious” You laughed, he almost wanted to feed into the joke just to continue to see the smile on your face, but he knew it was ingenuine. He couldn’t be upset about it.
“I am being serious.”
Your head tilted to the side as you looked up at him, you could see on his face — he was waiting for an answer. You finally gave in, sighing. “Fine, do you want me go to the shops on the way there?” You asked.
He shook his head, “I’ll go, all you have to do is show up” He said, a smile lacing his lips — it almost made you smile back. “Okay” You agreed once more before.
He smiled, before returning back to his desk.
Normally you would be ecstatic to hang out with Spencer — on any other occasion. The idea of having to cook and then feeling too bad to deny the food after the effort you both put in didn’t exactly strike your fancy all that much.
Your hand knocked on his door and moments later he was opening it with a soft smile on his face. He stepped aside letting you walk in wordlessly as you set your bag down by the door, taking in the warmth of his apartment that soothed the cold of your skin slightly, not enough, nothing seemed to sooth that.
“I got the stuff to make pasta.. I figured it was simple and easy enough for us” He mumbled as he took your hand in his, guiding you to the kitchen, you let out a small laugh, following him.
Although the feeling of discomfort remained in your chest and all over your body, not because of his hand in yours or anything to do with him, but the idea of food make your stomach twist, which the knowledge you’d have to be around it constantly with no chance of an escape or way out, it made your blood run cold.
“Awesome” You mumbled out, much more enthusiastically than you felt. His hand pressed softly against your back as he moved to stand on the side of you before his hand left, instead pressing against the counter as his eyes stayed on your face.
He hummed softly, looking down at the ingredients he had brought after asking rossi for a recipe he could use, the simplest the elder man had was given.
Spencer began by boiling the pasta, although you teased him about buying store brought pasta instead of making it yourselves like the recipe recommended, you had mixed opinions on it.
On one hand, the store brought pasta saved you both a lot of time and energy and probably mess, knowing if the two of you attempted to make it yourselves it would end up being a big mess and probably take about three different tries before you got it close to right.
On the other, heavier hand, your mind seemed clouded with the knowledge of how much sugar and fats were in store brought pasta, how processed it was seemed to take over the space in your mind. It was silly, you knew that deep down it was such a little thing and it didn’t make that much of a difference— to anyone else.
To you it was everything.
“I think the water is boiling” Spencer mumbled as he looked over the water in the pot, a laugh slipped through your lips as his half convinced voice pulled you from your mess of a mind. You walked towards where he was standing to look over the water in the pot that was in fact boiling.
“Well it’s bubbling and extremely hot.. so yes, I think you would be right” You nudged him slightly as he placed the pasta into the pot, your stomach clenched.
The two of you worked to cut vegetables together, in your mind you were working up the math of how many calories was in all of this combined, Spencer noticed your distracted glance, the way your mind seemed to be a hundred different places at once, anywhere but there with him.
He frowned, “What’s going through your head?” He asked softly, dropping his gaze back down to the zucchini he was cutting into thin slices, each one a different size to the other but he figured it didn’t matter.
You turned your head to look at him, aching at his question entirely. You wanted to tell him the thoughts running through your mind, the concern and doubt that had been consuming you for weeks but it all died on your tongue when his hands reached into the bag to bring out a jar sauce.
You hated the way that a stupid jar of sauce was what caused the most reaction from you, instead of answering his question your eyes widened and your head immediately was shaking. “We can’t use that.” You muttered.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confused and concern as he looked between you and the jar of sauce for a moment, wondering if maybe there was something you were allergic too or if this was the chance he had to confirm his idea of what had been going on with you.
“Why not?” He quizzed.
You huffed out, hands stilling on the knife and tomato you were cutting, before the knife was placed on the cutting board and you were reaching out for a tea down to wipe your hands. “We just- We can’t.” You settled on.
He raised his eyebrow, placing the jar on the table. Spencer wasn’t stupid, not in the slightest, although he knew pushing on this was either the smartest or dumbest thing he could possibly do in this situation.
“But why?” He pushed anyways.
You dragged your hands through your hair, “Do you know how much sugar is in that? Thats like so insanely processed and unhealthy..” You muttered out.
It all kind of settled in for Spencer in that moment, he had known you for years, you were never a crazy health freak. He had seen the signs come and go over the last few years but they were always subtle enough, until more recently, they came and they just didn’t seem to go.
“Does that bother you?” He challenged quietly.
You could see it in his eyes and feel it in the air that he exhaled that seemed to fill the space between the two of you, he knew.
“Yes- Spencer. Obviously it bothers me or else I wouldn’t tell you we couldn’t use it.” You stated, obviously growing frustrated. Spencer would normally double down at this point, not wanting to argue but he knew you, he knew this. There was no real other way to get you to break.
If he approached it softly, you’d deny it. He tried that before.
“Why? Why does it bother you?” He asked, raising his eyebrow. His tone was still laced with concern and slight challenge. It made your stomach tense and your arms line with goosebumps.
“Spencer seriously” You mumbled out, looking up at him, “Just drop it.” You sighed out, “Use the sauce- but I’m not eating it.”
He hummed, of course he wasn’t going to use the sauce if you had a real issue with it. He knew you had a real issue with it. Obviously. “Just tell me what’s wrong. Tell me why you aren’t eating” He pushed lightly.
“I am eating.” You huffed out, dragging your hands down your face.
He just hummed again, obviously disinterested in hearing your weak arguments and defence. “I know you’re not, I just don’t know why.” He argued back, he wasn’t going to drop this, not when it was something so concerning to your health.
“Spencer” You tone was a warning he chose to ignore. You could feel the tears burning their way behind your eyes and the tingle in the bridge of your nose which gave you enough of a warning of how this was going to go.
“Talk to me, sweet girl. I want to help you, let me help you.” He said breathlessly, his tone much softer than it had been previously, he stepped close to you, hands reaching out to grab onto your wrists. His fingers dug gently into the pressure point of your wrists, you’d die before you’d admit it helped regulate the emotions coursing through your body, even though it did.
You cursed his beautiful smart brain.
“I just- Cant.. I can’t eat.” You admitted, the tears now blurring your vision as the made way to the waterline of your eyes, your voice was shaky and cracked in every other syllable of your words.
His expression softened, he figured the words he wanted to say could wait. Instead his hands tugged you closer to him gently as he pulled your body flush against his. His hand cradling the back of your head as his fingers threaded through your hair to hold your head in place against his chest, his other hand resting on your upper back as he held you tightly.
Your arms instantly wrapped around his waist as your head found home in the fabric of his shirt over his chest, you chose to focus on the rhythmic beating of his heart rather than the thoughts that swarmed your mind, the doubt and the lack of focus all being forgotten for a moment as you melted in the feeling of Spencer’s arms.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” He whispered softly into your hair after a moment, as his head rested on top of yours. The words making your heart skip a beat, and a sigh to pass through your lips, the tears continuing to roll down your cheeks.
You pulled back slightly in order to look up at him, voice shaky and quiet as you spoke. “It’s- Its not about that” You admitted. Sure you had days where you didn’t feel the greatest about yourself but that wasn’t the cause of your lack of eating.
He furrowed his eyebrows, leaning down to nudge his forehead against yours softly before leaning his head back, fingertips running gently over your scalp, soothingly. “Then what is it about?” He asked, genuinely wanting to understand.
You sighed, your hands leaving his waist to instead rest against his biceps as you lacked the words to explain your thought process. “I- I just-“ How were you suppose to put the million different thoughts running through your mind into simple words. “I don’t know how to— Say it”
He hummed, understanding. “Word blab, just say anything you feel, everything. It doesn’t have to make sense.. I’ll make sense of it. Im good at puzzles” He mumbled out the slight joke yet his tone was still soft and serious, you had to ignore the way your eyes threatened to roll playfully.
You were silent for a moment before another deep sigh left your parted lips, eyes moving away from his as the words left your mouth in a ramble;
“Its- Everything is so much— Like constantly so much and I feel like everything is moving so fast constantly.. I can’t breathe half the time— And work- god work, everything is happening; people are constantly getting hurt and dying, people are dying and theres nothing we can do about it ever— We can’t save everyone I know but I hate it - everything feels like a mess, im a mess and I just- The amount I eat.. and what I eat is the one thing I have control over; full control.”
The tears were flowing and your voice came out shaky and breathy. Along with a few hiccups that broke through the sobs that ruined the flow of your sentence as you blabbed out everything you couldn’t quite make sense of yourself.
Spencer frowned as he listened to you, taking in every word and every half finished sentence as you just broke down, he took in the way your voice broke and you ended up back against his chest in tears. He didn’t say anything for a moment as he instead held you tightly.
When he did speak, his voice was gentle and warm, like a big hug after a bad day. “I understand — As much as I can. I understand what you are saying. Its normal to want to control things especially when things feel so out of control around you.. But this isn’t a healthy way of coping with that feeling. And i know you know that, sweetheart.” His fingers smoothed out your hair.
You didn’t reply so he continued. “I know you feel like you are making yourself feel better, like you have control over the amount your eating but this is how a cycle starts and I’m pretty sure you also know that, since i am almost positive this isn’t the first time this has happened— Am I right to think that?” he asked softly.
Your breath shook as you nodded into the fabric of his shirt. He hummed in response. He knew that — he had seen it before.
“So you know that when it gets to a certain point you are no longer actually in control of it, instead you actually have the least amount of control. Eating disorders are like an addiction and a disease.. It takes control of you before you even realise it’s happening — and then you actually have less control than you did originally.”
You huffed out as you leant away from his chest to take a deep breath and meet his eyes. You knew he was right, but it made your chest ache to hear aloud. To be told so directly the thought you tried to ignore.
“I just- Everything is a mess.” You mumbled. He nodded.
“Everything is a mess.. But it doesn’t have to stay that way you know? Theres ways to cope with when things feel a little too messy around you, and little too messy up here” He mumbled as his hand came to tap gently against the side of your head. “Theres other things you can control that don’t put your health at risk”
You let a little smile break way onto your lips. It was hard not to smile at the sound of his sweet gentle voice he had reserved for sensitive moments like this. You hummed, shaking your head slightly.
“You’ll help?” You asked softly, looking up at him.
He nodded immediately, “Everyday.” He promised silently, moving down to press his forehead slightly against yours, offering you a small smile.
You returned it, “Thank you.” You breathed out quietly. You knew this wouldn’t be an easy process, you knew it would be a lot of back and forth and take a lot out of you. You would have to rewire the way your brain chose to cope — but—
“Don’t thank me, Sweet girl. Thank you, for trusting me. We can fix this up yeah? Get your pretty mind better, huh?”
— it all seemed a little bit lighter knowing Spencer would be there along the way.
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Tried my hand at writing!
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roxannepolice · 18 days
The reason Cherik is so powerful is because within the same time branching story you have a sad ending, a happish ending, and tragic old gays getting over their mortgage lawsuit. All starring shakesperean actors.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Barbie dolls: dean Winchester x fem!you
Summary : basically the Lisa plot but like not though you hid your baby from Dean for years before being like “hey check out this kid we made”
Warnings: pregnancy, birth described by a person who has only watched like three birth videos, talks of religion? This is supernatural the last like eight seasons are about god come on guys, I named the kid sorry, not the kids name is sorry like you get it, it’s fem reader I’m sorry, um so much dialogue oh my god these bitches don’t shut up, happish ending but majority pained Dean, I think that’s it
Request: no.
You hunted with the Winchester boys for years. You loved them both very much and trusted them with your life. You knew if anything ever happened they’d be there, and vice versa. Throughout the years, your feelings for Dean blossomed into something more than friendship. Maybe it was his incessant flirting, which you returned. Maybe it was his car. Maybe it was just him. Anyway you were certain Dean didn’t like you in the same way. He was just a flirtatious person. You were 100% positive on this conclusion until you both went on a hunt alone. Which wasn’t new, but what was new was the tension. Dean got himself into trouble as usual and you saved him as usual. Only this time he seemed to be reminded how short life truly was. So he told you how all these years he was yearning for you. You were shocked. Dean was worried he had just ruined everything. You told him you felt the exact same way. So of course you both spent the entire night wrapped up in each other. You were mindful of each other’s new wounds. It was a beautiful night. Though you slightly regretted it weeks later.
You found out you were pregnant. You knew Dean wasn’t prepared. You weren’t sure if he ever would be. Dean drank, he spent most of his time working on his car, he barely knew your favorite color, he was quite immature, and he killed monsters for a living. Which you did too but that’s not the point. So you decided not to tell him. In fact the only person you told was Bobby. When you told him he called you idgit and asked if either of ever heard of a condom. To which you replied something along the lines of we didn’t plan it out. Which caused Bobby to tell you the next time he saw Dean he was knocking him out. He asked you what you thought about doing. You explained to him your plan.
You’d go into hiding for about a year, have the baby alone.Then you’d come out of hiding, find a job, a simple home. Raise your child alone. By the time for kindergarten every hunter would’ve forgotten about you. The boys would probably come across an old photo and think I wonder whatever happened to them and move onto the next photo. You’d become an empty guest room in the bunker, an odd mug in the cabinet, a forgotten note in the margin of a book on their shelves, and the hazy memory of a hookup in Dean’s head. Simple as that.
Bobby truly thought you were smarter than that.
“What happens when Dean comes around asking me where you went?”
“Tell I quit hunting, the jobs got in my head. No baby, nothing to do with Dean. Just got tired.”
Bobby decided while he hated the idea of you raising your child alone he knew you were capable. He didn’t like thinking of you in hiding from his boys but if it’s what you wanted who was he to argue with you. So he helped hide you. When Dean came around asking what happened to you he hadn’t heard from you in a while. Were you on a hunt? Bobby told him exactly what you told him to. Job got too much, you quit. You’re off in some quaint town in some perfect little apartment with nothing to your name but a box of cereal and an unfinished crochet project. Dean was obviously upset that you hadn’t told him you planned on quitting, but he understood entirely. So he left you be and assumed you’d call him eventually and tell him all the beautiful things you’d been up to.
All the while, you were wrapped up in some off the grid cottage with Donna Hanscum squeezing your hand, telling you how amazing you were doing over your screams. Jody Mills between your legs, which at first you quite embarrassed about but when your contractions became closer you no longer cared, ready to catch your baby. Through the screams and the tears, and god how much you wished Donna would hit your head with a candlestick to knock you out, your daughter was born. You thought of Eve. Ridiculous, but you spent so much time with the boys hunting down demons and angels it was hard not to think of religious figures. You thought of how scared she must of been. All alone. She would’ve given birth on the forest floor, having no idea what was going on. If she would make it. She had no other woman to support her and tell her, “believe me darling, been there done that. Everyone poops a little its perfectly natural.” No one to tell her anything she was just screaming alone. You stared at the ceiling and while you felt like a vampire ripping all your skin off would hurt less you cried for her. You cried for your pain as well because fucks sake. You felt Donna wipe a wet cloth over your sweaty forehead. You felt Jody gently rub your thigh, grounding you. You looked to Donna’s face and smiled. Eve was alone, but you weren’t. You were so incredibly glad Bobby was a hard headed bitch because your whole “I’ll give birth alone” plan would’ve been hell. Donna nodded at you and asked you to push again. You squeezed her hand harder and pushed. You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back screaming at the ceiling as you were sure Eve did to the stars.
You heard Jody and Donna both say hello in that usual baby talk voice that seems to just kick in naturally. You opened your eyes and saw her. She was screaming her head off, like mother like daughter. She was covered in blood just as Jody. Jody held her up from between your legs. Your legs made a frame for this filthy, disgusting, gorgeous image. Her misshapen head supported by Jody’s hand. God she was beautiful. You smiled brighter than you were sure you ever had. Jody gently placed your newborn on your stomach as she worked on the umbilical cord and placenta. You couldn’t care less what Jodie was doing, you were holding your baby. You held her to your chest after Jody trimmed the cord and wiped her down. She was still crying, which you understood. She was just evicted and now she’s being held by some sweaty mystery woman, you’d cry too. Something hit you while you were cradling a whole new human to your chest. You had no idea what you were doing.
“I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed. Donna nodded and leaned down to you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. You felt her tears dip down onto your hairline. Donna gently pushed your hair away from your face. She pulled back. Even though you couldn’t see her through your tears, you knew she was smiling at you.
“You don’t need to.” Donna whispered to you, wiping the tears off your face.
You stopped following your original plan after that. You did what you felt was right. For you and your daughter, Evangeline. You stayed with Jody and Donna. You kept in contact with Bobby, telling him all the milestones, events, and birthday parties. Bobby always showed up at them too, some obscure gift tucked under his arm wrapped in pretty wrapping paper. On her third birthday Bobby brought her a two headed stuffed bear, she still slept with it clutched to her chest every night. Jody and Donna helped you with every step of the way. Bobby helped keep things under wraps when Dean and Sam popped in asking where you are now, or if another hunter came around asking if you were dead.
Of course with the years of silence between you two, Dean starting asking more questions. “Do they hate me? Was it something I did? Was it because I told them I loved them? Are they okay? Are they alone? They aren’t in any trouble? What aren’t you telling us?” Bobby did his best to answer them without revealing anything he knew you wouldn’t want him to. However Dean was persistent and Bobby was a tired old man who could only take so much of Dean’s questions. So just to get Dean off his back Bobby gave him your phone number. You got a new phone when you went into hiding, leaving all of Deans messages and calls unanswered. So Dean thought about it for a while, would you really want to hear from him? It’s been six almost seven years, the last time he saw you he told you he loved you and a handful of weeks later him and Sam get home from a trip with your room cleared out. A sticky note taped to your door. I quit hunting, I’m exhausted. Don’t look for me. Love you both. It never sat right with him you didn’t seem like the type to just pack all your things and ditch them leaving nothin behind but three sentences. Though Dean used to think that of his father so what exactly did he know. What could it hurt?
You gingerly closed the door behind you, Evangeline snoring away. You quietly snuck away freezing when the stairs creaked. The house was still, so you continued on. You reached the kitchen and made yourself a snack. Your phone rang on the table. You quickly picked it up, moving out the door onto the back porch.
“Hello?” You wished you had taken a moment to look at the caller Id but the panic of waking up Evangeline outweighed knowing which one of the three people you knew were calling you.
“Hey baby, miss me?” You froze at the sound of his voice. It was terrifying, what if he knows about Evangeline? But god, it’s Dean. It’s hard to stay upset or worried around him.
“And here I thought your car was named Baby, not me.” You sat on the cushioned swing. You smiled as you heard him chuckle.
“Oh don’t be like that. Anyway you quit huh? What’s got you so tied up you can’t even call poor old me?” You glanced at the swing set and blowup pool in the backyard. Evangeline’s toys scattered across the yard. You clicked your tongue. Yes you were so tied up you couldn’t call him. You shrugged. You remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Oh you know, basic civilian life. It’s real lovely. I have a pool now, and a garden.” You looked to the tomato plants you and Evangeline planted, you thought they were flower seeds and when they didn’t produce pretty petals she sobbed for five minutes straight. Once Evangeline stopped crying she said she would like to be alone and stormed to her room. A week later you were both planting actual flower seeds. Dean gasped.
“Wow a garden huh? Do you think we could meet up, catch up? I’m sure a lot has happened in the past, what’s it six years?” He knew the exact number of days you’d been gone. It wasn’t really a question. You coughed.
“Uh well you know I don’t know, you’re probably not even near my state right now anyways. But maybe sometime.” You heard Dean sigh.
“Come on, baby. Don’t even tell me your county just what state?” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. You hummed.
“Minnesota.” You heard Dean groan.
“We’re only like 11 hours away, that’s a cake walk.”
“Maybe let me think about it for a little bit.” Dean hummed in agreement. You let out a small sigh, happy he’d give you enough time to decide whether you should throw a wrench in everything.
“You’re not out there alone are you?” Dean sounded worried though you know he’d never admit it. Dean probably missed you, too. He wouldn’t admit that either. Maybe it’d been years but you could tell it was same old Dean. His voice was deeper but he still talked the same.
“No, Dean. I’m not alone. I actually have roommates.” Dean made cooed. You heard Sam yell his name in the background.
“Yeah me too. They nice? Not beating up my baby are they?” You chuckled at him.
“No, they’re lovely. Sam’s good?” You heard a car approaching your house. You glanced up, moving back into the house to peer out the window. Dean hummed.
“Oh yeah he’s great, he like goes on morning runs and stuff. It’s disgusting.” You laughed.
“Yeah.” You both fell into a small silence. You didn’t feel uncomfortable, it was Dean. You felt happy. You squished your lips in disappointment when the car sped past your driveway.
“I miss you.” He added. You paused. You pulled the phone away from your ear to look at the number. He wasn’t saved but you still had to check you weren’t hallucinating. You hummed.
“I missed you too.” Dean sighed happily. It felt good to hear you say it. He still had so many questions. Dean wanted to sit down with you ask you everything he ever wondered all these years.
“Why’d you leave like that? I was so worried about you. I had to find out from a sticky note and Bobby. You couldn’t call me and tell me you were okay? You didn’t even seem like you were tired of the job when we’re working. It was out of the blue, all I wanted was you to call tell me you were still in one piece.” Dean’s voice cracked. You heard him inhale deeply, composing himself.
“I know it was sudden, but I just- I had to get out of there. Things happened and suddenly all I could think about was my future. I didn’t want to spend my whole life chasing after monsters, I’m not some children’s book character. I should’ve told you, I should’ve called but all I wanted was to get out and i felt like if I didn’t just cut contact with everyone and leave immediately I’d get sucked back in. I treated you poorly, I apologize but you have to understand i needed to get out or I didn’t think I’d live much longer.” You threw yourself into the armchair near the window. You felt like you might need to sit down for this conversation.
“I get that but god I would’ve killed for you to just tell me you were safe.” You nodded at his uneven voice.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. You heard him sigh on the other end.
“I’m sorry. For just the life it sucks. I’m glad you got out.”
Another silence settled over you as you watched the trees in your front yard sway. You saw Donna’s car pull into your driveway. Right on time, Evangeline’s footsteps sounded above your head. Dean seemed to have already matured so much and you barely had an hour long conversation.
“We should meet, catch up.” Dean barely had enough time to agree before you hung up on him. Clearly you still needed to practice your goodbyes. You called for Evangeline, telling her Aunty Donna was back.
Soon enough you were sat in a diner. A kids menu placed next to you on the table. You waited patiently, watching Evangeline pick a song on the jukebox. You heard the familiar sound of Dean’s car pulling into the parking lot. You watched as he stepped out with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He stepped into the diner, the bell ringing above his head. Dean smiled brightly when he saw you, moving towards you with a fast pace. He paused when he heard AC/DC come on over the speakers, Dean all together froze when the child next to the jukebox ran over to your table. When Dean finally reached your table he was silent. Evangeline had crawled into your lap, dancing to the song she picked out. She snuggled further into you when she saw Dean. You smiled at him and greeted Dean. You introduced to him to Evangeline explaining he was your friend. Dean slid into the seat across from you. Evangeline busied herself with the crayons and maze on the back of her menu. After he gave you the flowers, which you thanked him for, Dean looked at Evangeline.
“What’s- uh what’s her name?” Dean whispered. You grinned.
“Evangeline” you paused a moment watching him look to your daughter pushing her hair out of her face.
“Winchester.” You finished. His eye shot to you. Dean pointed at himself in question. You nodded.
“She’s mine?” You nodded again. Dean stared at her. Before he was looking at her because she was yours. Now he was looking at her because she was his too. You both watched as she scribbled over the maze, ultimately giving up. Evangeline looked up at you and flipped her menu over. As you both decided what she wanted. When the waitress came around you ordered for the three of you, hoping Dean’s love for bacon hadn’t changed. As you and Evangeline started a game of tic-tac-toe Dean seemed to come to his senses.
“You left because you knew about her. That’s where you went, to raise your baby.” Dean asked though it was more of an observation. You nodded, stealing one of Evangeline’s Cheerios. She pouted at you and “won” your tic-tac-toe game.
“Our baby, technically. But yes. I found out I was pregnant and I ran. I went into hiding with Jody and Donna I gave birth. And now here we are.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean whispered. He looked up from the table with soft puppy eyes.
“You weren’t ready, I barely was. But I wanted this baby so I made the best decision I could come up with.” He nodded.
“I wish I could tell you you were wrong. I don’t think you were. I was a dick. I’m ready now though. I promise, I wanna be there for her, for you. I have a stable home, I drink less, I’m less of a douchebag. I can do this.” You nodded. You were proud of him. You already knew he’d grown. Old Dean would’ve showed up with a condom not a bouquet.
“I know. Let’s start small Dean. Breakfast first then we’ll start with life changes.” You thanked the waitress as she placed your orders in front of you each. Evangeline smiled brightly at the plate of bacon in front of her. Dean watched her as she squealed. He smiled brightly as she thanked the waitress before digging in. Evangeline really was his daughter.
Part two
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bakugokemkatsuki · 10 months
Light Yagami x Reader
**Genre: Angst to Fluff **Happish ending **Key: Y/N- Your Name Talking; Sayu, You, Light **Background: Your childhood friends **Reader is GN **Word Count: 545
Light Yagami, he was tall, smart, funny, and a total gentleman. At least that’s how he presented himself. He was most any girl’s ideal guy. I mean from his gentle laugh and kind eyes to his sweet gestures like bringing your favorite snack. How could you not fall for him? You’ve known the Yagami’s for years, and you never would have thought you’d actually fall for him. Your mom’s used to joke that you two would end up together, but you never took them seriously. Well, that was your mistake because before you realized it you were falling. You fell fast and hard. You started to notice things you never did before. You ended up pushing him away completely thinking it would help. It didn’t and then you found out about Misa. Lights girlfriend… His sister told you about her one day while you were over helping her with a project. You felt yourself break inside. Of course, Light didn’t feel the same. He deserves someone like Misa, beautiful and perfect in every way you weren’t.
“Hey Y/N. Long time no see” Light was just getting home. You couldn’t even find it in you to reply. You wanted to break down and cry just hearing his voice. Light having known you forever could tell something was wrong. “Hey Sayu, can I borrow Y/N for a while?” “Sure. I have plans with some friends anyways. Thanks for your help see you later Y/N!” And with that Sayu was out the door. “Y/N come. Let’s go to my room.” You reluctantly followed Light up to his room. Once inside you both sat in silence. You were looking anywhere but him and trying to stay calm. “Y/N look at me. Please.” You begrudgingly obliged to look at Light for the first time since he got home. “What’s wrong?” You stayed silent not sure you could speak without crying. Light came over and sat next to you on his bed. He took your hand in his and asked again, “What’s wrong”. That was the last straw you couldn’t stop the tears. “Sayu… she… she told me about Misa…I know I shouldn’t be upset I have no right to be jealous… but I am…because Light…I love you…” Light didn’t say anything at first but instead pulled you into a hug. “Y/N… I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.” Pulling back from the hug and wiping your tears you reply confused, “What do you mean? But Misa?” “Sayu was wrong, Misa is just some girl who is obsessed with me. The feelings are NOT reciprocated.” “Really?” “Yes, you’re the only one for me.” Before you could say more Light pulled you in for a kiss. It was better than you ever imagined. As you pulled away Light was quick to ask another question. “Is that why you stopped coming over and started avoiding me?” “…Yes… Sorry…” “Y/N, never do that again okay? I love you and ONLY you.” “I love you too.” You two decided to keep it just between you for a while (Lights idea of course, so he could use Misa though you didn’t know this). You were just happy to finally be together. If only you knew the whole truth and what was to come later.
**Authors Note: While writing a lot of lights lines I could hear ryuk laughing and commenting in my head like "you're the only one for me huh? pretty smooth" *laughs*
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pandorascripts · 1 year
note: I literally had the strongest urge after seeing a drawing from Harleen (the comic books, go read it), and got a wave of inspiration.
warnings: talk of abuse, talk of Stockholm syndrome, self-consciousness, angst w a happish open ending, Harley being sad :(.
Beyond Harley’s pale complexion and her natural beauty, there are scars. Metaphorical and psychical ones. Ones that she covers with makeup everyday, hiding them from herself and the world. It took awhile for Harley to finally stop covering them, years after her break up with the Joker. And even then it was only when she was home. 
It wasn’t until she opened herself up to friends, and most importantly her girlfriend, that she could handle thinking about them. Harley cant count how many scars run across her back, the few on her face are obnoxious and loud, covering what used the be the favorite parts of herself. There’s two crossing on her nose, one running down her cheek, another slotted just next to the corner of her right eye. 
Lord knows the amount of bullet scars she has on her sides or her arms, probably hundreds. The Joker wasn’t much for safety over sexy. It didn’t matter how many times she flatlined due to an injury, he never gave her anything bulletproof. He said it made her more fun; that the risk of breaking his toy made it more valuable. 
Harley can remember how battered and bruised she was when she finally escaped his clutches— not that she even wanted to. He had tossed her out and told her not to come back, his goons shoving her back on the pavement time after time when she tried to enter the warehouse again. After a day she finally dragged her feet across Gotham, not even sure where she was going. 
Thank God Pamela decided to sweep out her old base, because otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to save Harley. Harley probably would crawled back to him and gotten herself shot. Pamela thinks about that day a lot, the day she finally realized just how deep Harley’s Stockholm syndrome went. They even ended up fighting at one point, Harley saying he had cooled down now, that it was safe to go back. 
Pamela cried for hours after that, Harley should’ve always felt safe around him. Harley never did though, she said it was apart of the game, that she was meant to be kept on her toes. It took five years for Pamela to help Harley realize that, that’s not what a relationship is. Of course she can’t take all the credit, after two years of healing and processing Harley found a girlfriend. You.
You were sweet to her, an abrupt change of pace from the Joker. It took Harley awhile to get used to it. You remember that stage of your relationship the most. Harley was jumpy and afraid, she didn’t dare to look at another woman when she was with you, and at one point asked you straight-up if you wanted to her stop talking to Pamela and Selena. You were completely baffled and told her no, that it wasn’t required and that you loved the both of them. 
For the first time in ages, Harley wasn’t walking on egg-shells. She felt safe, and comfortable around a romantic partner. After three years free, Harley was okay when other women hit on her, she could give them a simple no, hold your hand up and smile. It wasn’t like she’d have to practically fuck you in front of someone to prove who she belonged to, or that you’d get jealous. You said that if you saw her sitting next to someone, you’d ask her out too. You told her you couldn’t blame human nature, and you certainly wouldn’t punish her for other people’s actions. 
That one made Harley’s head spin. She didn’t understand how you wouldn’tpunish her, it was weird. Harley felt like she had no consequences, that she could do whatever she wanted. Of course you told her that she can’t, that you would be heartbroken if she did take an offer from another person, but you wouldn’t hurt her for it. You told her that you don’t have any right over her, the only person who gets to dictate and chose what she does is herself. 
Harley still doesn’t like her scars, there are nights where she throws blankets over the mirrors so she doesn’t run the risk of looking at them. There are days where she thinks she’s ready to go outside, scars on full display, only to run back in the house sobbing. It’s been five years and Harley cant get past them, but she knows eventually she can. Especially when you hold her tight and kiss every scar she has, or when you trace them, tell her that her scars are proof of survival. That they only add to her strength and determination. 
And as Harley takes off a blanket from the mirror, tracing her scars across her chest and shoulders, she understands. She understands that in time, her scars will fuel her success, that her scars will be fully closed and she will cease to care about them. 
Harley smiles at thought.
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theshinylizard · 2 years
For the WIP game: is "Trembling" a new WIP or a continuation of a fic? Do you have anything you could share on this one? 😊 Thanks!
Purge Trooper Cody meets old Ben
The hunt for Kenobi was CC-2224’s life work. He tracked down every lead, no matter how small. The Jedi were crafty and this one in particular was more wily than most. 
Eventually they heard a rumor about a lonely mystic on Tatooine and Cody, ever vigilant, took a squad to check it out. They tracked down a cloaked figure near Mos Eisley. 
One glance of stormy blue eyes and it was like a jolt hit him. 
CC-2224 shoved the unusual reaction to the side, letting his training take over, barking out orders to his men. They were trained to take out Jedi but even then, going up against one was never easy. 
Kenobi took out his men, punching and kicking, but his movement was sluggish. It didn’t take much for Cody to overpower him and press him against the cliff face. In a rather disappointing end, Kenobi was just as fallible as every other Jedi. 
“On your knees,” CC-2224 snarled.
He had heard so much about Kenobi, watched him battle, knew his every move, but in the end he was just a tired old man. He was nothing special. 
has a happish ending planned
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
i always viewed nettles as a character as mix of rey skywalker and katniss everdeen; as rey who grew up orphaned, nettles tamed a dragon in first place to find her belonging in the world, and only then to get a better life; and as katniss, nettles went trough a cruel war, in what she was embroiled, only by age of 17; it feels to me that after the gullet she probably never was the same, watching her hometown butchered and killing by herself hundreds, probably traumatised her a lot, most likely it was her first kill, and in such an amount, she might even blame herself, basically like losing last piece of her childhood innocence she had; but unlike katniss and rey, nettles didn’t win, she had to fly away and never look back again
Rey 😬Lord I’m getting flashbacks 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry I’m still pissed off over how the last movie ended because they butchered all of the character's arcs. 2019 was a terrible year for shows and movies🤦🏽‍♀️
Mini-rant aside, I can see the similarities between all three. At their cores, they are girls from nowhere, who come from nothing(this is where they messed up with Rey, but we’ll ignore that), who then lose that nothing when they are thrust into the middle of chaos, and rise beyond what people think they are capable of.
I personally do think Nettles had a happish ending. Both Rey and Katniss don’t exactly walk away without their own scars themselves(and Rey 🥴).
Yeah Nettles first home, which for good or bad was all she knew and she did feel some sentimentality over losing, was forever lost to her, but eventually she found a new home.
She found new friends, a new people, new love(or Daemon survived and he found his way back to her), and she had Sheepstealer. She was likely the last dragonrider for 200 years.
If we are being honest she would have outgrown Driftmark by the war's end. Even if she could return back it would never be her home again. You can’t ever go back to the way things were. The stain of losing Driftmark and being a part of that loss she would carry with her forever, but in the long run she was probably okay.
Keeping in mind how playing the “game of thrones” leads you often to an early death in the ASOIAF universe, I’d say that Nettles “won.”
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sourstars · 1 year
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ao3feed-fratt · 1 year
[Podfic] Debris
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46451422
by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid
“I’m going to kill Fisk,” and he sounds at peace with it, like a man talking in an altar. Making a vow to a loved one. “And I’m going to make sure he suffers before he dies.”
Daredevil has had one too many bad days and it’s up to the Punisher, somehow, to keep him from doing something extreme and to remind Matt Murdock of who he is.
Podfic of Debris by SaturnChild.
Words: 240, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of [podfic of] November
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Curtis Hoyle, Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Ray Nadeem, Wilson Fisk, Margaret Murdock, Original Characters, Brett Mahoney
Relationships: Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock & Karen Page, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
Additional Tags: Fratt Week (Marvel), Prompt: Stitch, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Whump, Whumptober 2021, Developing Relationship, Fights, Blood and Injury, Mild Gore, Grief/Mourning, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Head Injury, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Daredevil Season 03, Flashbacks, Amnesia, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Hatred, Caring Frank Castle, Protective Frank Castle, Hurt Matt Murdock, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Mild Smut, Mental Health Issues, Hallucinations, Eating Disorders, Happy Ending, Happish, How can one be happy without foggy, Last Installment, Podfic, Podfic Length: 2.5-3 Hours, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming, Audio Format: M4B
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46451422
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familyparadox · 2 years
Not me writing a harrowing and traumatising fanfic about a guy who is apparently a main character but only appears in 6 episodes (and only speaks in three, one of the other times is a dream) of the show. I will make the watch as a child scream out there life of a plank of wood due to the order given that only those who I could help survive will be give the pain medication. Not me putting them in a post apocalyptic situation.
And there name? Doctor Fawn.
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This guy. This fellow will suffer so much. I will give him radiation poisoning, I will kill (or hideously injure) everyone he has ever cared about, but will I let him die? No. I will give him a happish ending (he lives as does one of his friends and they retire together) but the memory will never leave him.
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reidmania · 2 months
hi!! i saw you taking request so here is an idea :)
fem!reader and spencer in an established relationship and they really love each other but they get into a fight. they both say things they dont mean so reader rushes out and while driving away she feels sorry and calls spencer but it goes to voicemail. she starts to send him one saying how sorry she is and that she loves him but is cut off with a loud crash. spencer gets the voicemail and hears about her car accident and rushes to hospital, you can end it however you want hahah. im sorry if this is too much but i feel like you are the only one who can do justice to this <33
guilt ridden | spencer reid
summary ; reader and spencer get into a silly argument that ends in hospital trips and a lot of apologises.
warnings; fem reader, established relationships, arguments, cm things, car accidents and hospitals, arguments, spencer being an ass and reader also being an ass which is all forgotten when things get serious, kinda rushed. angst, happish ending, hurt x comfort kindaish.
an; im sorry this took me so long and im sorry if its horrible. i really just wanted to get this one out of the way bc i rlly enjoyed the idea!!
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“I’m sorry, I’ll be back in the morning at some point so I don’t want you to worry and I know you will probably be pissed right now and that okay— You should be. I am too, but I am sorry. I didn’t mean it — I shouldn’t have said it but it was just, in the moment I wasn’t thinking.. Im sorry Spence. I love—”
There was the sound of a gasp, then a bang and then it was silent for a minute until the voice message ended itself. The sound sent goosebumps along Spencer’s arms and sweat to build up over the back of his neck as anxiety made its bed in his stomach.
His entire body went cold as he stood in the kitchen — The same place he had been standing when the stupid argument took place before you grabbed your keys and walked out, muttering how if he was that sick of you, you’d get out of his way before the door slammed behind you.
He had thought about following you and telling you to stay but in the moment he was just angry. So angry. Not even entirely at you, just everything.
He had just gotten home from a case after being away for a week — a case where they couldn’t save the victims. It was one that affected Spencer more than he wanted to admit, all he wanted was to come home and shower.
Then he got home and you immediately hugged him and rambled on about how you missed him and normally — any other time he would adore the feeling of your arms around him, he would breathe in your scent and breath it back out before going on about the case.
This time was different, everything was too much. The grasp of your arms made his body tense rather than relax, your scent was suffocating mixed with the smell of the food on the stove and the candle lit in the living room. It was all just too much.
Not because it was you, there was nothing wrong with you. It was just the day built up, and it was too much for him.
So he pushed you away and began his way to the bedroom wordlessly, where he showered, and eventually came back a little more relaxed — only now you were the one in the bad mood.
Which ended in an argument between the two of you, you called him childish and immature, he called you suffocating and needy.
Neither of you meant it.
But that didn’t stop the hurt that seeped in and the tension that grew between the two of you. Until you were shaking your head telling him to go fuck himself, grabbing your keys and walking towards the front door.
Spencer regretted his words almost immediately when the door slammed shut and didn’t open again. He didn’t mean it but he couldn’t bring himself to follow you yet — he needed to calm down and he was sure you did as well.
He didn’t ignore your call, not on purpose. He was unpacking his stuff when his phone rang from where he had left it in the kitchen. Finding it ten minutes later to hear the voice mail you left, well he had never felt a more intense ache in his chest.
Something was wrong, seriously wrong. He tried calling again and again to no avail as the call went straight to voicemail every-time. He texted you as well.
He was in his car moments later, driving to the nearest hospital because if you were anywhere — it would be there. He heard the ambulance sirens on the way and they did nothing but build the tension in between his muscle and bones.
It wasn’t until an hour later of waiting and pacing around in the hospital waiting room that someone came to tell him that you were here — stable, but in a lot of pain.
He had never felt something like this. Every bit of his mind went blank as walked fast towards the room the nurse had directed him to. His knees felt like jelly and he felt sick to his stomach.
That sick didn’t compare to the one he felt when he saw you lying in the hospital bed, fading in and out of consciousness, a doctor by your side. You were bruised and bloodied and Spencer didn’t think he could stand for another minute as his legs carried him towards the chair next to your bed.
“Honey.” His voice came out a gasp.
But all the same concerned and guilty. Your head turned slightly towards the sound of his voice and he was almost sure his heart broke at the sound of pain that left your lips when moving.
“Spence” You were hardly audible, voice small and so quiet, full of hurt. Genuine pain, you were in genuine pain that you wouldn’t have been in if Spencer had just pulled his head in and didn’t act like an absolute idiot.
It was hard to think about the argument now, how it felt like everything at the time and nothing now. His hand reached out for yours as he tried to ignore the tears that burned in the back of his eyes.
“Im so sorry” He mumbled out. It didn’t even begin to describe the amount of guilt he felt burnt into his stomach, and every inch of his body. He felt sick to his stomach and was almost sure he was going to throw up. “Im so sorry- God Im sorry” He couldn’t help the series of apologies that streamed from his lips, still they didn’t even slightly cover the blame he took in his mind.
“Spence” You said again, almost as if you were unable to say or think about anything else. Despite the pain medication that you had been given — everything hurt.
“Im right here— Im right here.” He repeated, moving the chair in closer, he saw a soft sigh leave your lips despite it being so quiet he couldn’t hear it. He saw your eyes closed and for a moment he genuinely felt his heart break and drop, until they opened again.
You squeeze his hand slightly, it was soft and gentle, all the energy you could muster up put into doing so. “I know. Im sorry” You apologised and it hurt Spencer.
It genuinely made him feel pain in his stomach that you were lying in a hospital bed in an abundance of pain and yet — apologising to him for an argument that seemed so insignificant now.
“Don’t.” Spencer shook his head.
“Don’t apologise, I was an ass— I deserved it. you- You didn’t deserve this. God please don’t apologise.” He almost begged.
The words died on your tongue. Whatever you were going to say now a second thought as you realised Spencer was going to drive himself insane with the guilt and blame of this.
“Its not your fault.” You huffed out.
It was enough to sooth a small part of Spencer’s mind, your voice outweighing the one in his head that held him responsible. Your comfort the one he needed. His hand squeezed yours back.
“I love you — So much. You aren’t suffocating or needy in the slightest.” He felt the need to let you know. God if something happened to you and the last thing you’d heard him say was that he thought you were something— anything other than the most important person in his life and the one who he turned to for everything, the one person he truly loved and adored
Well he would never forgive himself
“I love you” You muttered back weekly, shuffling over on the hospital bed despite the pain that coursed through your body in doing so you made room for him. “Lay with me?” You asked.
He huffed something out before shaking his head, standing up and lowering himself onto the hospital bed. He was careful of your injuries and any pain you may be in as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you” He repeated as he placed a soft kiss on the corner of your shoulder. It made a sigh leave your lips, before turning your head to face him.
“I love you.”
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zetasattic · 3 months
Star Wars
It’s Friday so that means Star Wars around here. We’re watching them all. We just watched Attack of the Clones last time. Return of the Jedi has been my favorite by far. It had a happish ending with Darth Vader finding his soul again. I wish more people in authority would again find theirs. I pour mine into artwork. Speaking of art, today I will begin a new project. I’m not sure what though. I’m…
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