#happiness is state of mind
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phoet · 7 months
people saying gerry can't still be goth because he's happy now.... side eye. side eye.
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chipchopclipclop · 3 months
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cringelord old men flirting in front of you pov
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stuckinapril · 1 year
I’m happy for the little life I built for myself
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studiozenmind · 2 months
Subscribe for daily quotes and meditation music :)
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canisalbus · 1 year
Vasco and Machete are absolutely adorable, your style is so lovely and you draw the softest beds I’ve ever seen in any art ever
#thank you!#softest beds is a whole new compliment that's so sweet#let me go off on a weird and personal tangent for a minute#I've always found the concept of sleeping very touching somehow#it's this mandatory resting period literally everyone has to plan their life around no one has the power to avoid sleeping#if you neglect it your mind and body start to break down very quickly#sleep is such a neutral state of being no one is particularly sad or happy or evil or good while they're asleep they're just logged off#sleeping feels nice it's rejuvenating it's one of the few universal pleasures every single person has an access to#and I find it terribly cute how people have different little bedtime rituals#socks on socks off various pillow and blanket arrangements certain sounds that make them sleepy etc#and sleeping next to someone is such an act of trust#it's extremely intimate as is sex doesn't necessarily have to factor into it#getting comfortable and going unconscious with someone at the same place at the same time that just touches my heart#especially if you're invited into their bed which is a very private space a person's own little nest where the world can't reach them#even if you fall asleep in public transport there's this vulnerability to it and for the most part people respect the sanctity of sleep#and tend to leave sleeping people alone at least in my limited experience#I like drawing my characters sleeping because it feels like I'm doing them a favor granting them a little respite#anonymous#answered
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ladyaster · 10 months
After Isa's redemption in KH3, I'll never find it not funny as a huge fan of FFVIII that the fanon consensus is that the new "nemesis" of the Seasalt Trio or at least Roxas and Xion is Seifer.
I dunno how much of the KH fandom has played FFVIII, and in-universe it makes sense given Seifer is the "neighborhood bully" of Twilight Town. However, given what VIII players know about him, it's hilarious and cathartic to see these two kids either bonk him with copied claymores in response to him trying to intimidate them into giving him their ice cream money, curbstomp him at Struggle right after calling them "lamers" or "chicken wusses", or accidentally drop half-eaten popsicles on his face when, in his universe of origin, Seifer was a major war criminal who, among other things, dropped all sorts of horrible endgame monsters including actual malboros onto a hugely populated city (which like any VIII fan can tell you, malboros are already nope on a stick in general, but in VIII in particular they're excessively brutal).
Roxas and Xion are just delivering Seifer some belated karma from 1999 is all and I'm loving every second of it.
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kayvsworld · 2 months
his new wings look so good. his new suit looks SO good. i'm so mad oh my god
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me occasionally: yeah I don't want kids generally but also specifically sometimes I think it would be really difficult to raise them in as hard a world as this...
The spirit of Suzanne Collins appearing behind me: fuck that and fuck in you in particular. Fix that shit.
Me: yeah that's fair.
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jinnazah · 7 months
what kills me is how people here in the west are so …. willfully, blissfully, ignorant of what’s transpiring in palestine. like i have even seen poc, even seen HIJABIS still buying starbucks and i’m like …… i guess dumbfounded at this point. “oh but it’s just one drink” “oh but my one dollar won’t make a difference if i spent it or not” “well it’s not my problem, the middle east is always at war”
are people so arrogant they think they are the exception to what’s happening in palestine? in fact. the victim blaming against the palestinians is insane “well they should’ve just left” “well they should’ve agreed to a ceasefire” “well they shouldn’t have let hamas take over” you guys make me sick to my stomach!!!! my god this rhetoric is so narcissistic it hurts!!!!!
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ecstaticasusual · 5 months
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(( the Keitoin siblings 4 ))
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martyrbat · 2 years
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enough — batman secret files (2018) #1
(ID below cut!)
[ID: A short story titled Enough. It centers around Bruce Wayne being alone at a little cabin out in the middle of some woods on top of a snow-capped mountain. Bruce internally narrates throughout the entire story. The barren cabin is lonesome amongst the pristine, white snow as Bruce enters the cold, muted building. Inside there's several books, oil lamps, a stone fireplace, and candles on basic, open faced wooden furniture – indicating that the house has no electricity. The cabin is one story and has an open floorplan with a single upstairs bedroom, which has only a ladder leading up to the small loft. There's a chest underneath a window and Bruce sits on the old, yellow couch in front of the blazing fireplace.
He thinks to himself, ‘There're rumors that somewhere, in Gotham's most beautiful, snow-topped mountains, a monster is running around. I have a suspicion Man-Bat is behind the strange activity. Mountain climbers losing their camps, ski resorts with missing guests, a strange beast being seen in the dark... Something covered in hair, something remarkably large.’ He takes his parka off and sets down his large duffle bag to slowly unpack it — revealing a thermos and a bow with several large, pointed arrowheads. He pulls out his Batman gear — which includes an insulated suit that's lined with fur, his belt, and a protective face mask that reflects his eyes in the red-tinted visor. He forlornly admits, ‘I can handle large, but what I can't handle… Is how damn lonely it is up here. Alfred says I could use some alone time. Truth is, I'm not such a fan of myself.’
Outside in his costume and cape, Bruce is tracking through the icy woods and the thick, rising snow. He's armed with his bow and arrows as he narrates, ‘To avoid detection by what I assume is probably Man-Bat, I'll try to capture him using only my hunting skills. I admit I'm a little rusty. The arrows I've brought are lethal to some, but they're just enough to incapacitate a beast of his size. It should be enough.. I hope it's enough.’ But the snowstorm rages on, forcing Bruce back inside the cabin since he believes it's not worth the risk of freezing to death if he stays out. He now lays in the upstairs loft's bed. The oil lamps on the wooden bedstand is unlit, causing the bright snow through the window to be the only thing that casts any light in the dark room. It reveals a framed photo of a picturesque landscape hanging over Bruce's head on the wall. In it, there's a peaceful lake and tall, luxuriant green trees.
Bruce solemnly stares up at the ceiling and thinks, ‘I find myself focusing closely on all the sounds of the forest, trying to learn the rhythm.’ The snow whirls on… A branch cracks… The cabin itself creaks and groans — causing Bruce to sit upright with a jolt! He squints out the window in an futile attempt to actually see something out there. He cerebrates, ‘Three nights and only the sounds of falling snow and branches. I've tracked nothing larger than a doe, there's been no news of an attack or sighting, maybe he's left the mountains… or maybe he's just hiding.’ Bruce lays back down, this time with his back to the window. He keeps an eye open — waiting and nearly hoping for any sign of life other than his own in the desolate, icy land.
We're shown Bruce outside again as he fights against the harsh wind to get back inside the cabin after another unsuccessful search for Man-Bat. He rubs his face tiredly while hunched over a small oil lamp as the stovetop coffee brews. He reflects, ‘Six nights alone, darkness lasts longer than the day and again the storm pushes me back indoors. This is beginning to feel useless. I'm really quite over myself. Maybe I'll call Alfred and ask him to—’ But his self-deprecation is cut short by a sudden thump! Then another loud crack! Again and again, coming closer and closer to him!
Bruce sets down the coffee as his mind rapid fires the possibilities of the quickly approaching, potentially dangerous loud noises! ‘Is it the branches in the wind? Or is it something else? Am I paranoid? I can't visualize what I'm hearing. There's no time to think about the cold now, I'm all alone up here. That sounds remarkably large.’ Bruce arms himself with his bow and arrow and hesitates outside the door as his paranoia continues, ‘I hope this is enough. A hunter knows its prey, but I'm realizing I have no idea what's on the other side of this door. Does it understand I'm on the other side? I am alone out here. No time to think.’ He flings the door open!
Geared in only his suit with no gloves or headgear, Bruce aims his bow blindly as he stands outside in the merciless elements. He tensely waits in the dark, thinking to the unseen threat, ‘I don't see you, but can you see me?’ There's another loud thump and crack. With one last hope that it's enough to tranquilize the potential attacker, Bruce fires the weapon.
The sharp arrow proves itself to be lethal as it pierces his unfortunate target. The threat — merely a lonesome, defenseless deer — falls dead in front of the horrified man. Bruce rushes forth and remorsefully buries the animal with the snow. He walks back to the cabin with the repeated, dejected confession: ‘Truth is, I'm not such a fan of myself.’
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deadn30n · 3 months
Another update
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I do still absolutely plan on coming back btw. I know it's been close to 6 months of inactivity, but I have been prioritizing my health over everything else. Fortunately in the health department, other than just having a body that despises me in every avenue, I am pretty healthy.
They did find a mass on my brain with my latest MRI, but as far as they can tell, they reassured me it's quite literally nothing life changing whatsoever. ( So now I get to make jokes about playing League of Legends gave me a brain tumor lmfao )
I've got some dental work still due as well as some other very minor things, but beyond that I'm pretty much completely straightened out. Mental health is pretty in check, still waiting to get ADHD meds but I've got a therapist and such.
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This happened very recently and I'm still so over the moon about it. I've been focusing a lot of my efforts into streaming to keep building that community up. I don't foresee this impacting too much of my activity here, I've begun managing my time very well to fit in all the things I want to do in a day.
I will say, with Dawntrails Official Release I am first exercising all of my effort into going through that story and experiencing everything I want to. So ofc, that's my primary thing rn. Uhhhh what else umm
Oh yeah, in coming back I'm pretty much ditching all of my drafts + asks except a couple. I kept three threads ( two from @goldenfists & the one from @lovehungered because I'm pitifully attached to both ideas lmfao ). I plan to be more selective since my time is limited but it doesn't mean I won't still branch out and write with different people either. Unfortunately 7 months ago I encountered some bullshit that I'm still keeping to myself and reminded me how little patience I have for the childish behaviour some adults can exhibit on this site. re: talk your issues out for god's sake.
I'm looking forward to coming back ♥ My aim is late August, maybe early September. Sometime after my birthday since I've got a huge event on twitch to plan for that as I do every year.
Otherwise I'm kicking back, enjoying my time, doing my own thing, and quite literally in the prime of my happiness. Surrounded by people I love, in the healthiest friend circle I've been in in a long time
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As always, I'm still reachable at Discord & Twitter ( I just suck at reaching out bc adhd brain LMAO ) YIPPEEEEEEE
My Twitter My Twitch
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tj-crochets · 10 months
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I still have not actually quilted my scrap quilt but I spread out the backing fabric to see if I have to piece it together* and look at this!!! I saw it and started cackling. It’s magnificently loud and clash-y and every color at once and I love it so much
*I don’t but I do need to iron it
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Sometimes I dont know if having Autism and ADHD can be spun into a positive thing anymore.
I'm trying so fucking hard to live with two fucking disabilities with different needs that i can't control, and a large part of society doesn't fucking take seriously. And I'm somehow just supposed to see it as a gift that gives me the ability to do some epic genius iq type of shit? Fuck off
For as few benefits I apparently have, I have a lot more fucking problems and issues I have to deal with that outweigh those benefits tenfold. I dont get how some people genuinely want to be like this in order to be special or something. It has ruined my life, self-confidence, relationships and mental stability. At this point, I would trade ANYTHING to feel normal or at the very fucking least not feel anything anymore
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x-heesy · 6 months
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𝙶𝙵𝚇-𝙷𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚈 2005
„𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍“
(𝙰𝚟𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚇)
„𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 -𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎“
𝔖𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔒𝔲𝔱𝔱𝔞 𝔉𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔶 ℜ𝔈𝔇ℨ𝔈𝔇 @bigbonzo 🔥
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