axmxz · 8 years
subreddit* /iamverysmart
oh yeah. it’s the best.
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chesacakeripper · 8 years
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Well, the UK has voted to leave the EU This isn’t a legally binding vote, however, so if David Cameron can find the testicles to save this sinking ship of a nation he can decide to put the question to parliament instead and hope for a remain vote. It might happen, who knows (but at this point I’ve lost all faith and the last shred of any patriotism I had for this country)
We’ve voted leave the EU, the pound has fallen through the floor over night… Our leaving could unstabilise the EU, entice other countries into leaving too, which is pretty much exactly what Putin and the Islamic State want
But that’s long term
For the short term, I’m seeing a hellish ‘V for Vendetta’ style hororscape of my country with Boris Johnson leading the 'England Prevails!’ chants broadcast on BskyB while the money pours in to his and Rupert Murdock’s joint bank account in an offshore tax haven.
Meanwhile, the American people are idiotic enough to vote for Trump and the world very quickly descends into chaos
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pushingdaaisies · 8 years
Hey, good luck in your physics exams next week! :) Xxxx
go suck a dick rainbow 
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starkassembled · 9 years
hannisballs replied to your post: like… how on earth are people okay with that...
before you think about the actual ending… think about what it COULD have been lmao. the answer is worse. far worse xD
honestly no, I don’t think it could be any worse. the ending gave me no indication to believe they’d survive their injuries pre-cliff jump. there was no adequate emotional build up to make me even feel anxious about the fight or the cliff jump. it was so stale, and so tired and so fucking wasted. and we don’t even get a good post-cred scene???
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adtenebris · 9 years
hannisballs replied to your post “Doctor-lecters >> lanabloom”
Thanks! But let’s face it, “hannisballs” takes the cake as far as urls go :)
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dcvpatcl · 9 years
I'm slightly uncomfortable about how Bryan keeps hinting at overt hannigram as a predominant theme in the show too tbh lol but I'm sure it'll pan out alright eventually :)
the whole show is basically becoming a huge fanfiction in my opinion. they’re focusing solely on hannigram, which isn’t what the series is about. hopefully they show more to the show than these too. i love will and all, but he’s becoming a little annoying because of his “obsession” with hannibal. anyways, i hope all is well bc this is my favorite show!!
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chesacakeripper · 9 years
hannisballs replied to your post “well the Hannibal crackpost i made yesterday got a load of notes over...”
aha i remember making original posts and contributing something useful to the fandom... now i'm just... here ;)
do not worry, I’ve made two posts in two weeks that have got some notges, so that’s my quota for the next year I think :P
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16cl · 9 years
i like my broccoli cooked to death
oh nooooooo pls dont do that to urself
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kissthefuture · 9 years
9073. i feel like i'm on parole in les mis.
Ha! It’s been 10+ years for me and I still remember it. Some of my friends still have theirs as part of their email addresses etc because it’s one of the first numbers that comes to mind :|
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starkassembled · 9 years
the jeremy kyle show
I have no idea what that is, sorry.
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samcasdean-blog · 10 years
hannisballs replied to your post “now I’m going to be travelling to the UK by myself and I won’t know...”
whereabouts in the UK?
Will be getting out at Heathrow Airport, and I will be going to Loughborough University, but will be travelling for about a month before going to Loughborough, so not sure? I know I have to stay in London for a few days because I’m going to Hamlet with a few friends, but after that I have no idea, that was meant to be organized with my friend and I.
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pushingdaaisies · 10 years
what's cooking
lentil and kale soup
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hannibooby · 10 years
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Hannibal - Negative space/silhouettes - requested by hannisballs literally a year ago
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chesacakeripper · 9 years
WOOH A LEVELS! well AS levels for me, but i did c3 too today :)
you particularly mathsy person you! How did you find it?
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martinsblackwood · 10 years
because your edits are on fire B)
Tell me why you followed my blog
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ineffabletemptations · 10 years
hannisballs replied to your post “hannisballs replied to your post “its just downed on me that if i want...”
a maths degree? sweet ;D (just like ed ba-) and did you do the edexcel exam board? i bet the words edexcel, aqa and ocr provoke traumatising memories
sshh! ah the good old exam boards of the uk with their pointless systems. ugh. no i did ocr! I'm not sure how that compares with edexcel, i just know at the time it seemed hard!
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