send asks pretty please!! doodle requests, meta, anything ur little heart desires
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onchyart · 1 year
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🦇 Hanniween is upon us! 🦇 Thank you to @hannibalhadalittlelamb and pals for creating it in 2021! I took some liberties and created my own prompt list (check out hannictober for alternatives) Tag your work (drawings, edits,fics) #hanniween2023 and #hanniweentumblr for visibility If you want extra challenge on top of that, use color pallets to pumping spice your art 🎃 Good luck everyone
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musgocat · 1 year
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After seeing this post from @hannibalhadalittlelamb I got inspired to finish this silly sketchbook doodle I have so here's my (delusional) take on Hannibal and Will high on shrooms lol
I made this quickly and it's a bit experimental for me, I'm happy with how it turned out I'm going to make more art like this in the future
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Hannibal has a nightmare about Mischa and smokes to cope
He never planned on returning home, but now he had nowhere else to go. A distant memory called to him, and he couldn’t find it in his bones to refuse; they pressed onward. He felt like he could close his eyes and walk where he needed to go, that his aching heart had carved out this path long ago and now he was finally listening. His soul knew where to take him, the rest of him just had to follow.
Inspired by @hannibalhadalittlelamb's fanart
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aliendeity · 3 years
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http-hnigrm · 3 years
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and his farewell tasted just like forgiveness
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wuntrum · 3 years
will: had to open you up to get a decent sound out of you
everyone else in the fbi morgue:
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threeawfulfruits · 4 years
Here’s something that has been percolating in the ol noggin for a while, but it really grew roots these last few weeks. It’s blowing my mind a little bit.
It always kind of pissed me off/made me laugh how in The Wrath of the Lamb, when Will says “it really does look black in the moonlight,” the blood is the REDDEST and BRIGHTEST we’ve ever seen it in this dark-ass show where half the time the scenes are so dimly lit you have to watch it in a dark room to discern anything (not complaining, but it IS true). Secondly, there’s that odd jump cut where the Dragon is dying on his knees with his wings spread, Will is supporting himself on the bench, and Hannibal is near the house on the left and then the scene cuts immediately to the SAME shot, except Will is still on the ground and Dolarhyde is falling onto his back in the OPPOSITE direction.
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It is worth mentioning that based on what I’ve heard from Bryan and Mads and Richard, I know that they had filming issues with the finale scene - the show was cancelled halfway through the season, so their funding was cut and their timeline got truncated a bit from initial projections. Richard also had to fly out for a different gig early the next morning, so they HAD to get all his shots in that night. And they couldn’t start until after dark, of course, it being a night shoot. It’s tricky, though, working with stage blood and breakaway glass and fight scenes, and they didn’t get all the shots done to their satisfaction before they had to wrap up. Richard stayed as long as he possibly could, longer than he had initially been contracted to, to try and get it all - and they all tried so hard, but film is a fucking time-consuming medium to create. Bryan himself said that they had to cut some stuff and Frankenstein together some of the scenes with what they had, and that if it hadn’t been for the Siouxsie song, he wouldn’t have been happy with it and it wouldn’t have worked. I always chalked these little continuity issues up to all of that BUT. BUT BUT BUT.
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Now, it is UNLIKELY, given what I know, that this was intentional, but I have a different, meta explanation for these seemingly out-of-place visuals. And let me tell you, it’s a doozy.
For the majority of the show’s scenes, we are viewing the world through Will’s eyes - if he’s having an attack or a hallucination, we’re allowed to bear witness to the lens flares and shaky framing and atonal background noise of his altered state. He is undeniably an unreliable narrator in his more disjointed moments. Hannibal has almost always been an enigma - aside from Will’s insights and perception, we can’t ever really know what he’s thinking. He’s opaque and Other.
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And what if this unreliable narration came back into play here, but in a different sense?
You see, Will at this point has collaborated with Hannibal to slay the Dragon. He has at long last borne his Becoming. He has slipped through and joined Hannibal on the other side of the Veil.
At the moment the Dragon collapses and dies, there is a jump cut. Our characters move places. There are no dragon wings. The Dragon is a man named Dolarhyde, and Will sits in a pool of red, red blood and calls it black. He stands with Hannibal on the cliffside and says “it’s beautiful,” but we don’t know exactly what he’s experiencing. We can’t see “it” anymore. He isn’t sharing it with us. He is beyond our reach. We are on the outside looking in, civilian spectators peering at the shell of a strange private world shared by only two people. A world we can never understand. And for me, that is the beauty and the loneliness of Will’s Becoming.
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Will and Hannibal are at long last truly together, truly equals, complete and transcendent in each other’s company - they leap from the cliff, taking their world with them, and we are left alone, strangely bereft. The world looks different now. Our feet are planted on the ground. The chill cuts through our coats. We look over the cliff and wonder what became of them. We cannot see to know. The clouds have passed from overhead, full moon illuminating a cold and solid landscape where we think once there was fire and magic and animal life. But the storybook is closed, and we can recall only echoes. (Wine-dark eyes, bloody teeth, a monster’s death-rattle?) There is silence. There is stillness. And then there are sirens.
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bowie-boy · 3 years
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Thank you @hannibalhadalittlelamb for designing these so I could purchase them, what delightful mugs!!
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Okay, so forever ago I saw this post and it's tags:
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So I decided to let myself cry over MCD write it! So yeah, go check it out!
Also, big thanks to @hannibalhadalittlelamb for coining the idea and inspiring me! 🧡
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horrorlesbians · 2 years
killing eve did not end well. run from it as fast as possible
I’ve heard someone say the same thing to my beloved maddie @hannibalhadalittlelamb and I’m so disappointed 😞
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waragainstyourfaith · 3 years
Thank you to @broughtmeyourlove for listening to the beginnings of this (aka when I first got my thoughts down) and thank you to me for saying all this in the shower but most importantly thank you @hannibalhadalittlelamb whose art got me to finally think deeper about the nature of Hannibal’s trial. Let’s begin.
Hannibal’s trial isn’t something I usually see discussed within the fandom space. And why would it be? We know the final verdict and we know that besides that everything works out in the end anyway. It’s an afterthought. So who would care? That’s like reading the first few chapters of a book to skip to the final one. Characters change and so does the story as a whole.
On @/hannibalhadalittlelamb’s post (here), their tags read that their depiction of Hannibal is leaning into OOC (out of character) territory. I disagree.
During Hannibal’s trial, we have to think about how it would have gone down. Actually. There was no possible way for Will to miss or be exempt from this trial. His coworkers and boss knew his strong relation to Hannibal and how their professional relationship had definitely, at some point or another, turned personal. The mutual attempts of murder had not been lost on anyone, but, of course, that made Will all the more personal a witness.
However, Will wants nothing to do with Hannibal.
I understand there is a popular theory going around that Will and Hannibal were in a sort of understanding during the trial, but, honestly? We see Will desperately wanting to remain kept away from Hannibal, to live a normal life with a wife and son. Hannibal throws a wrench into this whole ordeal and this trial, after what conspired between them overseas, leaves Will in the headspace and with the opportunity to quite literally never see Hannibal again in his life.
And after everything and with what Will thinks he wants, how could he deny that? Helping Hannibal rule into the insanity plea was not an act of mercy but an act of protection. Will more than anyone knows Hannibal should be kept under 24/7 surveillance and away from every person he could ever harm. Being ruled out of given the death penalty was the underlying bonus his conscience wouldn’t let him think too deeply about.
In court, you are sworn in on the bible, on God, to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth [...] So help you God.”. Both Will and Hannibal were undoubtedly sworn in, but considering the argument Hannibal’s legal team was using, would you trust a man under the insanity plea or his victim who is an FBI agent more? Right.
So, Will is given free rein in this courtroom to spin the story of him and Hannibal whichever way he pleases. Seeing what I mentioned before, Will is going to remove himself as far away from Hannibal as he can while still being able to confidentially and securely reveal everything without getting his hands dirty nor embarrassing himself. Hannibal does not get this luxury.
Hannibal is a man of his privacy. As many analyses have written and as many real psychologists have said while dissecting the headspace of Hannibal, his need to eat people is his need to control. The trauma Hannibal went through with Mischa, whether you know the depth of it or just the surface, is enough context to explain what happens next. Hannibal eats them. Attitude is Hannibal’s one basis of morals and consensus. “One should always eat the rude”.
To determine their fate and to consume them is him “playing God”, but at its core, it is Hannibal needing to be in control. We see the severity of his true, underlying, desperation come to light at a first glimpse with the gruesome death of Beverly Katz. Undoubtedly, this is one of his most haunting scenes and we see the insides(dissection) of Beverly as she had attempted to find in Hannibal by going through his home. By sneaking a glance under the person suit. His inner monster comes out in a rage during this murder. He is private and anything that anyone knows about Hannibal is what he has allowed them to live to be able to say so. Look at Will’s position once more.
What no one seems to realize is that, during this trial, Hannibal is not in control. Will is the spinster of their life, a life Hannibal used his truest of colors to paint, and ultimately watched it becomes torn to shreds in front of him. Remember, Will is sworn in during this trial. This does not necessarily mean he is telling the truth, but it means everyone thinks he is. It’s a play of tragedy and Hannibal and Will are the two lead star-crossed lovers.
The entirely of Hannibal and the world he has handed to Will on a sparkling platter is being dissected and shown to everyone. The story of the Chesapeake Ripper was undoubtedly massive. A criminal having not been caught for years that everyone seemed to know nothing about revealed to be one of the closest, inside links with the FBI themselves? Tale of the decade.
The spotlight is on Hannibal, but he is being puppeteered by Will without a say in it for himself.
Hannibal cracks as he’s poked and prodded and bare for the media to do as they like and Will sits by and says what he likes. Here is where we would see a sliver of what lays beneath their person suits. Hannibal’s impulsivity and monstrousness under his charming exterior and Will’s manipulative, isolatedness under his empathetic cloak.
We look at Hannibal. He would be torn to shreds from this. The porcelain pot that contains his beast has broken and shattered by the swatting hand of Will, someone he trusted and loved. The intruding eyes of the jury stay on him as he is diagnosed as insane while he considers himself to be in the best possible headspace he ever could be. Everything he told Will and what he considered truth from Will’s mouth was dismissed and disputed under oath.
Hannibal is embarrassed. People call him insane and lock him away at dig through his mind and his things without his permission with protruding needles and telescopes. Hannibal has to play nice to simply be allowed a working toilet and the books that he has collected himself. Anything and everything he writes and draws that he wants to send out is dissected and analyzed. He has no privacy. He is not allowed a toe out of line.
Looking back at Hannibal from season one, episode seven is a good one to compare from, and when we see him first after year years in isolation, we see plain as day these are not the same men. In season one, Hannibal is handsome and cunning enough so that he wiggles his way into the deepest, most protected parts of the FBI as one of the highest-ranked killers on their watch list. He is polite enough to even invite them to dinner and feed them the organs of his victims.
He’s slick and intelligent and Hannibal is the idea of a lifetime.
And then we come to the second half of season three.
Hannibal, at this point, has been isolated for three years and has been under painful scrutiny even longer. During this time, he’s had all the space he could get to rebuild the person suit, but the pieces won’t fit. It’s jaggedly put together and no matter how long he spends trying to perfect its construction to what it used to be, it isn’t what it used to be. Will had done that to him. Will had effectively broken Hannibal.
I see often the running gag that season three is immensely funnier and leaning much more into the comedy aspect of Hannibal during his interactions with Will and Alana and even jack to an extent. But this is not him being funny; this is Hannibal pushing limits.
Looking back to paragraph eleven [“To determine their fate and consume them…”] we come back to Hannibal’s need to control. Remember, in this space, Hannibal is shoved into line. He’s snappy and cynical here. This is Hannibal exercising his limits and testing patience. His acting out and making snide comments is nothing he can be punished for, but it clearly agitates them. Hannibal teeters just enough on the edge of annoyance so that his jabs still hit, but his privileges still remain.
This is his monster leaking through the cracks. Hannibal is desperate. He is grasping for a hold over these people he had looked down upon from his throne in the sky as God for so long. He is rude. This is both his shield and deception. It leaves Hannibal with the idea that he is effectively feeding them out of his hand, that he has them right where he wants them. When Hannibal does this, it is his last line of defense to keep himself from blowing up. Ruining it all.
Season three is not season one. He is gasping and hurt and that is what makes the Dolarhyde kill all the more powerful. The whiplash and bounce back with his and Will’s relationship is powerful and dangerous.
Will watching Hannibal with his dead stare, person suit thrown off the moment he decided to go with Hannibal into that car, as he is shot is groundbreaking. Hannibal can see Will. they have effectively switched positions. As though he were God, Will looks down on Hannibal’s suffering. When Will decides to fight Dolarhyde in retaliation,  this is the point it all cuts lose.
At that moment, Will has freed the beast. Hannibal has finally someone to take the reins of his monster whom he trusts. Because Hannibal never blamed Will, even during that time in his isolation, he was waiting. Waiting for Will because despite the betrayal and despite the hurt he loved him. All that time he loved him.
The Dolarhyde kill is the messiest one of the show, which makes it all the more powerful. Hannibal has--I don’t want to say “lost composure”--but he definitely has dropped the act of his togetherness. In this, Hannibal is free. So long he has spent trying to hold himself together, to fool those around him and take care of everyone and himself. 
It’s a common misconception that a person in a position of power, such as a CEO, would want to be in this position all of the time. In fact, it’s been shown that the human mind needs a healthy balance. A person who is pushed around on a day-to-day basis and has no control over their life would most likely enjoy having control over a person and vice versa.
God must be tired. Hannibal was. Wearing his person suit for years and years, with only a dangerous outlet to relieve the built-up tension of his monster. To place the control into Will’s hands is inevitable and the best relief for both of them. Hannibal in killing and Will in power.
In that final scene, Hannibal has surrendered control to Will while barring the entirety of what lay within and Will has a high enough apathy for this to no longer have any hold over him. They have switched their roles. Now, Will is the one pulling the strings and Hannibal is the one letting himself be maneuvered.
This trial was the turn of the tables. It was the biggest part of their character and the biggest foreshadowing for the finale.
In Florence, Hannibal has the hold over Will. In season two, Will has the hold over Hannibal. In season one, Hannibal has the hold over Will. This trial that has been left out was the missing piece to even their stance and to level their playing field, making it easiest for the two to blur.
The trial is effectively and consequently one of if not the most important scene that was missing from the show.
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cannibalmutual · 3 years
i was tagged by @blood-and-breath to answer some questions, thank u sm!!! kissing u
1. why did you choose your url?: the term “boygirl” is v gender and i adore deer. it was either this or boygirlcow but that didn’t seem as hannibalcore lmao
2. any side blogs?: two! @sad-prep and @belovedlesbo. first is for my art to have it in one place and second is a lesbian blog. i also have some saved urls
3. how long have you been on tumblr?: it’s gonna be seven years in a couple months i believe
4. do you have a queue tag?: i don’t think i’ve ever queued something in my entire time here
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?: i think someone in middle school told me i should do it or something. i didn’t at the time but it stuck w me for a minute
6. why did you choose your icon?: i think i went through the art icons tag on here and found it??? i’ve had this icon for abt 3 years now if not longer, it’s by my favorite artist ever and it just feels right
7. why did you choose your header?: i had a Thing about angels and cupids for a while, and i still do but at the time of choosing it it was like a Thing. i just rlly like it still!
8. what’s your post with the most notes?: i have one i deleted that i made that was an edit of that scene from parks and rec where she’s like i have done nothing wrong ever in my life that bootydiaries got a hold of. if this is abt one i haven’t deleted i think it’s some rant abt how frustrating gay tragedy tropes are
9. how many mutuals do you have?: i have no clue. a lot
10. how many followers do you have?: last i looked i think it was like. 3.1 k or something i have no idea
11. how many ppl do you follow?: i think a little over 600. used to be WELL over 2k but i unfollowed a bunch of inactive blogs and stuff i don’t care abt anymore and now we’re here
12. have you ever made a shitpost?: no everything i’ve ever posted ever is dead serious and should never be laughed at <3
13. how many times do you use tumblr a day?: oh dude i have no clue i just mindlessly scroll when i’m bored and will sometimes check to see if a mutual saw a post i made w them in mind it’s a constant thing
14. have you ever had a fight with another blog?: not that i’m aware of lmao
15. how do you feel abt “need to reblog” posts?: don’t particularly care. if i think it should be reblogged i’ll rb it
16. do you like tag games?: yes <3
17. do you like ask games?: yea but i always feel a bit silly thinking ppl care enough to play. i like asking others tho
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?: see i have no concept of who is tumblr famous. i always think one mutual has well over 6k and actually has maybe 200 and another i’ll think has 500 maybe and reveals its 4.5k like i literally have no clue
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?: i have friend crushes but nothing romantic
20. tagging: @fakeblondeabigailhobbs @cannibalghost @ocdnatural @zipegs @thestarvedghost @catboybataille @andrewgarfriend @lynchianfilm @cannibalfawn @hannibalhadalittlelamb @lesbianfrodobaggins and anyone who owns a pink blanket
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how do you get story ideas? i love creative writing but i can never find ideas for what to write about. do the ideas just come to you? do you do anything to inspire you?
it is a bit of both. sometimes ideas just come to me, especially pwps. a scene pops into my head and then i build a bigger scene/story around it. usually like "wow that wound be hot if xyz..." and then figuring out how to make that happen. sometimes it is something vague that inspires me like "werewolves" and then my brain goes 100mph and thinks of things that could fit into that kind of story/idea. for my first long fic, i had an idea but nothing super specific, and as the story progressed, a big monumental scene would come to me and i would build up to and taper down from that moment, versus me thinking of all the steps in between first. a good chunk of that story was me writing as i go (not ideal for me personally)
the most specific thing that inspired me to write, which was the first time it has really happened, was seeing @hannibalhadalittlelamb's art from an ask prompt. and the best way i can describe it is i saw it and the story started to unravel in my head. i didn't have to "think" about it, my brain made pieced something together
what's helped me is anytime i get an idea, even if it is vague or silly, i write it down and add any details or scenes or ideas that could fit. they may not all make the final cut, but it helps my brain formulate an idea. once i have disjointed ideas, i "sketch" out a plot and make the ideas in a linear timeline.
i also have some mutuals i bounce an idea off of and see if it works, and then in explaining it to them the plot starts to "write itself" if that makes sense. the big idea organically branches itself out to smaller, more specific details
i struggle with creative writing, but writing for a fandom and having pre-established characters that i understand helps a lot. i just take those personalities and sometimes canon events and reshape them to fit a new situation. i never force an idea. if it comes to me, and the vague plot "writes itself", then that's awesome. but if i stare at a prompt and nothing comes to me, i just scratch that and move on. i chase the lightbulbs that turn on, but i won't bother with making the ones that are burned out work.
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aliendeity · 3 years
You seem to have a great taste in artists, can you recommend some Hannibal ones?
thank you and absolutely!! these aren’t all strictly hannibal artists but check out @artseamoni, @wuntrum, @hcnnibal, @soupstupiid, @hannibalhadalittlelamb, @qannibalism, @le-sansnom, @vinnie-cha, @magneatio, @ruakhs, and @prisonhannibal to name a few. :)) you could also visit @artthatremindsmeofhannibalnbc for some hannibal-adjacent artwork. if any mutuals also have suggestions, feel free to chime in on the notes!
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http-hnigrm · 3 years
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@hannibalhadalittlelamb … there’s nothing left to say… this is just what was in my head
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