#hannibal 2x10
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rocktheholygrail · 2 months ago
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
2x10 - “Naka-Choko”
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jdorian · 6 months ago
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HANNIBAL • S2E10 ↳ “Naka-Choko”
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blueeyedcitadel · 1 year ago
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cedarxwing · 10 months ago
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A quiet sense of power.
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 11 months ago
hannibal and will literally flirting at the crime scene over the dead body will killed while jack is going ????
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maudsaysstuff · 10 months ago
the fact that there's a whole scene with cuts between Hannibal/Alana and Will/Margot when we know that Alana and Margot end up together so basically that implies that Hannibal and Will also end up together, in this essay I will-
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littlematchagirlll · 2 years ago
there's something so funny about hannibal and will consulting at a crime scene they put together lmao
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chemicalarospec · 5 months ago
"it's better for animals to be relaxed before their death" = does he know will is trapping him??
"this meat isn't pork" well I thought this was a coded callout that it's not human but then Will says "it's long pig" which. that means human meat. so was Hannibal trying to get him to admit that with his statement? I don't really see the purpose in that. It would be crazy stupid if hannibal did mean "this isn't human" and will was just like "no it is". maybe he just wants to push will and see how he's dealing with the cannibalism.
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whatrudoingbree · 2 years ago
Another one bites the dust 😰😫😰 https://youtu.be/nArOtn_GZX0 #Hannibal Link in the bio 🍷
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gday-gecko · 4 months ago
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thefabledcannibals · 1 year ago
Also, I’d say it’s even more telling that he came specifically to the stag form and not just Hannibal. Because his stag form is like Will’s perception of the true Hannibal.
“Will and Hannibal aren’t in love/aren’t attracted to each other”
Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but Will busted from fantasizing about Hannibal’s stag form while having sex with a woman.
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rocktheholygrail · 2 months ago
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
2x01 || 2x10
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jdorian · 6 months ago
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HANNIBAL • S2E10 ↳ “Naka-Choko”
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scarletdreamers · 3 months ago
Still not over the fact that these are some of the most important and intimate lines from the show, yet everyone ignores them like they don't exist:
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In the series itself (the final cut), these lines said by Alana and Hannibal while they are dining with Will are delivered a bit differently. In the final take they go like this:
A: ''They love and kill what they love.''
H: ''Then they eat what they love. It's a paradox.''
A: ''Freddie thinks the two of you are a paradox.''
After having said this, Alana suspiciously eyes both Hannibal and Will. Almost as if she knows there's something between them, but she can't figure out what it is. These lines are so important because they give an outsider point of view of Hannibal and Will's relationship. It shows that, at this point in the story, certain characters knew things they weren't supposed to know.
It also adds to their perception of the dynamic between Will and Hannibal. The dangerous pair they make, the desire to kill and even eat each other shows how unconventional and insane their bond is. How, not only tragic, but thrilling and strong whatever they have is. There's always a sense of underlying desires. Sensual danger that even the other characters can feel. They know something isn't right, and Alana's/Freddies take on their bond as a 'paradox' isn't even that far from the truth. It's actually really interesting to think of the feelings Hannibal and Will have for each other during that time in the story that way.
They really do make a very complicated paradox, knowing that they will betray each other, hurt each other, maybe even want to kill each other, but love each other anyway. That they love each other enough to want to ''eat'' each other ('they eat what they love') as a sense of fulfilment they might never reach. Not as long as they stay alive in a situation in which it's quite impossible for them to be together.
After that, we have the scene where they have dinner with just the two of them and 'prepare' Freddie, including this gorgeous shot:
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A simple scene where they cook together. Hannibal hands Will a cooking knife (originally a product to use to prepare food, a deadly weapon given the right reason), which is an indirect throwback to the conversation they had with Alana. They merge love, death and eating in this scene. Hannibal's trust when he hands Will the knife. The blade pointed towards himself indicates betrayal and a violent shared history between them, depicted by the way the knife's tip is pointing at Hannibal's pink-ish red and raw scar. This scene is romantic, because Hannibal literally shows Will that he ''trusts him with his life'' by doing this.
Will is also hesitant about accepting the knife at first. His thumb hovers above it before he completely wraps his hand around the handle. He mistrusts himself with something as important and valuable as Hannibal's life, because he abused it before (his numerous attempts to kill or have Hannibal killed). He finally takes it, knowing and accepting that he doesn't want to kill Hannibal anymore for the sake of killing him. When he's given the choice, he wants Hannibal to run, to be free, maybe to join him eventually. He takes Hannibal's dangerous yet delicate life into his hands, that's when he chose Hannibal's side, despite everything he did to make Hannibal think otherwise.
In the dinner scene with Alana she also points out that she thinks they might not be the killers individually, but together. Holding a weapon at the same time for a few seconds too long proves her point. Their sharing of the knife without hurting one another means they are working together when it comes to violence and death. It's a sign of Will's corruption. A reflection of his true self in the silver of the blade. A mirror of violence and his own darkest urges.
Will and Hannibal are a paradox like a knife is a paradox. It nurtures, is used to prepare food which gives life, and is usually a friend, until it's used against you and suddenly becomes deadly. Their love is a double edged knife, being able to cause harm and grant help at the same time. It makes you wonder, do Hannibal and Will desire to kill each other because of their love, or rather in spite of it?
Anyway, I love Naka-Choko because of the insane tension throughout the whole episode. Had to share why I think that this quote is such a heavy yet romantic giveaway of their mutual feelings and bond, it's a shame it's so incredibly overlooked just like a few other really good lines in the show.
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cedarxwing · 10 months ago
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singingrottenbones · 1 month ago
do you think hannibal kissed will's knuckles after cleaning his wounds in naka-choko
tenderly lifting will's bandaged hand to his mouth, lips carefully ghosting over the gauze as not to cause any pain, but applying just enough pressure so that will can feel it
feel that he is being cared for, that he is safe and looked after when he is with hannibal
do you think will leaned into the touch, aching for more, but holding back just the same because he cannot give in, not yet anyway
do you think that maybe, this was the first time will realized he wanted to be devoured by hannibal in every sense of the word
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