chaifootsteps · 7 months
Have you seen the recent way the Lackacrew is handling a situation in the fandom? Cause if so it only highlights how little fucks Viv gives about anyone else. Sincerely: Hank
I have.
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This, for the record, is how you do it. Fandom creators don't control everyone, but their words and their actions do have power.
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hankbot0-9 · 9 months
Disappointment and frustration
Hellop. Never done something like this before, but here we go. This is going to be basically a large splurge of disappointment and frustration on one, particular person, Vivienne Medrano.
So to start this off, I've known about, and have been a fan, of Viv for a long while, ever since the Hazbin Polit. I've followed her work, been inspired by it, and found great fun with the characters and world.
Without Viv, I would not be a furry (debatable if this is good or bad), I would not have found characters I've found comfort in (Jackson Wells, Zoophobia), or other creators in the indie community. However, for a while now I've been seeing how Viv and her works have greatly fallen from there highs, and how Viv has, really dropped the ball in being professional.
Her tweets and general attitude have given off all the wrong vibes, and show a person who could care less about being professional. From the whole "Cain, I am your bitch" situation, how she handles ANY form of criticism that is even slightly negative, the way she tweets and responds to others etc. It all just compounds on her image, basically holding up a mirror.
Her show (or shows, Hazbis quality is to be debated when it releases), started out, in my opinion, rough yet charming, clearly having passion behind it and a fun time to watch, has degraded to a point of being a bland, misguided and unplanned mess where the main character now feels like a side character to another character who's derailed the premise and show as a whole. Don't get me started on the inconsistent animation quality, cause holy shit.
There is also the leaked, behind the scenes, screenshots stuff that, yes should be looked at skeptically, is slowly, and in some cases basically confirmed, to be true. Largely owing to her on twitter and some behind the scenes stuff that should make you do a double take. I.e. Treatment of female characters, the constant hiring of new employees, etc.
This also ties into how the Fandom treats these characters and situations, and is where a lot of my frustrations come into play. To explain, the Fandom surrounding Viv and her works is one of the most apparent toxic fandoms I have ever seen, all it takes for them to turn on you is a couple of tweets or posts about something you disagree with or being slightly critical of Viv, and they turn on you. The amount of harassment and death threats flung around is concerning to a high degree and Viv, doesn't do anything about it, not even an ask to stop, largely because she encourages it. Sure, it's not a tweet saying to attack someone, but all the likes she gives to her fans on any post talking about what someone said or done that didn't align with the greater fandom opinion, it encourages them because they see it, they see that the person they look up to has liked what they said and so they keep doing it, so they get more likes form her. It's, sad to see really. The Fandom treats these characters above people really, holding them up and parading them around like they can do no wrong, and the same is for Viv.
There's more I could say, but many have already said it before and will continue to say it until, Viv basically fades away, because the way Viv handles herself, the Fandom that surrounds her and much more, wont survive the fact that when Hazbin drops, and is reviewed, and those critical comments and reviews come about it that are even slightly negative, the Fandoms going to get bloodthirsty and destroy any good will left or they would've had with the general public.
Sincerely, Hankbot0-9... tired of, alot.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Be me, sitting here damn well knowing that I am the reason you like Garraka all because I said Viv had the blandest, so called monster designs I have ever seen.
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Your legacy slash reward is how much I'd like to bust all over Garraka's face.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
You want to know something? So I recently, somehow got twitter back and I decided, eh I'm bored, wonder how the Zoophobia twitter fandom is doing and... it's just more discourse largely taken up by DailyZoophobia and I'm like, where's the art, like fan art? I see some but it's drowned out by just, drama a discourse. It's a sad sight to see really. Rarely any art, no headcanons being shared or ships being shown off, just discourse and drama and stupid arguments it just, arrfggghhdjnfujdufif seriously. Makes me feel all the more alone is this fandom, cause do like Zoophobia, it's just, lonely here.
Sincerely: Hank
That sounds tragic. It's always horrible to watch a fandom die that way, even if it is one of Viv's.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
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Hope the day's get better for ya, from experience they always do, just you never know when. Also take an old meme.
Even if Garraka's a strong, sensual phantom god that doesn't deserve to be associated with a creep like Norry, I laughed my ass off at this.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
That Kung Fu Panda ask about how the series utilizes color theory, and how it compares to HH/HB got me thinking about what else, Lackadaisy.
For a large portion of the comic, it's drenched in browns, from the very light to heavy dark, and yet it works, and I know I'm comparing a webcomic to an animated series, but the point is that the characters are still visible and you can still make them out despite the monotonous color palate. Even when color does start to be introduced around Nightmare, and more fully in Voodooienne, the characters are still visible despite being colored in similar colors to the background. Hell, if you want an animated comparison just look at the third act of Lackadaisy. It has this misty pink haze covering everything yet the charcters are to visible, because the color pallets, designs and everything else is not just, one monotonous color. Sincerely: Hank
Oh, definitely. Lackadaisy's handling of color, like so many other things Lackadaisy does right, is one of those little things that sneaks up on you. The golds and the pink mist are my favorites.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
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I DID ANOTHER ONE. This whole situation is meme worthy on another level
Sincerely: Hnakbot
Sometimes that's all it takes, a butterfly flapping its wings and saying "My name is Caine, I am your bitch" on the other side of the world.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Oohohohohoh that "More than a man then you" mentality makes my blood boil. If I ever meet these people hands and frying pans are being thrown becuase nobody be disrespecting anyone I know and respect like that. Fucking dealt/dealing with this in the Doctor Who fandom and now here Sincerely: A very pissed off Hank.
I don't think you'll ever have to worry about meeting them. That would entail these people leaving their rooms.
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
Ok now I'm thinking if they did the Lion King Remake as a silent film. No voices just actions, faces, music. Sure would a lot of scenes would have to change but it would've been a unique, fresh way to the story again without just copying the original. Would it work, who knows, but it would've been neat.
It would be like the Walking with Dinosaurs movie, after they cut out all the childish, inane chatter.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
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Made another one because why the hell not.
Sincerely: Hankbot
Love it.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Going back a bit to something thought bubble Anon said about sequels. I got me thinking of how some films don't need or warrant a sequel, mainly ghostbusters because my mind is hyperfixated on that at the moment. How it's a franchise that didn't need a sequel, but could totally work with one, ala Frozen Empire and the animated series, but also how some films really don't, or need entirely different ones (kind of HTTYD but not entirely) Sincerely: Hankbot
(Sorry for the random splurging, not someone who likes to scream into void without someone else to drag along)
That's capitalism for you...execs want quick, easy money, and to strangle every last cent from existing properties as possible. Frozen Empire I can live with just because I want to straddle that ice monster's mouth.
Hidden World was a travesty, but at least it had a reason to exist at all. The same can't be said for everything that's followed it.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
You know, that shipping ask makes me wonder, what is shipping like on Lackatwitter, because from my perspective as a Tumblr user and someone if the official discord server, it's pretty swell. Everyone ships what the like (that's not inappropriate or other stuff), no one fights and it's pretty chill. On both Discord and Tumblr from my perspective.
So what's twitter like?
Sincerely: Hankbot
From what I can gather, the Lackatwitter shipping scene is more chill than a lot of other Twitter shipping scenes, but still crazier than what you'll find on Tumblr and Discord. Because it's still Twitter.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
What the hell is up with Gryphon? I mean have some idea of who he is, or at least that he was part of the MLPfandom but the hell's going on?
He was a huge part of the MLP fandom, extremely popular singer, pilot Alastor's singing voice, and I guess he even did a background voice on Finding Dory. His wife was the voice actor for Sweetie Belle and from the way it's looking, he was coming on to her since she was 14 at least.
I've got both feet planted firmly in anger with one finger still clinging for dear life to denial.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Not talking about the current dumb shit that's going on (since I could care less at this point) but what I will say is Collin and that Sheep girl from the Alastor comic I do ship because it would be adorable. Sincerely: Hank
Yes, good. They live happily ever after making small baa noises at one another.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Me, Sees the Native American character: Excuse me but can you explain this garbage to me. Sincerely: Hankbot (An Indigenous person)
Representation and diversity, the Vivziepop way!
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Well, what a shitty way to end the day. Learn that you are being harassed and screamed at for, in my opinion weird but average things that you'll find online. That the critical community hasn't matured, everything else going on in Viv's side of town and to top it all off... learning that someone I liked and respected is on end of life care (no I will not say who, where or why). Sincerely: Hank
Yeah...I feel like we're losing the concept of "weird, but harmless." The fact that we went from "dragons are sexy and cool and I want them to marry the princess" to "doesn't matter if the dragon talks or if that fox is an anthro, it's still bestiality" in the space of about a year and a half scares the hell out of me.
I'm so sorry to hear about the person you liked and respected. If you need anything, my DMs are always open.
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