#hands you damién
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“ do such affairs truly concern you ? “ a cant of the hunter’s head, he watches the other stoically. “ i will be long gone by the time they do, less you interfere. “
❝ I can't WAIT for them to realize what kind of person you TRULY are . ❞
#hands you damién#think hugh jac/kman in van he/llsing#monster hunter that works for the vati/can & just gets absolutely shit on bc he takes all the bad press basically#✧ › ◜ damién. ◞ ic.#q.#fearsgod
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" it doesn't matter how much time has passed, i will remain by your side. " / @lured-into-wonderland.
#lured into wonderland#q.#✧ › ◜ damién. ◞ ic.#you liked this one liner call ages ago i'm barely getting around to it lmaooooo#but hands you dami#it felt right#esp with the sort of protector/protectee vibes i got from the wanted threads#he's usually a monster hunter oc but i like to throw him in guard / merc aus#so he could easily have been hired to protect her :3c
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Toni V. Sweeney
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"Well worth the read for vampire fiction, and highly recommended, although not for the faint of heart."--Uncaged review.
EXCERPT: (Damien and his men aid Vlad Drakula in attacking a town:)
It was a mad babble of neighing horses and the shouts of fighting men, punctuated by women screaming, children shrieking. Bodies crowded into the little square as horsemen and armed townspeople came together in a momentary bloody clash. Damién’s garde de nuit swarmed above them, darting down, seizing a hapless victim, flying aloft to deliver a deadly bite, then dropping the body among those still fighting. There was a wild thrashing of horses’ hooves. One animal reared and slipped, legs striking out as it regained its footing, knocking a man to the ground and trampling him before he could scramble away, nearly hitting the vampire lunging into the fray.
“Control your horse, you Romanian fool!” Wings flapping frantically, he lifted himself above and away from the wild-eyed beast as its rider struggled with the reins. Spinning in mid-air, he aimed for another victim.
Nearby, someone slashed out with his sword, impaling a diving garde unable to stop his downward flight. Wings flapping, his body slid down the blade, striking the hilt. The townsman heaved backward with all his strength, slinging the creature into the street where the sword rose and fell again. The vampire's head bounced over the cobbles and into the crowd, crushed under their feet while its body spasmed, wings jerking wildly before it lay still.
Someone caught at a charger’s bridle, twisting upward. Thrown off balance, the animal fell to the ground, its rider pinned beneath it. Two men leaped upon him, one beating at him with a staff while the other wrenched the sword from his hand and drive it through his chest.
Above it all, the vampiri rose and swooped, seizing their victims, biting deep and deadly and tossing the bodies upon the stones to melt the snow with still-warm bloody gushes.
By this time, footsoldiers were rushing into the houses, attacking those still abed. A few awakened in time to leap from their beds, looking frantically about for something to use in defense as the invaders fell upon them. Others never woke, slain as they slept.
In spite of the surprise of the attack, the townspeople defended themselves well. The invaders suffered casualties, to be sure—even the garde de nuit lost their share—but not enough to matter, and too quickly, it was over.
The sudden silence accompanying the defeat was shocking.
THE NIGHT MAN'S ODYSSEY (Corridors of Eternity, Book 1), available from amazon.com in Kindle and paperback.
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@floraesky asked: " i swear to you, i don't know how this happened. i followed every single instruction, word for word! " / for damién from thalien. A prince shouldn’t be in the kitchen Lmao.
a gloved hand raises towards his face, long lashes fluttering close as he pinches the bridge of his nose. " quiet. " he mumbles, letting out a long sigh before he moves closer, pushing passed him & placing the mittens on his hands, brows furrowing as he pulls out the burnt, unsalvageable cookies. brows furrow even deeper, not bothering to toss a glance towards his prince as he places the failed project upon the stove. " try again. " he mutters, closing the oven before throwing his mittens on the counter, turning fully towards the other. " i'll help you this time. "
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"Tony-Paul de Vissage is a gifted wordsmith, and that is apparent from the prologue... I was immediately taken back in memory to reading Bram Stoker..." --Amazon review.
"Tony-Paul de Vissage has written a great novel with some interesting characters and a fabulous world I loved reading about. I definitely recommend this book to all the Bram Stoker and Anne Rice fans out there, you won’t be disappointed."--Natasia's Book Blog
“Master?” She paused, looking up, met his eyes, and was lost. “M-master…”
The word died away in a whimper. She tried to pull away.
Damién lunged for her throat and that pulsing vein. He pressed his mouth against it, felt the warm beating within, for the briefest moment, caressed it with his tongue. Then, he bit.
Weak as he was, she was even weaker. There was no struggle at all.
Blood flowed. Not enough. That puny trickle didn’t fill his needs. He bit deeper, felt his teeth click against each other, then ripped outward. Spat out the patch of flesh, turning to cover the gaping tear with his mouth as blood splashed and spurted…onto his face and chest…into his mouth. He drank in long, loud gulps like a man perished, as the body in his hands went limp, only his grasp of her shoulders keeping her upright.
When he raised his head with a long-sated sigh, Adéle was as light in his hands as one of the feather pillows. She’d been a plump woman but now her body was a mere husk, dry as chaff. He let it fall to the floor.
AVAILABLE IN EBOOK AND PAPERBACK. : https://www.amazon.com/Nightmans-Odyssey.../dp/B0CPBDD5V3/
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" there was movement at the window. LeMaitre stood there, a very changed being from the emaciated stick-thin creature of the night before. Still naked, but body filled-in and handsome. His flesh was pale as alabaster, hair like floss in the moonlight, long and luxuriant, that on his chest and groin a thick, silver brush. “You’re awake.” The sans mort glided into the room. “I was afraid I’d failed. ’Tis been some time since I turned anyone. Good to see I haven’t forgotten how.” Damién tossed the sheet away, sliding from the bed. Immediately, LeMaitre was at his side, moving with that incredible swiftness. “What’s that?” He studied Adéle’s body. “You’ve made a kill? Already?” “I-I was hungry…” Damién’s voice held the whine of a chastised child. Had he done wrong? “She smelled so good.” “Nevertheless, I’m supposed to guide you in your first days, my son. I should’ve been here to instruct you, but…” LeMaitre chided himself. “I didn’t have any trouble.” He smiled and his lower lip stung suddenly. Damién touched a fingertip to his left canine, looking at the drop of blood welling on it. I don’t need guiding. I know what I must do, he thought, rebelliously. “Did you enjoy it?” LeMaitre, caught his hand, licking away a lingering smear. He took Damién’s forefinger into his mouth, sucking roughly and growled, “Mmm. She was delicious, wasn’t she?” “Oh, yesss…it wasss..ssso…good…” The words were a sensual hiss. Damién’s tongue swiped around his lips, searching for more of the maid’s blood. “Bon. And now, for your christening, my fledgling, my child.” LeMaitre caught his hands, clasping them tightly. He kissed both cheeks, then his mouth, then that long, sinuous tongue flicked out, lapping at a spot of blood on his chin. Catching Damién’s face between his hands, he began to clean it. Licking away the blood, LeMaitre knelt before his new creation, cleaning the remaining gore and spatter from his body.
THE NIGHTMAN'S ODYSSEY. by Tony-Paul de Vissage. Available in eBook and paperback. https://www.amazon.com/Nightmans-Odyssey-Tony-Paul-Vissage-ebook/dp/B0CPBDD5V3/
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