#lured into wonderland
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viciousbite · 3 months ago
@lured-into-wonderland continued from xXx
Why was this organic here in the first place? Not many came here, especially not the talkative ones. And this one didn't run away screaming. Was she in shock? Golden optics shifted downwards, observing her small body. She must have come all the way up here, all by herself. Interesting.
His scaled body gave small movements, the black and golden plates rattled to shake left over dirt from his frame. So dirty, he needed a wash later. A wash, that had to wait. The organic spoke, a curious little squishy. Something must be wrong with her processors or whatever these ones had under that messy strands of organic matter.
"Oh, I see you very well." He spoke, answering her second question by simply speaking. "All of you." Unlike her, his whole scaled body would be hard to fit into an organics view unless he curled up.
A rumbling hiss came out of his vocals, maws closed together. His main fangs still noticeable due to how they poked out from his mouth. Now, why was she so calm was the question? He lowered his head, slowly, each scale plate silently clicked along the movement. His lower jaw placed right beside her. Large golden optic close and personal to her.
"Now, the question is, are you gonna speed down that hill and tell the rest of your organic group on what you saw? Or are you gonna stay quiet and keep it to yourself?" His tone had a playful tone to it, as if waiting for her to answer yes to the first one. Because that option, would have some entertaining results for him. For her? Life time trauma, if she survived in the first place.
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kisumitenderly · 1 month ago
"I could use some honest confession..." - she is waiting.
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"About what?!" You're still going to be waiting
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cantuscorvi · 1 month ago
(😈) Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse? & (📷) Favorite picture/screencap of your muse?
Yapping about the muse. // @lured-into-wonderland
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😈Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse? 
That's tough!! In terms of threads/asks, he has been stabbed, strangled, kidnapped, tortured, arrested, buried alive -- Although I don't think he ever quite gets what he deserves tbh LMAO
The worst thing I personally have done to him, probably the background I chose for his fantasy verse. Sent to war, betrayed, family killed, himself murdered, but brought back as undead by curse! Ironically, the most moral of his versions is the one suffering the most. oops
📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse?
My favourite pictures I have of Raum are all commissions! But I especially love this set. And this one in particular 🤭
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estarion · 4 months ago
"There it looks better..." - Nunnally fixes his tie. It looks too messy for her liking.
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   he was in a rush; the gentlest of tugs slowed him down.   "—what do you think, nun? tell the truth." there's the accent mirror, but it's useless. her opinion is what matters. "should i have gone with the blue instead?"
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hoovedrcyal · 7 months ago
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@lured-into-wonderland liked for a smoll starter.
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REGULUS  WAS  SITTING  DOWN  IN  A  TAVERN  ,   as  he  was  staring  out  into  the  streets.  He  was  just  admiring  the  village  life.   The  royal  suddenly  felt  someone  tap  him  on  the  shoulder.  Regulus  stood  up  and  did  a  quick  curtsy.  “  Milady.”   he  greets  softly.  The  bar  owner  knows  who  Regulus  is,  a  prince  from  a  neighboring  kingdom.  It  was  the   truth. “  What do I owe this visit from you?”
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falseapostle · 1 year ago
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✥ @lured-into-wonderland asked: ✥
✥ "Mr. Abe…" - Nunnally suddenly stops drinking her coffee as the snow starts to fall; a beautiful view through the window - "Look! it's the first snow this winter! Just before Christmas…Let's go!" - she stands up taking his hand with the gentle urge to take him outside - "Let's see if we can catch the falling snow on our hands…or tongues…" - she giggles as she walks out. Without a coat. Without a scarf. Without anything. ✥
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Haruto tightened his grip on the hand Nunnally had taken him by, but just as she reached the threshold he pulled her back, spinning her as in a dance and pulling her closer to him, "Not like that you're not. Darling, come now. You need to dress properly for the weather. You might not be an ordinary human, but I'm willing to bet the ice and snow is just as unpleasant without a coat, am I right? We'll go out once you're bundled up."
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mannequinentity · 1 month ago
100 Theme Challenge - Day 14 (Trapped) Porcelain Doll and Mannequin - @lured-into-wonderland
The pigeons flew and soared through the orange lit sky, basking in the late breeze that followed it. The reflected light off the shore of the nearby beach echoed a flock of seagulls, and lastly, the swans taking a swim within the serene, reflected lakes.
Inside the bird cage near a high up window, the doll watched it all with that permanent smile on her face, her cheeks blushed and cheery yet so distant. The dark figure who resembled a girl meant well, right? She dresses her up in hats and heels to replicate a proper princess. It wasn't enough no matter how much she tried.
The doll wasn't perfect yet, nor wasn't her favorite after a few attempts. No matter how many times she dressed her up in various different outfits, she eventually gave up and left the porcelain doll to be accompanied by added dust over the months of neglect.
"This puppet is stupid!" One of the shadow figures was a boy of some kind. "Bought him a week ago and his leg is already broken!"
"Well, you should've taken care of him a bit more carefully then." The sister interjected.
He threw the mannequin across the room and against the bird cage, the structure falling apart and down to the floorboards. Half of the doll's face was splattered as she laid on her side with the mannequin laying on his back, with legs bent and broken from the impact itself.
Screams and shouts were like white noise within the background. Both siblings pushing and shoving each other. It was until then they walked downstairs with voices muffled.
Strings were undetached and loose from every joint. It was free, but legs were no more with how useless they are. Suddenly, the mannequin rose from his back with knuckles soothing the sides of his head. The shape he was in, he realized how depressing it must've been for the designer to work so hard on him.
She was no worse for wear...
He used every ounce of his being to collect every single shard. He dug his hands within the floor, pulling his entire body to grab every single one possible. It came to be a success as he tried to plant them inside her face to match her exact expression.
Unfortunately, cracks were evident.
There came an embrace from him. She needed reassurance and with trembling hands, the doll hugged him back within a tight grip, finding solace within his company.
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okkanai · 9 days ago
adrian had been in this world long enough to recognize the careful balancing act that was nunnally’s life. a daughter raised in luxury but kept at arm’s length, surrounded by opulence yet starved of affection. a girl who was meant to be a symbol, a bargaining chip, a carefully placed move in a game she never asked to play.
yet, there was something else beneath all of that. something sharper.
" you navigate this world well, " adrian remarked, his tone even, unreadable as he swirled the dark liquid in his glass. " better than most would expect. " his gaze flicked to her, keen & assessing — not with the eyes of a man looking at a pawn, but an equal.
he leaned back in his chair, resting one arm along the table's edge. " i imagine you've had no shortage of people trying to use you. some subtle, some not. " his lips curled, not quite a smirk, but something knowing. " — & yet, here you are. not just playing along — but learning the rules yourself. "
adrian let the words settle between them, watching her for a reaction. he wasn’t here to coddle, nor to underestimate. he simply acknowledged what was.
" you strike me as someone who's deciding whether to play the part they wrote for you . . . or rewrite the script entirely. " he lifted his glass slightly in her direction. " whichever path you choose, i have no doubt you'll make it your own. " / @lured-into-wonderland.
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viciousbite · 3 months ago
📐 + 160 cm +Yohana
Height Meme From over a year ago. //NOT accepting. // @lured-into-wonderland
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"A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady.~" Totally harmless.
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sansloii · 11 days ago
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Evan says next to nothing as he silently approaches Nunnally, slowing to a more casual stroll the closer he gets to her. It doesn’t take many steps for him to find himself close enough to lean in, favoring the right, hunching over, and leaning in close to her ear.
"one liner" starter - @lured-into-wonderland
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royaletiquette · 20 days ago
[ argue ] sender gets into a heated argument with receiver for prince Hibiya
meme | @lured-into-wonderland
He was prepared for the princess to make her swift exit once the guests all left and their masks were safe to drop. They both had been holding their tongues for some time now. "Nun." A tired voice called after her, but her step hadn't faltered, forcing Hibiya to follow after her. "Nunnally." More firm, as much as he was willing before possibly disrespecting her, following a few steps behind before quickening his pace to catch up. "I have the right to explain what happened, you're obviously misunderstanding."
When she finally allowed, or he had no choice but to speak up, "I didn't think you were going to open your mouth and blurt out plans I shared with you in confidence. I don't recall agreeing to prematurely talk about my plans with whatever guest brought it up." Earlier, when they were asked about the recent proposal, Nunnally was all too eager to share how the couple had talked about their ideas and impressions the day before, and how Hibiya was just about ready to sign. As soon as he heard her speak up, he felt sick, his mouth having a vile taste as the fear of suddenly throwing up kept him from trampling over her words before it was too late. All he could do was disagree when it was his turn to speak. "I contradicted you because you gave me no choice. Plans change. It doesn't matter what we discussed, and if you had just held your tongue for a minute instead of jumping on the single piece of information you had, it would have been fine."
Nunnally shared her side of things, how yes, Hibiya showed zero hesitation and was in fact enthusiastic about the relocation proposal, that there was no reason to think he would change his mind so sharply after a single day. But after his private meeting with a yakuza leader, it didn't matter what he wanted. A deal was reached that made it so the proposal had no choice but to be rejected. This was initially his fault, a mess created from inviting her into his work without anything concrete first. But it was mess easily swept under the rug. Nunnally was the one to call attention to it the second she had the chance.
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Hibiya stared off, not listening to her through a clenched jaw and racing heart. It didn't matter what she thought and what she was trying to do. Eyes piercing her, "You shouldn't have said anything. It was ignorant of you to speak for me. Even if I did want to announce an approval, what would it matter if my father disagreed? He's King, not us. If you go around disagreeing with him now, you'll have a target painted on your back before you're even crowned." Hibiya just counted his blessings that where she stood now, what she said held little weight. Disagreeing publically on a proposal with his fiancee meant nothing compared to if they were already married. "Think before you speak, Nunnally. Because soon your words will mean something here and I don't need to be fearful of that."
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post-mortem-lullabies · 1 month ago
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@lured-into-wonderland asked: 👨‍🚀as we are curious!
Send 👨‍🚀 for my muse to admit to your muse what profession they dreamed of as a child, or still fantasize about
Putting on her smithing apron, Emil chuckled. She had never dreamed of being a firefighter, or a Marine. She didn't even think of herself as a pirate for years after getting her first bounty poster!
Did being 'Zack's wife and traveling together' count as a dream job? Some people wanted to be housekeepers. She paused, mid-putting thick leather gloves on, allowing herself a moment to imagine. What it would have been to live with Zack and their children on Caramel. Travel the world.
Emil shook her head and put the half-made rapier into the fire. She pushed this fantasy away before it grips at her heart just too much, rendering her unable to control her expressions, movements, tone anymore.
She grinned and gave a playful chuckle. "Controlled demolition." She waved towards the furnace and all her old creations stashed in boxes everywhere. Even a jar of her latest batch of cookies in the corner along a teapot. "Would you imagine? I like to craft. I create a lot, but..." She cocked her head, clasping her glowed hands just under her chin. "Ah, the glorious beauty of a precise explosion, collapsing an enormous construction in just the right way." Her grin grew wider.
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"I mean, if I could make it collapse with as little damage as possible, I should be able to destroy it with maximum damage too." And who didn't like big booms anyway?
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kisumitenderly · 21 days ago
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It's clear whoever he needs she is not the one. Though that one bingo is a bit worrisome...?
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“I already told you we aren’t compatible…”
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estarion · 8 months ago
“Are you following me? Or are you lost and looking for a way out?” – in any way she should be (more) careful. She didn’t know the man. She thought she had seen him before; his face did seem familiar, but that was all she could tell about him. And as long as they were alone in that long and empty corridor, he had an advantage over her.
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indeed, he’s been following her—not with ill intent. “you dropped this.” what was left in the young lady’s wake dangles from his finger, ready to be returned. “... no, i am not lost.” the question begs he ask the same, with a mocking sort of eagerness in his lilt and speed: “are you?” before she can make to answer, he retracts his hand, changing his mind about letting her have that undoubtedly precious item back. someone sinister dared him to ‘try being kind’ to the next five people he crossed paths with.  she was number one.  but every harmless step he takes, she’s darting away multiple, gutless more—and this thingy in his grasp might fetch a pretty gold piece elsewhere.   “all right, i’ll be keeping this, then!”
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swordduels · 24 days ago
Private starter Clarimonde’s mother had prepared a warm bath with scented soaps and clean towels laid out. After undressing they were stepping inside the wooden bathtub to gently pour water above their own head. There was a comfortable silence as they began to scrub themself with great care before rinsing every trace of foam away. Once done they sat in silence while leaning back with a quiet sigh. Warm steam made fog upon the tiny lake house window which usually gave a full view of a glimmering lake inhabited by swans and wild ducks. Unfortunately there had been less hatching of eggs this summer thanks to an increase of hungry marten. As if that wasn’t enough there was an intense heat that refused to give way for rain. Bloodfather had been angered somehow and in order to appease him there was a need for sacrifices to be made. But heathen blood, hymns and dancing rituals had done nothing to bring more rain. The elders had been deeply troubled for some time but were recently given a sign in the form of a prophetic dream. He wished for a bride untouched and unmarried. Most young maidens were already promised away and very few wished to part from their beloved daughters. Bloodfather’s bride would be spirited away to his beloved kingdom for eternal salvation if the bride in question was to his liking. It was an honor to be chosen and yet very few wanted to be given to him. Chosen brides would carry his child as well. Clarimonde blushed while touching their own stomach in deep thought. There was a knock to the door before her mother opened and stepped inside with a carefully folded white dress in her arms. “It is done, get up and dry yourself.” Clarimonde turned to her before doing as they were told. Their mother carefully put down the dress before aiding Clarimonde with the drying process. “I think braids will have to do, we don’t have time for anything else.” She said shortly before steering a chair towards Clarimonde and gestured for them to sit down. “Yes mother.” After doing as they were told she was roughly brushing brough thick locks before swiftly moving them into a three parted pattern that ended with a white silk ribbon. “I didn’t know we had silk.” Clarimonde’s voice came in a whisper as the finished braid was placed above their shoulder. A luxury such as silk must have been quite expensive. “It was a gift child.” There was a soft tone to her voice as one hand gently hugged their shoulder. They blinked and slowly touched her hand. “Do you think he will take me as a bride? I’m not pretty like the other girls.”        “Hush now, child. He will know your heart is earnest and filled with love for him. It is but vanity to think he would only have eyes for what a woman looks like.” “But I am not like many other women.” “Don’t speak of such things. You know how to cook and clean. You have the body of a fertile woman. The only thing you have very little experience of is how to please a husband and childbearing but you’ll learn. He will teach you.”  “Yes mother.” “Cousin Anne has been sewing for days so make sure to thank her properly when we meet her.” “Do you think it’ll fit now? I’m not built as you are.” “She has taken your measurements and rearranged everything. I am certain it will go over your shoulders now.” While speaking to each other they started to feel warm inside while tears began to well up without gracing their cheeks. Above the other shoulder lay soon another braid with a white silk ribbon. “It’s time to get dressed now. After arranging your hair with pins and flowers you ought to be ready.” “Thank you mother.” “You’re welcome.” There was a chaste kiss upon Clarimonde’s head before the silence was broken once again. “I’m so proud of you, Clarimonde.” @lured-into-wonderland
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rnothergoose · 29 days ago
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"Miss N, our paths cross once more!" He grins, holding his coffee up as if holding a toast. He knows her name but this is much, much more entertaining. "Are you free immediately after you get your beverage?"
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