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blackunicornwood · 4 years ago
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A sampling of today's work - solid lotion bars, in lavender, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and Grim Reaper (ylang ylang, Tonka bean, rose, and indolic jasmine)! Just need to shrink wrap them, and they'll be ready for sale! #handmadehandlotion #handmadelotionbar #lotionbarsofinstagram #lotionbar #lotionbars #jasmine #rose #tonkabean #ylangylang #japanesecherryblossom #lavender #indolicjasmine #coconutfreelotion #jobnothobby #bodylotion #solidlotion #blackunicornwood https://www.instagram.com/p/CSQGBk7nMPm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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threesudsybubs · 5 years ago
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Looking for some tough yet gentle soap in this time of extreme hand washing?? Need a GREAT moisturizer as well? Guys, I've got you covered! These are the only products I use and I haven't found a hand lotion as moisturizing as our Lotion Bars for my extremely dry hands. For reals, most lotions leave them in even worse shape, or leave a weird feel after use. These do not. And it doesn't take much. I still have some fabulous winter scented lotion bars and a few old school soaps in my on hand stock, but you can find all the new new ones online, #linkinbio. 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 #handmadesoap #handmadelotionbar #naturallybased #bestthereis #inthistimeofextremehandwashing #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #spedparaprofessional #spedpara #spedparalife #ELLparaprofessional #ELLpara #ELLparalife #speducator #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #autismmom #autismmomx3 #autismmomlife #autismadventure #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9y_JzZAx-H/?igshid=98dg6ujn254w
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beolivesa-blog · 6 years ago
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It is a beautiful day, here at the Waterfall market where the vendors are all set up and ready for selling. Be’Olive is here with our luxurious hand made skincare range including face balms, lip balms, body butters and hand lotion bars. So bring the family down as MixFM broadcasts live from the market and later we will have some live music as you partake in some food and beverages form the numerous stalls. #fleamarket #crafts #skincareproducts #bodybutter #facebalm #lipbalm #handmadelotionbar #handmade #handcrafting (at Waterfall Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vHE01pRlc/?igshid=yo54mwqxczxn
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1craftybruja · 7 years ago
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Working on some mini lotiin bars that smell amazing #handmadelotionbar #lotionbars #fruitloops . . . #objects2desirestudio #awesome #organiccoconutoil #cocoabutter #softskin #fruitloopslotionbars #goodsmells
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luvreece · 6 years ago
Check out the vanilla Orange Lotion Bars for sale on eBay! #lotion #lotionbars #handmade #handmadelotionbars #handmadebyme
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kavvieskreativekollectons · 7 years ago
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Handmade Perfumed Body Lotion #HandmadeSoap #HandmadeLotion #Lotion #FloweringLoofahSoap #SugarScrubs #ExfoliatingSugarScrubs #BodyCare #BodyCareGiftBasket #HandmadeBodyCareProducts #LotionBars #HandmadeLotionBars #handsanitizer #PersonalizedHandSanitizers #OatmealAndHoneySoap #LipBalms #LipGloss #Handmade #GiftBaskets #Gifts #GiftBasket #KavviesKreativeKollections CONTACT INFO: Upstairs Pelican Shopping Mall, Basseterre, St Kitts TEL/WHATSAPP:869-465-8301/764-8301/664-8301 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.kavvieskreativekollections.com/shop TWITTER: www.twitter.com/kavvieskreation INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/kavvieskreations FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/KavviesKreativeKollections
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blackunicornwood · 4 years ago
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A commission I finished a few days ago - lotion bars for @lostsatyr ! These are made with skin-loving olive oil, beeswax, and shea butter, and scented with chocolate mint fragrance. #lotionbars #handmadehandlotion #commission #commissionedart #coconutfree #chocolatemint #handmadelotionbar #jobnothobby #handcrafted https://www.instagram.com/p/CHiPL2-HvYD/?igshid=upv0rmdvyjs
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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I've had this little Lotion Bar for six months I think (I bought it right before its name change, it's Twisted Citrus now). It's served me well the last three months with pretty heavy use. I bid it a fond adieu. And now to figure out what new scent is going to be my house Lotion Bar... I have The Gentleman in my purse and took Wisteria & Lilac in to work. 🍋🍊🍈 🧐🧐🧐 🌸🌸🌸 #lotionbar #twistedcitrus #thegentleman #wisterialilac #whattotrynext #handmadebodyproducts #handmadelotionbar #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTJr-AF4z3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xgq8irfa8vpn
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blackunicornwood · 2 years ago
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Tonight's work - labeling and wrapping some solid lotion! I'll have these on sale at the Holiday Market at Leonard Oakes Estate Winery on Saturday, December 10! #handmadebathandbody #handmadelotionbars #solidlotionbars #japanesecherryblossom #vanillachai #vanillabean #peppermintcandy #lotion #beeswaxlotion #beeswaxlotionbars #lotionbarsofinstagram #leonardoakesestatewinery #holidaymarket #jobnothobby #leonardoakeswinery https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2TUgBOLe4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blackunicornwood · 4 years ago
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At the Clarence Hollow Farmers Market until 1 PM today! Today, the Eastern Mountain Butterfly Farm (last picture) will be releasing their Monarch butterflies! #blackunicornwood #clarencehollowfarmersmarket #clarenceny #handmadesoap #handmadelotionbars #farmersmarket #butterflies #butterflyrelease #monarchbutterfly https://www.instagram.com/p/CTH0XfYrY8a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beolivesa-blog · 6 years ago
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Be’Olive is all ready to celebrate Woman’s Day at the Fourways Farmers Market. #womansday #fourwaysmarket #fleamarket #crafts #handmade #skincareproducts #bodybutter #facebalm #lipbam #handmadelotionbars #handlotion #bathbombs #bathsalts (at The Fourways Farmers Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B072zwNJm1D/?igshid=1vjfchdyp8pd3
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beolivesa-blog · 6 years ago
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Be’Olive is at the Slow Market where we have an awesome range of skincare products, handmade just like our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to make. We also are selling Bodycraft Bath Products for a delightful bath and shower experience. And for you immune system, we have Jozi Honey that will protect you from those niggly colds as we begin to make our way to the end of our winter. #skincareproducts #bodybutters #facebalm #eyebalm #lipbalm #handmadelotionbars #beeswax #bathsalts #bathbombs #showerfizzers #honey (at Cedar Square Shopping Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0sWIU1pE0H/?igshid=114o5fo9pizxm
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beolivesa-blog · 6 years ago
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⭐️⭐️⭐️CHRISTMAS IN JULY SPECIALS⭐️⭐️⭐️ come down to The Slow Market at Cedar Square and treat your skin to one of our awesome skincare products and get a gift based on how much you spend. #fleamarket #crafts #bodybutter #facebalm #lipbalm #eyebalm #handmadelotionbars (at Cedar Square Shopping Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2YxBGp7NI/?igshid=ium4xf2ke2tj
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beolivesa-blog · 6 years ago
The Spring Collection - the bees are getting busy with this warmer weather and we are going to hopefully have a bountiful summer’s harvest of honey and beeswax. #beeswax #honey #skincare #skincareproducts #bodybutter #facebalm #eyebalm #lipbalm #handmadelotionbars #lotionbars https://www.instagram.com/p/B1qZpWIjVTz/?igshid=wdkef3yiswqf
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kavvieskreativekollectons · 7 years ago
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Handmade Lotion Bars Sample Size #HandmadeSoap #LotionBars #HandmadeLotionBars #handsanitizer #PersonalizedHandSanitizers #OatmealAndHoneySoap #LipBalms #LipGloss #Handmade #GiftBaskets #Gifts #GiftBasket #KavviesKreativeKollections CONTACT INFO: Upstairs Pelican Shopping Mall, Basseterre, St Kitts TEL/WHATSAPP:869-465-8301/764-8301/664-8301 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.kavvieskreativekollections.com/shop TWITTER: www.twitter.com/kavvieskreation INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/kavvieskreations FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/KavviesKreativeKollections
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kavvieskreativekollectons · 7 years ago
Gift Baskets Filled With Our Handmade Body Care Products
Gift Baskets Filled With Our Handmade Body Care Products
Gift Baskets Filled With Our Handmade Body Care Products #HandmadeSoap #ShowerGel #CaribbeanNightsChampagneShowerGel #ChampagneShowerGel #HandmadeLotion #Lotion #FloweringLoofahSoap #SugarScrubs #ExfoliatingSugarScrubs #BodyCare #BodyCareGiftBasket #HandmadeBodyCareProducts #LotionBars #HandmadeLotionBars #handsanitizer #PersonalizedHandSanitizers #OatmealAndHoneySoap #LipBalms #LipGloss…
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