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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Inktober day twenty: Breakable ❤💔❤💔❤💔❤💔❤💔❤ Are you inking this Inktober? Tag me if you are! I want to seem your creations!! ❤💔❤💔❤💔❤💔❤💔❤ @inktober #inktober #inktober2018 #breakable #fragileheart #artistmom #artteachersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #stayathomemom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKHKOPnARr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w053eiisyo65
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Inktober day seventeen: Swollen 🌈 Are you inking along with me? Make sure you're tagging me, I love seeing your creations! 🌈 @inktober #inktober #inktober2018 #swollen #rainbow #artistmom #artteachersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #stayathomemom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFfRfdH4d3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c0i1p4dx737h
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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A huge thank you to @jimharpbaugh for your recent purchase! Enjoy your Dragon Slayer Handmade Soap. I'm so glad you grabbed one, I hear those are only around for the fall... I hope the other products help! 🐉 🐉 #thankyou #supportsmallbusiness #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #stayathomemom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1pXZQnBTE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11k1571ldhz7e
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Inktober day four: Spell 🧙🏻‍♀️ Who else is inking their way through October? If you are, make sure you tag me! 🧙🏻‍♀️ @inktober #inktober #inktober2018 #spell #artistmom #artteachersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #stayathomemom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bojn_vKndfU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hojbg5k5x6yx
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threesudsybubs · 5 years ago
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I stuck with the corgi theme today (which has now exhausted my corgi themed shirts...I need more...). You're getting a pic from home mid dinner making (yes, we're eating early, we host D&D tonight), way better than the school's girls' bathroom selfie. 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #mypatronusisacorgi #corgishirt #workingmom #spedparaprofessional #spedpara #spedparalife #ELLparaprofessional #ELLpara #ELLparalife #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #autismmom #autismmomx2 #autismmomlife #autismadventure #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4gIBjLg92j/?igshid=uvjlc97j5bvl
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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We're off on another Cross Country adventure! We're going to conquer Pueblo, CO. 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌 #omsmeanmoose #ortegamiddleschool #crosscountry #gomeanmoose #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #autismmom #autismmomx2 #autismmomlife #autismadventure #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Ortega Middle School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rI25nAeML/?igshid=19b6q8rkwcrda
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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We started CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success) testing this week. (Even the name is stress inducing) I've always hated standardized testing: as a student, as an educator, and now as a parent. While I understand the need for standardized tests, the stress and emotional strain they put on kids is ridiculous. Middle Bubs broke down at the bus stop before school his first testing day over the consequences of failing his tests, then had a breakdown at school each testing day. And while I was not supposed to be proctoring any tests, I ended up testing one on one with a poor 6th grade girl who had a breakdown at school yesterday on her first testing day. I have never put any pressure on any of my kids, my own or my students, about passing these tests. All they need to do is try, hopefully their best. And it's totally fine if they don't know or get a "wrong" answer. If they try to work it out and can't, a guess is better than nothing. Too much rides on these tests for schools, cities, states, and yes students sometimes (our results determine class placements for the upcoming school year) and that's not what these tests should do. And besides, there are no standardized children. 📝📝📝📝📝 #cmas #cmastesting #statetesting #standardizedtesting #therearenostandardizedchildren #spedparalife #spedpara #spedparaprofessional #ELLpara #ELLparaprofessional #ELLparalife #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #autismmom #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/three_sudsy_bubs/p/BwExwxggnOn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qcefe7adsau9
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Ugh! I'm sick...again!! Strep's been going around school and it just so happens that my teacher caught and now I have phantom symptoms...at least I hope it's all in my head and it's just a cold. If things don't change for the better tomorrow I'm off to convenient care for a strep test. 😷🤒😷🤒😷🤒😷🤒😷 #teacherlife #spedparalife #spedpara #spedparaprofessional #ELLpara #ELLparaprofessional #ELLparalife #boymom #boymomx3 #boymomlife #autismmom #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/three_sudsy_bubs/p/BvnEmFclIUI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cqng7utfclhy
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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My feet overheated today because I changed out of my booties after two steps outside this morning and I looked at the sky (it was not pleasant). And now my bleh feels like allergies and I just want my nose to stop. Urgh. Happy LuLaRoe legging day! #lularoeleggingsday @lularoemarymikail #lularoemarymikail #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #spedparalife #spedpara #ELLpara #spedparaprofessional #ELLparaprofessional #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuKYRDRlxAR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18hdj8u3qdvk1
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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My middle schoolers think I'm cool, right, with my holiday leggings!?!? My elementary kiddos did... Happy Valentine's Day friends!! ❣❣❣❣❣ #spedparaprofessional #spedparalife #ELLparaprofessional #ELLpara #middleschoolcool #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4XofHHqpW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12h393ldeisq3
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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This was my walk home from school. I clocked in at 7:30am and out at 7:30pm...what a looooong day. Tomorrow we have shortened classes and a Valentine's dance... Can this week just be over already?!? But for reals, please parents be a part of your child's education and go to those conferences! As much as teachers grumble about having to do them, we love seeing our students' families and talking about how much they've learned and grown!!!! We are so very proud of them, yes even the little booger students! ❤❣❤❣❤❣❤ #spedparaprofessional #ELLparaprofessional #ELLpara #spedparalife #longday #parentteacherconference #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt2POdjnARm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kuk1sivl6kkt
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Ugh, yesterday was a LOOOOONG day. We had parent teacher conferences last night (and again Wednesday) and thank goodness my coffee was snug as a bug in my new @caseyscrochet99 coffee sleeve to get me through the morning. If you're needing any sort of warm, handmade items I totally recommend her! ☕☕☕☕☕ #handmadeisthebest #handmadegoodness #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #spedparalife #spedpara #spedparaprofessional #ELLpara #boymom #boymomlife #boymomx3 #autismmom #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyTM7IFqKy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sul70we24ff2
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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Xin Nian Hao! 🏮🎊🏮🎊🏮🎊🏮🎊🏮 Happy Lunar New Year!! 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 #lunarnewyear #yearofthepig #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgH3fsF9Zf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r7wnl7uirlds
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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I hear Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow, so does that mean warmer weather is on its way??? 🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿 (Yes it’s a chipmunk, I know) #groundhogsday #punxsutawneyphil #hesawhisshadow #earlyspring #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYa_9elg_7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l8y5itb75z3c
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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January you were great, sorry you need to leave; but the sooner you do, the sooner the warm weather will be here... I'm so over winter. ❄❄❄❄❄ #goodbyejanuary #itsbeenreal #itsbeenfun #itsbeenrealfun #maybe #hurryupwintergoaway #goodbyewinter #itsbeenrealcold #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUperAFpJJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zy3c6nwzac7j
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threesudsybubs · 6 years ago
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I've worn similar outfits other chilly days, so I don't know what it was about yesterday, but my legs were soooo cold. Maybe it was my choice of footwear?? I've been wearing my Uggs pretty much none stop this winter... ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️ #itwaschilly #mylegsfroze #ithinkilookedcute #spedpara #spedparaprofessional #ELLpara #paralife #spedparalife #elkriversoapcompany #ERSC #workathomemom #workingmom #autismmom #boymomlife #boymom #boymomx3 #specialneedsparentrunbusiness #alamosacolorado #sanluisvalleycolorado #threesudsybubs (at Alamosa, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtTN64Yl5E0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17s17ij8ecbvq
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