#handers headcanons
elflutter · 8 days
warrior fem!hawke x anders is such a compelling ship to me i know we love mage!hawke x anders but the idea of hawke being fiercely dedicated to mage freedom without being a mage absolutely rips me to shreds.
in every single oppressed mage she sees her little sister, she sees her father, she sees anders. all of the mages she loves. she's never been afraid of mages, and always ALWAYS was so damn angry that she could never make a difference when she saw the fear of being discovered in the eyes of her family.
i think she might support anders and mage freedom even more than some mage hawkes would, because her dedication to the cause is so selfless and there is no internalized self doubt or hatred of being a mage to contend with (which i think hawke as a mage might deal with). i think anders would love her even more for that dedication.
this hawke is usually purple in her dialogue but when it comes to mage's rights she is red and she would have helped anders if he told her his plan. kirkwall is literally an authoritarian police state after all, and the chantry is a huge symbol of that power.
in the end she runs away with anders, and it takes time to build up their trust again. not because she didn't agree with him, but because he wouldn't let her help. maybe this makes justice fall for her too. i like to imagine they all get their happy ending.
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heheheku · 9 months
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some of my headcanons in drawn form
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Canon can't convince me otherwise. Justice would 100% be hopelessly in love with Hawke during Anders' romance, specifically with a pro-mage/friendship path Hawke. Like, of course Justice thinks Hawke is a distraction, Anders! Anytime Hawke is even in the room, he starts giggling, twirling his hair, kicking his feet, and batting his eyelashes. He fantasizes about starting revolutions together before running off into the sunset in a blaze of glory. This is nothing new.
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months
Dragon Age 2, between Acts 1 and 2. Mage!Hawke, Fenris, Varric, Aveline + whoever else you would like to include. FenHawke being the main focus:
Hawke faints while they’re all walking through Kirkwall, surprising everyone, eventually they find out Hawke has been starving themselves to make sure their family has enough to eat… I headcannon that magic and spellcasting consume a lot of the bodies natural resources, so mages need to consume more calories, hence why they like bread and cheese so much
Thank you for your request! and for the follow 😄
Masterlist 10
Fenris - he’s freaked out when Hawke/you collapse!! Rushes immediately to your aid. Once you/Hawke reveal to him what curtailed your fainting spell, be prepared for the lecture of a lifetime. Fenris sympathizes with your efforts, but is frustrated with your stubbornness given how he feels about you.
Varric - he would be entirely concerned for your/Hawke’s well-being, telling you you’re no good for your family (or him) if you’re half-starved. Saying all this while he’s preparing a whole homemade feast for you
Aveline - she would also lovingly chastise you/Hawke for not letting her know, but also demands you rest while she tends to you
Bonus character(s):
Isabella - tries to make a slight joke out of it, “hey stay with me, can’t you have you fainting on me now while we have each other..”, demands Varric and/or the rest pitch in to help you
Anders - gives Fenris and everyone else a run for their money in freaking out over you, holding you in his arms as he scrounges Varric’s tavern or the kitchens for whatever you need
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flashhwing · 2 years
Hawke said one (1) time, to Anders about Bethany, “she’s not the best healer but she’s good in a pinch,” and it immediately became a running gag between Bethany and Anders
any time Bethany would heal someone one of them would say “sorry, she’s/I’m not the best healer” and the other would call back “hey now, I’m/you’re pretty good in a pinch!”
Hawke has to use a skill (lock picking, diplomacy, cooking) they’re not an expert at? “Wow Hawke, you’re not the best at this huh?” “hey but they’re good in a pinch!”
and then of course this comes to a head sometime when Anders is like grievously injured and Bethany manages to heal him to barely conscious, and she’s visibly upset and crying a little and Anders like groans or makes a pained face and she “I’m sorry, I did the best I could, I’m not as good a healer as you” and he responds weakly “it’s okay … you’re pretty good in a pinch” and it’s weird and heartwarming and the WORST part is hawke isn’t even there to witness his sister and his boyfriend being genuine besties and not just at his expense
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walk-the-fade · 1 year
My canon Hawke uses blood magic but bc i didn't use it till late in the game I always hc that it wasn't something Ex wanted to do. It was something he felt was necessary seeing how bad the situation in Kirkwall had gotten. And he hid it from his party. He hid it from Anders bc he knew his lover wouldn't approve and it was going against everything they stood for.
You face so many blood mages who lose control and turn into abominations but Hawke is confident that he is not like them. He can handle it. If Meredith wants to paint all the mages as monsters then he'll show what a real blood mage is capable of. The Templars pushed them this far. They dug their own grave, now they're gonna lie in it.
And it makes Anders """"betrayal"""" hit in a different way for me bc Ex would have supported him either way. Had Anders told him he was going to bomb the chantry Hawke would have willingly burned it to the ground with him. But he hid it, and Ex hid his blood magic bc they are both fucked up in the head and doing what they think is right for their people. They're not okay post Chantry Explosion. They're lives and relationship are in shambles but they stay together anyway.
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x-mendacium · 5 months
Welcome to my rant about one of my dearest headcanons...
Cross-dominant (handed) MePhone!
So, what might bring me to this headcanon? Why would it be my dearest?
First — you can see it in canon a lot.
Sure, MePhone4 isn’t the only character in Inanimate Insanity who switches hands, a lot of them do it. (noticed it mostly with OJ when I was looking through Pinterest for screenshots.) However, that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t have some backing inside of canon.
First, let’s look at some pictures where MePhone is using his right hand as his dominant hand.
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Here you can see him clearly emoting with his right hand, — which I’ve noticed people tend to do with their dominant hand a lot more —, and also the bumper cars.
In other instances throughout the show, we can see MePhone using his left hand as one would use their dominant hand.
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As we can also see here, it’s not a thing that’s limited to III alone.
On the topic of III, have you ever noticed he also uses his left hand as his dominant hand in the intro?
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Oh, and let’s get the biggest thing out of the way, he writes with his left hand.
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Second — why cross-dominant? why not just ambidextrous?
Headcanon territory time! Time for me to start self-indulging.
I believe MePhone4 is naturally left-handed, that’s his true handedness. But, like many people in real like, he was forced to use his right-hand. (He learned to use his left-hand in writing for funsies, but found that it was way more comfortable than using his right and stuck with it.)
I genuinely believe that Cobs would believe left-handedness was inferiour, and that it would hurt his reputation if one of his creations was left-handed.
Sure, MePhone4 might have been created by him, but he’s still his own object who clearly has his own opinions and mental issues, I fully believe he could have turned out left-handed just because, honestly.
Even if MePhone is capable of using both of his hands, he has strong preferences, and automatically switches them when doing different tasks.
Third — any other things?
Oh, you bet!
Forced use of the right-hand can cause issues! Who would of thought.
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From Wikipedia — Bias against left-handed people
As we can see here, it can cause learning disorders, and since many people have started headcanoning MePhone with dyslexia I feel like it fits.
Also to take from my own headcanon pile — I believe he stutters. He had just learned to stay quiet until he feels like he can speak clearly and fluidly again.
Oh, and there’s also these statistics!
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From Wikipedia — Left-Handedness
Just wanted to show this, because autistic MePhone is also a pretty common headcanon. I believe at least.
Forth — closing thoughts
Even if it’s just a silly little headcanon, I believe it has a locked packed in it, so I wanted to share it.
MePhone just feels like a left-hander or cross-dominant object to me.
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awryen-nyx · 7 months
Previous reblog, dear children, is why I hate the idea of Hades just using magic to help him wield that massive two-hander sword.
Sorry. My mans actually trained with it and got swol. Gotta have that stamina to keep up with and help protect Azem when he's called, mm'kay? Cause even a sorcerer of his caliber will have to punch something in the face from time to time. Not to mention, the absolute satisfaction in doing so~
Even Mr. Permanent Smudged Mascara Solus!Emet had to be fit in order to have been in the Garlean military. And those prominent pecs and biceps are NOT padding, thank you very much. 😤
You want the twink? That's Hythlodaeus. And even then, he's a Twunk. Cause there's NOOOOO WAY he doesn't have that amazing Archer's Back. HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
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levshany · 1 year
What's your favorite thing about Belos? Do you have any headcanons about him? Also, I love your art and how you draw him!
My favorite thing... Should I pick just one? Well, if we're talking about the look, it's his hair. If we're talking about the temper, it's his hardworking
And here are my headings about him. I'll start with the most common ones, and end with personal ones that I haven't seen from anyone yet:
1. Belos is a retrained left-hander. He holds all the instruments with his left hand, but writes with his right, since it was previously believed that left-handers subject to devilish influence.
2. Phillip's mother was burned on charges of witchcraft. Perhaps little Philip even had to witness this terrible scene.
3. Belos was often ill at the beginning of his journey through BI. And I'm not talking about a curse, but about local infections, to which he had no immunity. Over time, his body adapted, and later the curse itself began to neutralize all poisons and infections.
4. Belos really had fun while communicating with the Collector. These two have the dynamics of a king and a jester, and the jester is allowed to interact with the king as equals, making fun of him, giving advices, and generally talking to him as a friend. Thanks to this feature, a trusting relationship was often built between the king and the jester. With Collector Belos could afford himself to forget he was an emperor and just chat about whatever came to mind.
Perhaps Belos could even tell Collie details of his life that he could not discuss with anyone else. He was going to get rid of the kid anyway and didn't allow them to have contact with the outside world, so there was no need to worry about spilling something to anyone.
5. It was Belos who built the portal door. This headcanon even has confirmation in Philip's diary, where one of the pages depicted scheme of this very door
6. The picture of the witches dancing around the campfire is based on one of Belos' real memories. I'm sure witches have such parties/rituals, and Belos was a witness to them. I like this massive wall of fire and it seems to me that it is somehow connected with the fire that occurred during the battle of the brothers
7. Some people think that Belos doesn't eat anything other than palismen, but I headcanon that he still eats normal food, it's just that his diet is severely limited due to his inability to digest most of the foods of the demon realm
8. Little Philip didn't allow anyone except his brother to touch his head and hair. This is the intimate area
9. Belos wrote a huge number of magic books. It is unlikely that this person was limited to only one diary. To keep order in the covens and teach witches the "correct" use of magic, books and guides were needed. So Belos wrote at least a book for each coven, but I'm sure there are many more. Maybe even Belos signed some of them with pseudonyms.
It is possible that some of his works have survived and are still used to this days for an in-depth study of a certain type of magic.
Wooooo, so far these are all the heads that I remembered for now! I hope you enjoy it :3
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glitchy-npc · 2 months
▼ - childhood (well. You know, the farm) headcanon for Tegan?
▼ - childhood headcanon
Oh Tegan was definitely the Farm's problem child when he was first decanted. Think the temperament of a two yr old, the intelligence (but not experience) of the random adult his memories came from, in the body of a 13 yr old. He was volatile to say the least.
He mellowed a bit as he got older and started to fear the punishments (and his handler) but he cherished the time outside the Farm when on missions. If the Farm had given him personal autonomy and choice in the jobs he did he might not have tried to escape. But that small taste of freedom was intoxicating and he got to see what life was like for normal people.
My current headcanon for his first escape was his handler got sloppy. Tegan had been on a good behavioral track record and they were driving back to the Farm after a successful mission. Tegan had made no attempts to escape prior and when they stopped at a gas station he left the keys inside the car. The second his hander went into the convenience store Tegan vaulted into the drivers seat, gunned it and never looked back. It took him several different stolen cars and a lot of walking to reach LD.
Thanks for the ask! From here
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
Here's something I think about a lot.
Calliope is left-handed.
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Caliborn is right-handed.
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Now, bear in mind that the left hand is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain and the right hand is controlled by the left hemisphere. In popular culture, the right hemisphere of the brain is associated with femininity and creativity, while the left is associated with masculinity and rigid applications of rules. Let's ignore the fact that this isn't actually how the brain works, because it's irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion -- the point is that it's pretty clear that Calliope is intended to be "right-brained" and Caliborn is intended to be "left-brained". In fact, Caliborn is SO left-brained as to have impairments in areas that are stereotypically associated with the right brain, such as art.*
If we wanted to, we could even take this literally and speculate that Calliope's consciousness is localized mostly in the right side of their brain and Caliborn's in the left. This would fit in well with the cherubs' themes of duality.
I have two headcanons about this that are not particularly compatible with each other:
Headcanon 1:
All juvenile cherubs have one right-handed consciousness localized to the left brain and one left-handed consciousness localized to the right brain. Fully integrated adult cherubs gain access to the full functionality of the brain and are ambidextrous, with perhaps a slight preference for the side of the body that won out.
Headcanon 2:
Calliope and Caliborn's body as a whole is left-handed. This works out well for Calliope, who has access to the right side of the brain and thus full control over the left hand. Caliborn, however, doesn't have access to the areas of the brain that would allow him fine-grained control over the left hand, so he's forced to use the non-dominant right hand as if it were his dominant hand. This partially explains why he has so much trouble drawing -- he's no more adept with his right hand than a left-hander would be! This theory admittedly doesn't make the most sense, but it does have the benefit of being very funny to me.
* He also has language impairments while Calliope does not, which is curious because the language centers are typically located in the left hemisphere. Except… in left-handers, these language areas are actually sometimes localized to the right side of the brain instead. I doubt this was deliberate, but still, it's even more support for the crackpot theory of Caliborn being in the unfortunate position of being a left-brained cherub in a left-handed body.
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possessedopossum · 1 year
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My handers kid Leandra "Lea" Hawke with her parents. Idk why but Anders has girl dad energy. These two are the only ones who have a kid in my headcanon. I mean, thats what the mage rights fight is about? About living a normal boring life without the government tearing your family apart and making you a slave just bc youre a mage. Enjoying simple things others take for granted. Being a person and not a living weapon. Lea`s parents did not want her to feel like she HAS to learn magic and use it every day for others sake. For her, magic is a source of joy. She can use it to warm up a bowl of soup. Cheer a friend up with a silly spell. Heal a wild bird`s broken wing. But forcing a little girl to throw fireballs preparing her to kill people? Isaac would never do to her what his father Malcolm did to him.
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Imagine a setting where Hawke met Anders earlier, not in the usual sense where people headcanon them meeting in Ferelden or through the Wardens, but if they simply met in Kirkwall before Varric and the expedition placed them on the path to meet in-game out of necessity. Anders has obviously been in Kirkwall long enough to have people willing to lay down their lives for him when you go asking around about him.
During a whole year of working as a mercenary or smuggler, you can't convince me that all of those jobs in that time have steered clear of Darktown. All it takes is one "easy job" gone bad, an ambush to catch them off guard, and Hawke is gravely injured somehow, one of a few to make it out (barely) alive. And of course, they're dragged along to Anders' clinic because word is there's a healer in Darktown.
At first, Anders is all "no, no, no" because he doesn't take lightly to Kirkwall's gangs bringing their fights to his clinic doors where it could endanger the other patients, but then he catches sight of how bad the wounded are, and he can't help himself. He takes them in, and he stops when he sees Hawke for the first time, wipes the blood away from their skin. Because, let's face it, he's a sucker for a pretty face.
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
small moments
Summary: they appreciate your touch, but know the feelings are a risk
➡️ a little bit Valentines-inspired for next month, but also because I like these characters and their narrative foils!!
➡️ also here on MASTERLIST 9
Writing prompts (found here) —> “Brushing your lover's waist/shoulder as they pass”
“Instinctively pressing your hands against your lover's cheek as they passionately rave, only for them to stop talking and gape, completely distracted by the lack of distance
“On a whim, pulling your lover into an alley and pressing your lips firmly against theirs, getting lost in each other's touch while the streets bustle outside”
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Anders welcomes their touch as if it’s a salvation for him.
The mage hunted down by Templars desired so fervently by the Hero of Kirkwall. Gentle, brushing touches leave him ravenous and Hawke teases him so. A grab along the waistband, or carelessly letting their hand ghost along the his freckles.
As the guards pass by, Anders can barely hear them look for the Apostate. Hawke has him pinned against the wall, their lips and tongue try to keep the besotted mage quiet as he tries to keep his moans low.
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Sebastian goes against every rational thought that tells him this is wrong. Hawke plays a dangerous game with the brushing touches against him, especially in the open view of the Chantry.
Despite the verbose warnings Starkhaven’s prince has to offer to Hawke, he’s suddenly mute when their armored hand caresses his face. How can an innocent touch be loaded with a searing, underlying intent?
Losing any last shred of inhibitions, Sebastian lets Hawke crash their lips onto his before he surrenders and reciprocates. It’s wrong, forbidden and he could get caught, but Maker’s Breath it feels too perfect to pull away.
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flashhwing · 2 years
here’s how it is: Anders is dating Hawke who’s dating Fenris who’s dating Isabela who’s sleeping with both Anders and Hawke. also Varric is there
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kb1301 · 3 months
The Shipping Board
Hello! This is the Shipping Board, where I just put what ship I'm into across different fandoms! OC x Canon ships will occur because I said so. Anything in bold and red means a favorite ship out of favorites.
Call of Duty
Ghostsoap / Soapghost / Ghoap (Original and Reboot)
Korangi / König x Horangi
Ghostkonig / Ghost x König
König x Male OC (still trying to make one)
Ghost x Male OC (same goes here)
Horangi x Male OC (and here)
Keegan x Male OC (and here.)
König x Horangi x Male OC (a dream thing hihi)
König x Ghost x Male OC (and another dream thing)
Ghostsoaproach / Ghost x Soap x Roach
Gazprice / Pricegaz
Walruss / Keegan x Logan
Destiny 2
O14 / Osiris x Saint-14
Shaxx12 / Lord Shaxx x Maximus-12 (my Exo Warlock OC)
Saint-14 x Maximus-12
O14 x Lord Shaxx
Lord Shaxx x Saint-14 (I need this more)
Cayde-6 x Maximus-12 (more on platonic than romantic)
Candal / Cayde-6 x Andal Brask
Felshaxx / Shaxxwinter / Lord Shaxx x Lord Felwinter
O14 x Maximus-12
O14 x Lord Shaxx x Maximus-12 (the fantasy foursome for Max / my headcanon polyamory where they're all husbands)
Baldur's Gate 3
Gale x Tav/Durge
Shadowheart x Tav/Durge
Karlach x Tav/Durge
Shae'zel (?) / Shadowzel / Shadowheart x Lae'zel
Shadowlach / Shadowheart x Karlach
Bladeweave / Gale x Wyll
Bloodweave / Gale x Astarion
Bloodpact / Bloodblade / Wyll x Astarion
Durgetash (my preference though is default Durge)
Craig Boone x Male Courier
Charon x Male Lone Wanderer
Paladin Danse x Male Sole Survivor
Ghoulcy / Vaultghoul / Lucy MacLean x The Ghoul
Maximus x Thaddeus
Elder Scrolls
Teldryn Sero x Male Dragonborn
Razum-dar x Male Vestige (mostly Khajiit)
Sharp-as-Night x Male Vestige (mostly Khajiit but Argonian too)
Dragonborn x their spouse (I mean come on now)
Mass Effect
Shakarian & MShakarian
Sheptali (both Shepards!!!)
Shiara (both Shepards!!!)
Shenko & MShenko
Shepard x Jack
Dragon Age
Alistair x the Warden
Leliana x the Warden
Morrigan x the Warden
Zevran x the Warden
Handers / Hawke x Anders
Fenhawke / Hawke x Fenris
Isabela x Hawke
Fenders / Fenris x Anders
Cullistair / Cullen x Alistair
Josephine Montilyet x the Inquisitor (they are an aspec relationship in my headcanon)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kusahigu / Higukusa / Kusakabe x Higurumi
Higunana / Higuruma x Nanami
Nanago / Nanami x Gojo
Dimension 20
Theopin / Theobald Gumbar x Lapin Cadbury
Ruehob / Delloso de la Rue x K. P. Hob
Inkblade / Oisin Hakinvar x Adaine Abernant
Figayda / Figueroth Faeth x Ayda Aguefort
Other Fandoms
Reymas / Reynauld x Dismas / Crusader x Highwayman (Darkest Dungeon)
Kapglaz / Glazkan / Kapkan x Glaz (Rainbow Six Siege)
Liondoc / Doclion / Lion x Doc (Rainbow Six Siege)
Poolverine / Deadclaws / Deadpool x Wolverine (Marvel) Spideypool / Spiderman x Deadpool (Marvel)
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