Hey guys!
Send handcuffedplotbunnies some birthday love today!
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inkstainedcoffeecup · 10 years
C & G
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.I can't think of any off the top of my head, TBH. I either ship or I don't, or every now and then I wish I didn't but do anyway. I think the nearest I got was Esplanie in the Transit Cop ep?
G: What was your first fandom? Either Roswell or The Practice - they were around the same timeThanks for the ask!!!
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handcuffedplotbunnies replied to your post:Tagged by handcuffedplotbunnies! Thank you so...
OMG — I can’t believe I forgot about Max & Liz! *facepalm*
I forgive you! They were quite literally my high school obsession!! 
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bunysliper · 10 years
19, 27, & 63
19:Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
There are a few people, but I'm gonna give it to my puppy (seven years of puppy and counting) this time. Because she's this big ball of love who (usually) runs up to me with a toy in her mouth and just wants to cuddle. And I get to see her next weekend, yaaay.
27:Do people ever call you by your last name?
Not really. I've had teachers do it, but I've never been referred to by my last name by friends. Now, a nickname of my last name, yes.
63:What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters I think it was Catching Fire, but last week we watched The Lego Movie at home at my housemate's birthday request.
Thanks, handcuffedplotbunnies!
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handcuffedplotbunnies replied to your post “So I'm writing this ficlet/one shot and I have this part:”
They go inside the quotes.
Thank you!
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takeiteasykate · 10 years
This is a tumblr hug. Pass this to at least 10 of your favourite tumblr followers to show how much you love them as best buddies. Make sure you don’t break the chain. Happy tumblr hugs ~! (◕‿◕✿) (◕‿◕✿)
Aww, thank you :) ♥
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I was tagged by the lovely beckettsbooha!
Rules: Take a screenshot of your desktop. Don’t change anything. Don’t delete anything. Tag 5 more people. 
Tumblr media
I am tagging: handcuffedplotbunnies, beckettsdrawer, katicmagic, n-p-y-d, and millionmidnights
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5, 18, & 61
5:What were you doing at 11PM last night? I was having a lovely evening with tumblr! Getting caught back up after a week off! 
11:You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Probably water, kristirachal keeps telling me I drink it like I have a problem!
18:When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? I talked to one of my best friends this morning! Making plans to see her in January!
Thank you handcuffedplotbunnies!!
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bunysliper · 10 years
This is a tumblr hug. Pass this to at least 10 of your favourite tumblr followers to show how much you love them as best buddies. Make sure you don’t break the chain. Happy tumblr hugs ~! (◕‿◕✿) (◕‿◕✿)
Thank you! *hug* I needed that this morning.
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I was tagged by the extraordinary stanatic-4-life!! Thank you so much!! 
1. Vampires or No? VAMPIRES!! :)  2. Drive or Fly? I'd rather drive 3. Ever left the country? Want to? I have! I went to the Bahamas when I was 18. I would like to go to Vancouver, the UK, and Australia!  4. Run a marathon or watch one? Watch one!!  5. Netflix or Hulu? Netflix 6. Favorite Author? I have so many, but I am going to pick one of my more obscure ones! Lisa McMann 7. Mexican Food or Italian Food? Mexican food! 8. Bath or Shower? Shower 9. New Clothes or New Shoes? New clothes!  10. What’s your definition of love? Willingly giving someone the last piece of cheesecake. ;) 
New Questions:
How many tabs do you have open right now?
What is the last book that you read?
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Favorite fictional character?
Strangest place that you've fallen asleep?
Do you take quizzes on the internet?
Beach or Mountains?
Star or cloud gazing?
Favorite book from school?
When was the last time you fell out of bed?
I'm tagging: handcuffedplotbunnies, stanatic-4-life, beckettshooha, becketts-areola, youmakesavingtheworldmagical, blaze78-caskettalways, caskett12, hisgirlwednesday47, rickate-kateick-caskett, tellme0urstory
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I was tagged by the fabulous handcuffedplotbunnies!! Thank you!! 
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write ten new ones. 3. Tag ten people and link them to the post. 4. Actually tell them you tagged them.
1. Favorite book? (Or series) I'm going to go old school with this one! My favorite book from elementary school is "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry 2. One place you’d most like to visit? I would love to visit NYC or Vancouver, BC 3. Do you like to camp? I like all the aspects of camping, other than the sleeping outside... my allergies kill me! 4. City Lights or Country Roads? Country roads, without a doubt or hesitation 5. Favorite hobby? Oh goodness... I am really enjoying painting right now, but I feel like I am letting the other's down by leaving them out! 6. Have you ever been to a comic con/sci-fi convention? I have! But I would love(times infinity) to go to SDCC or Paleyfest! 7. If you had a time machine, where would you go? (Going to get a bit sentimental with this one) I would go back to 2002 to be able to talk to my dad, I miss his hugs! 8. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? I do! I play the piano, clarinet, saxophone, and the xylophone. I am trying to teach myself the guitar! ¿¡It is totally going great so far...¿¡  9. Dogs or Cats? Dogs, but I love cats too! 10. Favorite movie? I have a few I can watch over and over, but I am going to go with Pitch Perfect! I cannot wait for the sequel!
My Questions
1.What is your favorite holiday?
2. Do you have facebook, twitter, instagram... etc?
3. What is your favorite thing about where you live?
4. When is your birthday?
5. Favorite song of right now?
6. Do you make your bed?
7. What is your favorite way to relax?
8. Baking or Cooking? And what is your favorite thing to make?
9. What is your favorite fruit?
10. Are your ears pierced?
I'm tagging: handcuffedplotbunnies, bunysliper, stanatic-4-life, stanamylove, youmakesavingtheworldmagical, allons-y-stana, castlefanfics, buttonupkitten, miss-bythebook, and 74flawsasofyesterday
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I was tagged by the lovely iceefashion, thank you!! 
1) What is a book that made you want to cry? - I have tons, but the most recent one was rereading Mockingjay, some of those deaths were tough!!
2) Weirdest otp that you ship? It would have to be back in the day, I really was rooting for Spike and Buffy to get everything all figured out so they could have their happily ever after!
3) Coffee or tea? Neither, but I love coffee flavored ice cream!
4) Strangest book you have ever read? - On the Road - The only book I have ever FORCED myself to finish. I wouldn't let the book beat me!
5) Dream job? Social Media Consultant or Blogger/Entertainment Writer 
6) favorite snack to eat while watching your favorite tv show? - Jalapeno Cheddar Munchies and something chocolate!
7) Favorite band? Does Taylor Swift count as a band...?
8) Something that you love to hate? The wackos that harass people in RL and on Twitter, because if I ever find myself identifying with them, then I would have to admit I have PROBLEMS! 
9) Something you hated but then started slowly loving? The thought of moving out. At first I had so much trepidation, but now I am so excited to be starting a new chapter!
10) Dogs or cats? Dogs always win in my book, but I will probably end up with a cat, because it would be better with my schedule.
10 New Questions
1. Crayons, Markers, or Colored pencils?
2. Do you have a favorite article of clothing? If so, what is it?
3. Do you use your queue?
4. Name 5 things within reach of you right now.
5. Do you collect fandom related stuff?
6. Do you have/want a tattoo?
7. What time is it?
8. Do you smuggle snacks into the movie theater?
9. You get to time travel: Is it in the Delorean or the TARDIS? And when would you go?
10. What TV family past or present would you love to be a part of?
I'm tagging: handcuffedplotbunnies, youmakesavingtheworldmagical, writingonthecastlewalls, beckettshooha, beckettsdrawer, becketts-areola, tellme0urstory, stanatic-4-life, hisgirlwednesday47,and charlie-alpha-yankee
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bunysliper · 10 years
Orange :)
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
I'm a little weird in that I don't necessarily think of the town I've lived in since we moved as my hometown, so I'll do facts about both the town I still think of as my hometown and the town that for all intents and purposes probably is my hometown. :)
It has a very unfortunate name - one my brother told me at one point was banned from X-Box Live because they considered it an obscenity.
The Lase Show was awesome when I was growing up, but I've heard it's not the same anymore and that makes me sad.
Until about a year or two after I graduated high school, there were only 3 high schools in the entire county - North, South, and Central. Imaginative names.
They built and then tore down at least three venues for the 1996 Olympics near my house.
There are still chicken farms and stables pretty close to my house, so it feels a lot like being in the country country, even though it isn't.
One of the parks I played at when I was very little was deemed a superfund site by the EPA at one point. That was pretty exciting.
Thanks, handcuffedplotbunnies!
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