#hamilton canoncall
Looking For: Theodosia Jr.
Hello! I am fiction kin with Aaron Burr from Hamilton The Musical and I am looking for my little Theo! Please message me if any of these memories match up! 
-I made Theo these little dolls!! and they were so cute!! One had little braids and a forest green dress and she always played with her and I always chose the one who had a deep purple dress.
-I read her bedtime stories I wrote myself.
-Sometimes I would stay late at work to make sure Alexander Hamilton was okay and safe
-Theodosia Sr died when Theo was about 7 and I remember telling her and as soon as she started crying it Really Hit Me that Theodosia was gone and hoof we cried in each other’s arms for a While. (oh so Dear Theodosia Reprise was a Thing)
-Theo loved to read more than anything
-I made sure she got a proper education
-She had the best smile it made my heart melt every time
-I gave everything for her to be happy
-I always gave her forehead kisses
-She wore a light blue dress she loved when she was young, and as she grew up she had a light sky blue casual dress and a deep purple fancy outing dress.
-She had long curly hair and she was so beautiful
-She and Philip Hamilton were friends when they were young, I don’t know if they remained so as they grew older.
-I miss her more than anything.
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captainwebs · 7 years
Another kincall!
Hi, me and my John are looking for our Lafayette. We were in a poly relationship, if you’re lafayette and you remember this please message me! I’m open to anyone who’d like to share memories, though I’m mainly looking for Laf. I have memories of a lot of people! 
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If anyone out there kins Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan, General Washington, Philip, Burr, Madison, Jefferson, or anyone else who would have known me, and wants to talk to me (and possibly discuss memories), please message me at this blog.
I'm an adult (currently 22; will be 23 April 23, 2021) so I prefer to talk to other adults (the only exception I will make is for Philip because he was my son, but no younger than 17 for him please, and only if comfortable with my age).
I use any pronouns.
Just shoot me a DM here, if you want to talk, and I will get to it as soon as I can.
Note: I will most likely NOT reply immediately, please don't be upset if I am late to reply. If you're afraid that I forgot to reply, just send another message but I do sometimes go days and even weeks without using Tumblr!
Negativity will be ignored and will result in immediate blocking! Fair warning.
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so i have a hamilkin discord server and the children in the server would like it to be revamped and so basically if ur hamilton kinnie cmere and join my discord server pm me for da link 
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jeffferoni · 6 years
Hey, um, any active hamilkins still out there? I mean, I’m sure nobody’s looking for me specifically, but... It’s worth a try.
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secretary--hamilton · 7 years
HELLO! I'm Alexander and me and my Eliza @chaquemoi are desperately looking for our Philip!
Please please please come home Philip, we miss you so much. If you're out there, please know that your mother and father love you dearly and are looking for you, we hope you're looking for us too
**please** message us if you're Philip and any of these things sound even vaguely familiar, we miss you, please come home Philip
- I had blue eyes and freckles, and I had a slight stutter. I was around 5'7, and had a slim build
- Philip was adopted, we adopted him as a baby. He knew he was adopted though, I would always say things like "the second we brought you home, you were so gentle and calm" and stuff
- Philip had a slight tooth gap, thus making him have a lisp. He grew out of his lisp as he got older though.
- he had /really/ curly hair, he would sit in between my legs and I would brush his hair and put it up or braid it for him
- Eliza would always make comments about how he looked like he could've been our biological child, because both me and Philip had freckles
- I was very afraid of storms due to the hurricane, and one time it was stormy outside and I froze and stopped talking, and Philip was about 3 or 4 at this time. He tugged on my sleeve and said "what's wrong, papa?", and I bent down to his level and reassured him that I was okay, and then we sat on the couch next to the fire place, he sat on my knee.
- I have this rly rly nice memory of me, Eliza, and Philip sitting on a field having a picnic during a really sunny day, Philip was about 7, 8, or 9 at this time? There was daisies all around us and we were making daisy chains
- my friends would look after Philip if I was busy, Philip LOVED laurens so much, like whenever laurens walked through the door Philip would run up and cling to him
- Burr was rly good at math and taught Philip math
- Philip was my absolute pride and joy. I would do anything for him and I would constantly do the dad thing where I picked him up and tossed him above my head and stuff
- Eliza has a memory of cuddling with Philip and running her fingers through his curls
- dinner time was probably my favourite time of day, because that's when me, Philip, and Eliza got to spend most time together
- we adopted a dog for Philip! We got a beagle, and it was mostly Eliza's and Philips dog since I was so busy I never really got to play with it, but it was extremely well trained and loved Philip dearly. I don't remember his name, though.
- we have more memories if you're curious! Just message me and ask!
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hamiltonkincalls · 7 years
Hello, I'm Alexander Hamilton and I am tremendously ashamed of it. I really want to talk to my friends and apologise so, if anyone is looking to talk to me, Alexander, I'm @plagg-claws-out-cataclysm here.
@plagg-claws-out-cataclysm here. Don’t feel so ashamed, I know it’s hard with all the hate, but honestly, they’re more ignorant. They’re in the wrong for putting us all in a box. 
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kin-calls · 7 years
Kincall! Hey, this is Alexander Hamilton,Fictionkin, NOT factkin. I found my John, and I’m so incredibly happy. We’re still looking for our Laf, though. We were in an off-modern universe, and we were poly. Laf left us when he went to France, and he used to sing us Hush little baby when we couldn’t sleep. The Washington's were like parents to me, Lafayette barely spoke English at first. I was like 5'5, he was taller than me. If this sounds familiar, please message me to share more memories!
Good luck, Alexander!
-Mod Seiko
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
hey uh this might be a weird canon call but im alexander hamilton and im from a modern college au, and im looking for the hamilsquad and also uh,, thomas jefferson whom... i dated... uh... yeah. i was hella bi, and i had trashy sleeping and eating habits and i love all my friends and id love to reconnect with everyone. if anyone remembers me majoring in law and minoring in econ, and dating thomas then hmu bc i miss all yall
#canoncall #alexanderhamiltonkin
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hamiltonkincalls · 7 years
Hey, I’m Alexander Hamilton kin! (Fiction, not fact!) from Hamilton: An American Musical. My canon is off-modern. I found my John Laurens, but we’re looking for Lafayette. We were in a poly relationship and we met in the war. Lafayette used to sing us hush little baby when we couldn’t sleep. I was around 5’5, he was taller than me and didn’t speak much english at first. He left us when we went back to France. John & I are both under 18, please message me if this sounds familiar
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captainwebs · 7 years
Hey, this is Alexander Hamilton! I found my John, and I’m so incredibly happy. We’re still looking for our Laf, though. We were in an off-modern universe, and we were poly. Laf left us when he went to France, and he used to sing us Hush little baby when we couldn’t sleep. If this sounds familiar, please message me to share more memories!
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secretary--hamilton · 6 years
I’m Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton!
I’ve already found Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Philip, Jefferson, Burr, Washington, Laurens, Eliza JR, and Maria
I’m looking for Lafayette, Mulligan, all my children, our family pet beagle named Cyrus, Jefferson’s non-canon child, Martha Washington, Kitty, and especially my mom, Rachel. As well as anybody else we haven’t already found!
My canon is slightly different from canon, I had blue eyes, I was 5’7, I was born in 1758, and the Hurricane happened in 1775, I married Eliza after the war, and most of our children were adopted because Eliza had trouble conceiving. If any of this sounds even vaguely familiar, please message me!
Im 17, some of my canonmates are younger and some are older, so you’d have to be okay with most ages!
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kin-calls · 7 years
Hi I'm Alexander Hamilton! I'm chill with anyone! I'm 17 if that bothers anyone! @alexandersquirrel to hmu!
Good luck, Alexander!
-Mod Seiko
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captainwebs · 5 years
Hey I’m alexander hamilton looking for john laurens from a modern timeline, dm me if you want to share memories
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
Kincall! Hey, this is Alexander Hamilton, @Bwayalexander. I found my John, and I’m so incredibly happy. We’re still looking for our Laf, though. We were in an off-modern universe, and we were poly. Laf left us when he went to France, and he used to sing us Hush little baby when we couldn’t sleep. If this sounds familiar, please message me to share more memories!
@bwayalexander #canoncall #alexanderhamiltonkin
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
I'm Alexander and I just found my King George, I'm excited that I met someone from my canon, I'm still looking for people who might remember me! Im mostly looking for Burr and my Washington, and any of the rev boys. If you remember an Alexander with blue eyes, slight freckles, was about 5'7, and had extreme anxiety, please check out my blog! I have a list of my memories you can check out if you want to see if we match, list of mems in #before you follow My blog is @secretary--alexander--hamilton
@secretary--alexander--hamilton #canoncall #alexanderhamiltonkin
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