#halsin approves 🤩
amarmeme · 5 months
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WIP — emperor gives psychic damage to Luscinia by stealing Maraleth’s (her mentor’s) appearance. I think it’ll be three panels. Wish me luck. 🤞
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nikatyler · 20 days
Zeph 1.0
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Almost there…yes I closed the game so I could get the 69 hours played screenshot…almost got it! 😅
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I'm such a stupid 13yo at heart
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did i mention i love him
Oof besties I think it's Moonrise time
Moonrise time over because ya girl is going to work tomorrow and it's getting late 🥲 but I so didn't want to quit the game today ugh
Need to incorporate "let's not do anything hilarious" into my vocabulary because it's the biggest realest mood
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no way he approved lmao
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oh... OH
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forevermore? as in you and me forevermore? don't read the last page but i stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes omg a taylor swift reference!! 🤭🤭
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Zeph is looking so good in their new armor 😩
Oh I'm gonna be reloading this fight a million times huh
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Dude never thought I'd say this but Shadowheart carried this battle. I'm going to bed in game and irl because two intense battles back to back are too much for my anxiety 😭
This game is gonna wreck me isn't it
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So in the battle I had yesterday, Jaheira was killed, but I thought, well, it would be a shame to leave her stuff behind and she doesn't need it anymore, might as well take it…now I loaded the game again and notice she's there in just her underwear 😭 I'm sorry 😭😭
Yes I loot everyone and everything shamelessly, I learned from the best 🤭
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hole hehe
hole not hehe this is disgusting jfc
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I personally hope that *he* will make *me* worse
We're not gonna talk about this party kill Nailed it! Took me three tries though 😂
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Big brain time
The f u c k?
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well i may have a few ideas how to use this one 🫢
Well. I think I'll be starting act 3 tomorrow? 😬
(I'm excited but also nervous. Oh man this is exactly why I've never played this kind of games before 😂)
I think I fucked up…I was going to do the crèche and the mountain pass stuff later but I can't anymore, I completely skipped it 😭 without too many spoilers, are there going to be bad consequences maybe?
I could pull up an older save but I've done so many other things already…I'm not sure if I want to replay them at the moment 🥲 Think I might just have to leave it for my second playthrough but it sucks that I completely skipped such a big part
And I know at some point it told me some things wouldn't be available if I continue but I didn't think it would be this 😭 I need clearer instructions y'all, I'm a dummy
This is ridiculous but I'm about to cry bc I missed such a huge part, I think I might go back to an older save and just redo everything idk 🥲 idk what to do 😭 overthinking this too much
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"magnificent bastard" is a wonderful gender tbh
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dude i'm not some fucking pokémon 💀
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oh god i love him 💀 is he wrong though?
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she's serving too much cnt to handle i'm afraid
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A fellow clown hater! 🤩
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ohhh i was looking forward to this line 😂
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omg Zeph really went "so aren't you worried about that old master of yours? yeah? anyway wanna smash tonight?"
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KJLFGKSJFGKLJL BRO??????? the fuck did i do to you
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hello ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? no genuinely i don't know what i did/did not do 💀 idgaf I'm handing his ass to Cazador
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me and Zeph both rn
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delivery not guaranteed? that's so Česká pošta coded
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bears in the closet you say? what was halsin doing in your closet? 🫢
not me actually accidentally making Zeph jump off of a very tall something
and right after the second short rest and the idiot took so much damage 💀
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Oh we're playing Among Us now, how fun!
I fear this will be another full night of playing...not a good idea considering we're going on a family trip tomorrow but eh whatever
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We did it again besties, let's hope I'll get my sleep schedule back on track before I return to work 😂
But it was definitely worth it, I had so much fun playing today. Aside from essentially being dumped but I'm gonna clown and hope all will be well (no spoilers pls)…I promise I will be normal and not actually irl cry about it 🫢😂
Gotta love that rejection hypersensitivity that kicks in no matter what 🤩 real person, fictional, who cares, it hurts 🤩 (no really I'm okay, I'm exaggerating, you know me)
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Next time I go "hehehe I won't sleep tonight, it's gaming time", stop me please. I'm not built for this
And daylight savings are kicking in today? fk me rip my sleep schedule
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hehe god i wish
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I'm getting overwhelmed with all the quests jfc 😭 can we just skip to the part where I romance the vampire again
I also (and this is me overthinking again) can't help but feel like I'm playing the game wrong and that I'm ruining everything as I go and we will not reach a nice ending 💀
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What the actual f u c k was that
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kimmkitsuragi · 10 months
on another note:
shadowheart cracked a joke today after i gave her a flower 🤩 she likes me nowwww we're so besties
karlach can hug people now!!!! huge win for everyone in the world!!!!! im literally in love w her!!!!!!!!
astarion is so cute and pretty in general im distracted. (im sorry for adding this as an update lol) he approves of being nice to the owlbear cub and the cat :( he gets so excited when he remembers what halsin said to us nsjsndjd litcherally could not solve this without your half-assed memory baby thank you
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
I remember seeing you mention that you had a list of characters to go with each romance in the game and was wondering if you'd like to share about them?
I do something similar in that I painstakingly spend days setting up characters that I might not get around to playing for years… 😅
I assume this is for BG3? I wouldn't say I have the most detailed ideas for characters, but I do have general ideas for what sorts of characters I want to play (race/class) and who I think they'd romance? So... (This could become a long-ish ramble...)
(Also, I fully understand the need to develop a big backstory for your character even if you're nowhere near close to playing them.🙃)
I already played my drow necromancer, Dahlia, for Karlach. 🖤 And since I love Karlach so much I definitely want to romance her again. I'm thinking with a tiefling fighter named Brim. Who would probably have a low intelligence score and the two of them could share one whole braincell. (Probably leaning towards soldier background for her, a tiny bit older, spent a lot of time in battle.) Himbo girlfriends.
I was going to play a dwarf paladin, Tora, to romance Astarion, but I'm thinking she's more suited for Wyll, so I'll probably do that instead. (And Astarion is getting my tiefling storm sorcerer, Nephele,) She'll be more lawful good, a little naive, and I don't think I'd get any approval from Astarion for that. Plus, I like the idea of what her and Wyll could choose to do at the end of the game. They can be idealistic romantic fools together. 🖤
Also have a vague idea for an half-orc barbarian for Shadowheart, slightly opposites attract vibes. She'd be a little gruff and rough around the edges, not amazing with people. And maybe a human monk for Lae'zel? So that they can enjoy sparring together all the time. And possibly a dwarf wizard for Gale so they could geek out and be nerdy losers together. (And honestly, I really liked having two wizards on the team during combat. So many spells you can have access to...🤩) And a flirty drow bard for Halsin? (I ignore the D&D lore around stuff like all drow are evil or whatever...)
As for a Dark Urge character... I'm not sure. I may play a tiefling or half-elf cleric. Or possibly a ranger. I have an image in my head about what I want my Dark Urge character to look like, but that's really all I've decided on so far...
Anyways, I'll leave it there. That was me trying to not make this too long. 😬
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