#halloween iris
kwoomochi · 2 years
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Every pokemas Halloween got that ghost type specialist and their token Unovan
Anyway unovan time
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guardianwallace · 2 years
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happy halloween y’all 🎃
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Sync Pair Retrospective - Halloween 2022
I feel like this event was weird. I dunno, it just didn't feel that engaging to me? It's hard to explain.
Halloween Allister Allister came out second, but I'm talking about him first, because I once said he was the worst support released last year. It's been another year now, and...yeah actually, I stand by it.
Halloween Allister feels very much like SS Wally, in that sense where he was ultimately held back for having a new trait. Ghost Rebuff was supposed to be a huge deal, but Ghosts...don't really love this guy. They can get along, but the bad speed tends to hinder more than help, given how gauge limited many of them already are. His immediate +3 crit for the team is nice, but defense is only relevant sometimes, and his Ramp Up is incredibly slow acting. He's a pair that thrives more in Gauntlet, especially as a soloist given his passive recovery, but his CS performance is highly suspect. This has not significantly changed.
The completion of grid expansions did provide Allister with two F2P partners in Agatha and Shauntal. Agatha's stalling technique via Hypnosis allows Allister to take a little longer with the Ramp Up to get her where she's going, while Shauntal's speed boosting trainer move meant gauges were less of a problem. Neither was an ideal fit. They worked well, but were far from exceptional. NY Dawn was effective enough, further improving physical bulk and doubling his Ramp Up buff. But the trouble with Allister is that if he's getting Ramp Up, he's not applying the rebuff, and then what is he doing? You need approximate self-sufficiency, but the only two with that, Anni Lillie and Renegade Cynthia, are pretty slow and gauge hungry. So he often fails to give them what they need.
Allister hasn't really changed. If anything he's gotten worse, as other fast-acting crit buffers jump in. NC Calem does the same +3 crit with the right grid, and offers a huge boost to Atk with some Sp Atk in the same action, while having two types of field effect. Palentine's Mallow does the same Def/Crit with high personal healing and Ramp Up gimmick, but with special defense drops on her main damage attack instead of the type rebuff, making her more broadly applicable. Frankly, if it weren't for the rebuff, Variety Agatha would've put him out of a job permanently as far as offensive support goes. The kid started out pretty bad and arguably got worse. His only real niche at this point is a Gauntlet Solo count few care about, and the rebuff that doesn't see much use. That'll save the meta.
Halloween Iris So with that you may think hey, Iris has Poison Zone, and Poison is a rough time. I guess she's the better pick. Great news! She's the worst Zone setter! It's not even close!
Iris' Zone exists for herself. Hyper Beam spam is at least decent, despite her low special attack, and she can do okay at clearing on-type content. Though off-type reveals how bad the special attack really is. Her only other utility is Acid, which she needs 3/5 to make a 100% AoE chance to debuff special defense. That is a lot of investment for an effect Lucian wildly outperforms at 1/5, girl. Zone is carrying you, and frankly, it's not worth it given how bad Poison damage really is. It's incredibly had to justify Iris.
The introduction of new damage dealers was also a double edged sword. Yes, Emma and Oleana could use the Zone. But they're physical, and new CS parameters with the 12.5k meta meant you didn't want to attack with both types of damage, so oopsie doodles, using Iris is not using someone who does literally nothing but Zone, or trying to let her contribute to damage by re-allocating points to more punishing conditions. Emma had an easier time with Looker than Iris. And Oleana had a rebuff that she slapped on right away to ensure Toxic, effectively replicating Iris' utility, then adding Venom Drench and Pep Rally 2 on Move Gauge Boost to the mix. Oleana wasn't so much a good partner to Iris as her replacement. It wasn't Zone, but it got the job done better. The only real partners Iris has received as Drasna, who has Poison as secondary, and Petrel, who is a 0.4% chance to happen on a limited banner he's sharing with four other targets. Good luck with that!
Iris is not in a great position. Poison is starting to seriously pick up as a damage type, but they're all physical. And while Iris doesn't contribute much, she prefers special. Which very, very few competent Poison-types are. Iris is still waiting for the special Poison type of her dreams, that has competent DPS and is easier to access and everything. Personally, I'm hoping it's Halloween Lusamine and Nihilego this year. But given how the year has gone for me personally, I'm not confident.
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eerieeccentrix · 2 months
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Black Widow Iris (iris tuberosa)
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lcfrsm0415 · 11 months
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happy halloween everyone!!
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khytal · 11 months
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my piece for @onceuponaturnaboutzine , featuring iris wilson as thumbelina :] 👍
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seafoamboy · 2 years
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Have some nice, clean, and transparent gifs of Hololive CouncilRyS halloween chibis! Why post this a month late? Because I recently found a way to automate the gif rendering instead of doing it slowly by hand 
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juuxzi · 2 years
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laundry mix up
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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whats the point of being a baby/teenage costumed superhero if u?? cant have fun on one day when wearing costumes?? is a requirment????
also extra barry&hal, before i realized that barry is canonically pouty when his sidekick is stolen by green lantern lol
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zaine-m · 11 months
headcanons for the characters from Bodies going out on halloween except they're all in modern times
Shahara, Iris, Karl, Alfred, and Henry all go along to take Esther and Jawad out trick-or-treating mostly just so Shahara can show them all what Halloween is
Alfred is very happy to be able to wear his whole Victorian suit gettup without being stared at weird (he feels naked in just one layer of clothes)
Him and Henry go as Sherlock and Watson
Henry takes his old-timey camera partially as a prop, partially to take photos of everyone
He loves seeing all the costume, while he's developing them he tells Alfred something about the costumes people choose to dress up as being reflections of their inner selves finally brought out
Esther becomes obsessed with being able to get the most candy possible
She forces Karl to wear a matching costume in hopes it'll get people to give them more
Karl has to stop her from swiping more candy from little kids passing by
She hasn't seen this much candy since the rationing started
Iris isn't as into all the halloween decorating and stuff but she decides it would be fun to dress up like Defoe's body (except clothed of course) so she watched a bunch of sfx makeup tutorials to make it look like her eye was shot out
whenever anyone asks her about her costume she tells them the full ghost story of no exit hole, no bullet found, no one heard a gun go off, "some say the body will keep appearing until his murderer has been brought to justice"
She tells some of the little kids "do you want to know a secret... I shot him"
Shahara always has to calm to the kid down after that but Iris keeps on doing it
Shahara is exhausted by the end of the night taking care of the whole group
Karl lets her go to bed early and babysits Jawad
When Jawad gets upset about how much more candy Esther got than him Karl forces her to share some but it turns into a big argument
"there's not rationing anymore, we can get you more treats later" "but I earned this fair and square"
eventually he gets her to give Jawad some but she steals it back in the middle of the night
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miyaulait · 2 years
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halloween iris + allister - 2022
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purplequay · 2 years
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happy halloween to the septic fandom and the septic fandom only
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Teambuilding - Halloween Iris
Well, I may have lost on who got Gourgeist, but this was a pleasant and unexpected surprise.  And it breaks the theme!  Prior, we only ever got Ghost and Dark types, but they're willing to give us spooky Pokemon in other types too! Shame their best pick wasn't even the most messed up Ultra Beast, but I'll take it.
General Overview Iris and Naganadel is such a bizarre combo.  I lament the loss of Anabel/Naganadel as a Poison Zone setter for Looker, and worry that Nihilego won't be a Zone setter either, but this legitimately isn't bad.  I like Iris a lot, I love the Ultra Beasts, we desperately needed help on Poison, and this is a fun and fairly creative pick.  At least to me, it is.
I want to kick this off starting a bit negative.  Specifically, Iris’ special attack stat is low, and her support is minimal beyond Poison Zone.  Acid On a Roll 9 is a guaranteed special defense drop on AoE, which is nice, but it’s effectively all she can do for a partner.  Which I find a bit disheartening?  I like when the Zone setters offer a bit more.  It’s also worth noting that On a Roll 9 is specific to her 3/5 grid, meaning without max investment, she doesn’t even have team support.  She is purely there for the zone.  Oh sure, she has a 30% chance for a regular Poison, but SS Leaf has a 50% chance for Toxic, and gets Sundering 9, and is two years older, so this is not great.  Even Ingo, who I think is largely considered the worst support Zone setter, has guaranteed Defense Crush 9 and Trap in his base kit.  Comparatively, Iris is downright bad at support, and should be considered the least effective Zone setter because of it.
Thankfully, Iris is not here to support.  She is here to kill.
Hyper Beam is tremendous damage, even if it is incredibly boring.  Her sync also isn’t anything to scoff at.  Uninvested 1/5 Iris with Zone up hits for over 8k on Hyper Beam, per damage calculator.  Considering other Poison types are hitting around 3k prior, now around 5k with Zone?  This is a staggering improvement.  The fact that Iris can debuff special defense should also be seen more as an appeal to her own damage than to support.  The only support Iris should be offering is Zone, with the intent to dual strike.  Because frankly, at 3/5, yes she unlocks debuffs, but for her own multipliers.  There’s no sense running Iris solely for the sake of supporting someone else.
As such, this is the most skippable Zone unit.  If you’re hurting for Poison damage, go for her, she is the best in class.  If you’re not hurting for Poison, Iris is a nice little embellishment, but is otherwise so bad at support that she’s the easiest skip of the month.  Take that how you will.
Move Level/EX Required? Iris is oddly quite serviceable 1/5.  The access to Zone really amplifies her damage, and Hyper Beam is already nuts without investment.  3/5 also, oddly, doesn’t offer as much as you may want.  The multiplier is shaky at best, and -1 special defense debuff per hit of a move she doesn’t want for DPS builds is not essential.  Iris at 1/5 is completely fine, but may really want another Poison-type ally to keep pressure up.  That said, I do find Iris one of the better candidates for EX, or at least 20/20.  High move damage/low base stats units are helped tremendously by 20/20 stats, while Tech nukes really benefit from having their EX to ensure denials in CS, and clean phase skip KOs on Gauntlet.
I’m also going to make a quick note.  Due to Iris being raw power, there’s little reason to go against Crit Strike 2 as a lucky skill.  But if you do get her 1/5, and you’re looking at dual strike comps?  Mind Games or Defense Crush is a serviceable choice, to give her some measure of team support.
Team 1: H!Iris, Plumeria, NY!Lillie/SS Kris Iris does make a solid partner to Plumeria, if you've invested in her.   Acid's debuffing helps keep Plumeria's damage high, all Plumeria needs is support. This is where decisions come in.  SC Jasmine or similar can supply the needed offensive buffs for the team, but note that Plumeria needs speed as well as the offensive stats.  As a result, you can get away with more of a focus on a support that just buffs crit rate, because Plumeria is certainly using her own trainer move to buff offenses.  The exception is a high enough SS Kris, to pack Team Swift Reaction for all of Plumeria's needs.
Team 2: H!Iris, Bede/Lucian, BP Janine BP Janine once again stays winning, with the combination of Team Sharp Entry and her slight topping off of special attack, with added speed and evasion buffs.  Iris loves all of that.  All she needs from there is support for special defense debuffs to shift into pure damage.  Bede and Lucian are the obvious picks, depending on the need to debuff attack or special attack in response to the stage you're on.  But in general, Lucian is better.  The added speed buffs on a Hyper Beam unit?  Divine.
Team 3: H!Iris, Looker/SS Giovanni, BP Janine If you really want, this is another option to support the offensive picks.  In the case of Looker, BP Janine remains optimal, but the goal now is that Iris wants Defense Crush to support him better.  The ideal is that a CS stage weak to Poison is getting exploded.  Does it work?   No idea.  But it's probably the best we're getting.  Alternatively, SS Giovanni is a pick, but still likes the presence of Janine and her speed boosting for gauge control.  But man, this isn’t a great idea.  Looker and Giovanni take a lot of gauge for guys who waren’t that fast, and Iris exists to deal damage.
Team 4: H!Iris, Koga, BP Janine Oddly enough, perhaps one of the best Gauntlet-related teams for her is completely F2P.  Janine gives the last point of crit that Iris needs, as well as the top off on special attack.  The whole team gets speed bonuses for gauge control.  Koga can use Venoshock to debuff special defense guaranteed every use, setting up Iris' needed multipliers.  All of them have a chance to poison.  What this accomplishes is freeing up Iris to spam Hyper Beam, and maximizing the DPS of Koga and Janine via Venoshock.
Final Thoughts As stated, Iris is about offense, and nothing else.  Support is a myth.  She exists to dish out damage, and nothing else.  Unless you want a better poison damage dealer, you’re pretty safe to not pull here.  Like...it’s kinda stunning how bad this year’s Halloween alts are?  Iris is nice for Poison damage, but if you have SS Giovanni this is nothing new, and being a Zone setter who offers exactly nothing to a team is pretty bad.  Sorry to dunk on the kid, but maybe this wasn’t a great trade, and she should’ve taken the Fused Kyurem Master Fair like the other regional champions.  But that wouldn’t involve an Ultra Beast and cute costume, so I’ll take the trade.
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am-ber-arts · 2 years
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So…about that new ego lore huh
Without glitch effect:
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labyrinthofstreams · 1 year
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Iris Lancaster in The Cat Creeps (1946) | dir. Erle C. Kenton
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dontyoufeelcalmer · 2 years
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