#haley x f! farmer
elleinkmaster · 2 months
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Just some meme I saw.
"Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats. Alone. Unless you wanna come along?"
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your-modern-sappho · 2 days
How do I address the f!farmer in my Haley fics I’m working on?? Like??
Do I give her a name? But I don’t like doing that because then it feels more like an OC than a reader insert. Do I use Y/N or is that too 2016 Wattpad of me??
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swarvey · 7 days
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> you get yourself a partner for the flower dance; harvey lets his imagination roam wild. warnings -> very mild hints of nsfw wc -> 2861
a/n: lowkey writing this chapter was sm fun. enjoy!! we're getting into the thick of it now >:)
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7
chapter five: you belong with me -> "been here all along, so why can't you see?"
“He’s dancing with who? ”
You looked at Haley with big eyes as she nonchalantly filed her nails. Emily, whom you’d learned was her older sister, continued to braid her blue hair, while Leah worked on her latest sculpture in the corner. The artist had invited the three of you to her cottage to spend some time together, to your surprise — from the small conversations you’d had with her throughout the season, she seemed to be pretty reserved. After running into her and the sisters more than a handful of times, though, she must have warmed up to all of you.
“His nurse,” the blonde repeated, her tone bored and monotone. “This is old news, keep up.”
“I only got here a few weeks ago,” you sighed, slumping down in your seat. “How was I supposed to know?”
“Haley, be nice,” Emily scolded lightly, walking over to Leah and admiring her work. 
The Spring season had flown by quicker than you anticipated, though it felt fulfilling to know you had accomplished so much in such a short period of time. Your once weed and debris-ridden farm was completely cleared, replaced with plots of crops. You made sure to leave some open spaces for the animals you were planning on getting, excited to take the next step in your farmer life.
Throughout the past few weeks, you’d gotten closer to Haley and her sister. The blue-haired girl was closer to your age, though her personality was a stark contrast compared to her younger sibling. She was open and expressive, while Haley was typically moody and blunt. Both of them were kind to you, though, and it was refreshing to talk to people you could at least somewhat relate to.
Obviously, you had Harvey, too. The two of you made sure to get dinner with each other at least once every week to make up for your lost time together, never once mentioning romance again. Instead, you easily fell back into rhythm with him, old jokes resurfacing and memories continuously being shared. You’d nearly forgotten what good company he made; he never interrupted you, and always made sure to ask about your day.
Better than any boyfriend you had, anyway.
“She’s just jealous because she has a crush on him.”
The comment snapped you back into the current conversation, head quickly turning to look at Haley. She had a knowing smirk on your face as you began to blush. 
“Honestly, you sound like a high schooler,” you huffed, turning away. “I’m just not used to the thought of Harvey liking someone, that’s all. It’s like knowing my brother has a girlfriend.”
“Right,” she responded, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “So, you’re not jealous?”
“No, I’m not.”
“And you’re not interested in dancing with someone? Y’know, just to see how he reacts?”
Emily and Leah looked at you with similar expressions, brows raised and curiosity in their eyes.
“No, no way,” you laughed, as if she’d said a joke. “I mean, seriously? Who would do that?”
“I would,” Haley said without hesitation. “The worst that can happen is that he gets a little jealous, so what?”
“There is no way Harvey of all people would get jealous over something like that.”
“So do it.”
You looked at her with narrowed eyes, trying to think of a rational reply. She shrugged, not even bothering to look up at you.
Emily cleared her throat. “Well, it would be nice to see you dance,” she said, though there was a mischievous edge to her words. “You’d look beautiful in one of those dresses.”
You eyed Leah for her opinion, but she simply shook her head, continuing her work. “Don’t drag me into this,” she said, squinting at her woodwork. “I’m done messing around with guys.”
“You literally dance with Elliott every year,” Haley noted, pausing her filing to give her a deadpan stare.
“Elliott and I are friends, that’s all,” she replied, her voice final. “Besides, after what happened last time, I think I’m over boys completely.”
“You mean, you don’t think you’ll date again?” you asked.
“I never said that.”
Emily blinked in surprise. Haley hummed in approval, resuming her previous acts. Leah blushed slightly, though you gave her a reassuring smile and shrugged.
“Who am I going to dance with, anyway?” you questioned. “I mean, doesn’t everyone in town have a partner already?”
“I doubt Shane will do it,” Emily sighed, crossing her arms. “He only dances with me because Marnie forces him to every year.”
“I don’t know if Elliott will, either,” Leah added. “He’s a bit . . . particular.”
Haley dropped the file beside her, a tired breath escaping her as she wordlessly picked up her phone. 
You tilted your head. “What are you—”
“Alex, where are you?” A pause. “Come over to Leah’s. Now.”
The three of you gave amused glances to each other as Haley hung up, obviously annoyed by whatever Alex had said on the phone.
A few minutes later, the jock showed up to the cottage, roughly knocking twice before opening the door. Upon seeing the four of you sitting in Leah’s living room, he stopped suddenly in the doorway.
“Uh, am I . . . supposed to be here?” he asked.
“Just get in and shut the door,” Haley snapped. 
Sighing and mumbling something about her “not having to be so mean all the time,” Alex made his way over to all of you, awkwardly scratching the side of his head.
“You’re gonna dance with her this year,” she said, pointing her thumb at you.
“What?!” He quickly looked between you and her, dumbfounded by her remark. “Haley, why would I do that?! I don’t even remember this girl’s name!”
“I don’t doubt it,” you muttered, and Emily laughed.
“Listen up!” Haley stood, and despite being a solid few inches taller than her with a much larger build, Alex flinched, seeming to shrink away. “ You are dancing with her because, quite frankly, I’m sick of dancing with you!”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
She groaned, rolling her eyes. “It means, we’ve been doing the same thing for years now, and I’m bored. I don’t want to do it, so I’m sitting out.”
“But you never—” She glared at him, daring him to finish his sentence. Instead, he let out a short breath of defeat. “Fine.” He turned to you, undeniably uninterested. “What’s your name again?”
“Y/N,” you replied, equally as flat-toned. “Thanks.”
“Sure, I guess. Can I go now?” You felt a little bad for him, especially since he looked like a kicked puppy,  but you knew him well enough that he’d bounce back within the hour. Haley nodded, and he quickly made his way out of the cottage.
“Actually, we should get going, too,” Emily said, checking the clock. “We still have to make dinner.” With that, her and her sister made their goodbyes, leaving you and Leah alone.
“You know,” she started, wiping her hands on her pants and looking at you with a smile, “she must really like you if she went to those lengths for you. I don’t think Haley’s ever sat out of the Flower Dance.”
You nodded, chewing your lip. “Yeah, well . . .” You trailed off, your head being filled with thoughts of Harvey and the words he’d said before.
“I guess we’ll see how it goes.”
Harvey anxiously fiddled with his tie as everyone began to arrive at the festival, brushing a hand through his hair.
Shane stood beside him and scoffed. “Seriously, you’re acting like we’re at your wedding. Calm down, doc.”
“Yes, I know, I just . . . I want to look put together.” For you, he wanted to add, but kept his mouth shut. “I can’t believe she’s going to see me do this dance,” he mumbled, not even having to say your name for his friend to know who he was talking about.
“If I can do this every year in front of Jas, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he replied, looking at his goddaughter with a fond look on his face. Those were the only moments where Harvey saw the typically stoic man soften. 
“Before you know it, she and Vincent will be old enough to participate themselves, you know,” he said, hiding his smile when Shane scowled and whipped his head towards him.
“Like hell, she will,” he retorted, giving her friend a death stare. “That kid better watch it. He does anything to Jas and I swear I’ll—”
“Ah, my glorious friends! How are you this fine morning?”
Harvey and Shane nearly toppled over as Elliott appeared in between them, balancing them with his arms wrapped around their shoulders. Harvey was sure he heard the man next to him mutter some not-so-kind comments under his breath, but ignored them.
“It was fine, up until a few seconds ago,” Shane snapped, ducking out of his hold. “How are you always so damn chipper at every hour of the day?”
Elliott stood up straight proudly, his healthy hair shining in the light. “You see, this is what the magnificent tool of sleep can provide you. With proper vitamins and a good night’s sleep, anyone can be as energetic as a hare.”
“What is this, a fuckin’ ad?” 
“He’s not wrong,” Harvey chimed, making Shane grumble and walk away towards Jas.
“Ah, I’m afraid I have some news to share with you, my friend,” Elliott started, turning to look at him with a slightly worried look on his face.
Curious, Harvey opened his mouth to question him, but was interrupted by the sound of Emily gasping loudly and calling out your name. 
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next.
He watched as you walked into the festival wearing a flowy white dress, flowers intertwined into your hair. He swore he felt his heart jump at the sight, unimaginable thoughts racing through his head as he wondered what it would’ve been like to be by your side then, or even before at home helping you put the dress on, drunk on the sight of your exposed skin—
Harvey’s imagination went blank when he saw Alex by your side, saying something to you to make you laugh. Certainly he was dreaming, right? He’d seen you just the other day, and you had never once mentioned anything about the aspiring gridball player. Was he even your type? Was that what you were looking for? If so, his hopes were out the door. 
“Harvey? You okay?”
As he blinked back into focus, Harvey realized Maru was now standing in front of him, concern written all over her features. He turned to glance at Elliott confusedly — noting how he was anxiously biting his fist before mouthing him a sorry — before giving his nurse a kind smile, placing a hand lightly on her shoulder.
“Yes, sorry, something just . . . came to mind,” he lied. “You look amazing, Maru. Thank you for dancing with me again.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to thank me every year, Harvey, it’s not like I’m doing this against my will. I like dancing with you.” Her face flushed slightly at her last sentence, though he paid it no mind. He was more interested in your figure walking over to him, a lopsided smile on your face.
“Hey, Maru,” you greeted, an ounce of tension in your tone. 
Though, Maru didn’t seem to notice, smiling brightly back at you. “Hey! You look great, you’re paired up with Alex, right?”
“That’s right!” His jaw tensed at your despicably happy mood. “Haley wasn’t too interested in dancing this year, so he decided to ask me.”
A lie . Harvey knew you well enough by then to tell when you were lying, and he felt it immediately as the words left your mouth. Why, though? What were you doing? Or, more so, what part were you lying about?
“Cool,” the nurse replied simply, completely oblivious. “Well, I think we’re about to start, so how about we all get lined up?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You jumped slightly when Harvey pulled you back by your arm, trying his best not to be swayed by your looks as he scanned your face.
“What?” you laughed, feigning innocence. “Is there something on my face?”
He shook his head quickly, blushing before letting you go. “No, it’s just . . . I didn’t expect you to be dancing, is all.”
“Well, someone didn’t ask me,” you teased, making any words get caught in his throat. “I’m kidding, Harvs. Alex just needed someone to dance with.”
Another lie. “I see.” 
“Harvey, come on!” He waved to Maru in acknowledgment, giving you one last look before beginning to walk away.
“You, uh, you look stunning, Y/N,” he managed, turning so he couldn’t see your reaction.
As the music began to play, Harvey’s body easily began to move with it, remembering each step after years of doing the same movements. The only difference, though, was your body in his line of sight, Alex’s arm wrapped around the small of your back. 
A familiar feeling started to rise from his gut. He recognized it as how he felt in the saloon the first day you’d gotten to Pelican Town, telling him shortly about your previous relationships. He didn’t like how it made him feel, not at all, but he couldn’t resist it as he observed you. What kind of cruel game was the universe playing? 
Alex looked down at you, giving you a small, unexpectedly shy smile. You grinned back.
That should be me. The singular thought raced through his head as the music swelled, Maru twirling under his arm in front of him. His eyes stayed on you, breaths becoming hot with jealousy. You should be with me, not him.
Then, as everyone entered the last part of the dance, you tripped on your dress, nearly falling backward. Harvey tensed, and if it weren’t for Maru already leaning back on his arms, he would have lunged for you. 
It didn’t matter, though, as Alex had already caught you, his face inches away from yours as you panted heavily.
As everyone applauded, Harvey gently let go of the girl in his arms, looking away and taking a couple deep breaths to still himself. How was this happening? Did you enjoy seeing him suffer? 
Apparently, you did, as you lingered in Alex’s arms after standing up. He watched as Emily and Haley greeted you with smiles, even Leah walking up to compliment you. No one seemed as taken aback by the situation as he was, though that was of no surprise to him. 
“Seriously, Harvey,” Maru said, and he realized she was standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. “You don’t look too hot. It wouldn’t look too good if the town’s doctor got sick, would it?”
Harvey cleared his throat. “Yes, of course. I think it’d be best for me to go a bit early, then.” She nodded in agreement. Guilt ate at him as he walked away — he felt terrible for leaving Maru there alone, but she was right. Although he didn’t have the kind of sickness she was thinking of, he was obviously not in the right state of mind to be interacting with people who mostly saw him as a pillar of stability.
Just as he escaped the forest area, a voice called his name, his eyes widening as he recognized it immediately. 
“Where are you going? Everyone’s still there,” you asked. You had a leaf sticking to the front of your dress and your face was blushed from running to him. 
If you were his, he would’ve dragged you home with him, making good riddance of that damned piece of clothing before showing you just what you did to him. 
Instead, he walked forward a couple of steps and plucked the leaf off, allowing it to drop out of his hand easily.
“I’m not feeling very well,” he said, voice thick and gravely. You looked at him with another new look in your eyes, though he couldn’t decipher what that one meant. Were you upset? Confused?
Or were you interested in the sound of his jealousy-filled tone?
“Right,” you replied shortly, nodding. “You should go get some rest, then.”
“I will. I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner?”
“You know the drill.”
With that, Harvey turned back around, almost in a daze as he resumed his journey home. As soon as he got in his apartment, he fell to the ground in exhaustion, swiftly loosening his tie as he leaned back on his door for support. His thoughts were filled with the image of you dancing with the jock, except he imagined it was himself by your side, swaying to the music with your hand entangled with his. Then, of course, there were the thoughts of what would come after; after he’d walk you home, after he would lock the front door, after he’d shrug off his suit and push you onto the bed, lifting the dress and exploring what was underneath. 
At that moment, Harvey knew it was hopeless.
He would trade anything, go to opposite ends of the earth, if it meant you’d be with him.
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neet-elite · 6 months
AHHHH!!! screaming because i'm so damn happy you answered my seb x haley x reader request. i was lowkey refreshing your page to see if you answered it lol.
i have some other ideas too.
One's inspired by your perv sebastian. he's looking for reader and ends up watching her and haley having sex and getting caught and punished for it?
Another is kind of a continuation of what you just wrote? i would love love love to see you write more for it and i was thinking that either seb gets bullied more (bc i too love bullying men) or he gets the upperhand on haley (bc brat taming is also lovely)
Either way, i'm already incredibly pleased you wrote my request! i don't expect you to write more, but i thought that i'd share my thoughts hehe. i love the way you wrote all three of the characters and it was just so perfect <3
Hii!! Thank you for waiting patiently for me, I always love doing requests even if they take me some time to get to, so I appreciate both you sending them in and for your patience!!
Love your ideas, I decided to continue to drabble I already finished to keep things consistent <3 (and because I love bullying men too >:D!)
Thanks again for sending this in! I love the little Seb/Haley/Farmer trio thing going on.
MDNI ♡ Warnings: threesome, (reluctantly) submissive sebastian, degradation, role reversal, rope restraints, sex toys, strap on, saliva
WC: 1419
What you're putting him through has to be grounds for torture at his rate, knees weak and breathing ragged; and you've yet to touch him. He feels dizzy with desire, pained with want for you. His heart aches to soothe your whines and his cock throbs with instinctual greed. And somewhere in the pit of his stomach, he's almost convinced himself that actual torture would be easier to endure than what's currently happening right in front of him. It's bad enough having to watch through his hazy vision as Haley humps into you from behind, pretty pink strap on surely fucking you open for her, but to have you drooling all over his slick covered cock like that too? Absolute agony. He hates it. He loves you.
"What— settle down, sweetheart," Haley interrupts herself to coo at you, commenting on the obscene moans spilling from your pretty bitten lips. Sebastian wants to gnaw on them too, bite and kiss and suck until you remember who's really in charge. The pathetic whimper that follows after Haley's command has his hard and heavy cock just aching to be inside of you already, trembling in the hot airy breaths Haley fucks out of you, tugged out of his pants earlier in a brief moment of hope from his meaner girlfriend. Of course she had no intention on touching him more than necessary.
Freeing his pervert cock only to hover you above his leaking tip, close enough to have fat beads of precum spill for you, not close enough for you to taste it, even with the eager thrusts Haley offers your soaked little cunt. Fuck, he can hear how wet you are. How you gush around the silicone cock, and how it should me him you're creaming around instead.
This is definitely worse than torture, he decides.
"What should I do next, Seb?" Haley finally finishes her half started sentence, gasping for air when her hips refuse to stop fucking into you despite her focus being on how stupidly desperate he likely looks. He's failed to answer the previous three times she's asked for his input, and he doubts he has the power to answer now. Instead, he slowly glances up at her with glassy eyes, cock trembling some more when she smiles down at him; so sweet, that's how he knows she's not being honest. "What's that?" She taunts, voice barely above a whisper for him to gulp at. Pretending he's replied is humiliating, treating him like an animal; yet he's never been harder in his life. Promise. You're so close he thinks to himself as another drip of drool falls from your tongue to his tip. Just a little further, c'mon he tries to communicate with you, pleading to your teary eyes, hoping to get past the blurriness Haley is fucking you into. "Not yet?" She repeats to him for the God knows nth time, and his eyes roll back in response. Still, a broken whine crawls up his chest, balls aching under your dribbles and babbles to shut you up, stuff you full, just like your open mouth is begging him to.
But, all you do is continue to rock above him. Staring right through him, leaving him to admire the dumb look Haley humps you into. All dazed and pretty, mouth agape while your eyes squeeze shut, and he knows how good you feel. It's so fucking tempting, would be so easy to oblige your silent whisper of touch, but you've tied him too tight. The tear stains adorning your cheek catch his attention and he mouths cute at you, wanting for nothing more than to lick at them, clean your pretty face up; only to ruin it again with his cock.
And yet he can't deny how utterly good it feels to have Haley's watchful eye on him at all times, giggling at the way he writhes in his binds, struggles to keep your attention on him when your girlfriend is fucking you stupid. What a disgusting pervert he is, right? Getting off to being deprived. He probably deserves this kind of mistreatment, edging himself without even being touched, encouraged to continue leaking all over himself till a puddle forms beneath him by your consistent drops of drool. "Gross." Haley states bluntly, punctuating her distaste for his depraved display with quicker thrusts into your tiny cunt—God he wants to be inside of you so bad, wants to be the one making you sob so sweetly, make you feel every cock pulse your moans coax out of him—leaving you to sputter and whine over his fat and needy cock.
You gasp his name like it's his fault you're close, and he very nearly cums on the spot with you. Could feel it crawling up his spine, tightening in his tummy when paired with your tongue sticking out, like you want to suck him dry just as much as he wants to choke your throat with cum. He's messy with you now, unsure which parts of his body are covered in his own precum or your spit, and the thought alone causes his hips to stutter. Just a small motion, because if he gave in any further to his baser instincts, then he'd be punished for it. He can't cum yet, Haley hasn't said okay. Her glossy lips purse at him once more, and he winces in preparation for more bullying. So fucking hot.
She lets out a low tut and he has to will himself to hold back, to not rut his hips just a little further in the air in hopes of shooting his seed at least against your lips. Spoil her pristine dominance, mark you as his own. Haley sticks her tongue out at him in a childish gesture and it's an all too cute action for the current situation. The idea of a ruined orgasm destroys him, so through a tight jaw his frustration gets the better of him. "Don't—" he pleads, the opening of his mouth causing a sharp moan to spill when you whimper at how cracked his voice is. How broken he is by now, rendered useless before you; and all Haley had to do was put your mouth an inch out of reach. Gross, Haley was right. How down bad he is for you both, how ridiculously easy it is to have him panting and fawning all over you and Haley. Just a little cunt in his face, a mean word from Haley, and he's ready to burst. Dumb dog.
And just like a dog, he only thinks for himself. Don't get him wrong, he loves you, so much so that it hurts sometimes; but all he can think about right now is wetting his cock and filling you up. That's it. There's no more room in his stupid perverted mind to imagine anything better than relieving himself of the tension built up in his whole body, muscles taut and cock jerking for attention with every harsh exhale you offer him; because that's all Haley allows.
Thankfully though, it seems Haley is satisfied with her teasing for now. Content instead to lean over you and press her tits against your back, making sure not to push you far enough to pleasure Sebastian; no, she's not that nice. From the new angle he can see the way her manicured nails dig into your ass for purchase, and he wants to kiss you better. "Feel good, baby?" She whispers against your neck, leaving a comparatively soft trail of kisses down your spine while she fucks you almost as well as Sebastian does. The way she talks as if Sebastian no longer exists gets to him in the best way possible, his head thrown back in sheer horny frustration while his legs attempt to stretch out for comfort, but the rope you tied disallows him. You barely offer a nod back before she's doing what she does best again; bullying. "Are you close?" She questions, and though Sebastian is in the right enough mind to register her words as a thinly veiled threat, you're far too fucked out to recognise the hidden meaning.
You nod before he has a chance to shut you up. See, this is why your mouth should be warming his cock. If only you'd disobey your girlfriend and listen to your (not) much nicer boyfriend, then maybe you wouldn't be teary eyed pouting right now.
"Not yet." Haley reminds you kindly, slowing her thrusts down to a crawl.
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Snail’s Directory
Updated 1/1/2024
I'm back! Currently I'm NOT doing any of the SDV after dark, SFW alphabet, or NSFW Alphabet. The ones in my inbox right now were all submitted after those events ended, so for the sake of catching up, I'm deleting them. I have other prompts (drabble/ficlet/smut) that I'm currently working on and will be posted in the coming days.
NOW for the bit you're all waiting for--this month the theme is ALEX
I'll probably be posting an ask game, but in the mean time I am ONLY accepting prompts surrounding Alex :)
Missed you all, glad to be back!
The Frog Prince (sebastian x f!farmer)
Requests ft multiple characters + Misc
Appearance HC
Jealous Bachelors
Jealous Bachelorettes 
Bachelors seeing sex toy
Sex dream (Emily, Penny, Seb, Shane, Abigail, Elliot)
Shane x Farmer x Harvey poly hc
Shane x Harvey “Is this your first time?”
Falling for F!farmer (Haley, Leah)
Goofy/charismatic farmer (Haley, Harvey)
Bachelors react to the strap (f!farmer)
My Art
Farmer Elle
Elle going out
Farmer Andi
The Frog Prince cover
Spicy Alex x Farmer Elle
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roguelesbian-writes · 7 months
You Can Travel The World A Million Times Just To Learn It Never Mattered
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Sophia/Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
Female Player & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
OFC farmer
OMC farmer
Jameson Walsh
Ophelia Walsh
Sophia (Stardew Valley)
Shane (Stardew Valley)
Marnie (Stardew Valley)
Jas (Stardew Valley)
Zinnia - Character
Leah (Stardew Valley)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Haley (Stardew Valley)
Emily (Stardew Valley)
Lewis (Stardew Valley)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Alex (Stardew Valley)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Victor (Stardew Valley)
Vincent (Stardew Valley)
Olivia (Stardew Valley)
Maru (Stardew Valley)
Robin (Stardew Valley)
Demetrius (Stardew Valley)
Jodi (Stardew Valley)
Kent (Stardew Valley)
Junimo(s) (Stardew Valley)
i'll add more later probably
Additional Tags:
This is a lot more than ofc farmer x sophia
this is everyone in the valley being a mess and sorting theirs bs out
Romani Haley
Hard of Hearing Haley
Black Emily
Latina Marnie
Latino Shane
Afro-Latina Jas
Hijabi Jodi
Native American Leah
Black Elliott
Jewish Elliot
All the Mulners are Samoan
All the Mulners are Jewish
Plus-Size Abigail
Legit just DSV races
and ethnicities
except for Lewis
He's still white
Trans Sam
Trans Penny
This is the set up for a lore fic
be prepared for some fluff
and most of all
character developement
no beta we die like my sister's will to read this fic
she actually came up with that tag
We hate Lewis in this house
Marnie is gonna dump him in this series
Working title
Ophelia and Jameson Walsh moved to town to take over their late grandfather's farm a season ago, it's going great. Totally not stressed out over literally anything at all. Sam and Sebastion have been friends for as long as either of them can remember, this new feeling building between them doesn't have to change that, right? Abigail just wants to go on adventures and prove she's not weak or just that one weird chick, why can't her parents chill out for five seconds? Haley is living her semi-best life, she just wishes her parents could pretend to care about them sometimes. Emily feels something has shifted since the new farmers' came to town. Harvey is tired and wants to be able to nap for the first time since the farmers started going down to the caves. Alex is trying to build himself up to try to go pro, while dealing with a lot of self-doubt. Marnie is getting tired of Lewis' excuses, Shane's lack of self-care, and trying to balance everything. Zinnia wants to know more about her mother and her research and Gabriel just wishes she would stay safe. Penny's life is a mess but at least she has the kids and Maru. Leah and Elliott are tortured artist gays.
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love-bokumono-fics · 7 months
Fresh Crops! November 13 - November 19, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Our Story of Seasons: Pete x Claire - by Ry2_Sinheart; WIP, 25/30, 37k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer & Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer/Pete | Jack; Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire, Thomas, Zack, Dog, Harvest Goddess, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Karen Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Video Game Mechanics, Game Logic, Male-Female Friendship, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Relationships, Slow Romance, Digital Art Summary: A story that revolves around the protagonists of Mineral Town. After a series of unfortunate events, Pete and Claire agree they'll have to raise the farm together, whether they like it or not. Through their farming-ventures, they realize that maybe farming together… isn't so bad.
Wilted and Shivering - by Lusa_Saturn; WIP, 1/?, 2.3k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Stardew Valley, Animal Parade Relationships: Sebastian/Female Player; Characters: Female Player (SV), Sebastian (SV), Sam (SV), Abigail (SV), Robin (SV), Shane (SV), Original Male Character(s), Angela the Farmer, Luke the Carpenter, Demetrius (SV), Maru (SV), Sebastian's Father (SV), Penny (SV), Leah (SV), Haley (SV), Emily (SV), Alex (SV), Harvey (SV), Elliott (SV), Wizard | M. Rasmodius, Linus (SV), Lewis (SV) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Mental Health Issues, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Trigger Warnings will be provided with graphic chapters, Eventual Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Set in the mid-2000s Summary: Amber steps off the bus into Pelican Town, eager for a new start at life. Another chance in the world outside her hometown. A place to bloom and heal. Sebastian wants to leave the town and it's people who don't understand him. They both ache, she has wilted and he's encased himself in a shell of ice.
The Wall Between Us - by Skullygal610; WIP, 18/25, 19k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationships: Female Farmer/Wayne, Female Farmer/Ex-boyfriend; Characters: Wayne, Female Farmer Additional Tags: Adopted, farmer, Hurt, Love, Unrequited Love, relationships, Denial of Feelings, Fanfiction, Parents, friends, Guilt Summary: It all started with a rejection. Scarlett can't seem to get over the loss of her best friend since she rejected his confession of love. Already dealing with her own self-worth and feelings while keeping up with daily life, things soon become difficult when a familiar face from the past comes back to haunt her. Wayne struggles to let go of the only girl he loved. However, things never go the way he plans. His parents are across the world without him. Friends are constantly concerned about his well-being. He wants to change, yet she keeps pulling him back. Can they ever hope to rekindle their long-lost friendship, or will it become something more?
The Egg Thief - by dicelady20; WIP, 18/19, 73k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Category: F/M Fandoms: Dragon Ball GT/Z, Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Trunks Briefs, Claire the Farmer Additional Tags: Harvest Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Romance, Slow Burn, Martial Arts, Cussing, Crossover, Healing, city vibes, dark scenes, POV Multiple, POV Third Person Limited, Mild Gore, Supernatural Elements, First Meetings, story of seasons, Alternative Perspective, Don't copy to another website, Don't Have to Know Canon Summary: Claire decides to give the city life another chance, but as she does, she is haunted by her nightmares & her past. Mr. CEO of Capsule Corp., Trunks, is haunted by something else in his life; juggling between his CEO work & saving Earth from vindictive dragons. As their two worlds collide, what could possibly go wrong?
The Language of Flowers - by spoopybat; WIP, 75/?, 183k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: The Tale of Two Towns Relationships: Cam | Kamil/Lillian the Farmer | Sato, Chelsea/Vaughn | Waltz Additional Tags: **NOTE: Some tags have been removed to remain safe for Tumblr. See story for full tag list** Tags Contain Spoilers, POV Alternating, Background Relationships, Starting Over, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Minor Injuries, Physical Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Socially Awkward Characters, Cliche, Mutual Pining, Awkwardness, Awkward Flirting, Emotional Baggage, References to Depression, Dysfunctional Family, Melodrama, Family Drama, First Love, First Relationship, Sharing a Bed, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Vaginal Sex, Morning After, Morning Cuddles, Morning Sex, Christmas, Domestic Fluff, Kitchen Sex, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Morning Sickness, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Constipation, Arguing, Medical Conditions, Medical inaccuracies but I'm gonna do my best, Panic Attacks, Engagement, Couch Sex, Wedding Fluff, Weddings, Honeymoon, Body Worship, Making Love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Mental Anguish, Spa Treatments, Fights, Making Up, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Language of Flowers, Emotional reunion, Reunion Sex, Pregnant Sex, Therapy Summary: Lillian, a young woman from the Sunshine Islands, left her home and moved to Bluebell. In hopes that moving to this rural farm town to escape her troubled past and find the happy life she had always wanted.
Fact and Friction - by actaeoncross; Complete, 4/4, 4.9k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, Animal Parade Relationships: Daryl/Pony, Cecilia/Nami mentioned, Gordy/Matthew mentioned, Rock/Molly mentioned, Gustafa/Lumina mentioned; Characters: Daryl, Pony | Aya | Jill, Forget Me Not villagers, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest King Ignis Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Supernatural Elements, Suspense, Romance, NaNoWriMo 2023, Not Beta Read Summary: Struggling to come to grips with the death of her parents, Pony moves to Forget-Me-Not Valley. She tries to avoid being involved with sprites, gods, or goddesses, only to be drawn in against her will. Pony's only help to solve the disappearance of the Harvest Goddess involves three enthusiastic but not very helpful sprites and a scientist. She slowly learns that she cannot run from herself and to come to terms with her past and feelings—even those for the infuriating scientist.
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 38/?, 39k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia | Cecilia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash | Matthew, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts. The blog is an offshoot of my main and should be found under AWL Imagines.
If Only - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Carter the Pastor/Claire the Farmer; Characters: Carter the Pastor, Claire Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Unrequited Crush, Priests, Churches & Cathedrals, Mutual Pining, Mutually Unrequited Summary: It was a secret that she liked him. It was just as much of a secret as he liked her.
Ai Yori Yoshi - by Kayko The Original (SuccubusKayko); Complete, 1/1, 2.5k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: Back To Nature Relationships: Original Male Character/Popuri, Elli | Elly/Rick, Kai/Karen; Characters: Popuri, Original Male Character(s), Elli | Elly, Rick, Stu | Yu, May | Mei, Barley | Mugi, Kai, Karen, Lillia the Shopkeeper, Pete | Jack, Zack, Doctor | Trent Additional Tags: Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, embracing the cringe of my youth, I wrote this when I was a teenager, Cheating, Divorce, Originally Tagged as Humor/Romance Summary: Popuri has been betrayed many times in the past and now thinks that no one will ever love her. When a new villager comes around to take over the Indigo Ranch, odd things begin to happen. What will Popuri do when she meets her new neighbor?
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; WIP, 45/?, 57k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Original Female Character(s), Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Wish Fulfillment, Mysterious Origins, Childbirth Summary: Pioneers Of Olive Town AU where Lars is single. That's not all that happens but it is the reason I wrote this. A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with?
Ice Cream & Fireworks - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 1/1, 1.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Claire the Farmer/The Kappa; Characters: Claire, The Kappa Summary: She was a weird one to him. She tried so hard to introduce him to her world in little ways without drowning him in it. When she did, she always told him in advance. However, this was a time that she didn't… And Kappa didn't know how to feel about it or the surprise she was sure to grace him with.
Simple Beauty - by Juliko; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationship: Renee | Lina/Toby | Tao; Characters: Renee, Toby Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, One Shot, Short One Shot, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net Summary: "Animals had dominated her life. Every day, she worked on her family’s farm milking the cows, giving slops to the pigs, selling eggs from her chickens, and keeping the goats from trying to eat her mother’s clothing. Renee loved every bit of it. As far as she was concerned, nothing could be better than raising these beloved creatures and giving them love and affection. She loved them and they loved her. She had no room in her head for thoughts of boyfriends, and if she never married, she was okay with that. Whether she married or not, Renee was happy with her life and wouldn’t change anything about it. But then the strange man named Toby Fisher came swimming into her life, like a fish in a river."
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prpfs · 1 year
💚 Howdy! I'm 25+ looking for 20+ writers for some OC x OC, F x F or OC x CC, F x F RP!
For OC x OC I was wanting an incest plot between two sisters, one 🍪, and one older; with the themes being yandere, blackmail, and possibly cheating! Maybe the older sister blackmailing and seducing the other into being unfaithful, or something like that!
For OC x CC, I was wanting to play my 🍪Farmer/OC from Stardew Valley against a Haley, Leah, or Caroline! I'm open to using the same themes from the other plot, or coming up with something new~!
I'm open to doubling, but I only do FxF plots and my fandoms are fairly limited when it comes to playing Canon characters, but if you want me to make/play an OC for 'ya, I'm happy to! Discussion is always appreciated.
I prefer discord, so if this sounds like something you wanna do, like this and I'll come find 'ya!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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elleinkmaster · 2 months
Just a little something I'm working on. Still a WIP.
For some reason, I just feel like this song fits their storyline so well.
Took the dialogue from here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55496821/ (the story is not related at all, but so good, you guys should definitely read it)
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your-modern-sappho · 1 month
ꪆৎ ˚⋅Master List ᡣ𐭩 •。
The Tragic Sapphics
Glitter and Ghouls
Chapter One
SDV Haley
Good Luck, Babe! (In progress)
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swarvey · 3 days
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> you decide to have some fun at the luau; harvey learns what it means to be truly humbled. warnings -> none! wc -> 2740
a/n: whaaattt i am totally not sneeking in leah x haley as much as i possibly can. absolutely not. anyways, another fun chapter to write!! this man is a prime example of dumbstruck with love. someone help him.
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7
chapter six: gorgeous -> "you've ruined my life, by not being mine."
Harvey couldn’t decide whether he wanted to cry or rip his hair out as Shane and Elliott berated him in each ear, both taking a different approach to dismantling his pride.
“You mustn’t let the Flower Dance dwindle your fiery love, Doctor!” Elliott insisted, twisting his head to try and meet Harvey’s downcasted eyes. “True love entails hardships and obstacles!”
“Sure, but I bet he didn’t expect his obstacle to be a damn kid,” Shane added distastefully. “That guy is a living example of ‘peaked in high school.’” 
“It’s true, I didn’t expect such a choice from our dear farmer, but it was her choice nonetheless. We must work with the present.”
“How? You think buying him a gridball uniform will help?”
“Shane, please, be realistic. I was going to suggest we find out when and where their next excursion will occur, so the doctor can reveal himself and profess his love—”
“What the— are you hearing yourself? What the hell are you on? Newsflash, we’re not living in a bad rom-com, pal.
“Alright, both of you, enough!” Harvey intervened, face beet red. “Listen, I have been thinking about this enough on my own, I assure you, so can we please try and enjoy the Luau?”
Shane cocked a brow, huffing. “Really? You think you can enjoy it with this shit going on in front of you?” He nodded towards where you were standing. 
Harvey glanced over, unsurprised to see Alex by your side. Emily smiled and nodded in front of you, her sister on her phone and chewing a piece of gum. At that point in time, the scene in front of him had become a common one. 
Except, one detail threw him off.
A familiar laugh sounded through the air, though it wasn’t yours.
A small smile lingered on Maru’s face as she continued to listen to whatever story you were telling, her eyes intently on you.
“Ah, yes,” Elliott sighed. “Leah informed me Maru took a liking to the farmer at the Flower Dance. Her efforts to befriend her haven’t ceased since then. I can’t say I’m not pleasantly surprised, Maru has always been a bit of a shy girl.”
“R-Right.” The writer looked over at his friend at the sound of his shaky tone, biting his lip when he saw Harvey’s face had paled. 
This was just about the last scenario he’d wanted to happen — after the Flower Dance, he had realized how his initial description of his “mystery girl” could fit Maru, despite him trying to pinpoint your characteristics. In the midst of it all, it seemed you ignored the fact you fit the picture perfectly, hearing only that he was interested in a nurse. Harvey cursed his past self, the full repercussions of his actions hitting him. 
Yet another mess he didn’t know how to clean up.
Shane let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his forehead. “You really know how to get yourself into shit, don’t you, doc?”
“I suppose so,” he replied, voice void of energy. 
“Alright, enough with this moping.” Shane paused. “As much of an idiot as you are, you’re still my friend, and I owe you a few, so I’ll —  I can’t believe I’m doing this shit — I’ll ask Emily about it, alright? They’ve been hanging out a ton, so she’s gotta know something.”
Harvey looked at him with softened eyes. “Shane, I—”
“You better not tell a damn soul about this.” 
With that, Shane walked away, Elliott trailing behind him rambling something along the lines of, “I had no idea you could feel such things!”
Just as he began to relax, Harvey felt a finger tap his shoulder, jumping at the touch.
You laughed, stirred even more by his exasperated look. “C’mon, Harvs, loosen up! I feel like you’ve been so uptight recently.”
Oh, you have no idea. “Sorry,” he said, ignoring his thoughts. “You caught me off guard, is all.” He gave an awkward laugh, adjusting his glasses.
“You’re a bit . . . off, today,” you noticed, tilting your head at him. “Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all! How, um, how are you enjoying the Luau? Did you add something to the pot?” 
Despite his rushed voice, you — thankfully — decided to indulge him. “It’s been great! Especially since the weather has been so warm. Haley and Emily have basically been dragging me and Alex to the beach all week. Anyway, you’ll have to wait and see what I added to this year’s pot, it’s a surprise!”
Me and Alex. Harvey had to clench his jaw to prevent a scowl from forming on his face. He realized then just how foul the sound of another man’s name seemed coming from your tongue.
“What’s Maru like at work, by the way? She seems really sweet.”
“Maru, yes!” he answered, blinking as he came up with a careful response. “I enjoy working with her, she’s very passionate about what we do. She was actually one of the first people I truly talked to when I moved back here, since she wanted to be a nurse.”
You hummed. “I see.” Harvey noticed how your eyes narrowed for a split second, as if you were trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, before smiling. “That’s what I assumed.”
Harvey thought for a moment, knowing he had something he wanted to ask you, before brightening. “You remember the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, don’t you?”
After a brief moment, you nodded excitedly, grinning. “How could I forget? We used to go every summer.”
Yes, of course. Harvey would never forget the evenings he spent with you on the beach, watching the water in anticipation as everyone waited for the jellies to arrive. He remembered you practically bouncing with excitement beside him, while he’d simply been satisfied seeing you happy.
Harvey smiled at the memory, a wave of nostalgia hitting him. “Well, it seems we’ll get to relive a memory this summer.”
“No way. They still come here?”
“Every year, just as before.”
“That’s great! Maybe you won’t be as scared as you used to be.”
“Hey, can you honestly blame me?! That is not a usual sight!”
As you laughed at him, Lewis announced the Governor would begin tasting the soup, and Harvey wondered why a mischievous look filled your eyes. Surely you wouldn’t put something unusual in the pot your first year in Pelican Town, would you? He expected you to save one of your best crops of the season for the occasion.
Instead, he watched Marnie nearly faint at the sight of the Governor pulling out a pair of purple shorts from his bowl. Lewis looked like he’d just seen a ghost.
“Are those . . . my shorts?! ”
After your little stunt at the last event, you were honestly surprised you were still invited to see the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. Oddly enough, everyone seemed to move on from it relatively quickly, including Lewis himself.
Deciding not to think about it too much, you quickly filled up your pet’s water bowl and double-checked all the farm animals’ enclosures before walking up to your horse. She looked down at you with gentle eyes as you put on her harness, closing her eyes as you pet her head.
“Ready, girl?” You urged her forward, wind biting your cheeks as you swiftly made your way towards the beach. The gleaming light of the sunset made the ocean shine as you approached it, and you couldn’t help but let out an easy breath as your horse slowed. Throughout the previous couple of seasons, Pelican Town had grown to feel more like home to you than the city ever did. Sure, it was small, and farmwork was tedious, but you’d rather spend the rest of your life in the freeing countryside than in the claustrophobic city.
As you hopped off your horse, giving her a quick pet as thanks, you were quickly approached by the sisters and Leah. You smiled, waving at them. 
“Your outfit’s cute,” Haley complimented immediately, a drop of surprise in her voice. Leah nodded in agreement.
Emily lightly grabbed your shoulders, looking you up and down before giving you a wide smile. “Yes, you’re especially beautiful tonight, Y/N. Your energy is stronger than ever.” You laughed lightly after she winked at you, to which her sister swatted her away.
“Ugh, don’t say that stuff, Em! Just be normal and call her hot.” 
Leah laughed. “She’s right, you’re radiant tonight,” she sighed dreamily. “You all will have to give me some tips on how to dress sometime.”
Haley whipped her head around, crossing her arms. “Why? Your style’s already perfect.” Leah blinked, speechless at her statement as she began to blush. After a moment, the blonde quickly turned away, checking something on her phone. 
“She’s never said that to anyone before,” Emily whispered in your ear, and you believed it. You were constantly surprised at her approval of your style, especially after seeing how she criticized pretty much everyone else in town — particularly Alex.
As if he could sense your thoughts, the jock himself appeared next to you, a gridball tucked under one of his arms as he heavily dropped the other around your shoulders. 
“How’s it goin’, farmer?”
You shoved him off, unable to contain your smile as he grinned playfully at you. Although the two of you had a bit of an awkward start due to Haley’s bluntness, you quickly learned Alex was much more understanding after opening up to you. After hanging out a couple of times, he ended up telling you about his background and how he didn’t have the best relationship with his father, which could explain why it was a bit harder for him to let down his guard. Hearing him talk had made you feel comfortable enough to bring up some of your own troubles, pleasantly surprised at how well he’d listened and expressed his sympathy to you. 
Now, the two of you were open friends, seeing each other every other day and helping each other out whenever you could. This explained why he eagerly held out the gridball to all of you, sweat glistening on his skin. From the looks of it, he’d abandoned his shirt a while ago, his muscular body showing in all its glory.
“You wanna toss around a gridball with me and Sam?” he asked, his excitement reminding you of Dusty whenever you approached him with a treat.
“I think I’ll pass this time,” you replied, watching as he turned hopefully to the other girls. 
Upon seeing Haley’s deadpan stare, he shrugged. “Suit yourselves.” With that, he ran to the other end of the beach, calling out to his friend as he reared to throw the ball.
“You two are actually pretty cute together, you know,” Leah commented. Emily looked at you with wondering eyes, while Haley scoffed. You had a feeling she already knew your answer.
“Yeah, well, he’s not really my type.”
Just as your blonde friend began to make a remark, Harvey walked onto the beach, and her mouth snapped shut. 
Maru was next to him. Not that it mattered, but she was. Is she blushing, or is it the heat getting to her? You frowned at your thought. Why did that even matter?
As they made their way further in, Maru spotted you quickly, waving enthusiastically. You raised your hand in a greeting, smiling at her.
“I seriously have no idea how you’re so nice to her,” Haley muttered, trying to keep her voice down. “She obviously likes him back.”
You shrugged. “Regardless of whatever the hell is happening between all of us, she’s still a nice girl.” Let’s ignore the fact I’m constantly trying not to compare myself to her.
When Maru went to join her family, you made your way over to him, which was apparently the other girls’ signal to scatter. You silently reminded yourself to tell them to be more subtle as he turned to you, giving you the same shy smile you’d seen for years.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you,” he greeted. You could smell the cologne he was wearing from a few feet away. 
“Hey, Harvey!” Ever since the Summer had started, Harvey had abandoned his coat, opting to simply wear his white button-up with his sleeves rolled up. You swore he must have started working out after college — he was no longer the scrawny med student you’d known in college. 
After realizing you had been staring at his broad shoulders and thick arms for a bit too long, you quickly cleared your throat, bringing your attention back to his patient gaze.
“So, how was your day?” you asked, hoping you sounded normal.
“Same old,” he sighed. “Maru and I had to stay at the clinic for a bit to finish up some work, though. We just got finished.”
“Really? What kind of work?”
He shrugged. “Nothing too important.”
Nothing too important? Really? You watched enough movies to have an idea of what that could mean. As the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, you snuck glances at Harvey, trying to read his facial expression.
Something was off, but you couldn’t figure out what.
Something was off. Harvey could feel it.
He couldn’t tell if it was because of your mannerisms — which were a bit out of character, he noted, as you kept giving him looks he wasn’t used to — or what Shane had gathered from Emily at the Luau. Being back on the beach brought Harvey back to his friend’s words.
“She wouldn’t budge,” he’d said, visibly frustrated. “She just said you should ‘tread carefully around her’ and to ‘pay attention to what you might not typically notice.’ Some shit like that. Sorry, bud.”
Although he hadn’t exactly gotten the answer he’d been looking for, Harvey was still grateful for Shane’s efforts, trying his best to read more into your body language than usual. Through his quick looks at you while you gazed at the water, all he was able to gather was that you, as per usual, looked completely and utterly breathtaking. The moon had completely replaced the sun at that point, its pale light exaggerating the features on your face he’d memorized over the years. 
He swallowed, eyes glued to the horizon as he prayed his dusted-pink cheeks wouldn’t give him away.
Just as he opened his mouth to break the silence, you turned your head, gasping.
“They’re here!” Sure enough, the jellies slowly floated into view, shimmering in the ocean’s waves.
As Harvey turned to get a better view of them, his hand grazed yours, and you flinched slightly. 
Am I seeing things?
While your eyes were wide and awestruck at the sight of the jellyfish passing by, he took the moment as a chance to admire your expression. The moment was quickly over, though, when the sisters and Alex joined you. Thankfully, the gridball player had thrown on his t-shirt for the event.
“Whoa, isn’t it cool, Y/N?” he voiced, eyes round with amazement, and you laughed. God, he usually loved the sound, but he couldn’t stand to hear it then.
Harvey grit his teeth at the sight of him on the other side of you, part of him wanting to grab your hand and pull you to his chest. How was it fair that Alex got to dance with you, to make you laugh, to go to the beach with you, while he had to watch from afar? 
His heart ached at the thought of you not being his. He honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if it stopped beating altogether. 
You turned to him then, and he jumped slightly as you met his eyes. 
“Still scared, Harvs?” you asked quietly, the teasing glint in your gaze reminding him of when you were young.
“Terrified,” he joked, tension leaving his body at the sight of your grin.
“Well, you’re in luck — I’m back in town, so I can protect you again!” He could hardly believe it. Despite decades passing, you still said the phrase with the same tone. It was as if he could hear your younger self’s voice echoing in the back of his head.
He couldn’t help but laugh, feeling his hand brushing against yours once again as the jellyfish disappeared. He swore it took all his willpower not to intertwine your fingers together.
Harvey wondered how you could be so, so close to his grasp, and yet so far away.
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all-things-sdv · 2 months
A Spotify playlist I’ve made to listen to while writing Haley x F!Farmer fanfics
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stardewtales · 3 years
icon credit || ao3 works page
masterlist - read on ao3
blood, muscle, skin & bone harvey x f!farmer
slow burn but slow it down more, love at first sight but oops they trip on their baggage, alternating povs, some sam x farmer, 20+ chapters, rated M
betty alex x f!farmer
taylor swift put the fear of god in me with folklore and this happened, alternating timelines: the epic highs and lows of high school crushes and adult reckoning, short chapters, rated M
told you so sebastian x haley (yeah you read that right)
you may be thinking 'this cannot work' but for you i have three humble words: enemies to lovers, they are both mean and needy, it works, rated E
masterlist - on this blog
you check up on shane and you end up at a sleepover with him and jas
shane prompts (started out as hcs and devolved into friends to lovers confession)
the sunburn shane x reader, also friends to lovers bc i have a problem
harvey prompts
hcs of sam's romantic life
fic recs list
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alystayr · 3 years
Playlist musicale 2021 (1/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2021 - part. 1)
Mise à jour : 30 juin 2021
playlist 2020 (part.2), playlist 2020 (part. 1)
playlist 2019 (part.2), playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
AC/DC - Demon Fire (2020)
Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69 (1985)
Alabama Shakes - Hold On (2012)
America - A horse with no name (1971)
Angèle - Balance Ton Quoi (2018)
Archive - Fool (2002)
Jean-Louis Aubert - Bien Sûr (2019)
Asaf Avidan - Different Pulses (2012)
George Baker - Little Green Bag (from Reservoir Dogs) (1969)
Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You (2007)
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
Jeff Beck (feat. Imogen Heap) - Blanket (2007)
Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (from  Saturday Night Fever) (1977)
Chuck Berry - Darlin' (2017)
The Black Keys (cover John Lee Hooker) - Crawling Kingsnake (2021)
Black Pistol Fire - Morning Star (2016)
Black Pumas - Colors (2019)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - What Ever Happened To My Rock And Roll (2001)
Black Sabbath - God Is Dead? (2013)
Blind Melon - No Rain (1992)
Blondie - Heart Of Glass (1978)
The Blue Stones - Black Holes (Solid Ground) (2015)
The Blues Mystery - Back to the Dirty Town (2013)
Blues Traveler - Run-Around (1995)
Blur (Feat. Phil Daniels) - Parklife (1994)
David Bowie - Survive (1999)
Jacques Brel - La chanson des vieux amants (1967)
Brigitte - Battez-Vous (2010)
Francis Cabrel - Peuple des fontaines (2020)
J.J. Cale - Durango (1997)
CAN - Vitamin C (1972)
Cats on trees - Sirens call (2013)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Distant Sky (2016)
Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason (1995)
Joe Cocker (cover Randy Newman) - You Can Leave Your Hat On (from  9½ Weeks) (1986/1972)
CocoRosie - Did Me Wrong (2020)
Cœur de pirate (feat. Loud)   - Dans la nuit (2018)
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (1967)
The Cranberries - Animal Instinct (1999)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (1969)
Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy (1996)
Eddy de Pretto - Bateaux-Mouches (2020)
Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (2021)
Depeche Mode - Freelove (2001)
Détroit - Null And Void (2013)
Dinosaur Jr - Freak Scene (1988)
Dire Straits - Expresso Love (1980)
Eels - Earth To Dora (2020)
Eminem  (feat. Anderson .Paak)   - Lock It Up (2020)
Endless Boogie - The Artemus Ward (2013)
Piers Faccini - Foghorn Calling (2021)
Mylène Farmer - Fuck them all (2005)
Léo Ferré – Les anarchistes (1969)
Feu! Chatterton - Monde Nouveau (2021)
Foo Fighters - Walk (2011)
Maxime Le Forestier - Saltimbanque (1975)
Foster The People - Sit Next to Me (2017)
Franz Ferdinand - Michael (2004)
Fugees - Ready or Not (1996)
Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street (1986)
Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un Con (1968)
France Gall - Evidemment (1987)
Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)
Girls in Hawaii - Found in the Ground (2002)
Goldfrapp - Ooh La La (2005)
Jean-Jacques Goldman - Comme toi (1982)
Grand Corps Malade & Louane - Derrière le brouillard (2020)
Juliette Greco - Le p'tit bal perdu (1961)
Greta Van Fleet - Age of Machine (2020)
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (1987)
Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (1954)
PJ Harvey - Dress (1992)
Murray Head - Say It Ain't So Joe (1975)
Heartless Bastards - Revolution (2020)
Bernard Herrmann - Taxi Driver (theme) (1976)
The Hives - Hate to Say I Told You So (2000)
The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) (1971)
Hollywood Undead (feat. Hyro The Hero) - Comin' Thru The Stereo (2021)
Romain Humeau - Echos (2020)
IDLES - Mr. Motivator (2020)
Interpol - Stella Was A Diver (2002)
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name (1982)
Michael Jackson - Black or White (1991)
The Jesus And Mary Chain (Feat. Hope Sandoval) -   Sometimes Always (1994)
Quincy Jones - Soul Bossa Nova (1962)
Kaleo - Backbone (2020)
Kansas - Dust in the Wind (1977)
The Killers - Caution (2020)
The Kills - The Search For Cherry Red (2020)
Kings Of Leon - The Bandit (2021)
Kiss - Heaven's On Fire (1984)
Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way (1993)
Kyo - Le Graal (2014)
Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You (1970)
Liars - Sekwar (2021)
Limp Bizkit (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Ready To Go (2013)
Louise Attaque - La plume (2000)
Mad Season - Wake Up (1995)
Manu Chao – Clandestino (1998)
Laura Marling - What He Wrote (2010)
Memphis Slim - Born With The Blues (1972)
Metronomy - Walking In The Dark (2019)
Mickey 3D - La mort du peuple (2005)
Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner (1977)
The Mission - Wasteland (1986)
Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (1999)
Mogwai - It's What I Want To Do, Mum (2021)
Moondog - New Amsterdam (1997)
Morcheeba - Sweet L.A. (2018)
Motörhead - Till The End (2015)
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (2005)
Muse - Supermassive Black Hole (2006)
Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (1999)
Nirvana - All Apologies (1993)
Noir Désir - Aux sombres héros de l'amer (1989)
Claude Nougaro (cover Chico Buarque) - Tu verras (1978)
Oasis - D'You Know What I Mean? (1997)
Of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal (2007)
The Offspring - Why Don't You Get A Job? (1998)
Panaviscope – Sham (2020)
Pigalle - Dans La Salle Du Bar-Tabac De La Rue Des Martyrs (1990)
Pink Floyd - Us And Them (1973)
The Police - Synchronicity II (1983)
Pomme (cover Mylène Farmer) - Désenchantée (2020/1991)
Iggy Pop - Dirty Little Virus (2020)
Portishead - Chase The Tear (2009)
Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still (2017)
The Pretty Reckless - My Bones (2021)
Queen - The Miracle (1989)
Queens of the Stone Age - Go With The Flow (2002)
The Raconteurs – Broken Boy Soldier (2006)
Rammstein - Du Hast (1997)
Chris Rea - The Blue Cafe (1998)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Suck My Kiss (1992)
Lou Reed (cover The Drifters)  - This Magic Moment (1995/1960)
R.E.M. - What's The Frequency, Kenneth? (1994)
Renaud - Mistral gagnant (1985)
Rival Sons - Too Bad (2019)
The Rolling Stones - Star Star (1973)
Royal Blood - Typhoons (2021)
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise (1987)
La Rue Ketanou - Le Capitaine de la Barrique (2014)
Olivia Ruiz - De Toi A Moi (2003)
Santana (cover  Fleetwood Mac) - Black Magic Woman (1970)
Shocking Blue - Venus (1969)
Simple Minds - Mandela Day (1989)
The Sisters of Mercy - Emma (1987)
Slayer - Raining Blood (1986)
Sasha Sloan (feat. Sam Hunt) - when was it over? (2020)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm (1993)
Patti Smith - Rock N Roll Nigger (1978)
The Smiths - Barbarism Begins at Home (1985)
Sonny & The Sunsets  - Too Young to Burn (2009)
Regina Spektor - One Little Soldier (from Scandale) (2019)
Spoon - The Way We Get By (2002)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Backstreets (1975)
St. Vincent - Los Ageless (2017)
Stereophonics - Bust This Town (2019)
Sub Urban - Cradles (2021)
Superbus - Mes Défauts (2010)
James Supercave - Better Strange (2016)
Taylor Swift (feat. Bon Iver) – Exile (2020)
System Of A Down - Spiders (1998)
Téléphone - Au coeur de la nuit (1980)
Têtes Raides - Tam Tam (2007)
Charles Trenet - Je chante (1937)
Tool - Schism (2001)
Tina Turner - The Best (1989)
U2 - Angel Of Harlem (1988)
Van Morrison - Country Fair (1974)
Laurent Voulzy - Rockollection (1977)
Tom Waits - Wrong Side Of The Road (1978)
Weezer - Beverly Hills (2005)
The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba (2001)
Amy Winehouse - Fuck Me Pumps (2003)
Woodkid - In Your Likeness (2020)
Wovenhand - Crook and Flail (2016)
Shannon Wright - Division (2017)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (2009)
Yes - Roundabout (1971)
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scatmaan · 6 years
Beach Day
Ahh!! I wrote my first ever fanfic you guys!! :') It's very short and vanilla but I've been playing SDV a lot and was kinda inspired by the romance mod I just got that extends the dialogue for characters. Anywho- 
 Pairing: f!Farmer x Penny (and some Haley)
It was only the beginning of Summer but Billie already had plans for a day at the beach. Haley and Alex had invited her along for their event for the day. They loved the sandy destination almost as much as Billie. She figured she had them beat considering her farm was basically on the beach. Or maybe Elliot was the real winner and he didn’t even know he was playing. She was sure he’d be peeking out his window today with all the noise they were gonna make. Her and Alex tended to bring out the competitive sides in each other. 
Billie smiled at herself in the mirror. She’d gotten adjusted to life in the Valley. All the townsfolk had become like an extended family. They’d been so welcoming and warm even on her first day; minus one Shane. She got him to come around too eventually. Even well into her 2nd year she’s pulled him out of his shell on more than one occasion. She didn’t blame him though. JoJa Mart had drained him like it did her. Only difference was she got away earlier than he did. Billie groaned as she snapped back into reality, realizing she’d put her suit top on inside out. Daydreaming while getting dressed never worked out but that’d never stopped her before. 
 The sun had claimed it’s rightful place high in the sky when Billie stepped out onto her porch. The birds were chirping, getting moo’s from the cows in return. She wondered if they were actually responding to each other. All her animals looked at her expectantly as she walked by, cooler in hand. She’d gotten up extra early to care for them and the plants. Their sad eyes would tell a different story though. She laughed, calling them moochers and giving one of them a pat on the head. They wouldn’t like what’s in her cooler anyways. 
 Alex and Haley were standing around town chatting and waiting for her. Billie called out to them, waving with her free hand. They responded in kind with Alex being the loudest. Haley squinted her eyes at Billie when she got closer. “No towel either?” Her hand instinctively went to her own, becoming protective of it. “Neither of you are using mine, just so you know.” 
 Billie laughed, “I don’t plan on going inside today. The sun will dry me.” Alex nodded in agreement, obviously pleased with her answer. She figured Haley had been giving him some shit for not bringing a towel and Billie had just helped him win the argument. Haley rolled her eyes with a smile. They began walking, continuing to talk about nothing important. It was the kind of day for lighthearted chatting and fooling around with friends. The warm sunshine brought the happiness out of the trio. Billie was lost in idle conversation until her sandals picked up sand. 
The air had changed before she’d even realized. That first breath of salt made her close her eyes in contentment. Alex knocked her out of her daze, kicking off his sandals. “Race ya!” Billie grunted, dropping the cooler and kicking off her shoes in turn. They shouted at each other, Billie gaining speed on Alex before stopping to push him into the water. She laughed, not waiting to run in and canon ball into the deep waves. Alex splashed her upon rising to the top. They were in the middle of a heated splash battle until Haley smacked Billie upside the head with an inflatable ball. 
 “Dorks.” She giggled, taking her time getting into the water. It was nice and warm but still cool to first step into. Haley found her way beside Billie, the oceans surface engulfing her more than the other two. “Well? Are we going to play or what?” Alex grinned, snatching up the ball. His cocky smile fell when Haley stayed at Billies side. 
 “Wait, who’s going to be on my team?” Alex looked incredulously at them. 
 Billie was the one to grin then, laying an arm around Haley’s shoulders. “You’re the athlete. You’ll be fine.” Haley played along, showing off her lack of arm muscles with a frown. 
 Alex huffed, throwing up the ball and smacking it. He muttered under his breath in mock annoyance as Billie hit the ball back to him. They went at it for almost half an hour. The loud pang of the ball being hit back and forth drowned out by their laughing and shouting. Billie had lifted Haley on one occasion when Alex sent the ball flying too high. She squealed in victory when she successfully smacked the ball back. Alex shrugged with an, “Oh, come on. That’s cheating.” 
 After a while Haley made her way out of the water, sitting by the edge with a soda. She beckoned for the other two to join her but to no avail. They were now one on one. It was on. They egged each other on with each pass, splashing water while the other was mid hit to distract them. Haley went along with it eventually. She kept score and became a cheerleader for them both. Billie finally called it quits, Alex teasing she was afraid of losing. 
 “Check the score board, loser.” Billie finger gunned Haley who smiled in turn. 
 “21 to 28.” She handed them both a soda from the cooler. Alex snatched his up with a sneer, whispering ‘traitor’. 
 They both fell to the ground in sync. The action amused Haley causing her to giggle. She leaned on one of her palms, pressing her soda to Billies forehead. “Better?” Billie smiled, nodding her head. The cool glass of the bottle was a relief. She didn’t realize how exhausted she’d become until her ass hit the sand. It was going to be hard to get back up. Falling asleep on the beach wasn’t the worst idea she’s ever had, but she didn’t think Elliot would like her sleeping on what’s basically his front yard. 
 After getting sand in places that’d come back to haunt them later on, they packed up their stuff. Or what little stuff they had considering Haley was the only one with belongings. Alex and Haley headed for their ice cream stand when they made it back to the Valley. Billies attention was focused elsewhere though, declining their beckons. A dopey smile claimed her face when she saw a familiar figure sitting under a tree. Billie shook the girls trance when she plopped down next to her, the cooler making a louder thud than her. “Mind if I sit?” 
 Penny smiled when she saw it was Billie, seeming to relax her shoulders that’d tensed. Although Billie had been around for a while now, it’d taken some time for her to get Penny to be at ease around her. The girl was always apologizing just for existing. It was a habit Billie was still trying to get her to break. She felt extra protective of Penny for reasons yet unknown. She wanted her to feel how Billie saw her. Someone who was like the ocean personified. A gentle but passionate person who radiated warmth and gave comfort by just being near them. 
 “Not at all.” Billie forced her eyes away from Penny’s face. She didn’t know how long she’d been staring but by the growing blush on the redheads cheeks, it’d been too long. She laid back on the grass, closing her eyes. Penny’s presence made her feel so safe she didn’t even notice herself drifting off. The turning of her book pages and the soft humming coming from her caused Billie to slip into peaceful bliss. It was only Penny’s gentle shaking that startled her from her nap. “It’s getting late.” Penny was closer than Billie remembered, leaning over top of her. 
 “What?” Billie stared blurry eyed up at her. Penny blushed at her response, repeating herself. Billie forgot to stop staring again. She didn’t think she did it on purpose, but Penny always put her in a trance. The girl had an odd power over her. Before she knew it she was reaching up to Penny. Her face only a few feet away. Billie brushed back a lock of her hair, plucking out a leaf that’d fallen in. Penny’s face turned a shade Billie had never seen before. “Leaf.” Billie smiled, showing her the stray foliage. 
 “Oh-” Penny rushed a hand to her cheek looking embarrassed. “-that’s what you were doing. Of course.” Billie raised herself up, Penny jumping back at the motion. Her bones ached, yelling at her for laying on the hard surface for so long. She was going to regret it even more in the morning. Penny was fumbling to get together the few books she had on her. Billie almost felt bad for teasing her with the leaf but she was so cute when flustered. 
 Standing up was even harder. Maybe it was the sunburn already creeping up on her exposed back. Sunscreen would’ve been a smart move now that she thought about it. Penny saw her struggling and bit her lip. “I- uh, have some ointment if you want.” She meekly pointed to Billies red shoulders.
“My lifesaver.” Billie’s dopey smile returned, offering a hand to Penny. She took it, their expressions matching. They walked side by side to her trailer. Penny clutched her books to her chest, keeping her eyes on the ground. Most likely due to Billie, once again, staring. If anyone’s heart could explode from over use it’d be Penny’s. She fumbled with the keys when they made it to her doorstep. The metals clinked as she opened the door. 
 It wasn’t the first time Billie had been to her house but it always felt like it was. She didn’t experience awkwardness often. The feeling was uncomfortable. She didn’t know what to do with her hands and to make matters worse it was just the two of them. Pam probably occupying a stool at the Stardrop. Penny went to her room without saying a word. An eternity passed in silence, or so it felt to Billie, before she returned with a small container. 
 “My skin’s sensitive so I always have some of this laying around.” She made herself small as she spoke, handing the container over. Taking the whole thing was a bit much though. Billie knew she had some ointment of her own stashed away somewhere. 
 Billie faced away from Penny, looking over her shoulder. “Just put some on me and I’ll be good.” She gave a thumbs up for extra convincing. “Wouldn’t want you to get burnt over me being air headed.” Penny smiled, spinning open the top. The initial touch made Billie screech. It was cold compared to her burning skin. Penny giggled, apologizing but continuing to apply the salve. Her hands were so soft; they felt like silk running over Billies skin. It was more soothing than the ointment itself. Penny slipped her hand under the straps of Billies bikini. “Want me to take it off?” 
“No!” Her answer was high pitched and quick. Billie belted out in laughter at the reaction. Penny wasn’t amused at the teasing, sticking out her bottom lip in embarrassment. She snapped one of Billies straps in revenge before finishing. Billie yelped in surprise, rubbing her back. 
 “So cruel.” Billie teased again, watching Penny hide her smile while she returned the ointment to its original spot. The sun was setting when they stepped back outside. Penny leaned against the closed front door. “Harvey is gonna get a run for his money with nurse Penny around.” Penny gave a lopsided grin at that, shaking her head. It was hard saying goodbye. Parting ways was always difficult with her. Billie wanted their moments together to last forever. Even simple ones like this. 
Billie rubbed the back of her neck, shifting her weight from foot to foot. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Penny smiled, a hushed ‘yea’ escaping from her. Billie bit the inside of her mouth. Everything she did was so cute. Billie leaned in, wrapping her arms around Penny. “Thanks again.” The action was chaste and simple. Just a friendly hug. Yet it sent them both to the clouds. Billie pulled away, waving her goodbyes. They both ignored their red faces and awkward giggles. 
 The walk back to the farm was the quickest walk Billie ever had. Her thoughts were so preoccupied she almost ran into a tree. Luckily, no one was around besides the squirrels to see that. She closed up the animals gates, giving her dog a kiss before heading inside. She immediately collapsed on the sofa, clapping her hands to her face. The heat radiating from her cheeks was a combination of sunburn and embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she’d hugged Penny. “Friends hug, right?” She nodded her head, “Nothing weird about that.” 
 She convinced herself into peaceful obliviousness, retiring to her bed after all was said and done. Until the next morning slapped her awake with the thought of Penny’s face. “It wasn’t a friend hug.”
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gta-5-cheats · 6 years
The X-Files, Fight Club, and More &ndash; The Weekend Chill
New Post has been published on http://secondcovers.com/the-x-files-fight-club-and-more-ndash-the-weekend-chill/
The X-Files, Fight Club, and More – The Weekend Chill
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Last Friday, Syfy gave us a new image and premiere date for Krypton, the Superman prequel series set on his native planet about 200 years before his birth. It’ll arrive March 21.
Over the weekend, John Williams revealed in an interview that he’d be composing a theme for Solo: A Star Wars Story. The rest of the score is still being handled by John Powell. The standalone Han Solo film releases May 25.
The 32 Most Anticipated Movies of 2018
On Tuesday, Netflix released a brief teaser for A Series of Unfortunate Events season 2, starring Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf. The show returns March 30, and adapts books five to nine.
Later that day, Paramount announced that the next Cloverfield movie – which may or may not be called God Particle – has been moved back to April 20 from February. The film stars Daniel Brühl, Elizabeth Debicki, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw among others.
On Wednesday, Netflix said that a Bright sequel is in the works, with stars Will Smith and Joel Edgerton along with director David Ayer all attached. This confirms the Bloomberg report from two weeks ago.
That’s all the entertainment news for this week. Welcome back to The Weekend Chill, your one-stop destination for what to watch, play, or listen to this weekend. Here are the best picks:
TV: The X-Files Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny reprise their roles as FBI special agents for an eleventh year in the second year of the show’s revival era, whose rating success (despite negative critical reception) convinced Fox to greenlit a 10-episode new season. The premiere and finale will focus on the long-arc storyline, with the other episodes being standalone.
Recurring and guest stars include Annabeth Gish, Robbie Amell, Lauren Ambrose, Karin Konoval, Barbara Hershey, and Haley Joel Osment. Scully (Anderson) and Mulder (Duchovny) attempt to locate their son at the beginning of the series, while battling a mysterious organisation led by Erika Price (Hershey).
The X-Files season 1 has gotten average to good reviews from critics, with Vox’s Todd VanDerWerff surprised “how rejuvenated it feels”, and terming it “a damn sight better than the 2016 one”. Uproxx’s Alan Sepinwall concurred with VanDerWerff that it’s not anywhere near its season-three peak, but “it’s much better than it has any business being, particularly given what we got two years ago”.
The Gadgets 360 Winter 2018 TV Guide
How to access: Hotstar Time commitment: 40 minutes
Grown-ish In the penultimate episode of the third season of ABC’s popular African-American family sitcom Black-ish, the eldest daughter Zoey Johnson (Yar Shahidi) went off to college. Usually, audiences would just see less of her from the next season – as has become the case with the ongoing season 4 – but here, she’s gotten her own spin-off.
Stylised like the original, Grown-ish follows Zoey as she begins her freshman year at Southern California University. Joining her is Charlie Telphy (Deon Cole) – now part of Black-ish’s main cast – f and Aaron (Trevor Jackson), who has a recurring role on Black-ish. New cast members include Francia Raisa, Chris Parnell, Emily Arlook, and Jordan Buhat.
Reviews for the show’s first season – critics have seen a few episode – are mostly positive, with EW’s Dana Schwartz praising Shahidi’s chemistry with her Latina Republican roommate Ana (Raisa) and the snappy dialogue, while Variety’s Maureen Ryan called it “a smart, breezy expansion of the Black-ish family”.
How to access: Freeform Time commitment: 1 hour first week, 30 minutes thereafter
Rotten Do you like true crime shows and are concerned about food production? This Netflix original documentary series is tailored especially for you then. Rotten focuses on the growing global food industry, exposing the corruption, waste and dangers of your everyday eating habits. “The food industry is under full-scale assault,” the trailer narrates. “The crisis is global.”
Episodes will look at the honey industry – a scam known as Honeygate that involved smuggling in inferior honey from China via Australia to the US – alongside the rise of severe food allergies, chicken farms, organic and unpasteurized milk, and regulation of the fishing industry. The show comes from the same production company that regularly collaborates with Anthony Bourdain.
“In a world where huge global supply-chains are increasingly intertwined and consolidated, this series starts on your dinner plate… and follows the money to the shocking consequences – intended or not – of regulation, innovation and greed,” Netflix’s official description for Rotten reads.
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How to access: Netflix Time commitment: 6 hours
Movies: Fight Club We’re going to talk about Fight Club (sorry). The film that gave the world’s youth endlessly-quotable lines, that gave the generation some good values and some screwed-up ones, and that inspired foolish individuals to start their own fight clubs, completely missing the point the film – directed by David Fincher, and based on Chuck Palahniuk’s novel – was trying to make.
For the unaware, Fight Club stars Edward Norton as the unnamed protagonist and narrator, who’s disgruntled with his white-collar job. He visits support groups for terminal disease patients just to have someone to talk to. He meets Brad Pitt’s soap salesman on a flight one day, and starts a “fight club” with him, where they organise bare-knuckle boxing matches for people like them.
Fight Club was one of the most controversial films of the year in 1999, and though it received polarising reception from critics, it has gone on to become one of the greatest films of its time. Pitt’s acting, Fincher’s work, and the anti-consumerism message make it a must-watch.
How to access: Amazon Prime Video Time commitment: 2 hours and 19 minutes
L.A. Confidential Two decades on, it’s still a surprise that L.A. Confidential – a brilliantly written, powerfully acted, and gritty depiction of 1953 Los Angeles mixing police corruption and Hollywood – lost most Oscar categories it was nominated in to Titanic. (If you love Titanic, please go away.) But it did pick up two very well-deserved awards, Best Screenplay and Kim Basinger for Best Supporting Actress.
Basinger plays a call girl who looks a lot like a popular film star, and she becomes central to an investigation into a multiple murder at a coffee shop after two detectives – Bud White (Russell Crowe) and Ed Exley (Guy Pearce) – discover ties to the call girl service operator. The film also stars Kevin Spacey as a “Hollywood” detective, so whether that influences your decision to watch it given the recent revelations, is up to you.
L.A. Confidential is one of the best films of its era, with a 99 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 90 score on Metacritic. It’s dark, cynical, pessimistic and twisted, and it manages to craft compelling characters and wade into their psychology, while still being a taut crime thriller.
How to access: Amazon Prime Video Time commitment: 2 hours and 17 minutes
Fantastic Mr. Fox Wes Anderson has a new stop-motion animated feature on the way, and his previous venture – a comedy based on Roald Dahl’s children’s book about a fox who steals food from three mean and wealthy farmers – is a fantastic (pardon us) family adventure all-around. It’s also got a terrific voice cast: George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, and Owen Wilson among others.
Clooney and Streep voice Mr. and Mrs. Fox, who’ve built a peaceful life for themselves after time as thieves. But after 12 years, Mr. Fox’s animal instincts pull him back into his old life as a chicken thief, which puts not just his family but the whole animal community at risk. The farmers are determined to catch him at any cost, which forces the Foxes underground.
Fantastic Mr. Fox is a whole-hearted funny romp for people of all ages, full of personality, charm, wit and emotional undercurrents, and brought to life beautifully by set designers and animation directors, alongside a wonderful score by Alexandre Desplat.
How to access: Amazon Prime Video Time commitment: 1 hour and 26 minutes
Other mentions: For those who’ve seen every movie listed above, and want something more recent, there are a few choices on Blu-ray: the Tom Cruise-starrer American Made, based on the true story of a pilot who became a drug smuggler for the Medellín Cartel in the 80s; Emma Stone and Steve Carrell in Battle of the Sexes, which is loosely based on the 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs; and Ben Stiller in Brad’s Status, where he re-examines his life while on a college tour with his son.
If you’re on the lookout for more new TV, Showtime has a coming-of-age drama from Lena Waithe – Emmy-winner with Aziz Ansari for Master of None season 2’s “Thanksgiving” episode – called The Chi, with rapper Common as an executive producer. It’s set in the South Side of Chicago with Jason Mitchell (Straight Outta Compton) in the lead, who dreams of opening a restaurant. It starts Sunday in the US, and might be available on Hotstar in India, given the latter’s deal with CBS.
There’s also BBC One mini-series McMafia, inspired by journalist Misha Glenny’s book of the same name, which focuses on the British-raised son of a Russian mafia boss who’s trying to get away from the family business. You can watch it via BBC iPlayer.
Star Trek: Discovery, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, One Day at a Time, and More on Netflix in January
Beyond that, given it’s the start of the month (and year), all streaming services have added tons of new content. On Netflix, you can find the third season of Jane the Virgin; the first and only season of One Punch Man, the anime about a superhero who can kill anyone with one blow and how that depresses him, and both versions of Fullmetal Alchemist, the 2003 one that was made before the manga was complete, and the 2009 edition Brotherhood that’s more faithful to the source material.
Meanwhile, Hotstar now has every single episode of The X-Files, starting from the first episode in 1993 to the latest one that came out this week (as mentioned earlier). It has also brought back The Wire – one of the greatest series of all-time – in addition to all nine seasons of 24, and all 12 seasons of Bones.
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