maddness-and-myths · 2 years
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Has this been done yet?
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space-fox-writes · 5 months
Derek Hale x Female Reader
Title- Stiles' Little Sister
Description- Derek comforts reader after she had a hard day at school. Just fluff, that's all this is
Word count- 1630
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Y/N is pulled from sleep at the feeling of a gentle hand rubbing up and down her back, nails lightly scratching a path over her shirt. A smile graces her face when she looks up to see her boyfriend of eight months crouching down next to her bed. "Hi, Derbear." She whispers through a sleepy smile.
"Hi, babygirl. You looked so cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you." Derek says with a blinding smile. Y/N is quick to bury her face back into her pillow, blushing at Derek's words. Derek huffs out a laugh as he climbs into the bed with the younger girl. "How was school?" He asks, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of her head. Y/N merely shrugs her shoulder, resting her head on the werewolf's chest. "Did something happen?" He worries. 
Y/N sighs, letting the feel of Derek running his nails down her shirt-covered back calm her before she says anything. "Nothing happened, per se," She mutters, drawing patterned on Derek's chest. "It's just the teachers, and students, and stuff." She finally says after a moment of silence.
"Did somebody say something to you?" Derek questions, still running his hand up and down the girl's back in an attempt to keep her grounded and in the moment.
The room is quiet for a few minutes as Y/N gathers her thoughts, deciding how she wants to talk the problem out with her boyfriend. "It's just, that ever since our relationship became public, everyone treats me differently. Like, kids talk about me behind their backs. Granted, they don't know I can hear what they're saying, werewolf hearing and everything but that doesn't matter! The teachers treat me differently too. They don't call on me when I know the answer, and they know, I know it! And they call on me when I don't know the answer and embarrass me in front of the whole class. Hearing what everyone is saying about us behind our backs is what hurts the most." Y/N vents, squeezing her hands into fists when her claws slowly start to come out. Taking a deep breath, she continues. "I hear them say I'm only with you for the money or the sex. I'm not only with you for either but don't get me wrong, the sex is great, but it's not the only reason I'm with you! Or the money! I don't care about the money! I promise Der." Y/N says, tears quickly brimming her eyes.
"Hey, hey, calm down babygirl. I know you're not with me for either, though I would have to agree, the sex is pretty good," Derek says with a cheeky smile, making Y/N huff out a laugh. "What else are they saying?" He questions quietly.
"They say that you're blackmailing or threatening me to be with you, calling you a pervert for being with someone so much younger than you. Eight years isn't that much! Mom and Dad were nine years apart! Dad wouldn't have let us be together if he saw something wrong with it" Y/N exclaims.
Sure, the Sheriff didn't see any problems with the couple being together, but Stiles sure saw a problem.
Y/N and Derek were too wrapped up in each other to hear the sound of the loft door being opened and closed, or the sound of footsteps coming toward them until it was too late. Stiles' scream of horror when he looked at the couple is what brought them out of the intense makeout session. Y/N hurriedly throws herself off of Derek's lap, covering herself with the comforter, and looking around the floor for her jeans and shirt she had thrown off in her haste to climb onto Derek's lap.
"Stiles! Do you not know how to knock?" Derek growls, pulling his jeans on over his boxers.
"I didn't think I had to knock! I would have if I'd known you were sucking my baby sister's face off! Dude, you're like, ten years older than her! Dad is gonna flip when he finds out, Y/N!" Stiles yells.
"He's only eight years older, and Dad already knows! I wouldn't be dating Derek if Dad didn't know. Now will you please leave so I can get dressed? I would rather my boyfriend be the only person to see me in my underwear!" Y/N yells at her older brother, sending the other boy scurrying out of the room and down the stairs. Y/N sighs, flopping down onto the bed, and covering her face with her hands.
"At least we still had our underwear on. It could have been so much worse, babydoll," Derek says as he hovers over her. He pries her hands from her face, giving her a gentle smile when she glares at him. "Look on the bright side, now when I sneak in your window at night, we don't have to be as quiet, since he knows. Granted, I'm not gonna make you scream, that's only for me to hear." Derek says, nipping at the younger girl's neck, making her squeal.
"You better get off my sister and get down here, Derek Hale!" Stiles yells from the living room of the loft. Derek growls softly, his eyes flashing Alpha red, Y/N's flashing yellow in return as she giggles at her boyfriend and Alpha.
"We're coming, keep your pants on, Stilinski!" Derek yells back, getting up from the bed to finish buttoning his jeans and find a shirt. He throws Y/N's discarded clothes at her, flashing his eyes at her one last time as he says, "We're not done here. When he leaves, I'm going to finish what I started." Y/N squeaks, moving to quickly put her clothes on, in a bid to get her brother out of the loft quicker. Derek chuckles, watching his girlfriend rush down the stairs while she's still fixing her shirt.
"Stiles has a reason to have a problem with our relationship, but no one else does! I just don't understand why anyone else cares." Y/N says, sniffling softly, all the steam from her rant quickly leaving her.
"Y/N, can you look at me please?" Derek gently asks, pulling his girlfriend's face to his. "I don't care what anyone else thinks of us. This relationship is between you and me. No one else. No one else has any say in our relationship. I'm dating you, not them. If I wanted their opinion, I would ask them, but I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, they can all go eat Wolfsbane. I only care what you think, because I love you, and only you."  Derek says softly, smiling when Y/N's eyes widen.
"You love me?" She asks. In the eight months they had been dating, those three words hadn't come up yet. Y/N had wanted Derek to say it when he felt like it, not when he thought she would want to hear it, so she let him be the first to say it.
"I do. I love you more than anything in this world, which is why I don't care what anyone else says about us. Only you."
"I love you too, more than anything, Derek. You're the best thing to happen to me in a long time." Y/N says. Her eyes flash gold, Derek's answering in red. The couple sit for several minutes in content silence, until Y/N says, "My mom would have loved you."
Derek's face breaks into a huge smile when he replies. "I know my family would love you too. Almost as much as I love you. But not nearly as much." He says, pulling the girl on top of him. Y/N softly rubs her nose over Derek's neck, scenting him gently. She lets the smell of her Alpha lull her to sleep, Derek following not long after.
The sound of the dismissal bell rings throughout the parking lot, as students file out of the doors. Derek waits, leaning up against his Camero, watching for Y/N's bouncing bun on the top of her head to come out of the door. When he finally lays eyes on her, she's talking to a girl with purple hair, but is quick to bid her goodbye when she sees Derek waiting for her. She takes off like a shot to him, her backpack bouncing against her back as she rapidly makes her way to him.
Derek braces for impact when she gets close to him, opening his arms for her to run into. The Alpha werewolf encircles her shoulders with his arms when she makes contact with him, her arms wrapping around his middle. "Hi, baby. I missed you today." Derek says into her hair, where he places a kiss. "How was your day?" He asks when she pulls away.
She gives him a radiant smile, puckering her lips in invitation for a kiss, which Derek is quick to grant with a huff of laughter. "It was really good. Since you've started picking me up at the end of the day and you bring me lunch, people have stopped talking about us as much. The teachers are nicer too. I think they're scared of you. It's great!" Y/N chirps happily.
Derek laughs gently at the younger werewolf, sliding his hands down her back to rest of her jeans-clad butt. "I'm glad. Now, let's get home, I've been dying to have you under me all day, and I don't plan on wasting any more time in making that happen. Get in the car, babydoll." Derek all but growls in Y/N's ear, opening to door for her. Y/N makes a sound between a squeal and moan when Derek slaps her butt as she's getting into the Camero, making Derek laugh as he rounds the front of the car to get into the driver's side, revving the engine and pulling out of the parking lot hastily.
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penissirius · 1 year
Hello I stumbled across your post needing request so here I am!😭
So for the request, a Jay x Mreader x yeonjun. Mreader is a sassy but still friendly, quiet, humble nerd is is helping Jay with homework. Jay and Yeonjun are obviously the jocks. Yeonjun who is jealous that jay gets to hang out with m/r, so he makes the most outrageous lie ever and jealousy with a mix of fighting start between jay and Yeonjun. For the ending is going to be a twist where when Both of the jocks confess to m/r he says he actually likes Jake. *Insert Jay and Yeonjun looking at each other shocked* lmao and that's all. Hope that wasn't long lol! Have a great wonderful rest of your day!
Jock Fight
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Onesided Jay x male reader, Onesided Yeonjun x male reader, Jake x male reader
AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry this took me so long to start. I didn't really expect anyone to actually request and so when they started pouring in one after the other I got scared XD. I was really surprised I could finish this in less than 2 days total- I struggled a little bit but here it is finished and ready for you! I'm sorry if it isn't how you wanted it I tried my best and this is what I came up with- I quite like it but if you'd like me to rewrite it you can always tell me T~T
WARNINGS: Cussing, overuse of the work Jock lol, violence, terribly described fight, Skz members sprinkled in places cause I couldn't stop myself
M/n was standing at his locker talking to a few of his friends unaware that two of the school's most famous basketball players were staring at him from the other lockers. The rest of the team looked at them, “Hey Yeonjun, Jay, wouldn’t it be easier to talk to him instead of standing here staring at him like a weirdo?” Chan, the captain, said. They both perked up and Yeonjun smiled at him, “Your right Cap! I’m talking to him first!” Before Jay could protest Yeonjun was already on his way over to M/n. Jay smirked and shook his head turning to Chan, “Difference between me and him is I get to talk to M/n more. We have most of our classes together.” Chan just stared at him before sighing. “Get to class child I can’t deal with any of your logic today.” Jay looked at him before heading to his class to not make his captain mad.  
Over by M/n’s locker, he was talking with his best friends, Seungmin and Beomgyu, when his conversation was interrupted by Yeonjun sliding next to M/n and putting his arm around the shorter. “Hey M/n~” Yeonjun practically purred ignoring the glares from the two other boys. “Hello Yeonjun, remove your arm” M/n said turning to him. Beomgyu laughed behind his hand when he saw the look on Yeonjun’s face when he removed his arm. “Now how can I help you?” M/n said, turning to his locker and grabbing his bag and phone before closing it. Seungmin handed him his coffee which M/n gladly took smiling. “I was wondering if you’d let me walk you to class?” Yeonjun smirked at him the same way he does the cheerleaders but to no one's surprise but his M/n just looked at him.  
“We’re waiting on Sunoo and then we were all gonna walk together.” Seungmin said, still looking at his phone. “You can walk with us though” M/n said. “Actually, he can’t, Sunoo says he has Jockaphobia and can’t walk with Jocks or he’ll break out into hives.” Beomgyu laughs looking up from his phone where he was texting their group chat. “His dramatic ass! He walks with Niki all the time” M/n said shaking his head. “Yeah, well you can walk with him by yourself! We wouldn’t want to leave the poor jock abandoned and clearly, Sunoo needs his imaginary EpiPen from walking with Niki” Seungmin said looking at M/n amused before grabbing Beomgyu and walking towards Sunoo. Yeonjun turns to M/n, “So I can walk you?” “I guess so, let’s go.” M/n starts walking and Yeonjun tries to slip his arm back over his shoulders, but M/n pinches him.  
M/n waved goodbye to Yeonjun before walking into his classroom and to his seat in the back with his other 3 friends. He sits down putting his bag on the floor and takes a sip of his coffee. “So how was the walk with Princey?” Sunoo giggles, turning around to face him. “Oh, it was just wonderful. Thanks for that by the way. He talked about basketball the whole time telling me I should come to the next game, and he kept trying to put his arm over my shoulder.” M/n rolled his eyes grabbing his textbook. “I don’t see why you don’t just tell them both you aren’t interested.” Seungmin rolls his eyes from beside him also taking his stuff out for this class. “Cause even if I did tell them, they are really only flirting with me to compete with each other.” M/n shakes his head amused.  
“Alright we can talk about boy trouble after this class, but the teacher is walking in, and she looks more pissed than usual.” Beomgyu said pointing to the front. They all turned and started paying attention to the front. At the end of the class when everyone was packing up the teacher called M/n to her desk to talk. “Yes, Miss?” M/n said smiling. “So, as you know you are the best student in my class. You understand all the curriculum and have astounding grades closely followed by your group of friends. I wanted to ask you if you can tutor a student that is struggling greatly and needs some help.” She said smiling at her star student. “Sure, Miss! Which student?” M/n said tilting his head. The teacher motions for someone to come closer before gesturing to them when they were close enough. “I’m sure you know each other. Jay this is M/n, your tutor for the next week.”  Jay smirked at him while M/n’s face was completely void of any emotions. Although there was no emotion on his face, there sure were some not some nice thoughts going around in his head.  
 The two students and the teacher discussed where the tutoring sessions were going to take place. After deciding they would study in the library after school for an hour each day this week, they were dismissed. Jay went to turn around and say something to M/n but before he could M/n was already out the door and walking towards the lunchroom. When he gets to his regular lunch table he sits in between his tallest friends and pulls his hood up to try and hide from the 2 basketball players begging for his attention. “Which one are you running from now?” Seungmin said chuckling. M/n looked around before sitting up properly keeping his hood up, “Jay. The teacher assigned me to be his tutor every day after school for an hour this week. I don’t know if I can keep going the rest of the week with them flirting with me.” M/n faked cried into Beomgyu’s shoulder. “Well then maybe you should take our advice and tell them you’re not interested.” Sunoo says setting a lunch tray in front of M/n. M/n looks up at him smiling brightly, “You got me food? Sunoo, I love you!” “Hey, he only got you food because he lost rock paper scissors!” Beomgyu exclaimed.  
“No, I got him food because I felt bad for making him walk with that nasty jock by himself!” Sunoo said looking over at Beomgyu offended that he threw him under the bus like that. “I don’t care why you did It I just care that you actually got your lazy ass up and bought me food!” M/n said happily reaching over the table and hugging him. Sunoo returned the hug and stuck his tongue out at the other two behind his back. M/n sat back down and started eating while the others talked. “I'm just saying if you just told them you weren’t interested. You'd have a peaceful life, and you could confess to your crush without them hovering.” Seungmin said from where he was eating an apple and scrolling on his phone. “Easy for you to say, ‘Mister I roast everyone without a second thought and already has a boyfriend’ which I still don’t understand” M/n said shoving Seungmin on the shoulder.  
“You’d have a boyfriend too if you stopped being a little bitch” Seungmin laughed looking over at the complaining boy. “Think about it, the only person at this table with an excuse for being single is Beomgyu and that’s because the person he likes, likes you!” Sunoo said laughing. “Oh, shut up” Beomgyu said throwing a fry off his plate at Sunoo. “Okay, as much as I would love to tell them both off. I can't do that because everyone here still sees me as a super sweet person.” There was a moment of silence between the 4 of them before they all started laughing. “The fact that people still believe that is crazy” Sunoo said. “Yeah, they’ll say we’re the sassiest or bitchiest nerds here and then call you an angel as if you aren't the worst of us all!” Beomgyu cackled. “Oh, shut up and eat assholes.” M/n said, turning back to his food.  
 While M/n and his group of friends were having fun during lunch, the basketball team wasn’t having as much. Jay had come in bragging about how much time he and M/n will get to spend together this week after school and Yeonjun wasn’t so happy about it. The 2 were at each other's throats the whole lunch period and there was only so much Chan could do before he just gave up and tuned them out. As long as they didn’t do this during practice or weren't hurting each other they're fine in Chan's book. The rest of the team tried to ignore them but was occasionally brought in between them. Yeonjun had finally had enough of the youngers smug remarks about how he had a better chance because they were in the same grade. So, he did what any sane person would.... he texted the school gossip page anonymously.  
‘The basketball teams Number 7, Jay Park, only talks to M/n L/n to get in his pants and drop him afterward’ 
People's phones started buzzing and ringing all over the halls and classrooms. The girls who ran the page and the newspaper honestly had nothing better to do than update both pages, so it was all over the school very quickly. Yeonjun smirked from his gym locker before heading out to his class. The group of nerds were talking by Seungmin and M/ns lockers when all their phones buzzed. Yes, they all have notifications for the gossip page, what can they say? All 4 of them love to hear the gossip of the school. Sunoo looked at his phone first and gasped. “Holy shit! Look!” He tapped the other's shoulders showing them his phone. “What is it? OH!” Beomgyu said staring at it. “Well looks like there's one less you have to worry about being nice to.” Seungmin said looking at the article before shutting his locker. “Okay as much of a jerk the sports kids may be, I know that’s not true.” M/n said laughing while putting his stuff in his locker, “Now are we going to the café for study hall or not?”  
Before any of them could answer, there was a shout from the other side of the hallway. “They're fighting in the gym!” A boy yelled before running that way. They all looked at each other before running off after him. When they arrived, they finally saw who was fighting and it was none other than Jay and Yeonjun. The 3 boys looked over at M/n who was kind of pissed. M/n and Chan both stormed over to the players. “Fucking stop it!” M/n screamed while Chan and another player pulled them apart. Jay and Yeonjun looked over at him shocked. M/n walked over and smacked them both on the back of their heads, “Fighting, flirting, starting rumors, and making an ass of yourself isn't going to make me like either of you! I don’t like either of you that way. You’re both great friends, but neither of you is my type! And I’m not your type. Listen I confessed to Jake today and he said yes and we’re dating now so both of you will have to accept it.” M/n walked back over to his friend group where Jake had joined them, and they all walked off to the school's café to spend the rest of their study hall. “I hope you’ve both learned your lesson, also you’re probably both getting suspended but know that conditioning will be hell when you get back” Chan said smiling at both before dropping them off at the principal's office.  
I really hope you liked it! I did kinda rush through it so it is short but I tried my best to make it good! I will finally be having a normal-ish posting schedule for the next like 2 weeks because I have about 6 more requests to finish sooo I'd say 1 every 2 days will probably be what I do- I promise I won't disappear for months again T~T anyways I love you guys! and BYEEEEEEEE~
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lilbluebastard · 5 months
Ahem! I present to you! My werewolf version of Laura!
I wanna improve my spooky art skills to become a successful horror artist one day!
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My version of werewolves are a lot bigger then normal, they mostly kinda remain human, honestly depending on the type of hair you have and gender
But they are very spooky! Basically the whole transformation is literally your whole body exploding, your bones break and you skin rip’s apart blood and gore everywhere but your still alive your in horrible pain…then after a few minutes of gasping for air your body starts to reform itself,
deforming your bones! Stretching your skin (possibly a lil too much and my werewolves don’t have tails forgive me 🙏) and once your bodies reformed, your new body is bigger and stronger! Faster and disturbingly quiet…,for a large beast there very quiet and stealthily
They can be aggressive and hostile but only if there hungry :>
Im sorry if this sucks, my writings bad and embarrassing but I hope you enjoy
Laura belongs to @cry-ptidd , I hope you enjoy! She was very fun to draw! I love Laura!!!
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dustzvacuumcleaner · 1 year
I’m happy w/ my designs hope you guys are happy about it 2😌
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jorgogo · 1 year
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
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@evermorethecrow bonus scene
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theramusen · 2 years
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Shark stim emotes
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When- when they- when-
I love them, your honour.
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enthblaze · 9 months
"know it's for the better"
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panicishere · 1 year
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Anthony Lockwood and his silly pink socks are my favorite thing ever i lovr him
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astral-from-afar · 10 months
Time for some bs predictions (or hoping I don’t know) this will probably come out around 10:30 for me and I’ll be in the process of getting my results so here we go (fingers crossed)
Biology - 9 (look I left happy so I’ve hopefully got this)
Business - 9 (call me icarus the way my hubris is acting up)
Chemistry - 9 (i fumbled a little but I know I got an 8 in the bag at least)
English Lit - 7 (look my brain went blank the first exam but I wrote some heat in the second one so i guess we’ll see)
English Lang - 8 (same thing as prev but other way round so)
Geography - 8 (I bsed some bits but I knew what I was doing i think)
Maths - 8 (Paper 2 is my villain origin fr. If I even MANAGED to get a 9 I will be crying tears IM TELLING YOU)
Physics - 9 (I know I’m acting a lil confident but I ATE THE 6 MARKERS AND LEFT NO CRUMBS, so that may help my case)
Spanish - 8 (i love languages but language exams are the BANE of my existence, if I even pull an 7 i will be grateful)
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space-fox-writes · 1 year
hii! i'd like to request a steve x fem!reader fix please :> so it's a soulmate au fic and i've seen an idea about the first sentence they're going to say to you is written on you. maybe it will turn into gold when it's said to you with a tingling feeling so you know he's your soulmate. and as steve works at family video, for reader, it's a spoiler of a movie line about a character dying maybe, but she doesn't know that, so she says that that's what the death or dying part in her line said. so like a meet cute maybe thank youu <33
This is such a cute concept! I hope you liked it! This is the second time attempting to post this so hopefully it works this time
Requests are open
Word count: 600
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When a person turns ten years old, the first words their soulmate will ever say to them appears on their wrist. Once those words are said, they turn gold. Some people say they got a tingling feeling shoot up their arm, others say they feel a warm feeling settles deep in their chest. But everyone always says they feel a massive amount of relief when they find their person.
Though some people never find their person and are destined to be alone. And that’s what Y/N thought for herself. She never thought she would find her person. Until one hot day in Family Video
Y/N walked into Family Video, sighing in relief to be out of the blistering head. July in Hawkins was like walking on the face of the sun. In short, it was hell. Wiping sweat from her forehead, Y/N walked further into the fantasy section, hearing a girl yell out,
“Welcome to Family Video. Let us know if we can help in any way.” Y/N continued on her way, picking up movies every now and then to read the description, only to put them back down. She wanted to find the perfect movie she can watch over and over so she doesn’t have to leave the comfort of her A/C-cooled apartment until this heat wave passes Hawkins, which wouldn’t be for another week. So Y/N was on a mission to find the best movie this store had to offer.
Across the store, Steve and Robin stood behind the checkout counter, each fiddling with their own fan, Steve out of anxiety, Robin out of boredom.
“I’m telling you, Rob, I’m destined to be alone for all my miserable life!” Steve said to his platonic soulmate. Steve thunked his head down onto the counter, Robin wincing at the force of the smack, running her hand through Steve’s hair.
“And this is why you’re a dingus. You’re only twenty years old, Steve. You have plenty of time to find her.” Robin replies, sighing again when Steve grunts. “Well, I’m going on break, help this customer out please.” Robin says, walking to the back.
Y/N walks up to the counter, setting her movies down and smiling up at Steve. He gives her a smile back, looking at what movies she picked out.
“Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.” Steve says, smiling at the tapes in front of him.
“W-what?” Y/N asks, a tingle shooting up her arm. Steve’s smile falters, looking back up from the counter.
“It’s from the movie.” Is all Steve replies with. He gets a warm feeling settling in his chest, prompting him to look down at his soulmate words, seeing them glowing gold, a slight glow lighting up his face. “It’s you! You’re my soulmate!” Steve exclaimed happily. Y/N’s smile widened, flinging her arms around Steve, and pulling him into a hug.
“I never thought I would find you. I’m so happy I finally found you!” Y/N cried, burying her face in Steve’s neck. Steve let out a joyful laugh, pressing a kiss to the crown of Y/N’s head.
“Hang on, wait right here. I’m going to see if Robin will cover the rest of my shift so I can stay with you. Get to know each other.” Steve smiled, letting go of Y/N to go find Robin and tell her the news.
Y/N thought she would be leaving Family Video with only a few movies, not with her soulmate.
Funny how life works somehow…
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penissirius · 1 year
Seo Changbin VS Feelings
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Seo Changbin x male reader
SUMMARY: Changbin isn't the best at feelings and emotions. Misunderstandings happen because he's stupid lol.
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: 3 aussies and a devil bunny fight dwaeki over golden retriever child
SPECIAL THANKS TO: @ldrei Thank you for encouraging me to finish this! This is dedicated to you!💕
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AJ is my OC and he's used as the M/n of this story! Miyeon is my partners OC, she is AJ's sister, and is dating Felix. I actually have 2 full stories one a AO3 chapter story and the other a non-idol social media AU that ill post here. If you'd be interested, please let me know so i know at least someone is looking forward to those stories T-T
AUTHORS NOTE: So, I wrote the beginning of this for my English essay and it was the only essay I've gotten an 100% and a good comment on so I went to Tumblr and my partner asking if I should finish it and publish it because I liked it and my teacher loved it (her Not knowing it was a Stray kids fanfic I wrote just for the essay lol) after some convincing I finished it and now here it is. I would like to apologize because this was finished in December, and I promised I would post it after it was done and never did. I hit a really big depression block in my life, and I didn't want to do anything but now I'm back! Just a heads up I wrote this for my Victorian Drama Essay so don't hope too hard for a so happy ending lol. Have fun reading!
WARNINGS: Arguing, Angstish Ig, Insecure thoughts, breakdowns, panic attacks, yelling, violence, bAd WoRdS
AJ was on his way to the JYP Entertainment building to meet up with his boyfriend? Close friend? Friend with romantic benefits? AJ didn’t know but Changbin had said he had something seriously important to talk to him about, AJ had hoped this was when Changbin would finally ask him out for real. Oh, boy was it the opposite of that. AJ texted his best friend and sister, Miyeon, that he was on his way to JYPE and that if she needed a ride home then he could give her one. When he was done texting her he speeded off eager to see the man he loves, he also had serious but good information to share with him. 
    Meanwhile, at JYPE, Changbin is pacing back and forth in his studio panicking and talking to the one person he could for love help, Hyunjin, which honestly wasn’t that good of an idea but he was better than the rest of their friends. “God Hyunjin do something! Give me advice or something idiot!” Changbin says finally standing in one spot facing his group member while tugging on his own hair. Hyunjin stood pushing Changbin into the seat behind him, “First of all sit-down and get your hands out of your hair. You’re stressing yourself out and the stylist will be pissed if you pull any of your hair out.” Changbin took a deep breath and put his hands on his lap. “Now I can’t really help you seeing as this is your own very stupid plan. Everyone in the group is dating someone in some way or another. Why are you purposely putting yourself through this? Even Chan has someone. Chan has more game than you!”
    Changbin sat in silence for a few seconds before looking at his tall dramatic member. “I don’t want to take any chances, what if it’s not what he expects and leaves me? What if we date and get found out? He’s not an idol. He’d get way more hate and things like that! I couldn’t do that to him.” Hyunjin just shakes his head. “So instead of letting him make that decision, you decided to break his heart and make the decision for him? Well-”, Hyunjin started walking to the door, “You do that but don’t expect me to help protect you when the three Aussies and Lee know find out what you did. Even tho I think your stupid for giving up a guy who does so much, some that you don't even know, for you. I kinda understand why you're doing it. You better not hurt him, he’s the sweetest when it comes to his friends. So don’t make it worse than it has to be.” That's all Hyunjin said before walking out. 
    The shorter man is left sitting in an empty studio by himself, left with thoughts, “Dammit! I didn’t even think about the AJ protection Squad™️ that would be after me! If AJ doesn’t kill me himself they sure will.” Just then his inner voice said ‘Remember you used to be one of them, but now you’re about to shatter his heart just because fans and other companies believe it's wrong for you to date.’ Changbin shakes his head arguing back, “It’s more than that. Us being together could damage the careers we both worked so hard for! If people were to find out he’d get non-stop hate! I’m just protecting him!” He would definitely sound crazy if anyone else was around to hear him argue with his self-consciousness. He shut up quickly when he heard his phone ding with a message from AJ saying he was on his way up to the studio. 
    When AJ got inside the studio he hugged the shorter man happily before sitting in the armchair that Hyunjin was previously sitting in, looking towards Changbin with a bright smile. “Hi, Hi Baby Binnie!” Changbin swore that AJ’s beautiful smile would be the death of him one day. Changbin gave a nervous smile back, “Hey AJ” “So what serious thing did you want to talk to me about?”AJ tilted his head confused, still smiling. The idol was starting to panic not knowing how to talk about it without hurting AJ’s feelings. “Didn't you say you had good news? You should go first!” AJ laughed, smiling less than before, “Well whatever you wanted to talk about seems to be making you stressed and upset so maybe you should go first and I'll tell you the good news when you're feeling better!” Changbin sighed, AJ was right it's better to rip the bandaid off now rather than give himself more time to think it over and panic. 
    “Alright, please promise that you won't take this personally and you won't get mad at me.” That brought a small nervous giggle from AJ, “I've never gotten mad at you before, I'm sure it's not that bad!” Changbin took a deep breath and finally said, “I don't think we can be a thing anymore- we should just stay friends…” It was silent for a minute before Changbin looked up at AJ and saw that he no longer had a smile on his face. AJ paused, it was like his whole world stopped when he heard Changbin say those words. Changbin had never seen AJ speechless or that upset in the year that he's known him. AJ sat paused and baffled, Changbin didn't want to be with him anymore let alone be officially together. “AJ?-” Changbin was cut off when the taller one turned to him blank-faced and asked, “Why?” The idol was confused and because of all the panic earlier his brain was no longer working. 
    “Why what?” Changbin asked stupidly. AJ scoffed, still looking at him with the same blank face that Changbin had never seen before, likely none of his friends other than his sister had seen him with a blank emotionless face, that just wasn't him. “Why all of a sudden do you not want to be with me? How long have you been waiting to tell me? You let me believe this whole time that you actually liked me and there was a possibility that we could be together. So WHY is my question?” Changbin took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. “Us being together would be a risk. It’s not that I don't like you, because I do! It's just that our careers could be ruined if anyone were to find out. I know that being an artist and dancer is very important to you. I don't wanna be the reason that all falls plus if I get any scandals I might damage everyone in Stray Kids' careers as well.” 
AJ stood angry but still pretty much blank. “Alright, guess it’s my fault for thinking that you were different and didn't care about what everyone else thought. I'm sorry for thinking that maybe we would be able to be together and happy like my sister and Felix. And more importantly, I'm sorry that I went through all this trouble for you. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went through so many panic attacks for you. Turns out it’s not enough. Guess I'll see you around Changbin.” AJ slammed a piece of paper down on the desk in front of Changbin before storming out to go find his sister and then go home. Changbin, saddened and confused, tried to call after AJ but he was already gone down the hall and into a different part of the building. Changbin got up and looked at the paper that AJ left, it was crumbed and there was a corner torn off at the bottom. It was a printed-out picture from JYPs staff to AJ saying that he passed all the auditions and was officially a JYP trainee. Changbin stared at the paper in shock, feeling more like an asshole than he originally did.
AJ walked from Changbin’s studio downstairs to the practice room that he knew his sister and Felix would be in and slammed the door open, way harder than he meant to, and looked at his sister. “Oh, hey AJ- What's wrong? Who did it? WHO hurt you? Whose ass do I have to beat?” Miyeon immediately noticed the difference in her brother's face despite his trying to act like his normal self. “Nothings wrong, I'm just ready to go home.” AJ said, walking over to them. “Nope, something is clearly wrong, sit. Sit your ass down. Family Circle.” Miyeon said, looking up at him from where she and Felix were sitting on the ground. “Since when did we still do Family Circle? And how is it Family Circle if it’s just me, you, and Felix?” AJ said, sitting in the half circle they formed. “Shut up now tell me who hurt you, imma beat their ass!” Miyeon said. “We beating ass? Should I call Chan?” Felix said, pulling out his phone. 
“There is no reason to call Chan. Don’t call him, I said I was okay!” AJ said trying to reason with the two Aussies but trying to do that is like talking to a wall. “Call him!” “I’m calling him!” Miyeon and Felix said after staring at AJ for a sec. AJ groaned defeated, leaning back on the floor still sitting with his legs crossed. After a couple of rings, Chan picked up the call. He put the call on speakerphone.  “Felix? What’s up dude, I thought you and Miyeon were practicing, what’s up?” “You need to come to the Micheal Jackson dance room!” Miyeon said over the owner of the phone's shoulder. “Why did something go wrong?” Chan said and you can hear shuffling on his side of the phone he gets up grabbing some stuff. “Nothings wrong Hyung, they're just being dramatic!” AJ yelled from his spot laying on the floor. “Someone hurt AJ. We’re trying to find out who so we can beat their ass.” Felix said into his phone. 
“Really? Why didn’t you start with that! I’m on my fucking way. Should I get Lee Know? I’m gonna get Lee Know.” You hear Chan set his phone on his desk and open his door screaming down the hallway in the dorms. “MINHO! LET'S GO WE GOT A CODE GAY DOWN!” AJ turns to them shocked “You guys have codes for this shit?” Felix looked back at him, “Yes. We are the AJ Protection Squad and we take our job very seriously.” They heard stomping before they could hear Minho’s voice clearly. “A code gay down? Whose ass am I beating? Where’s my child?” “At the Company let’s go.” You hear them both shuffle around before Chan turns to his phone. “We’ll be there in 5.” Chan says before hanging up. “The dorms are 15 minutes away!” AJ said, still confused about everything going on. “As Felix said we in the AJPS take our job very seriously.” Miyeon said looking at her brother, still bothered by the fact that someone made him upset. 
AJ decided to no longer ask questions and stared at the ceiling sadly still thinking back to what Changbin had said. Miyeon and Felix just looked at each other and at him knowing that something was wrong and they were determined to get to the bottom of it. In 5 minutes exactly there comes a worried and already angry Chan and Lee Know burst through the door. ‘If they are already pissed before knowing what happened, how will they be after?’ AJ thought, still staring at the ceiling, not moving. Lee Know and Chan move to join the makeshift ‘Family Circle’ before they all turn to AJ. “Alright now what’s wrong and who did it? And no bullshit answers AJ or I swear to god.” Lee Know says. They all looked more calm and worried rather than angry so AJ just decided to tell them, also because they probably would never leave him alone until he told them and it would feel better to talk to them about it. 
AJ took a deep breath before sitting up and looking at all of them suddenly feeling shy when he realized that they were all staring at him. “Well, this morning Changbin texted me saying that he wanted to talk and that it was something serious so we agreed to meet at the studio. And I don’t know why but a small part of me was hoping that this was when he’d finally ask me out or something, after all the mixed signals he was giving about whether we were in a relationship or not. But I should’ve known that wouldn’t have happened.” AJ looked down at his lap holding back tears, now that he was saying it all out loud the sadness and rejection is hitting him in waves. “I was gonna tell him the good news after he said what he needed to say but when he said what he did I was no longer in a happy mood. It felt like my whole world shattered-” By the time he got that out he had already started crying letting the tears fall into his lap. 
“He had said that he doesn’t think we should be a thing anymore and that we should just stay friends. And that hurt! It hurt so much but I still hadn’t processed how much it hurt until now, all I felt was anger. All I could think of was to ask why. Why did he let me believe that there could ever be something between us? Why did he let me get my hopes up just to crush them? Why had I been stupid enough to believe that he would like me back and wanna be with me? And he spouted some bullshit answer about how he actually did like me but us dating was a risk and that because I wasn’t an idol if our relationship was found I’d get so much more hate and shit. That it could ruin the careers we both worked so hard for. That he didn’t wanna be the reason I couldn’t be an artist or dancer anymore. And that if he got any dating scandals he could possibly ruin Stray Kids' career as well.” 
At this point, AJ was ugly sobbing and barely getting his sentences out correctly. Lee Know moved until he was directly behind AJ pulling the younger into his lap and wrapping his arms around him, setting his chin on the crying boy's shoulder. Felix and Chan moved to each side of him, Felix grabbing one of AJ’s hands and Chan setting his arm on his thigh. Miyeon moved to sit in front of her brother holding his other hand. The only thing on all four of their minds was comforting their youngest yet tallest friend and beating the shit out of Changbin later. AJ, although a pain in their ass some days, was their baby, the maknae of the friend group, and the only one who could get Minho to be this soft and cuddly by will. Not even Jisung had that pleasure. Hell even I.N. loved the younger and gave him affection. He was always happy and had something stupid or sassy to say, always there to make them smile on their worst days, and to see him crying aggressively over something one their friends did really pissed them off. 
AJ took some shuddery breaths trying to calm down to no avail before speaking again. “All I could think of in the back of my head was that I wasn’t good enough. That I’m still not good enough. That he was just trying to protect my feelings by not telling me that he didn’t like me that way. I'm not an idol so I’m not good enough. That I was stupid to think that just because all my friends got their happy ever after that I could get mine! I’ve tried so hard! I did so many things and it still wasn’t good enough! The amount of panic I’ve gone through during this whole audition process, the way I’ve unhealthily thrown myself into school and practice so I could get a better shot of getting accepted. The stupid strict diet I let that staff member put me on cause they thought it would make me look better. Because I wanted to be better! For him! I wanted to look better, dance better, rap better, be better. All for him. Just to find out my efforts were for nothing. That I’ll never be good enough!” 
At this point, AJ was working himself into a panic attack and Felix and Miyeon were thankful they grabbed his hands earlier because they know how bad his attacks can be on himself. They were all shocked none of them knew about the things he said. Miyeon knew about the school and practice thing and would try to pull him away whenever she could but that’s because she was used to him being a workaholic and thought that it was because of the constant auditions, not Changbin. Felix knew about the panic attacks because he’s helped him calm down from a few but none of them knew about the diet. He already has a bad relationship with food so the diet might have made it worse. AJ started falling deeper into panic and Lee Know pulled him closer whispering calming words in the boy he saw as his little brother's ear. They all huddled closer hugging the younger, letting him cry, and doing little things they knew calmed him down. 
Eventually, AJ calmed down and his cries turned into small hiccups and tears. He was so thankful they made him talk about this rather than him bottling it up and telling no one until he exploded and had a much worse breakdown. When AJ finally felt calm enough he lifted his head and everyone pulled away. Although he was squeezing Felix and Miyeon’s hands, leaning onto Chan’s shoulder, and refusing to get out of Lee Know’s lap, he was a lot calmer than before. He was very tired from so many emotions and crying. He was half asleep in Lee Know’s lap and leaning on Chan still. There was a long moment of silence before Miyeon spoke up. “You know I’m gonna beat his ass right?” The other 3 hummed in agreement. “Please don’t do that. I know I can’t stop you from talking to him but don’t do anything irrational. That’ll just make it worse.” AJ said in his broken sore and half-sleepy voice. “Can’t make any promises little Bro” Miyeon said, already standing up. 
“Just don’t do anything to have to go to jail, I don’t have bail money” AJ said before falling asleep fully. Miyeon leaned down and kissed her brother's forehead whispering, “later we will talk about that diet stuff.” She stood and turned to the other boys “Alright I have a Pig to slaughter and it won’t be the first time. Who’s coming with?” Lee know whipped his head to her, “you’ve done what?” “You heard me” was all she replied. “We all want to come but I don’t think it’s right to leave AJ alone so 2 of us should stay and the other 2 go.” Chan said, looking at AJ sleeping on his shoulder. “Alright, we’ll who’s coming with me?” Miyeon said. “I’ll stay with AJ, I will take him back to the dorms so he can rest and make sure he doesn’t try to do any work when he wakes. I also don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from fighting Changbin.” Chan said. Minho looked at the sleeping curly-haired boy and up at Miyeon. “I’ll go.” Lee Know reluctantly handed over the sleeping boy, putting him in Chan’s lap. “I’ll go to the dorm with Chris and make AJ’s favorite food and dessert.” Felix said from his spot on the ground. Chan handed Lee Know the car keys since they rode together and he and Miyeon would need to get back to the dorms. 
“We’ll drive AJ’s car to the dorm since I’m the only one other than Miyeon he lets drive it. And He was Felix and Miyeon’s ride home anyways.” They all nodded before Miyeon and Lee Know left the room storming up to the studios. Felix gathered his and AJs stuff while Chan picked AJ himself up. When they had everything they walked down to the parking lot and looked for AJs car. It wasn’t that hard to find with the obnoxious bright light blue color of it. Felix sat both of their bags on the floor in the backseat and got in on the right side. Chan set AJ on the left so he was leaning on Felix while sleeping. Chan got in the driver's side and started the car checking on the two younger ones in the back before driving off towards the Stray Kids dorm. 
Back at the company, Changbin is panicking. He feels so many emotions at once, he feels like an asshole, he’s upset about having to break AJs heart like that and overall he’s scared. He’s terrified because he knows that it’s only a matter of time before Miyeon or someone else shows up to beat his ass. He paces back and forth like earlier when Hyunjin was with him. “Fuck man what am I gonna do? I mean if I leave now there’s a possibility I can start running before they catch me- but where would I go? If I run, they're gonna be expecting me at the dorms and attack me then! I’m better off just staying here-“ As he finished saying that there were loud stomps and banging on the studio door, Changbin was glad he locked the door earlier. “COME OUT CHANGBIN YOU CAN'T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!” While Miyeon was shouting at him through the door, Lee Know looked through the keys Chan gave him and was happy to find a key to the studio amongst them. 
He pushed Miyeon slightly over and proceeded to unlock the door. Changbin visually panicked now, it was all happening so fast! He quickly ran to the other side of the couch and sat between it and the wall, knowing damn well his muscled ass was not gonna be able to hide fully back there. The two angry friends stormed in and Lee Know walked over to Changbin not knowing whether to laugh that he thought would work or just stare at him before he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up to face Miyeon. The rapper looked at the angry sister in fear, the two scariest members of their friend group were currently mad and it was directed at him. Changbin should’ve said bye to his family when he had the chance. He opened his mouth to say something that would spare his life but before he could Miyeon delivered a hefty right hook to his face. ‘Damn that hurt like shit’ Changbin thought, grabbing his cheek. For a 5 foot girl, she sure does pack a punch but that’s to be expected from her seeing as she and AJ got into fights in high school. 
Lee Know gawked at how hard she hit him, not that he didn’t deserve it but goddamn he could feel that punch and he was behind Changbin still holding his arm. “You have exactly 5 minutes to explain why you did and said what you did to my brother and if it’s not a good reason I’m gonna punch you again!” Changbin quickly replied with pretty much the same thing he told AJ and Hyunjin, he was honestly terrified and looked everywhere but at her. When he was done Miyeon took a deep breath before punching him again in the face. Poor Changbin is gonna end up with bruises on his cheek and eye. “It’s a good thing we’re on a break right now. If we weren’t idols I’d leave more bruises than she did.” Lee know said smacking Changbin hard on the back of his head. 
“Listen I don’t care if you thought you did what was best or anything. You broke my brother. I’ve never seen him cry so hard he sent himself into a panic attack over someone. He loved you. He did everything for you. Originally I was supposed to be the only one auditioning and when I tried to talk him into it I stopped because I knew it would be too much pressure for him. But he did, why? Because he wanted to be closer to you.” Miyeon was raising her voice as she talked, her accent getting stronger, and the fact that the studio is soundproof definitely helped. “Do you know what I found out in the last hour? No? Then let me enlighten you. My brother worked himself into the ground with school, dance, and practice for you. He thinks that he’s not good enough. He let one of the staff members put him on some stupidly strict diet because she said it would help him look better! Why? Because he wanted to look better for you!”
Miyeon looked at him disgusted, “I trusted you with my brother's feelings and you broke him more than anyone had in the past. If you like him so goddamn much why didn’t you just date him! Instead, you lead him on. You’ve been all lovey with him, cuddling with him, taking him on dates just to outright turn him down and make him feel like he’s not good enough for you! Felix and I are dating and there’s no problem! Hell half of JYPE is in a relationship! Why are you the only one who is thinking so hard about your career and not the man right in front of you who would and has done literally anything for you! AJ is perfect and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what the hell to tell you. If this is how you're gonna treat anyone who has any interest in you your whole life. Then have fun being single and friendless because clearly, your career is more important.” 
Lee Know moved to stand next to Miyeon, rubbing her shoulder before saying, “We’re giving you one shot to make this better. If you fuck up even more so help me god Seo Changbin, Miyeon and I will not be the thing you need to be afraid of. You’ll have his parents and Chan after you at that point. You better make this up, but at this point, I’d be surprised if he even talks to you again let alone still loves you. If I were him I sure as hell wouldn’t.” Changbin looked at the ground in shock, sadness, and pain because damn those punches hurt. “I will make it better, I really do love him and I hadn’t realized how much pain I’ve put him through. Or how I was only really thinking about myself and my feelings and not his.” Changbin said, nodding. “Good, you have a week, and if he decides he never wants to speak to you again or doesn’t want to be with you. You can’t get mad because you fucked that up for yourself.” Lee Know said, looking at him. 
“I know and I take full responsibility. I definitely deserved the punches because I was stupid. And I wouldn’t blame him if he no longer wanted to be with me” Changbin looked up at them. “Not just stupid. You were a dumbass and full-on idiot. Now I’m gonna go back to the dorms and check on my brother. You are not allowed to even look at him until you’ve decided how you’re gonna fix your huge fuck up. Do you understand me?” Miyeon glared at the short rapper. “Yes ma’am” Changbin nodded firmly. “Good now sit and think about your mistakes” was all Miyeon said before storming out of the room to the car. “You really did fuck up and it’s hard to understand whatever stupid logic you thought you had but hopefully you make this right because he seems happiest when he’s with you and that’s all we want for him” Lee Know said looking towards the chair Changbin sat in. “MINHO!” Miyeon yelled down the hall. “That’s my cue to go. Don’t fuck up Seo Changbin” He said before he left the room. And so there Changbin sat left with his thoughts of how much of an idiot he is and how he’s going to fix it. 
I really hope you like it! If you did leave likes and comments! reblogs help as well! If you wanna read more of my shitty works you can follow me on AO3 @/penissirius ! If you’d like to see more of AJ and Miyeon and their Interesting Adventures in life in Korea and Becoming JYP trainees well you’re just in luck because the whole story of them is being written and made. Tho I will not post it until I have the whole thing finished which will be a while but I have a few chapters now! So be on the lookout for that! I will be posting a Social Media AU that is completely unrelated to that story so let me know if you wanna be on the tag list for it! Byeeeeee~
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lilbluebastard · 9 months
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Cat boy……..
Ultimate is a hot boi but 2001 will always be my favorite, my sweet biscuit
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loverap2 · 1 year
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toki pona sbahj
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