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jiubilant · 1 year ago
Does Shurri get up to visit frozen Winter(hold) wonderland much to see her pa after the two reconcile?
In some particulars, Shiv thinks, she's sipping tea with a stranger. So is he. But some things haven't changed.
"The game," she announces like a bookie, unfolding the pegboard across the page-strewn desk, "is halatafl—"
"Mind my cup," says the Archmage of Winterhold, and whisks it out of the way with one hand. His face cuts peevish through the steam. "We can't just play draughts?"
"—in the vernacular," Shiv continues virtuously, ignoring him, "known as wolf"—she drops one of the two red-painted pegs into its hole, then taps it with a claw—"and sheep."
She places her second wolf with predatory delicacy, then arranges the rest of the pegs on his side of the board: twenty of them, white as lambkins, to her two. Her father, swathed in the sort of sumptuous silk dressing-gown that he'd once eyed wistfully in Taarie's store—and a frumpy fur rug, because silk's not worth a sneeze in his freezing hold—begins to look interested.
"Ah," he says, smiling with one side of his mouth. "Well. If the odds are in my favor."
Shiv grins at him with all her sharpest teeth.
* * *
"Again?" she asks after the third game.
"Ai," says the Archmage. It's the sort of gusty Velothi exclamation she'd heard every day of her childhood—after climbing down from the roof, usually, or coaxing him to buy her a bag of havreflarn. He turns a despairing smile on her. "It hasn't been an hour?"
"Half." She smiles back with just her eyes. "You might win this time."
The old man makes an eloquent face. "Set the board."
It's one of those northern nights best spent, Shiv thinks drily, in the south. Or playing board games. The stone walls of the study, glacial to the touch, muffle the wailing wind. Ice crusts the eye-shaped window behind the Archmage's desk; it rattles in its frame, battered by the blizzard's white fist. But she's stoked the fire bright, and the little room is warm where the firelight spreads.
It glints on two empty teacups and the Archmage's rings, garnet and gold, as he reaches across the board. His fingers twitch above the pegs. They curl, but don't bend. He watches his hand contort itself like a spider for a moment, patiently, then leans forward in his wheelchair and—with his other hand, the steady one—closes the spasming fingers around one of his sheep.
"If only," he murmurs, amused, "one could magic the pieces to move of their own accord."
One could, in a college for wizards. Almost everyone could. Shiv watches him move the peg. He practices with the palsied hand, stretching it, writing, picking things up and putting them down, for at least an hour a day. He's getting better at it. The letter he'd sent her after his latest fit—apoplexy, he'd called it later, and gently explained that it would likely happen again—had been so scrambled and smudged that she hadn't even finished it before throwing herself at the High Queen's feet, like a trophy pelt, to beg leave of her court.
Now, two months later, he's well enough to stay up late and lose at tafl. She can probably bring up things that might distress him. She hasn't.
"I've been thinking more, of late," he's saying, "on that sort of thing. The, ah, the everyday good that magic could do—the great help it could be to those with, with hands that shake, or bones that ache, and suchlike, if it were only more commonplace." His eyes travel, thoughtful and sharp, across the board—navigating his next three moves, as usual. "My cane leaps into my hand when I drop it. Why doesn't everyone's?"
Within a year, Shiv thinks, every walking-stick in Winterhold will be doing somersaults. "Used to be that Rafe would crawl under tables for it."
"You, too," says the Archmage. A smile creases the side of his face that still moves. "Well, not everyone has a Rafe, or a Shurri."
For a moment, looking at him, Shiv forgets the past ten years: the fantastical old hierophant enthroned in the wheelchair, bejeweled on every finger and robed in brocade like a picture in a book, is just Da. Then she blinks, and she sees in his smile the thing that makes him a stranger.
"You're happy," she says gruffly. It sounds like an accusation. She hadn't meant it to. She hadn't meant to speak at all; she listens to her own voice with vague surprise. "You old sharpster."
"It took some doing." Da moves one of his pieces with a soft, contemplative clack. "Are you?"
Something in her face must answer him, because he hesitates, then lays the palsied hand half-open on the desk. She blinks down at it. Then she puts one hard, scarred hand in it and covers it with the other, so that his fingers close.
"Probably I should have just piked," she says, very seriously, "and taken up toll-collecting."
He laughs. She'd hoped he would. "The dread bandit Pushpin?"
She wonders how to tell him that the smell of boiled leather makes her sick. That her mail-shirt's rusting to bits in a Haafing chest. That she's stuffed her sword and all the smaller pigstickers under her pallet, and hasn't polished them all month. Her shield-sisters would look at her askance. Her old drillmasters, Terentius and stern Rikke, would clout her on the head.
Da gives her a long, level look. Then he glances down at the board.
"Do you know," he says, surprised, "I think I've won."
Shiv looks down, then snorts. He has. He'd probably rearranged the pegs when she wasn't looking.
"But, yihla," says the Archmage, not ungently, "we play more than one game in this life—"
"—and if you don't like the outcome of the last," the Archmage continues, raising the eyebrow that moves, "you can always—"
She wrinkles her nose like she used to do at his arithmetic lessons. He laughs again and relents.
But he does turn the tafl-board, with a calm and pointed look, so that she finds herself playing sheep.
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arconinternet · 1 year ago
Halatafl (Windows 3.1, Steve Neeley, 1996)
Ancient Viking board game adaptation with made with surprising love and care. Part of a series by the author. You can play it in your browser here.
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl jest wczesnośredniowieczną grą wikińską, pochodzącą z Islandii. Znana w Europie co najmniej od XIV w. Jest mieszanką reguł hnefatafl oraz starożytnego alquerque. Halatafl is an early medieval Viking game from Iceland. Known in Europe at least since the 14th century. It is a mixture of hnefatafl rules and ancient alquerque. #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #hnefatafl #hnefataflboardgame #tablut #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #halatafl #acient https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbTcECHohQ/?igshid=19g4sbzak48k5
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orkiavaldez · 3 years ago
Púrpura em nanquim
7 a.m.
Os raios de sol que normalmente espalhavam-se pelo quarto, avisando Kiara de que tinha passado mais uma noite em claro, não vieram como de costume. Seu halatafl, Melog, estava agitado. A menina, que lia sobre sua poltrona, checou o horário em seu celular. 7:00 a.m. Não podia estar certo, já devia ter amanhecido. Correu até a varanda, abrindo as cortinas de supetão, prendendo a respiração por um segundo, estupefata. Uma lua cor púrpura se instalava no céu nanquim, ao invés do ameno sol de começo de manhãs. 
Percebeu que teria um longo dia, ou talvez noite, pela frente.
6 p.m.
Livros e mapas astrais espalhavam-se pela mesa da grega, que já sentia suas têmporas latejando. nada daquilo fazia o menor sentido. O próximo eclipse solar mundano deveria acontecer apenas em 2030, mas nada que indicasse a coloração avermelhada que tingia o céu. massageou a lateral da cabeça, suspirando baixo. Odiava não ter respostas, e o fato da escola também não ter muita certeza do que se passa a incomodava um pouco. Estava prestes a se dirigir a cozinha, com intuito de preparar mais chá para si e sua colega de quarto Lya, que se encontrava no banho, quando algo chamou sua atenção. uma sussurro perpassou seus ouvidos. Virou-se abruptamente, procurando a origem do som, porém estava sozinha na sala. Então escutou mais uma vez, um murmuro lamurioso com tom feminino. Não conseguiu distinguir o que dizia, era como um eco distante, mas foi o suficiente para arrepiar os pelos de sua nuca. Escutar vozes não era comum para um Centauri, a não ser em rituais em que contatavam os mortos. Definitivamente não tinha realizado nenhum desses. 
Tentou voltar para sua mesa, concentrar-se em suas pesquisas, porém a voz tornava-se cada vez mais alta. Uma mulher, parecia estar em completa agonia, balbuciando em uma língua desconhecida aos ouvidos de Kia, preenchendo o corpo da menina com uma energia diferente, pesada. Vinha do corredor como se quem falasse estivesse encostado em sua porta, a boca nas brechas da entrada. Lentamente foi em direção a origem dos sons, olhando pelo olho mágico. Nada e nem ninguém se encontrava lá. Mas a voz só ficava cada vez mais e mais alta, desesperada e apelativa. Parecia querer ajuda. Valdez não sabia como agir, então institivamente buscou pelo seu arco na tábua solta ao lado da entrada, e algumas flechas. Lentamente abriu a porta, sentindo os espinhos de Melog enrijecerem enquanto ele mantinha guarda logo à sua frente. Afastou-se da entrada e armou a mira, mas nada veio. Ao invés disso, começou a sentir um incômodo em sua pele, uma ardência. Logo a ardência tornou-se uma queimação, sua pele parecia estar em chamas. Largou o arco e desabou no chão, agonizando enquanto o Halatafl rosnava ao seu lado, tentando proteger a grega. A voz tornara-se ensurdecedora, parecia estar em tanta agonia quanto Kiara estava no momento. Lyanna apareceu no momento, trancando a porta e indo de encontro à mais nova.
Depois de minutos, que mais se assemelharam a horas, tudo parou. A dor a voz cessaram-se, porém Kiara estava exausta. E assustada. A voz parecia precisar ser salva de tal dor, e talvez o único jeito tenha sido mostrar à Centauri o quanto estava sofrendo. Sabia que em situações como essa, espíritos e criaturas poderiam se manifestar de forma diferente do usual, mas nunca tinha presenciado nada parecido.
A lua ainda brilhava, púrpura no céu nanquim. Definitivamente algo de errado estava acontecendo.
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xmacex · 10 years ago
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Making our subject association's magazine #Asiasana.... #udk #layout #design #halatafl #rävspel #game @unitampere (at Tietopinni)
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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A może trochę historycznego zamieszania? Tę planszę już znacie jako arabską Alquerke, albo nordycką Cuhkka Dablo. Nazwę Halatafl też już poznaliście przy grze w Smoka i Łowców. To teraz poznajcie wersję również wikińską Halatafl rozgrywaną na planszy Aquerke/Cuhkka Dablo. Na kamieniu runicznym z Ockelbo w Szwecji widnieje rysunek dwóch graczy na szczególną planszą z zaznaczonymi 5 polami i przekątnymi. To on jest źródłem zamieszania. Według niektórych rekonstrukcji gra ma podobne zasady do Alquerke, ale układ początkowy jest inny. Pola w rogach i środku planszy pozostają wolne. Zasady? W skrócie, należy zbić wszystkie pionki przeciwnika przeskakując je, albo zająć dwie twierdze w rogach po jego stronie pola. Poruszać się można do przodu i po przekątnych. Bicie jest obowiązkowe. Maybe some historical confusion? You already know this board as Arabic Alquerke or Nordic Cuhkka Dablo. You also got to know the name Halatafl while playing Dragon and Hunters. Now check out the Viking version of Halatafl played on the Aquerke / Cuhkka Dablo board. On the Ockelbo runestone in Sweden, there is a picture of two players on a special board with 5 fields and diagonals marked. He is the source of the confusion. According to some reconstructions, the game has similar rules to Alquerke, but the starting layout is different. The fields in the corners and the center of the board remain free. The rules? In short, you must capture all of the opponent's pieces by jumping over them, or capture the two strongholds in the corners on his side of the field. You can move forward and diagonally. Beating is obligatory. #woodenboardgames #acientgames #ancient #freystafl #freyasday #woodgames #woodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #pirografia #acientgames #medieval #viking https://www.instagram.com/p/CMiNZK1nM7d/?igshid=pmlqi9rhqblg
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Dziś piątek, Dzień Freyi, a więc może partyjka w Halatafl na specjalnej planszy nazywanej Ferys-Tafl? Today is Friday, Freya's Day, so maybe a game of Halatafl on a special board called Ferys-Tafl? #woodenboardgames #acientgames #ancient #freystafl #freyasday #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #pirografia #acientgames #medieval #viking https://www.instagram.com/p/CMU3iAjHJ8z/?igshid=6devcwidpiit
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl, w naszej rustykalnej wersji Smok i Łowcy, to stara gra z dalekiej Północy. Popularna na Islandii i rozpowszechniona wraz z podbojami wikingów. Zadaniem łowców jest zablokowanie smoka. Bestia musi zaś pożreć łowców (biecie na zasadach jak w warcabach). Halatafl, in our rustic version - Dragon and Hunter, is an old game from the far North. Popular in Iceland and widespread with the Viking conquests. The hunters' task is to block the dragon. The beast must devour the hunters (run like in checkers). #pirografia #pirograh #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CL8t69qHMoX/?igshid=1lu8tvffk1gi6
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl, a w naszej rustykalnej wersji "Smok i Łowcy". To popularna wikińska gra dla dwóch graczy. Zadaniem pierwszego - łowcy - jest umiejętne i metodyczne zaganianie bestii tak, aby pozbawić ją możliwości ruchu i ataku. Zadaniem smoka jest zbicie (przeskakując jak w warcabach) wszystkich wojowników. Halatafl - in our rustic version "Dragon and Hunter". This is a popular Viking game for two players. The task of the first - the hunter - is to skilfully and methodically herd the beast so as to deprive it of the ability to move and attack. The dragon's task is to capture (by jumping like in checkers) all the warriors. #iceland #halatafl #dragon #dragonhunters #woodenboardgames #wood #woodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #tafl #vikings #vikinggames #nordicgames #pirography #pirografiahobby #acient #acientgames #medieval #pirografia #reconstrution https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSVmXSnBwM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl czy też Smok i Łowcy, to stara wikińska gra planszowa. Do dziś jest tradycyją grą na Islandii. Halatafl or Dragon and Hunters is an old Viking board game. To this day, it is a traditional game in Iceland. #pirografia #pirograh #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #reconstrution https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5PaVBH2iu/?igshid=1x5iwolpdvsrf
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Hnefatafl, królewska gra wikingów. We wczesnym średniowieczu dominowała tam, gdzie wojoników północy poniosły ich drakkary. Zwana jest szachami wikingów. Przedstawia bitwę między Jarlem a otaczającymi go czterema armiami. Hnefatafl, the royal game of the Vikings. In the early Middle Ages, it dominated where northern warriors were carried away by their drakkars. It is called Viking Chess. It depicts the battle between Jarl and the four armies surrounding him. #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #pirography #pirografiahobby #acient #acientgames #medieval https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsR3g7HXKb/?igshid=fvgsa9plk89n
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Tablut należy do najlepiej udokumentowanych gier taflowych. Dzięki temu zrekonstruowano inne warianty jak choćby Hnefatafl. Za sprawą wikingów była popularną grą w całej wczesnośredniowiecznej Europie. W mroki historii zepchnęły je dopiero szachy odzwierciedlające nową znacznie bardziej hierarchiczną strukturę budowania armii i strategii bitewnej. Tablut is one of the best-documented tile games. Thanks to this, other variants, such as Hnefatafl, were reconstructed. Due to the Vikings, it was a popular game throughout early medieval Europe. Only chess that reflected a new, much more hierarchical structure of army building and battle strategy pushed them into the darkness of history. #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #pirography #pirografiahobby #acient #acientgames #medieval https://www.instagram.com/p/CLr_BbOnb4H/?igshid=1ctmbrvvtcriq
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl jest basrdzo starą grą z Islandii. We wczesnym średniowieczu popularność zapewnili jej skandynawscy wikingowie. Halatafl is a very old game from Iceland. In the early Middle Ages, its popularity was ensured by the Scandinavian Vikings. #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames #pirografia #acientgames #medieval #viking https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOfeQ6n5rA/?igshid=pbibd6wxq28e
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Smocze serce. WOŚP gra do konca świata i o jeden dzień dłużej! Dragon heart. WOŚP Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy plays until the end of the world and one day longer! Siema! #WOŚP #halatafl #warsztatgierdawnych #gryrustykalne #rusticalgames #board #woodart #wood #wodengames #vikings #vikingwoodcarving vikinggames https://www.instagram.com/p/CKuSrU_n7qp/?igshid=ujyo50lf7eem
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Na Islandii grę tę nazywnano Halatafl. Kiedy dotarła do Wysp Bryjskich przemianowano ją na Lisa i gęsi. W Azji znana jest podobna wersja pod nazwą Lamparty i Krowy. W naszej, wikińskiej wersji Halatafl, mamy Smoka i łowców. In Iceland, the game was called Halatafl. When it reached Britain it was renamed Fox and Goose. A similar version is known in Asia: Leopards and Cows. In our, Viking version of Halatafl, we have the Dragon and the Hunters. #wood #wodengames #rusticalgames #woodart #handmade #games #warsztatgierdawnych #woodentoys #halatafl #halataflboardgame #tafl #vikings #vikingchess #nordicgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeOpljHwkt/?igshid=xnorishzt2kp
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rusticalgames · 4 years ago
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Halatafl - the Viking boardgame.
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