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wally-b-feed · 1 year ago
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genlosscharliie · 2 months ago
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ziemiawypalona · 3 months ago
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this whole fragment is rly cool
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heartcountry · 1 year ago
if you’ve seen anything good in me at all, it’s because of what my religion has taught me and what my culture has given me. despite a world that vilifies us remember me and think of olive and lemon trees. a box full of photos from an old life. the street in halab my mother was born on. the apartment in cairo my father lived in while he worked odd jobs. the beginning in khalil before it all changed. remember me telling this to you. there was a time before and there is so much distance between me and then, that sometimes it feels like it doesn’t belong to me at all. but it does. i know because i cry when i think about those trees, uprooted or burned to ashes. and i cry when i think about planting them again and again, no matter how many times the fires start.
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baalsblade · 1 year ago
So who is Baal?
Baal or Baʻal, was a title and honorific meaning 'owner', 'lord' in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity.
Baal is a God of fertility, weather, rain, wind, lightning, seasons, war, sailors and so on.
Baal worship is also called Baalism.
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Solid cast bronze of a votive figurine representing the god Baal discovered at Tel Megiddo, dating to the mid-2nd millennium BC.
His holy symbols are bull, ram and thunderbolt.
Baal was worshipped in ancient Syria, especially Halab, near, around and at Ugarit, Canaan, North Africa and Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
Baʿal is well-attested in surviving inscriptions and was popular in theophoric names throughout the Levant but he is usually mentioned along with other gods, "his own field of action being seldom defined". Nonetheless, Ugaritic records show him as a weather god, with particular power over lightning, wind, rain, and fertility. The dry summers of the area were explained as Baʿal's time in the underworld and his return in autumn was said to cause the storms which revived the land. Thus, the worship of Baʿal in Canaan—where he eventually supplanted El as the leader of the gods and patron of kingship—was connected to the regions' dependence on rainfall for its agriculture, unlike Egypt and Mesopotamia, which focused on irrigation from their major rivers. Anxiety about the availability of water for crops and trees increased the importance of his cult, which focused attention on his role as a rain god. He was also called upon during battle, showing that he was thought to intervene actively in the world of man, unlike the more aloof El. The Lebanese city of Baalbeck was named after Baal.
The Baʿal of Ugarit was the epithet of Hadad but as the time passed, the epithet became the god's name while Hadad became the epithet. Baʿal was usually said to be the son of Dagan, but appears as one of the sons of El in Ugaritic sources. Both Baʿal and El were associated with the bull in Ugaritic texts, as it symbolized both strength and fertility. He held special enmity against snakes, both on their own and as representatives of Yammu (lit. "Sea"), the Canaanite sea god and river god. He fought the Tannin (Tunnanu), the "Twisted Serpent" (Bṭn ʿqltn), "Lotan the Fugitive Serpent" (Ltn Bṭn Brḥ, the biblical Leviathan), and the "Mighty One with Seven Heads" (Šlyṭ D.šbʿt Rašm). Baʿal's conflict with Yammu is now generally regarded as the prototype of the vision recorded in the 7th chapter of the biblicalBook of Daniel. As vanquisher of the sea, Baʿal was regarded by the Canaanites and Phoenicians as the patron of sailors and sea-going merchants. As vanquisher of Mot, the Canaanite death god, he was known as Baʿal Rāpiʾuma (Bʿl Rpu) and regarded as the leader of the Rephaim (Rpum), the ancestral spirits, particularly those of ruling dynasties.
From Canaan, worship of Baʿal spread to Egypt by the Middle Kingdom and throughout the Mediterranean following the waves of Phoenician colonization in the early 1st millennium BCE. He was described with diverse epithets and, before Ugarit was rediscovered, it was supposed that these referred to distinct local gods. However, as explained by Day, the texts at Ugarit revealed that they were considered "local manifestations of this particular deity, analogous to the local manifestations of the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church". In those inscriptions, he is frequently described as "Victorious Baʿal" (Aliyn or ẢlỈyn Baʿal), "Mightiest one" (Aliy or ʿAly) or "Mightiest of the Heroes" (Aliy Qrdm), "The Powerful One" (Dmrn), and in his role as patron of the city "Baʿal of Ugarit" (Baʿal Ugarit). As Baʿal Zaphon (Baʿal Ṣapunu), he was particularly associated with his palace atop Jebel Aqra (the ancient Mount Ṣapānu and classical Mons Casius). He is also mentioned as "Winged Baʿal" (Bʿl Knp) and "Baʿal of the Arrows" (Bʿl Ḥẓ). Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions describe "Baʿal of the Mace" (Bʿl Krntryš), "Baʿal of the Lebanon" (Bʿl Lbnn), "Baʿal of Sidon" (Bʿl Ṣdn), Bʿl Ṣmd, "Baʿal of the Heavens" (Baʿal Shamem or Shamayin), Baʿal ʾAddir (Bʿl ʾdr), Baʿal Hammon (Baʿal Ḥamon), Bʿl Mgnm.
The epithet Hammon is obscure. Most often, it is connected with the NW Semitic ḥammān ("brazier") and associated with a role as a sun god. Renan and Gibson linked it to Hammon (modern Umm el-‘Amed between Tyre in Lebanon and Acre in Israel) and Cross and Lipiński to Haman or Khamōn, the classical Mount Amanus and modern Nur Mountains, which separate northern Syria from southeastern Cilicia.
The major source of our direct knowledge of this Canaanite deity comes from the Ras Shamra tablets, discovered in northern Syria in 1958, which record fragments of a mythological story known to scholars as the Baal Cycle. Here, he earns his position as the champion and ruler of the gods. The fragmentary text seems to indicate a feud between him and his father El as background. El chooses the fearsome sea god Yam to reign as king of the gods. Yam rules harshly, and the other deities cry out to Ashera, called Lady of the Sea, to aid. Ashera offers herself as a sacrifice if Yam will ease his grip on her children. He agrees, but Baal opposes such a scheme and boldly declares he will defeat Yam even though El declares that he must subject himself to Yam.
With the aid of magical weapons given to him by the divine craftsman Kothar-wa-Khasis, Baal defeats Yam and is declared victorious. He then builds a house on Mount Saphon, today known as Jebel al-Aqra. (This mountain, 1780 meters high, stands only 15 km north of the site of Ugarit, clearly visible from the city itself.)
Lo, also it is the time of His rain. Baal sets the season, And gives forth His voice from the clouds. He flashes lightning to the earth. As a house of cedars let Him complete it, Or a house of bricks let Him erect it! Let it be told to Aliyan Baal: 'The mountains will bring Thee much silver. The hills, the choicest of gold; The mines will bring Thee precious stones, And build a house of silver and gold. A house of lapis gems!'
However, the god of the underworld, Mot, soon lures Baal to his death, spelling ruin for the land. His sister Anat retrieves his body and begs Mot to revive him. When her pleas are rebuffed, Anat assaults Mot, ripping him to pieces and scattering his remains like fertilizer over the fields.
El, in the meantime, has had a dream in which fertility returned to the land, suggesting that Baal was not indeed dead. Eventually he is restored. However, Mot too has revived and mounts a new attack against him.
They shake each other like Gemar-beasts, Mavet [Mot] is strong, Baal is strong. They gore each other like buffaloes, Mavet is strong, Baal is strong. They bite like serpents, Mavet is strong, Baal is strong. They kick like racing beasts, Mavet is down. Baal is down.
After this titanic battle, neither side has completely prevailed. Knowing that the other gods now support Baal and fearing El's wrath, Mot finally bows before him, leaving him in possession of the land and the undisputed regent of the gods.
Baal is thus the archetypal fertility deity. His death signals drought and his resurrection, and brings both rain and new life. He is also the vanquisher of death. His role as a maker of rain would be particularly important in the relatively arid area of Palestine, where no mighty river such as the Euphrates or the Nile existed.
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melhindips · 3 months ago
Israeli soldiers have torched a second school in Jabalia today
This brings the total to three schools set ablaze by the military over the past 2 days, all carried out by Givati’s 432nd Battalion. The schools incl Kuwait, Halab, and Hamad, the main schools in Jabalia
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🌟I was Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #121 )
🌟I was verified by Butterfly Effect Project’s Line#981
🌟I was verified by Bees And Watermelons line numbers are 204 on the master sheet and 37 on the emergency tab.
🌟I was verified by PaliLiberation Family#132
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yamayuandadu · 5 months ago
I have a question regarding a list of gods in Ugarit. Who are Baal-of-Ugarit and Baal-of-Sapun? Which of them refers to the Baal from the Baal Cycle? And especially, who are the other 'b'lm' listed?
Dennis Pardee concludes that Baal of Saphon is probably more or less identical with Baal as a literary character, while Baal of Ugarit would be more or less the same Baal as worshiped in the city itself/its main temple (Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, p. 276-277). Daniel Schwemer (The Storm-Gods of the Ancient Near East: Summary, Synthesis, Recent Studies: Part II, p. 10-11) also assumes that these are two manifestations of one deity, probably worshiped in the same temple. Essentially the same sort of difference as between invoking Inanna in Uruk as “just” Inanna and as Nin-Eanna, as opposed to two fully separate deities. Spencer J. Allen shows some skepticism, since technically no text actually identifies the two with each other (The Splintered Divine, p. 205-207), though he ultimately also admits that it’s probably safe to consider the cult of Baal of Ugarit an offshoot of the cult of Baal of Saphon (p. 212). He also concludes all available evidence confirms Baal of Saphon is Baal the literary character (p. 214).Beyond that, things get progressively more murky. As you probably already noticed, in at least one case (KTU 1.118) we have Baal of Saphon and then six nondescript “Baaluma”. Allen recently summarized some of the past attempts at identifying them (The Splintered Divine, p. 204-205); these include treating them as unspecified hypostases of Baal of Saphon; as a reference to cult images present in the temple(s); or possibly as fully independent deities who just happen to share the same moniker and simply rank slightly lower than Baal of Saphon.
I am not sure if anyone tried identifying the anonymous plural Baals with the two enigmatic non-geographical Baals who appear in some offering lists, Baal-kanapi, "Baal of the wing” (Pardee on p. 276 of Ritual and Cult suggests that this is essentially the Ugaritic understanding of Seth - presumably he means the style of depictions of Seth as a “divine foreigner” modeled on a typical weather god, but with wings), and the completely enigmatic Baal r’kt. I found nothing.
The final and most distinct case is that of Baal of Halab, who is obviously the weather god of Aleppo and rather clearly a distinct deity in Ugaritic imagination; in KTU 1.130 he receives offerings separately from Baal of Saphon. This situation repeats in KTU 1.148, but interestingly there he is listed before Baal of Saphon, as if he was the higher ranked deity. To be fair, in terms of religious and political influence Aleppo would arguably indeed be well beyond Mount Saphon. I think there is no real reason to treat Baal of Halab as identical with the Ugaritic Baal; the two are functionally as separate from each other as they are from Mesopotamian Adad. Hurrian sources from Ugarit recognize Teshub as the god of Aleppo, which matches the cultural "hurrianization" of the city at the time, but I’m not sure if we can necessarily assume that’s what everyone thought of when they took part in rituals referring to the god of Aleppo as Baal. Perhaps the situation was similar to when Zimri-Lim and his contemporaries made offerings to weather gods of Kumme or Arrapha without necessarily even knowing they were locally referred to as Teshub - we may never know.
Some more notes on the weather god of Aleppo and friends (in particular Pidray) below the cut, since they’re not fully relevant to your question.
Obviously, beyond the recognition of Dagan as Baal’s father, there’s little evidence for Aleppine influence on Ugaritic conception of the weather god and his circle, as far as I am aware. Saphon is the residence of the gods rather than an actual personified fully anthropomorphic weather god, there’s no trace of a bull chariot, Hebat, Tenu et al are absent, etc. This being said - there’s an interesting possibility that Pidray might have originated over there which would have huge implications. One of the only references to her from outside Ugarit, the oldest one yet at that, has recently been identified in an Akkadian-Amorite bilingual list by Andrew R. George and Manfred Krebernik, and they suggest she might have specifically originated around Aleppo as a daughter of the local weather god (Two Remarkable Vocabularies: Amorite-Akkadian Bilinguals!, p. 139). 
For what it’s worth, the weather god of Aleppo, with a permanent spouse etc., certainly fits the profile of a divine father more than unmarried Ugaritic Baal who at best has friends with benefits (that’s not my interpretation, for clarity, Schwemer wrote this, without using the term “friends with benefits” though); Pidray and her sisters being an awkwardly incorporated part of a different theological system would explain a lot. Also, it feels important for the case of Pidray that no matter how many times they are misidentified as “Canaanite” online, Resheph, Anat and Yarikh were also deities more popular in Amorite areas around the Middle Euphrates (in Yarikh’s case attestations actually go all the way up to Eshnunna!) and largely or entirely (depending on location and time period) absent from coastal areas; so even though the conception of weather god differed, I don’t think the recent shift towards treating Ugarit more and more as a part of a broader Amorite (or, better yet, Hurrian+Amorite) world is unjustified.
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Vegan Kutilke Brince (Kutilke Halabe) with Sumac & Walnut Salad
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tsalmu · 1 year ago
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Head of Unidentified God (Baal-Hadad?) c. 1600 BCE Sabkhat al-Jabbul; near Aleppo (Halab), Syria Current Location: The Louvre - AO 10831 Source: Wikipedia
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alsadeekalsadouk · 14 days ago
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First purely Islamic Dinar After Coins transformation from Sassanid and byzantine financial system dated 77H.
Both minted in dimashq.two type were issued in the same year . One on Byzantine style, and the bow purely Arabized .
A: Inscription: بسم الله لا اله الا الله و حده محمد رسول الله
Design: Standing caliph figure with girdle band shown in a very thin loop, Arabic inscription around clockwise from 1h,all enclosed by traces of beaded circle
Inscription: بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينار سنة سبع و سبعين
Design: transformed cross on four steps surmounted by a small globe, Arabic inscription around clockwise from 1h,all enclosed by traces of beaded circle
B: Dating77 AH (= AD 696–698), Obverseلا اله الا / الله و حده / لا شريك له, Arabic inscription in field, Arabic inscription anti-clockwise in margin from 3h (Sura 9: v. 33 (in part)), all enclosed by beaded circle,
محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كل
Reverseالله احد الله / الصمد لم يلد / و لم يولد, Arabic inscription in field (Sura 112: vv. 1-3), Arabic inscription anti-clockwise in margin from 1230h, all enclosed by beaded circle, بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر في سنة سبع و سبعين
#archaeology #history #ancient #art #archaeologist #ancienthistory #travel #archaeological #iraq#ksa #museum #halab #heritage #egyptology #arthistory #archaeologylife #culture #antiquity #abbasid #photography #temple#islamic coins #Umayyad #Fatimid #dirham #dinar #الصديق_الصدوق
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casgore · 8 months ago
HIII I was reading one of your jjk fics on ao3 and I went to follow you on your tumblr and I saw that you're arab!!!! Me too!!! Where are you from if you don't mind me asking? I just find it rare to find other Arab tumblr users AND fic authors, as well as ones that are in the same fandom as me, too
- 🌷
hello! nice to meet u!! and yes, i agree. there are not a lot of arab people writing fics that i’ve noticed. it’s always wonderful to find fellow arab people in fandom 🥰
my dad’s side is mostly from Halab, Syria! i’ve lived most of my life in the US, though
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cengish05 · 2 months ago
Rus savaş uçakları, Halep Üniversite Hastanesi'ne hava saldırısı düzenledi
Halab Mahalli kaynaklardan edinilen bilgiye bakılırsa, SU-24 tipi Rus harp uçaklarının, Halep Üniversite Hastanesi’ne düzenlemiş olduğu saldırıda ilk belirlemelere bakılırsa 9 şahıs öldü, 10 şahıs yaralandı. Halep ve İdlib’deki çatışmalar Suriye’nin kuzeyindeki Halep ilinin batı kırsalında, 27 Kasım’da, Esed rejimi güçleriyle rejim karşıtı silahlı gruplar içinde çatışma başlamıştı. 27-28 Kasım’da…
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hydralisk98 · 4 months ago
Zorua Maschen?
Follow-up home tech planning article for my creativity workshop / homestead / tech lab...
Devices on "Booksword" residential network
Ashur (personalized home power workstation from Tuxedo Computers)
Nineveh (three-in-one lightweight laptop/tablet/touchscreen from Tuxedo Computers)
Nimrud (libreware smartphone from either Pine64 or Librem)
Halab (homelab data storage, media-streaming & web-hosting server)
Kanesh (RISC-V SBC DevBoard from BeagleBone)
Harran (ARM Apple Silicon M2 Ultra/Max Copyleft Hackintosh?)
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davidpricework · 10 months ago
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Halab, gouache on card... one of a long, long series of pictures depicting small pieces of soap that have become too small to still be useful.
This example was included in the group show Petit Salon, curated by Ebba de Faire, at Sotheby's auction house in Stockholm.
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merangkulmakna · 1 year ago
Bersamaan dengan kerasnya ujian, penyaringan terus bertambah. Kubu iman dan kubu nifak kian jelas untuk dibedakan, bahkan perpecahan antara keduanya terlihat sangat jelas bagi yang mempunyai dua mata, dan itu semua tidak lain lantaran kaum Mukminin semakin bertambah keimanan dan semakin menampakkan keimanannya sedangkan kaum munafikin dan musyrikin semakin bertambah kekufurannya dan semakin menampakkan kekafirannya.
Setelah bertahun-tahun mereka menyamarkan hubungan mereka dengan para Salibis dan Thaghut dari hadapan manusia, Allah pun menyingkap kedok murtaddin dengan bergabungnya mereka ke barisan pasukan murtad Turki. Tak cukup hanya datangnya ‘support’ udara dari pesawat Koalisi Salibis yang berkoordinasi dengan keduanya, permasalahan ini bahkan menjadi kian jelas dengan masuknya pasukan Salibis Amerika ke sejumlah daerah yang mereka kuasai, dan berdirinya pangkalan-pangkalan Salibis di dalamnya. Ini adalah fenomena yang tidak mungkin bisa disamarkan dan disembunyikan dari mata manusia. Pembenaran dan ‘pengelesan’ dari fatwa-fatwa Ulamā Sū di majelis-majelis serta forum Dhirar (berbahaya) yang mereka dirikan tidak akan berguna baginya.
Allah telah mengaruniakan nikmat pada Daوlah Islamiyyah berupa manhaj yang lurus yang dibangun di atas pondasi kejujuran dan beramal dengannya. Maka, tatkala Daوlah Islamiyyah menghukumi sebagian faksi di Syam bahwasanya mereka sama halnya dengan jenis Shahawat di Irak berdasarkan perbuatan para komandannya, pengakuan-pengakuannya, seruan mereka kepada Demokrasi dan hubungan mereka
dengan para Salibis dan Thawaghit di daerah tersebut, berarti Daوlah telah jujur dalam menghukumi dan mensifatinya. Itu semua bukan hanya sekedar dalih agar bisa memerangi mereka sebagaimana tuduhan orang-orang sesat, dimana yang paling parah dari mereka ketika menyematkan tuduhan “Khawarij” kepada para Junud Daوlah dan mengeluarkan seruan untuk menumpahkan darah Muhajirin dan Ansharnya sebagai bentuk pendekatan diri kepada Allah sesuai klaim mereka, meskipun mujahidin Daوlah Islamiyyah waktu itu tengah dalam posisi mempertahankan diri dan kehomatan mereka dari serangan pengkhianatan faksi-faksi tersebut dalam rangka memenuhi perintah para Salibis dan Thawaghit.
Gelombang demi gelombang tuduhan miring ini bukanlah hal yang baru lagi atas Daوlah Islamiyyah. Ia sama halnya dengan mengulang tuduhan-tuduhan miring lama yang ditudingkan padanya di masa fitnah Shahawat Irak yang berujung kepada hilangya faksi-faksi Shahawat secara total setelah pasukannya menampakkan kemurtadan secara terang-terangan melalui peperangan mereka terhadap Junud Daوlah Islamiyyah yang dengan ditemani dengan kendaraan-kendaraan lapis baja Amerika yang sebelumnya membunuhi mereka, serta dibekingi dengan helikopter yang beberapa hari sebelumnya menggempur kota-kota dan desa mereka. Dan tiada guna bagi mereka semua fatwa dan pembenaran yang keluar dari Ulamā thaghut boneka Badan Intelijen untuk menolong proyek Shahawat yang menjadi jongos para Salibis. Pada hari ini, murtaddin Shahawat di Syam berjalan di atas jejak para pendahulu mereka di Irak. Tidak cukup hanya menjadi antek Salibis dengan memata-matai kaum muslimin dan membunuhi mereka sebagai bentuk
pengabdiannya kepada Salibis saja, namun juga berkoordinasi dengan pesawat mereka untuk membombardir Muwahhidin. Bahkan, yang lebih parah dari itu mereka kini berperang di bawah bendera Amerika dan di bawah kepemimpinannya sebagaimana yang kita saksikan pada Shahawat “New Syrian Army” di daerah selatan Syam. Kendaraan-kendaraan lapis baja Amerika kini berputar-putar mengelilingi daerah yang mereka kontrol di utara Halab. Bahkan, kini tentara Amerika memperlihatkan dirinya bersama mereka secara terang-terangan tanpa rasa malu.
Sungguh, Daوlah Islamiyyah tatkala memerangi murtaddin Shahawat tiga tahun yang lalu, mereka bukanlah memerangi ‘Muwahhidin’ sebagaimana klaim orang-orang bodoh, para Juru Bicara Shahawat, dan Ulamā Thawaghit. Justru mereka saat itu memerangi Musyrikin yang loyal kepada Salibis dan Thawaghit bersama dengan orang-orang lain yang loyal kepada mereka. Dan ada diantara mereka adalah Jabhah Jaulani. Sungguh hukum bagi mereka belumlah berubah sejak mereka memperlihatkan sikap loyal mereka yang berujung pada kekafiran. Namun, yang berubah adalah pernyataan-pernyataan sebagian orang yang memperdebatkan status mereka, setelah sobekan lubang mereka semakin membesar dan membuatnya kian sulit untuk ditambal, sehingga Allah membongkar kedok Shahawat yang jelas-jelas loyal kepada Salibis dengan malu-malu di hadapan bala tentara dan pendukungnya yang murtad yang mengklaim jihad. Dan mereka tidak mungkin menerima hal yang bertolak belakang dari apa yang mereka dengar berupa wajibnya memerangi Amerika dan harus serius memeranginya lantaran mereka adalah pentolan kekafiran, sedangkan justru mereka melihat pasukan Amerika dengan santainya berjalan-jalan di daerah yang mereka kuasai di bawah perlindungan antek-anteknya yang mengklaim jihad.
Kami katakan pada mereka yang pada hari ini mampu melihat perkara ini dengan terang setelah ashabiyah jahiliyah membutakan matanya, dan fanatik golongan, pun pengkultusan “simbol”. Setelah hari ini, bagaimana bisa kamu membenarkan kekukuhanmu di atas kemurtadan yang melanda barisan murtaddin? Bagaimana bisa kamu membenarkan dirimu tatkala memerangi muwahhidin Junud Daوlah Islamiyyah dengan berkoalisi bersama Salibis? Bagaimana bisa kamu membenarkan ketaatanmu kepada masyaikh dan ulamā sesat lagi menyesatkan setelah kedustaan mereka atas Daوlah dan pembelaan mereka terhadap murtaddin sudah jelas?
Telah tiba saatnya bagimu untuk bertaubat kepada Allah dari jatuhnya kamu ke dalam kubang kemurtadan, dan meninggalkan barisan murtaddin serta berjijrah ke Darul Islam. Maka ketika datangnya saat itu, kamu akan berujar kepada para Muwahhid yang
kamu musuhi sebelum ikrar taubatmu: “Demi Allah, sesungguhnya Allah telah melebihkan kamu atas kami, dan sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang bersalah (berdosa)”. [QS. Yusuf 9] Allah telah memperlihatkan padamu kemurtadan Shahawat , dan membimbingmu untuk mengkafirkan mereka dan berlepas diri darinya. Dan kamu tebus keburukan-keburukanmu dengan kebaikan jihad di jalan Allah serta bergabung dengan Jama’atul Muslimin. Sesungguhnya negeri Daوlah Islamiyyah terbuka bagi semua kaum muslimin. Tidaklah menjadi masalah meskipun sebelum taubatnya mereka telah membunuh jutaan Junud Daوlah Islamiyyah, dan Allah Maha Memberi Petunjuk bagi siapa saja yang Dia kehendaki kembali pada jalan yang lurus.
#Sumber : Rumiyah2
Barokallohu fiikum
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Abianbe Adjond Adol Adolea Adoly Aelhird Akath Akbahird Alba Aleibe Alejefoth Aleta Alfreavo Alje Almur Alukaa Ammu Ammunial Ammunialla Amtorech Anza Apolybeichem Arec Areme Arhird Asjilla Asthar Asu Awild Barsbin Bazun Bibo Bize Bohitod Bonome Bonoqoa Boretz Borkibe Boze Bretetji Brosa Cacela Cadrec Calebe Chinjul Chirlas Chirlutji Chlua Chresbibe Chresbiibe Chresbiin Chresjil Chresjilla Chresju Chreskof Chreskopha Cidolla Cirl Cirula Cirulebe Ciruleze Cisjendri Citharebe Clatonca Clatont Cliera Cliokabe Cliokai Cliovo Cliri Culatji Culby Culkon Curay Curenbe Cureze Curilea Cyrel Dattfread Dattleab Dattschilk Datz Deinme Dochal Dochala Dochalebe Dochalla Dochial Dochiali Docmeal Dolu Donze Doraella Dorcu Doreim Dorfe Dorinzi Dylin Ebes Eje Ejefolla Ejefolli Eluze Enda Engred Erabe Ermu Etolzi Faol Faolatji Faolebe Fascil Fascila Fatreca Fatrecei Fatreck Fenrid Ficqoalebe Ficqoas Ficub Finobe Fize Fluranca Flurant Flurein Fobekakt Foiju Foit Foitreca Fonfidon Fornd Fortrim Fortrind Forzerd Forzevotji Fosaet Fradrek Fravorec Fravoreck Freadrech Freavomunn Fretz Frincebe Frinces Frinck Frincues Frincueta Frink Frinz Frioba Fubreca Fudean Fudeanbe Funny Ghesliebe Giin Giinbe Giincliovo Giindochal Giinfaol Giinfrincues Giinloc Giinluoes Giinmurc Giinmurea Giinnobe Giinvaarra Ginnozor Girmuebe Giruto Gisgoci Goagfread Gobobe Gobon Gogjond Gotesjond Gradary Graji Grajil Graju Gratchan Hady Haeber Haeka Haeno Haenrech Haenz Haesa Haevomurea Halabe Halaze Haljot Haljoth Halki Halljoth Halvi Hanre Hanreatji Hardobe Harfort Harmun Harmunn Harpo Harweg Helmu Helvo Helvokird Helzi Hinbe Hinbelura Hins Hinzeh Hirild Hiruld Hoda Hofort Honjir Hosiatji Hulvir Hurst Idrean Idrein Igbes Ilaxes Ilaxindra Ilaxindri Ilebe Ileca Ileze Ilfort Ilfrad Ilien Iljot Ilues Ilwen Ilzun Imulei Imunkabe Inbe Inbeleata Inbeleta Inbemurea Indra Indraa Indrai Indrais Inkoebe Inkon Innoa Innock Inskir Invileme Invileqoa Inze Inzeleata Iodray Ioralea Ioralean Ioreck Iorura Iosist Ipilf Irdon Irlatji Irndt Irsald Irthor Irzeod Istred Itolea Itolei Ivola Ivolhaed Ixal Jebreze Jedebe Jejoal Jendrebe Jendri Jenvor Jerih Joreal Jumuri Kaadrech Kaajir Kaajirech Kaatrech Kaize Kakaar Kejenbe Kepenbe Kiajun Kialla Kibreal Kibreala Klios Klios-tijir Kodeis Kom Kupi
Lai Laze Lazun Leasl Leize Leleibe Lesfoth Leubel Leze Liabibii Likaslios Liora Lioranca Liorant Liori Lirs Loc Locea Locean Loceanbe Locis Lodweg Lokold Lomes Lopizuc Lotz Luec Luoalli Luoes Luoeta Lurantz Luthir Lykaa Lykai Merebe Meren Merl Merlhaenz Mersjin Metfi Metren Metyi Milea Milean Mileatji Milei Mipp Mirvin Misbibe Mitju Mugzilaze Mukile Mulji Mulzuze Munial Muoreca Murbibe Murbin Murc Murcal Murcalla Murcos Murea Mureachresbibe Mureacliovo Mureatharata Murebe Murei Mureinbe Mureos Mureu Mureun Mureze Murju Murkiraji Murlabe Mursiareji Musan Mutheao Muthelvo Muttheao Muttheis Muvolaebe Muxedolein Muxeto Myreim Naal Naalla Nacalybe Nahinbes Nahinn Nahinze Naichem Narg Nast Nata Nataph Natatji Nazes Nazethin Nocula Noculios Noculis Nofeli Nosulpi Noze Oji Olreba Olrech Opi Orkeli Otko Owa Phelep Phelepfa Phelepp Phelepti Pidonoqoa Pizeld Porunoci Porunoqoa Pulinvi Punoi Puphea Qoanbin Rabe Rabea Rado Raenhird Raenhuld Ramy Ratebe Rates Rechanpe Rechird Riboze Richal Rieber Rilph Rinzill Riphial Riybond Riybonvo Ropilph Rot Ruden Ruforju Rufort Rugoze Rulf Rulind Rumuen Rumun Ruvir Ruzeld Saadoa Sert Sharyl Siellioto Siepi Sinthar Siy Sjifunoi Sjiphan Sjiphibe Sjiphinoa Sosbin Spon Sponfi Subesje Sulanbin Sularea Suljir Sylposjir Sylsuen Sylzua Talmu Taporebe Taporen Tarvi Tatusbian Tatusbiin Tebetji Telfort Tellas Tetala Tetalhar Tetali Tharata Thau Thearry Thumus Tijir Toenrid Tolesje Tolinoa Tolzun Tozird Tupbisji Turturi Tusbiin Ucaibe Ukala Ulezuar Ulezui Ulif Ulki Urtrod Uscir Uthmur Utko Utkomur Uvotji Vaarra Vaarratji Vibezuapo Vibhird Vird Virhirdt Virild Virird Virmuebe Virmur Virsat Virt Virtrovo Viurg Viurvis Viurvitji Volphebe Vonos Vonota Vullrith Wannul Warber Warnhar Weabba Welhaldoze Welhalm Welleim Weltrod Wenfread Wiljir Wulf Wulfking Xanoi Xizuar Yinn Yinnock Ypos Ypotji Yvunbe Zejulea Zekabe Zekai Zenbe Zethilea Zidafort Zidoan Zigmur Zinoal Zinoala Zinoalla Zizud Zolex Zorkazend Zuckor Zuckorei Zuncant Zurtenoa Zuul
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