#hair: the american tribal love-rock musical
tobbogan-13 · 7 months
when the moon is in the 7th house
and jupiter aligns with mars
then peace will guide the planet
and love will steer the stars
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dick-chugger · 1 day
What did they mean by this
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GOD. the flesh failures/let the sunshine in. can anyone fucking hear me
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dutiful-wildcraft · 7 months
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Darren “Darri” Martin
“I think a lot, listen to music…I’m very fond of flowers.”
Alias: Thumper
Age: 36
Relationship: Gaz/Ghost/Soap
Physical Description: Broad and bulky, Darri stands at around 6’1”, with dark brown hair shaved close at the sides, and a bit longer on the top. He usually rocks some darker stubble around his jaw and mouth. Darri is stocky and thick, carrying a soft cushion of fat around his tummy and thighs. Though most of his piercings are removed, he still has stretched lobes from when he was a teenager. Darri has brownish/green hazel eyes and can be seen sporting black fingernails that he’s colored in with a sharpie. When in civvies Darren is usually clad in black jeans and a band tee, with a well worn leather jacket. American southern accent haver, though it's been toned down a bit. Scar on his eyebrow from where he busted his head on a coffee table as a wee lad. Has a few “tacky” tattoos such as a tribal armband on his arm. He’s since had it filled in as a solid band that's now part of a large floral piece that stretches up his right arm and around most of his upper back. 
Personality: INFP. Idealistic and empathetic. He would be the capybara you put other baby animals with to foster. Tender hearted and sentimental to a fault at times. He was considered a sensitive boy. Easily brought to tears as a young thing. He would learn to hide it under a soft smile as he got older, he still wears his heart on his sleeve. Darri is fairly emotionally intelligent, and pours a lot of his feelings into journaling, poetry or song writing. His intensity translates to his abilities in the field as well. While sometimes reckless in his eagerness to help. Darri would take a bullet for any of his team mates, and fights viscously to ensure their safety. He definitely show’s his love through acts of service. Preferring to take on the duties of another for a while, just to ease their burden.  While his words may not be the loudest, his actions certainly are. 
Background: Darri’s parents had passed away in a fatal crash when he was freshly 18, leaving him to care for his younger sister Ruby.  Barely scraping by, and with minimum education; Darri felt he had few options for himself other than joining the military under the bullshit promise of solid benefits and decent pay. Hell, maybe he could do some good in the process. Darri had grown up with Alex Keller. They became close friends in middle school, and it would partially be Alex who stirred the idea of the military to Darri. The pair would serve on a few tours together, and remain in contact. It was through Keller that Darren met Price. Whom the Captain took a shine too. Like the others before him, Martin would be stolen and brought into the 141 at Captain Price’s urging.  Darri excels in interrogations and infiltrations, and he’s even taken extra courses on emergency medicine just in case. 
-Wanted to be a rockstar when he grew up, he and his friends had a band that was surprisingly good. Darri has a gorgeous singing voice, and can play the shit out of some guitar. 
-His southern accent gets worse when he’s drunk or angry. 
-Is an absolute BABY when drunk. Think that buzzfeed vid of them dropping a box of puppies on drunk girls who start bawling immediately. Thats him.
-minds his manners, especially with the elderly and women. Largely a product of how he was raised. 
-had a hard time in school for his supposed “pussy” behavior. When he finally got his growth spurt, he beat all their asses. He would sit in ISS for weeks.
-Is the number one perpetrator of burning himself out. The man lives on a swivel, and has a bad habit of trying to anticipate others needs all the time over his own. He’ll crash and burn for months before he asks for help. If he asks for help. But would immediately be up in arms if it were one of his partners who refused to communicate. 
-is embarrassed of his laugh, for such a big man he has a higher pitched giggle of a laugh. You know that vid of Anderson Cooper losing it? Yeah, that’s Darri. 
-addicted to chapstick
-metal enthusiast
-fidgety, while his aim through a sniper rifle is impeccable, don't ask him to sit still for a long time. He bounces his leg, cracks his knuckles, makes little noises to himself. During meetings he typically refuses to sit, instead he sways in place in the back while he listens. 
-sensory seeker, he loves to be put in big bear hugs, especially when he’s anxious. Wears headphones a lot, sleeps terribly without a fan. 
-Uses the terms dude, rad and sick unironically, the english boys mock him for it (teasingly of course).
-pseudo-therapist for the barracks. Ghost thinks he knows what everyone is up to. It’s Darri who really knows..because they told him themselves. 
-can pick any lock, rarely uses this skill for shenanigans to Soap’s disappointment. 
-energy drink connoisseur.
-got his sister a huge dog to keep watch over her when he left home. 
-is a food grazer, snacks throughout the day rather than eat a big meal. The others lowkey fuss about him not eating enough. (Gaz “accidently” leaves snacks out, Darri eats them everytime.)
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A Decidedly Unserious Review of Hair 2001 (ft. Drew Sarich)
I’m back for another lunatic review. This time: the 2001 recording of Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. This is so silly. I literally decided to do this like two hours ago because @peppi-mint wanted to hear my thoughts on it. Well, peppi, prepare to get an earful because I had some THOUGHTS
(I’m so sorry)
Aquarius- um. This is literally so cool. The hip-hop beat sets the tone, which is vastly different from every Hair recording I’ve heard. And then the violins come in and it’s like YOOOOO. And then the broadway singing comes in and it’s like YOOOOOOOOOOO! And then the dissonant harmonies hit and it’s like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I really like this. Very different and fresh and new and Y2K in the best way. I can’t stress how fucking amazing those harmonies sound.
Donna- Ok, Drew!! Give us that punk-rock energy! The electric guitar sound is really neat, and I kinda dig the reverb as well as the way Sarich sings most of the lines straight intentionally. Whereas the harmonies were highlighted in the last song, they act more as a part of the orchestra in this song, but it still feels full and tasteful. Really enjoying this so far.
Hashish- I’ve literally always skipped “Hashish.” It’s boring to me. I’m a sober loser. But THIS?! What are they doing to my boring hashish!! The instrumentation is so experimental and interesting to listen to. I like that the cast isn’t going over the top with the vocals, too. They’re supposed to be high, so going full belt and vibrato isn’t really the vibe.
Sodomy- I’m literally Debbie Reynolds-ing right now. This guy’s voice has me biting my lip for real. Catch me joining the Holy Orgy ™ any day of the week.
Colored Spade- This production is obviously informed heavily by black music. Which makes this song slightly more comfortable to listen to. I can’t really speak on it though- I’m white. All I can say is: it’s a bop. Also, the second half?? So fucking groovy. Yes I’m using that word unironically. It’s a good word.
Manchester England- Stripped down acoustic guitar… mkay I can get with that. Makes the full orchestration pop out more. Loving these glam rock vocals from Kyrre Kvam.
I’m Black- It was literally 22 seconds long and sounded like a car commercial with that fade in and fade out I’m lmao 😭Where’s my Ain’t Got No?!?!?!?
Dead End- Ok so I rarely hear this one in any recorded productions. I’ve only ever really heard it in college production bootlegs I watch on Youtube. This version has me saying WHY DID THEY REMOVE IT?!? It’s seriously so good. 
Air- The vocal affectation that Jeannie usually has tends to annoy me, which I guess is intentional, but I’m glad it’s more toned down here. The industrial sound of the instruments clashes with the light and breezy vocals in a really fascinating way. It’s like a big burly man wearing a flowery perfume. Thumbs up from me. 
I Got Life- Teehee if you take out your left earbud you get an a capella intro 🤭Anyway, I always love this song. This version is no exception. Treat Williams is still top, tho (Rest in Peace, King). 
Hair- The titular bitchular! (-Athena P on YT). Something about the way the sound is split between each ear in the intro (vocals in one ear, guitar in the other) is ticking me off. That’s just me, though. Overall, this sounds so fucking good and it’s such a vibe. I’m not sure if it’s Kvam or Sarich who hits those high notes but they hit, man.
My Conviction- Hehehehehe this sounds so out of place I love it. (It’s supposed to- just like Herod’s song in JCS)! Also how are these vocals from a man?? They aren’t my favorite but they sound soooo much like a woman that’s crazy. Anyway gender is fake
Easy To Be Hard- Um. Can we say elegant? Can we say… mystical? GORGINA?!? BRO when the,,, fuck what is it, a marimba or some shit comes in with that overarching angelic tone- fuuuuuucccckkkkk. So good. Also the shaker keeping the beat tastes good. I can taste this song. It tastes like a capri-sun on a hot day. I’m in love. Hold up- added verse? Why haven’t I heard this-
Frank Mills- Awwwwww this is cute. I like this woman’s voice. Very smooth and nice to listen to. What I’m noticing so far about this album is that they treat each song like it’s its own person, you know? Like- every tune sounds coherent and like it belongs, but it also sounds like its own thing with its own special instrumentation. It’s just. So neat.
Be In - Hare Krishna- The speaker shifting got me like 🫠so good. It’s like ASMR. Another thing I’m noticing about the ensemble vocals is that they’re so… earnest? They aren’t worn like clothing, they’re like a part of the individual. ... Any arrangement that can make me describe music like this deserves the world.
Where Do I Go- Fuck. I just love arrangements that do something new. This sound is so clean and genuine and beautiful. If I could insert John Savage’s vocals into this it would be perfect (No shade to Kvam- I just love the movie version of this song so much). This is probably my favorite song from the musical (I literally wrote a 30k+ word fanfiction based on its lyrics), and I’m sooooo utterly pleased with this interpretation of it. All I’ll say is that the end could’ve been a bit louder/more intense- it is an Act I closer, after all. More drums, please!
Electric Blues- TELL ME WHOOOOOO DO YOU LOVE MAN! *guitar* Ermmm I love Electric Blues I love it. I wanna inject this song into my bloodstream. This version doesn’t stray too much from the original, and it slaps. Always does. Also I just realized this came out before the Broadway revival. I wonder if the revival folks took a bit of inspo from this version 🤔
Black Boys- ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS (I love the staccato guitar chords, offbeat, percussion, tonal shift during the solo represented by the instrumentation, and just everything else about this).
White Boys- My eyes literally rolled to the back of my skull during that intro. So good!! So tasty! Also these VOCALS! Less energy than the others I’ve heard, but that’s not a criticism. It’s more reminiscent of the original cast recording. Once again, ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS. 🍽️
Walking in Space- dodo do do dodo dooooooo. (guitar). Again, the vocalists aren’t overdoing it, which is working. I’ll probably smoke marijuana to this song at some point. Looking forward to it. Also when she sang “ 🎶floooooooaaating, flipping, flyyyyyying, tripping 🎶” I was like 😶‍🌫️(that’s me floating flipping flying tripping). . I want to consume these vocals
The War- Don’t think I’ve heard this one in any other production? It definitely fits the vibe they’re going for. I’d love to know the context for it. Eh, actually, I think I can guess...
Three-Five-Zero-Zero- Listening to this is making me realize how important the bass guitar is as an instrument. Songs would sound so much less full without its constant, droning presence. Also, I would’ve loved to see them lean even further into the experimental vibe for this one so that the tonal shift would sound more stark. Regardless, it all sounds really good. Love the harmonies, especially at the end.
Good Morning Starshine- I have a poster of these three words in my room. Also, I like this version of the song. Very 2001. Kinda reminds me of that song “Walking on Sunshine,” similar vibes. Not my favorite version, but still a bop and very fun. 
The Flesh Failures/Eyes Look Your Last- Guitar is so yummy. I don’t like the chorus singing the first part. I’m just too used to it being a soloist or Claude. Also, it feels kinda too fast? Sorry, I have ridiculously high standards for this song. I think it’s one of the best songs ever written. Given that fact, it’s hard to fuck it up. So, this sounds really good still, obviously. Just didn’t hit quite as hard for me. I feel like they tried so hard to make every other song sound unique and they dropped the ball a bit here. It sounds like they’re trying to just get it over with… which is very contradictory to the song’s message. Also, why isn’t “Let the Sunshine In” a part of the title? Seems kinda important 😬
Hippie Life- …huh?
Aquarius (Bonustrack) - director’s cut- It’s the remix 😎
Overall, I was really impressed by this album. I’m glad I took a listen. It seems like a very approachable version of the controversial musical. I think it’d be a good album to show friends that aren’t into musicals but should still get to enjoy Hair. Some choices weren’t my style, but I’m genuinely so astounded and excited by others. Act I was better than Act II. Drew Sarich was great, and so was the rest of the cast. Ultimately, a very cool take on one of my favorite musicals of all time. Thanks again to @peppi-mint for recommending this to me- I’m so happy I got to do another silly little stream-of-consciousness musical review!
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charring58 · 2 months
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Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical is a rock musical with a book and lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado and music by Galt MacDermot. The work reflects the creators' observations of the hippie counterculture and
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theonlyadawong · 5 months
6 albums i've been listening to
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tagged by: @devilbrakers
tagging: ummm anyone who wants to! :)
A Chorus Line The New Cast Recording (2006)
Favorite Song: One (Finale/Reprise) - This is the most perfect, most beautiful, and most tragic finale song in any musical ever. The only reason this song, as well as the album, is on this list and not the original cast recording is because this one just has better production and vocals.
Humanz by Gorillaz (2017)
Favorite Song: Saturn Barz - I remember listening to this song the moment it dropped. I was in the middle of my tech theatre class, and I was struck by how cool this sounded, and that's a feeling I have even now all these years later.
Mothership Connection by Parliament (1975)
Favorite Song: Unfunky U.F.O. - I LOVE this song. There are soooo many times where I think, "Oh no, I don't want to listen to this, it's not that great," and then I listen to it and it literally is that great. This is quite literally THE seminal afrofuturist album, it really stands the test of time.
Resident Evil 4 Remake Orignal Soundtrack (2023)
Favorite Song: Origin of Tragedy - The Saddler fight is my favorite in the entire game only because this song is playing. I think it's perfect for the final fight, and it sounds just wonderful with the new orchestrations. This is, and I mean this unironically, a song that makes me want to shake my ass.
Martyrs Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2008)
Favorite Song: My Neighborhood - This song plays as the organization is torturing Anna. It's an absolutely brutal and heartbreaking montage, and this song adds so much to the scenes.
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical (1968)
Favorite Song: The Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In) - While there are numerous cast recordings of this musical with better singing and production, this is one of two cast recordings (the other being the 1979 film) that I believe fully capture the spirit of the show, as the lacking vocals truly serve to add grit and realness to the show, and it's infinitely better than hearing polished, standard Musical TheatreTM voices perform this rock musical. Anyway, I love this song because it's just wonderful. I don't care for the politics of the show because they don't go nearly deep enough for me (and it reeks of Hippie Culture, as it obviously would lol), but this song in particular has risen from this show to be covered my numerous groups, most notably (in my opinion) by The 5th Dimension.
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shaykarniel · 2 years
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Hair - vocal album - The American tribal love-rock musical
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marianomoreno · 2 years
7 + 14 + 21 !
Cómo eran las cosas by Babasónicos My Conviction from Hair the American Tribal Love/Rock Musical (😭) C'mon You Know by Liam Gallagher (god fuckigng dammit)
thank u!! <33333
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heuheu-the-goose · 2 months
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) <333
here are some recent favourites:
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
Third Side Music Announces Creative Publishing Deal To Administer Galt MacDermot's Compositions From HAIR Musical
LOS ANGELES (CelebrityAccess) – International impartial music writer Third Facet Music (TSM) is delighted to announce the conclusion of a brand new unique publishing cope with MacDermot Music LLC. to manage Grammy, Ivor Novello, and Tony Award-winning composer Galt McDermot’s iconic compositions from the musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical (HAIR) in the USA. The deal marks an…
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dick-chugger · 1 month
This play is fucking insane, holy shit
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This play is from THE 1960s !!
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thrashntreasure · 1 year
Ep12 Faith No Hair
This week, Gareth sheds his inhibitions- and clothes- as he tunes in, turns on, then drops out to HAIR- the American Tribal Love Rock Musical; meanwhile, find out if Aaron was born-again by Faith No More's 'the Real Thing'! Produced, Mixed and Edited by AW.
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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Currently Playing
The New Broadway Cast Recording HAIR The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Cast: Sasha Allen, Ato Blankson-Wood, Steel Burkhardt, Jackie Burns, Allison Case, Gavin Creel, Lauren Elder, Allison Guinn, Anthony Hollock, Kaitlin Kiyan, Andrew Kober, Megan Lawrence, Caissie Levy, Nicole Lewis, John Moauro, Darius Nichols, Brandon Pearson, Megan Reinking, Paris Remillard, Bryce Ryness, Saycon Sengbloh, Maya Sharpe, Kacie Sheik, Theo Stockman, Will Swenson, Tommar Wilson
Musicians: Seymour 'Red' Press, Nadia DiGiallonardo, Lon Hoyt, Steve Bargonetti, Andrew Schwartz, Wilbur Bascomb, Jr, Allen Won, Elaine Burt, Rondald Buttacavoli, Christian Jaudes, Vincent MacDermot, Joe Cardello, Bernard Purdie
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the-hindu-times · 2 years
KT Tunstall – Shepherds Bush Empire 7/03/23
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Appearing as a 3 piece, with utility man, Stuart Wilkinson, half-hidden behind the side curtain on guitars and keys, KT Tunstall asks if we’re ready for some new music before playing the whole of her latest offering ‘NUT’. Stuart, the former drummer of late ‘90s indie popsters, The Dums Dums, had just been in the limelight as the opening duo with fellow sticksman, Andy Burrows. Neither are behind the kit, keeping it reserved for Andy to play in the KT Tunstall band later on. The guitar and mandolin pair are no stranger to each other, having played In David Brent’s Forgone Conclusion in Ricky Gervais’ ‘Life On The Road’ film and when performing Burrows’ ‘The Snowman & The Snowdog’ film soundtrack. We’d seen Stu a couple of months ago, off-stage in his hometown of St Albans, checking out Andy’s (Razorlight’s) frontman, Johnny Borrell, with his new outfit, Jealous Nostril. Incidentally, it will be their drummer who will be supporting Razorlight on tour. Now, it was We Are Scientists’ frontman, Keith Murray, who was checking out his former rhythmist, Andy Burrows, open the night with a Galt MacDermot cover from the American tribal love-rock musical, Hair. 3 songs from his 2012 album ‘Company’ and two from his 2019 collaboration with Matt Haig ‘Reasons To Stay Alive’ were sandwiched between the Burrows/Borrell Razorlight co-write ‘Before I Fall To Pieces’.
Completing the KT Tunstall band on bass was Seye Adelekan, who we recognised from playing with Damon Albarn and Gorillaz. You can catch this supergroup for another week on this UK tour, airing at least one song from each of her albums, apart from 2013’s ‘Invisible Empire // Crescent Moon’ but for tonight only, there was the addition of a special guest appearance from Natalie Imbruglia, who performed 2 of her songs with KT. She wasn’t the only unexpected rock royalty in the house, as the co-writer of Britney Spears’ ‘Toxic’, Kylie Minogue’s ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’ and Katy Perry’s ‘I Kissed A Girl’, Cathy Dennis, was in the attendance to see how KT got on with ‘I Am The Piolt’ and ‘Dear Shadow’ – songs Dennis penned with Tunstall for the new LP. It was 2005’s Tunstall/Terefe single ‘Other Side Of The World’, from 2004’s ‘Eye To Telescope’, that followed the later in the set, that really stood out as one of the great, timeless pop songs. though
Nic Bennett
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Hair Online fácil
Assistir Filme Hair Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/hair/
Hair - Filmes Online Fácil
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"Hair" é uma adaptação cômico-dramática-musical do musical da Broadway de 1968 "Hair: An American Tribal Love-Rock Musical". Claude (John Savage), um jovem do Oklahoma que foi recrutado para a guerra do Vietnã, está indo se apresentar no campo de treinamento do exército. No meio do caminho ele passa por Nova York onde conhece e é "adotado" por um grupo de hippies comandados por Berger (Treat Williams), que como seus amigos tem conceitos nada convencionais sobre o comportamento social e tenta convencê-lo dos absurdos da atual sociedade. Acaba sendo rapidamente conquistado pela subcultura juvenil do Paz e Amor. Lá Claude também se apaixona por Sheila (Beverly D'Angelo), uma jovem proveniente de uma rica família.
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