#hair of an idiot
azalea-art · 1 year
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I entered a costume contest on a forum I’m a part of, it’s mostly just for fun (there are prizes though!). But! It’s not a costume for me, it’s a my little pony costume 😃 May I present Creamsicle the Giraffe as the 11th Doctor! Aww there’s no fez emoji, I wanted a fez haha. I made the little jacket and teeny tiny bow tie and fez, and I stole (no no, borrowed, I’ll return it) the sonic screwdriver from my biiiiig playmobile doctor figure ^_^ he’s even got his own companion!
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risibledeer · 3 months
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get jizzied
I kinda meant for this to be Joel current hc season but in mezalean colours and reminiscing about Lizzie, but dunno if I captured that
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pineapple-frenzy · 6 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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jeremyjohnirons · 2 months
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just three totally normal friends :-)
everyone stream drawtectives!!!!!
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waywardwendy · 10 months
Am I the only one in the GO fandom who prefers Crowley with short hair?? I feel like I’m very alone but like HEAR ME OUT
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Long hair Crowley gets so much love but
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mischieviem · 11 months
Nonono youwuhyoo-
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gahellhimself-blog · 1 year
I’m on a big project (Gomens personnal project :) i’m so excited!!) , I don’t know for how long and I’ll probably post less fanart so..
Here’s the last one I made. My god the shoot I had to do to have all the refs!! But I’m pretty happy with the result.
I heard some of you here liked long hair Crowley.. Is he getting dressed to go to dinner at the Ritz?
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It seems Az can’t handle it too..
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tofupixel · 19 days
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idk if i love or hate drawing hair anyway wip
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holopossums · 7 months
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he's more than just a guy to me. maybe some sort of creature
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Question for the DP fandom:
Do you think Danny’s hair turns white when it falls out? It’s technically dead cells anyway but when it naturally falls off his head, do you think it turns white? Because I think it would be hilarious if his hairbrush just has white hair, no black strands whatsoever, and his significant other thought the worst until they know his secret.
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angellilou-art · 11 months
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✨ Long hair Crowley Supremacy ✨
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cuppanova · 9 months
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got a little silly and made ocean idiots ocs (ty @oriiduckko)
Pitch and Nada are a duo who run a delivery business, they will deliver anything (dont worry they won't check what's inside) for a good price because they are in desperate need of money. They share one braincell and get into a lot of unfortunate hijinks while doing their job! a lot
For a little extra lore:
Pitch is in severe debt. He messed with the wrong crowd and now owes a lot of money to someone not to be messed with. If he doesn't deliver the cash back within the span of their patience, they'll have him hunted down and killed. Pitch values his life a lot, and so finding any way to get easy money, he decided to become a deliveryman and do anything for literally anyone, even other scary people who could kill him easily!
Nada's got a more innocent reason for wanting money, just to fulfill her dream of a big garden boat she can sail across the seas one day. She cares more about her partner not dying though, so she can wait...
(tag: ocean idiots by orii, @melodyofthevoid, @shandzii, & @the-trashiest-pada)
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radish-sprout · 10 months
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The real reason why Aziraphale was persuaded to start the Arrangement.
… I’d lie for those luscious locks too
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mountainshroom · 4 months
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I rewatched iwtv season 1 after the new episodes dropped 👀👀
(bloody version under cut! ⚠️)
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 264
Danny squints at his tiny hands, eyes narrowing as Clockwork hums in the kitchen. Which he wasn’t even aware of having been in LongNow. Maybe it wasn’t. He huffed, voice too squeaky for him to continue complaining. Stupid time accidents. 
Which wasn’t even starting on the other figure awkwardly sitting at the table. 
He glowered at the Ghost King, who kept glancing at him with an unreadable look in their eyes, then looked back towards where Clockwork was. His scowl deepened over his cup of tea- which wasn’t fair, he wanted coffee but nooo, that’s not healthy for ‘little ghostlings’. Ugh.
Sometimes he wished he was fully ghost so he didn’t have to apparently worry about his living body having to grow back up.
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marypsue · 2 years
So if you follow me (and aren't just stopping by because you saw one of my funney viralposts), you probably know that I've been writing a bunch of fanfiction for Stranger Things, which is set in rural Indiana in the early- to mid-eighties. I've been working on an AU where (among other things) Robin, a character confirmed queer in canon, gets integrated into a friend group made up of a number of main characters. And I got a comment that has been following me around in the back of my mind for a while. Amidst fairly usual talk about the show and the AU and what happens next, the commenter asked, apparently in genuine confusion, "why wouldn't Robin just come out to the rest of the group yet? They would be okay with it."
I did kind of assume, for a second or two, that this was a classic case of somebody confusing what the character knows with what the author/audience knows. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like it embodies a real generational shift in thinking that I hadn't even managed to fully comprehend until this comment threw it into sharp perspective.
Because, my knee-jerk reaction was to reply to the comment, "She hasn't come out to these people she's only sort-of known for less than a year because it's rural Indiana. In the nineteen-eighties." and let that speak for itself. Because for me and my peers, that would speak for itself. That would be an easy and obvious leap of logic. Because I grew up in a world where you assumed, until proven otherwise, that the general society and everyone around you was homophobic. That it was unsafe to be known to be queer, and to deliberately out yourself required intention and forethought and courage, because you would get negative reactions and you had to be prepared for the fallout. Not from everybody! There were always exceptions! But they were exceptions. And this wasn't something you consciously decided, it wasn't an individual choice, it wasn't an individual response to trauma, it wasn't individual. It was everybody. It was baked in, and you didn't question it because it was so inherently, demonstrably obvious. It was Just The Way The World Is. Everybody can safely be assumed to be homophobic until proven otherwise.
And what this comment really clarified for me, but I've seen in a million tiny clashing assumptions and disconnects and confusions I've run into with The Kids These Days, is that a lot of them have grown up into a world that is...the opposite. There are a lot of queer kids out there who are assuming, by default, that everybody is not homophobic, until proven otherwise. And by and large, the world is not punishing them harshly for making that assumption, the way it once would have.
The whole entire world I knew changed, somehow, very slowly and then all at once. And yes, it does make me feel like a complete space alien just arrived to Earth some days. But also, it makes me feel very hopeful. This is what we wanted for ourselves when we were young and raw and angrily shoving ourselves in everyone's faces to dare them to prove themselves the exception, and this is what I want for The Kids These Days.
(But also please, please, Kids These Days, do try to remember that it has only been this way since extremely recently, and no it is not crazy or pathetic or irrational or whatever to still want to protect yourself and be choosy about who you share important parts of yourself with.)
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