#haikyuu!! scenarions
what are the karasuno cuties' favorite ways to show affection to their s/o? what's their favorite thing that their s/o does when being affectionate?
this is the last of the all karasuno requests we have left and i’m glad because “karasuno cuties” means ALL OF THEM. let 👏 me 👏 write 👏 the 👏 girls!!!!
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- admin rachel lauren
Their Favorite Way to Show Affection:
Daichi: He’s a cheeseball and will probably buy you one of those Hallmark cards that says something like, “Thinking of you…” along with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers (assuming you’re not allergic).
Suga: He likes to trace his fingers along your skin. Sometimes it’s mindless: you’ll be watching a movie together on the couch and suddenly his fingers are trailing up and down your arm while his eyes are still glued to the screen.
Asahi: He loves hugs so much. Asahi loves the warmth and closeness they provide. Sometimes he’ll get overwhelmed with emotions and lose what he was going to say, but a big hug will say everything he intended to and more.
Nishinoya: A cuddle monster. He has to be the big spoon too. His favorite thing to do when the two of you cuddle is to press his face into your back and try to talk to you because it makes you laugh. He’s so in love with your laugh.
Tanaka: This boy wants to hold your hand while out-and-about every chance he gets. He might sneak in some kisses to the top of your hand too, but he will definitely be beet red when he does it the first few times.
Ennoshita: His third favorite pastime–right after volleyball and movie-making–is planning dates for the two of you. He has a knack for picking things new to do for the both of you that end up going extremely well. Ennoshita also lives for seeing your face light up when he wows you.
Kinoshita: Falling asleep together. One time, you fell asleep on his shoulder on the bus during a field trip and he fell asleep as well. He was never able to get over it and it still warms his heart when it happens now too. Even just lying in bed together is a dream come true for him.
Narita: He knows all of your favorites and when to use them. Just an okay day? Why not watch your favorite movie together to make it a great one? Awful day? He’s already ordered take-out from your favorite place.
Kageyama: This kid needs to keep his hands busy, so he’s resorted to playing with your hair most of the time. The cherry on top is seeing how relaxed this makes you. Sometimes, he’ll stop just so you take his hands and pull them back to your head. It’s a good thing your eyes are almost always closed during, because he’s redder than a tomato when it happens.
Hinata: He sends you texts 24/7 basically, unless the two of you are together. He can’t send enough emojis to convey his feelings most of the time and he doesn’t want to overuse caps lock, but he’s heavy on the exclamation points when you ask him how his day’s going.
Tsukishima: Little touches here and there, sometimes more depending on his mood. Most of the time it’s just a hand on your head, maybe he’ll ruffle your hair too. Some days he only needs to pull you into his lap and just hold on to you in comfortable silence.
Yamaguchi: He leaves little notes for you around your place or in your textbooks. They’re a lot of the things he wants to say about you aloud but is afraid of sounding silly if he does so. That soft look on your face when you read them can lift his spirit for days.
Shimizu: Poor Shimizu is a very shy and reserved person, but there’s something in the way she gives small positive affirmations that get everyone fired up. Since she’s obviously very comfortable around you, she’s more verbal and it sends her heart aflutter when you take what she has to say seriously.
Yachi: It’s so easy for her to compliment other people as she’s in awe of what everyone can bring to the table, but her face brightens up every time she compliments you. Sometimes it’s to the point that she just rambles about everything she loves about you without even taking a breath.
Takeda: This man will write you poem after poem after poem. He can slave for weeks over some of them. He’s someone who knows the power of words and wants to make sure they’re the right ones in the right order, especially because he feels so strongly about you.
Ukai: “Let’s get out of here,” which is really just code for an evening stroll around town while holding hands. He’ll take advantage of these all he can when it’s warmer out, but he’ll sometimes do it when it’s chilly because he likes lending you his jacket.
Their Favorite Thing Their S/O Does When Being Affectionate:
Daichi: His favorite thing is when you do little things that cheer him up, like when you run out to the store and pick up his favorite drink for him even if he didn’t know he wanted it.
Suga: Purring or cooing his name will give him goosebumps, even if you’re only saying his name repeatedly for no reason at all.
Asahi: Hugging still! He loves when you throw your arms around him and he gets to hold you. He gets to feel like he’s protecting you in that very moment.
Nishinoya: Giggling or laughing. His goal is pretty much to get you to laugh because it’s like music to his ears.
Tanaka: Give him that good luck charm and tell him to do his best before a match like he fantasizes about! Tanaka will know himself as the luckiest guy in the world then.
Ennoshita: Burying your face into his shoulder or the crook of his neck. It reminds him that you feel safe and comfortable with him, and it makes him swell with love.
Kinoshita: Kinoshita can’t get enough of you making lunch for him. He knows it takes a lot of thought and effort into doing that, and you always manage to surprise him when you do it too.
Narita: Sometimes you pass him adorable notes during class. He’ll tolerate the teasing from his classmates and friends later, but the notes are almost assuredly your favorite inside jokes. Which is a lifesaver for if you’re ever caught and have to read them aloud: no one else will understand them.
Kageyama: Honestly, compliment this boy on literally anything and he’ll turn into a stuttering, blushing mess. Especially if you mention his smile.
Hinata: It definitely goes without saying, but Hinata really loves when you come to his matches and cheer for him. If you bring a sign or lead a cheer, he’ll get extra fired up.
Tsukishima: Tsukki’s the type who, when he find someone who he can sit in silence with and it not be awkward, will do absolutely that. He enjoys when the two of you are doing nothing, lying on the floor of your bedroom, and just holding hands or cuddling  while listening to some soft music.
Yamaguchi: He loves when you start humming anytime the two of you are together because it means you’re definitely in a good mood. It’s pretty contagious too and he’ll find himself humming too.
Shimizu: She likes when you offer to cook either with her or for her. She does a lot of it for the volleyball team, so it’s a treat when someone does it for her. You usually spoil her with one of her favorite dishes too.
Yachi: Sometimes she’ll mention in passing about art supplies she doesn’t have, but she tends to forget she ever mentions them. Much to her surprise, you buy her some new supplies and tools you’ll know she’ll put to good use. It’s not so much the fact that you get her gifts, but that you’re listening to her and remembering even the small things.
Takeda: You leave him cute notes in the margins of the books you lend to each other, mostly during scenes or dialogue that reminds you of him. He doesn’t even mind looking like a blushing, romantic fool on the train when he reads them.
Ukai: It doesn’t matter what you do exactly, but he can listen to you talk for hours. It could be about anything at all. The store is just so slow and quiet, and when there are customers, the dialogue is minimal. When he’s with you, he needs to hear what you have to say. He’ll light up a cigarette and get lost in your words. 
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catspluscrows · 4 years
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ | ꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ
Paring: Oikawa, Sugawara, Kageyama (separate) x Female (I never used pronouns I don’t think, so just in case) Reader 
Warning: None, just fluff
Notes: I’ll be writing more (probably) with Kogane, Kenma, and Akaashi! 
* * * * *
ᴛ. ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ
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He’d radiance confidence. Even if Oikawa thought he didn’t have a chance with you for whatever reason, he’ll fake it until he makes it. 
Oikawa will ask you out in a very dramatic way. Not to make you feel pressured to say yes or anything, just because he wants you to know he’s serious about you despite all his fans. 
If you say yes (I’m assuming you are) Oikawa will act so smug about it. Iwaizumi will have to hit him and tell him to stop being such a cocky brat.
Like Sugawara, he’ll be very observant. He’ll put so much effort into the date so you'll be impressed. Oikawa wants you and understands how important a first date is. 
A date with Oikawa is always interesting.
“Shut up already Shittykawa, Y/n already said yes.” Iwaizumi groaned as Oikawa continued to ramble on about how much he loved them. 
“You’re just jealous Iwa-chan! Since I’m leaving with Y/n-chan! To take them on a date!” Oikawa stopped talking when he saw Iwaizumi’s hand raised, ready to smack him for a second time. “Fine Iwa-chan! I have to leave anyway.” 
Like asked, you waited outside the gym doors. Oikawa was delighted when he saw your face and you were smiling back at him. 
“Y/n-chan! You made it!” Oikawa would lift you up into a hug, swirling you around. Given you’ve known each other for a long while it wouldn’t be too weird, but it was different than what you’re used to. 
“Ready for your surprise?” Nodding, you follow Oikawa out. 
You two visit a small bakery by his house then to an animal sanctuary, where you get to play with various animal cubs. After a long while of playing with lion cubs and baby tigers, Oikawa walks you home while telling you fun stories the entire way. 
Needless to say, it was a day you’ll remember for a long time. 
ᴛ. ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ
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Anxious. Kageyama is anxious about liking you (as you’re probably one of his only ever crushes, maybe the first ever) and definitely asking you out. 
I feel like he’d accidentally ask you out. Maybe Tsukishima was teasing him about not being able to or Tanaka threatened to make a move on you. 
The fear of you saying yes to Tanaka and Tsukishima being right about him being too scared to ask you out makes him come to his senses. 
Since there’s only two possible answers he’ll be alright, right? 
Right is correct since you say yes to him. Kageyama is still confused on the date why you actually said yes. 
“Where do I take them?” Kageyama got so caught up in trying to prevent Tanaka from asking you out and Tsukishima from beating him that he didn’t plan the date thoroughly. Now the setter panicked, trying to figure out what to do. 
Sugawara and Daichi exchanged looks before Asahi said, “I like attending sports games and the zoo.” The three discussed that for a moment, debating which would be better for Y/n. 
Their talk ends short when you’re tapping on Kageyama’s shoulder. It startles Kageyama which makes Sugawara snicker, earning him a look from Daichi and Asahi. 
“I was thinking of heading to the arcade? Then to a volleyball game.” You gave Kageyama a smile but Kageyama only stared at you. He’s so nervous and naturally awkward that he’s at a loss of words. Honestly it’s adorable but you stifle your laugh. Instead a giggle escapes you lips as you take his hand. 
“Bye Sugawara-san, Azumane-san, and Sawamura-san!” The three wave you goodbye with a few words of good luck to their underclassman. They watch with amusement as you drag Kageyama as he’s too flustered by you taking the lead to properly react. 
Despite Kageyama being so awkward for most of your date, you both have a wonderful time and can’t wait for your next one. 
ᴋ. ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ
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Sugawara won’t be as shy as Kageyama when asking you out. He’ll ask you and appear to have no doubt you’ll say yes. 
Inside he is terrified. So worried you’ll say no. 
Assuming you say yes, Sugawara will give you that adorable smile of yours and tell you to meet up with him after volleyball practice. 
He’ll put a lot of effort into every date you go onto. Especially the first date. Since he has to make a good impression and all. 
Each time you go on a date with Sugawara you’re more and more impressed each time and it’s incredible how thoughtful he is. 
Sugawara could feel his heart pick up when he heard you say yes. Has he heard you correctly? You did say yes, right? He’s not standing outside your door on a Saturday with a bouquet of roses and calla lilies for no reason, right? 
“Suga!” You gave him a large hug once opening your door. He was careful to pull the flowers to the side, making sure they wouldn’t be crushed by your bodies. “You brought me flowers? That’s so sweet!” 
“Nothing but the best for my love.” Sugawara smiled, making your heart leap. His smile was something you’ll never get tired of no matter how many times he displays it. 
Pushing the door open completely, you set the flowers into a red tinted vase on your dinner table. On it are various dishes you made for him, knowing you’ll eat dinner at your place and then go watch a firework show when it starts later that night. 
He takes a seat opposite to you at the table and begins to compliment you on how wonderful everything looks. You can tell his words are genuine with how delighted he looks when he takes the first bite of what you’ve spent hours making. Just seeing his blissful expression makes you grin, getting ready to enjoy your dinner with your favorite setter. 
Considering how well dinner is going, you both can tell the rest of the night will be just as promising. Turns out the two of you were right as you’re walking back into your house with plans to a volleyball game next week. 
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shouyon · 4 years
I’m taking requests for EVERYBODY! And I’m open to writing pretty much anything! 🥺
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kurosarium · 7 years
Can I get a scenario of Akaashi cuddling his s/o because he had a bad day?
Yeah sure! I hope you like it ~This is kinda a college AU, hope that’s alright!!
“Oh, you’re back already?”
she questioned as she looked up from herbook with narrowed eyes. And as she watched the dark haired male enter flat,she immediately noticed that something was off with her boyfriend today. Hisshoulders seemed tense and his head hung low like he was trying to avoid lookingat her at all costs.
“Yes.“ was everything  he returned beforehe made his way into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.
(Y/N) shut the book and rose from the couch with a sigh, following the boyinto the kitchen with sluggish steps. He was leaning against the kitchencounter with his head in his neck, an exhausted expression was lingering on hisface so she automatically reached out for him.
“Keiji, what’s wrong ? Did somethinghappen ?” concern was evident in her voice. Akaashi flinched as her handcame into contact with his arm, and he slowly lowered his head again, lookinganywhere but her face. But she saw the fatigue that clouded his features. Hiseyes were dull, his lips were brittle and pressed into firm a line, and hisskin seemed paler than usual. She knew it was one of those days. Akaashi always looked like that when he was having amentally straining day, and today seemed to be no exception. All she wanted todo was to take him into her arms and hold him tight, to tell him thateverything would be fine and that this feeling would pass by. But it was commonfor Akaashi to be rather distant, even unapproachable when he was having a badday. Though today seemed to be an exception.
“Keiji. Do you want to lie down for abit?”  
It was a simple question, a question she would ask whenever he was feelingill. A question he was expecting, and a offer he’d gladly accept. Akaashi’sgaze now finally landed on her face, her eyes to be specific, and for the firsttime on this miserable day he felt a jolt of relief. What he saw in her eyeswas neither anger nor disappointment. It was love and worry he saw. He felthis eyes well up at her words and in his mind he thanked her for being sounderstanding and for always putting up with him, especially on his bad days.
In response to her he plainly nodded, and he followed her without anotherword when he felt her tugging on one of his sleeves. While they were movingthrough the flat, her hand wandered lower and her gentle fingers enlaced hishand. A weak smile made its way up to his face and he was eagerly anticipatingwhat was to come. It was her gentle touches and the way she ran her handthrough his hair that put his mind to ease rather than the words she spoke.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sudden withdrawal of her hand,leaving him feeling empty and lost. But the feeling only lasted a moment,because as soon as he had lifted his head he saw her walking around to theother side of the bed. (Y/N) was gazing at him with the most tender smile playingon her lips while she motioned for him to lie down with her hand.
In that moment all kind of feelings were overwhelming him, and the thoughtof huddling under the blankets together with (Y/N) and never leave thecomforting warmth again sounded in his head like the most appealing melody hehad ever heard. But instead of lying down like she expected him to, he operateshis way to her side and gently pushes her down onto the bed.
(Y/N) obediently lowers herself onto the bed and rolls over to the otherend, grabs the blanket and throws it over herself. She struggles with saidblanket for awhile, causing the smile on Akaashi’s face to turn into an amusedgrin. And only after she ultimately settled down (Y/N) lifts the blanket andbeams at her boyfriend, inviting him in under the covers. With a slightly morecheerful expression and crimson cheeks he lets himself down onto the bed andimmediately reaches for her, embracing her shorter form while she slings onearm around his waist and reaches for his head with the other. Whilst she wasplaying with his hair and humming a soothing tune he felt his muscles relax,and the pressure that had piled up throughout the last few weeks seemed to begone completely. He momentarily closed his eyes and took in the warmth of theblankets and the endearment of her touches, he wished to drown in this feelingof content, but knew that he eventually had to spill the beans. He didn’t feellike he was pressured into talking about the matter with her, but he genuinelywanted her to know so she wouldn’t worry any more.
He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck before he spoke in a tonethat was barely above a whisper. “ Everyonehas such high expectations. Dealing with everybody all week was tiring, andthen there’s like five unfinished assignments I need to take care of…”
“Oh Keiji. I know exactly how you feellike.” She heaved a sigh, and then lowered her head to look at him whileshe was still playing with his hair. His grip around her tightened as he rosehis head higher to meet her gaze. He was giving her a weak smile and noddedslightly, acknowledging that they were both in the same boat. She smiled backat him and noticed that he was already looking more alive then he did when hefirst entered the flat. This is what he needed. It’s always what he needs afterhaving had a rough day. Akaashi may deny it, but ultimately he loves huddlingagainst each other like this, and the faint blush on his face was enough totell (Y/N) that she was right about it.
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ikihtoe · 2 years
the masterlist !!
about my work
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series —
stuck — shingeki no koujin : armin arlert | discontinued. smau
headcanons —
random — obey me! : demon brothers
personal hcs — denki
husband!nanami, husband!satoru
fics, scenarions, timestamps —
movies with a side of you — obey me! : simeon | fluff. wc 0.4k
[ 21:01 ] — obey me! : mammon | fluff. wc 0.1k
“shut up, let’s rest” — my hero academia : katsuki | fluff. wc. 0.3k love confession for mr. get your fucking chin up — my hero academia : tamaki | angst. wc. 0.6k
fluffy mammon | fluff. wc. 0.2k
home to suguru | fluff. wc. 0.4k
miscellaneous —
headpats — multi
ending the relationship — haikyuu!! : hinata, tsukishima, bokuto, suna, kenma, oikawa | smau. crack.
“you're like a little creature to me” — obey me! : demon brothers | smau. crack.
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