#hq scenarions
kurosarium · 7 years
Can I get a scenario of Akaashi cuddling his s/o because he had a bad day?
Yeah sure! I hope you like it ~This is kinda a college AU, hope that’s alright!!
“Oh, you’re back already?”
she questioned as she looked up from herbook with narrowed eyes. And as she watched the dark haired male enter flat,she immediately noticed that something was off with her boyfriend today. Hisshoulders seemed tense and his head hung low like he was trying to avoid lookingat her at all costs.
“Yes.“ was everything  he returned beforehe made his way into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.
(Y/N) shut the book and rose from the couch with a sigh, following the boyinto the kitchen with sluggish steps. He was leaning against the kitchencounter with his head in his neck, an exhausted expression was lingering on hisface so she automatically reached out for him.
“Keiji, what’s wrong ? Did somethinghappen ?” concern was evident in her voice. Akaashi flinched as her handcame into contact with his arm, and he slowly lowered his head again, lookinganywhere but her face. But she saw the fatigue that clouded his features. Hiseyes were dull, his lips were brittle and pressed into firm a line, and hisskin seemed paler than usual. She knew it was one of those days. Akaashi always looked like that when he was having amentally straining day, and today seemed to be no exception. All she wanted todo was to take him into her arms and hold him tight, to tell him thateverything would be fine and that this feeling would pass by. But it was commonfor Akaashi to be rather distant, even unapproachable when he was having a badday. Though today seemed to be an exception.
“Keiji. Do you want to lie down for abit?”  
It was a simple question, a question she would ask whenever he was feelingill. A question he was expecting, and a offer he’d gladly accept. Akaashi’sgaze now finally landed on her face, her eyes to be specific, and for the firsttime on this miserable day he felt a jolt of relief. What he saw in her eyeswas neither anger nor disappointment. It was love and worry he saw. He felthis eyes well up at her words and in his mind he thanked her for being sounderstanding and for always putting up with him, especially on his bad days.
In response to her he plainly nodded, and he followed her without anotherword when he felt her tugging on one of his sleeves. While they were movingthrough the flat, her hand wandered lower and her gentle fingers enlaced hishand. A weak smile made its way up to his face and he was eagerly anticipatingwhat was to come. It was her gentle touches and the way she ran her handthrough his hair that put his mind to ease rather than the words she spoke.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sudden withdrawal of her hand,leaving him feeling empty and lost. But the feeling only lasted a moment,because as soon as he had lifted his head he saw her walking around to theother side of the bed. (Y/N) was gazing at him with the most tender smile playingon her lips while she motioned for him to lie down with her hand.
In that moment all kind of feelings were overwhelming him, and the thoughtof huddling under the blankets together with (Y/N) and never leave thecomforting warmth again sounded in his head like the most appealing melody hehad ever heard. But instead of lying down like she expected him to, he operateshis way to her side and gently pushes her down onto the bed.
(Y/N) obediently lowers herself onto the bed and rolls over to the otherend, grabs the blanket and throws it over herself. She struggles with saidblanket for awhile, causing the smile on Akaashi’s face to turn into an amusedgrin. And only after she ultimately settled down (Y/N) lifts the blanket andbeams at her boyfriend, inviting him in under the covers. With a slightly morecheerful expression and crimson cheeks he lets himself down onto the bed andimmediately reaches for her, embracing her shorter form while she slings onearm around his waist and reaches for his head with the other. Whilst she wasplaying with his hair and humming a soothing tune he felt his muscles relax,and the pressure that had piled up throughout the last few weeks seemed to begone completely. He momentarily closed his eyes and took in the warmth of theblankets and the endearment of her touches, he wished to drown in this feelingof content, but knew that he eventually had to spill the beans. He didn’t feellike he was pressured into talking about the matter with her, but he genuinelywanted her to know so she wouldn’t worry any more.
He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck before he spoke in a tonethat was barely above a whisper. “ Everyonehas such high expectations. Dealing with everybody all week was tiring, andthen there’s like five unfinished assignments I need to take care of…”
“Oh Keiji. I know exactly how you feellike.” She heaved a sigh, and then lowered her head to look at him whileshe was still playing with his hair. His grip around her tightened as he rosehis head higher to meet her gaze. He was giving her a weak smile and noddedslightly, acknowledging that they were both in the same boat. She smiled backat him and noticed that he was already looking more alive then he did when hefirst entered the flat. This is what he needed. It’s always what he needs afterhaving had a rough day. Akaashi may deny it, but ultimately he loves huddlingagainst each other like this, and the faint blush on his face was enough totell (Y/N) that she was right about it.
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