alexdgreen86 · 5 years
Episode 147: Multi-Family Deals for Long-Term Investing with Jim Huntzicker
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>>Click here to join the FlippingJunkie Group on Facebook
This week Danny is joined by Jim Huntzicker, a licensed real estate broker with over 500 deals under his belt after nearly 15 years in the business. Jim Huntzicker is also the creator of MLS domination, and was featured in episode 46 of the FlippingJunkie Podcast where he dives more into how he finds his deals.
In this episode he discusses how he finds success across the country with multi-family units as long-term investments. Jim walks us through a detailed example of what a multi-family deal looks like including how he analyzes the numbers, how he puts together funding for these more expensive deals, and how he has scaled his REI business across the country. Jim also discusses his future goals for his business as well as how he plans to actually achieve them.
Contact Jim Huntzicker at [email protected]
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  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
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There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 147: Multi-Family Deals for Long-Term Investing with Jim Huntzicker appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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alexdgreen86 · 5 years
146: Owner Financing Across the Country with Brad Smotherman
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**The FlipPilotGroup on Facebook has changed its name to the FlippingJunkie Group. Click here to join!
This week Danny is joined by Brad Smotherman, an investor from Tennessee with a successful 7-figure flipping business spanning across the U.S. Brad shares with us the methods and strategies, specifically in marketing, that helped push his business to where it is now, as well as the ins-and-outs of how he prefers to run his business today. Brad breaks it all down with thorough examples and real-world data that he’s gathered through his time as an investor to really break down topics like owner financing, pay per click, direct mail, and more.
Visit Brad Smotherman’s website:
Check out our other brands:
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  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
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How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/146-owner-financing-across-the-country-with-brad-smotherman
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alexdgreen86 · 5 years
HFHQ 249: Inside look at the new, updated 6 Figure Flipping (live call)…
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The NEW 6 Figure Flipping program is officially LIVE…
…and to kick things off, Bill Allen went live on Facebook with some of the coaches of our mentoring programs to dig into what’s in store!
Check out the replay to get the full rundown on what’s going to be happening in this group over the next 6 months.
This round of 6FF is being led by the one and only Don Costa.
Don flipped about 200 houses last year.
This year, he’s on track to do $1,000,000 in gross profit per MONTH in his business…
…and he’s going to be taking you step-by-step through everything he’s doing so you can copy his systems!
This stuff is cutting-edge.
Don and the other coaches are going to give you strategies that are working right now, in today’s market… the same strategies they’re actively using in their own flipping and wholesaling businesses.
If you want to work 1-on-1 with these guys for the next 6 months…
…you need to get in here.
You still have a little time left to join.
But I don’t want you to miss out on anything.
So if you haven’t yet, go fill out an application for 6FF now!
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 249: Inside look at the new, updated 6 Figure Flipping (live call)… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-249-inside-look-at-the-new-updated-6-figure-flipping-live-call/
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alexdgreen86 · 5 years
Episode 145: Innovative Lease Options with Anne Amagrande
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**The FlipPilotGroup on Facebook has changed its name to the FlippingJunkie Group. Click here to join!
This episode is all about innovative ways to make real estate investing work both for you, and your tenants! Anne Amagrande joins Danny to discuss her creative approach to leasing that has helped her business generate even more passive income by finding new ways to both save money on renovations as well as keep her tenants happy; she calls it “rentovation” and it’s a game changer! She also touches on the 3:1 ratio and how it can and has helped many investors create more income for their business. We recommend this episode for investors at any stage in their journey.
Anne is a serial entrepreneur, owner of Grande AMA & Associates and 2 other businesses. She is an expert on investing, specifically Real Estate Investing, Generational Wealth, and owning and growing a business, and her passion is creating businesses that help one another.
Visit Anne Amagrande’s Website here
Contact Anne here
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  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
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How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 145: Innovative Lease Options with Anne Amagrande appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-145-innovative-lease-options-with-anne-amagrande
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alexdgreen86 · 5 years
Episode 144: Too Many Leads?! with Danny Johnson
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This episode Danny speaks about what to do when those leads start coming in from your LeadPropeller website (or wherever you purchased your REI website)! We’ve seen too many people cancel their accounts with us because they started receiving TOO MANY leads from their website so Danny is here to tell you the proven methods for handling them. No matter who you purchased your REI site from, these are important lessons every investor with a new site should be aware of.
SellerLeadHacks Training
  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
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How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 144: Too Many Leads?! with Danny Johnson appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-144-too-many-leads-with-danny-johnson
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alexdgreen86 · 5 years
HFHQ 248: Secrets from $1M-per-year investors (sneak peek)…
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For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been writing a book… and today, I want to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes so you can see what we’re working on!
I sat down with 22 of the top house flippers and wholesalers in our 8 Figure Flipping group…
…and I asked them to share their #1 secret to success in this business.
You’ll have to wait till the book is finished to get all the details… but I’ve got some big takeaways to share with you today.
Click to listen to the podcast above and let’s dive in!
Plus, we’re just launched something huge… check it out below!
Enrollment is OPEN for the New, Updated 6 Figure Flipping Program!
I’m looking for 20 serious investors who want to spend the next 6 months working 1-on-1 with Don Costa to massively accelerate their house flipping / wholesaling business.
You don’t need to have a ton of experience…
…but you need to be committed and ready to take massive action.
If that’s you, apply to join 6 Figure Flipping and let’s chat!
Don Costa flipped about 200 houses last year.
This year, he’s on track to do $1,000,000 per MONTH in his business…
…and he’s going to take 20 people along with him.
Don and our entire coaching team have spent the past 3 months completely revamping and updating the 6 Figure Flipping program.  Don has taken the lead on creating an intensive, deep-dive training series that breaks down how he runs his 200-deals-per-year business step-by-step…
…and he’s sharing all of it.
Starting today, the doors to the new, updated version of the 6 Figure Flipping Acceleration Program are officially open.
And to make sure we’re able to focus our attention on each member to the fullest extent…
…we only have 20 spots in this program.
We’ll be officially kicking this off next week.
If you want to be part of this, you need to get your application in today (click here) so we can get you onboarded and get you into the group in time to start.  See you on the inside!
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 248: Secrets from $1M-per-year investors (sneak peek)… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-248-secrets-from-1m-per-year-investors-sneak-peek/
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
HFHQ 247: 45 wholesale deals in their first 9 months…? Here’s how…
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Say you’ve never wholesaled a house before…
…and you made the decision to jump into it starting today.
How long do you think it would take you to complete 45 deals?
How long do you think it would take you to generate over $1,000,000 in profit?
2 years?  5 years?
Well, my friends Alan and James did it in 9 months…
And that was just the beginning.
In less than 1 year, they’ve built a systematized business that works for them.
They’re on track to do 75+ deals in 12 months…
They’re in 3 markets and are expanding to more this year…
And they’ve done it all faster than just about anyone I know.
Recently, Mike Simmons sat down with these guys and asked them to share their story.
I want you to hear it.
It’s inspiring…
But more than that, it shows what’s really possible in this business when you surround yourself with the right people who can hand you the blueprint to massive growth.
Let’s dive in…!
Links and Resources
If you want to do what Alan and James did…
…then let’s talk.
No matter where you’re at in your house flipping journey, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get around other investors who are actually doing this business right now.
If you don’t believe it’s possible to succeed, you won’t.
This is why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people.
If you’re ready to take your flipping / wholesaling business to the next level, fill out a quick application for mentoring today and let’s do it!
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 247: 45 wholesale deals in their first 9 months…? Here’s how… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-247-45-wholesale-deals-in-their-first-9-months-heres-how/
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 143: Know Your Numbers with Don Costa
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**The FlipPilotGroup on Facebook has changed its name to the FlippingJunkie Group. Click here to join!
We must be on a marketing kick because this week’s episode is all about knowing your numbers for your marketing campaigns!! It’s not enough just to send mailers out into the world and doing that over and over and over and over without ever taking the time to analyze your data and see if what you’re doing is even working!
Don Costa of the FlipTalk podcast joins Danny this week to talk about why investors should be regularly looking at their marketing numbers. He walks us through an actual marketing campaign of his and shares how he would analyze the results, and most importantly the decisions that would come out of the analyzation. Data and numbers are an investor’s very best friend and this episode tells you why and how!
Check out Don Costa and his podcast FlipTalk, here!
Check out our other brands:
SellerLeadHacks Training
  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
Not sure how to leave a rating and review? Click here to view the instructions (it only takes 2 minutes)
How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 143: Know Your Numbers with Don Costa appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
from https://flippingjunkie.com/episode-143-know-numbers-don-costa/
from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-143-know-your-numbers-with-don-costa
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 142: 4 Favorite Lists for Direct Mail with Brian Ellwood
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**The FlipPilotGroup on Facebook has changed its name to the FlippingJunkie Group. Click here to join!
This episode is a super, super, must for all investors!! This is a special episode of the FlippingJunkie podcast because Danny shares with us the top 3 secrets that provide consistent success with online motivated seller lead generation (yes, the actual stuff he and Melissa did and are still doing!). Most investors fail at generating motivated seller leads online because of these 3 crucial missing pieces, and he’s here to talk about what investors can do to prevent their business from falling through the cracks because of something that could have been prevented if they’d only known!
Danny dives deep into how they’re able to maintain a successful flipping business while also running a podcast AND a blog AND a youtube channel AND a training course AND providing REI websites AND a business management software and so on and so on… He explains why house flipping is a numbers game and how they were able to use that to their advantage to generate exactly how many leads they would need to get a real, genuine, “worth-it” deal!
Absolutely a great episode full of a ton of great info that anyone considering getting a website, or wondering how they can best use their website to find more, quality leads for their real estate investing business!!
Check out Brian’s Website
The VREI Podcast
Check out our other brands:
SellerLeadHacks Training
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The post Episode 142: 4 Favorite Lists for Direct Mail with Brian Ellwood appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
HFHQ 246: $87,000 in income from a simple mindset shift? Here’s how…
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Ready for a quick injection of inspiration?!
Listen to this.
So much of the house flipping / wholesaling business is about mindset.
Your success depends on a lot of factors, but the most important thing is…
…whether or not you believe you can do it.
Recently, Mike Simmons sat down with one of the members of our 7 Figure Flipping group, Pili, and asked her to share her story.
And what Pili has to say could be the spark that changes everything for someone listening today.
So let’s dive in…
Links and Resources
If you want to do what Pili and her husband Jason did…
…then let’s talk.
No matter where you’re at in your house flipping journey, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get around other investors who are actually doing this business right now.
If you don’t believe it’s possible to succeed, you won’t.
This is why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people.
If you’re ready to take your flipping / wholesaling business to the next level, fill out a quick application for mentoring today and let’s do it!
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 246: $87,000 in income from a simple mindset shift? Here’s how… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-246-87000-in-income-from-a-simple-mindset-shift-heres-how/
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 141: 3 Secrets to Successful Online Lead Gen with Danny Johnson
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Show Notes
**The FlipPilotGroup on Facebook has changed its name to the FlippingJunkie Group. Click here to join!
This episode is a super, super, must for all investors!! This is a special episode of the FlippingJunkie podcast because Danny shares with us the top 3 secrets that provide consistent success with online motivated seller lead generation (yes, the actual stuff he and Melissa did and are still doing!). Most investors fail at generating motivated seller leads online because of these 3 crucial missing pieces, and he’s here to talk about what investors can do to prevent their business from falling through the cracks because of something that could have been prevented if they’d only known!
Danny dives deep into how they’re able to maintain a successful flipping business while also running a podcast AND a blog AND a youtube channel AND a training course AND providing REI websites AND a business management software and so on and so on… He explains why house flipping is a numbers game and how they were able to use that to their advantage to generate exactly how many leads they would need to get a real, genuine, “worth-it” deal!
Absolutely a great episode full of a ton of great info that anyone considering getting a website, or wondering how they can best use their website to find more, quality leads for their real estate investing business!!
Download 50 Keywords
Download Flipping Houses Exposed for free
Check out LeadPropeller Fuel, our managed website services
Check out our other brands:
SellerLeadHacks Training
  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
Not sure how to leave a rating and review? Click here to view the instructions (it only takes 2 minutes)
How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 141: 3 Secrets to Successful Online Lead Gen with Danny Johnson appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
HFHQ 245: The boy who became a man (huge BREAKTHROUGHS from Russell Brunson’s event)…
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Five years ago, I decided to quit.
I decided I was done teaching people how to flip houses.
I was putting in long hours…
I wasn’t really making any money (I’ll explain why)…
And I wasn’t really having the impact I wanted.
Sure, the people I was coaching were appreciative, but they just weren’t having the breakthroughs I was hoping they’d have.
I knew the problem was me, not them.
So I decided to quit.
Then I met someone.
I went to an event called Funnel Hacking Live hosted by an internet marketing expert named Russell Brunson.
And that event changed my life.
It changed EVERYTHING.
They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Russell became my mentor…
And from day 1, I started having some huge breakthroughs of my own.
Russell held his Funnel Hacking event again this past week, and again, I was there.  Again, it was life changing.
I’ve been to a few of his events now.
But this time, something happened that really hit me hard.
It ended up sparking a huge controversy.
And one young man’s life is never going to be the same.
I want to share this story with you…
…plus a few other major epiphanies that I came home with.
So let’s dive in to today’s episode of the House Flipping HQ podcast…!
Links and Resources
If you’re ready to scale your house flipping or wholesaling operation… and you want to get yourself out of the day-to-day grind and start plugging in real systems and processes to help you grow… take a minute and apply to join 7 Figure Flipping (click here).
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 245: The boy who became a man (huge BREAKTHROUGHS from Russell Brunson’s event)… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-245-the-boy-who-became-a-man-huge-breakthroughs-from-russell-brunsons-event/
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 140: Do Real Estate Investors Benefit from Coaching? with Josh Cantwell
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Show Notes
Danny is joined this week by Josh Cantwell, Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Real Estate Coach and Freeland Ventures, to talk about his experience as a financial coach.
A native of Northeast Ohio, Josh Cantwell graduated from Baldwin Wallace College in 1998 with a Major in Business Administration and a Minor in Communications. Although a full-time student and college athlete, Josh was already driven to succeed in his career. After graduation, he obtained his Series 6, 63, 66 and life and health insurance licenses, and worked as a Financial Advisor from 1997-2004.
In 2004, Josh took his knowledge of raising capital and the financial markets and started investing in real estate full time. He was able to combine his knowledge of Financial Investing with real estate to create a very successful business, which quickly grew. In turn he began training and teaching apprentice partners and students. He founded Strategic Real Estate Coach in 2007, and since then has been involved in 700+ wholesale, rehab, rental, foreclosure, pre-foreclosure and short sale transactions, and taught thousands of investors how to replicate his success. Josh has vast knowledge and experience in helping coaching clients, mentor students and apprentice partners from across the US in finding, structuring, negotiating and closing various types of transactions for a profit.
He has bought and sold over 700 properties in 25 states, and currently holds a robust rental portfolio of cash-flowing properties. He is the founder of a variety of successful businesses including Freeland Ventures, Strategic Real Estate Coach, and several others. Josh lives in Northeast, Ohio with his wife Lisa Marie and three children.
Josh’s website:
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  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
Not sure how to leave a rating and review? Click here to view the instructions (it only takes 2 minutes)
How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
The post Episode 140: Do Real Estate Investors Benefit from Coaching? with Josh Cantwell appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
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from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-140-do-real-estate-investors-benefit-from-coaching-with-josh-cantwell
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
HFHQ 244: Sneak inside a 7 Figure Flipping meeting (video)…
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If you’ve ever wanted to sit in on a 7 Figure Flipping meeting…
…this is your chance!
I went through the video recordings from our recent 7 Figure Flipping event at the Keystone Resort in Colorado and grabbed some footage to share with you.
I want you to see what really goes on at these meetings.
I want to take you on the inside.
And if you’ve been thinking about joining this group…
…I want to inspire you.
Sometimes seeing the success that others are having is the best learning experience.
So with that said, let’s jump in…!
Links and Resources
If you’re ready to scale your house flipping or wholesaling operation… and you want to get yourself out of the day-to-day grind and start plugging in real systems and processes to help you grow… take a minute and apply to join 7 Figure Flipping (click here).
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 244: Sneak inside a 7 Figure Flipping meeting (video)… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-244-sneak-inside-a-7-figure-flipping-meeting-video/
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 139: Always Growing with Chris and Jamie Bounds
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Show Notes
Chris and Jamie Bounds are real estate investors out of Houston, TX. They own and operate Texas Ideal Properties, and live in Richmond, TX with their two children, Nathan and Ellie. Chris got started in real estate in 2005 while attending Texas A&M University. He bought 4 properties in his first year before graduating and took a sales job in Houston. Shortly before getting married in 2011, Chris and Jamie started investing in real estate part-time. By August 2015, they were both full-time real estate investors and have since bought over 100 properties. In 2018 they closed on roughly 50 houses, nearly doubling their business since the year before. Their goals are to continue to grow and scale their flipping & wholesaling business while continually adding properties to their rental portfolio.
In this episode, Chris and Jamie share what it’s like working together as a couple, and the steps they took from day one to ensure that their business would be on the right track for growth and success. They tell Danny how they worked to figure out what they should be doing from the very beginning, and how they worked on not only their skill set but who they are as people in order to take their business where it is now. With over $11 million raised in private money, you won’t want to miss out on what they have to say!
Chris and Jamie’s websites:
Check out our other brands:
  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
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How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
The post Episode 139: Always Growing with Chris and Jamie Bounds appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
from https://flippingjunkie.com/episode-139-always-growing-with-chris-and-jamie-bounds/
from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-139-always-growing-with-chris-and-jamie-bounds
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
Episode 138: Flipping Houses Exposed Book Reader To House Flipper with Jason Lavender
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Show Notes
Jason Lavender has owned and operated a painting company for 25 years but caught the real estate investing bug listening to podcasts and reading Danny Johnson’s book, Flipping Houses Exposed: 34 weeks in the life of a successful house flipper. Jason began flipping houses in September of 2017 and has since completed 5 flips, with 2 more underway. After this, he took on wholesaling in October of 2018 and has completed 4 deals with one more in the pipeline. He’s now a member of Justin Williams’ coaching program and is focusing on learning to scale and automate.
In this episode, Jason joins Danny to talk about what it was like to move from reading the book to getting established in the market and in a position to grow. Jason shares the do’s and don’ts of starting out and the lessons he’s learned along his journey (some of them the hard way!), so this is a perfect episode for those who are still a little hesitant about taking that first step and making it happen.
Jason’s website: www.harmonyhomebuyer.com
Flipping Houses Exposed- Hard copy
Flipping Houses Exposed- PDF download
  Please Rate and Review
This is my simple request: If you enjoy the podcast and look forward to hearing a lot more episodes, I would be very grateful, happy, beholden and otherwise indebted to you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes.
It’s your choice and I do not want you to feel at all obligated. But I’d love it if you would subscribe and leave a rating and review.
Ratings and reviews allow the podcast to be seen by more people, which will help me achieve my goal of helping as many others as we can to get started in the house flipping business and change their lives.
Click here to rate and review our podcast! ?
Not sure how to leave a rating and review? Click here to view the instructions (it only takes 2 minutes)
How to Subscribe to the Podcast
There will be a brand new episode every single week, so be sure to subscribe and receive each episode as it’s released.
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The post Episode 138: Flipping Houses Exposed Book Reader To House Flipper with Jason Lavender appeared first on Flipping Junkie.
from https://flippingjunkie.com/6566-2/
from Flipping Junkie - Blog http://reiflippingjunkie.weebly.com/blog/episode-138-flipping-houses-exposed-book-reader-to-house-flipper-with-jason-lavender
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alexdgreen86 · 6 years
HFHQ 243: What happened at the 7 Figure Flipping event in Colorado (recap)…
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Episode 243: Show Notes
I just got back from Colorado.
Spent a full week hanging out with my family and our 7 Figure Flipping and 8 Figure Flipping members (who are like a second family to me)…
…and I have a confession to make.
This might surprise you…
…but whenever we hold one of these mastermind meetings, I get a little nervous.
We try to make each event better than the previous one.
We go in planning to overdeliver tons of value every time.
But the night before we kick things off…
…I’m always a little worried.
Is everyone going to show up?
Is this meeting going to be as life-changing as we want it to be?
Did we raise the bar too far this time?
And then we dive in.
And every time, I’m blown away…
Our members, coaches, and consultants hold nothing back.
They bring their full focus and put the outside world on hold for 3 days and go above and beyond to help each other learn and grow.
It’s amazing. It’s humbling. And it’s beyond inspiring to be part of.
Today, I’m taking you on the inside and recapping this incredible event…
(And this is just the beginning… I’ve got more takeaways and behind-the-scenes stuff I’ll be sharing over the coming weeks.)
So let’s jump in…!
Links and Resources
If you haven’t read Jeb Blount’s book Fanatical Prospecting, you need to. This business is all about sales, and when it comes to sales, Jeb is the best. Go grab Fanatical Prospecting on Amazon now (click here).
If you want to be at our next 7 Figure Flipping mastermind meeting, let’s talk and get you in. This group is by application only. It’s for experienced investors who already know how to flip or wholesale houses and who are ready to scale their business. Take a minute and apply to join 7 Figure Flipping now (click here).
Like what you hear? Subscribe!
If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the House Flipping HQ Podcast, we’d love to hear about it! Head over to iTunes to subscribe, and while you’re at it, leave us a rating (5 stars would be great!) and a review so that others who are interested in starting a house flipping business can find us and get in on the good stuff!  If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and I’ll be happy to answer them!
The post HFHQ 243: What happened at the 7 Figure Flipping event in Colorado (recap)… appeared first on House Flipping HQ.
from Home Flipping Ideas http://houseflippinghq.com/hfhq-243-what-happened-at-the-7-figure-flipping-event-in-colorado-recap/
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