#haikyu Kourai
rjhpandapaws · 4 months
The best bird shaped boy
Hoshiumi Kourai
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47 notes · View notes
kiesbrainjuice · 2 months
imagine kuroo or any other hq character saying 'i know, baby i know' when comforting yn hukjwbvibvinbowudfhbisro
— I KNOW BABY, I KNOW ! multiple
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pr : timeskip!kuroo x reader; timeskip!bokuto x reader; timeskip!suna x reader; timeskip!kageyama x reader; timeskip!oikawa x reader; timeskip!hoshiumi x reader
syn : you have a melt down and they comfort you (ik baby, ik)
wc : 5.3k
tw : cuddles, pure fluff!
a/n : hii ! luvv the idea of that req, I did it for many of my favs and for Kuroo ofccc (one of my favs too) it took a long time to make it perfection(in my opinion) :))
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you felt the couch dip beside you and a familiar warmth envelop you.
"Hey, hey," Kuroo's voice was soft as he pulled you into his arms. "What's going on, babe?"
You buried your face in his chest, clinging to his shirt. "Everything's unwell, Tetsu," you managed between sobs.
His hand moved to stroke your hair, his touch gentle and soothing. "Talk to me. What's got you so upset?"
Taking a shaky breath, you tried to gather your thoughts. "It's... it's everything. Work's a nightmare, I'm drowning in deadlines. And then there's all this family drama... I just... I can't handle it all."
"I know, baby, I know," Kuroo murmured, his voice filled with understanding. "It's a lot to deal with. But you're not alone in this, okay? I'm right here with you."
You nodded against his chest, his steady heartbeat a calming rhythm. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down," you whispered. "Like no matter what I do, it's never enough."
Kuroo pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. His gaze was intense but warm. "Hey, look at me. You're not letting anyone down. You're doing your best, and that's all anyone can ask for. We all have rough patches."
"But what if my best isn't good enough?" you asked, voice barely audible.
He cupped your face in his hands, thumbs gently wiping away your tears. "Your best is always good enough for me. And for anyone who really matters. You're incredible, you know that? The way you keep pushing forward, even when things get tough... that's real strength."
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. "I don't feel very strong right now."
"That's okay," Kuroo said softly. "You don't have to be strong all the time. That's what I'm here for. Let me be strong for you when you need it."
A small smile tugged at your lips despite everything. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"You're you," he replied simply. "That's more than enough."
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, his fingers running through your hair, occasionally massaging your scalp. The rhythmic motion slowly eased some of the tension from your body.
"Remember that time we got caught in that sudden downpour after practice?" Kuroo asked suddenly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly. "How could I forget? You tried to cover both of us with your jacket."
"Hey, I was being chivalrous," he protested with a mock pout.
"You were being ridiculous," you countered, feeling a bit lighter. "We ended up soaked anyway."
"Yeah, but it was fun, wasn't it?" He grinned down at you. "We laughed the whole way home."
The memory warmed you from the inside. "And then we made hot chocolate and binge-watched movies all night."
"Exactly," Kuroo said, his voice softening. "Even when things don't go as planned, we always find a way to make it work. Together."
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Thank you, Tetsu. For always being here."
"Always," he promised, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'm not going anywhere, babe. No matter what."
You sat there for a while longer, listening to the rain and Kuroo's steady breathing. The storm inside you gradually calmed, replaced by a sense of peace.
"Hey," Kuroo said after a while. "How about we order some takeout and have a movie night? Just like old times."
The idea brought a genuine smile to your face. "That sounds perfect."
"Any requests?" he asked, reaching for his phone.
"Surprise me," you said, feeling a flicker of excitement.
As Kuroo placed the order, you settled more comfortably against him, feeling truly relaxed for the first time in days.
"You know," Kuroo said thoughtfully, "it's okay to not have everything figured out. We're in this together, yeah? Whatever comes our way, we'll face it as a team."
You looked up at him, feeling a surge of love and gratitude. "Yeah, we will."
He grinned, that familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. "Besides, I'm pretty sure between your brains and my devastatingly good looks, we can handle anything."
You laughed, swatting his arm playfully. "You're ridiculous."
"You love it," he retorted, leaning down to kiss you softly.
You kissed him back, pouring all your gratitude and love into it. When you pulled apart, you felt lighter, more hopeful.
"So," Kuroo said, reaching for the remote. "What are we watching? Your pick. Just nothing too sappy, okay? I've got a reputation to maintain."
You raised an eyebrow. "A reputation? As what, exactly?"
"As a cool, collected guy who definitely doesn't cry at movies," he said with a straight face.
"Oh really?" you teased. "So that wasn't you sobbing into my shoulder during 'Your Name'?"
Kuroo gasped dramatically. "I was not sobbing. I had something in my eye. Both eyes. For two hours."
You couldn't help but giggle. "Sure, sure. And I suppose you were just 'stretching' when you reached for the tissues during 'A Silent Voice'?"
"Exactly," he nodded solemnly. "It's important to keep your arms limber, you know. Volleyball and all that."
"Uh-huh," you said, your mood lifting with each moment of banter. "And I suppose your nose just happened to be running during 'Grave of the Fireflies'?"
Kuroo clutched his chest in mock offense. "How dare you bring that up? That's a low blow, babe. Low blow."
You laughed outright, the sound filling the room. "I'm sorry, I forgot about your 'reputation'."
"That's right," he said, puffing out his chest. "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, former captain of Nekoma, and definitely not a crier at emotional movies."
"Of course," you agreed, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "My mistake."
He grinned down at you, clearly pleased to see you laughing. "That's more like it. There's that smile I love."
You felt your cheeks warm slightly. "Thanks, Tetsu. For everything."
"Anytime, babe," he said, his tone softening. "But don't go spreading rumors about me crying at movies, okay? I've got to keep some mysteries alive in this relationship."
"Oh?" you raised an eyebrow. "And what mysteries would those be?"
"Well, for one, how I maintain this perfect bed head," he ran a hand through his perpetually messy hair. "It's an art form, really."
You snorted. "I hate to break it to you, but I've seen you first thing in the morning. That's no art form – that's just your hair rebelling against gravity."
"You wound me," Kuroo clutched his heart again. "Here I am, comforting you in your time of need, and you attack my hair. The audacity."
You giggled, feeling the last of your earlier stress melt away. "I'm sorry. Your hair is perfect, just like the rest of you."
"Now that's more like it," he smirked, pulling you closer. "Keep the compliments coming. They fuel my ego."
"As if your ego needs any more fuel," you retorted, but there was no heat in your words.
Kuroo chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. "True. But I'll never say no to praise from my favorite person."
As you settled in to wait for the food and pick a movie, you realized how much lighter you felt. The problems from earlier hadn't disappeared, but somehow, with Kuroo's mix of sincere support and playful teasing, they seemed more manageable.
"Hey, Tetsu?" you said softly.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Thank you. For always knowing how to make me feel better."
His expression softened, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Always. That's what I'm here for. Well, that and to provide eye candy, of course."
You laughed again, snuggling closer to him. "Of course. What would I do without your stunning good looks to distract me from my problems?"
"You’ll never have to find out," he said with a wink.
As you scrolled through movie options, debating the merits of various films (with Kuroo adamantly denying any interest in the more emotional ones), you felt truly at peace.
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you felt the couch dip beside you and a familiar presence settle next to you.
"Hey, hey, hey," Bokuto's voice was unusually subdued as he awkwardly patted your shoulder. "What's... uh, what's going on?"
You buried your face in your hands, your body shaking with sobs. "It's my pet, Bou’," you managed between gasps. "The vet called. They... they said there's nothing more they can do."
"Oh," Bokuto said, his hand freezing mid-pat. "That's... that's really bad. Um, do you want some water or something?"
You shook your head, trying to catch your breath. "I don't know how to say goodbye," you whispered.
Bokuto shifted uncomfortably beside you. "I know baby, I know, w-well, maybe... maybe you could give them a really big hug? That always makes me feel better."
Despite your pain, you couldn't help but let out a watery chuckle. "It's not that simple, Bou’."
"Right, right," he nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I'm not good at this stuff. But hey, remember that time your pet ate my favorite knee pads? That was pretty funny, right?"
You blinked at him, torn between laughter and more tears. "Bou’, I don't think now's the time for funny stories."
"Oh," he deflated slightly. "Yeah, you're probably right. Um... do you want me to call Akaashi? He's better at this kind of thing."
You shook your head, wiping your eyes. "No, it's okay. I just... I just need you here."
"Okay," Bokuto nodded, determination setting in his features. "I can do that. I'm really good at being here. The best, even!"
He hesitantly wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his side. It was a bit too tight, a bit too awkward, but it was comforting in its own way.
"You know," he said after a moment of silence, "I'm not sure what to say to make you feel better. But I'm here, okay? And I'll stay as long as you need me to."
You nodded against his chest, feeling a rush of affection for your well-meaning but slightly clueless boyfriend. "Thank you, Bou’. That means a lot."
"And hey," he added, his voice brightening slightly, "if you want, we could go get some ice cream later. Ice cream always makes me feel better when I'm sad."
You couldn't help but smile a little through your tears. "Maybe later," you agreed softly.
Bokuto nodded, looking pleased that he'd made a helpful suggestion. He continued to hold you, occasionally patting your back or making small, encouraging noises. It wasn't perfect comfort, but it was genuine and uniquely Bokuto.
As the evening wore on, you and Bokuto settled into a more comfortable position on the couch. You were curled up against his chest, his arms wrapped around you in a protective embrace. The rain continued to patter against the windows, creating a soothing background noise.
"Hey," Bokuto said suddenly, his voice vibrating in his chest. "Did I ever tell you about the time Kuroo and I tried to teach Kenma how to spike?"
You shook your head slightly, curious despite your lingering sadness.
"Oh man, it was hilarious," Bokuto continued, his voice taking on that excited tone he always got when telling a story. "So, Kenma's always been more of a setter, right? But Kuroo had this brilliant idea that Kenma should learn to spike too."
As Bokuto launched into the tale, complete with animated hand gestures that jostled you slightly, you found yourself getting caught up in the story despite yourself.
"And then," Bokuto was saying, barely containing his laughter, "Kenma just looks at us, deadpan as ever, and says 'I think I'll stick to setting.' Meanwhile, Kuroo's still tangled in the net!"
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at the mental image. "Poor Kuroo," you murmured.
"Nah, he deserved it," Bokuto grinned. "He's the one who came up with the idea in the first place."
There was a moment of comfortable silence before Bokuto spoke again. "Hey, remember that volleyball match we went to last month? The one where that player did that amazing cross-court spike?"
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips as you recalled Bokuto's excitement during that game.
"Well," Bokuto continued, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone, "I've been practicing that move. I think I've almost got it down. Maybe... maybe when you're feeling up to it, you could come watch me practice?"
The invitation was clearly Bokuto's attempt at giving you something to look forward to. It was clumsy but sweet, and you felt a rush of affection for him.
"I'd like that," you said softly.
Bokuto beamed, clearly pleased with himself. "Great! It's going to be awesome, you'll see. I might even let you toss for me a few times."
You raised an eyebrow. "Let me? I thought you loved my tosses."
"Of course I do!" Bokuto backpedaled quickly. "Your tosses are the best! Well, maybe second best after Akaashi's. But don't tell him I said that."
You chuckled softly, snuggling closer to him. "Your secret's safe with me."
As Bokuto continued to chatter about volleyball, his latest video game obsession, and a funny thing he saw on TV the other day, you found your mind drifting away from your earlier sadness. The pain wasn't gone, but Bokuto's presence and his earnest attempts to cheer you up were like a balm to your aching heart.
You weren't okay yet, but wrapped in Bokuto's warm embrace, listening to his animated stories, you felt like maybe, eventually, you would be.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you felt the couch dip beside you and a familiar presence settle next to you.
"Hey," Suna's voice was quiet as he sat down, maintaining a slight distance. "What's going on?"
You buried your face in your hands, your body shaking with sobs. "I didn't get the job, Rin," you managed between gasps. "The one I've been working towards for months. They... they said I wasn't what they were looking for."
"Oh," Suna said, his voice neutral but his eyes softening slightly. "That's rough."
You shook your head, trying to catch your breath. "I don't know what to do now," you whispered. "I put everything into this."
Suna was silent for a moment, then slowly reached out and placed his hand on your back. "I know baby, I know, but it's not the end," he said finally, his voice low and calm. "There will be other opportunities."
Despite your disappointment, you found his steady presence oddly comforting. "But I wanted this one so badly," you admitted.
"I know," Suna replied, his hand moving in small circles on your back. "It's okay to be upset about it. Take your time to process."
You blinked at him, surprised by his insight. "I didn't think you'd understand," you said softly.
Suna shrugged, a tiny smirk tugging at his lips. "I'm full of surprises."
You leaned into him slightly, and he adjusted his position to accommodate you. His arm wrapped around you, not too tight, just enough to let you know he was there.
"Want me to order some takeout?" he asked after a moment of silence. "Might help take your mind off things for a bit."
You nodded, wiping your eyes. "That sounds good. Can we just... sit here for a while after that?"
"Sure," Suna nodded, reaching for his phone with his free hand. "I can do that."
He didn't say much more as he placed the order, but his presence remained steady and calming. Every now and then, he'd squeeze your shoulder gently or brush a strand of hair from your face.
"You know," he said after a while, his voice quiet, "it's okay to feel disappointed. But don't let this define you. You're more than just this one opportunity."
You nodded against his chest, feeling a rush of gratitude for your normally aloof but surprisingly perceptive boyfriend. "Thank you, Rin. This... this helps."
Suna hummed in acknowledgment, his fingers idly playing with your hair. It wasn't an overly emotional display of comfort, but it was genuine and uniquely Suna.
As the evening progressed, the rain outside intensified, creating a cozy atmosphere inside. The takeout Suna had ordered arrived, and you both ate in comfortable silence, with Suna occasionally glancing at you to make sure you were eating.
After dinner, Suna wordlessly pulled you back to the couch, this time positioning himself so that he was lying down with you nestled against his chest. His arms wrapped around you securely, one hand gently stroking your hair.
"Better?" he murmured, his voice a low rumble in his chest.
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Much better," you whispered.
Suna's usual stoic expression softened slightly, a rare, gentle smile tugging at his lips. "Good," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
You lay there in comfortable silence for a while, listening to the rain and Suna's steady heartbeat. His fingers continued to run through your hair, occasionally massaging your scalp in a way that made you practically melt against him.
"You know," Suna said after a while, his voice uncharacteristically gentle, "I'm proud of you."
You tilted your head to look up at him, surprised. "What for? I didn't get the job."
Suna shook his head slightly. "For trying. For putting yourself out there. That takes guts."
His words warmed you from the inside, and you felt tears prick at your eyes again – but this time, they were tears of gratitude and love.
"Thanks, Rin," you whispered, burying your face in his chest.
Suna's arms tightened around you slightly. "Hey," he said, his voice soft but firm. "Look at me."
You raised your head, meeting his intense gaze.
"You're amazing," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "One setback doesn't change that. Got it?"
You nodded, a small smile forming on your lips. "Got it."
"Good," Suna said, pulling you close again. "Now, how about we watch that terrible reality show you love? I'll even promise not to make fun of it... much."
You couldn't help but laugh, the sound muffled against his chest. "You're the best, you know that?"
Suna smirked, reaching for the remote. "I know," he said, his tone playful. "Don't tell anyone though. I have a reputation to maintain."
As the show started playing, you settled more comfortably against Suna, feeling truly relaxed for the first time since receiving the bad news. His presence was like a warm, comforting blanket, chasing away the lingering doubts and disappointments.
Every now and then, Suna would drop a kiss on your head or squeeze you gently, as if reminding you that he was there. Despite his usual cool demeanor, in moments like these, his affection was clear and unwavering.
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you heard the front door open and close, followed by familiar footsteps.
"I'm home," Kageyama called out, his voice trailing off as he entered the living room and saw you. "Hey... what's wrong?"
You looked up at him, your vision blurry with tears. "Tobio," you managed between sobs. "I... I failed my final exam. I might not graduate on time."
Kageyama's eyes widened slightly, clearly caught off guard. He hesitated for a moment before awkwardly sitting down next to you on the couch. "Oh," he said, his voice uncertain. "That's... that's bad."
You nodded, burying your face in your hands. "I studied so hard," you whispered. "I don't know what went wrong."
Kageyama sat there stiffly for a moment, clearly unsure of what to do. Then, slowly, he reached out and patted your back. "I know baby, I know…um... it'll be okay?" he offered, his tone more of a question than a statement.
Despite your distress, you couldn't help but let out a watery chuckle at his awkward attempt at comfort. "I don't know if it will be, Tobio," you said softly.
Kageyama frowned, his brow furrowing in concentration as if he was trying to solve a particularly difficult volleyball play. Then, seemingly coming to a decision, he shifted closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his side.
"Listen," he said, his voice taking on the determined tone he usually reserved for volleyball. "One failed exam doesn't define you. You're... you're smart. And hardworking. Like when you're setting - one bad set doesn't make you a bad setter. You just... try again."
You blinked up at him, surprised by his words. "Tobio..."
"And," he continued, gaining confidence, "if you need to retake the class, then we'll figure it out. I'll... I'll help you study. Or find someone who can. We're a team, right?"
You nodded, feeling a warmth bloom in your chest despite your disappointment. "Right," you whispered.
Kageyama nodded decisively, then awkwardly pulled you closer, resting his chin on top of your head. "Do you... do you want some milk?" he asked after a moment. "Milk always makes me feel better."
You couldn't help but smile through your tears. "No, this is good," you said, snuggling closer to him. "Can we just stay like this for a while?"
"Sure," Kageyama said, his body relaxing slightly. "I can do that."
As you sat there, listening to the rain and Kageyama's steady heartbeat, you felt your distress slowly start to ebb. Kageyama might not be the most eloquent or naturally comforting person, but his earnest efforts and steady presence were exactly what you needed.
"Thank you, Tobio," you murmured.
Kageyama just nodded, his arms tightening around you slightly.​​​​​​​​​​
As the evening wore on, Kageyama's initial awkwardness faded, replaced by a determined sort of tenderness. He gently maneuvered both of you so that you were lying on the couch, with you nestled against his chest. His arms wrapped around you securely, one hand absently stroking your hair.
"Is this okay?" he asked, his voice softer than usual.
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. "It's perfect," you murmured.
Kageyama made a small noise of satisfaction, his body relaxing further. You lay there in comfortable silence for a while, listening to the rain and Kageyama's steady heartbeat. His fingers continued to run through your hair, the gentle motion soothing your frayed nerves.
After a while, Kageyama spoke up again. "Hey," he said, his voice thoughtful. "Remember when I couldn't get that quick to work with Hinata?"
You tilted your head to look up at him, curious. "Yeah, during your first year at Karasuno, right?"
Kageyama nodded. "I thought it was the end of the world," he admitted. "But then I figured it out. And we got even better."
You smiled softly, understanding what he was trying to say. "You're right," you said. "This isn't the end."
"Exactly," Kageyama said, a hint of his usual intensity creeping into his voice. "You'll figure this out too. And I'll be here to help. We can make a study schedule, like a training regimen. I'm good at those."
You couldn't help but laugh softly at his earnestness. "Thank you, Tobio. That actually sounds really helpful."
A small, proud smile tugged at Kageyama's lips. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "You're smart," he said matter-of-factly. "Smarter than me in a lot of ways. If I can become the best setter in Japan, you can definitely pass this exam."
His unwavering confidence in you brought fresh tears to your eyes, but this time they were tears of gratitude and love. "You're amazing, you know that?" you whispered.
Kageyama's cheeks flushed slightly, but he didn't look away. "Not as amazing as you," he mumbled.
You reached up and cupped his face, pulling him down for a soft kiss. When you pulled apart, Kageyama's eyes were shining with affection.
"Hey," he said suddenly. "Want to watch some volleyball matches? I recorded a few from the V.League. Might take your mind off things for a bit."
You smiled, nodding. "That sounds perfect."
As Kageyama reached for the remote, keeping one arm securely around you, you felt a wave of peace wash over you. The disappointment of your failed exam was still there, but it no longer felt overwhelming. With Kageyama by your side, his love expressed through actions rather than words, you felt like you could face anything.
As the match started playing, Kageyama's excitement became contagious. He pointed out clever plays and impressive serves, his analytical mind breaking down each move. You found yourself getting caught up in his enthusiasm, the stress of the day melting away as you shared this moment with him.
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you heard the front door open and close, followed by familiar footsteps.
"I'm home, love!" Oikawa's cheerful voice called out, but it quickly shifted to concern as he entered the living room. "Wait, what's wrong?"
You looked up at him, your vision blurry with tears. "Tooru," you managed between sobs. "I just got a call from home. My grandmother... she's in the hospital. They don't know if she'll make it."
Oikawa's playful demeanor vanished instantly. In a heartbeat, he was by your side, gathering you into his arms. "Oh, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice soft and gentle. "I'm so sorry."
You buried your face in his chest, clinging to his shirt as fresh sobs wracked your body. Oikawa held you tightly, one hand stroking your back while the other cradled your head.
"Shh, it's okay," he soothed, rocking you gently. "I've got you. Let it all out."
For a while, he just held you, murmuring soft words of comfort as you cried. When your sobs finally subsided into quiet sniffles, Oikawa pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands.
"Look at me, love," he said softly. You raised your eyes to meet his warm brown gaze. "We're going to get through this together, okay? Whatever happens, I'm right here with you."
You nodded weakly, leaning into his touch. "I'm scared, Tooru," you whispered.
"I know, baby, I know" he said, brushing away your tears with his thumbs. "It's okay to be scared. But remember, your grandmother is strong. She raised you, after all."
Despite your distress, a tiny smile tugged at your lips. Oikawa's own lips quirked up in response.
"There's that beautiful smile," he said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Now, what can I do to help? Do you want to go visit her? I can book flights right now if you want."
You shook your head. "Not yet. The doctors said to wait until morning for more news."
Oikawa nodded. "Okay, then we'll wait together. How about I run you a warm bath? And then we can cuddle and watch your favorite movie. Or we can just talk. Whatever you need, I'm here."
You felt a rush of gratitude wash over you. "Thank you, Tooru. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Oikawa's expression softened, his eyes filled with love. "You'll never have to find out," he promised. "Now, come on. Let's get you feeling a bit better."
After the warm bath Oikawa had prepared for you, he guided you back to the living room. He had transformed the couch into a cozy nest of blankets and pillows. With gentle hands, he helped you settle in, then slid in beside you, pulling you close against his chest.
"Better?" he asked softly, his breath warm against your ear.
You nodded, snuggling deeper into his embrace. "Much better," you murmured.
Oikawa hummed contentedly, his arms tightening around you. One hand began to gently stroke your hair, his long fingers working through any tangles with practiced ease.
"You know," he said after a while, his voice quiet but warm, "I remember when my grandmother was in the hospital a few years ago. I was so scared, just like you are now."
You tilted your head to look up at him. "What happened?"
A small smile played on Oikawa's lips. "She got better. And do you know what she said to me when I visited her? She said, 'Tooru, my boy, it takes more than this to keep an Oikawa down.'"
Despite your worry, you couldn't help but chuckle softly. "She sounds amazing."
"She is," Oikawa agreed. "Just like your grandmother. They're cut from the same cloth, those tough old ladies."
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Your grandmother has that same strength. And she has you to come back to. That's more than enough reason for her to fight."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time they were mixed with hope. "Thank you, Tooru," you whispered.
"Always, my love," he replied, brushing away your tears with his thumb. "Now, how about we watch that alien documentary I've been trying to get you to see? I promise it'll take your mind off things."
You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Okay," you agreed. "But only if you keep holding me like this."
"As if I'd ever let you go," Oikawa said, reaching for the remote while keeping one arm securely around you.
As the documentary started playing, Oikawa's excitement became infectious. He whispered commentary in your ear, his theories growing more and more outlandish as the show went on. You found yourself laughing despite your earlier distress, caught up in Oikawa's boundless enthusiasm.
Every so often, he'd pause his commentary to drop a kiss on your head or squeeze you gently, as if reminding you that he was there, that you weren't alone in this.
As the night wore on and your eyelids grew heavy, Oikawa adjusted your positions so you were lying down, your head pillowed on his chest. His heartbeat was a steady, comforting rhythm beneath your ear.
"Sleep, love," he murmured, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your back. "I'll be right here. And first thing in the morning, we'll call the hospital for news, okay?"
You nodded sleepily, feeling safe and loved in Oikawa's arms. "Thank you, Tooru," you whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too," he replied softly. "More than all the stars in the universe."
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The rain drummed against the windows as you curled up on the couch, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing you. Tears streamed down your face, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. That's when you heard the front door burst open, followed by energetic footsteps.
"I'm home!" Hoshiumi's loud voice rang out, but it quickly shifted to concern as he bounded into the living room. "Hey! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
You looked up at him, your vision blurry with tears. "Korai," you managed between sobs. "I just lost my job. The company... they're downsizing and I... I was let go."
Hoshiumi's eyes widened, his usual boundless energy momentarily stunned into stillness. Then, in a flash, he was by your side, his small but strong arms wrapping around you.
"What?! That's terrible!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of outrage and concern. "How dare they! Don't they know how amazing you are?"
You buried your face in his shoulder, fresh sobs wracking your body. Hoshiumi held you tightly, one hand patting your back with perhaps a bit more force than necessary, but the gesture was comforting nonetheless.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I know baby, I know" he said, his voice softer but still intense. "We're going to get through this. You're strong, just like me! This is just a setback, not the end!"
For a while, he just held you, occasionally interjecting with words of encouragement and promises of retribution against your former employers. When your sobs finally subsided into quiet sniffles, Hoshiumi pulled back, his hands on your shoulders as he looked you in the eye.
"Listen to me," he said, his gaze fierce and determined. "You're incredible. Those idiots don't know what they're losing. But you know what? This just means you're free to find something even better!"
You blinked at him, caught off guard by his unwavering confidence. "But Korai, what if I can't find another job?"
Hoshiumi scoffed, puffing out his chest. "Of course you will! You're dating the Little Giant, aren't you? We don't give up! We rise above every challenge!"
Despite your distress, a small smile tugged at your lips. Hoshiumi's enthusiasm was, as always, contagious.
"There's that smile!" he grinned, reaching up to wipe away your tears. "Now, here's what we're going to do. First, we're going to eat some ice cream because that always makes me feel better. Then, we're going to make a plan. I'll help you update your resume, and it'll be so amazing that companies will be fighting to hire you!"
You felt a wave of affection wash over you. "Thank you, Korai. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Hoshiumi's expression softened, his eyes filled with determination and love. "You'll never have to find out," he promised. "We're a team, and together, we're unstoppable!"
After devouring a pint of ice cream together, Hoshiumi led you back to the couch. Despite his small stature, he maneuvered you both so that you were lying down, with you nestled securely in his arms. His body radiated warmth and energy, even in stillness.
"Comfortable?" he asked, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Very," you murmured.
Hoshiumi made a satisfied noise, his arms tightening around you. One hand began to gently stroke your back, his touch soothing and reassuring.
"You know," he said, his voice full of conviction, "you're the most amazing person I know. And I know some pretty amazing people!"
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his enthusiasm. Hoshiumi took this as encouragement and continued, punctuating his words with soft kisses.
"You're smart," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Way smarter than those idiots who let you go."
Another kiss, this time on your cheek. "You're kind. Remember how you helped that lost kid at the mall last week?"
A gentle peck on your nose. "You're hardworking. I've seen how dedicated you are."
Finally, a tender kiss on your lips. "And you're beautiful, inside and out."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time they were tears of gratitude and love. "Korai..." you whispered, touched by his words.
"I'm not finished!" Hoshiumi declared, his eyes shining with determination. "You're also brave, and creative, and funny. Any company would be lucky to have you!"
He cupped your face in his hands, his gaze intense. "And most importantly, you're resilient. Just like me! We don't let setbacks keep us down. We use them as stepping stones to reach even greater heights!"
You couldn't help but smile at his passion. "Thank you, Korai. I feel so much better already."
Hoshiumi beamed, clearly pleased with himself. "Good! Because we're just getting started. Tomorrow, we're going to make the best resume ever. It'll be so amazing, it'll make my vertical jump look ordinary in comparison!"
You laughed outright at that, the sound mixing with Hoshiumi's own joyful laughter. As your giggles subsided, Hoshiumi pulled you close again, nuzzling your hair.
"I love you," he said softly. "And I believe in you. Never forget that."
"I love you too," you replied, feeling truly comforted for the first time since receiving the bad news. "Thank you for always being in my corner."
"Always!" Hoshiumi declared. "That's what the Little Giant does. I'll always lift you up, no matter how high we need to go!"
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Ⓡ kiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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rainb0wrae · 5 months
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
The Team Crushes on Their Manager
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Team Japan x GN! reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
AN: this was due approx. 570 of you ago but nevertheless, here we go 🎉
Where do I even start?
Probably from the beginning because that’s when it ALL started
It was your first day as Team Japan’s new manager
No other job prospects huh Yn?
You were filled with hope and a renewed sense of purpose 🤩
You’d always loved Volleyball whether you played it, watched it or read a very specific manga surrounding it 👀
It was safe to say you were a fan!
The job seemed relatively straightforward
You’d come to work, take care of a bunch of world class athletes, clock out and repeat
Easy right?
You walked into the building on your first day and it started almost immediately
There is no easing into this job YN 😌
“Well hello there gorgeous,” a very untoned blonde who seriously needed his roots retouched whistled
“Umm hi! I was wondering if you could-” you started to say before being unfortunately interrupted 🙄
“You want my autograph don’t ya sweetheart?” The blonde smirked, conveniently pulling out a sharpie that seemed to manifest from thin air
“Oh no, I’m looking for-” you try to say again before again being interrupted
“ATSUMU!” A voice shouted as you saw a rather angry looking man with black spiky hair marching up to you and the blonde, “what did I tell you about harassing guests?”
“I wasn’t harassing ‘em!” The blonde, known as Atsumu shouted back
Meanwhile you are just standing there like 🧍
“If you weren’t harassing them, then why do they look like they wanna run for their lives?” Another tall man with curly black hair replied, approaching from behind you
“SHUT YER TRAP SAKUSA!” Atsumu yelled again as the spiky haired man spoke
“If you both don’t get your asses back into that gym right now!”
Atsumu rolled his eyes before responding, “yes Iwaizumi” and turning to leave
But not before shooting a very unsolicited wink in your direction 🙄
“Stop making people feel so uncomfortable,” Sakusa berated as he and Atsumu argued back to the gym
“I’m so sorry about that. You must be Yn?” Iwaizumi asked turning to you as you smiled back widely
“That’s me!” You giggled as Iwaizumi’s eyes widened and his face turned pink at your sheer adorableness
Iwaizumi is just happy that you seem excited
He’s tired Yn, help him please
Iwaizumi begins showing you around the gym while various, rather large men walk past you
You excitedly ask questions, smiling and laughing
The guys are all like 👀👀👀👀👀
They’d heard about a new prospective manager starting but dang, you were way cuter than they imagined
After the tour you made your way to the gym with Iwaizumi to finally meet the team
As you stood there, adorable and bubbly, they all just stared at you like a bunch of creeps 😅
You remember in Season 2 when Yachi joined Karasuno and Suga had to tell Noya and Tanaka to stop staring…
Yeah that’s exactly what’s happening right now 😂
Iwaizumi is giving everyone his death glare because there is absolutely no way he’s letting anyone ruin this for him!
Iwa rn 👉🏻 🔥 👄🔥
Of course you notice them all looking at you but you simply think it’s because you are new
Delusion is always the solution Yn
“And finally, this is Yn, our new manager. I expect nothing but respect and kindness from you guys!” Coach yells as you smile and wave a greeting
“I’m so excited to work with you all!” You say, smiling bright as your eyes sparkle with excitement
This was the first of many incidents that sealed your fate
Now some of the team members fell hard for you immediately
*cough* ATSUMU, BOKUTO, HINATA *cough*
While others took a while to warm up to you
They all thought you were cute and sweet sure but it was your actions that spoke the loudest
For example…
“Hey Sakusa, I heard you are particular about laundry and hygiene, if you could please tell me the products you prefer so I can accommodate you? Oh and I’d you’d like, I can wear a mask around you to make you more comfortable!” You excitedly spoke, standing 6 feet apart from Sakusa so as to not be right in his space
Sakusa rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Umm sure I can text you a list and you don’t have to wear a mask if you aren’t comfortable,” he responds, honestly shocked because who are you
You wave your hands and smile, “oh no it’s really ok! I’m very accommodating!”
It was safe to say you’d captured our precious Sakusa’s attention
But it doesn’t stop there
“Hey Suna, I noticed you left your arm guards in on the bench yesterday! I washed them for you last night oh and I recorded a video of Atsumu flubbing a serve and accidently hitting Kageyama. I can send it to you if you’d like?” You laughed as Suna just stared in awe
Who the heck were you and why were you so amazing!
Not only that but you provided help to Aran and Ushijima when it came to taking diligent notes about the teams progress
Made sure Kageyama had plenty to eat and got enough sleep
You measured down to the very millimeter for jump heights, making sure Hoshiumi knew exactly where he stood against the other players
You stayed late to help Komori and Yaku with their receiving practice
You came early to unlock the gym for Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata because lord knows they can’t be out of the gym for more than 8 hours 🙄
You even made sure the guys all followed Iwaizumi’s strict training regime to ensure they all stayed healthy and in the best shape!
It was easy to see why they all had fallen for you!
Competent, pretty, kind, amazing and funny? A perfect combination!
It had been about 6 months and you’d more than proven your worth as a manager
You’d even spent time outside of practice with all of them both individually as well as in groups
Surprisingly they’d all managed to keep their little crushes on you to a minimum
They respected you and didn’t want to mess up anything
When I say “they” I actually mean “most of them”…
Because, ya know, some people just can’t stop themselves 👀
It was safe to say they all knew each other had a crush on their precious manager
But for the sake of teamwork, most of them kept it to themselves
However, there is some people who can only hold it in so long
“I’m thinking about asking YN out this weekend,” Atsumu boldly and nonchalantly says
And just like that, the entire locker room halts
“Excuse me?” Yaku says, staring at Atsumu like he’s about to commit a felony
“What? YN is such a cutie and so awesome! Is it really a surprise that I’d ask them out?” Atsumu replies
All eyes narrow on the setter as he looks back confused
“And what makes you think YN even likes you?” Suna jokes as the rest of the team nods
“Awe come on! It’s pretty safe to say Yn has a crush on me, look at all the stuff they do for me,” Atsumu continues
“So? YN does that for all of us. Plus, maybe another one of us wants to ask them out?” Sakusa adds as Atsumu narrows his eyes
“Ok then, who wants to ask YN out?”
Literally all hands shoot up as the guys look around at each other, eyes wide as the realization sinks in
Soon the shock wears off and they narrow their eyes at each other like a duel in the Ok corral is about to go down 😑
“Well there’s no way all of us asking out YN would be a good idea. We’d probably scare them away!” Komori mentioned
“Nah, if Atsumu hasn’t scared them yet, pretty sure we’re safe,” Aran remarked as Atsumu looked at his friend, offended by his remarks
“What if we draw lots?” Hyakuzawa questioned
“That’s not really far to YN tho, what if they have a particular interest in a member?” Yaku answered
“First one to ask Yn out then?” Hakuba remarked
“Oh yeah, just a bunch of grown ass men running up to YN screaming ‘YN GO OUT WITH ME!’ That sounds like nightmare fuel!” Hoshiumi replied
“Ok so then we let Yn decide,” Iwa added, coming through the doors having just listened to the conversation, “we do our best to win YN’s affections and we let them decide.”
The team all nodded in agreement, ready for the challenge of winning their precious YN’s heart
The next morning, the gym felt different
You could tell immediately the moment you stepped in
“Good morning YN, I bought you coffee!” Iwaizumi smiled, handing you a cup of your favorite pick me up
“Thanks Hajime! I really needed this!”
“Hey Yn, I thought maybe you’d wanna have lunch with me today? My treat,” Yaku interrupted
“That would be awesome Mori!”
“Here Yn, I know how much you love these flowers so I got up early to go to the market to get some,” Sakusa flushed, pushing the flowers in your direction
“Wow thanks Kiyoomi! They are beautiful!”
Were these boys being weird? Sure
Were you gonna fight it? Absolutely not
Now these shenanigans continued for a few weeks and at first they were innocent
But then bringing you coffee, flowers or the occasional chocolate morphed into full blown outings
“Hey YN, I’m going to the art museum this weekend? You wanna come?” Komori asked as your eyes lit up
You loved art!!
“Hey YN, I’m gonna grab sushi tonight after practice, you wanna come?” Gao would ask as your mouth salivated
You loved sushi!
“Hey YN, I’m planning on going to the dog park with Hirugami tonight, you wanna come?” Hoshiumi would ask
Dogs? Say less!
“Hey YN, there’s a new cat cafe that just opened up, you wanna go with me?” Suna would declare
It took you a while to catch on that there was something strange going on with these guys
While the putting seemed innocent, their motives definitely were not
After a while, you’d finally gotten sick of it all and just asked
It was after practice, the gym was quiet
And there you were
“What is up with you guys taking me on all these dates for?”
… there to ruin it
Their amount of wide-eyed staring and red faces gave them away quicker than a smoking volcano
You sighed, knowing you had to tell them the truth
“Listen guys, I like you all but only as friends and coworkers ok?”
They all collectively sighed, having all been rejected at the same time
You felt bad but at the same time, they needed to know your feelings for them were platonic
“Hey we can still go out and have fun but it’ll only be as friends ok? Plus I have a boyfriend already.”
Their eyes all shot up at you, wondering who exactly it would be
“Wait you had a boyfriend this whole time?” Atsumu questioned
Yep :D
“Like before you even started working with us?” Yaku asked
Yep : D
“Ok then how come we’ve never met him before?” Sakusa demanded as you smiled
“Oh you have, he talks about you guys all the time!” You respond as everyone but Iwaizumi looks confused
“YN you’re not dating him, please YN anyone but him!” Iwa shouts, running up to you and shaking you as your grin devilishly
It seems to finally hit the others as their eyes go from shocked to horrified in a matter of seconds.
Before they can even process his name, they hear a “yoohoo Yn-Chan” radiate throughout the gym
Surprise an Oikawa ending 😅 if you didn’t see it coming, do you even know who I am? I will always work that man into everything possible!
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haikyu-mp4 · 5 months
Something in common
word count; 415 – f!reader
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I’ll be at your game tonight! Just me, though. Your dad is out with some of his buddies.
“Shit,” Hoshiumi cursed, sitting in the locker room and getting ready for the next game when he got a text from his mother. He sat down on the bench and crouched over his phone, giving the message a quick thumbs up that would definitely make her annoyed.
“Is there something wrong?” Ushijima asked, him and Kageyama looking at the shorter man curiously.
“I just found out my mom is coming to the game, but my girlfriend is also here and they haven’t met yet,” he grumbled, switching apps to message you.
No time to explain but you’ll probably meet my mom after the game.
You were watching a Schweiden Adlers game for the nth time, decked out in Hoshiumi merch. He’s your boyfriend, after all, it’s only right that everyone knows who you’re there for. When you saw the message from your boyfriend, you took in a sharp breath, but quickly had to focus back on the court as the players came walking out and the cheers roared. You’re meeting his mom for the first time like this? Hoshiumi loved his mom, she needed to approve of you.
Hoshiumi tried not to think of how he had to introduce you to his mom completely unprepared and instead focused on the game at hand. And he did so quite successfully, only taking about two points to get really into it like usual.
So as Hoshiumi scored a point with a particularly impressive spike and flexed his arms to the audience with a cheer, both you and his mother got out of your seats to scream his name. Then you both consequently looked at each other before bursting into soft laughs. There were only about three seats between you, who would have thought?
“Y/n?” she asked with a knowing smile. “I wasn’t sure you would be here.” All she got from her son was a thumbs up, after all.
“That’s me, it’s so nice to meet you,” you said back, cheeks flushing lightly at the unexpected meeting. You ended up asking some people to shuffle over so you could sit together, cheering for the same man who had never smiled brighter than when he saw you two side by side. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little, shaking his head as he realised you were quite similar. What was there not to approve of?
You both love him.
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myykster · 2 months
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moreeee haikyu!!
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noyasmashing · 5 months
Nishinoya and Hoshiumi are everything to me and I've seen you write for both! An actual legend among authors!
If you're interested, could I request how they would react to a big spoon reader (separate). This is technically an sfw request but feel free to do whatever you want!
AHHHH your too sweet!! I never see recognition these characters as subs so i love rq for them ☺️☺️
He'd be absolutely adorable, all shy and bashful as if cuddling with someone was a completely new experience for him. The sensation of your chest against his back would send shivers down his spine, especially if you have curves and aren't wearing a bra. I imagine he'd relish the feeling of being enveloped in warmth and safety, with no worries in the world.
And if you tried to move away? Forget about it. He'd cling to you like a koala, whining and pleading like a little kid just to keep you close. He'd come up with some silly excuse, like claiming he's chilly, just to prolong the cuddle session.
The soft afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Nishinoya lay sprawled across his bed, his breathing slow and steady as he dozed off after a long day of practice. The rhythmic sound of his gentle snores filled the room along with the gentle hum of the heater.
You couldn't help but smile as you watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, so vulnerable in this moment, completely unaware of your presence. You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should disturb him, but the urge to be close to him was too strong to resist.
Quietly, you approached the bed and carefully slipped under the covers beside him. With a gentle touch, you spooned him from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your chest against his back.
Nishinoya stirred slightly at the sensation, but he didn't wake up. Instead, he unconsciously shifted closer to you, nuzzling his head against your chest as if seeking out your embrace. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and you couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight.
Minutes passed as you laid there, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against yours.
Eventually, Nishinoya began to stir again, blinking sleepily as he slowly became aware of his surroundings. He tensed slightly at first, surprised by the unexpected warmth at his back, but as he turned to glance over his shoulder, his expression softened into a smile.
"Hey there," you whispered, your voice barely above a murmur.
Nishinoya's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with affection, face flushed. "I like this," he replied, his voice soft and husky from sleep.
AHHH this man would be sooo into it. I can imagine him eagerly demand cuddles from you, especially after a grueling day of training.
He knows he’s small, but rather than feeling self-conscious, he embraces it. Spooning is his favorite way to cuddle for a reason, him loving the feeling of being wrapped in your embrace, his smaller frame perfectly fitting against yours.
And falling asleep in your arms? It was his ultimate comfort. Whenever he had a nightmare or simply couldn't find rest, your warmth and protection never failed to lull him into a peaceful slumber.
He would absolutely melt if you gently ran your fingers through his hair, showering him with praise for all the wonderful things he does for you. He'd lean into your touch, basking in the affection, and whine in protest if you ever stopped. All he craves is your attention and admiration!
You found yourself nestled comfortably between the plush cushions of your couch, the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the curtains. It hadn't been long since Korai settled down to take a nap, but he had already made his way to the living room, unable to resist the urge to be near you.
“mm I want you,” your lover whined, prodding your arms so he could weasel his way into them.
You chuckled at his endearing behavior, shifting your body to accommodate him as you enveloped him in a warm embrace. As you spooned him from behind, you felt his body relax fully into your grasp, a contented sigh escaping his lips.
Using his arms to nudge yours, Korai silently signaled his desire for more affection, prompting you to oblige. You hummed, bringing your hand up to gently stroke his soft hair, your fingertips grazing his scalp with a soothing touch that prompted a purr from him.
"I'm so proud of you, Korai," you murmured softly, your words filled with genuine admiration. You could hear the faintest of whimpers escape him in response, his cheeks flushing at your praise.
The sensation of your fingers running through his hair with such tenderness was almost overwhelming for him, his eyelids growing heavy as he leaned even closer to you, seeking further comfort in your embrace.
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kikiyoomis · 1 year
things hq characters would do to cheer you up
ft. atsumu, bokuto, sakusa, hinata, kageyama, hoshiumi, ushijima
atsumu - if you’re having a hard time and atsumu can’t be there in person to help you, he’ll order food for you to eat. he could be across the country and the moment that he realizes that you’re feeling down about something, he would place an order down at a couple of restaurants and have them deliver it to your doorstep using the special notes portion to say a few words of encouragement.
bokuto - bokuto isn’t the best at giving soothing words so he does things to help get your mind off of things. you weren’t aware of it at first but soon enough his random requests to “help him with math homework” or “set for him because akaashi is busy” or “try the spicy noodle challenge with him” were all just ways he thought could help you take your mind off of the thing that brought your mood down.
sakusa - sakusa is more of a listener than a talker so if ranting is your way to feel better, then he’ll let you rant to him all you want. it could be for ten minutes or ten hours, for however long you wanted to talk about he would listen attentively and earnestly. it’s not good for your mental health to keep things bottled up so sakusa thinks that by letting it all out it would be the best way for him to help you.
hinata - he would binge your favourite movies or shows with you because he knows that your favourite things would help you feel better. he’ll buy your favourite snacks and drinks and make it this huge watch party even though it’s just the two of you. and despite having watched these movies/shows a hundred times because of you, he would still make crazy expressions as if it was his first time seeing it as an attempt to make you smile.
kageyama - wherever you wanted to go, kageyama will take you there. if you don’t know where to go, he will simply bring you to a cafe for sweets or a park to enjoy the nice day. kageyama doesn’t want to risk saying the wrong things to you so he gives you his time. he worries when he thinks you haven’t cheered up yet but he immediately brightens when he notices that you’re starting to feel better.
hoshiumi - because there’s a competitive drive within him, he usually strives to win anything. so when you’re feeling down, he’ll take you to an arcade to have some fun and then purposefully lose to let you have the win. he tries his hardest to make it seem authentic by either having it be really close or lose the best 2 out of 3 matches. even though you know he’s purposefully losing, you feel better about the fact that hoshiumi is really trying to let you have some fun to cheer you up.
ushijima - he’s a quiet supporter so while he won’t give some special words of encouragement outside of the default “you can do it” or “believe in yourself”, he’ll tidy up and give you a clean environment. he’ll put your things away and vacuum the floors just so that your environment won’t be stressing you out even more. he’s aware that he’s not a good cook so he’ll run out and buy some takeout food for you regardless of the weather.
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lucimiir · 2 months
Feeling things about the existence of Hoshiumi and Atsumu
Hoshiumi is introduced as literally Hinata, but better. He’s called a “little giant” and has pretty much the same skill set as Hinata, but with superior serving and jumping power. Atsumu and Kageyama are less similar, but Atsumu is still basically Kageyama but better: he’s the best setter in the country, with the same reliability that allows him to pull of freak quicks.
Furudate could have said “the relationship and abilities our protagonists have is unique” and left it at that, but instead he introduced two characters who challenge their ideas of their own skill and motivate them to improve. What really makes me insane is that in the jackals/adlers era of the timeskip, Hinata is playing with Atsumu and Kageyama is playing with Hoshiumi. So like, not only can they grow and succeed as separate individuals, they can grow enough to use the skills they relied on each other for with different people!
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tricodekus · 2 months
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fem!hirugami and fem!hoshiumi
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sunarins · 6 months
due to popular demand (not), i will be ranking the prettiest haikyuu character names
matsukawa issei
konoha akinori
suna rintarou
hanamaki takahiro
hoshiumi kourai
special mention to komori motoya bc he's as cute as his name is and iwaizumi hajime bc it sounds so masculine and strong and embodies everything he is
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clawsdevour · 9 hours
want to know all of you
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wc: 1.9k content warning: hinted established relationship, smut, insecure reader x hoshiumi, creampie, oral w!receiving, not proofread
ㅤ۫ㅤ⠀⠀ ◌ 𓈒
“..Do you really want to do this?” huffing through Hoshiumi’s heavy pants that lingered trickles of hot air in the crook of your neck.
His wet sloppy kisses remaining on the surface of your skin, reflecting in the moonlight illuminating through the curtains. His murky light eyes gazing at you in desire, cheeks dusted with a slight pink hue.
His heavy body hovering just slightly above you, your hands wrapped his thick and toned neck. Swallowing hard, you nod sheepishly. You’ve been dating Hoshiumi Korai for a while, his cute gestures of love always wow you in a way you felt like you needed to reward him at certain times. Sometimes you found yourself wanting more than just a frisky make out session, but you’ve never fiddled around with him like this before.
“Of course I do if it’s with you, Korai” pulling him away from your neck for just a second, exchanging a deep sensible glance to show you meant what you said. Completely breathless, his timid vulnerable self showing up on his face as he subtly bit down on his lower lip from excitement.
Nuzzling his nose back into your warm neck, you feel him mouth the words, ‘I love you so much,’ before sucking on your skin, leaving behind his bright red mark. His lips continue smooching your ticklish neck, gradually moving lower to your defined collarbone. The foreign sensation on your bare heated skin due to his tongue made you squirm under his touch.
“You smell so good babe,” pressing the tip of his nose onto you, half lidded light eyes peering up to sneak a quick glance at your flustered facial expressions to savor the moment.
A hand worked its way up under your thin tank top, pulling the hem of the fabric up with it. Shuddering at the cool air combined with his hot palms that rubbed against the sides of your torso to calm you. The feeling of embarrassment started to creep up the further his hands dragged your top up, exposing your bright pink bra that you wore before heading over to his house.
“Oh- ignore this.. I kinda just threw it on,” you spurted out, trying to cover your bra that his eyes couldn’t take off. 
“Ignore what? I think it looks cute on you..!” Hoshiumi intimately said full of genuineness, his hands just slightly above yours. 
Accepting his true words, your back is just slightly a few inches above the mattress. His fingers helping you unhook the back of your bra, thoughts full of negativity imagining what he’d think about your body. You slowly drop your undergarment, showing him the valley of your breasts. Rosy nipples freshly perked up from being released.
His eyes slightly widened as this was the first time seeing you without anything covering the chest he loves to dive head first into so much. Groping a breast in one hand, fiddling with your tiny but hard nub that sent waves of stimulating pleasure. Your other nipple being caressed by his hot and wet tongue that latched itself onto you the moment he saw it. Flicking the organ till it’s at its full hardness, sparking further arousal that made you rub your thighs together under him. 
His mouth moved further down like before. His slow and sensual marks were scorching hot and sloppy this time, as if he was branding the surface of your skin with his slightly swollen lips. The more he lowered himself on your body, the more ticklish it got as you tried to suppress your moans.
“You can moan.. Makes me know how good I make you feel” fixing his eyes on you once more when realizing why you were so discrete. Having your hands clasped over your mouth, you nod, inching them away from your face and onto the bed sheets.
Carrying on, Hoshiumi lifts himself up from your heat emitting body for a moment. Taking off his shirt, you see his muscular figure flicker around in the ambient light as he shuffled in front of you. Watching him gather by your legs, Hoshiumi’s trailing off your shorts by the sides of your waist band, lifting your legs to help him.
Left in nothing but your mismatched panties, you can’t help but feel a bit more humiliated than you were earlier. Not to mention, him still being clothed as he stripped you down article by article of clothing. The last thing to take off was your slightly damp panties. Sliding them off of you, you shut your legs tight together to try and not reveal your bare cunt.
“Do you need a break babe?” Hoshiumi questions in concern seeing how you’re suddenly reacting.
“No.. it’s just, a bit embarrassing to be seen naked. Especially since it’s our first time doing it together.. Y’know?” Mumbling under your low breath with your head lowered, trying to avoid contact.
Hoshiumi completely understands where you’re coming from. You both know that this’ll be the first time you guys will do it, but it won’t be the last. 
“I know what you mean.. But, really.. I think you’re the most gorgeous girl I ever laid my eyes on. I want to know all of you, inside and out..” Hoshiumi reassures you with confidence.
“Me too,” groaning whilst getting up from laying on your back, you give him a tight snuggly hug before you gradually took him down with you. 
Arms around his bare shoulders, skin on skin, before letting go followed by a gentle kiss you placed on his slightly puffy lips. Creating distance between your bodies, his hands leisurely start to spread your legs apart without your resistance despite you still being shy. 
Getting on his stomach, staring straight at your already wet pussy. His thumb brushing over your sensitive organ caused you to flinch. His hands grip onto the indentations of your hips before you felt a warm and sluggishly wet peculiar feeling on your clit that makes you subtly gasp. 
Hoshiumi’s eating you out, starting off at a consistently slow pace that has you spiraling the longer he took. Your body’s jolting up with every stroke made by the tip of his tongue as his hands forcibly kept your hips spread and tied down to the bed. His lips placed a few pecks here and there on your inner thighs whenever you started twitching uncontrollably. 
The noises you let out kept him going, not to mention, something growing. With the amount of arousal pooling in the pits of your stomach, the buildup had your breathing all raggedy and inconsistent the more he licked and swirled his tongue on your swollen clit. 
“Wait! I might.. Cum!” you said in between moans, tugging at his short white hair. 
Picking up the pace till you reached your climax, he’s going all out and slurping up all your juices until you came on his tongue. Unleashing your fluids that he drank up, you needed a moment to recover as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
His figure towered over you as you laid. Hoshiumi began to take off his shorts, then his boxers, revealing to you his cock that you’ve thought about since day one. It stood tall in all its glory, a bit of precum leaking from his mushroom tip. 
Before he spoke a word, he was also terribly out of breath to say anything. Fighting for air to access his lungs, a bit too delighted from the pent up erectness, he purred otherwise.
“Are you ready?” he tried to whisper, stroking his cock, base to tip.
Gulping down through inconsistent breaths, you nodded into your pillow.
“Yeah.. I think so,” watching him through the slope of your chest that heaved up and down with each puff you took.
Lining himself up through your folds, the tip of his cock sinking its way through. Fingers wrapped around the back of your knees, his soft kisses making contact with your tender muscles. The size of his girth felt as if it were splitting you open, the feeling starting to show on your face the more he buried himself into you.
“It’s all in. How do you feel?” trying his best not to move as much.
“S’good.. And full” placing your hand on the bottom of your stomach, trying to figure out where his cock went inside you.
Your pussy’s clamping onto him like no tomorrow trying to mold itself to the size of his girth, almost sucking onto him bone dry. Expanding the inside of your sopping cunt that cried out in pleasure, allowing you time to adjust before moving. Hoshiumi’s mind is going crazy with your plush walls pulsating around him.
“..Can I move?” a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead trying to suppress the overwhelming stimulation. 
“Go slow,” allowing him your permission to move, he does so. 
Moving at a turtle’s pace, he pulls back to reveal the glistening sheen later of fluids on his cock just to be shoved right back in. Yelping after the first thrust, holding onto his toned arms as he continued. When your cunt started getting the hang of his consistency, it drooled for more action.
The delicious friction and heat increasing between you two not only drove you two mad, but also aroused more sparks. The insecurity you had dissolved away the more his cock plunged into you. The stimulating pleasure that just so continuously grazes over your bundle of nerves has you moaning for more.
Your stomach fluttered and contracted against his cock that throbbed inside your walls. The sounds started to become inaudible the more you groaned and mumbled the words out of your mind, relieving your pent up sexual desires you’ve been dreaming about run loose. 
The more Hoshiumi picked up the pace, the louder the skin on skin slapping became and mixed in with the moist and squelching noises that increased between your sobs. His gruntings soon became praises, telling you how good you take him, how proud he is of you, and how good you feel inside.
Digging deeper within each thrust, he inches closer towards the nether regions of your stomach. Creating further stimulations, you feel a subtle build up that could be released at any time the more he plunged his cock into you.
At this point, his tip is burning a hot fiery pulse that you could feel throb while he marks your pretty cunt with his imprints. Nearing his release before you, he still continued to satisfy you before he could satisfy himself. Your moans were music to his ears urging him to continue. The visuals of your breasts bouncing up and down with each thrust, he just couldn’t bare with it for any longer.
“Feel so good babe, might just cum inside..” he smickered playfully, seeing your tired expression widen in surprise when his cock twitched.
“Cum in-! Inside me!” feeling that rope tug and snap, you came right before he was about to. Creaming all over his cock, rimming the base of his dick with a milky white froth. 
Totally out of it, until you felt a warm liquid gush into your quivering plush walls. Filling you up with his milky fluids that trickled out of your gaping hole that cried for more. Pulling out, as if taking out a plug that gushed out his essence that mixed with yours.
“You look beautiful like this..” eying the scene of his cum flow out of you.
masterlist here
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bxxemvgic · 4 months
~*Hinata Shoyo*~
Hinata finds shy girls fascinating because he feels like he can build her confidence. Hinata would date any type of girl as long as she has a big heart and treats everyone nicely. Also, she must have a competitive side. Hinata is definitely the type of boyfriend that would treat his girlfriend like a queen, a queen that he can only treat with respect, love, kindness, and be affectionate with. Hinata isn’t the shy type he’ll blatantly go up to a girl and say “let’s be friends!” without hinata feeling regret doing something so outgoing.
if you enjoyed leave a follow, like, and reblog. it’s always appreciated :)
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Nature documentary voice: and here you can see two loud birds, who were somehow in academically selective schools despite their . questionable studying capacities
@virtualstrangerpanda and I were trying to classify the different schools (based on how academically competitive and prestigious they were) and the presence of these two in otherwise "smart" schools really threw us in for the loop. And thus, the somehow "academically selected" duo was formed. By coincidence, they have white-ish hair, so Lev and Osamu also fit right in, making a group of 4.
But the real question is: who would win in a game out of the "academically selected" and the idiot quartet from karasuno?
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Manager into crafts
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Team Japan x Gender Neutral Manager (they/them)
Warnings: Like all fluff, maybe swearing???
AN: I’m back on my bs again and here to feed everyone 😅 sorry it’s so sporadic but I hope this holds everyone over for a bit!
When I say you should be nominated for sainthood Yn, I mean it!
These guys are a lot to deal with
Honestly, you have no clue how they even functioned before you came along
I mean, the coach practically begged you to be their manager
Man’s is tired 😴
Anyways, it’s safe to say that practices are eventful
Despite’s Bokuto saying he’s “matured”, he hasn’t
“How come Hinata got more sets than I did?” Bokuto asks Atsumu
You 👉🏻😃 crap he noticed-
“It’s simple, Hinata was just on today and you weren’t,” Atsumu responses, walking away
Bokuto 👇🏻
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Meanwhile, Yaku and Hakuba are arguing about something 🙄
“That’s block sucked man, stop moving your hands all over!” Yaku shouts
“I wasn’t moving my hands all over, I was setting up for a receive when I knew I couldn’t block!” Hakuba yells back
On top of that Iwaizumi is yelling at Kageyama for practicing too much
Sakusa is complaining about how everyone needs to schedule their flu shot
And Aran has just all but abandoned the gym because he’s just over it
Thankfully, when practice was over, you were able to go home and spend some time enjoying one of your favorite hobbies
Crafting ✂️ 🎨 🧶
You had tried a lot of different crafts and found that you were pretty good at them
Everything from painting to knitting, from sculpting to resin
You enjoyed the creativity that crafts provided
It could be stressful but definitely not as stressful as your day job
Nothing can ever beat that stress 🙄
Anyways, you’d managed to keep your hobby on the down low
It wasn’t that you weren’t proud, it was more like you just hadn’t found the opportunity to bring it up
I mean, it’s not like you’re busy or something 😐
It wasn’t until one fateful night when your happy little secret was finally discovered
You see, you were home, watching/listening to some show while trying to knit
It was a newer hobby you’d picked up, on top of jewelry making, crocheting, etc
A jack of all trades our sweet YN 💅
You are knee deep in ‘knit one purl two’ rhythm when the door bell rings
Now since you had very little life outside the team, you were wondering who it could possibly be
You didn’t want to lose your stitch so you stood up and made your way to the door
On the other side was none other then Hinata and Kageyama
Panicked you quickly opened the door and stared at them
🎶 when he looks at me, and I look at him and he looks at me and I LOOK AT HIMMM 🎶
Obviously, you are draped in yarn while dawning other comfy attire 💅
Arguably two of the most “chaotic” members of the team just stare at you
Literally 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
You look at them like “What? Can’t I have a life outside of being your caretaker?”
Of course Hinata probably thinks you just escaped some maniac who attempted to tie you up with yarn of all things…
“OMG YN WHERE YOU KIDNAPPED??” Hinata yells, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you rather violently
“I’m in my own house Shoyo…” you respond, brain trying to reconnect to reality
Leave it to Kageyama to help the situation
“HINATA BOKE YN ISNT KIDNAPPED, THEY ARE PRACTICING THEIR KNOT TYING SKILLS!” Kageyama screams, smacking Hinata in the back of the head
See… helping 😌
Sighing as the two dunces fight in front of you, you try to calmly correct their mistake
“I’m not kidnapped, nor am I practicing any nautical knot tying, I’m learning to knit,” you explain as the two cock an eyebrow in your direction.
Both of them look at each other and then back to you, confused 🫤
You 👉🏻😐🙄
“You know what, it’s really not important! What do you two need?” You question, wondering why you were interrupted in the first place
“Well now I can’t remember why we came here!” Hinata exclaims, “can you Kageyama?”
“Yeah not really,” Kageyama answers
You definitely deserve a pay raise Yn
“Ok well if you two could kindly go home and rest that would be much appreciated. You know how angry Hajime gets when you guys don’t get enough sleep,” you scold as the two men’s eyes widen
They quickly take off, racing each other to who knows where
As you close and lock your door, you think about how the next days practice with go
Will Hinata and Kageyama tell the other guys about your hobby?
Will Hinata and Kageyama even remember?
Honestly you figure brain cells are on your side since the two that just exited your apartment have a combined one on a good day
There’s no way they’d ever tell the guys about your knitting…
Sure… yeah… absolutely… it’s DEFINITELY fine : D
*12 hours later*
“YN I didn’t know you tied nautical knots on your days off? What a unique hobby!” Yaku says, first the next morning at practice
“I didn’t even know you fished Yn,” Hakuba adds
“Maybe YN just likes the art of knot making?” Aran suggests
You 👉🏻 🧍🙄
“I don’t tie knots guys, I knit… KNIT!” You shout as their eyes all pop open
“Knit? As in like what grandmas do?” Atsumu inputs
Please someone 👊🏻
“Atsumu shut up! Knitting is something alot of people do to relieve stress. And with a team filled with dummies like you, I’m sure YN needs all the stress relieve they can get!” Iwaizumi shouts
“Oh my god,” you whisper as the gym fills with chatter
“Why didn’t you tell us about your hobby Yn?” Ushijima asks as you just stare at him and gesture to the chaos that is currently unfolding
Ushijima just nods and quietly walks away to resume his practice
“So YN do you knit? Like scarves or port holders or something?” Suna questions as he walks with you to your office
“Well I’m just learning the art right now but I do a few other crafts in my spare time,” you say, still ignoring whatever is happening on the floor
“That’s cool, you should post some of your crafts online. I’m sure you could sell them or something? Maybe make a little extra money?”
You shrug, not really interested in extra funds and more excited to just do something you enjoy
Or should I say, the TEAM enjoys 😅
Because if you think you’re going to get away with not teaching one craft Yn, you are very mistaken
Hinata is sending you 5 minute craft videos every day
Bokuto wants to know if you can knit special pads for him for practice
Atsumu is asking for a custom “Atsumu” phone case 🙄
It literally doesn’t stop
So what do we do about this? Well there’s only one thing we CAN do 👀
That’s right, you gather all your craft supplies and haul them into the gym one Friday during practice
The guys all stare at you like you’ve walked into the wrong gym
“Uhh Yn you do know this is a volleyball gym right?” Yaku jokes as you set up your table on the side lines and nod
“Yep! But after practice it’s going to be a craft party!”
“Craft… PARTY???” The guys all shout in tones varying from excitement to pure confusion
“Yes since you all want me to make you crafts, I’m just going to show you how to do it instead!” You exclaim
“You made sure to get non-toxic glue right Yn? I don’t trust some of the idiots not to eat it,” Sakusa remarks, staring at a few members in particular
You roll you eyes and smile, “yes Sakusa, it’s all safe! And I have crafts for everyone.”
Surprisingly, the guys are rather good at crafts
Sakusa’s flexibility makes crocheting and knitting a piece of cake
Atsumu’s flamboyant nature makes him great at painting
Hinata and Kageyama have somehow turned bracelet making into a competition
Komori and Yaku are great with stencils!
And you? You are just happy to be able to share your hobby with your favorite people 🥰
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haikyu-mp4 · 6 months
The art of flirting
word count; 1583 – f!reader
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Everyone else on Kamomedai’s volleyball team would probably say that their second-year manager’s relationship with Hoshiumi Korai was very flirty. However, you and Korai saw it more as a rivalry. You would always be bickering back and forth, throwing insults and annoying comments at each other like it was breathing. Being a manager was truly rewarding, but you and the one-man army simply couldn’t get along.
When Korai stepped out of the locker room, very ready to get on the bus back so he could rest, he saw you. His eyes always found you, even if the room was filled with other people. You were there to make sure all the boys came safely out of the locker room and went in the direction of the bus instead of wandering off.
Korai automatically scoffs and adjusts his bag up on his shoulder. “What a difficult job you have,” he said sarcastically, raising a brow as he walked over to look at the notepad you were writing on. You jumped slightly at his sudden presence and looked up, but Korai was surprised when you first met his eyes and then looked up at his hair. And to top it off, you blushed. It looked sweet on your soft skin, making the boy a bit dazed even though he was frowning.
You were flustered because he wore his hair down after a shower.
“It would’ve been easy if I didn’t have to look at your ugly face all the time,” you said, but it sounded much less annoyed than usual. The warm colour on your face made you much less convincing.
“Good one, tomato face,” he said back and rolled his eyes, stepping past you towards the doors. You looked at him over your shoulder, mentally beating yourself up at how ridiculous that was while also getting another good look at him because when did Hoshiumi get so handsome?
The short boy sat down in the bus seat beside Hirugami with a heavy sigh. His friend raised an eyebrow. “I assume you met y/n on your way out?” he asked rhetorically, amused with how he crossed his arms stubbornly.
“She’s so freaking annoying, looked at my undone hair and suddenly acted all bothered,” he grumbled, making faces at the seat in front of him from thinking about it.
Hirugami almost got annoyed with how oblivious his friend could be. Obviously, you two found each other attractive and refused to admit it. After all this time, you finally revealed a crack in your resolve, yet all Korai saw was a challenge. “Probably thought you looked hot,” he said casually, looking out the window where you followed the last players out the door, laughing at something one of them said.
Korai was looking as well, but his eyes widened at Hirugami’s theory. Now his cheeks were even redder than yours were earlier as he grumbled something under his breath and turned away, staring at the floor instead. “What do you know anyways...”
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However, there was no denying – despite your continuous attempts – how the atmosphere changed around you two after that. Perhaps even you two could admit it was flirty now, as you laughed at his missed serve during practice and he came over to playfully punch your upper arm and mess up your hair before going back to the practice game. There was always a light air of laughter around you now that wasn’t there before, a discreet way to tell the other please, don’t stop giving me your attention!
Who could blame him for never doing his hair after showering anymore to watch your red cheeks and smile at you before going home for the day? All so he could be recharged for another day of foolery knowing he still had your attention.
And who could blame you for targeting his height with your teasing just so he would come closer to you and make you repeat it to his face? All so you could bat your eyelashes and then push him away while the others gaped at how much differently he reacted when you did it.
Hirugami wasn’t sure which one was more frustrating, before or now. Because both of you were still too stubborn to admit your feelings first. Will he intervene? No! Maybe... Most definitely.
He started with his best friend. Korai was telling him about some observations from their last match at lunch when Hirugami very obviously diverted his attention elsewhere. Korai followed his gaze and found you, smiling and laughing with your friends like you always do. With a small tsk, he turned back around quickly. “Am I boring you?” he asked with the usual attitude.
“Think that guy likes her?” Korai had to ignore how frustrating it was to have a question answered with a question in favour of turning back to where you were. Hirugami smiled at the shift in Korai’s expression.
Korai never took the time to look at your friends, not when he could be looking at you. So he hadn’t really noticed how some of your friends were guys and one of them was leaning particularly close at the moment. It shouldn’t annoy him, because he totally doesn’t like you like that, but it did. “I don’t care.” he insisted, but it wasn’t very convincing when he didn’t stop staring.
Hirugami let out a fake dramatic sigh, spooning another portion of rice into his mouth. “Doesn’t matter, I heard that she likes someone in the volleyball club anyways,” he said as if it was just a throwaway line. Of course, it wasn’t just that to Korai, whose neck looked like it could have snapped from how quickly he turned back to his friend. He was squinting, as if trying to spot any hints of a lie on his face.
“Whatever.” Hirugami’s job was done here, now he just had to talk to you. Unless Korai got to you first, that is. His friend wasn’t exactly known as a patient guy.
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The middle blocker passed by you in the hallway on the way to the volleyball club, and he thought fate might be with him. “Y/n, wait up!” he said and fell into step with you while you smiled at him. “Korai was looking for you earlier.”
“He was?” you asked, making Hirugami smile even more.
“Think he wanted to ask you something,” he added casually, and he could swear you walked with a spring in your step now.
You stood beside Korai while they had a break, giving him his water bottle last and wondering what he had wanted to ask you earlier. “So what’s up?” you asked, making him look at you with a raised eyebrow. That was unusually civil of you.
“Nothing, weirdo,” he answered. Maybe Hirugami shouldn’t have intervened…
“Oh, okay,” you said, suddenly looking oddly dejected. Part of you was embarrassed at the hope you had felt when you heard he wanted to talk to you. You’re supposed to deny any feelings, but it was getting more and more difficult every day. Korai was facing the court but didn’t stop looking at you in the corner of his eyes.
Silence fell over you as you tried to think of something else to do, but the other managers were already hard at work. “You look good with your hair like that,” Korai said, making you look at him quite stunned, but he was already jogging back out on the court as the coach blew the whistle.
It made you dizzy. You were thinking constantly about how confusing Korai was today. Did you do something wrong? Did you do something right?
Once again, Korai didn’t style his hair after practice, looking for your attention on his way out of the locker room. He walked over to you while you were gathering your stuff to leave. “Who is it?”
You stop your movement of trying to fit the stupid shoes in your bag, slowly turning your head to look at the boy you wished wasn’t so handsome. “Who’s the dumbest person in this room? I’m looking right at him.” you quipped. It wasn’t a very good insult, but it was all you could manage in your state of attraction mixed with confusion.
“Ha ha. No, who do you like on the team?” he said, or more like insisted. You straightened up and a blush covered your cheeks the way he liked, but he was looking at you with such a deep frown that you felt nervous.
“I like all of you. Even though you’re a bit of a turd sometimes,” you answered childishly.
“You should like me more.” It was a confusing statement, and now you were both just staring at each other as if trying to decipher what the other one was thinking.
“Why?” you finally asked, nose scrunching as you gained some attitude back.
“Because I like you more. It’s only fair,” he said like it wasn’t a confession. It was.
“Fine, then I like you more,” you said stubbornly. If Hirugami saw your matching frowns right now, he would probably laugh.
“Great.” And then Korai couldn’t take it anymore. Curse you and your sweet red cheeks. He put his hands on the sides of your face, thumbs rubbing over the soft skin, and the second he saw how your expression softened, he pulled you in for a kiss.
Fortunately, Hirugami didn’t miss this part. He chuckled under his breath and shook his head before leaving the gym. “Finally.”
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