chronal-anomaly · 8 years
Olivia sits quietly, knees drawn up to her chest, looking at the woman with a kind of fascination, awe. She recognizes her. How could she not? She's grown up hearing of her and people like her, even in the wake of the Petras Act. "Does... does it hurt?" she finally asks, absently gesturing at the chronal accelerator.
Did it hurt. A question on the tongues of many, typically shrugged off with a shake of her head and a snort. It was enough; they’d have to deal with her ambiguity when it came to the accelerator. Lena was content to remain an open book about most, with the exception of her accident.And yet, Lena could not deny her the knowledge sought. “It did, for a bit.” A wild grin twitched her lips as she knelt beside the girl, propping her back against the wall. “It did. I got it because I was in a… really bad accident. It’s actually saving my life, as we speak! But the occasional ache and pain are okay with me if that means I stay in this time stream, y’know?”
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fromcbove-blog · 8 years
"I made hot chocolate." It's more whipped cream than actual beverage, but hey, thought that counts. Olivia sets the mug in Fareeha's hands and seats herself on the sofa beside her. "How was work?"
       Tired from work, the first thing Fareeha does upon entering her apartment was to settle onto the sofa with a heavy sigh, melting into its comforts, leather boots messily kicked off of her feet as she contemplated about what to do with her tired body---she could always just rest on the sofa after all. Perhaps even sleep there. 
       That is, until a white mug comes into her view, and with widened eyes she straightened her back, accepts it with a grateful smile to the young child only to chuckle at the beverage Olivia had concocted. ❝ Thank you very much, Olivia, ❞ she says nonetheless, because it really is the thought that counts and Fareeha knew better than to let down a child who had gone through the troubles to make her a drink. Besides, she loved whipped cream so it was still a win-win situation.
       Nose crinkling at the question, the Egyptian took a sip from it, ❝ tiresome. Dull. Nothing interesting enough happened so there isn’t much to share, sorry. How have you been, kiddo? ❞
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kyberled · 8 years
"Want one?" She hasn't even given him time enough to answer before she's brandishing a lollipop in his general direction, bobbing it up and down. "they're strawberry."
He’s about to speak when she holds up the candy. The padawan blinks, studies the treat, then grins.
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“Sure, I love strawberries.” As much as a Jedi can love anything. He accepts the lollipop with a cordial nod. “Thank you, miss, I appreciate it.”
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iliyovunjika · 8 years
@scngre | Meme. [ Feat. @haikxra  as Little bitty bit ]
To: Little bitty bit ❤
[ Dad ]: You remember Itachi, right? [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: you mean the guy u always go to see when ure not visiting me here? yes I remember[ Dad ]: Wow do I really hang around him that much? [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: dad u know like 2 ppl here when ur not here I assume ure with him is he nice?[ Dad ]: Yes he’s really lovely. He’s brilliant, kind, and has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Kind of like yours in a way. [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: so u like him right?[ Dad ]: Yes? [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: when’s the wedding?[ Dad ]: WEDDING?! [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: u talk like ur already married to him might as well make it official [ Dad ]: Touche. If I were to propose to him though, it’d have to be after I’m able to be here more freely and after I’ve formally adopted you. [ Dad ]: Plus I’m not sure I deserve him he’s so sweet and beautiful.[ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: as long as i get to help u plan the wedding with him u’ll be fine [ Dad ]: My own daughter is a tyrant out to get me hitched. [ Little bitty bit ❤ ]: u know it
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shikakv-blog · 8 years
"Ain't no thing like me, except me!"
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“Isn’t that true for everyone, though?”
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Literally lifts him up. "Y'know I really thought you'd be a lot heavier. The automail and all." She's this close to referring to him as "dainty"
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itsbidobitch-blog · 8 years
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“Do you really think we’re going to find him? What if...what if something happened to him?”
It’s been two weeks since the attack on the Devil’s Nest crew by the state. Two whole weeks. 14 days. He didn’t know how many hours. Bido tried very hard not to count them all like he wanted. And the minutes. And the seconds. His anxiety was unrelenting. Just do what Mister Greed said, he kept reminding himself. Focus on what makes you happy. It was so hard though, because so much of what made him happy was dead or missing. 
“I’m sorry for asking. I don’t want to worry you too. I’ve been thinking about it alot. I just can’t get the thought out of my mind.”
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canyouburnmyshadow · 8 years
Lies on him harder out of spite "Boys are dumb." Especially masked Hatake boys B(
He feels a burning that resembles much of annoyance and something a little bit more. Madara picks up the child, no longer content to put up with her antics, and sets her down where she would not make contact with him.
“So are little girls, it seems.”
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tenzx · 8 years
“Get in the bush”
out of context sentence starters. // @haikxra // Open
              There’s a question mark in the glance he’s casting into Obito’s direction, heavily overshadowed by obvious annoyance. “What’s the matter, Obito?” Tenzo is the captain, not her And as Captain, Tenzo did not like to be ordered around, even in cases of emergency. Torn between obeying for the sake of the team’s lives ( since the great Captain himself had not yet figured out where the danger lies ) and being a stubborn fuck out of principle, the Anbu freezes for a few seconds, then choses to rather die than listening.
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aerrius · 8 years
”Sorry, hate to wake you up. But I think I heard something.”
Something seems suspicious
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     Grogginess, further defined by the half-lidded deep brown hues, had certainly encompassed the airbender’s system. Nevertheless, a half-asleep arm was able to prop her body up in an instant as a reflex to the other’s shake. In a mere few seconds, consciousness, along with a SENSE of confusion, gradually returned to her.
     “Obito, are you sure it wasn’t just the wind or a small creature passing by?”
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“Hey, you’re one of Greed’s aren’t you? I recognize you from the bar.”
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trickarrowd-a-blog · 8 years
➵ @haikxra​ started following you!
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“Hey, you alright KID?” He asked, kneeling down to her level and raising a curious eyebrow.
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icall--shotgun-blog · 8 years
Send me a 💀 and I’ll generate a number, 1 - 111, for what my muse will say to yours. Note that some content below the cut may be triggering
The battle had been a hard earned one-that he could say with some confidence. This one was a formidable hero to be sure. It was only a shame that she had chosen to stand in his way. This woman, this Obito, had signed her life over to Overwatch and thus made herself his enemy in the same stroke. Just as equal to die as any other pathetic member of this desecrated graveyard.
With the fighting ceased and victory in hand, such an ambition was waiting to be fulfilled. But death’s hand must be stayed. There was something else in need of accomplishing before the bloody vendetta could be claimed and sealed. 
Screams rattled and howled and filled the quiet world with the most macabre of symphonies. Highs and lows blended in echos old and new coming around. Again and again. It was beautiful. It was horrible. The music was breathtaking, cutting a hellish tale into everything living and dead. But this was not the tune in which the Reaper was searching with blood spattered fingers.
“I’ll stop if you tell me what I want to know.”
He was lying.
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