#haha will the Nosferatu posts ever end? who's to say.
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distort-opia · 2 months ago
Have we talked about how bonkers it is to get married to someone else while wearing the symbol of your fucked up bond with the undead dark wizard corpse you rose from the dead? It's probably been discussed already, but I need to exorcise all my thoughts on Nosferatu (2024)... so yeah, I just find it such a deliciously insidious choice. When Ellen wears her wedding dress at the end of the movie, welcoming Orlok, she has dried lilacs in her hair from her prior wedding to Thomas, as the shooting script itself confirms. And Ellen had to know that marrying Thomas would break her Covenant with Orlok, right? She swore to be with Orlok ever-eternally, and then swore the same thing to Thomas at a chapel. Later, she tells Thomas, "He took me as his lover then, and now he has come back. He has discovered our marriage and has come back!" She must've had some inkling of what would happen, if she broke her Vow. So then what must've gone through her mind, to put those specific flowers in her hair as she was giving herself to another?
I got so long with this one, hence the cut. In fair warning, this interpretation is very Ellen x Orlok oriented, so if that's not your preferred view on the movie, you might not enjoy reading the rest.
It's almost mocking, her flaunting of lilacs as she marries Thomas. It's almost a "come back and get me". It's almost as if she knew she was preparing this dress for a different kind of wedding ("I have brought this evil upon us"). It's keeping in tone with that dark, eerie scene of Ellen clipping her hair and putting it in the locket, to give to Thomas... but as we know, the locket ends up with Orlok instead. And he uses that lilac-perfumed lock of hair to re-establish his hold on Ellen! It's as if she sent him a means of communication with her, because prior to Orlok obtaining the locket, we don't see him speaking to Ellen. The Covenant between them was broken by her, and Orlok needed to use earthly means of influence via Herr Knock in order to get to her and her husband. Of course, she has premonitions (her nightmare of marrying Death, steeped in the scent of lilacs once more) but it's not a dream induced by Orlok; it's part of her own psychic powers. And so, by putting a lock of hair inside the locket, knowing where Thomas was going... she gives Orlok a way to talk to her. Because we constantly see him use the locket as an anchor of some kind, as he spreads his influence towards Ellen. And then, all the while afterwards in her trances, Ellen moans "He is coming to me, he is coming..." Gleeful, orgasmic.
Am I saying Ellen intentionally and in full awareness did these things, so that Orlok would come to her? No, not entirely. I don't think it's something so planned and so conscious. She is as terrified and hateful towards Orlok as she is attracted to him, and that's the thing. It's a compulsion, a yearning. All along, through the entire movie, Ellen yearns. It's all over the shooting script; she pines and wants and hungers, in relation to Thomas, and to Anna, and to Orlok himself. And it isn't something spiritual. It's a yearning for touch.
"I frightened him [my father]. My touch..." Ellen says to Von Franz, when he consults for her. She feels the need to highlight that, as if her father recoiling from her touch was the hardest part she had to bear, the thing that made her the most lonely-- desperate enough to call out for any kind of companionship and tenderness. At the beginning of the film, before Thomas leaves, we see how much skinship Ellen seeks with her husband; she asks him to stay and make love to her when he was late for his meeting with Knock, they kiss each other ravenously after the Hardings depart to put the children to sleep. And both times, the script describes Ellen as "hungry". Even when Thomas leaves and gives her a small goodbye kiss, the text says "It's not enough for Ellen." Later in the movie, after Thomas is returned and dreams horribly due to Orlok's influence, Ellen is cuddling with him, but he pushes her away, asking her to "get off". She feels rejected enough that she seeks out someone else's physical touch-- Anna's, with whom we see her in bed next, and once again, the script uses "yearning" more than once to describe Ellen's behavior.
The theme of repressed sexuality and how in Victorian times, a female want for sex was demonized, has been discussed again and again in relation to Nosferatu (2024). Orlok is, indeed, a dark mirror to Ellen's desires: he is monstrous because she sees her own wants as monstrous. He destroys and brings disease, because Ellen sees that part of herself as destructive and unclean. But I do think there's a fascinating element to Ellen's nature that is not part of Orlok's symbolism, but rather extends to him as a character... her ravenous appetite for love. Her father deprived her of it, but the Shadow that came to her when she called was just that-- a shadow. A presence. It was not a person that could hold her, a person she might touch. Orlok, a spirit only, was not enough. He himself says it, while he's on the ship set for Wisburg. "Soon I will be no more a shadow to you." And this line was cut from the movie, but in the 2023 script, he also says, "Your spirit was never enough."
It was the script that made me think of this whole thing, really. Mostly because of how it describes their first meeting:
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"...for the first time, she faces him in THE FLESH." It's emphasized. It's important, that Orlok is not a shadow here. That he is there, that Ellen can feel him and smell the blood on his breath. But the most damning thing she accuses him of? "You cannot love." As if that's the most important part for her, as if saying "That's what I need from you, and you can't give it to me". And Orlok admits that he cannot love her the way Thomas does, but that he hungers for her nonetheless.
I don't know, I just find this a much more compelling interpretation than a simple "Ellen is Orlok's victim and he is her abuser". Yes, Orlok is an appetite, but so is Ellen. Ellen is an active participant. She is the one to summon Orlok, the one to dictate his actions via his sheer want of her, the one to lure him to her so she could indulge her desire. Except, as it is a staple of dark and gothic romances, Ellen cannot directly act upon what she wants. Not like Orlok can. That's the point-- her desires are repressed, she believes them to be shameful, and so she needs an excuse to let them out. That's what characters like Orlok, who threaten and coerce, provide. A way to give in that preserves the heroine's "purity"; she sacrificed herself to save Thomas and Wisburg! She said she abhored him, she wanted Orlok dead! But then, why wear lilacs at her wedding? Why give Thomas the locket with the lilac-scented strand of hair? Why call Orlok her lover? Why wear a wedding dress and then cradle him in her arms as they died together, once again needing to touch him?
And I will say, it's great how this conflict, this self-hatred regarding her own feelings, is contrasted also in Orlok. "Till you did wake me, enchantress..." "You are my affliction." It's almost scornful, accusatory. You get the feeling he resents how much influence Ellen has on him, but he cannot help himself in the slightest. He denies that it's love, he says he cannot love-- but we have to keep in mind what he says prior. "Love is inferior to you." He considers love a weakness, something that he (as something inhuman, and something he believes Ellen is as well) is above of. But love is Ellen's craving, while life is Orlok's. Orlok is equated to Death. An all-consuming appetite, and they end up infecting each other with it, and then hating themselves for it. Ellen is oppressed by the society around her; her father had nearly institutionalized her, she had to marry Thomas to escape him. She is seen as strange and ill, as having "childish fancies", even by her own husband. She is tied to a bed and quieted down with drugs in the house of a man who's pretty much a representative of benevolent patriarchy. And so, does she not hate them all for doing this to her? Orlok bringing death and destruction on the society and people who stifled her is no coincidence, obviously.
But then again, Orlok ends up with a yearning for a person. Desire for someone's soul and body, not just their life-blood, which is ultimately something human... and he can't deny her, not even when he knows he would die. In that first scene in which Ellen calls upon him, he says "You are not for the living. You are not of human kind." It's the unspoken "You are for me. You are like me," that dooms him to an inescapable obsession, his own version of Ellen's yearning.
Ultimately, the human is a little bit monstrous, and dies for it. And the monster is a little bit human, and dies for it too. I, for one, am fucking obsessed with it.
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jarmes · 5 years ago
Blind Shield Nuzlocke Notes 10 (Finale)
-Starting off the tenth and possibly final session
-Current Team: Freight the Coalossal, High Voltage the Toxtricity, Nosferatu the Dreadnaw, Riot the Falinks, Snowball the Frosmoth, Warrior the Grapploct
-I updated Warrior’s moves in preparation for Raihan, he now knows Drain Punch Waterfall Superpower and Ice Punch
-Even though Raihan is a dragon specialist, I’m not using Snowball. Last time he led with a Gigalith so I’m leading with Nosferatu and Warrior
-Oh god he reworked his team for one on one battles there goes my plan
-Why the FUCK does he have a torkal
-Like, from a story perspective, why would he try to take out Charizard boi with a drought Pokémon?
-Whatever I’ll just use rock side
-Okay, it tanked a solar beam and it tanked a rock slide
-Second rock slide killed
-Raihan switched to Flygon, I switched to Snowball. Flygon Used sandstorm
-I’d use quicker dance, but I can’t risk a stone edge so I’m using Aurora beam
-Well, it used dragon claw so I messed up
-Turtonator? Time to switch back to freight and take no damage from that fire blast
-Rock slide, sunny day, miss, dragon pulse, rock slide, dead
-He sent out Goodra, dynamaxing and using Max rockfall
-Raihan Used rain dance? This team has a lot less synergy than the last one. Whatever, canceled it out with max rockfall
-Raihan made it rain, AGAIN, and died to a third max rockfall. Which made it sandstorm
-Unfortunely, dynamax wire off and he switched to GM Duraldon. Switching to Tiot cause freight is low
-Tanked a Max rockfall and Max knuckle, took half with a Brick Break
-Thank god, Close Combat killed and the battle ended
-Now for champion Leon and/or Tesla CEO Rose
-Dont know what he’ll use except Charizard and possibly Sobble. Putting Snowball up front because I know Charizard will be last and I may be able to sweep with quiver dance
-The cheering of the crowd fills you with determination
-“Wait, hold on!” Goddamn it rose
-“It’s time I brought about the darkest day, for Galars future of course” it’s called the darkest day you can’t be an antivillain and still call your plan the darkest day
-I knew dragonville tower was evil plan place
-“But you’re terrible at directions, what if you get lost along the way?”
-Hop acknowledges the fact that he sucks good
-Hell yeah! Going back to the slumbering weald to catch god!
-Oh sweet a life orb giving it to Warrior
-I’m glad they brought back the evil team interrupts the elite four thing from black and white
-Shield dog is in front because it is important
-Sonia can’t see god dogs because Sonia isn’t a stand user
-Getting Zelda vibes
-Honestly, the Shield is more fitting for a Nuzlocke than the sword. You aren’t trying to destroy, you’re trying to survive, to protect the team members you care about
-The dogs are dead, aren’t they
-I’m actually surprised I’m not just fighting Shield dog, this is different
-The leaders evacuated Hammerlocke, making themselves useful
-How did hop get past Oleana?
-Hey! It’s good mook! I forgot to mention her earlier but she’s cool
-Rampaging dynamax pokemon in the power plant hell yeah
-Eternatus! The least kept secret in the game! I’ve seen this thing and it’s cool and I’m glad I get to fight it instead of waiting for ultra Shield
-Leon’s fighting on the roof like a badass
-Is that an egg
-Ooh summoning Satan to use as green energy what could go wrong
-I still have Snowball out front
-And he’s using escavalier. Time for freight to continue carrying this team
-Uh oh swords dance
-Nevermind, outsped it ant took it out with heat crash
-“You’re go tough that’s not fair” life isn’t fair bitch
-Ferrothorn, really?
-It survived a heat crash. Operative word being A, because the second one killed it
-Rose, I know why Leon beat you as a kid. It’s because you exclusively use steel types and he has a goddamn Charizard
-Klingklang got off two wild charges but it’s dead now
-Freight’s at half health and can take out purrserker, but I don’t want to switch into Rose’s GM anchor so I’m going to Riot
-Took a lot of damage in the switch, but took it out with a Max knuckle
-“I’ll show you a move that hits so hard you’ll be speechless” I doubt it
-Whatever it’s dead now
-That chuckle and clap, gg mate
-“Leon is just like a knight in shining armor coming to rescue the princess from a dragon!” Glad pokemon is finally giving lgbt representation
-Leon caught eternatus doggie doggie what now
-Side note, I just realized I haven’t used any of my dynamax candy yet. Used them all of Nosferatu for obvious reasons
-And Leon hasn’t defeated eternatus yet great
-A fucking pokeball, Leon? Really?
-Okay were fighting this thing now I guess
-Snowball dodged a flamethrower out of love and took away half of eternatus’s health with aurora beam!
-Switching to Freight, tanked a dragon pulse. Almost died to a crit dragon pulse, but got it into red with a rock slide
-Switched to Nos, took slightly less than half damage from a dragon pulse
-Killed it with ice fang
-Time for round 2?
-Oh god Snowball can’t attack and Eternatus is storing power
-Time for sword and shield
-The gods dogs jesused and teleported to us! They saved Snowball!
-And now we’re in box art form!
-Now it’s a real max raid battle! We got four fighters, three of which exist solely to take hits for Snowball
-It’s potswick! Wait, no, it’s everywhere!
-God dogs have abilities that buff each other that’s cool
-Shield dog uses light screen and sword dog used howl!
-Good job Snowball, tank that G-Move
-Eat Ice, dragon fuckboy
-Quiver dance time!
-Behemoth blade and bash!
-Snowball, put this mother fucker on ice
-Okay it would have been cooler if that killed but sure that’s fine
-And sword dog steals the kill!
-Oh, I have to catch it? I’d prefer to kill it but this is fine I guess
-I used an Ultra ball, Leon. Take notes
-Welcome to the box, Eternatus. Or should I say, “XD lol haha”
-Yeah I gave it a lame name because it’s evil
-Bye bye doggies
-Time to take on Leon, for real this time. I could swap someone for XD lol haha, but that isn’t my style. I’m winning this with the team that got me here. And also Warrior
-No major changes for the final battle. Swapped Freight’s Rocky Helmet and Nos’s Assault Vest, replaced Tar Shot with Giga Impact, and evened the team out to level 61 with rare candies
-I’ve loved this game and it’s climax, but the end is here. Let’s look over who we have with us. Also the only girl which is weird
-Freight, the longest lasting member of the team who’s carried me through countless battles
-HV, who I raised from a baby and is our greatest offensive powerhouse
-Nosferatu, who was brought on after the deaths of his brother Dracula and JORSTIN. He quickly proved himself a vital member of the team
-Riot, who fought his way on by killing Mondo and proved to useful to hate
-Snowball, a late member who I spent hours bonding with the evolve
-And Warrior, who I have literally never used in battle
-It’s time to take on Leon
Champion Leon
-He’s starting with an Aegislash, so I’m swapping Snowball for Freight
-Side note, the champion wielding aegislash is so fitting
-I love this theme
-Ha! It used King’s Shield!
-Sacred sword hurt, but Heat Crash took it out
-Swapped to Haxorus, I’m swapping to Snowball
-Good thing I did, cause he used earthquake
-Risking a quiver dance
-And he killed Snowball with iron tail fuck
-Time for Warrior to justify his existence!
-Almost died to outrage and only did half hp with ice punch good job buddy
-Now, this may seem mean, but I’m not going to switch. Letting Warrior die gives me a free switch to HV, who can take out Haxorus and sweep most of Leon’s team
-With Choice Scarf HV boombursted Haxorus to death
-Inteleon! Yes! He kept it!
-Critical hit! It’s dead now
-Mr Rhine tanked a boomburst and killed HV with psychic
-Going to Nos and Dming. Max rockfall crushed it
-Okay, Dragapukt is definetly a dragon flying. It paralyzed Nos with thunderbolt, but he’s still in the green
-Enter The Charizard
-You know, I mentioned my feelings about GM Charizard earlier and I’d like to reiterate it. I hate Charizard spam, but it is a cool design and I like the idea of the champion having a Charizard as a starter and having won at ten
-Switching to Freight, it used Max Rockfall but I survived and got off a rock slide. I won’t survive another one so I’m switching to Riot
-Okay, Riot is in the green and Charizard isn’t giga anymore. Now what?
-And it killed Riot with Fire Blast
-Leon Used a full restore because he’s a cunt
-Okay, this is it. I’m ending this with a rock slide. For Apollo and Dracula and Bob Murray and Idol and JORSTIN and Ophelia and Mondo and Chaos and Pluck and Echo and Snowball and Warrior and High Voltage and Nosferatu and Riot and every Pokémon in the box and Freight and for me, I’m taking you down!
-It survives with a sliver of health
-And it died to the sandstorm I created
-It’s over. It’s finally over
-I mean, I know there will be a post credits battle because every game in the past six years has had one, but it’s over
-Ten days, ten posts, fifteen fallen friends, and it is finally over
-And what a final battle it was
-“Thank you for the greatest battle I’ve ever had” same brah
-To think that I, Blinkin, a young blind British boy with a dream could defeat every powerful trainer in the country in less than a fortnight
-Okay, while the credits roll I’d like to talk about this game. This isn’t a formal review, just some thoughts. This has been the most contentious pokemon game in a while and I’d like to say that I...absolutely loved it. The new Pokémon were creative and fun, the wild area was a great idea I’d love to see expanded in future games, dynamaxing was surprisingly tactical, the characters were surprisingly engrossing. This game was amazing. It wasn’t perfect (linearity, exp share always on, lack of turning animations), but most problems I can think of are nitpicks. But, of course, there is the Cufant in the room: Dexit. Dexit was horrible for collectors and some competitive battlers, I’m not denying that, and there are deeper conversations about game freak as a company that I’d like to have on a later date, but honestly? Dexit didn’t affect my enjoyment of the game at all. I almost exclusively do challenge runs, so I rarely care about the national dex or post game. And, as a game for challenge runs, this game is amazing. X and Y are actually some of my favorite Pokémon games to play just because there are so many different Pokémon and team combinations to try. I think those games had ~450 Pokémon in their regional dex and this game had about the same, and that really goes a long way. Take Black and White, for instance. How many Pokémon were in that game. You might say 500ish, but I don’t see it that way. There are 150 Pokémon you can catch. Less than that, counting version exclusives. So yeah, there were more Pokémon programmed into that game, but you don’t see most of them without importing them from another game. Even with Dexit, this game felt like it had more Pokémon than any I’ve ever played. And again, I feel for the collectors, but I’m not going to not enjoy a great game because of an aspect that doesn’t effect me at all. Let’s get off Dexit. There are two aspects of this game that stand out as especially good. The first is the Galar region. This region was filled with so much charm and care that I could barely put it down. I love Galar, this beautiful country filled with so much goddamn British culture that I can barely breathe. The second reason I love this game is the League. This game breathed new life into the series and featured hands down the best league in any game. I felt, more than in any game, like pursuing the title of Champion was my goal. The stadiums of cheering crowds, the tournament at the end, that brutal champion battle, I loved this league.
-Anyway, lets make fun of the credits
-Oh right, the art director was the Englishman
-Legit, the other guys at Gamfreak call him the Englishman in interviews. Anyway, that explains a lot about this game
-Rock band!
-Okay, these Pokémon are all based on the idea of hardcore British rock and the credits theme is very much not that
-Hey, gym banners.
-They have the fighting banner even though she is sword exclusive
-Side note, when the mentioned minor league leaders I hoped that they would be fightable. Maybe in the post game
-Oh right, in sword the ice towns leader uses rock types. Maybe a Coalossal for the steam theme?
-Oh hey Leon banner
-Yeah I don’t have a lot to say about credits
-Huh, no post credits battle
-Okay, Full disclosure, I was spoiled that you fight Hop in the forest and assumed that that would be the post credits scene. When I booted the game up again it showed the forest so I’m going to go check it out
-Thank you for the master ball old lady foster
-Okay Hop, lets go. You vs my remaining team
-Dubwool did jack shit and went down to two Heat Crashes
-Snorlax killed Freight with a High Horsepower
-You know what? Good job, kid. You earned this
-Now to send out XD lol haha end exterminate Hops fucking bloodline
-Oh, you used a full restore, Hoppy boy? Well, I don’t see why I shouldn’t use the thirty full restore in my bag to destroy everything you love
-Eat shit Hop
-“Congrats on Beating Leon” “It was nothing”
-Oh Sonia’s the Professor now okay
-Thank you for the book, it is going on eBay
-These men have sword and shield hair what the fuck
-You gave Sonia’s book one star? I’ll fucking kill you
-Who the fuck named their sons Sordbord and Shielbert
-I hate these men and want them dead
-Oh, you’re princes? A shame I don’t have any Pokémon who know guillotine
-Okay, Nofumi but somehow even more insufferable, I’ll take you out with my god
-So were doing the aftergame now extra long post I guess
-Of course he has a sirfetched
-What is a king to a god fuckboi?
-The god is me, by the way. Not Eternatus
-Goddamn it Hop
-Okay, fuck it. I can’t beat this losers with only Eternatus. Time to sacrifice XD lol haha to Ghiratina to bring my whole team back yes this is in the Nuzlocke rules
-Are they not going to give Sonia’s girlfriend a name?
-Dynamax In trufield better be something new and cool
-Ugh, it’s just leggy onion. Whatever, lets raid it
-That sounded better in my head
-God I hate these guys
-I can exaggerate? Hell yeah!
-Piers is an ex leader? So Marnie’s a leader now cool
-So am I just going to visit all of the leaders again? Well that part can be skipped in the notes unless something cool happens
-Okay, it was only the first trio
-Good time my team are immortal zombies because Sword jackass oneshoted freight with his golispod and shield bro one shotted Echo with his Falinks
-Nameless assistant! How dare you betray us!
-Okay, I’m out of battery. Delaying this post til tomorrow so I can finish the aftergame
-What’s up It tomorrow I killed a frosslass and Haxorus and dusknoir. Saved Bede for last because he’s a prick.
-Okay, Bede beat the dynamax pokemon on his own and wants a fight cool
-Side note, Rapidash and Hatterene are both psychic fairy and it’s a miracle I didn’t loose Echo to Bede in session 9
-Burn up is such a cool move
-It was fun beating you again Bede eat shit and die
-Yamper is a good boy
-Oh, douchebags are evil because we revealed historically accuracy that makes them look bad
-Stop being mad to god dogs
-Kill him sword dog! Do it!
-Side note, it’s interesting that this game features both legendaries pretty equally
-Okay sword dog is dead now where’s the real dog god
-Shield Dog! I’m glad you’re hear, but you don’t have to waste your time saving Hop. A little stabbing could help the boy
-Also both god dogs have messed up ears that’s interesting
-Eat the bad man, Shield Dog!
-Okay, I can catch Zamazenta now
-You know what’s bullshit? If I hadn’t messed up the the naming convention Zamazenta would have a Z name. I mean, I could skip to Z, but then there’d be no Y
-The shields fixed his ear cool
-Okay, I know I caught XD lol haha here, but I’ve already dropped Nuzlocke rules so I’m catching this good boy with the master ball
-Welcome to the team, Yorrick
-Okay, lets go kick Hops ass for a final time
-Legit I would not be able to beat Hops final team if I was still Nuzlocking
-You want to be a professor, Hop? Isn’t that sweet, you think you can get a doctorate
-I know that the Battle Tower and League Rematches are in this game but I’m going to end this here. Thank you so much for reading and following me on this journey
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clown-bait · 6 years ago
Monster Family (Monster Roommate AU) CH5
Getting this part moving along before IT CH2 comes out. Leech is not a happy camper right now and Pennywise is in huge trouble. Protip: Don’t let the clown drink.
Pennywise stumbled back and howled in pain as leech stomped forward grabbing the other woman with a horrible shriek that could shatter glass. “Get you face off my clown bitch!” she hissed rearing a clawed hand behind her in striking position. The woman in question threw a pouch that burst into black smoke against the vampires face and trotted off leaving the couple to sort out the mistake.
"Who hit me?!" The eldritch snarled and swayed.
"I did you idiot!"
The clown groaned "Too many Peachies foul poison playing tricks."
"There's just one of me here jackass." The vampire spat and grabbed her mate by the ruff causing him to stumble.
"Hey Fangs when you get a minute we have good news and bad news!" Freddy called out to his friends and the vampires skeletal face hissed at him in warning.
"Oopssss?" The eldritch choked out trying to smile despite the claws now digging into his neck ruff.
"Yeah fucking oops! This is a big fuckin oops Pen!"
"L-love y-you?"
Leech's eye twitched before releasing him. The clown was still very cross faded and beating the deadlights out of him wouldn't really accomplish much at this point.
"I'm not happy." She huffed as she dragged him to a booth and away from the staring eyes of her fellow fiends.
"Mistkate." He snarled and fixed his ruff. "I made a mistake."
"You also owe me a crockpot." Leech mumbled as she carefully sat down hand on their trilling offspring who enjoyed the thrum of the bass from the speakers around them.
"Actually I won that back for ya! You lost the first round though." Freddy called to her holding up the coveted cookware. "You owe me big Fangs this thing is nice!"
“And now I owe the devil a favor fantastic.”
Pennywise's eyes went wide as he stared at her bump. "Peachy you're pregnant?!"
The vampire turned to her two companions "You let him drink more while I was playing didn't you."
"Hey he was just grabbing any colorful drink he saw! You try controlling a 6 foot murder machine like that"
"Did I...did I do this?" The clown chittered leaning over her stomach and poking it.
"Congrats again baby daddy." The vampire sighed and slumped back in her booth.
Pennywise swayed and stumbled a bit the room swam when he remembered all the events from the past few months. Then he stopped and turned to throw up into an ice bucket containing a very nice champagne bottle.
"JINGLES!" Chucky and Freddy shouted at once.
The clown made a face of disgust his long black tongue rolling out of his mouth. Before anyone could stop him he grabbed the bottle and chugged it down wiping his chin. The trio stared in disbelief.
"So did everyone believe that time?" Leech asked quietly. To which she got two nods. "Fuck."
"IS THIS A JOKE?" Someone shouted upon receiving the bucket of clown sick.
"Shit give me him." Leech hissed.
The vampire grabbed her dizzy mate and searched for his pantaloons for his pockets the clown made a husky growl groping at her rear.
"Oh! Well look at you tasty little treat what cha lookin for in ol Pennywise's pants hmm?"
"That wallet you perv, we need to pay off that champagne before I get banned from here….again."
"Suree it's not something else?" The drunk eldritch growled and groped her breast causing it to leak a bit. Leech snarled and swatted his hand causing the clown to actually yelp in pain.
"Uhh Fangs your tit is bleeding." Chucky winced at the dark patch of red on her shirt.
"Yeah it does that now." She growled and tossed her friends her boss' wallet.
"That’s….not normal?"
The vampire rolled her eyes and grabbed her clown's cheeks causing a spittle of drool to fall from his mouth as she turned his head. "Yeah dont expect normal when this is the father."
"Meee?" The clown giggled and grinned from ear to ear then hiccuped violently giggling some more.
It was hard to be furious with him when he genuinely didn't even know where he was and was a bouncing mess. Leech sighed to herself wishing she could be giggling with him. At least it would help her block out the image of the love of her life kissing some random witch out of her mind. Leech slumped back and rested her wrist on her forehead.
"Krueger move we're gonna take care of that ruined bottle service." Chucky nodded at his undead companion
"I just sat down I'm not movin for shit."
The doll growled and slapped the back of his head. "Move you idiot." He mumbled out through gritted teeth gesturing to their emotionally drained friend.
"My god you're clueless give the chick and her moron some space." The doll kicked his companion till they were out of the booth "You get ten minutes Jingles. Fix it."
The clown blinked in confusion then turned to his mate noticing the very uncomfortable gap between them. "Peachy? Are you still mad?"
"What do you think?"
Pennywise giggled and slowly leaned past the gap letting gravity pull his massive head down till it bumped with hers. He then chuckled wildly with his big buck teeth sticking out over his lips. It was frankly adorable but Leech could still smell the woman he'd mistaken for her on his skin and she scowled instead.
"You're verry pretty! Pretty eyes, pretty skin, big pretty ears hehe!"
"That's not gonna work"
The clown slumped to the side dramatically and leech shifted her glare to the side refusing to look at him. Pennywise was relentless in his pursuit ever the hunter he was not giving up. His finger slowly inched toward her poking her nose and making a honking sound when he did. His vampire hissed and snapped at him in response. He snarled back at her and limply swatted in her direction falling forward over the table and growling in frustration. Leech finally found herself smiling at that. Her mate is a complete mess when drunk but he was definitely her mess. "Mmph" he groaned and twisted his spine so he was now facing the ceiling.
"Pen what are you doing?"
"Trying to get to you." He growled continuing to tie himself in knots until he felt a cool hand on his cheek. The clown stopped his fighting and melted to her touch that soothed his skin that was warm with drink.
"You're a full on disaster." Leech sighed and kissed his forehead. The clown instantly unfolded and shook then stared at her with a wide victorious grin on his face.
"You still have to make it up to me." The vampire crossed her arms over her chest but was quickly grabbed by her mate and hastily pulled from her seat.
"Pennywise where the hell are you taking-" Leech began to scold him but his grip was strong and the crowd of people on the dance floor was large. Somewhere in the mess of lumbering masked killers she no longer felt the warm soft glove on her wrist. Great she had lost her idiot again. The small vampire shoved her way through the other towering members of the crowd looking for a tuft of fiery hair that rose above the sea of gray and rot. A warm gentle hand touched her shoulder and a strangers raspy deep voice calmly asked her "You alright little lady? Not the best place to be lost." She turned to the unfamiliar person he reminded her a bit of a middle aged Johnny Cash with peppered gray hair and crystal blue eyes. "Well that's quite a cargo you're carrying miss why don't you come sit down."
"Im actually looking for my uh baby daddy. He had a bit too much and tried to dance with me until we got separated." Leech sighed and eyed the stranger wearily as he sat down. "I haven’t seen you here before who are you? Demon? Witch?"
The man chuckled and sipped a half full beer. "Just an old blues man here to visit a very old friend."
"..I...I should find my idiot."
"Sweetheart you put too much stress on that bun in your oven have a seat an' tell me what that boy looks like. I'll drag him back here by his ear."
Leech narrowed her eyes "You sure about that? He's the boogie man of Derry."
"You don’t say? So the critter has a heart after all! Who knew!" The man laughed "How did a pretty thing like you end up with a nasty bug like that?"
“He can be charming if he wants to.” The vampire chided as she cautiously sat down. It did feel better to be off her feet. Her body was strong but carrying eldritch half breeds take a lot out of a girl even an undead one. "Alright this is a bit better. Gotta love my shitty friends for ditching me."
"Don't expect the company here to look out for you." The man chuckled "I take it a little lady like you ain't that type either."
"Yeah I'm post deceased." Leech smiled removed her wig and pointed to her ears "Nosferatu. You?"
"Like I said just an old sinner passin through."
"Fair enough." Leech sighed and glanced to her left at the beaten guitar case "There a guitar in here?"
"What kinda blues man would I be if there weren't?"
"I just started playing again myself." She smiled "Not any good yet but I can do a bit of Zeppelin."
The man smiled and took another sip of his beer "So tell me darlin bout that nasty bug of your’s."
"Well truth be told I’m mad at him...he accidentally kissed another woman with the same hairstyle as me."
"Haha! Can't say I haven't been there myself! Has he ever drank? I admit I don't know much about him other than the whispers."
"It’s mostly my fault. I’d say we’re even now anyway." Leech smiled "I broke his nose."
They both laughed at that.
Leech's ears perked up at the sound of Chucky's voice then turned to the stranger. "That’s uh my friend I think I need to go."
"Go on darlin set things right with your nasty bug, he'll come around. I gotta set up cross the street soon anyway." The stranger patted his guitar case and raised his beer. "You take good care of yourself and them little ones."
Leech slowly got up and began to walk into the crowd looking back to wave but the man was gone. A sudden hand on her wrist startled her and Freddy found his throat in Leech's claws.
"JESUS FANGS ITS ME! Also who the fuck was that? Never mind, we uh probably should get out of here Jingles stole a designer lamp."
"No idea.Think he's proposed to it three times now."
"I'm not getting banned from here again. Where is he?" She sighed and the dream demon pulled her along through the gathered crowd. Sure enough there he was the Monster of Derry himself declaring his undying love to a lampshade.
"Peachy, darling, my queen! Eternally mine! The deadlights hum only for you!" the clown twirled dangerously while trying to dance with the fancy appliance. He was clearly black-out drunk at this point and Leech was genuinely surprised that he hadn't fallen over.
"Hey Fred, please tell me you've recorded this."
"You kiddin?! I've already sent it to you."
"This is why we're friends." She smiled and patted his shoulder. Leech strode forward and pushed the appliance out of her mate's hands "That was a lamp Pen."
The clown blinked clearly blitzed out of his mind then fell back giggling and drooling.
"Oh." He chuckled. "Hi Peachy."
“Do you want to say something to me?”
“S-sorry.” he stuttered still grinning like an idiot.
"I think you've humiliated yourself enough tonight Ruffles." She sighed and pet his fluffy orange hair "I'll forgive you if you forgive me tomorrow when you inevitably try to kill me for the hangover." The clown nodded vigorously shaking his bells as he did. Her lips touched his softly and Pennywise sighed in ecstasy deepening the kiss. He was all teeth and drool but Leech didn't mind his sloppy drool filled kisses were her favorite anyway. "Wanna get out of here?" she breathed quietly as the crowd of people quickly began to leave in mild disgust.
Her clown smiled wide and grabbed his mate vanishing in a jingle of bells before anyone could protest. Leaving their two companions without a ride and a very heavy crockpot.
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