#haha ladz
leiflitter · 9 months
hey i need ur felix and oliver and cattonquick headcanon s RIGHT NOW… ❤️
Well uh uh uh there's 200k+ words on ao3 which contains some of this but... under the cut because it's vaguely nsfw in places, keeping this as like... Oxford Ladz.
Felix is shit in bed unless you turn it into a challenge/game, and even then he's lazy as fuck so good luck. Most girls don't care because shagging Felix is like being chosen by a god. His routine is: snog for a bit, maybe shove his hand down your knickers, then it's the Catton Jackhammer asap until he rolls off you and falls asleep.
Going out with Felix is generally shit. He shags you maybe 4 times, then ghosts you and you find out he's moved on by seeing him fingering another girl outside of a club at 2am. He might buy you something, but the most expensive gift he'll get you is most likely some shots or a 3am kebab.
Oliver? Good in bed because he is An Observer and will see what works then Do That Until You Die. However, he only really sleeps with girls to help Felix out (he gets the friend, Felix gets the hot girl). He mostly thinks of Felix when he does this, but tells himself it's in a lie back and think of england way. He also tends to stick to hands/mouth stuff, because otherwise it's "why aren't you hard" and he panics.
Oliver is perpetually single, despite Felix's best efforts. Felix does not understand why girls have such bad taste. He insists Ollie is an absolute legend and anyone would be lucky to have him. He also gets oddly grumpy if any girls DO organically hit on Ollie, though.
Felix's short-lived "girlfriends" all think it's a little weird that Felix touches Oliver more than he touches them. Like he won't hold hands in public, but he's got his arm around Oliver all the time? Weird. If you're dancing with Felix and go to get a drink, most of the time he'll be dancing with Oliver once you're back and it is hard to get his attention back.
Felix gives me vague adhd vibes, maybe dyslexia, but he was born in the 80s and he's rich af, so it's never really mattered because he never has to try.
Big Oliver Autism vibes, the man is MASKING but again... circumstances mean he's just brute forcing things.
Felix has been made to play Team Sports but doesn't like them unless it's for silly reasons.
Oliver likes exercising, but mostly goes to the gym to be in a weird little physical activity enduced void.
Felix has honestly been bi as fuck forever, but never really considered why he was down to let lads in his dorm snog him back in boarding school because it was just kinda the done thing. Haha, just hormones, amiright?
Both of them feel vaguely destined to become their fathers and do not want to do that.
Felix had very weird feelings for Damon Albarn as a teen but again. Never thought about it too hard, he's just a pretty man, bloody hormones again!
Oliver cannot drive. He refuses to drive. He has his provisional licence for ID and that's IT.
Felix is often trying to annoy Oliver because any attention is good attention. Oliver just wants to revise, Felix, please stop drawing dicks on his notebook.
Felix absolutely is going full hair-twirly, eyelid-fluttery, dreamboy bimbo at Oliver constantly. Oliver does not pick up on this, but Farleigh does and is honestly a little disgusted.
Speaking of- Farleigh is primarily concerned that he pegged Oliver for an absolute capital-L Loser on day ONE and now his stupid cousin is basically throwing himself at Oliver. Farleigh has theories, including maybe hypnosis or Felix having some sort of brain injury from Team Sports.
Oliver was absolutely bullied in school, but not extremely, because he learned to make himself invisible. Head down, keep going, don't react.
Oliver didn't really GET music until Felix showed him stuff that wasn't just radio pop music. Unfortunately, this was after Oliver spent way too long trying to understand why Steps were so popular.
Oliver's initial haircut is based off of Zac Efron's in High School Musical. He has never seen HSM, but something about Zac Efron made him feel weird, and it just sort of... happened. He has a type, and it's Jawline and Eyebrows.
Felix's first thought upon getting close enough for Oliver to do the Big Blue Eyes Look Up At Him was "oh no," followed by just question marks and bike panic. And also, bi panic.
Farleigh complained to Felix a lot about Oliver but never used his name. It was just "the fucking nerd in my tutorial group".
Oliver honestly didn't connect Farleigh and Felix as cousins, because he was mostly too busy trying not to be painfully in love with Felix to join the dots from a throwaway comment in his first tutorial.
The money in Oliver's wallet at the pub was meant to last for the next two weeks. Boy gotta get lunch and buy bodywash and stuff, not shots for rich kids.
Felix immediately begins relying on Oliver to know his schedule. Oliver just accepts this and sends Felix reminder texts for his tutorials.
Felix keeps leaving hoodies in Oliver's dorm room. This is weird because they are rarely in there for longer than a minute or two. Oliver wears these hoodies because Felix keeps insisting that they'd suit him. Farleigh, yes, sees this and is fucking CONCERNED.
Felix assumes he'll have to get married and have kids as it is his duty to continue the Catton Line. He keeps making weird jokes about his and Oliver's kids getting married.
Oliver says he fancies Kiera Knightley. This is incorrect. Kiera Knightley is just the closest woman he could find to Felix.
Oliver lies to his parents mostly to avoid any visits or needing to go home because going back there is awful and stifling and guilt-inducing.
A few people in their group refer to Oliver as Felix's Pet, but only when neither of them are there. Farleigh started it.
Felix's initial emotional reaction to Ollie's Field Reveal was immense pride and the urge to punch Farleigh in the arm very hard if he didn't stop staring, the pervert. Felix was not staring, he was merely pointing his eyes in that direction, thanks.
Felix always has something in his mouth and it makes Oliver want to die. Most of Oliver's pens and pencils have Felix toothmarks on.
Felix does not understand how much things cost. Oliver does. Oliver wishes Felix would stop picking things up that "made me think of you, Ollie!" Because. Felix. That t-shirt was £50. What is WRONG WITH YOU.
Felix has occasionally considered seeing if Ollie'd be up for a devil's threeway if he found someone willing. He isn't brave enough to ask, because he knows Oliver would say no, but he thinks about the idea a lot. You know. Just a regular wild Uni party thing, right?
If Oliver hadn't gone to Felix, Felix would have turned up sloppy, SLOPPY drunk outside of Oliver's room one night and had a big baby tantrum and probably shoved his tongue down Oliver's throat. It would be the worst handjob of Oliver's life, but also the best.
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bigwishes · 1 year
Ive suddenly gotten 12 forced tf requests haha I currently am still trying to finish a project so dunno how many / if any will get responded to. although Im glad guys like forced Tf, its probably my favourite. I fucking love the idea of being forced to grow and become bigger. I should definitly send out a request of my own soon, ladz send me ideas and or images for forced tf scanrios I should ask for
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sanriomantic · 7 months
im alive aaaAAaAaAaAaaA
Sup ladz. I am alive, In case anyone was worried haha (probs not) Ive just been dealing with a lot of issues recently!
Such as: * mental health issues & Health...PERIOD (medication and therapy/lack thereof included!) * SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL I GO TO UNI (SCHOOL) * Double major (I go to uni I'm doing a DOUBLE MAJOR) * my family.... good, no, not good
So with School and such i have had little time to draw, especially with my shit habits (sleep schedule) alongside my exhaustion from travelling at least 1 hour everyday to get to uni (and i walk everywhere). I will get back on the art grind soon!! If you wanna know anything, about anything send me asks here, or over at @posicpixie
I also go by Posicpixie on instagram too if you wanna check up or something idk?
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
If you're still doing the OC ask meme:
you once talked about a couple of really obscure OCs: Cain and Abel - the half-demon children of Paige and the Source - maybe questions #3, 20, 37?
yes okay i vaguely remember this from an au in which paige has sex with shane But shane was possessed by the source at the time (all in canon) but in this au she actually became pregnant however since she's like literally so new at the craft she isn't that you know terrified about it like piper and phoebe are like that's the source!!! and she's like the source of what?? and they're like all evil! he's literally called the source of all evil? and paige is just like oh fr? like is her the source of all evil? like does normal evil gotta wait in a line and then like get a lil bit of evil from him is that how this works and piper and phoebe are like i don't know!! i do not remember these kids being twins i think i do vaguely remember someone pitching the name lucifer to which i had to make the obvious whitelighter/lightbringer joke as i am a believe in nonimitative determinism and am against have two siblings and naming one cain (hello anyone else read the gone books in middle school those were fucked up genuinely michael what the fuck is wrong with yo) however the name shane is totally on the table lmao so hi everyone meet shane and abel
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
tbh i think shane is a really intuitive type and he's got the whole dark mysterious brooding thing going for him and he'll often just single someone out start a conversation and together they'll peel off from the group in a way that reads as really sexy and like almost profound in the way he forges bonds but like this is mainly because he Hates groups lmao. he doesn't like mind being the center of attention per se because he often attracts attention because well he's hot but like. it's a lot more difficult for him to read a group it gets too clustered and he does like forging again deeper bonds and that doesn't happen with a group they're a group a conglomerate you can't connect with them the way you do individuals
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
so i think like again he's very intuitive i'd probably root him more in psychic powers almost like he can peer into people's minds it's not an exact science it's just a vibe he also has mimicry and then another short list but those are the main t wo powers/elements of him that become the most influential in how he engages with others because there's always this sense of adaptation where it's almost like you can feel him changing to fit you like every move he makes just further morphs into what you want him to be but there's this intrigue there because you can see it in his eyes this isn't some frat douche who has mastered lying there's something beautiful but sad, angry, maybe lonely beneath the surface and if you could peel back those layers if you could be everything for him that he is for you then like. wouldn't you just be soulmates at that point, honestly? you could be that for him. you could be his other half. this never works of course just because it's a little bit too much to pull off that big reveal like yes i'm part antichrist the part part comes from be being a twin but also my mom who's half angel and she like really is man she is an angel better than my fuckin dad lmao who was like no no yeah i can handle this i'll be there for you for what about like. two months of me being alive? and then decided nope i'll just leave and pay child support send you a birthday card when i fuckin remember but don't worry you'll get christmas cards so you can see my nice normal happy fucking family oh you see the youngest? sj. shane junior. because i guess he fuckin forget he already had a kid named after him. but whatever. not like i care (he says, clearly caring deeply). but yeah i think as far as relationship go they're all about the same in that he's perfect in each one because he can sense exactly what they need him to be, except for obviously with his twin brother, in which he can sense exactly what would bug him the most and becomes that
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
i mean. whitelighter devil. i think that's the first i've got in my vast canon of aus. so i don't know how you train that it was difficult enough for paige to learn her craft having powers no one else has but this fusion? and it's hard to say because i think honestly you get one or the other if you hone your whitelighter half you weaken your source half and vice verse. i think shane is more likely to hone his whitelighter half just because he does want to be good he does feel like he's gotta prove he's worth keeping around i mean you literally don't put on perfect masks for everyone if you don't think there's something about you that in it's true form is not deserving of love
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
they're a lot more of a class clown they're a funny guy again they have the same magnetic draw as shane but they don't shy away from a spotlight they can control a room he;s one of those guys where everyone's like omg you should try standup you should start a podcast to which he's always like damn i know i'm a huge fuckin douchebag but i didn't think i was that bad. like his momma before him, a shameless flirt. and not in this profound, shane-like, staring into your soul bullshit, it's all very surface level. he doesn't want to see anyone's soul. that shit's gross lmao.
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
i think abel definitely does have a very strong sliding scale with how intimate and honest he is with people unlike shane where there's basically one setting for abel there's like surface level which is fun, funny, casual, flirty, and then there's like the homie level which brings an ounce of sincerity honesty about dream, ambitions, some wants and desire, you know, like, you be candid with that stuff & your homies can help support you get there so i think he has a close-ish inner circle then of course there's family which is really nice because he can be who he truly is in a magical sense all in sourcewitchlighter the full nine yards and no one in his family is really pressed about that and then i'm sure there's a high level there where not only do you get to know his hope but also what like keeps him up at night the shit he doesn't share with the outside world because he doesn't want anyone knowing that. but he hasn't really reached that level with anyone a little bit with shane because they have very similar experiences and he would like to reach that with someone he just doesn't really know who or where or when like. it's difficult, being an angel-devil-witch who just looks like some 25 year old stoner. it's not. it's a big jump from the funny guy at the party to the one with the world's fate on his shoulders. he hasn't really found anyone who he's comfortable clearing that gap with yet.
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
i mean same as shane no one really has the capability to train those powers i think abel is naturally more gifted at his whitelighter side But instead choses to hone his source side because that side is just infinitely more fascinating to him because a lot of the powers are like. i mean obviously they have preconceived notions aligning them with evil but a lot of them are just straight up neutral powers. like it's not like a darklighter's death touch or you know like a manticore's primal craving for rotting flesh idk they're just. powers. and that was a big part of how paige raised them like yes they're the source but they get to decide what that means they get to decide what they will be the source of and initially phoebe and piper were like mm i don't think that's how it works and paige is like oh? you've raised a source before? and they're like well no i guess not and paige is like so i guess then we get to decide what that means which phoebe honestly loves the attitude piper is a hair more cautious. but it is like. almost every other source kid no scratch that every other source kid is a demon kid too a cole kid so they have that belthazor element in them i do think the source is kinda like a battery and yes it gets more fueled up kind of through powers of destruction but assuming you strip the spirit (which we'll say happened successfully in this au) like it's just kinda a battery pack. i think they is potential to activate past source's spirits almost in an avatar like fashion, but neither son has been able to do that yet. if it were to happen, though, abel would probably be first, just because he has a lot more curiosity than shane and is more like to be probing at those things.
ask me a question!
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royeolaa · 7 years
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uhhh heres a poptartz
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prrrower · 4 years
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Rules: Don’t reblog, repost! Tagging: everyone’s already done this fgklnblf but if not.... u know the drill ladz.... ( the drill is u do it and TAG ME SO I CAN READ ITTTT!!! <3 ) Tagged by: @cobaltspeedster​, the absolute mad lad
( reply as muse talking! )
► NAME ➭  You can call me Tails! ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭   Yeah? ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭   Yes! ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭    Nope! ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭  Er--?
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭    Westside Island. ► HAIR COLOR ➭  Orange! I mean-- some white too, heh. ► EYE COLOR ➭    Black. ► BIRTHDAY ➭     October 16th! Man, it’s so far away... ► MOOD ➭    I guess I’m pretty happy right now! I’ve got nothing to complain about. ► GENDER ➭    Er, boy? ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭   Hmm... I guess I’ll say winter. Summer gets too hot with all this fur! ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭   Mornings are cool for sleeping in... afternoon is when work gets done though. I like both!
► ARE YOU IN LOVE?➭   Nnnope. ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭   Hm. Maybe? It might depend on the people, I think... I dunno! ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭  What? ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭   I don’t think so! I’d feel real bad if I did. ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  No? I mean, I make plenty of commitments! Promises and stuff-- that’s what you mean, right?  ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK?➭  Yeah! There’s Sonic, Amy... that’s probably it-- Knux isn’t big on hugs, heh heh. ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭   I don’t think so...  ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭   Huh?? These questions are dumb.
► LOVE OR LUST ➭  What? Ew. ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭   Aww man, don’t make me choose! Lemonade is all sweet and yummy, but iced tea is so refreshing... mmm. ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭   Can’t it be both?  ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭   Romance is for old people, so I guess we’ll say a wild night out. ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭    Hmm, both have their own plus-es.
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭    Mm, I don’t think so? Sonic isn’t my dad or anything. We sneak places together usually. ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭   ...Listen. ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭    YES!!!! Have you SEEN the Tornado??? Perfect paint job, she runs so smooth and quiet, don’t even talk to me about the mileage that baby gets! 
► SMILE OR EYES ➭   Hmm. Smile! People look the best when they’re happy! ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭   Well, pretty much everyone is taller than me, so.... ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭   What a weird question. ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭  What’s a hook-up?
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭    I’d like to think so! ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭    Well, other people might say that about me, but it’s my life and I like it! I think it’s pretty darn great. ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭    Uh-- ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   Robuttnik kicks me an’ Sonic around plenty.
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭   They... wouldn’t be my friend if I hated them? What even are these questions?! ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭   I guess so? I like all my friends, so they’re all good! ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭   Haha, that’s easy-- Sonic! ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭   I guess that’d be Sonic, too!
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evilponds · 7 years
francey’s fic commissions
hey ladz hey gamers ive decided to start up fic commissions because i make fuck-all at my job and i enjoy having money. i write for dragon age and the arcana game, but if you want me to write something in another fandom you can ask me and ill consider it (no guarantees, since i like to be familiar with the source material)!
im charging $1 per 100 words, and you can find examples of my writing here. mostly sfw, but ill write nsfw for +50% of the price. im happy to write other people’s ocs as long as im given at least a brief description of their personality (:
please im or message me if interested! and if not feel free to boost it haha
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shslghostbuster · 7 years
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Eddie Sprites (2/3) by @zock!
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666bone · 7 years
i always got such mixed feelings when my ed gets real bad again bc on one hand NICE i need to drop so much weight & fukin destroy myself & die
But then on the other hand it’s like :/ after doing all this therapy & medication & practicing skills & I am just as fukin stupid & sick as ever & am just self sabotaging any chance of me ever being happy or healthy
& then that leads to shame & guilt & just fuels the ed so everything just kinda cycles back to the ed lol mercy kill me:-)
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
quietly remembered that no one is into AH here, just anime boyz, thus i wouldnt get asked any so i went “yknow what. okay Yea” n answered all the RT-/AH ask meme questionz on my own. my city now.
1. how did you come across RT/AH? id like 2 day i say i saw a clip of rage quit on tumblr (the no luca no one i think!) and checked out rage quit then later AH? i think so, yep!  2. first RT/AH thing you watched? rage quit!! i found it rly funny in 6th or 7th grade, n still do now tbh!
3. first impression of it? ’it’? oh, yea mean AH? i dunno! funny, i guess! obv! 4. favorite male employee? michael n ryan! i only rly watch AH sry gjhms 5. favorite female employee? meg i think! or lindsay. 6.+7 skipped bc i dont watch R/vB 8. favorite rwby character? ruby is rly cool! neo is also neat! i also like neon bc Nya if we can say fav side character!  9. favorite RT short? dunno... sry. i dont watch most a the RT stuff, just AH ‘m sry ;w;  10. favorite AH staff member? same as #4! michael n ryan.  11. team lads or gents? TEAM LADZ ALL THE WAY, BABEY!! i like all of team ladz n their dynamic!! yes, that includes the team ladz w ray n the team ladz w jeremy. both r good!! 12. favorite lad? michael! gavin is prob 2nd n jeremy is 3rd i think? i dunno tbh theyre all funny! 13. favorite gent? my mad k!ng, mister ryan!! ;3 14. can you tell jack and ryan apart? i indeedy can! it’s not too hard! p easy, actually! i think even when i was starting out i could usually tell em apart! 15. favorite AH team (n!ce dynamite, r&r c0nnection etc) if u wouldve asked me this a few yrs back, i woulda shrieked team n!ce dynamite haha but hmm.... id like 2 say i like n!ce dynamite, battle budd!es, n l0ve n stuff! probably in that order, but im not too sure tbh! 16. favorite minecraft let’s play? okay, uhm, i dont remember a lot of them before, like, 240 smth bc that’s when i resumed here in 2019 so ill go from 240 smth to 353 n ill say Achievement Highlands! i rly liked those gjhnsm 17. favorite gta let’s play? i cant remember any in particular sry! probably one of the heist eps tho 18. favorite other let’s play? idk tbh! since play palz is featured in another ask, i cant answer w those haha so im not too sure! i mostly stick to m!necraft, gt/a (in the past), and some of the play palz ;w; 19. favorite heist? again, i dont remember things well, im sry! ive been meaning 2 rewatch the heists tho ;w; 20. favorite slow mo guys episode? i dont watch em! 21. favorite play palz? the who’s ur Da/ddy ones (and the grandma one that was similar)! 22. favorite rage quit? ohhh um... theyre all so funny! n i cant remember enough of one in particular so.. haha..... can i say all of them? yea! 23. if you could pick any 4 employees to be on the podcast, who would u pick? michael, gavin, jeremy, n ummm....ryan, prob. ladz n king! my favs. 24. do you have any RT merch? i do! ....not. rip ;w; 25. favorite merch item? idk most of the merch on the site bc i dont visit the merch site Ever gjhnsm i dont think i ever hav actually!! can i say the michael, ryan, and gavin body pillowz as a joke tho and also bc the art is neat gjhnsdm 26. favorite RTAA? oh i havent seen too many of these haha.... i guess the mav!n sky fact0ry wedding one? bc ive seen it like 2-3 times! 27. favorite “other” series? (happy hour, rt life, immersion, social disorder etc) i feel like a fake fan bc i only watch AH gjhnsdj um. ill hav 2 say None ;;w;; ive seen a few eps of immersion tho so i guess that? 28. who would you most want to have a drink with? ah! um! im underage! owo but if i did, either jeremy or michael!prob jerems. 29. what 3 employees would you want in your car on a road trip? jeremy, ryan, n uhm.. i feel like michael’d get too loud, so maybe jack tbh? or lindsay! or.. oh! my gosh! matt, actually! jeremy, ryan, n matt, prob. or jack. 30. favorite RT/AH quote/meme? oh bro, thatz hard................. i like a lot of em! i cant pick one ‘m sry ;w; can all of gavin’s screams ([gavin screaming]) b one haha 31. if you worked for RT, what would be your ideal job? social media management! i cant do much else okay ;w; also im good on social media so! :3 32.+33.+34. who did you initially think the killer was in 10LR? + who did you initially think would survive in 10LR? + did you make any correct predictions for 10LR? i dont think i tried to guess, actually haha. 35. who would you have liked to see in 10LR that wasn’t in it? all my favs at the time were in it i think, so! no one, i guess haha. 36. who is your favorite RT employee to follow on twitter? i dont follow any of em. i rarely use twitter, and even then, just for anime fanart. 37.+38.+39.have you been to a RT event? + have you met anyone from RT/AH?+ are you a sponsor? the answer to all of these is no, and ;w; for the first two. let’s play l!ve came to my state (like, the big city p close to my town) but it was kinda expensive so i didnt go.  40. is there a RT series you want to watch, but haven’t gotten around to? on the sp0t! also mayb sugar p!ne 7. 41. is there a game they haven’t played that you would like them to? dream da-ddy, prob......... lmao gjhnsm just for the lolz. idk abt many other games so! 42. have you ever played a game you wouldn’t normally have, but they made it look fun? nope!  43. favorite song the guys have sung during a LP? i cant remember most of them, sry! but id like to say i like the one they did during achieveland where they kept yelling “FOREEEEVER CUM!” 44. favorite “gavin or google” question? dont remember most/any of em sry! 45. favorite heist outfit(s)? uh.. i dont remember most of them but geoff’s yellow booty shorts. Top. also lindsay in the white suit was? a Power Move. 46.+47. skipped bc i dont watch OTS 48. favorite ryan flub? dont remember most of em! 49. favorite RT vine? i only remember a few, but the one where michael jumped into the box or the gavin one w the table thump where he goes “is my pen!s too big?” 50. have you ever purchased something from a RT sponsor? (naturebox, lootcrate, shari’s berries etc) nope!
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666bone · 7 years
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