#haha hyperfixation goes brrr
lolerdraws · 8 months
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I know people like werewolves, but how about a zombie one?
Haha post apocalyptic werewolf zombie story goes brrrr
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snarkylinda · 2 years
Will you be still making Pokemon content or is this a CM blog from now on?
Depends really. I jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation. Pokemon had always been a part of me and always will be tho, is just that lately it hadn't been filling me alot....
Tho if they gimme my faves interacting or mention Alola in some way or form I will make it EVERYONE'S PROBLEM AND WON'T SHUT UP FOR WEEKS- as right now tho, I'll just proceed to gush over my CM's son until something that catches my attention happen. But even then I was thinking of making this blog more....mixed. like not just one interest (even tho I normally hyperfixate HARD in one- haha, Asperger goes brrr)
But yall can mute the CM's tag, I will try to tag my stuff properly from here on isntead of randomly rambling, so that those that come for pokemon don't get confused when they are hit with like 30 posts of the FBI Found Family™, and ofc, y'all can still ask me about pokemon as much as you want I will still love to ramble about it
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Also I want to take this chance to bid our young champion a happy 3th year anniversary. Forever champion of my heart and of my beloved Alola.
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rurifangirl · 3 years
did i just spend one hour and thirty mins writing a Sparkling x Vampire cookie fanfic
yes i did
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mercifulbutbroken · 3 years
mercy, my beloved <33 prompt: triple threat dancing in the kitchen? maybe in the evening or in the morning with the sun shining gold through the window, and someone plays some song on their phone left on the counter, and they dance together across the kitchen floor <3 slow dance? silly dance? up to you! <3
Jace my beloved <33 Thank you,,, SO MUCH for my very first Henry Stickmin prompt! I love this trio to death, and I always wanted to try this! This shall also be posted on my AO3 bc I actually feel proud of this-!
As the door opened up to a small, cramped apartment, and two pairs of feet came stumbling into the doorway, a figure resting their head on the couch muttered out a few words before rolling onto their other side. Charles could only let out a chuckle as they hoisted up the bags stuck in their arms, sparing a look at Ellie. “ Here, I can get that, you go wake up the sleepyhead. “ A hand came out, motioning for another bag, but Ellie just shook their head, kicking off their shoes on their way to the kitchen. “ Nah, I know what wakes em up. Plus.. we just got some... “ The other two bags were dropped up on the counter, and the rummaging of paper came up. Charles only put down their bag to pull off their boots, when Ellie pulled out the coffee pot from the machine. A sudden sound from the couch rose up, along with a very messy head of hair. Bleary eyes blink, turning towards the kitchen. “ … you guys makin coffee? “ Charles let out a laugh as Ellie shrugged, starting to fill up the pot. “ Like clockwork. “
After the machine dispensed a few cups of steaming coffee, proper sugar and milk dumped into the overly large mugs (Except for Charles, that madman was already on his second cup in the time Ellie poured them and Henry a cup), and the majority of the bags were unloaded into the fridge, Ellie sat back up, placing their mug in the sink.  “ Still don’t know how you two are obsessed with this stuff. “ Charles only shook his head, taking another sip of his own mug. “ When you fly for hours on end, you need something more than energy drinks. Which, word of advice, don’t mix five-hour energy with a monster. You won’t sleep for almost a week… “ His eyes lingered on the mug, then went to meet Henry’s. “ … that means don’t do that. “ Henry raised his hands up in surrender, chuckling. “ Come on, I’ve learned my lesson last time. No energy drinks for me… “ A sudden bit of music tingled up, and both turned their heads to see Ellie placing their phone onto the countertop. She let out a smile seeing the others stare. “ I’m gonna be cooking, I need something to listen to. “ “ So you don’t want to listen to us? For shame Ells- “
“ Come on Ellie, Our voices aren’t that bad- “
“ If I need to listen to the both of you bantering like an old couple as I’m chopping vegetables I would go insane. I prefer my music thank you very much “
“ . . . “
“ . . . but we are a couple. “ 
Henry could only smile as he sat up, and walked over to Ellie, wrapping their arms around Ellie’s sides. “ Come on, you know we love you tooooooo~ “ Ellie laughed- lightly nudging Henry away, before pushing some of the vegetables away as they turned, pressing a light kiss to their cheek. Henry went pink at that, but still smiled. “ Aww wait, Ellie, save one for meee- “ A clatter from the living room, and the two former thieves found themselves in the pilot’s embrace. Now faced with many more kisses peppered across both faces, the trio was dissolving into a flurry of laughter once again. Henry was holding onto the sleeve of Charles’s jacket, Ellie was gripping to the back of his blue hoodie, and Charles was swirling them around the small kitchen. Another song queued up, and Charles slowed his pace, settling on lightly swaying with the tune. Soft lyrics chimed out from the phone’s speakers, as the others ended up laying their hands on Charles’s shoulders. 
Missing pieces of my skull
Charles’s soft voice was almost like honey, melting over the three of them. Mixing together, sweet as sugar. Soft as clouds. The smell of cinnamon, always lingering. 
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
Ellie nuzzled themselves into the faux fur of the jacket, smiling to themselves. The strands of red falling in messy waves on Charles’s shoulder. Amber eyes open up to join in, another melody twirling together. 
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
The steps all around the tiny kitchen were measured, making sure no one pumped into something, or not to snag against the handles of the drawers.
Cause from up here the sky's my thoughts and we're all so small
A third voice now, making the two turn, and both smile. Quiet, soft, muted, but there. Words already engraved into memory, late nights eating fast food, sodas on the counter… 
Meteor shower, quick take cover
Nights out to 24-hour cafes, missions together...
But the hues in our hair complement one another
Insomnia-filled confessions, ending with a kiss from everyone...
I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones
Sleepy piles on the couch, morning kisses as they part ways for missions….
Cause blue's your favorite color
The song continued on, as the trio continued standing there, swaying with the song, before Ellie finally nudging away from the group. Two last kisses on the other’s cheeks, before they playfully pushed the others away from the area.  “ Alright alright you two, let me actually start cooking so we don’t need to order out again- “ The duo laughed, as they found purchase on the couch again. 
“ So… what movie we watching tonight? “ “ Chicken Lit- “ “ NO! “ “ Aw come onnnnn- “ 
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laplaces-angels · 4 years
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ironic-the-hedgehog · 3 years
hello! we are a traumagenic system of many. literally do not give a shit about syscourse anymore. make of that what you will, interact or don't, we don't care as long as you're not a piece of shit about it
we typically DO remember people we interact with frequently (friends, mutuals, etc.)!
here's who you'll probably hear from the most often (if you're not sure who's fronting, he/they pronouns are acceptable)
gendered terms guide: masculine (boy, man, brother, boyfriend, etc.) / feminine (girl, woman, sister, girlfriend, etc.) / neutral (enby, enban, sibling, partner, etc.) / masc-neutral (guy/dude/bro/etc. or neutral terms)
🦔 Shadow (host) - 23 years old - he/him (is nonbinary but please no they/them) - prefers masc terms - gayest creature in the multiverse - has probably existed for longer than some of our followers have even been alive
🌭 Sonic - 22 years old - he/him - prefers masc terms - bi guy ready to cry - autism and ADHD manifest more strongly in him than in most others, says weird shit but means well
🍄 Vince - adult - he/him - prefers masc terms - quiet until he isn't (that makes sense i promise)
💿 Miku - she/her - prefers fem terms - late teen / young adult - polyam lesbian - fem tomboy (her own words) - "aw what a cute little guy! oh she's a little fucked up actually" type vibes
🟣 Donatello (Donnie) - he/him or ve/vim/vex/vexes/vexself - prefers masc terms - 19 - knows exactly what his orientation is but that's for him to know and for you to remain ignorant about - mostly types in purple text - almost always co-fronting with Leon
🔵 Leonardo (any variation is fine, but usually goes by Leon) - he/him - prefers masc terms - 19 - in a constant battle with Shadow for the title of gayest creature alive - mostly types in blue text - almost always co-fronting with Donnie
🟠 Michelangelo (Mikey or any other nickname) - he/him, they/them, xe/xem, literally any pronouns - prefers masc or masc-neutral terms - 16? - [high pitched squealing noise] - mostly types in orange text
why do you have so many introjects? haha hyperfixation go brrr 🤙
we periodically update this post to only include those who are currently active or most likely to interact here. if you see an emoji you don't recognize, feel free to ask who it is!
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noitssky · 4 years
Haha being unable to focus on another thing other than your current hyperfixation goes brrr
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
I tried sending this using the computer but it was too long and it won't let me send it :(
hyperfixations goes brrr when i hear someone talking about cm, tumblr brings me so much serotonin everyday ahaha
i stared at the sunset too much and now i feel like i've wasted most of my life (no, there is no correlation between the sunset and the meaning of my life but ok) and i've decided i'll be productive from now on. (jk i started writing this draft yesterday, i've already broken that promise)
talk to me about something you want to! is there something in particular that brings you peace? You want to talk about something you've infodumped recently? I'm listening :)
also i hope you're managing to fix your schedule :D
the next week shouldn't be stressful, i'll be more active, i promise! (there is nothing you can say that will make me feel less bad for not being active u.u)
love you! <3 -🌻
Yeah idk why the browser version of tumblr is weird with asks. It doesn’t even let you change your font or add pictures or anything. Lame. 
Hehe, I feel that! <3
OMG I don’t think staring at the sunset is a waste of time whatsoever (or a good time to debate on whether or not you’ve wasted your life). Sunsets are fun and beautiful and a good way to take a deep breath and think about what you want to do in the future! I mean, if it means anything, I often felt (and sometimes still feel) like I’ve wasted so much of my life away. I’m 26 and I feel like I should have accomplished something, you know? <insert Reid freaking out that he didn’t fix schizophrenia before the age of 25 here> I haven’t even gone to college, technically. I went for 1 semester out of high school and I got overwhelmed (undiagnosed anxiety/depression/autism will do that to someone). I want to go back, though. I really want to get an English degree. BUT that’s a different topic LMAO. 
And yes! My therapy is on Friday’s at 11am now, and I’m actually sleeping better for some reason. So my schedule seems to have balanced out recently lol. 
Infodumping.... all I’ve been talking to people about recently is the Pinterest board I created for my OC, lmao. Also the many spotify playlists lol! My husband is polite enough to pretend to care, haha, but I know he’d rather go back to playing Morrowind (his current obsession) than look at my pinterest boards haha. 
I love you too, anon! I hope you’re having a great day! And thank you for always stopping by and talking to me <33333
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