#hagen a.t.w.
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ebertsphotos · 2 months ago
Due to compression and upload limitations on Instagram and Bluesky, my tumblr showcases a broader selection of my work.
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These bronze pig statues located in a small town in Germany called Hagen am Teutoburger Wald (Hagen by the Teutoburg Forest) are actually a bit of a tourist attraction. Near those pig statues you can also find the statue of a pig dealer, of whom I'll also post photos soon. There's also a statue of a drummer, however, I've yet to take a photo of him.
This set of statues is meant to symbolize the Hagener Ferkelmarkt (pig market), which concludes the Hagener Kirmes, an event comparable to a funfair.
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reitsportportal · 4 years ago
Auftakt der BEMER Riders-Tour 2021 in Hagen a.T.W.
Auftakt der BEMER Riders-Tour 2021 in Hagen a.T.W.
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saniunperfekt · 2 years ago
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POWER DAY 🧡 💛💚♥️heute in Hagen a.T.W. wir sind bereit☀️ Für ALLE die leider nicht dabei sein können, stellen wir HEUTE 50 GRATIS PARTNERLIZENZEN und ALLE MEGA DEALS je 10 X zur VERFÜGUNG🤫 WEG ist WEG🥳 SCHNELL SEIN LOHNT SICH DOPPELT 🥳🥳💚♥️💛 . . . #Power #start #blog #produkttester https://www.instagram.com/p/CoO-fsuK2MW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years ago
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With the band getting ready to head over to UK shores for a 5 date almost sold out tour, Behemoth's Nergal sat down with us to talk about one of his favourite musical discoveries of 2018. Monstrous duo and labelmates MANTAR made an impression on the frontman with their latest album The Modern Art Of Setting Ablaze and in the video to follow, Nergal explains why they made an impact on him and how he would like to tour with them in the future: youtu.be/5E9vgsyt_54 Behemoth are hitting the road in support of their new album I Loved You At Your Darkest in January and February 2019. The Ecclesia Diabolica Evropa 2019 e.v. tour features special guests, At the Gates and Wolves in the Throne Room. Full dates rack up as follows: BEHEMOTH Ecclesia Diabolica Evropa 2019 e.v. tour dates With At the Gates and Wolves in the Throne Room Jan 10 - Frankfurt, Germany - Batschkapp Jan 11 - Munich, Germany - Tonhalle Jan 13 - Vienna, Austria - Arena Jan 15 - Zurich, Switzerland - Komplex 457 Jan 16 - Milano, Italy - Alcatraz Jan 17 - Lyon, France - Le Transbordeur Jan 18 - Barcelona, Spain - Razzmatazz Jan 19 - Madrid, Spain - La Riviera Jan 21 - Toulouse, France - Le Bikini Jan 22 - Paris, France - Bataclan Jan 23 - Oberhausen, Germany - Turbinenhalle Jan 24 - Berlin, Germany - Huxleys Jan 25 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega Jan 26 - Stockholm, Sweden - Annexet Jan 29 - Helsinki, Finland - The Circus Jan 30 - Tampere, Finland - Pakkahuone Feb 1 - Hamburg, Germany - Grosse Freiheit 36 Feb 4 - Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg - Rockhal Feb 6 - Bristol, UK - Motion Feb 7 - Birmingham, UK - O2 Institute Feb 8 - London, UK - O2 Forum Kentish Town Feb 9 - Manchester, UK - O2 Ritz Feb 10 - Dublin, Ireland - Vicar Street Feb 11 - Glasgow, UK - QM Union Talking about returning to UK venues in February, Nergal comments; “Albion! It is with the utmost thrill we are announcing our triumphant return to your shores with the new music, new production and new strength!  We hope to see our UK legions to join those libations and celebrate MAGICK and MUSICK with us! Hail Satan!” Tickets for the UK/EU dates can be purchased here: livenation.co.uk/artist/behemoth-tickets
Behemoth's new album I Loved You At Your Darkest was released back in October. Produced by the band themselves, with drum co-production by Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames), mixing by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Children Of Bodom) mastering by Tom Baker (Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson) and a 17-piece Polish orchestra arranged by Jan Stoklosa. I Loved You At Your Darkest can be ordered here: nblast.de/AmzILYAYD Watch the official video for 'God=Dog':  youtu.be/iI2y_mi7jDI Watch Nergal reading comments about the band's latest videos on YouTube: youtu.be/Ea9NYoYxc5w I Loved You at Your Darkest track list: 1. Solve 2. Wolves ov Siberia 3. God = Dog 4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica 5. Bartzabel 6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough... 7. Angelvs XIII 8. Sabbath Mater 9. Havohej Pantocrator 10. Rom 5:8 11. We Are the Next 1000 Years 12. Coagvla ICYMI: Episode 1 ('God=Dog'): youtu.be/pxmijeqkFiU Episode 2 (Cover/Artwork): youtu.be/x9SrlcbJ3II Episode 3 ('Wolves Ov Siberia'): youtu.be/UNObEyGOsXE Episode 4 (Provocation): youtu.be/joPot91iGm4 Episode 5 (Darkness): youtu.be/YxyakPvsPMM Episode 6 (100% Danzig): youtu.be/rWjXrUmsJ94 'God=Dog' music video: youtu.be/Sf5GmhffA48 'Wolves Ov Siberia' music video: youtu.be/g7yxjTcM7Bs 'Bartzabel' music video: youtu.be/ZjYIRui5gtY 
After a highly successful live run this winter, German two-headed black/death/punk/doom chimera, MANTAR, have announced a tour across Europe in spring 2019 in support of their globally acclaimed third album, The Modern Art Of Setting Ablaze.  MANTAR DOWNFALL OF GAIA Presented by: Metal Hammer, Nuclear Blast, Visions, metal.de, Legacy, SLAM, Cobra Agency 27.3.2019        Musa - Göttingen, Germany 28.3.2019        Kantine - Augsburg, Germany 29.3.2019        LA - Cham, Germany 30.3.2019        Alte Brauerei - Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany 5.4.2019          KFZ - Marburg, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 12.4.2019        Junkyard - Dortmund, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 13.4.2019        Pumpe - Kiel, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 18.4.2019        Tower - Bremen, Germany 20.4.2019        Essigfabrik - Köln, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 21.4.2019        Zwischenbau - Rostock, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 26.4.2019        Stockrock - Hagen a.T.W, Germany 27.4.2019        Dudefest @ Jubez - Karlsruhe, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 28.4.2019        Garage - Saarbrücken, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 29.4.2019        Colos-Saal - Aschaffenburg, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) 30.4.2019        F-Haus - Jena, Germany (* with DOWNFALL OF GAIA) Buy tickets here: nblast.de/MANTARTour Buy the band's latest album: nblast.de/AMZMantar
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Ganz schön hügelige Umgebung hier im #teutoburgerwald auf dem #terratracks Borgberg. #fotografie #photo #photografie #photography #photographer #photographs #photos #natur #nature #naturlover #naturphoto #naturephoto #naturephotography #naturephotographer #photographyoffacebook #photographyofinstagram #geocache #geocacher #geocaching #geocachingfun #geocacherontour #ilovegeocaching #ilovegeocaching👌❤️ #ilovegeocaching♥️ #geocachingdeutschland #selfcare #geocachinggermany (hier: Hagen a.T.W) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUAoPlnIb-H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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schunckinfo · 4 years ago
Hagen a.T.W.: Motorradfahrer nach Zusammenstoß mit Pkw schwer verletzt
Hagen a.T.W.: Motorradfahrer nach Zusammenstoß mit Pkw schwer verletzt was originally published on
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andreeger-blog · 7 years ago
Future Champions: Deutsche Reiter feiern Kür-Erfolge
Future Champions: Deutsche Reiter feiern Kür-Erfolge
Hagen a.T.W. (fn-press). Nach vier deutlichen Nationenpreis-Siegen in allen Altersklassen im Viereck, setzten die deutschen Dressurreiter auch zum Abschluss des internationalen Jugendturniers Future Champions ein Zeichen im Hinblick auf die diesjährigen Nachwuchs-Europameisterschaften. Semmieke Rothenberger (U21), Valentina Pistner (U18) und Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel (Pony) holten sich jeweils…
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ebertsphotos · 2 months ago
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I often come to this river called Goldbach to take a break from all the noise of daily life and relax a little.
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ebertsphotos · 30 days ago
Der Marktauftrommler (The Market Drummer)
Funded by Hagener citizens in 1999, sculptured by Werner Klenk, Oelde.
This is the sculpture I mentioned in my pig sculpture post. I finally got around to taking a few photos of it.
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ebertsphotos · 2 months ago
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As promised yesterday, here are some photos I took of the bronze piglet dealer. The first three pictures were taken with the Nikon D3300. The last photo I took with my phone.
While I won't deny that there are certain advantages to proper cameras that phone cameras lack, either due to technical limitations or low demand, I find myself enjoying taking photos with my phone a lot more lately. Image processing has come a long way since the early days of digital photography and when I see something I consider a good motif I tend to always have my phone on me, which can't be said for my standalone camera.
My point isn't to bash proper cameras or photographers who value what they bring to the table, I love my Nikon, I just want to be transparent about the fact that on this profile you will find both photos taken with proper and phone cameras.
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ebertsphotos · 29 days ago
Ferkelhändler Hubert (Piglet Dealer Hubert)
This statue might look familiar to some of: I've posted photos of the statue before - and have since learned its actual name.
I went back to the center of Hagen to photograph the drummer and decided to take new photos of this statue while I was there as well. I actually ended up preferring these over the ones I posted last time.
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reitsportportal · 4 years ago
Maurice Tebbel siegt in der ersten Wertungsprüfung der BEMER Riders-Tour 2021 in Hagen a.T.W.
Maurice Tebbel siegt in der ersten Wertungsprüfung der BEMER Riders-Tour 2021 in Hagen a.T.W.
Maurice Tebbel und Don Diarado (Foto: Archiv) Preis der BEMER INT. AG  – Wertungsprüfung zur BEMER Riders-Tour 2021  “Qualifikation zur BEMER Riders Tour Wertungsprüfung Für jede Etappe gilt, dass vor der Wertungsprüfung zur BEMER Riders Tour eine Qualifikation stattfindet, die als internationales Weltranglisten-Springen mit einmaligem Stechen ausgeschrieben ist. Die besten 50 Reiter dieser…
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